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[经验分享] Kevin Johnson to leave Microsoft for Juniper



发表于 2015-11-5 14:11:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Kevin Johnson to leave Microsoft for Juniper
    Posted by Ina
  Fried 3 comments
  REDMOND, Wash.--Microsoft's online and Windows chief Kevin Johnson is leaving the company to become chief executive officer at Juniper Networks, Microsoft confirmed on Wednesday.
  No immediate successor has been named for Johnson, who as president of Microsoft's Platforms and Services Division had reported directly to CEO Steve Ballmer.
  Kevin Johnson
  (Credit: Microsoft)
  In conjunction with Johnson's departure, Microsoft plans to split its Windows and Online Services division into two separate units, as they had been up until a couple of years ago. Microsoft is searching both inside and outside the company for a new online services chief, it said.
  The company did not say how it plans to handle Windows duties, other than that Bill Veghte, who heads the business side of things, and Steve Sinofsky, who runs engineering operations, would report to Ballmer. Microsoft said Johnson's other immediate directs will also now report directly to Ballmer.
  Juniper Networks did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
  In a statement announcing Johnson's departure, Ballmer praised Johnson's contribution to the company.
  "Kevin has built a supremely talented organization and laid the foundation for the future success of Windows and our Online Services Business. This new structure will give us more agility and focus in two very competitive arenas," Ballmer said. "It has been a pleasure to work with Kevin, and we wish him well in the future."
  Johnson, who joined Microsoft in 1992, was named co-president of the Windows and online division as part of a sweeping reorganization of the company in 2005. When Jim Allchin, the other co-president retired a year later, Johnson assumed sole control.
  Johnson was appointed group vice president of Microsoft's worldwide sales, marketing and services in 2003 after success leading the North and Latin America sales team. Before joining Microsoft, Johnson worked in systems integration and consulting business unit at IBM, and as a software developer in the petroleum and financial services industries.
  As chief of Windows and Windows Live, Johnson was spearheading Microsoft's revamped online search and advertising strategy, which is considered key if Microsoft is to catchup with Google in the online search arena. He outlined the new strategy in a memo to his team in May.
  Last month, Johnson became embroiled in the Microhoo drama when the Financial Times Deutschland reported that he said software giant would be interested in bidding on a Yahoo under new management. However, according to a Microsoft representative, Johnson did not suggest such a scenario.
  URL: http://vincentyang.cn/blogs/vincentyang/archive/2008/07/24/kevin-johnson-to-leave-microsoft-for-juniper.aspx

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