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[经验分享] 把不务正业进行到底——SAP Song

发表于 2015-9-17 11:06:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SAP 文化是多元的,不仅仅有严肃的配置和实施,也有轻松的歌曲哦。想听听 SAP 之歌吗,请到下面的链接下载:
You’re talking about known new we’ve got to meet
You tell a lot about your e-business history
You are so proud to be in a inner world wide way
But what the hell could be your matched important steps
You listen to your worker every night and day
The willing employees of our company have nearly blew away
You love your customers you want to keep it
But what the hell you ask yourself is real time see I am
Don’t hesitate don’t worry
You can come on and ask us all
We’ve got the answer to your questions
To get it the way we can make it go
SAP is what you need
SAP is the best one
Everyone who’s trying to get its e-business start
You are still talking about the global evaluations
You try hard to find your business solution
You want it attack you hate the defence
But when the hell you get your business intelligent
You say your player stay to your employees
They working hard till they get that all they need
You love them all you want to keep them
But what the hell you ask yourself is perfect HRS
Don’t hesitate don’t worry
You can count on us to it
We can walk in altogether
We’ll find a better way
SAP is what you need
SAP is what we are
and among the global players will be the super star
SAP is what we need
SAP is what we are
and among the global players will be the super star
and among the global players will be the super star

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