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[经验分享] TCP/IP PORT NUMBERS 2890后的端口(继续一)



发表于 2015-11-5 15:06:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  #      Justine Higgins
  cspclmulti      2890/tcp   CSPCLMULTI
  cspclmulti      2890/udp   CSPCLMULTI
  #      Yoneda Terumasa
  cinegrfx-elmd   2891/tcp   CINEGRFX-ELMD License Manager
  cinegrfx-elmd   2891/udp   CINEGRFX-ELMD License Manager
  #      Greg Ercolano
  snifferdata     2892/tcp   SNIFFERDATA
  snifferdata     2892/udp   SNIFFERDATA
  #      Jeff Mangasarian
  vseconnector    2893/tcp   VSECONNECTOR
  vseconnector    2893/udp   VSECONNECTOR
  #      Ingo Franzki
  abacus-remote   2894/tcp   ABACUS-REMOTE
  abacus-remote   2894/udp   ABACUS-REMOTE
  #      Mike Bello
  natuslink       2895/tcp   NATUS LINK
  natuslink       2895/udp   NATUS LINK
  #      Jonathan Mergy
  ecovisiong6-1   2896/tcp   ECOVISIONG6-1
  ecovisiong6-1   2896/udp   ECOVISIONG6-1
  #      Henrik Holst  
  citrix-rtmp 2897/tcp   Citrix RTMP
  citrix-rtmp 2897/udp   Citrix RTMP
  #      Myk Willis
  appliance-cfg   2898/tcp   APPLIANCE-CFG
  appliance-cfg   2898/udp   APPLIANCE-CFG
  #                          Gary A. James
  powergemplus    2899/tcp   POWERGEMPLUS
  powergemplus    2899/udp   POWERGEMPLUS
  #                          Koich Nakamura
  quicksuite      2900/tcp   QUICKSUITE
  quicksuite      2900/udp   QUICKSUITE
  #                          William Egge  
  allstorcns      2901/tcp   ALLSTORCNS
  allstorcns      2901/udp   ALLSTORCNS
  #                          Steve Dobson  
  netaspi         2902/tcp   NET ASPI
  netaspi         2902/udp   NET ASPI
  #                          Johnson Luo  
  suitcase        2903/tcp   SUITCASE
  suitcase        2903/udp   SUITCASE
  #                          Milton E. Sagen  
  m2ua            2904/tcp   M2UA
  m2ua            2904/udp   M2UA
  m2ua            2904/sctp  M2UA
  #                          Lyndon Ong
  m3ua            2905/tcp   M3UA
  #               2905/udp   De-registered (2001 June 07)
  m3ua            2905/sctp  M3UA
  #                          Lyndon Ong
  #                          [RFC4666]
  caller9         2906/tcp   CALLER9
  caller9         2906/udp   CALLER9
  #                          Shams Naqi
  webmethods-b2b  2907/tcp   WEBMETHODS B2B
  webmethods-b2b  2907/udp   WEBMETHODS B2B
  #                          Joseph Hines
  mao             2908/tcp   mao
  mao             2908/udp   mao
  #                          Marc Baudoin
  funk-dialout  2909/tcp   Funk Dialout
  funk-dialout 2909/udp   Funk Dialout
  #      Cimarron Boozer
  tdaccess 2910/tcp   TDAccess
  tdaccess 2910/udp   TDAccess
  #      Tom Haapanen
  blockade        2911/tcp   Blockade
  blockade        2911/udp   Blockade
  #                          VP - Research & Development
  epicon  2912/tcp   Epicon
  epicon  2912/udp   Epicon
  #      Michael Khalandovsky
  boosterware 2913/tcp   Booster Ware
  boosterware 2913/udp   Booster Ware
  #      >
  gamelobby       2914/tcp   Game Lobby
  gamelobby       2914/udp   Game Lobby
  #                          Paul Ford-Hutchinson
  tksocket 2915/tcp   TK Socket
  tksocket 2915/udp   TK Socket
  #                          Previous contact: Alan Fahrner
  #                          Current contact: Alan Fahrner  13 March 2009
  elvin_server 2916/tcp   Elvin Server
  elvin_server 2916/udp   Elvin Server
  elvin_client 2917/tcp   Elvin Client
  elvin_client 2917/udp   Elvin Client
  #      David Arnold
  kastenchasepad 2918/tcp   Kasten Chase Pad
  kastenchasepad 2918/udp   Kasten Chase Pad
  #      Marc Gauthier
  roboer          2919/tcp   roboER
  roboer          2919/udp   roboER
  #                          Paul Snook
  roboeda         2920/tcp   roboEDA
  roboeda         2920/udp   roboEDA
  #                          Paul Snook
  cesdcdman       2921/tcp   CESD Contents Delivery Management
  cesdcdman       2921/udp   CESD Contents Delivery Management
  #                          Shinya Abe
  cesdcdtrn       2922/tcp   CESD Contents Delivery Data Transfer
  cesdcdtrn       2922/udp   CESD Contents Delivery Data Transfer
  #                          Shinya Abe  
  wta-wsp-wtp-s   2923/tcp   WTA-WSP-WTP-S
  wta-wsp-wtp-s   2923/udp   WTA-WSP-WTP-S
  #                          Sebastien Bury (WAP Forum)
  precise-vip     2924/tcp   PRECISE-VIP
  precise-vip     2924/udp   PRECISE-VIP
  #                          Michael Landwehr
  #               2925       Unassigned (FRP-Released 12/7/00)
  mobile-file-dl  2926/tcp   MOBILE-FILE-DL
  mobile-file-dl  2926/udp   MOBILE-FILE-DL
  #                          Mitsuji Toda
  unimobilectrl   2927/tcp   UNIMOBILECTRL
  unimobilectrl   2927/udp   UNIMOBILECTRL
  #                          Vikas
  redstone-cpss   2928/tcp   REDSTONE-CPSS
  redstone-cpss   2928/udp   REDSTONE-CPSS
  #                          Jeff Looman
  amx-webadmin    2929/tcp   AMX-WEBADMIN
  amx-webadmin    2929/udp   AMX-WEBADMIN
  #                          Mike Morris
  amx-weblinx     2930/tcp   AMX-WEBLINX
  amx-weblinx     2930/udp   AMX-WEBLINX
  #                          Mike Morris
  circle-x        2931/tcp   Circle-X
  circle-x        2931/udp   Circle-X
  #                          Norm Freedman
  incp            2932/tcp   INCP
  incp            2932/udp   INCP
  #                          Keith Paulsen
  4-tieropmgw     2933/tcp   4-TIER OPM GW
  4-tieropmgw     2933/udp   4-TIER OPM GW
  #                          Francois Peloffy
  4-tieropmcli    2934/tcp   4-TIER OPM CLI
  4-tieropmcli    2934/udp   4-TIER OPM CLI
  #                          Francois Peloffy
  qtp             2935/tcp   QTP
  qtp             2935/udp   QTP
  #                          Cameron Young
  otpatch         2936/tcp   OTPatch
  otpatch         2936/udp   OTPatch
  #                          Brett Goldstein
  pnaconsult-lm   2937/tcp   PNACONSULT-LM
  pnaconsult-lm   2937/udp   PNACONSULT-LM
  #                          Theo Nijssen
  sm-pas-1        2938/tcp   SM-PAS-1
  sm-pas-1        2938/udp   SM-PAS-1
  sm-pas-2        2939/tcp   SM-PAS-2
  sm-pas-2        2939/udp   SM-PAS-2
  sm-pas-3        2940/tcp   SM-PAS-3
  sm-pas-3        2940/udp   SM-PAS-3
  sm-pas-4        2941/tcp   SM-PAS-4
  sm-pas-4        2941/udp   SM-PAS-4
  sm-pas-5        2942/tcp   SM-PAS-5
  sm-pas-5        2942/udp   SM-PAS-5
  #                          Tom Haapanen  
  ttnrepository   2943/tcp   TTNRepository
  ttnrepository   2943/udp   TTNRepository
  #                          Robert Orr  
  megaco-h248     2944/tcp   Megaco H-248
  megaco-h248     2944/udp   Megaco H-248
  #                          Tom Taylor  
  megaco-h248 2944/sctp  Megaco-H.248 text
  #      Tom Taylor  September 2006
  h248-binary     2945/tcp   H248 Binary
  h248-binary     2945/udp   H248 Binary
  #                          Tom Taylor  
  h248-binary 2945/sctp  Megaco/H.248 binary
  #      Tom Taylor  September 2006
  fjsvmpor        2946/tcp   FJSVmpor
  fjsvmpor        2946/udp   FJSVmpor
  #                          Naoki Hayashi
  gpsd            2947/tcp   GPSD
  gpsd            2947/udp   GPSD
  #                          Derrick J. Brashear
  wap-push        2948/tcp   WAP PUSH
  wap-push        2948/udp   WAP PUSH
  wap-pushsecure  2949/tcp   WAP PUSH SECURE
  wap-pushsecure  2949/udp   WAP PUSH SECURE
  #                          WAP FORUM
  esip            2950/tcp   ESIP
  esip            2950/udp   ESIP
  #                          David Stephenson
  ottp            2951/tcp   OTTP
  ottp            2951/udp   OTTP
  #                          Brent Foster
  mpfwsas         2952/tcp   MPFWSAS
  mpfwsas         2952/udp   MPFWSAS
  #                          Toru Murai
  ovalarmsrv      2953/tcp   OVALARMSRV
  ovalarmsrv      2953/udp   OVALARMSRV
  ovalarmsrv-cmd  2954/tcp   OVALARMSRV-CMD
  ovalarmsrv-cmd  2954/udp   OVALARMSRV-CMD
  #                          Eric Pulsipher
  csnotify        2955/tcp   CSNOTIFY
  csnotify        2955/udp   CSNOTIFY
  #                          Israel Beniaminy
  ovrimosdbman    2956/tcp   OVRIMOSDBMAN
  ovrimosdbman    2956/udp   OVRIMOSDBMAN
  #                          Dimitrios Souflis
  jmact5          2957/tcp   JAMCT5
  jmact5          2957/udp   JAMCT5
  jmact6          2958/tcp   JAMCT6
  jmact6          2958/udp   JAMCT6
  rmopagt         2959/tcp   RMOPAGT
  rmopagt         2959/udp   RMOPAGT
  #                          Shuji Okubo
  dfoxserver      2960/tcp   DFOXSERVER
  dfoxserver      2960/udp   DFOXSERVER
  #                          David Holden
  boldsoft-lm     2961/tcp   BOLDSOFT-LM
  boldsoft-lm     2961/udp   BOLDSOFT-LM
  #                          Fredrik Haglund
  iph-policy-cli  2962/tcp   IPH-POLICY-CLI
  iph-policy-cli  2962/udp   IPH-POLICY-CLI
  iph-policy-adm  2963/tcp   IPH-POLICY-ADM
  iph-policy-adm  2963/udp   IPH-POLICY-ADM
  #                          Shai Herzog
  bullant-srap    2964/tcp   BULLANT SRAP
  bullant-srap    2964/udp   BULLANT SRAP
  bullant-rap     2965/tcp   BULLANT RAP
  bullant-rap     2965/udp   BULLANT RAP
  #                          Michael Cahill

  idp-infotrieve  2966/tcp  >
  idp-infotrieve  2966/udp  >  #                          Kevin Bruckert  
  ssc-agent       2967/tcp   SSC-AGENT
  ssc-agent       2967/udp   SSC-AGENT
  #                          George Dzieciol   
  enpp            2968/tcp   ENPP
  enpp            2968/udp   ENPP
  #                          Kazuhito Gassho
  essp            2969/tcp   ESSP
  essp            2969/udp   ESSP
  #                          Hitoshi Ishida
  index-net       2970/tcp   INDEX-NET
  index-net       2970/udp   INDEX-NET
  #                          Chris J. Wren
  netclip         2971/tcp   NetClip clipboard daemon
  netclip         2971/udp   NetClip clipboard daemon
  #                          Rudi Chiarito
  pmsm-webrctl 2972/tcp   PMSM Webrctl
  pmsm-webrctl 2972/udp   PMSM Webrctl
  #      Markus Michels
  svnetworks 2973/tcp   SV Networks
  svnetworks 2973/udp   SV Networks
  #      Sylvia Siu
  signal  2974/tcp   Signal
  signal  2974/udp   Signal
  #      Wyatt Williams
  fjmpcm  2975/tcp   Fujitsu Configuration Management Service
  fjmpcm  2975/udp   Fujitsu Configuration Management Service
  #      Hiroki Kawano
  cns-srv-port 2976/tcp   CNS Server Port
  cns-srv-port 2976/udp   CNS Server Port
  #      Ram Golla
  ttc-etap-ns 2977/tcp   TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - NS
  ttc-etap-ns 2977/udp   TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - NS
  ttc-etap-ds 2978/tcp   TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - DS
  ttc-etap-ds 2978/udp   TTCs Enterprise Test Access Protocol - DS
  #      Daniel Becker
  h263-video 2979/tcp   H.263 Video Streaming
  h263-video 2979/udp   H.263 Video Streaming
  #      Jauvane C. de Oliveira
  wimd  2980/tcp   Instant Messaging Service
  wimd  2980/udp   Instant Messaging Service
  #      Kevin Birch
  mylxamport 2981/tcp   MYLXAMPORT
  mylxamport 2981/udp   MYLXAMPORT
  #      Wei Gao
  iwb-whiteboard  2982/tcp   IWB-WHITEBOARD
  iwb-whiteboard  2982/udp   IWB-WHITEBOARD
  #                          David W. Radcliffe
  netplan         2983/tcp   NETPLAN
  netplan         2983/udp   NETPLAN
  #                          Thomas Driemeyer
  hpidsadmin      2984/tcp   HPIDSADMIN
  hpidsadmin      2984/udp   HPIDSADMIN
  hpidsagent      2985/tcp   HPIDSAGENT
  hpidsagent      2985/udp   HPIDSAGENT
  #                          John Trudeau
  stonefalls      2986/tcp   STONEFALLS
  stonefalls      2986/udp   STONEFALLS
  #                          Scott Grau

  identify        2987/tcp  >
  identify        2987/udp  >  hippad          2988/tcp   HIPPA Reporting Protocol
  hippad          2988/udp   HIPPA Reporting Protocol
  #                          William Randolph Royere III
  zarkov          2989/tcp   ZARKOV Intelligent Agent Communication
  zarkov          2989/udp   ZARKOV Intelligent Agent Communication
  #                          Robin Felix
  boscap          2990/tcp   BOSCAP
  boscap          2990/udp   BOSCAP
  #                          Dirk Hillbrecht
  wkstn-mon       2991/tcp   WKSTN-MON
  wkstn-mon       2991/udp   WKSTN-MON
  #                          William David
  avenyo          2992/tcp   Avenyo Server
  avenyo          2992/udp   Avenyo Server
  #                          Bodo Rueskamp  
  veritas-vis1    2993/tcp   VERITAS VIS1
  veritas-vis1    2993/udp   VERITAS VIS1
  veritas-vis2    2994/tcp   VERITAS VIS2
  veritas-vis2    2994/udp   VERITAS VIS2
  #                          Dinkar Chivaluri

  idrs            2995/tcp  >
  idrs            2995/udp  >  #                          Jeff Eaton
  vsixml    2996/tcp   vsixml
  vsixml   2996/udp   vsixml
  #             Rob Juergens
  rebol  2997/tcp   REBOL
  rebol           2997/udp   REBOL
  #                          Holger Kruse
  realsecure 2998/tcp   Real Secure
  realsecure 2998/udp   Real Secure
  #             Wes Wilson
  remoteware-un 2999/tcp   RemoteWare Unassigned
  remoteware-un 2999/udp   RemoteWare Unassigned
  #      Tim Farley
  hbci            3000/tcp   HBCI
  hbci            3000/udp   HBCI
  #                          Kurt Haubner
  # The following entry records an unassigned but widespread use
  remoteware-cl   3000/tcp   RemoteWare Client
  remoteware-cl   3000/udp   RemoteWare Client
  #                          Tim Farley
  #  3001    Unassigned (Removed 2006-05-25)
  exlm-agent      3002/tcp   EXLM Agent
  exlm-agent      3002/udp   EXLM Agent
  #                          Randy Martin
  # The following entry records an unassigned but widespread use
  remoteware-srv  3002/tcp   RemoteWare Server
  remoteware-srv  3002/udp   RemoteWare Server
  #                          Tim Farley
  cgms            3003/tcp   CGMS
  cgms            3003/udp   CGMS
  #                          Jim Mazzonna
  csoftragent     3004/tcp   Csoft Agent
  csoftragent     3004/udp   Csoft Agent
  #                          Nedelcho Stanev
  geniuslm        3005/tcp   Genius License Manager
  geniuslm        3005/udp   Genius License Manager
  #                          Jakob Spies
  ii-admin        3006/tcp   Instant Internet Admin
  ii-admin        3006/udp   Instant Internet Admin
  #                          Lewis Donzis
  lotusmtap       3007/tcp   Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol
  lotusmtap       3007/udp   Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol
  #                          Ken Lin
  midnight-tech   3008/tcp   Midnight Technologies
  midnight-tech   3008/udp   Midnight Technologies
  #                          Kyle Unice
  pxc-ntfy        3009/tcp   PXC-NTFY
  pxc-ntfy        3009/udp   PXC-NTFY
  #                          Takeshi Nishizawa
  gw              3010/tcp   Telerate Workstation
  ping-pong       3010/udp   Telerate Workstation
  #                          Timo Sivonen
  trusted-web     3011/tcp   Trusted Web
  trusted-web     3011/udp   Trusted Web
  twsdss          3012/tcp   Trusted Web Client
  twsdss          3012/udp   Trusted Web Client
  #                          Alex Duncan
  gilatskysurfer  3013/tcp   Gilat Sky Surfer
  gilatskysurfer  3013/udp   Gilat Sky Surfer
  #                          Yossi Gal
  broker_service  3014/tcp   Broker Service
  broker_service  3014/udp   Broker Service
  #                          Dale Bethers
  nati-dstp       3015/tcp   NATI DSTP
  nati-dstp       3015/udp   NATI DSTP
  #                          Paul Austin
  notify_srvr     3016/tcp   Notify Server
  notify_srvr     3016/udp   Notify Server
  #                          Hugo Parra
  event_listener  3017/tcp   Event Listener
  event_listener  3017/udp   Event Listener
  #                          Ted Tronson
  srvc_registry   3018/tcp   Service Registry
  srvc_registry   3018/udp   Service Registry
