1.在 网络 中看不到连接项或者不可选或者为灰色不可用
2.打开 系统概况,网络一项里是没有MAC地址的
首先,网卡型号 intel pro/100 ve
的字串,SO ... 你的设备号就是0x[Dev][Ven] ,本例中是0x27C58086[只是个例子]
Hi everyone,
This is the AppleIntel8255x.kext this kext also works for the 82557 chipset of the
Intel Pro/100 VE Ethernet Card, all you need to do is drag the AppleIntel8255x.kext
to the following folder: /System/Library/Extensions/
Once you have dragged the filed into /System/Library/Extensions/ you will need to Authenticate
with your administrative password. Once you have authenticated you will need to open a terminal
window & paste the following commands into the terminal:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntel8255x.kext [authenticated again]
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntel8255x.kext
sudo kextload -v /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntel8255x.kext [manually load kext]
When you have manualy loaded the kext Successfully you should get the following text or
something similar.
Once the kext is successfully loaded clear the kext cache to do this copy and paste the
following into a Terminal:
sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
[This forces the system to re-examine all of the drivers and rematch during the
next boot cycle.]
Now Reboot.
Once you have rebooted go to System Preferences => Network => Built-In Ethernet [This may differ]
=> Configure Now Configure the Built-In Ethernet and you are now Fully Networked!
Enjoy Your "Intel Pro/100 VE Ethernet Card"
ATTENTION: 在按照说明安装之前必须要做如下的事情,把包里的content/info.plist 打开并修改
<key>IOPCIMatch</key><string>0x10518086 0x10508086 0x10298086 0x10308086&
0xfff0ffff 0x12098086 0x12278086 0x12288086 0x12298086 0x24498086 0x24598086
0x245d8086 0x27dc8086 0x10608086&0xfff0ffff</string>现在可以按照说明步骤安装了
ATTENTION:重启之前用磁盘工具修复一下MAC OS X所在的磁盘权限 |