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[经验分享] 【哈利波特】Sherbert Lemon对HP的解读之四



发表于 2015-10-7 07:04:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As the pattern of objects has reflected before, the Deathly Hallows will only visually appear once within DH. In Book 1, the Philosopher’s Stone made its visual appearance toward the end and in Book 4; the Goblet of Fire was only present for a span of 24 hours prior to the Halloween feast. The Deathly Hallows’ minimal page time does not take away their role as the key instigator of the main plot for Book 7. In PS/SS, the Philosopher’s Stone initiated the trio’s quest to find the traitor in Hogwarts and in GoF, the Goblet of Fire started Harry’s impending doom by selecting him as the fourth Triwizard Champion.按照前面已有的物品镜射,Deathly Hallows 将只在 DH 中实际出现一次。在第一部中魔法石只在快结束的时候实际出现;在第四部中,火焰杯仅在万圣节前夜的宴会之前出现了24小时。Deathly Hallows 对于第七部书主情节所起的引导作用将不会因为它们暂短的出现时间而受到任何影响。在 PS/SS 中,因魔法石而开始了三人组对霍格沃茨内部叛徒的搜寻;在GoF 中,火焰杯通过定哈利为三巫争霸赛的第四位争霸勇士而开始了他的恶梦。

Next is a collection of the 21 mirrors between Books 1 and 4 with educated guesses as to what may be the mirror event in Book 7. I have organized the mirrors chronologically into five major categories: people, locations, items, spells/potions, and events. I will state my claim in each mirror along with canon evidence and sum up the ideas before proceeding to the next mirror. I’ve tried to provide as many “complete” quotes as possible in order to insure comprehension and have included the page numbers of different translations, for the convenience of international Harry Potter fans.以下收集了第一与第四部之间的21处镜,并据以认真推测在第七部中可能出现的镜射事件。我将这些镜射按时间发展归为五个主要范畴:人物,地点,事物,魔咒/魔药,事件。对于每一处镜射我将依据书中的证据阐明我的观点,并在开始下一个镜射前归纳已有的想法。我试图提供尽可能多的完整引文以助理解,并包括了不同译本的对应页数以方便国际哈利波特爱好者。

The passages that I have quoted are from the American translations. Below is a key to the translations’ abbreviations:所引段落选自美国版本。以下是译文简写索引:

US = American
Publisher- Scholastic
Format- Paper Back

UK = British
Publisher- Bloomsbury
Format- Paper Back

FR = French
Publisher- Folio Junior
Format- Pocket

GR = German
Publisher- Carlsen Verlag
Format- Paper Back

ITL = Italian
Publisher- Salani Editore
Format- Hard Back

PL = Polish
Publisher- Media Rodzina
Format- Paper Back

RM = Romanian
Publisher- Egmont
Format- Hard Back

SP = Spanish
Publisher- Salamandra
Format- Paper Back

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