  #                          Mark Killgore
  resource_mgr    3019/tcp   Resource Manager
  resource_mgr    3019/udp   Resource Manager
  #                          Gary Glover
  cifs            3020/tcp   CIFS
  cifs            3020/udp   CIFS
  #                          Paul Leach
  agriserver      3021/tcp   AGRI Server
  agriserver      3021/udp   AGRI Server
  #                          Frank Neulichedl
  csregagent      3022/tcp   CSREGAGENT
  csregagent      3022/udp   CSREGAGENT
  #                          Nedelcho Stanev
  magicnotes      3023/tcp   magicnotes
  magicnotes      3023/udp   magicnotes
  #                          Karl Edwall  
  nds_sso         3024/tcp   NDS_SSO
  nds_sso         3024/udp   NDS_SSO
  #                          Mel Oyler
  arepa-raft      3025/tcp   Arepa Raft
  arepa-raft      3025/udp   Arepa Raft
  #                          Stuart Schaefer
  agri-gateway    3026/tcp   AGRI Gateway
  agri-gateway    3026/udp   AGRI Gateway
  #                          Agri Datalog
  LiebDevMgmt_C   3027/tcp   LiebDevMgmt_C
  LiebDevMgmt_C   3027/udp   LiebDevMgmt_C
  LiebDevMgmt_DM  3028/tcp   LiebDevMgmt_DM
  LiebDevMgmt_DM  3028/udp   LiebDevMgmt_DM
  LiebDevMgmt_A   3029/tcp   LiebDevMgmt_A
  LiebDevMgmt_A   3029/udp   LiebDevMgmt_A
  #                          Mike Velten
  arepa-cas       3030/tcp   Arepa Cas
  arepa-cas       3030/udp   Arepa Cas
  #                          Stuart Schaefer
  eppc            3031/tcp   Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
  eppc            3031/udp   Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
  #                          Steve Zellers
  redwood-chat    3032/tcp   Redwood Chat
  redwood-chat    3032/udp   Redwood Chat
  #                          Songwon Chi
  pdb             3033/tcp   PDB
  pdb             3033/udp   PDB
  #                          Don Bowman
  osmosis-aeea    3034/tcp   Osmosis / Helix (R) AEEA Port
  osmosis-aeea    3034/udp   Osmosis / Helix (R) AEEA Port
  #                          Larry Atkin  
  fjsv-gssagt     3035/tcp   FJSV gssagt
  fjsv-gssagt     3035/udp   FJSV gssagt
  #                          Tomoji Koike  
  hagel-dump      3036/tcp   Hagel DUMP
  hagel-dump      3036/udp   Hagel DUMP
  #                          Haim Gelfenbeyn
  hp-san-mgmt     3037/tcp   HP SAN Mgmt
  hp-san-mgmt     3037/udp   HP SAN Mgmt
  #                          Steve Britt
  santak-ups      3038/tcp   Santak UPS
  santak-ups      3038/udp   Santak UPS
  #                          Tom Liu
  cogitate        3039/tcp   Cogitate, Inc.
  cogitate        3039/udp   Cogitate, Inc.
  #                          Jim Harlan  
  tomato-springs  3040/tcp   Tomato Springs
  tomato-springs  3040/udp   Tomato Springs
  #                          Jack Waller III
  di-traceware    3041/tcp   di-traceware
  di-traceware    3041/udp   di-traceware
  #                          Carlos Hung
  journee         3042/tcp   journee
  journee         3042/udp   journee
  #                          Kevin Calman  
  brp             3043/tcp   Broadcast Routing Protocol
  brp             3043/udp   Broadcast Routing Protocol
  #                          John Border
  epp             3044/tcp   EndPoint Protocol
  epp             3044/udp   EndPoint Protocol
  #                          Stephen Cipolli  
  responsenet     3045/tcp   ResponseNet
  responsenet     3045/udp   ResponseNet
  #                          Chul Yoon
  di-ase          3046/tcp   di-ase
  di-ase          3046/udp   di-ase
  #                          Carlos Hung
  hlserver        3047/tcp   Fast Security HL Server
  hlserver        3047/udp   Fast Security HL Server
  #                          Michael Zunke
  pctrader        3048/tcp   Sierra Net PC Trader
  pctrader        3048/udp   Sierra Net PC Trader
  #                          Chris Hahn
  nsws            3049/tcp   NSWS
  nsws            3049/udp   NSWS
  #                          Ray Gwinn
  gds_db          3050/tcp   gds_db
  gds_db          3050/udp   gds_db
  #                          Madhukar N. Thakur  
  galaxy-server 3051/tcp   Galaxy Server
  galaxy-server 3051/udp   Galaxy Server
  #      Michael Andre
  apc-3052        3052/tcp   APC 3052
  apc-3052        3052/udp   APC 3052
  #                          American Power Conversion
  dsom-server 3053/tcp   dsom-server
  dsom-server 3053/udp   dsom-server
  #      Daniel Sisk  
  amt-cnf-prot 3054/tcp   AMT CNF PROT
  amt-cnf-prot 3054/udp   AMT CNF PROT
  #      Marco Marcucci
  policyserver 3055/tcp   Policy Server
  policyserver 3055/udp   Policy Server
  #      Mark Garti
  cdl-server 3056/tcp   CDL Server
  cdl-server 3056/udp   CDL Server
  #      Paul Roberts
  goahead-fldup 3057/tcp   GoAhead FldUp
  goahead-fldup 3057/udp   GoAhead FldUp
  #      Alan Pickrell
  videobeans 3058/tcp   videobeans
  videobeans 3058/udp   videobeans
  #      Hiroyuki Takahashi
  qsoft  3059/tcp   qsoft
  qsoft  3059/udp   qsoft
  #      James Kunz
  interserver 3060/tcp   interserver
  interserver 3060/udp   interserver
  #      Madhukar N. Thakur
  cautcpd  3061/tcp   cautcpd
  cautcpd  3061/udp   cautcpd
  ncacn-ip-tcp 3062/tcp   ncacn-ip-tcp
  ncacn-ip-tcp 3062/udp   ncacn-ip-tcp
  ncadg-ip-udp 3063/tcp   ncadg-ip-udp
  ncadg-ip-udp    3063/udp   ncadg-ip-udp
  #      Gabi Kalmar
  rprt            3064/tcp   Remote Port Redirector
  rprt            3064/udp   Remote Port Redirector
  #                          Robin Johnston
  slinterbase 3065/tcp   slinterbase
  slinterbase 3065/udp   slinterbase
  #      Bie Tie
  netattachsdmp   3066/tcp   NETATTACHSDMP
  netattachsdmp   3066/udp   NETATTACHSDMP
  #                          Mike Young
  fjhpjp          3067/tcp   FJHPJP
  fjhpjp          3067/udp   FJHPJP
  #                          Ryozo Furutani
  ls3bcast      3068/tcp   ls3 Broadcast
  ls3bcast 3068/udp   ls3 Broadcast
  ls3    3069/tcp   ls3
  ls3    3069/udp   ls3
  #                          Jim Thompson  
  mgxswitch       3070/tcp   MGXSWITCH
  mgxswitch       3070/udp   MGXSWITCH
  #                          George Walter
  csd-mgmt-port 3071/tcp   ContinuStor Manager Port
  csd-mgmt-port   3071/udp   ContinuStor Manager Port
  csd-monitor     3072/tcp   ContinuStor Monitor Port
  csd-monitor     3072/udp   ContinuStor Monitor Port
  #                          Ray Jantz
  vcrp            3073/tcp   Very simple chatroom prot
  vcrp            3073/udp   Very simple chatroom prot
  #                          Andreas Wurf  
  xbox            3074/tcp   Xbox game port
  xbox            3074/udp   Xbox game port
  #                          Damon Danieli
  orbix-locator   3075/tcp   Orbix 2000 Locator
  orbix-locator   3075/udp   Orbix 2000 Locator
  orbix-config    3076/tcp   Orbix 2000 Config
  orbix-config    3076/udp   Orbix 2000 Config
  orbix-loc-ssl   3077/tcp   Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
  orbix-loc-ssl   3077/udp   Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
  orbix-cfg-ssl   3078/tcp   Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
  orbix-cfg-ssl   3078/udp   Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
  #                          Eric Newcomer
  lv-frontpanel   3079/tcp   LV Front Panel
  lv-frontpanel   3079/udp   LV Front Panel
  #                          Darshan Shah
  stm_pproc 3080/tcp   stm_pproc
  stm_pproc 3080/udp   stm_pproc
  #      Paul McGinnis
  tl1-lv  3081/tcp   TL1-LV
  tl1-lv  3081/udp   TL1-LV
  tl1-raw  3082/tcp   TL1-RAW
  tl1-raw  3082/udp   TL1-RAW
  tl1-telnet 3083/tcp   TL1-TELNET
  tl1-telnet 3083/udp   TL1-TELNET
  #      SONET Internetworking Forum (SIF)
  #       - SONET Contact
  itm-mccs        3084/tcp   ITM-MCCS
  itm-mccs        3084/udp   ITM-MCCS
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  pcihreq         3085/tcp   PCIHReq
  pcihreq         3085/udp   PCIHReq
  #                          Paul Sanders
  jdl-dbkitchen   3086/tcp   JDL-DBKitchen
  jdl-dbkitchen   3086/udp   JDL-DBKitchen
  #                          Hideo Wakabayashi
  asoki-sma 3087/tcp   Asoki SMA
  asoki-sma       3087/udp   Asoki SMA
  #                          Andrew Mossberg     
  xdtp            3088/tcp   eXtensible Data Transfer Protocol
  xdtp            3088/udp   eXtensible Data Transfer Protocol
  #                          Michael Shearson    
  ptk-alink       3089/tcp   ParaTek Agent Linking
  ptk-alink       3089/udp   ParaTek Agent Linking
  #                          Robert Hodgson  
  stss            3090/tcp   Senforce Session Services
  stss            3090/udp   Senforce Session Services
  #                          Peter Boucher
  1ci-smcs        3091/tcp   1Ci Server Management
  1ci-smcs        3091/udp   1Ci Server Management
  #                          Ralf Bensmann
  #               3092       Unassigned (Returned 2008-04-22)
  rapidmq-center  3093/tcp   Jiiva RapidMQ Center
  rapidmq-center  3093/udp   Jiiva RapidMQ Center
  rapidmq-reg     3094/tcp   Jiiva RapidMQ Registry
  rapidmq-reg     3094/udp   Jiiva RapidMQ Registry
  #                          Mark Ericksen
  panasas         3095/tcp   Panasas rendevous port
  panasas         3095/udp   Panasas rendevous port
  #                          Peter Berger
  ndl-aps         3096/tcp   Active Print Server Port
  ndl-aps         3096/udp   Active Print Server Port
  #                          Martin Norman  
  #               3097/tcp   Reserved
  #               3097/udp   Reserved
  itu-bicc-stc    3097/sctp  ITU-T Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3
  #                          Greg Sidebottom
  umm-port        3098/tcp   Universal Message Manager
  umm-port        3098/udp   Universal Message Manager
  #                          Phil Braham
  chmd            3099/tcp   CHIPSY Machine Daemon
  chmd            3099/udp   CHIPSY Machine Daemon
  #      Trond B¯rsting
  opcon-xps       3100/tcp   OpCon/xps
  opcon-xps       3100/udp   OpCon/xps
  #                          David Bourland  
  hp-pxpib        3101/tcp   HP PolicyXpert PIB Server
  hp-pxpib        3101/udp   HP PolicyXpert PIB Server
  #                          Brian O'Keefe
  slslavemon      3102/tcp   SoftlinK Slave Mon Port
  slslavemon      3102/udp   SoftlinK Slave Mon Port
  #                          Moshe Livne
  autocuesmi      3103/tcp   Autocue SMI Protocol
  autocuesmi      3103/udp   Autocue SMI Protocol
  autocuelog      3104/tcp   Autocue Logger Protocol
  autocuetime     3104/udp   Autocue Time Service
  #                          Geoff Back
  cardbox  3105/tcp   Cardbox
  cardbox  3105/udp   Cardbox
  cardbox-http 3106/tcp   Cardbox HTTP
  cardbox-http 3106/udp   Cardbox HTTP
  #      Martin Kochanski
  business     3107/tcp   Business protocol
  business     3107/udp   Business protocol
  geolocate    3108/tcp   Geolocate protocol
  geolocate    3108/udp   Geolocate protocol
  personnel    3109/tcp   Personnel protocol
  personnel    3109/udp   Personnel protocol
  #                          William Randolph Royere III
  sim-control     3110/tcp   simulator control port
  sim-control     3110/udp   simulator control port
  #                          Ian Bell
  wsynch          3111/tcp   Web Synchronous Services
  wsynch          3111/udp   Web Synchronous Services
  #                          Valery Fremaux
  ksysguard       3112/tcp   KDE System Guard
  ksysguard       3112/udp   KDE System Guard
  #                          Chris Schlaeger
  cs-auth-svr     3113/tcp   CS-Authenticate Svr Port
  cs-auth-svr     3113/udp   CS-Authenticate Svr Port
  #                          Cliff Diamond
  #                          Andy Georgiou
  ccmad           3114/tcp   CCM AutoDiscover
  ccmad           3114/udp   CCM AutoDiscover
  #                          Ram Sudama  
  mctet-master    3115/tcp   MCTET Master
  mctet-master    3115/udp   MCTET Master
  mctet-gateway   3116/tcp   MCTET Gateway
  mctet-gateway   3116/udp   MCTET Gateway
  mctet-jserv     3117/tcp   MCTET Jserv
  mctet-jserv     3117/udp   MCTET Jserv
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  
  pkagent         3118/tcp   PKAgent
  pkagent         3118/udp   PKAgent
  #                          Michael Douglass
  d2000kernel     3119/tcp   D2000 Kernel Port
  d2000kernel     3119/udp   D2000 Kernel Port
  d2000webserver  3120/tcp   D2000 Webserver Port
  d2000webserver  3120/udp   D2000 Webserver Port
  #                          Tomas Rajcan
  #               3121       Unassigned (Removed 2003-09-17)
  vtr-emulator    3122/tcp   MTI VTR Emulator port
  vtr-emulator    3122/udp   MTI VTR Emulator port
  #                          John Mertus
  edix            3123/tcp   EDI Translation Protocol
  edix            3123/udp   EDI Translation Protocol
  #                          William Randolph Royere III
  beacon-port     3124/tcp   Beacon Port
  beacon-port     3124/udp   Beacon Port
  #                          James Paul Duncan
  a13-an          3125/tcp   A13-AN Interface
  a13-an          3125/udp   A13-AN Interface
  #                          Douglas Knisely
  #  3126       Unassigned (Removed 2007-10-04)
  ctx-bridge      3127/tcp   CTX Bridge Port
  ctx-bridge      3127/udp   CTX Bridge Port
  #                          Alexander Dubrovsky
  ndl-aas         3128/tcp   Active API Server Port
  ndl-aas         3128/udp   Active API Server Port
  #                          Martin Norman
  netport-id      3129/tcp   NetPort Discovery Port
  netport-id      3129/udp   NetPort Discovery Port
  #                          P.T.K. Farrar
  icpv2  3130/tcp   ICPv2
  icpv2  3130/udp   ICPv2
  #      Duane Wessels
  netbookmark 3131/tcp   Net Book Mark
  netbookmark 3131/udp   Net Book Mark
  #      Yiftach Ravid
  ms-rule-engine  3132/tcp   Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
  ms-rule-engine  3132/udp   Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service
  #                          Anush Kumar
  prism-deploy    3133/tcp   Prism Deploy User Port
  prism-deploy    3133/udp   Prism Deploy User Port
  #                          Joan Linck
  ecp             3134/tcp   Extensible Code Protocol
  ecp             3134/udp   Extensible Code Protocol
  #                          Jim Trek
  #                          Mark Bocko
  peerbook-port   3135/tcp   PeerBook Port
  peerbook-port   3135/udp   PeerBook Port
  #                          John Flowers
  grubd           3136/tcp   Grub Server Port
  grubd           3136/udp   Grub Server Port
  #                          Kord Campbell
  rtnt-1          3137/tcp   rtnt-1 data packets
  rtnt-1          3137/udp   rtnt-1 data packets
  rtnt-2          3138/tcp   rtnt-2 data packets
  rtnt-2          3138/udp   rtnt-2 data packets
  #                          Ron Muellerschoen
  incognitorv     3139/tcp   Incognito Rendez-Vous
  incognitorv     3139/udp   Incognito Rendez-Vous
  #                          Stephane Bourque
  ariliamulti     3140/tcp   Arilia Multiplexor
  ariliamulti     3140/udp   Arilia Multiplexor
  #                          Stephane Bourque
  vmodem          3141/tcp   VMODEM
  vmodem          3141/udp   VMODEM
  #                          Ray Gwinn
  rdc-wh-eos 3142/tcp   RDC WH EOS
  rdc-wh-eos 3142/udp   RDC WH EOS
  #      Udi Nir
  seaview  3143/tcp   Sea View
  seaview  3143/udp   Sea View
  #      Jim Flaherty
  tarantella 3144/tcp   Tarantella
  tarantella 3144/udp   Tarantella
  #      Roger Binns
  csi-lfap 3145/tcp   CSI-LFAP
  csi-lfap 3145/udp   CSI-LFAP
  #      Paul Amsden
  bears-02        3146/tcp   bears-02
  bears-02        3146/udp   bears-02
  #                          Bruce McKinnon
  rfio  3147/tcp   RFIO
  rfio  3147/udp   RFIO
  #      Frederic Hemmer
  nm-game-admin 3148/tcp   NetMike Game Administrator
  nm-game-admin 3148/udp   NetMike Game Administrator
