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[Cloudstack] Linux Foundation reveals 2015 lineup, adds new events



发表于 2015-10-14 09:50:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The LF released its 2015 schedule, with new storage and containers events, plus a “Drones, Things, and Automobiles” theme for the Embedded Linux Conference.

The Linux Foundation (LF) has announced its 2015 conference dates, including the Android Builders Summit + Embedded Linux Conference North America, scheduled for March 23-25. The nonprofit group chartered with hosting the Linux kernel project and other opensource Linux projects also revealed speaking proposal deadlines for a number of events. Deadlines are listed following the event descriptions below.

LinuxCon North America 2014’s Linux Kernel Panel, with Linus Torvalds on the left and Greg Kroah-Hartman on the right
(click image to enlarge)

For much of the Linux world, the premiere event here is LinuxCon + CloudOpen North America, which will take place Aug. 17-19 in Seattle. There are also separate LinuxCon events occurring in Tokyo (June 3-5) and Dublin (Oct. 5-7).  
  For embedded folks, it’s all about the Android Builders Summit + Embedded Linux Conference North America, held in San Jose on March 23-25, which this year will focus on IoT, UAVs, and automobile technology. Embedded Linux Conference Europe, meanwhile, isco-located with LinuxCon Europe in Dublin.
  The LF also announced two new events: ContainerCon, which covers Docker and the like, is co-located with LinuxCon North America in Seattle, along with the KVM Forum, Linux Plumbers Conference, #MesosCon, and Xen Project Developer Summit. There’s also a newpublic Vault event on storage on Mar. 11-12, which directly follows the invitation-only Linux Storage, Filesystem and MM Summit in Boston.
  Dates and locations for ApacheCon Europe, Korea Linux Forum, and the Linux Kernel Summit will be announced soon. All other major events are shown below:

  • Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit — Feb. 18-20, Hyatt Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Calif. — In this exclusive, invitation-only summit, core kernel developers, distribution maintainers, ISVs, end users, system vendors, and community representativescan discuss the most pressing issues facing Linux today. (CFP deadline is Dec. 8.)

  • Linux Storage, Filesystem and MM Summit — Mar. 9-10, Revere Hotel, Boston, Mass. — This invitation-only event brings together developers and researchers who work with the Linux storage, memory management, and file system stacks.

  • Vault — March 11-12, Revere Hotel, Boston, Mass. — The new Vault event is co-located with and directly follows the Linux Storage event. Open to the public, Vault is focused on file system and storage innovations. (CFP deadline is Dec. 7.)

  • Android Builders Summit + Embedded Linux Conference North America — March 23-25, San Jose Marriott, San Jose, Calif. – More so than ever, Android is really just another form of Linux, and theABS/ELCis one big integrated gizmo-fest. There’s plenty for embedded OEMs, device manufacturers, integrators, custom builders, and “the growing Android and Linux Kernel developer communities” to dig into, says the LF.

    APM screen  For the 11th edition of ELC, the theme is “Drones, Things and Automobiles,” with tracks dedicated to the Internet of Things, commercial drones, and the LF’s very own Automotive Grade Linux (AGL). By March, we may even see the first Linux-based UAVs thatrun the emerging Linux version of 3D Robotics’ APM stack, which is being standardized under the Linux Foundation’sDronecode project. (CFPdeadline is Jan. 5 for Android and Jan. 9 for ELC.)

  • ApacheCon — April 13-17, Hyatt Austin, Austin, Texas — ApacheCon brings together the 100+ Apache Software Foundation project communities as well as other open source projects surrounding the server platform. Apache projects representedhere include Cassandra, Cordova, CloudStack, CouchDB, Geronimo, Hadoop, Hive, HTTP Server, Lucene, OpenOffice, Struts, Subversion, and Tomcat. There is also a dedicated CloudStack Day. (CFP deadline is Feb, 1.)

  • Automotive Linux Summit — June 1-2, Chinzan-so Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan — The Automotive Linux Summit brings together systems engineers, Linux experts, R&D managers, business executives, legal and compliance specialists, and communitydevelopers working on open source automotive applications. (CFP deadline is Feb. 10.)

  • LinuxCon Japan + CloudOpen Japan — June 3-5, Chinzan-so Conference Center, Tokyo — LinuxCon Japan is the Asian edition of the LF’s main event, with a primary focus on open source projects, products, and companies that are driving cloudand big data ecosystems. (CFP deadline is Feb 12.)

  • LinuxCon North America + CloudOpen North America + ContainerCon — Aug. 17-19, Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, Wash. — The leading annual technical conference on Linux in North America has an enterprise and cloud focus, but dips into the desktopand embedded worlds as well. As usual, LinuxCon is co-located with CloudOpen North America. For the first time, LinuxCon adds another co-located event called ContainerCon, which showcases leading contributors in the red-hot field of Linux containers. ContainerCon sessions will cover Docker,LXC, container management systems, and more.

  • #MesosCon — Aug. 20-21, Sheraton Seattle, Seattle, Wash — #MesosCon directly follows LinuxCon in Seattle. The event is intended to foster greater collaboration around theApacheMesos distributed system kernel.

  • LinuxCon Europe + CloudOpen Europe + Embedded Linux Conference Europe — Oct. 5-7, 2015, Convention Centre Dublin, Dublin, Ireland — This European version of the LinuxCon event, which is similarly focused on cloud and big data ecosystems,is co-located with Embedded Linux Conference Europe.
  “With the expansion of Linux and open source to so many industries, we will continue to increase the size and diversity of our events to meet the demands of the industry,” stated Amanda McPherson, CMO and VP of Developer Programs at the LF.
Further information
  More information about Linux Foundation events may be found at the LF events page, and CFP proposals may be submitted here.

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