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[经验分享] Configuring on SAP XI



发表于 2015-9-17 10:48:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Configuring on SAP XI
  The XI adapter for TN5250 is used to connect the Integration Server to back-end applications. It enables messages to be exchanged by converting the XI message format to TN5250 service call and converting the result of the service call back to an XI message. When you wish to create a communication path from the Integration Server or the PCK to a program or subprogram on the remote host, a number of configuration steps are required.
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo convert XI messages to a TN5250 service call you will need to:

  • Retrieve the WSDL file of an ApplinX procedure group.
  • Tasks performed from the Design: Integration Builder tool:

    • Create an external definition.
    • Create a message interface. (For each Web method you will need to create a separate message interface.)
    • Activate your settings.

  • Tasks performed from the Configuration: Integration Builder tool:

    • Define a service.
    • Define a communication channel.
    • Define the receiver determination.
    • Define the interface determination.
    • Define the receive agreement.
    • Activate your settings.

Retrieving the WSDL File of an ApplinX Procedure Group
  A WSDL file can be created either using Eclipse Plug-in for ApplinX or via the http://localhost:2380/applinx address on your browser. The WSDL file contains one or more Web methods for a specific Web service.

  • Eclipse Plug-in for ApplinX
  • The ApplinX 2380 HTTP Interface

Eclipse Plug-in for ApplinX
  Refer to ApplinX User Guide, the ApplinX Plug-in for Eclipse Appendix for details regarding how to install and work with the plug-in.
  Right-click on a Procedure Group and select Generate WSDL.

The ApplinX 2380 HTTP Interface
  The WSDL file can be retrieved using the ApplinX Web interface. In other words, you can connect to the ApplinX Server through your browser and retrieve the WSDL file from the server using procedures (Web methods).
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo retrieve the WSDL file using the ApplinX Web interface

  • Type the following http address: http://<ApplinX server:Web interface port>/applinx (for example: http://localhost:2380/applinx) in your browser to connect to the ApplinX server. A list of host applications defined in the ApplinX Server appears.
  • Click the requested application. A list of Procedure Groups (Web Services) for the application appears.
  • Click [wsdl(wrapped)] next to the name of the relevant procedure group. The WSDL file will be opened as an xml file.
  • Save the file with a suitable name, with the .wsdl extension.


Creating an External Definition
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo create an External Definition

  • Open the Design Integration Builder.
  • In the node of your product namespace, right-click the External Definition node, and select New....
    The Create Object: External Definition screen is displayed.
  • Enter a suitable name and click Create to create the External Definition. The Edit External Definition screen is displayed.
  • Ensure that the selected category is "wsdl".
  • Click on the Import external definitions button. The Open dialog box is displayed.
  • Browse and locate the WSDL file retrieved in Retrieving the WSDL File of an ApplinX Procedure Group.
  • Save the External Definition.


Creating a Message Interface
  For each Web Method, it is necessary to create a separate Message Interface.
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo create a Message Interface

  • Open the Design Integration Builder.
  • Right-click the Message Interfaces node, and select New....
    The Create Object: Message Interface screen is displayed.
  • Enter a suitable name and click Create to create the Message Interface. The Edit Message Interface screen is displayed.
  • Ensure that "Inbound" is the Category selected.
  • Ensure that "Synchronous" is the Mode selected.
  • Click on the Display Input Help icon to browse and select the input message.
  • Click on the Display Input Help icon to browse and select the output message.
  • Save the Message Interface.


Defining a Service
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo define a service

  • Open the Configuration Integration Builder.
  • Expand the Service without party node, right-click the Business Service node, and select New....
    The Business Service screen is displayed.
  • Enter a suitable name for the service and click Create. The Edit Service screen is displayed.
  • In the Receiver tab, Inbound Interfaces, click the Insert Line Below Selection icon http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/insertlinebelowselection.png icon. An empty row will be added.
  • Click the Display List of Permitted Values iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the Select Interface screen.
  • Select the message interface that you defined in Creating an External Definition. Click OK.
  • Save your definitions.


Defining a Communication Channel
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo define a communication channel

  • In the Edit Service screen, click the Create Object icon in order to create a new communication channel.
    The Communication Channel is displayed.
  • Enter a name for the communication channel and click Create. The Edit Communication Channel screen is displayed.
  • In the Parameters tab, Adapter Type, click the Display Input Help iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of adapters.
  • Select TN5250 and click OK. The contents of the Parameters tab change accordingly.
  • Select the Message Protocol as 5250.
  • Enter the Connection Parameters: the IP name or address of the ApplinX server (mandatory) and the corresponding port number (2380 is the default port number).
  • Define the Application Parameters: the name of the application to connect to, the relevant service in ApplinX and the method.
    In order for the method name to be the same as the communication channel name, type * as the method name.
  • Set the adapter to Active to enable messages to be exchanged.
  • Save your changes.
You need to define a separate communication channel for each ApplinX Web method that you want to use.


Defining the Receiver Determination
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo define the receiver determination

  • In the Configuration Integration Builder, right-click Receiver Determination and select New....
    The Receiver Determination screen is displayed.
  • In the Service field, click the Display List of Permitted Values iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of services.
  • Select the service that is to provide the data to ApplinX.
  • Enter the name of the message interface that you defined in Creating a Message Interface.
  • Enter the namespace that you used when creating the message interface.
  • Click Create. The Edit Receiver Determination screen is displayed.
  • In the Configured Receivers area, click on the Insert Line Below Selection http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/insertlinebelowselection.png icon. An empty row will be added.
  • In the Services cell, click on the http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png icon and select the service you defined in Defining a New Service.
  • Click Save.


Defining the Interface Determination
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo define the interface determination

  • In the Configuration Integration Builder, right-click Interface Determination and select New....
    The Interface Determination screen is displayed.
  • In the Service field, click the Display List of Permitted Values iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of services.
  • Select the service that is to provide the data to ApplinX and click OK.
  • Enter the name of the message interface that you defined in Creating a Message Interface.
  • Enter the namespace that you used when creating the message interface.
  • Click the Display List of Permitted Values iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of services. Select the service that you defined in Defining a Service.
  • Click Create. The Edit Interface Determination screen is displayed.
    Click the Display Input Help iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of interfaces. Select the relevant interface and click OK.
  • Click Save.


Defining the Receiver Agreement
http://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/bluearro.pngTo define a receiver agreement

  • In the Configuration Integration Builder, right-click Receiver Agreement and select New....
    The Receiver Agreement screen is displayed.
  • In the Sender, Service field, click the Display List of Permitted Values iconhttp://onexin.iyunv.com/source/plugin/onexin_bigdata/file:///E:/SAPTEAM/XI/Configuring%20on%20SAP%20XI_files/DisplayList.png to display the list of services. Select the service that you defined in Defining a Service.
  • In the Receiver, Service field, select the service that is to provide the data to ApplinX.
  • Enter the name of the message interface that you defined in Creating a Message Interface.
  • Enter the namespace that you used when creating the message interface.
  • Click Create. The Edit Receiver Agreement screen is displayed.
  • Enter the Receiver Communication Channel defined in Defining a Communication Channel.
  • Click Save.

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