  nm-game-server 3149/tcp   NetMike Game Server
  nm-game-server 3149/udp   NetMike Game Server
  nm-asses-admin 3150/tcp   NetMike Assessor Administrator
  nm-asses-admin 3150/udp   NetMike Assessor Administrator
  nm-assessor 3151/tcp   NetMike Assessor
  nm-assessor 3151/udp   NetMike Assessor
  #      Andrew Sharpe
  feitianrockey   3152/tcp   FeiTian Port
  feitianrockey   3152/udp   FeiTian Port
  #                          Huang Yu
  s8-client-port  3153/tcp   S8Cargo Client Port
  s8-client-port  3153/udp   S8Cargo Client Port
  #                          Jon S. Kyle
  ccmrmi          3154/tcp   ON RMI Registry
  ccmrmi  3154/udp   ON RMI Registry
  #                          Ram Sudama
  jpegmpeg        3155/tcp   JpegMpeg Port
  jpegmpeg        3155/udp   JpegMpeg Port
  #                          Richard Bassous
  indura          3156/tcp   Indura Collector
  indura          3156/udp   Indura Collector
  #                          Bruce Kosbab
  e3consultants   3157/tcp   CCC Listener Port
  e3consultants   3157/udp   CCC Listener Port
  #                          Brian Carnell
  stvp            3158/tcp   SmashTV Protocol
  stvp            3158/udp   SmashTV Protocol
  #                          Christian Wolff
  navegaweb-port  3159/tcp   NavegaWeb Tarification
  navegaweb-port  3159/udp   NavegaWeb Tarification
  #                          Miguel Angel Fernandez
  tip-app-server  3160/tcp   TIP Application Server
  tip-app-server  3160/udp   TIP Application Server
  #                          Olivier Mascia
  doc1lm          3161/tcp   DOC1 License Manager
  doc1lm          3161/udp   DOC1 License Manager
  #                          Greg Goodson
  sflm            3162/tcp   SFLM
  sflm            3162/udp   SFLM
  #                          System Administrator
  res-sap  3163/tcp   RES-SAP
  res-sap         3163/udp   RES-SAP
  #                          Bob Janssen
  imprs  3164/tcp   IMPRS
  imprs           3164/udp   IMPRS
  #                          Lars Bohn
  newgenpay       3165/tcp   Newgenpay Engine Service
  newgenpay       3165/udp   Newgenpay Engine Service
  #                          Ilan Zisser
  sossecollector  3166/tcp   Quest Spotlight Out-Of-Process Collector
  sossecollector  3166/udp   Quest Spotlight Out-Of-Process Collector
  #                          Previous contact: Fred Surr
  #                          Current contact: Greg Cottman  23 October 2008
  nowcontact 3167/tcp   Now Contact Public Server
  nowcontact 3167/udp   Now Contact Public Server
  poweronnud      3168/tcp   Now Up-to-Date Public Server
  poweronnud      3168/udp   Now Up-to-Date Public Server
  #                          John Wallace  
  serverview-as 3169/tcp   SERVERVIEW-AS
  serverview-as   3169/udp   SERVERVIEW-AS
  serverview-asn  3170/tcp   SERVERVIEW-ASN
  serverview-asn  3170/udp   SERVERVIEW-ASN
  serverview-gf   3171/tcp   SERVERVIEW-GF
  serverview-gf   3171/udp   SERVERVIEW-GF
  serverview-rm   3172/tcp   SERVERVIEW-RM
  serverview-rm   3172/udp   SERVERVIEW-RM
  serverview-icc  3173/tcp   SERVERVIEW-ICC
  serverview-icc  3173/udp   SERVERVIEW-ICC
  #                          Detlef Rothe  15 May 2009
  armi-server     3174/tcp   ARMI Server
  armi-server     3174/udp   ARMI Server
  #                          Bobby Martin
  t1-e1-over-ip   3175/tcp   T1_E1_Over_IP
  t1-e1-over-ip   3175/udp   T1_E1_Over_IP
  #                          Mark Doyle
  ars-master      3176/tcp   ARS Master
  ars-master      3176/udp   ARS Master
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  phonex-port     3177/tcp   Phonex Protocol
  phonex-port     3177/udp   Phonex Protocol
  #                          Doug Grover
  radclientport   3178/tcp   Radiance UltraEdge Port
  radclientport   3178/udp   Radiance UltraEdge Port
  #                          Sri Subramaniam
  h2gf-w-2m       3179/tcp   H2GF W.2m Handover prot.
  h2gf-w-2m       3179/udp   H2GF W.2m Handover prot.
  #                          Arne Norefors
  mc-brk-srv 3180/tcp   Millicent Broker Server
  mc-brk-srv 3180/udp   Millicent Broker Server
  #      Steve Glassman
  bmcpatrolagent 3181/tcp   BMC Patrol Agent
  bmcpatrolagent  3181/udp   BMC Patrol Agent
  bmcpatrolrnvu 3182/tcp   BMC Patrol Rendezvous
  bmcpatrolrnvu   3182/udp   BMC Patrol Rendezvous
  #      Portnoy Boxman
  cops-tls        3183/tcp   COPS/TLS
  cops-tls        3183/udp   COPS/TLS
  #                          Mark Stevens
  apogeex-port    3184/tcp   ApogeeX Port
  apogeex-port    3184/udp   ApogeeX Port
  #                          Tom Nys
  smpppd          3185/tcp   SuSE Meta PPPD
  smpppd          3185/udp   SuSE Meta PPPD
  #                          Arvin Schnell
  iiw-port        3186/tcp   IIW Monitor User Port
  iiw-port        3186/udp   IIW Monitor User Port
  #                          Corey Burnett
  odi-port        3187/tcp   Open Design Listen Port
  odi-port        3187/udp   Open Design Listen Port
  #                          Phivos Aristides
  brcm-comm-port  3188/tcp   Broadcom Port
  brcm-comm-port  3188/udp   Broadcom Port
  #                          Thomas L. Johnson
  pcle-infex      3189/tcp   Pinnacle Sys InfEx Port
  pcle-infex      3189/udp   Pinnacle Sys InfEx Port
  #                          Anthon van der Neut
  csvr-proxy      3190/tcp   ConServR Proxy
  csvr-proxy      3190/udp   ConServR Proxy
  csvr-sslproxy   3191/tcp   ConServR SSL Proxy
  csvr-sslproxy   3191/udp   ConServR SSL Proxy
  #                          Mikhail Kruk
  firemonrcc      3192/tcp   FireMon Revision Control
  firemonrcc      3192/udp   FireMon Revision Control
  #                          Michael Bishop
  spandataport    3193/tcp   SpanDataPort
  spandataport    3193/udp   SpanDataPort
  #                          Jesse McKay
  magbind         3194/tcp   Rockstorm MAG protocol
  magbind         3194/udp   Rockstorm MAG protocol
  #                          Jens Nilsson
  ncu-1           3195/tcp   Network Control Unit
  ncu-1           3195/udp   Network Control Unit
  ncu-2           3196/tcp   Network Control Unit
  ncu-2           3196/udp   Network Control Unit
  #                          Charlie Hundre
  embrace-dp-s    3197/tcp   Embrace Device Protocol Server
  embrace-dp-s    3197/udp   Embrace Device Protocol Server
  embrace-dp-c    3198/tcp   Embrace Device Protocol Client
  embrace-dp-c    3198/udp   Embrace Device Protocol Client
  #                          Elliot Schwartz
  dmod-workspace  3199/tcp   DMOD WorkSpace
  dmod-workspace  3199/udp   DMOD WorkSpace
  #                          Nick Plante
  tick-port       3200/tcp   Press-sense Tick Port
  tick-port       3200/udp   Press-sense Tick Port
  #                          Boris Svetlitsky
  cpq-tasksmart   3201/tcp   CPQ-TaskSmart
  cpq-tasksmart   3201/udp   CPQ-TaskSmart
  #                          Jackie Lau
  intraintra      3202/tcp   IntraIntra
  intraintra      3202/udp   IntraIntra
  #                          Matthew Asham
  netwatcher-mon  3203/tcp   Network Watcher Monitor
  netwatcher-mon  3203/udp   Network Watcher Monitor
  netwatcher-db   3204/tcp   Network Watcher DB Access
  netwatcher-db   3204/udp   Network Watcher DB Access
  #                          Hirokazu Fujisawa
  isns            3205/tcp   iSNS Server Port
  isns            3205/udp   iSNS Server Port
  #                          [RFC4171]
  ironmail        3206/tcp   IronMail POP Proxy
  ironmail        3206/udp   IronMail POP Proxy
  #                          Mike Hudack
  vx-auth-port    3207/tcp   Veritas Authentication Port
  vx-auth-port    3207/udp   Veritas Authentication Port
  #                          Senthil Ponnuswamy
  pfu-prcallback  3208/tcp   PFU PR Callback
  pfu-prcallback  3208/udp   PFU PR Callback
  #                          Tetsuharu Hanada
  netwkpathengine 3209/tcp   HP OpenView Network Path Engine Server
  netwkpathengine 3209/udp   HP OpenView Network Path Engine Server
  #                          Anthony Walker
  flamenco-proxy  3210/tcp   Flamenco Networks Proxy
  flamenco-proxy  3210/udp   Flamenco Networks Proxy
  #                          Corey Corrick
  avsecuremgmt    3211/tcp   Avocent Secure Management
  avsecuremgmt    3211/udp   Avocent Secure Management
  #                          Brian S. Stewart
  surveyinst      3212/tcp   Survey Instrument
  surveyinst      3212/udp   Survey Instrument
  #                          Al Amet
  neon24x7        3213/tcp   NEON 24X7 Mission Control
  neon24x7        3213/udp   NEON 24X7 Mission Control
  #                          Tony Lubrano
  jmq-daemon-1    3214/tcp   JMQ Daemon Port 1
  jmq-daemon-1    3214/udp   JMQ Daemon Port 1
  jmq-daemon-2    3215/tcp   JMQ Daemon Port 2
  jmq-daemon-2    3215/udp   JMQ Daemon Port 2
  #                          Martin West
  ferrari-foam    3216/tcp   Ferrari electronic FOAM
  ferrari-foam    3216/udp   Ferrari electronic FOAM
  #                          Johann Deutinger
  unite           3217/tcp   Unified IP & Telecom Environment
  unite           3217/udp   Unified IP & Telecom Environment
  #                          Previous contact: Christer Gunnarsson 
  #                          Current contact: Christer Gunnarsson  26 March 2009
  smartpackets    3218/tcp   EMC SmartPackets
  smartpackets    3218/udp   EMC SmartPackets
  #                          Steve Spataro
  wms-messenger   3219/tcp   WMS Messenger
  wms-messenger   3219/udp   WMS Messenger
  #                          Michael Monasterio
  xnm-ssl         3220/tcp   XML NM over SSL
  xnm-ssl         3220/udp   XML NM over SSL
  xnm-clear-text  3221/tcp   XML NM over TCP
  xnm-clear-text  3221/udp   XML NM over TCP
  #                          Mark Trostler
  glbp            3222/tcp   Gateway Load Balancing Pr
  glbp            3222/udp   Gateway Load Balancing Pr
  #                          Douglas McLaggan
  digivote        3223/tcp   DIGIVOTE (R) Vote-Server
  digivote        3223/udp   DIGIVOTE (R) Vote-Server
  #                          Christian Treczoks
  aes-discovery   3224/tcp   AES Discovery Port
  aes-discovery   3224/udp   AES Discovery Port
  #                          Ken Richard              
  fcip-port       3225/tcp   FCIP
  fcip-port       3225/udp   FCIP
  #                          RFC 3821
  isi-irp         3226/tcp   ISI Industry Software IRP
  isi-irp         3226/udp   ISI Industry Software IRP
  #                          Peter Sandstrom
  dwnmshttp       3227/tcp   DiamondWave NMS Server
  dwnmshttp       3227/udp   DiamondWave NMS Server
  dwmsgserver     3228/tcp   DiamondWave MSG Server
  dwmsgserver     3228/udp   DiamondWave MSG Server
  #                          Varma Bhupatiraju
  global-cd-port  3229/tcp   Global CD Port
  global-cd-port  3229/udp   Global CD Port
  #                          Vitaly Revsin
  sftdst-port     3230/tcp   Software Distributor Port
  sftdst-port     3230/udp   Software Distributor Port
  #                          Andrea Lanza
  vidigo          3231/tcp   VidiGo communication (previous was: Delta Solutions Direct)
  vidigo          3231/udp   VidiGo communication (previous was: Delta Solutions Direct)
  #                          Peter Ijkhout
  mdtp            3232/tcp   MDT port
  mdtp            3232/udp   MDT port
  #                          IJsbrand Wijnands
  whisker         3233/tcp   WhiskerControl main port
  whisker         3233/udp   WhiskerControl main port
  #                          Rudolf Cardinal  February 2002
  alchemy         3234/tcp   Alchemy Server
  alchemy         3234/udp   Alchemy Server
  #                          Mikhail Belov  February 2002
  mdap-port       3235/tcp   MDAP port
  mdap-port       3235/udp   MDAP Port
  #                          Johan Deleu  February 2002
  apparenet-ts    3236/tcp   appareNet Test Server
  apparenet-ts    3236/udp   appareNet Test Server
  apparenet-tps   3237/tcp   appareNet Test Packet Sequencer
  apparenet-tps   3237/udp   appareNet Test Packet Sequencer
  apparenet-as    3238/tcp   appareNet Analysis Server
  apparenet-as    3238/udp   appareNet Analysis Server
  apparenet-ui    3239/tcp   appareNet User Interface
  apparenet-ui    3239/udp   appareNet User Interface
  #                          Fred Klassen  February 2002
  triomotion      3240/tcp   Trio Motion Control Port
  triomotion      3240/udp   Trio Motion Control Port
  #                          Tony Matthews  February 2002
  sysorb          3241/tcp   SysOrb Monitoring Server
  sysorb          3241/udp   SysOrb Monitoring Server
  #                          Jakob Oestergaard  February 2002

  sdp-id-port     3242/tcp   Session Description>
  sdp-id-port     3242/udp   Session Description>  #                          Greg Rose  February 2002
  timelot         3243/tcp   Timelot Port
  timelot         3243/udp   Timelot Port
  #                          David Ferguson  February 2002
  onesaf          3244/tcp   OneSAF
  onesaf          3244/udp   OneSAF
  #                          Gene McCulley  February 2002
  vieo-fe         3245/tcp   VIEO Fabric Executive
  vieo-fe         3245/udp   VIEO Fabric Executive
  #                          James Cox  February 2002
  dvt-system      3246/tcp   DVT SYSTEM PORT
  dvt-system      3246/udp   DVT SYSTEM PORT
  dvt-data        3247/tcp   DVT DATA LINK
  dvt-data        3247/udp   DVT DATA LINK
  #                          Phillip Heil  February 2002
  procos-lm       3248/tcp   PROCOS LM
  procos-lm       3248/udp   PROCOS LM
  #                          Torsten Rendelmann
  #                           February 2002
  ssp             3249/tcp   State Sync Protocol
  ssp             3249/udp   State Sync Protocol
  #                          Stephane Beaulieu  February 2002
  hicp            3250/tcp   HMS hicp port
  hicp            3250/udp   HMS hicp port
  #                          Joel Palsson, HMS Industrial Networks AB
  #                           February 2002
  sysscanner      3251/tcp   Sys Scanner
  sysscanner      3251/udp   Sys Scanner
  #                          Dick Georges  February 2002
  dhe             3252/tcp   DHE port
  dhe             3252/udp   DHE port
  #                          Fabrizio Massimo Ferrara  February 2002
  pda-data        3253/tcp   PDA Data
  pda-data        3253/udp   PDA Data
  pda-sys         3254/tcp   PDA System
  pda-sys         3254/udp   PDA System
  #                          Jian Fan  February 2002
  semaphore       3255/tcp   Semaphore Connection Port
  semaphore       3255/udp   Semaphore Connection Port
  #                          Jay Eckles  February 2002
  cpqrpm-agent    3256/tcp   Compaq RPM Agent Port
  cpqrpm-agent    3256/udp   Compaq RPM Agent Port
  cpqrpm-server   3257/tcp   Compaq RPM Server Port
  cpqrpm-server   3257/udp   Compaq RPM Server Port
  #                          Royal King  February 2002
  ivecon-port     3258/tcp   Ivecon Server Port
  ivecon-port     3258/udp   Ivecon Server Port
  #                          Serguei Tevs  February 2002
  epncdp2         3259/tcp   Epson Network Common Devi
  epncdp2         3259/udp   Epson Network Common Devi
  #                          SEIKO EPSON Corporation - Oishi Toshiaki
  #                           February 2002
  iscsi-target    3260/tcp   iSCSI port
  iscsi-target    3260/udp   iSCSI port
  #                          Julian Satran
  winshadow       3261/tcp   winShadow
  winshadow       3261/udp   winShadow
  #                          Colin Barry
  necp            3262/tcp   NECP
  necp            3262/udp   NECP
  #                          Alberto Cerpa
  ecolor-imager   3263/tcp   E-Color Enterprise Imager
  ecolor-imager   3263/udp   E-Color Enterprise Imager
  #                          Tamara Baker
  ccmail          3264/tcp   cc:mail/lotus
  ccmail          3264/udp   cc:mail/lotus

  altav-tunnel    3265/tcp  >
  altav-tunnel    3265/udp  >  #                          Gary M. Allen
  ns-cfg-server   3266/tcp   NS CFG Server
  ns-cfg-server   3266/udp   NS CFG Server
  #                          Aivi Lie
  ibm-dial-out    3267/tcp   IBM Dial Out
  ibm-dial-out    3267/udp   IBM Dial Out
  #                          Skip Booth
  msft-gc         3268/tcp   Microsoft Global Catalog
  msft-gc         3268/udp   Microsoft Global Catalog
  msft-gc-ssl     3269/tcp   Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
  msft-gc-ssl     3269/udp   Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
  #                          Asaf Kashi
  verismart       3270/tcp   Verismart
  verismart       3270/udp   Verismart
  #                          Jay Weber
  csoft-prev      3271/tcp   CSoft Prev Port
  csoft-prev      3271/udp   CSoft Prev Port
  #                          Nedelcho Stanev
  user-manager    3272/tcp   Fujitsu User Manager
  user-manager    3272/udp   Fujitsu User Manager
  #                          Yukihiko Sakurai
  sxmp            3273/tcp   Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
  sxmp            3273/udp   Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
  #                          admin  
  ordinox-server  3274/tcp   Ordinox Server
  ordinox-server  3274/udp   Ordinox Server
  #                          Denis Ducharme
  samd            3275/tcp   SAMD
  samd            3275/udp   SAMD
  #                          Edgar Circenis
  maxim-asics   3276/tcp   Maxim ASICs
  maxim-asics 3276/udp   Maxim ASICs
  #             Dave Inman
  awg-proxy 3277/tcp   AWG Proxy
  awg-proxy 3277/udp   AWG Proxy
  #             Alex McDonald
  lkcmserver 3278/tcp   LKCM Server
  lkcmserver 3278/udp   LKCM Server
  #             Javier Jimenez
  admind  3279/tcp   admind
  admind  3279/udp   admind
  #             Jeff Haynes
  vs-server 3280/tcp   VS Server
  vs-server 3280/udp   VS Server
  #             Scott Godlew
  sysopt  3281/tcp   SYSOPT
  sysopt   3281/udp   SYSOPT
  #             Tony Hoffman
  datusorb 3282/tcp   Datusorb
  datusorb 3282/udp   Datusorb
  #      Thomas Martin
  net-assistant 3283/tcp   Net Assistant
  net-assistant 3283/udp   Net Assistant
  #      Michael Stein
  4talk  3284/tcp   4Talk
  4talk  3284/udp   4Talk
  #      Tony Bushnell
  plato  3285/tcp   Plato
  plato  3285/udp   Plato
  #      Jim Battin
  e-net  3286/tcp   E-Net
  e-net  3286/udp   E-Net
  #      Steven Grigsby
  directvdata 3287/tcp   DIRECTVDATA
  directvdata 3287/udp   DIRECTVDATA
  #      Michael Friedman
  cops  3288/tcp   COPS
  cops   3288/udp   COPS
  #      Shai Herzog
  enpc  3289/tcp   ENPC
  enpc  3289/udp   ENPC
  #      SEIKO EPSON
  caps-lm  3290/tcp   CAPS LOGISTICS TOOLKIT - LM
  caps-lm  3290/udp   CAPS LOGISTICS TOOLKIT - LM
  #      Joseph Krebs
  sah-lm  3291/tcp   S A Holditch & Associates - LM
  sah-lm  3291/udp   S A Holditch & Associates - LM
  #      Randy Hudgens
  cart-o-rama 3292/tcp   Cart O Rama
  cart-o-rama 3292/udp   Cart O Rama
  #      Phillip Dillinger
  fg-fps  3293/tcp   fg-fps
  fg-fps  3293/udp   fg-fps
  fg-gip  3294/tcp   fg-gip
  fg-gip  3294/udp   fg-gip
  #      Jean-Marc Frailong
  dyniplookup 3295/tcp   Dynamic IP Lookup
  dyniplookup 3295/udp   Dynamic IP Lookup
  #      Eugene Osovetsky
  rib-slm  3296/tcp   Rib License Manager
  rib-slm  3296/udp   Rib License Manager
  #      Kristean Heisler
  cytel-lm 3297/tcp   Cytel License Manager
  cytel-lm 3297/udp   Cytel License Manager
  #      Yogesh P. Gajjar
  deskview        3298/tcp   DeskView
  deskview        3298/udp   DeskView
  #                          Manfred Randelzofer
  pdrncs  3299/tcp   pdrncs
  pdrncs  3299/udp   pdrncs
  #      Paul Wissenbach
  ########### 3300-3301  Unauthorized Use by SAP R/3   ######
  mcs-fastmail 3302/tcp   MCS Fastmail
  mcs-fastmail 3302/udp   MCS Fastmail
  #      Patti Jo Newsom
  opsession-clnt 3303/tcp   OP Session Client
  opsession-clnt  3303/udp   OP Session Client
  opsession-srvr  3304/tcp   OP Session Server
  opsession-srvr  3304/udp   OP Session Server
  #                          Amir Blich
  odette-ftp      3305/tcp   ODETTE-FTP
  odette-ftp      3305/udp   ODETTE-FTP
  #                          David Nash
  #                          [RFC5024]
  mysql  3306/tcp   MySQL
  mysql  3306/udp   MySQL
  #      Monty
  opsession-prxy 3307/tcp   OP Session Proxy
  opsession-prxy 3307/udp   OP Session Proxy
  #      Amir Blich
  tns-server 3308/tcp   TNS Server
  tns-server 3308/udp   TNS Server
  tns-adv  3309/tcp   TNS ADV
  tns-adv  3309/udp   TNS ADV
  #      Jerome Albin
  dyna-access 3310/tcp   Dyna Access
  dyna-access 3310/udp   Dyna Access
  #      Dave Belliveau
  mcns-tel-ret 3311/tcp   MCNS Tel Ret
  mcns-tel-ret 3311/udp   MCNS Tel Ret
  #      Randall Atkinson
  appman-server   3312/tcp   Application Management Server
  appman-server   3312/udp   Application Management Server
  uorb            3313/tcp   Unify Object Broker
  uorb            3313/udp   Unify Object Broker
  uohost          3314/tcp   Unify Object Host
  uohost          3314/udp   Unify Object Host
  #                          Duane Gibson
  cdid  3315/tcp   CDID
  cdid  3315/udp   CDID
  #      Andrew Borisov
  aicc-cmi 3316/tcp   AICC/CMI
  aicc-cmi 3316/udp   AICC/CMI
  #      William McDonald
  vsaiport 3317/tcp   VSAI PORT
  vsaiport 3317/udp   VSAI PORT
  #      Rieko Asai
  ssrip  3318/tcp   Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
  ssrip  3318/udp   Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
  #      Baba Hidekazu
  sdt-lmd  3319/tcp   SDT License Manager
  sdt-lmd  3319/udp   SDT License Manager
  #      Salvo Nassisi
  officelink2000 3320/tcp   Office Link 2000
  officelink2000 3320/udp   Office Link 2000
  #      Mike Balch
  vnsstr  3321/tcp   VNSSTR
  vnsstr  3321/udp   VNSSTR
  #      Takeshi Ohmura
  active-net 3322-3325  Active Networks
  #      Bob Braden
  sftu  3326/tcp   SFTU
  sftu  3326/udp   SFTU
  #             Eduardo Rosenberg de Moura
  bbars  3327/tcp   BBARS
  bbars  3327/udp   BBARS
  #      Lou Harris
  egptlm  3328/tcp   Eaglepoint License Manager
  egptlm  3328/udp   Eaglepoint License Manager
  #      Dave Benton
  hp-device-disc  3329/tcp   HP Device Disc
  hp-device-disc  3329/udp   HP Device Disc
  #      Shivaun Albright
  mcs-calypsoicf  3330/tcp   MCS Calypso ICF
  mcs-calypsoicf  3330/udp   MCS Calypso ICF
  mcs-messaging 3331/tcp   MCS Messaging
  mcs-messaging 3331/udp   MCS Messaging
  mcs-mailsvr 3332/tcp   MCS Mail Server
  mcs-mailsvr 3332/udp   MCS Mail Server
  #      Patti Jo Newsom
  dec-notes       3333/tcp   DEC Notes
  dec-notes       3333/udp   DEC Notes
  #                          Kim Moraros
  directv-web 3334/tcp   Direct TV Webcasting
  directv-web 3334/udp   Direct TV Webcasting
  directv-soft 3335/tcp   Direct TV Software Updates
  directv-soft 3335/udp   Direct TV Software Updates
  directv-tick 3336/tcp   Direct TV Tickers
  directv-tick 3336/udp   Direct TV Tickers
  directv-catlg 3337/tcp   Direct TV Data Catalog
  directv-catlg 3337/udp   Direct TV Data Catalog
  #      Michael Friedman
  anet-b  3338/tcp   OMF data b
  anet-b  3338/udp   OMF data b
  anet-l  3339/tcp   OMF data l
  anet-l  3339/udp   OMF data l
  anet-m  3340/tcp   OMF data m
  anet-m  3340/udp   OMF data m
  anet-h  3341/tcp   OMF data h
  anet-h  3341/udp   OMF data h
  #      Per Sahlqvist
  webtie  3342/tcp   WebTIE
  webtie  3342/udp   WebTIE
  #      Kevin Frender
  ms-cluster-net  3343/tcp   MS Cluster Net
  ms-cluster-net  3343/udp   MS Cluster Net
  #                          Previous contact: Mike Massa
  #                          Current contact: David Dion  12 February 2009
  bnt-manager     3344/tcp   BNT Manager
  bnt-manager     3344/udp   BNT Manager
  #                          Engineering Dept.
  influence       3345/tcp   Influence
  influence       3345/udp   Influence
  #      Russ Ferriday
  trnsprntproxy 3346/tcp   Trnsprnt Proxy
  trnsprntproxy   3346/udp   Trnsprnt Proxy
  #      Grant Kirby
  phoenix-rpc 3347/tcp   Phoenix RPC
  phoenix-rpc 3347/udp   Phoenix RPC
  #      Ian Anderson
  pangolin-laser 3348/tcp   Pangolin Laser
  pangolin-laser 3348/udp   Pangolin Laser
  #      William Benner
  chevinservices 3349/tcp   Chevin Services
  chevinservices  3349/udp   Chevin Services
  #      Gus McNaughton
  findviatv 3350/tcp   FINDVIATV
  findviatv 3350/udp   FINDVIATV
  #      Oran Davis
  btrieve         3351/tcp   Btrieve port
  btrieve         3351/udp   Btrieve port
  ssql            3352/tcp   Scalable SQL
  ssql            3352/udp   Scalable SQL
  #                          Chuck Talk
  fatpipe  3353/tcp   FATPIPE
  fatpipe  3353/udp   FATPIPE
  #      Sanchaita Datta
  suitjd  3354/tcp   SUITJD
  suitjd  3354/udp   SUITJD
  #      Todd Moyer
  ordinox-dbase 3355/tcp   Ordinox Dbase
  ordinox-dbase 3355/udp   Ordinox Dbase
  #                          Denis Ducharme
  upnotifyps 3356/tcp   UPNOTIFYPS
  upnotifyps 3356/udp   UPNOTIFYPS
  #      Mark Fox
  adtech-test 3357/tcp   Adtech Test IP
  adtech-test 3357/udp   Adtech Test IP
  #      Robin Uyeshiro
  mpsysrmsvr 3358/tcp   Mp Sys Rmsvr
  mpsysrmsvr 3358/udp   Mp Sys Rmsvr
  #      Hiroyuki Kawabuchi   
  wg-netforce 3359/tcp   WG NetForce
  wg-netforce 3359/udp   WG NetForce
  #      Lee Wheat
  kv-server 3360/tcp   KV Server
  kv-server 3360/udp   KV Server
  kv-agent 3361/tcp   KV Agent
  kv-agent 3361/udp   KV Agent
  #      Thomas Soranno
  dj-ilm  3362/tcp   DJ ILM
  dj-ilm  3362/udp   DJ ILM
  #      Don Tyson
  nati-vi-server 3363/tcp   NATI Vi Server
  nati-vi-server 3363/udp   NATI Vi Server
  #      Robert Dye
  creativeserver 3364/tcp   Creative Server
  creativeserver 3364/udp   Creative Server
  contentserver 3365/tcp   Content Server
  contentserver 3365/udp   Content Server
  creativepartnr 3366/tcp   Creative Partner
  creativepartnr 3366/udp   Creative Partner
  #      Jesus Ortiz
  satvid-datalnk 3367-3371  Satellite Video Data Link
  #      Scott Engel
  tip2  3372/tcp   TIP 2
  tip2  3372/udp   TIP 2
  #      Keith Evans
  lavenir-lm 3373/tcp   Lavenir License Manager
  lavenir-lm 3373/udp   Lavenir License Manager
  #      Marius Matioc
  cluster-disc 3374/tcp   Cluster Disc
  cluster-disc 3374/udp   Cluster Disc
  #      Jeff Hughes
  vsnm-agent 3375/tcp   VSNM Agent
  vsnm-agent      3375/udp   VSNM Agent
  #      Venkat Rangan
  cdbroker 3376/tcp   CD Broker
  cdbroker 3376/udp   CD Broker
  #      Moon Ho Chung
  cogsys-lm 3377/tcp   Cogsys Network License Manager
  cogsys-lm 3377/udp   Cogsys Network License Manager
  #      Simon Chinnick
  wsicopy  3378/tcp   WSICOPY
  wsicopy  3378/udp   WSICOPY
  #      James Overby
  socorfs  3379/tcp   SOCORFS
  socorfs  3379/udp   SOCORFS
  #      Hugo Charbonneau
  sns-channels 3380/tcp   SNS Channels
  sns-channels 3380/udp   SNS Channels
  #      Shekar Pasumarthi
  geneous  3381/tcp   Geneous
  geneous  3381/udp   Geneous
  #      Nick de Smith
  fujitsu-neat 3382/tcp   Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function
  fujitsu-neat 3382/udp   Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function
  #      Markku Viima
  esp-lm  3383/tcp   Enterprise Software Products License Manager
  esp-lm  3383/udp   Enterprise Software Products License Manager
  #      George Rudy
  hp-clic  3384/tcp   Cluster Management Services
  hp-clic  3384/udp   Hardware Management
  #      Rajesh Srinivasaraghavan
  qnxnetman 3385/tcp   qnxnetman
  qnxnetman 3385/udp   qnxnetman
  #      Michael Hunter
  gprs-data 3386/tcp   GPRS Data
  gprs-sig 3386/udp   GPRS SIG
  #      Ansgar Bergmann
  backroomnet 3387/tcp   Back Room Net
  backroomnet 3387/udp   Back Room Net
  #      Clayton Wilkinson
  cbserver 3388/tcp   CB Server
  cbserver 3388/udp   CB Server
  #      Allen Wei
  ms-wbt-server 3389/tcp   MS WBT Server
  ms-wbt-server 3389/udp   MS WBT Server
  #      Ritu Bahl
  dsc  3390/tcp   Distributed Service Coordinator
  dsc  3390/udp   Distributed Service Coordinator
  #      Charles Honton
  savant  3391/tcp   SAVANT
  savant  3391/udp   SAVANT
  #      Andy Bruce
  efi-lm  3392/tcp   EFI License Management
  efi-lm  3392/udp   EFI License Management
  #      Ross E. Greinke
  d2k-tapestry1 3393/tcp   D2K Tapestry Client to Server
  d2k-tapestry1 3393/udp   D2K Tapestry Client to Server
  d2k-tapestry2 3394/tcp   D2K Tapestry Server to Server
  d2k-tapestry2 3394/udp   D2K Tapestry Server to Server
  #      Eric Lan
  dyna-lm  3395/tcp   Dyna License Manager (Elam)
  dyna-lm  3395/udp   Dyna License Manager (Elam)
  #      Anjana Iyer
  printer_agent 3396/tcp   Printer Agent
  printer_agent 3396/udp   Printer Agent
  #      Devon Taylor
  cloanto-lm 3397/tcp   Cloanto License Manager
  cloanto-lm 3397/udp   Cloanto License Manager
  #          Takeo Sato
  mercantile 3398/tcp   Mercantile
  mercantile 3398/udp   Mercantile
  #      Erik Kragh Jensen
  csms  3399/tcp   CSMS
  csms  3399/udp   CSMS
  csms2  3400/tcp   CSMS2
  csms2  3400/udp   CSMS2
  #      Markus Michels
  filecast        3401/tcp   filecast
  filecast        3401/udp   filecast
  #                          Eden Sherry
  fxaengine-net   3402/tcp   FXa Engine Network Port
  fxaengine-net   3402/udp   FXa Engine Network Port
  #                          Lucas Alonso  February 2002
  #               3403       De-registered on 2006-10-27
  #               3404       Removed (2002-05-01)
  nokia-ann-ch1   3405/tcp   Nokia Announcement ch 1
  nokia-ann-ch1   3405/udp   Nokia Announcement ch 1
  nokia-ann-ch2   3406/tcp   Nokia Announcement ch 2
  nokia-ann-ch2   3406/udp   Nokia Announcement ch 2
  #                          Morteza Kalhour  February 2002
  ldap-admin      3407/tcp   LDAP admin server port
  ldap-admin      3407/udp   LDAP admin server port
  #                          Stephen Tsun  February 2002
  BESApi          3408/tcp   BES Api Port
  BESApi          3408/udp   BES Api Port
  #                          Colin Griffiths  February 2002
  networklens     3409/tcp   NetworkLens Event Port
  networklens     3409/udp   NetworkLens Event Port
  networklenss    3410/tcp   NetworkLens SSL Event
  networklenss    3410/udp   NetworkLens SSL Event
  #                          Greg Bailey  February 2002
  biolink-auth    3411/tcp   BioLink Authenteon server
  biolink-auth    3411/udp   BioLink Authenteon server
  #                          BioLink Support  February 2002
  xmlblaster      3412/tcp   xmlBlaster
  xmlblaster      3412/udp   xmlBlaster
  #                          Marcel Ruff  February 2002
  svnet           3413/tcp   SpecView Networking
  svnet           3413/udp   SpecView Networking
  #                          Richard Dickins  February 2002
  wip-port        3414/tcp   BroadCloud WIP Port
  wip-port        3414/udp   BroadCloud WIP Port
  bcinameservice  3415/tcp   BCI Name Service
  bcinameservice  3415/udp   BCI Name Service
  #                          Dennis Parker  February 2002
  commandport     3416/tcp   AirMobile IS Command Port
  commandport     3416/udp   AirMobile IS Command Port
  #                          Mike Klein  February 2002
  csvr            3417/tcp   ConServR file translation
  csvr            3417/udp   ConServR file translation
  #                          Albert Leung  February 2002
  rnmap           3418/tcp   Remote nmap
  rnmap           3418/udp   Remote nmap
  #                          Tuomo Makinen  February 2002
  softaudit       3419/tcp   Isogon SoftAudit
  softaudit       3419/udp   ISogon SoftAudit
  #                          Per Hellberg  February 2002
  ifcp-port       3420/tcp   iFCP User Port
  ifcp-port       3420/udp   iFCP User Port
  #                          RFC 4172 - September 2005
  bmap            3421/tcp   Bull Apprise portmapper
  bmap            3421/udp   Bull Apprise portmapper
  #                          Jeremy Gilbert
  rusb-sys-port   3422/tcp   Remote USB System Port
  rusb-sys-port   3422/udp   Remote USB System Port
  #                          Steven Klein  February 2002

  xtrm            3423/tcp   xTrade>
  xtrm            3423/udp   xTrade>  xtrms           3424/tcp   xTrade over TLS/SSL
  xtrms           3424/udp   xTrade over TLS/SSL
  #                          Mats Nilsson  February 2002
  agps-port       3425/tcp   AGPS Access Port
  agps-port       3425/udp   AGPS Access Port
  #                          Kristoffer Nilsson
  #                           February 2002
  arkivio         3426/tcp   Arkivio Storage Protocol
  arkivio         3426/udp   Arkivio Storage Protocol
  #                          Bruce Greenblatt  February 2002
  websphere-snmp  3427/tcp   WebSphere SNMP
  websphere-snmp  3427/udp   WebSphere SNMP
  #                          Richard Mills  February 2002
  twcss           3428/tcp   2Wire CSS
  twcss           3428/udp   2Wire CSS
  #                          2Wire IANA Contact  February 2002
  gcsp            3429/tcp   GCSP user port
  gcsp            3429/udp   GCSP user port
  #                          Anirban Majumder  March 2002
  ssdispatch      3430/tcp   Scott Studios Dispatch
  ssdispatch      3430/udp   Scott Studios Dispatch
  #                          Michael Settles  March 2002
  ndl-als         3431/tcp   Active License Server Port
  ndl-als         3431/udp   Active License Server Port
  #                          Quentin Brown  March 2002
  osdcp           3432/tcp   Secure Device Protocol
  osdcp           3432/udp   Secure Device Protocol
  #                          Peter Fernandez  March 2002

  alta-smp        3433/tcp  >
  alta-smp        3433/udp  >  #                          Ted Macomber  March 2002
  opencm          3434/tcp   OpenCM Server
  opencm          3434/udp   OpenCM Server
  #                          Jonathan S. Shapiro  March 2002
  pacom           3435/tcp   Pacom Security User Port
  pacom           3435/udp   Pacom Security User Port
  #                          Steve Barton  March 2002
  gc-config       3436/tcp   GuardControl Exchange Protocol
  gc-config       3436/udp   GuardControl Exchange Protocol
  #                          Andreas Schwarz  March 2002
  autocueds       3437/tcp   Autocue Directory Service
  autocueds       3437/udp   Autocue Directory Service
  #                          Geoff Back  March 2002
  spiral-admin    3438/tcp   Spiralcraft Admin
  spiral-admin    3438/udp   Spiralcraft Admin
  #                          Michael Toth  March 2002
  hri-port        3439/tcp   HRI Interface Port
  hri-port        3439/udp   HRI Interface Port
  #                          John Fayos  March 2002
  ans-console     3440/tcp   Net Steward Mgmt Console
  ans-console     3440/udp   Net Steward Mgmt Console
  #                          John Richmond  March 2002
  connect-client  3441/tcp   OC Connect Client
  connect-client  3441/udp   OC Connect Client
  connect-server  3442/tcp   OC Connect Server
  connect-server  3442/udp   OC Connect Server
  #                          Mike Velten  March 2002
  ov-nnm-websrv   3443/tcp   OpenView Network Node Manager WEB Server
  ov-nnm-websrv   3443/udp   OpenView Network Node Manager WEB Server
  #                          Anthony Walker  March 2002
  denali-server   3444/tcp   Denali Server
  denali-server   3444/udp   Denali Server
  #                          Joe Devlin  March 2002
  monp            3445/tcp   Media Object Network
  monp            3445/udp   Media Object Network
  #                          Ron Herardian  March 2002
  3comfaxrpc      3446/tcp   3Com FAX RPC port
  3comfaxrpc      3446/udp   3Com FAX RPC port
  #                          Christopher Wells  April 2002
  directnet 3447/tcp   DirectNet IM System
  directnet 3447/udp   DirectNet IM System
  #                          Gregory Richards  April 2002
  dnc-port        3448/tcp   Discovery and Net Config
  dnc-port        3448/udp   Discovery and Net Config
  #                          Chi Chen  April 2002
  hotu-chat       3449/tcp   HotU Chat
  hotu-chat       3449/udp   HotU Chat
  #                          Tim Burgess  April 2002
  castorproxy     3450/tcp   CAStorProxy
  castorproxy     3450/udp   CAStorProxy
  #                          Raymond J. Young  April 2002
  asam            3451/tcp   ASAM Services
  asam            3451/udp   ASAM Services
  #                          Mike Gossett  April 2002
  sabp-signal     3452/tcp   SABP-Signalling Protocol
  sabp-signal     3452/udp   SABP-Signalling Protocol
  #                          Brendan McWilliams  April 2002
  pscupd          3453/tcp   PSC Update Port
  pscupd          3453/udp   PSC Update Port
  #                          Reid B. Ligon
  mira            3454/tcp   Apple Remote Access Protocol
  #                          Mike Alexander
  prsvp           3455/tcp   RSVP Port
  prsvp           3455/udp   RSVP Port
  #                          Bob Braden
  vat             3456/tcp   VAT default data
  vat             3456/udp   VAT default data
  #                          Van Jacobson
  vat-control     3457/tcp   VAT default control
  vat-control     3457/udp   VAT default control
  #                          Van Jacobson
  d3winosfi       3458/tcp   D3WinOSFI
  d3winosfi       3458/udp   D3WinOSFI
  #                          Brad Hamilton
  integral        3459/tcp   TIP Integral
  integral        3459/udp   TIP Integral
  #                          Olivier Mascia
  edm-manager     3460/tcp   EDM Manger
  edm-manager     3460/udp   EDM Manger
  edm-stager      3461/tcp   EDM Stager
  edm-stager      3461/udp   EDM Stager
  edm-std-notify  3462/tcp   EDM STD Notify
  edm-std-notify  3462/udp   EDM STD Notify
  edm-adm-notify  3463/tcp   EDM ADM Notify
  edm-adm-notify  3463/udp   EDM ADM Notify
  edm-mgr-sync    3464/tcp   EDM MGR Sync
  edm-mgr-sync    3464/udp   EDM MGR Sync
  edm-mgr-cntrl   3465/tcp   EDM MGR Cntrl
  edm-mgr-cntrl   3465/udp   EDM MGR Cntrl
  #                          Tom Hennessy
  workflow        3466/tcp   WORKFLOW
  workflow        3466/udp   WORKFLOW
  #                          Robert Hufsky
  rcst            3467/tcp   RCST
  rcst            3467/udp   RCST
  #                          Kit Sturgeon
  ttcmremotectrl  3468/tcp   TTCM Remote Controll
  ttcmremotectrl  3468/udp   TTCM Remote Controll
  #                          Yossi Cohen-Shahar
  pluribus        3469/tcp   Pluribus
  pluribus        3469/udp   Pluribus
  #                          Mark Miller
  jt400           3470/tcp   jt400
  jt400           3470/udp   jt400
  jt400-ssl       3471/tcp   jt400-ssl
  jt400-ssl       3471/udp   jt400-ssl
  #                          Clifton Nock
  jaugsremotec-1  3472/tcp   JAUGS N-G Remotec 1
  jaugsremotec-1  3472/udp   JAUGS N-G Remotec 1
  jaugsremotec-2  3473/tcp   JAUGS N-G Remotec 2
  jaugsremotec-2  3473/udp   JAUGS N-G Remotec 2
  #                          Steven B. Cliff  April 2002
  ttntspauto      3474/tcp   TSP Automation
  ttntspauto      3474/udp   TSP Automation
  #                          Arnie Koster  April 2002
  genisar-port    3475/tcp   Genisar Comm Port
  genisar-port    3475/udp   Genisar Comm Port
  #                          Candace Niccolson  April 2002
  nppmp           3476/tcp   NVIDIA Mgmt Protocol
  nppmp           3476/udp   NVIDIA Mgmt Protocol
  #                          Gilbert Yeung  April 2002
  ecomm           3477/tcp   eComm link port
  ecomm           3477/udp   eComm link port
  #                          Thomas Soerensen  April 2002
  stun            3478/tcp   Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) port
  stun            3478/udp   Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) port
  #                          [RFC5389]
  turn            3478/tcp   TURN over TCP
  turn            3478/udp   TURN over UDP
  #                          [RFC-ietf-behave-turn-16.txt]
  twrpc           3479/tcp   2Wire RPC
  twrpc           3479/udp   2Wire RPC
  #                          2Wire IANA Contact  April 2002
  plethora        3480/tcp   Secure Virtual Workspace
  plethora        3480/udp   Secure Virtual Workspace
  #                          Tim Simms  April 2002
  cleanerliverc   3481/tcp   CleanerLive remote ctrl
  cleanerliverc   3481/udp   CleanerLive remote ctrl
  #                          David Mojdehi  April 2002
  vulture         3482/tcp   Vulture Monitoring System
  vulture         3482/udp   Vulture Monitoring System
  #                          Jason Santos  April 2002
  slim-devices    3483/tcp   Slim Devices Protocol
  slim-devices    3483/udp   Slim Devices Protocol
  #                          Sean Adams  May 2002
  gbs-stp         3484/tcp   GBS SnapTalk Protocol
  gbs-stp         3484/udp   GBS SnapTalk Protocol
  #                          Eric Harris-Braun  May 2002
  celatalk        3485/tcp   CelaTalk
  celatalk        3485/udp   CelaTalk
  #                          Carl Blundell  May 2002
  ifsf-hb-port    3486/tcp   IFSF Heartbeat Port
  ifsf-hb-port    3486/udp   IFSF Heartbeat Port
  #                          IFSF Secretary  May 2002
  ltctcp          3487/tcp   LISA TCP Transfer Channel
  ltcudp          3487/udp   LISA UDP Transfer Channel
  #                          Pit Vetterick  May 2002
  fs-rh-srv       3488/tcp   FS Remote Host Server
  fs-rh-srv       3488/udp   FS Remote Host Server
  #                          Brian Nickles  May 2002
  dtp-dia         3489/tcp   DTP/DIA
  dtp-dia         3489/udp   DTP/DIA
  #                          Alexei V. Soloviev  May 2002
  colubris        3490/tcp   Colubris Management Port
  colubris        3490/udp   Colubris Management Port
  #                          Gilbert Moineau  May 2002
  swr-port        3491/tcp   SWR Port
  swr-port        3491/udp   SWR Port
  #                          Ian Manning  May 2002
  tvdumtray-port  3492/tcp   TVDUM Tray Port
  tvdumtray-port  3492/udp   TVDUM Tray Port
  #                          Peter Boers  May 2002
  nut             3493/tcp   Network UPS Tools
  nut             3493/udp   Network UPS Tools
  #                          Russell Kroll  May 2002
  ibm3494         3494/tcp   IBM 3494
  ibm3494         3494/udp   IBM 3494
  #                          Jeffrey Pilch
  seclayer-tcp    3495/tcp   securitylayer over tcp
  seclayer-tcp    3495/udp   securitylayer over tcp
  seclayer-tls    3496/tcp   securitylayer over tls
  seclayer-tls    3496/udp   securitylayer over tls
  #                          Arno Hollosi  March 2002
  ipether232port  3497/tcp   ipEther232Port
  ipether232port  3497/udp   ipEther232Port
  #                          Marcus Leufgen  May 2002
  dashpas-port    3498/tcp   DASHPAS user port
  dashpas-port    3498/udp   DASHPAS user port
  #                          Albrecht Mayer  May 2002
  sccip-media     3499/tcp   SccIP Media
  sccip-media     3499/udp   SccIP Media
  #                          David Yon  May 2002
  rtmp-port       3500/tcp   RTMP Port
  rtmp-port       3500/udp   RTMP Port
  #                          Miriam Wohlgelernter
  isoft-p2p       3501/tcp   iSoft-P2P
  isoft-p2p       3501/udp   iSoft-P2P
  #                          David Walling
  avinstalldisc   3502/tcp   Avocent Install Discovery
  avinstalldisc   3502/udp   Avocent Install Discovery
  #                          Brian S. Stewart
  lsp-ping        3503/tcp   MPLS LSP-echo Port
  lsp-ping        3503/udp   MPLS LSP-echo Port
  #                          [RFC4379]
  ironstorm       3504/tcp   IronStorm game server
  ironstorm       3504/udp   IronStorm game server
  #                          Arnaud Clermonte
  ccmcomm         3505/tcp   CCM communications port
  ccmcomm         3505/udp   CCM communications port
  #                          Tom Bougan
  apc-3506        3506/tcp   APC 3506
  apc-3506        3506/udp   APC 3506
  #                          American Power Conversion
  nesh-broker     3507/tcp   Nesh Broker Port
  nesh-broker     3507/udp   Nesh Broker Port
  #                          Jeremy Maiden
  interactionweb  3508/tcp   Interaction Web
  interactionweb  3508/udp   Interaction Web
  #                          Mike Gagle
  vt-ssl          3509/tcp   Virtual Token SSL Port
  vt-ssl          3509/udp   Virtual Token SSL Port
  #                          Libor Sykora  May 2002
  xss-port        3510/tcp   XSS Port
  xss-port        3510/udp   XSS Port
  #                          Joe Purcell  May 2002
  webmail-2       3511/tcp   WebMail/2
  webmail-2       3511/udp   WebMail/2
  #                          Dimitris Michelinakis  May 2002
  aztec           3512/tcp   Aztec Distribution Port
  aztec           3512/udp   Aztec Distribution Port
  #                          Alan Francis  May 2002
  arcpd           3513/tcp   Adaptec Remote Protocol
  arcpd           3513/udp   Adaptec Remote Protocol
  #                          Hardy Doelfel  May 2002
  must-p2p        3514/tcp   MUST Peer to Peer
  must-p2p        3514/udp   MUST Peer to Peer
  must-backplane  3515/tcp   MUST Backplane
  must-backplane  3515/udp   MUST Backplane
  #                          Rick Stefanik  May 2002
  smartcard-port  3516/tcp   Smartcard Port
  smartcard-port  3516/udp   Smartcard Port
  #                          Scott Guthery  May 2002
  802-11-iapp     3517/tcp   IEEE 802.11 WLANs WG IAPP
  802-11-iapp     3517/udp   IEEE 802.11 WLANs WG IAPP
  #                          Stuart J. Kerry (Chair IEEE 802.11 WG)
  #                           May 2002
  artifact-msg    3518/tcp   Artifact Message Server
  artifact-msg    3518/udp   Artifact Message Server
  #                          Ron Capwell  June 2002
  nvmsgd          3519/tcp   Netvion Messenger Port
  galileo         3519/udp   Netvion Galileo Port
  galileolog      3520/tcp   Netvion Galileo Log Port
  galileolog      3520/udp   Netvion Galileo Log Port
  #                          Ray Caruso  June 2002
  mc3ss           3521/tcp   Telequip Labs MC3SS
  mc3ss           3521/udp   Telequip Labs MC3SS
  #                          Michael Sparks  June 2002
  nssocketport    3522/tcp   DO over NSSocketPort
  nssocketport    3522/udp   DO over NSSocketPort
  #                          Douglas Davidson  June 2002
  odeumservlink   3523/tcp   Odeum Serverlink
  odeumservlink   3523/udp   Odeum Serverlink
  #                          Mads Peter Back  June 2002
  ecmport         3524/tcp   ECM Server port
  ecmport         3524/udp   ECM Server port
  eisport         3525/tcp   EIS Server port
  eisport         3525/udp   EIS Server port
  #                          Paul Kraus  June 2002
  starquiz-port   3526/tcp   starQuiz Port
  starquiz-port   3526/udp   starQuiz Port
  #                          Adam Ernst  June 2002
  beserver-msg-q  3527/tcp   VERITAS Backup Exec Server
  beserver-msg-q  3527/udp   VERITAS Backup Exec Server
  #                          Katherine Wattwood  June 2002
  jboss-iiop      3528/tcp   JBoss IIOP
  jboss-iiop      3528/udp   JBoss IIOP
  jboss-iiop-ssl  3529/tcp   JBoss IIOP/SSL
  jboss-iiop-ssl  3529/udp   JBoss IIOP/SSL
  #                          Francisco Reverbel  June 2002
  gf              3530/tcp   Grid Friendly
  gf              3530/udp   Grid Friendly
  #                          Daivd P. Chassin  June 2002
  joltid          3531/tcp   Joltid
  joltid          3531/udp   Joltid
  #                          Ahti Heinla  June 2002
  raven-rmp       3532/tcp   Raven Remote Management Control
  raven-rmp       3532/udp   Raven Remote Management Control
  raven-rdp       3533/tcp   Raven Remote Management Data
  raven-rdp       3533/udp   Raven Remote Management Data
  #                          Daniel Sorlov  June 2002
  urld-port       3534/tcp   URL Daemon Port
  urld-port       3534/udp   URL Daemon Port
  #                          Jim Binkley  June 2002
  ms-la           3535/tcp   MS-LA
  ms-la           3535/udp   MS-LA
  #                          Eric Ledoux  
  snac            3536/tcp   SNAC
  snac            3536/udp   SNAC
  #                          Tatsuya Igarashi  July 2002
  ni-visa-remote  3537/tcp   Remote NI-VISA port
  ni-visa-remote  3537/udp   Remote NI-VISA port
  #                          Sinnadurai Dharshan  July 2002
  ibm-diradm      3538/tcp   IBM Directory Server
  ibm-diradm      3538/udp   IBM Directory Server
  ibm-diradm-ssl  3539/tcp   IBM Directory Server SSL
  ibm-diradm-ssl  3539/udp   IBM Directory Server SSL
  #                          Mark Cavage  July 2002
  pnrp-port       3540/tcp   PNRP User Port
  pnrp-port       3540/udp   PNRP User Port
  #                          Igor Kostic  July 2002
  voispeed-port   3541/tcp   VoiSpeed Port
  voispeed-port   3541/udp   VoiSpeed Port
  #                          Virgilio Lattanzi  July 2002
  hacl-monitor    3542/tcp   HA cluster monitor
  hacl-monitor    3542/udp   HA cluster monitor
  #                          Jason Ko  July 2002
  qftest-lookup   3543/tcp   qftest Lookup Port
  qftest-lookup   3543/udp   qftest Lookup Port
  #                          Gregor Schmid  July 2002
  teredo          3544/tcp   Teredo Port
  teredo          3544/udp   Teredo Port
  #                          [RFC4380]
  camac           3545/tcp   CAMAC equipment
  camac           3545/udp   CAMAC equipment
  #                          Eugene Zhiganov  July 2002
  #               3546       Unassigned (removed September 2002)
  symantec-sim    3547/tcp   Symantec SIM
  symantec-sim    3547/udp   Symantec SIM
  #                          George Dzieciol  July 2002
  interworld      3548/tcp   Interworld
  interworld      3548/udp   Interworld
  #                          John Stephen  July 2002
  tellumat-nms    3549/tcp   Tellumat MDR NMS
  tellumat-nms    3549/udp   Tellumat MDR NMS
  #                          Hennie van der Merwe  July 2002
  ssmpp           3550/tcp   Secure SMPP
  ssmpp           3550/udp   Secure SMPP
  #                          Cormac Long  July 2002
  apcupsd         3551/tcp   Apcupsd Information Port
  apcupsd         3551/udp   Apcupsd Information Port
  #                          Riccardo Facchetti  July 2002
  taserver        3552/tcp   TeamAgenda Server Port
  taserver        3552/udp   TeamAgenda Server Port
  #                          Dany Ayotte  July 2002
  rbr-discovery   3553/tcp   Red Box Recorder ADP
  rbr-discovery   3553/udp   Red Box Recorder ADP
  #                          Simon Jolly  July 2002
  questnotify     3554/tcp   Quest Notification Server
  questnotify     3554/udp   Quest Notification Server
  #                          Rob Griffin  July 2002
  razor           3555/tcp   Vipul's Razor
  razor           3555/udp   Vipul's Razor
  #                          Vipul Ved Prakash  July 2002
  sky-transport   3556/tcp   Sky Transport Protocol
  sky-transport   3556/udp   Sky Transport Protocol
  #                          Michael Paddon  July 2002
  personalos-001  3557/tcp   PersonalOS Comm Port
  personalos-001  3557/udp   PersonalOS Comm Port
  #                          Shane Roberts  July 2002
  mcp-port        3558/tcp   MCP user port
  mcp-port        3558/udp   MCP user port
  #                          Professor Paul S. Wang  July 2002
  cctv-port       3559/tcp   CCTV control port
  cctv-port       3559/udp   CCTV control port
  #                          John Skidmore  July 2002
  iniserve-port   3560/tcp   INIServe port
  iniserve-port   3560/udp   INIServe port
  #                          Peter Moylan  August 2002
  bmc-onekey      3561/tcp   BMC-OneKey
  bmc-onekey      3561/udp   BMC-OneKey
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  August 2002
  sdbproxy        3562/tcp   SDBProxy
  sdbproxy        3562/udp   SDBProxy
  #                          Eric Grange  August 2002  
  watcomdebug     3563/tcp   Watcom Debug
  watcomdebug     3563/udp   Watcom Debug
  #                          Dave Neudoerffer
  esimport        3564/tcp   Electromed SIM port
  esimport        3564/udp   Electromed SIM port
  #                          Francois Marchand  August 2002
  m2pa            3565/tcp   M2PA
  m2pa            3565/sctp  M2PA
  #                          [RFC4165]
  quest-launcher  3566/tcp   Quest Agent Manager
  quest-launcher  3566/udp   Quest Agent Manager
  #                          Eyal Kalderon  April 2002
  oap  3567/tcp   Object Access Protocol
  oap  3567/udp   Object Access Protocol
  #                          Bryant Eastham  August 2002
  oap-s  3568/tcp   Object Access Protocol over SSL
  oap-s  3568/udp   Object Access Protocol over SSL
  #                          Bryant Eastham  January 2003
  mbg-ctrl        3569/tcp   Meinberg Control Service
  mbg-ctrl        3569/udp   Meinberg Control Service
  #                          Martin Burnicki  August 2002
  mccwebsvr-port  3570/tcp   MCC Web Server Port
  mccwebsvr-port  3570/udp   MCC Web Server Port
  megardsvr-port  3571/tcp   MegaRAID Server Port
  megardsvr-port  3571/udp   MegaRAID Server Port
  megaregsvrport  3572/tcp   Registration Server Port
  megaregsvrport  3572/udp   Registration Server Port
  #                          Sreenivas Bagalkote  August 2002
  tag-ups-1       3573/tcp   Advantage Group UPS Suite
  tag-ups-1       3573/udp   Advantage Group UPS Suite
  #                          James Goddard  August 2002
  dmaf-server     3574/tcp   DMAF Server
  dmaf-caster     3574/udp   DMAF Caster
  #                          Ramakrishna Nadendla  August 2002
  ccm-port        3575/tcp   Coalsere CCM Port
  ccm-port        3575/udp   Coalsere CCM Port
  cmc-port        3576/tcp   Coalsere CMC Port
  cmc-port        3576/udp   Coalsere CMC Port
  #                          Chris Hawkinson  August 2002
  config-port     3577/tcp   Configuration Port
  config-port     3577/udp   Configuration Port
  data-port       3578/tcp   Data Port
  data-port       3578/udp   Data Port
  #                          Anupam Bharali  August 2002
  ttat3lb         3579/tcp   Tarantella Load Balancing
  ttat3lb         3579/udp   Tarantella Load Balancing
  #                          Jim Musgrave  August 2002
  nati-svrloc     3580/tcp   NATI-ServiceLocator
  nati-svrloc     3580/udp   NATI-ServiceLocator
  #                          Jason Case  August 2002
  kfxaclicensing  3581/tcp   Ascent Capture Licensing
  kfxaclicensing  3581/udp   Ascent Capture Licensing
  #                          Brad Hamilton  August 2002
  press           3582/tcp   PEG PRESS Server
  press           3582/udp   PEG PRESS Server
  #                          Jim DeLisle  August 2002
  canex-watch     3583/tcp   CANEX Watch System
  canex-watch     3583/udp   CANEX Watch System
  #                          Peter Kollath  August 2002
  u-dbap          3584/tcp   U-DBase Access Protocol
  u-dbap          3584/udp   U-DBase Access Protocol
  #                          Bodo Rueskamp  August 2002
  emprise-lls     3585/tcp   Emprise License Server
  emprise-lls     3585/udp   Emprise License Server
  emprise-lsc     3586/tcp   License Server Console
  emprise-lsc     3586/udp   License Server Console
  #                          James J. Diaz  August 2002
  p2pgroup        3587/tcp   Peer to Peer Grouping
  p2pgroup        3587/udp   Peer to Peer Grouping
  #                          Igor Kostic  August 2002
  sentinel        3588/tcp   Sentinel Server
  sentinel        3588/udp   Sentinel Server
  #                          Ian Gordon  August 2002
  isomair         3589/tcp   isomair
  isomair         3589/udp   isomair
  #                          Richard Fleming  August 2002
  wv-csp-sms      3590/tcp   WV CSP SMS Binding
  wv-csp-sms      3590/udp   WV CSP SMS Binding
  #                          Matti Salmi  August 2002
  gtrack-server   3591/tcp   LOCANIS G-TRACK Server
  gtrack-server   3591/udp   LOCANIS G-TRACK Server
  gtrack-ne       3592/tcp   LOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port
  gtrack-ne       3592/udp   LOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port
  #                          Juergen.Edelhaeuser  August 2002
  bpmd            3593/tcp   BP Model Debugger
  bpmd            3593/udp   BP Model Debugger
  #                          Keith Fligg  September 2002
  mediaspace      3594/tcp   MediaSpace
  mediaspace      3594/udp   MediaSpace
  shareapp        3595/tcp   ShareApp
  shareapp        3595/udp   ShareApp
  #                          Jeff King  September 2002
  iw-mmogame      3596/tcp   Illusion Wireless MMOG
  iw-mmogame      3596/udp   Illusion Wireless MMOG
  #                          Jan Vrsinsky  September 2002
  a14             3597/tcp   A14 (AN-to-SC/MM)
  a14             3597/udp   A14 (AN-to-SC/MM)
  a15             3598/tcp   A15 (AN-to-AN)
  a15             3598/udp   A15 (AN-to-AN)
  #                          David Ott  September 2002
  quasar-server   3599/tcp   Quasar Accounting Server
  quasar-server   3599/udp   Quasar Accounting Server
  #                          Brad Pepers  September 2002

  trap-daemon     3600/tcp   text>
  trap-daemon     3600/udp   text>  #                          John Willis  September 2002
  visinet-gui     3601/tcp   Visinet Gui
  visinet-gui     3601/udp   Visinet Gui
  #                          Jeff Douglass  September 2002
  infiniswitchcl  3602/tcp   InfiniSwitch Mgr Client
  infiniswitchcl  3602/udp   InfiniSwitch Mgr Client
  #                          Lee VanTine  September 2002
  int-rcv-cntrl   3603/tcp   Integrated Rcvr Control
  int-rcv-cntrl   3603/udp   Integrated Rcvr Control
  #                          Dave Stone  September 2002
  bmc-jmx-port    3604/tcp   BMC JMX Port
  bmc-jmx-port    3604/udp   BMC JMX Port
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  September 2002
  comcam-io       3605/tcp   ComCam IO Port
  comcam-io       3605/udp   ComCam IO Port
  #                          Don Gilbreath  September 2002
  splitlock       3606/tcp   Splitlock Server
  splitlock       3606/udp   Splitlock Server
  #                          Andrew Tune  September 2002
  precise-i3      3607/tcp   Precise I3
  precise-i3      3607/udp   Precise I3
  #                          Tomer Shain  September 2002
  trendchip-dcp   3608/tcp   Trendchip control protocol
  trendchip-dcp   3608/udp   Trendchip control protocol
  #                          Ming-Jen Chen  September 2002
  cpdi-pidas-cm   3609/tcp   CPDI PIDAS Connection Mon
  cpdi-pidas-cm   3609/udp   CPDI PIDAS Connection Mon
  #                          Tony Splaver  September 2002
  echonet         3610/tcp   ECHONET
  echonet         3610/udp   ECHONET
  #                          Takeshi Saito  September 2002
  six-degrees     3611/tcp   Six Degrees Port
  six-degrees     3611/udp   Six Degrees Port
  #                          Zach Nies  September 2002
  hp-dataprotect  3612/tcp   HP Data Protector
  hp-dataprotect  3612/udp   HP Data Protector
  #                          Stephen Gold  September 2002
  alaris-disc     3613/tcp   Alaris Device Discovery
  alaris-disc     3613/udp   Alaris Device Discovery
  #                          Chris Dern  October 2002, June 2004
  sigma-port      3614/tcp   Invensys Sigma Port
  sigma-port      3614/udp   Invensys Sigma Port
  #                          Dr. Sajed Husein  October 2002
  start-network   3615/tcp   Start Messaging Network
  start-network   3615/udp   Start Messaging Network
  #                          Peter Rocca  October 2002
  cd3o-protocol   3616/tcp   cd3o Control Protocol
  cd3o-protocol   3616/udp   cd3o Control Protocol
  #                          Chris Wilcox  October 2002
  sharp-server    3617/tcp   ATI SHARP Logic Engine
  sharp-server    3617/udp   ATI SHARP Logic Engine 
  #                          Bill Reveile
  aairnet-1       3618/tcp   AAIR-Network 1
  aairnet-1       3618/udp   AAIR-Network 1
  aairnet-2       3619/tcp   AAIR-Network 2
  aairnet-2       3619/udp   AAIR-Network 2
  #                          James Mealey  October 2002
  ep-pcp          3620/tcp   EPSON Projector Control Port
  ep-pcp          3620/udp   EPSON Projector Control Port
  ep-nsp          3621/tcp   EPSON Network Screen Port
  ep-nsp          3621/udp   EPSON Network Screen Port
  #                          SEIKO EPSON  October 2002
  ff-lr-port      3622/tcp   FF LAN Redundancy Port
  ff-lr-port      3622/udp   FF LAN Redundancy Port
  #                          Fieldbus Foundation  October 2002
  haipe-discover  3623/tcp   HAIPIS Dynamic Discovery
  haipe-discover  3623/udp   HAIPIS Dynamic Discovery
  #                          Mike Irani  October 2002
  dist-upgrade    3624/tcp   Distributed Upgrade Port
  dist-upgrade    3624/udp   Distributed Upgrade Port
  #                          Jason Schoon  October 2002
  volley          3625/tcp   Volley
  volley          3625/udp   Volley
  #                          David Catmull  October 2002
  bvcdaemon-port  3626/tcp   bvControl Daemon
  bvcdaemon-port  3626/udp   bvControl Daemon
  #                          Ravi Gokhale  October 2002
  jamserverport   3627/tcp   Jam Server Port
  jamserverport   3627/udp   Jam Server Port
  #                          Art Pope  October 2002
  ept-machine     3628/tcp   EPT Machine Interface
  ept-machine     3628/udp   EPT Machine Interface
  #                          Victor H. Farrace  October 2002
  escvpnet        3629/tcp   ESC/VP.net
  escvpnet        3629/udp   ESC/VP.net
  #                          Hiroyuki Hashimoto  October 2002
  cs-remote-db    3630/tcp   C&S Remote Database Port
  cs-remote-db    3630/udp   C&S Remote Database Port
  cs-services     3631/tcp   C&S Web Services Port
  cs-services     3631/udp   C&S Web Services Port
  #                          Computer Software GmbH  October 2002
  distcc          3632/tcp   distributed compiler
  distcc          3632/udp   distributed compiler
  #                          Martin Pool  November 2002
  wacp            3633/tcp   Wyrnix AIS port
  wacp            3633/udp   Wyrnix AIS port
  #                          Harry T. Vennik  November 2002
  hlibmgr         3634/tcp   hNTSP Library Manager
  hlibmgr         3634/udp   hNTSP Library Manager
  #                          Kenji Tetsuyama  November 2002
  sdo             3635/tcp   Simple Distributed Objects
  sdo             3635/udp   Simple Distributed Objects
  #                          Alexander Philippou  November 2002
  servistaitsm    3636/tcp   SerVistaITSM
  servistaitsm    3636/udp   SerVistaITSM
  #                          Ralph Campbell  November 2002
  scservp         3637/tcp   Customer Service Port
  scservp         3637/udp   Customer Service Port
  #                          Jonathan A. Zdziarski  November 2002
  ehp-backup      3638/tcp   EHP Backup Protocol
  ehp-backup      3638/udp   EHP Backup Protocol
  #                          Ed Fair  November 2002
  xap-ha          3639/tcp   Extensible Automation
  xap-ha          3639/udp   Extensible Automation
  #                          Mark Harrison  November 2002
  netplay-port1   3640/tcp   Netplay Port 1
  netplay-port1   3640/udp   Netplay Port 1
  netplay-port2   3641/tcp   Netplay Port 2
  netplay-port2   3641/udp   Netplay Port 2
  #                          Predrag Filipovic  November 2002
  juxml-port      3642/tcp   Juxml Replication port
  juxml-port      3642/udp   Juxml Replication port
  #                          Colin Reid  November 2002
  audiojuggler    3643/tcp   AudioJuggler
  audiojuggler    3643/udp   AudioJuggler
  #                          Morten Mertner  November 2002
  ssowatch        3644/tcp   ssowatch
  ssowatch        3644/udp   ssowatch
  #                          Marie-France Dubreuil  November 2002
  cyc             3645/tcp   Cyc
  cyc             3645/udp   Cyc
  #                          Stephen Reed  January 2003           
  xss-srv-port    3646/tcp   XSS Server Port
  xss-srv-port    3646/udp   XSS Server Port
  #                          Joe Purcell  January 2003
  splitlock-gw    3647/tcp   Splitlock Gateway
  splitlock-gw    3647/udp   Splitlock Gateway
  #                          Andrew Tune  January 2003
  fjcp            3648/tcp   Fujitsu Cooperation Port
  fjcp            3648/udp   Fujitsu Cooperation Port
  #                          Kouji Sugisawa  January 2003
  nmmp            3649/tcp   Nishioka Miyuki Msg Protocol
  nmmp            3649/udp   Nishioka Miyuki Msg Protocol
  #                          TAKEDA Hiroyuki  January 2003
  prismiq-plugin  3650/tcp   PRISMIQ VOD plug-in
  prismiq-plugin  3650/udp   PRISMIQ VOD plug-in
  #                          Richard Hodges  January 2003
  xrpc-registry   3651/tcp   XRPC Registry
  xrpc-registry   3651/udp   XRPC Registry
  #                          Slava Monich  January 2003
  vxcrnbuport     3652/tcp   VxCR NBU Default Port
  vxcrnbuport     3652/udp   VxCR NBU Default Port
  #                          Boris Star  January 2003
  tsp             3653/tcp   Tunnel Setup Protocol
  tsp             3653/udp   Tunnel Setup Protocol
  #                          Marc Blanchet  January 2003
  #                          [RFC-blanchet-v6ops-tunnelbroker-tsp-04.txt]
  vaprtm          3654/tcp   VAP RealTime Messenger
  vaprtm          3654/udp   VAP RealTime Messenger
  #                          Boris Polevoy  January 2003
  abatemgr        3655/tcp   ActiveBatch Exec Agent
  abatemgr        3655/udp   ActiveBatch Exec Agent
  abatjss         3656/tcp   ActiveBatch Job Scheduler
  abatjss         3656/udp   ActiveBatch Job Scheduler
  #                          Ben Rosenberg  January 2003
  immedianet-bcn  3657/tcp   ImmediaNet Beacon
  immedianet-bcn  3657/udp   ImmediaNet Beacon
  #                          Bill Homan  January 2003
  ps-ams          3658/tcp   PlayStation AMS (Secure)
  ps-ams          3658/udp   PlayStation AMS (Secure)
  #                          Edgar Alan Tu  January 2003
  apple-sasl      3659/tcp   Apple SASL
  apple-sasl      3659/udp   Apple SASL
  #                          David M. O'Rourke  January 2003
  can-nds-ssl     3660/tcp   IBM Tivoli Directory Service using SSL
  can-nds-ssl     3660/udp   IBM Tivoli Directory Service using SSL
  can-ferret-ssl  3661/tcp   IBM Tivoli Directory Service using SSL
  can-ferret-ssl  3661/udp   IBM Tivoli Directory Service using SSL
  #                          Nic Catrambone  January 2003
  pserver         3662/tcp   pserver
  pserver         3662/udp   pserver
  #                          Patrick Furlong  January 2003
  dtp             3663/tcp   DIRECWAY Tunnel Protocol
  dtp             3663/udp   DIRECWAY Tunnel Protocol
  #                          John Border  January 2003
  ups-engine      3664/tcp   UPS Engine Port
  ups-engine      3664/udp   UPS Engine Port
  ent-engine      3665/tcp   Enterprise Engine Port
  ent-engine      3665/udp   Enterprise Engine Port
  #                          Mike Delgrosso  January 2003
  eserver-pap     3666/tcp   IBM eServer PAP
  eserver-pap     3666/udp   IBM EServer PAP
  #                          Dave Gimpl  January 2003
  infoexch        3667/tcp   IBM Information Exchange
  infoexch        3667/udp   IBM Information Exchange
  #                          Paul Ford-Hutchinson  January 2003
  dell-rm-port    3668/tcp   Dell Remote Management
  dell-rm-port    3668/udp   Dell Remote Management
  #                          Bradley Bransom  January 2003
  casanswmgmt     3669/tcp   CA SAN Switch Management
  casanswmgmt     3669/udp   CA SAN Switch Management
  #                          Emre Tunar  January 2003
  smile           3670/tcp   SMILE TCP/UDP Interface
  smile           3670/udp   SMILE TCP/UDP Interface
  #                          Andre Petras  January 2003
  efcp            3671/tcp   e Field Control (EIBnet)
  efcp            3671/udp   e Field Control (EIBnet)
  #                          Marc Goossens  January 2003
  lispworks-orb   3672/tcp   LispWorks ORB
  lispworks-orb   3672/udp   LispWorks ORB
  #                          Lisp Support
  mediavault-gui  3673/tcp   Openview Media Vault GUI
  mediavault-gui  3673/udp   Openview Media Vault GUI
  #                          Stephen Gold  January 2003
  wininstall-ipc  3674/tcp   WinINSTALL IPC Port
  wininstall-ipc  3674/udp   WinINSTALL IPC Port
  #                          Previous contact: Bill Somerville  January 2003
  #                          Current contact: Bill Somerville  13 August 2008
  calltrax        3675/tcp   CallTrax Data Port
  calltrax        3675/udp   CallTrax Data Port
  #                          Oliver Bailey  January 2003
  va-pacbase      3676/tcp   VisualAge Pacbase server
  va-pacbase      3676/udp   VisualAge Pacbase server
  #                          Dominique Lelievre  January 2003
  roverlog        3677/tcp   RoverLog IPC
  roverlog        3677/udp   RoverLog IPC
  #                          Tom Mayo  January 2003
  ipr-dglt        3678/tcp   DataGuardianLT
  ipr-dglt        3678/udp   DataGuardianLT
  #                          Bruce Carlson  January 2003
  newton-dock     3679/tcp   Newton Dock
  newton-dock     3679/udp   Newton Dock
  npds-tracker    3680/tcp   NPDS Tracker
  npds-tracker    3680/udp   NPDS Tracker
  #                          Paul Guyot  January 2003
  bts-x73         3681/tcp   BTS X73 Port
  bts-x73         3681/udp   BTS X73 Port
  #                          Todd Cooper  January 2003
  cas-mapi        3682/tcp   EMC SmartPackets-MAPI
  cas-mapi        3682/udp   EMC SmartPackets-MAPI
  #                          Koen Schoofs  January 2003
  bmc-ea          3683/tcp   BMC EDV/EA
  bmc-ea          3683/udp   BMC EDV/EA
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  January 2003
  faxstfx-port    3684/tcp   FAXstfX
  faxstfx-port    3684/udp   FAXstfX
  #                          Alec Carlson  January 2003
  dsx-agent       3685/tcp   DS Expert Agent
  dsx-agent       3685/udp   DS Expert Agent
  #                          Previous contact: NetPro Computing  January 2003
  #                          New contacts: Jason Lockett  16 December 2008
  #                          New contacts: Melanie Kacerek  16 December 2008
  tnmpv2          3686/tcp   Trivial Network Management
  tnmpv2          3686/udp   Trivial Network Management
  #                          Andrea Premoli  January 2003
  simple-push     3687/tcp   simple-push
  simple-push     3687/udp   simple-push
  simple-push-s   3688/tcp   simple-push Secure
  simple-push-s   3688/udp   simple-push Secure
  #                          C. Enrique Ortiz  January 2003
  daap            3689/tcp   Digital Audio Access Protocol
  daap            3689/udp   Digital Audio Access Protocol
  #                          Amandeep Jawa  January 2003
  svn             3690/tcp   Subversion
  svn             3690/udp   Subversion
  #                          Greg Hudson  January 2003
  magaya-network  3691/tcp   Magaya Network Port
  magaya-network  3691/udp   Magaya Network Port
  #                          Jesus David Rodriguez  February 2003
  intelsync       3692/tcp   Brimstone IntelSync
  intelsync       3692/udp   Brimstone IntelSync
  #                          Davey Taylor  February 2003
  #               3693-3694  Unassigned (Removed 2007-04-05)
  bmc-data-coll   3695/tcp   BMC Data Collection
  bmc-data-coll   3695/udp   BMC Data Collection
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  February 2003
  telnetcpcd      3696/tcp   Telnet Com Port Control
  telnetcpcd      3696/udp   Telnet Com Port Control
  #                          Thomas J. Pinkl  February 2003
  nw-license      3697/tcp   NavisWorks License System
  nw-license      3697/udp   NavisWorks Licnese System
  #                          Tim Wiegand  February 2003
  sagectlpanel    3698/tcp   SAGECTLPANEL
  sagectlpanel    3698/udp   SAGECTLPANEL
  #                          Mark Gamble  February 2003
  kpn-icw         3699/tcp   Internet Call Waiting
  kpn-icw         3699/udp   Internet Call Waiting
  #                          B.J. Kortekaas  February 2003
  lrs-paging      3700/tcp   LRS NetPage
  lrs-paging      3700/udp   LRS NetPage
  #                          Geoffrey Wossum  February 2003
  netcelera       3701/tcp   NetCelera
  netcelera       3701/udp   NetCelera
  #                          Tarek Nabhan  February 2003
  ws-discovery    3702/tcp   Web Service Discovery
  ws-discovery    3702/udp   Web Service Discovery
  #                          Christian Huitema  February 2003
  adobeserver-3   3703/tcp   Adobe Server 3
  adobeserver-3   3703/udp   Adobe Server 3
  adobeserver-4   3704/tcp   Adobe Server 4
  adobeserver-4   3704/udp   Adobe Server 4
  #                          Frank Soetebeer  January 2003
  adobeserver-5   3705/tcp   Adobe Server 5
  adobeserver-5   3705/udp   Adobe Server 5
  #                          Previous Contact: Frank Soetebeer  January 2003
  #                          Current Contact: Bernd Paradies  14 January 2008
  rt-event        3706/tcp   Real-Time Event Port
  rt-event        3706/udp   Real-Time Event Port
  rt-event-s      3707/tcp   Real-Time Event Secure Port
  rt-event-s      3707/udp   Real-Time Event Secure Port
  #                          Terry Gin  February 2003
  sun-as-iiops    3708/tcp   Sun App Svr - Naming
  sun-as-iiops    3708/udp   Sun App Svr - Naming
  #                          Abhijit Kumar  November 2005
  ca-idms         3709/tcp   CA-IDMS Server
  ca-idms         3709/udp   CA-IDMS Server
  #                          Dave Ross  
  portgate-auth   3710/tcp   PortGate Authentication
  portgate-auth   3710/udp   PortGate Authentication
  #                          Scott Harris  February 2003
  edb-server2     3711/tcp   EBD Server 2
  edb-server2     3711/udp   EBD Server 2
  #                          Carlos Portela  February 2003
  sentinel-ent    3712/tcp   Sentinel Enterprise
  sentinel-ent    3712/udp   Sentinel Enterprise
  #                          Ian Gordon  March 2003
  tftps           3713/tcp   TFTP over TLS
  tftps           3713/udp   TFTP over TLS
  #                          Mark mayernick  March 2003
  delos-dms       3714/tcp   DELOS Direct Messaging
  delos-dms       3714/udp   DELOS Direct Messaging
  #                          Ekkehard Morgenstern  March 2003
  anoto-rendezv   3715/tcp   Anoto Rendezvous Port
  anoto-rendezv   3715/udp   Anoto Rendezvous Port
  #                          Ola Sandstrom  March 2003
  wv-csp-sms-cir  3716/tcp   WV CSP SMS CIR Channel
  wv-csp-sms-cir  3716/udp   WV CSP SMS CIR Channel
  wv-csp-udp-cir  3717/tcp   WV CSP UDP/IP CIR Channel
  wv-csp-udp-cir  3717/udp   WV CSP UDP/IP CIR Channel
  #                          Jon Ingi Ingimundarson  March 2003
  opus-services   3718/tcp   OPUS Server Port
  opus-services   3718/udp   OPUS Server Port
  #                          Detlef Stoever  March 2003
  itelserverport  3719/tcp   iTel Server Port
  itelserverport  3719/udp   iTel Server Port
  #                          Mark Hendricks  March 2003
  ufastro-instr   3720/tcp   UF Astro. Instr. Services
  ufastro-instr   3720/udp   UF Astro. Instr. Services
  #                          David B. Hon  March 2003
  xsync           3721/tcp   Xsync
  xsync           3721/udp   Xsync
  xserveraid      3722/tcp   Xserve RAID
  xserveraid      3722/udp   Xserve RAID
  #                          Bob Bradley  March 2003
  sychrond        3723/tcp   Sychron Service Daemon
  sychrond        3723/udp   Sychron Service Daemon
  #                          Robert Marinelli  March 2003
  blizwow         3724/tcp   World of Warcraft
  blizwow         3724/udp   World of Warcraft
  #                          Domain Tech  April 2005
  na-er-tip       3725/tcp   Netia NA-ER Port
  na-er-tip       3725/udp   Netia NA-ER Port
  #                          Jean-Pierre Garcia  April 2003
  array-manager   3726/tcp   Xyratex Array Manager
  array-manager   3726/udp   Xyartex Array Manager
  #                          David A. Lethe  April 2003
  e-mdu           3727/tcp   Ericsson Mobile Data Unit
  e-mdu           3727/udp   Ericsson Mobile Data Unit
  e-woa           3728/tcp   Ericsson Web on Air
  e-woa           3728/udp   Ericsson Web on Air
  #                          Marco Casole  April 2003
  fksp-audit      3729/tcp   Fireking Audit Port
  fksp-audit      3729/udp   Fireking Audit Port
  #                          Richard Thurman  April 2003
  client-ctrl     3730/tcp   Client Control
  client-ctrl     3730/udp   Client Control
  #                          Lawrence W. Dunn  April 2003
  smap            3731/tcp   Service Manager
  smap            3731/udp   Service Manager
  m-wnn           3732/tcp   Mobile Wnn
  m-wnn           3732/udp   Mobile Wnn
  #                          Yasunari Yamashita  April 2003
  multip-msg      3733/tcp   Multipuesto Msg Port
  multip-msg      3733/udp   Multipuesto Msg Port
  #                          Felisa Ares  April 2003
  synel-data      3734/tcp   Synel Data Collection Port
  synel-data      3734/udp   Synel Data Collection Port
  #                          David Ashkenazi  April 2003
  pwdis           3735/tcp   Password Distribution
  pwdis           3735/udp   Password Distribution
  #                          Robert Erl  April 2003
  rs-rmi          3736/tcp   RealSpace RMI
  rs-rmi          3736/udp   RealSpace RMI
  #                          Barry McDarby  April 2003
  xpanel          3737/tcp   XPanel Daemon
  #                          Lilian Rudenco  04 March 2009
  #               3737/udp   Reserved
  versatalk       3738/tcp   versaTalk Server Port
  versatalk       3738/udp   versaTalk Server Port
  #                          Dr. Kingsley C. Nwosu  April 2003
  launchbird-lm   3739/tcp   Launchbird LicenseManager
  launchbird-lm   3739/udp   Launchbird LicenseManager
  #                          Tom Hawkins  April 2003
  heartbeat       3740/tcp   Heartbeat Protocol
  heartbeat       3740/udp   Heartbeat Protocol
  #                          Jeroen Massar  April 2003
  wysdma          3741/tcp   WysDM Agent
  wysdma          3741/udp   WysDM Agent
  #                          Jim McDonald  April 2003
  cst-port        3742/tcp   CST - Configuration & Service Tracker
  cst-port        3742/udp   CST - Configuration & Service Tracker
  #                          Hai Ou-Yang  April 2003
  ipcs-command    3743/tcp   IP Control Systems Ltd.
  ipcs-command    3743/udp   IP Control Systems Ltd.
  #                          Paul Anderson  April 2003
  sasg            3744/tcp   SASG
  sasg            3744/udp   SASG
  #                          Cristian Petculescu  April 2003
  gw-call-port    3745/tcp   GWRTC Call Port
  gw-call-port    3745/udp   GWRTC Call Port
  #                          Felisa Ares  April 2003
  linktest        3746/tcp   LXPRO.COM LinkTest
  linktest        3746/udp   LXPRO.COM LinkTest
  linktest-s      3747/tcp   LXPRO.COM LinkTest SSL
  linktest-s      3747/udp   LXPRO.COM LinkTest SSL
  #                          Greg Bailey  April 2003
  webdata         3748/tcp   webData
  webdata         3748/udp   webData
  #                          Michael Whiteley  April 2003
  cimtrak         3749/tcp   CimTrak
  cimtrak         3749/udp   CimTrak
  #                          Robert E. Johnson, III  April 2003
  cbos-ip-port    3750/tcp   CBOS/IP ncapsalation port
  cbos-ip-port    3750/udp   CBOS/IP ncapsalatoin port
  #                          Thomas Dannemiller  April 2003
  gprs-cube       3751/tcp   CommLinx GPRS Cube
  gprs-cube       3751/udp   CommLinx GPRS Cube
  #                          Peter Johnson  April 2003
  vipremoteagent  3752/tcp   Vigil-IP RemoteAgent
  vipremoteagent  3752/udp   Vigil-IP RemoteAgent
  #                          Bryan Alvord  April 2003
  nattyserver     3753/tcp   NattyServer Port
  nattyserver     3753/udp   NattyServer Port
  #                          Akira Saito  April 2003
  timestenbroker  3754/tcp   TimesTen Broker Port
  timestenbroker  3754/udp   TimesTen Broker Port
  #                          David Aspinwall  April 2003
  sas-remote-hlp  3755/tcp   SAS Remote Help Server
  sas-remote-hlp  3755/udp   SAS Remote Help Server
  #                          Gary T. Ciampa  April 2003
  canon-capt      3756/tcp   Canon CAPT Port
  canon-capt      3756/udp   Canon CAPT Port
  #                          Takashi Okazawa  April 2003
  grf-port        3757/tcp   GRF Server Port
  grf-port        3757/udp   GRF Server Port
  #                          Robert Banfill  April 2003
  apw-registry    3758/tcp   apw RMI registry
  apw-registry    3758/udp   apw RMI registry
  #                          Dan Davis  April 2003
  exapt-lmgr      3759/tcp   Exapt License Manager
  exapt-lmgr      3759/udp   Exapt License Manager
  #                          Christoph Kukulies  April 2003
  adtempusclient  3760/tcp   adTempus Client
  adtempusclient  3760/udp   adTEmpus Client
  #                          Bill Wingate  May 2003
  gsakmp          3761/tcp   gsakmp port
  gsakmp          3761/udp   gsakmp port
  #                          [RFC4535] 
  gbs-smp         3762/tcp   GBS SnapMail Protocol
  gbs-smp         3762/udp   GBS SnapMail Protocol
  #                          Eric Harris-Braun  June 2003
  xo-wave         3763/tcp   XO Wave Control Port
  xo-wave         3763/udp   XO Wave Control Port
  #                          Bjorn Dittmer-Roche  June 2003
  mni-prot-rout   3764/tcp   MNI Protected Routing
  mni-prot-rout   3764/udp   MNI Protected Routing
  #                          Tim Behne  June 2003
  rtraceroute     3765/tcp   Remote Traceroute
  rtraceroute     3765/udp   Remote Traceroute
  #                          A. Blake Cooper  June 2003
  #               3766       Unassigned (Returned 2009-06-19)
  listmgr-port    3767/tcp   ListMGR Port
  listmgr-port    3767/udp   ListMGR Port
  #                          Takashi Kubota  June 2003
  rblcheckd       3768/tcp   rblcheckd server daemon
  rblcheckd       3768/udp   rblcheckd server daemon
  #                          Sabri Berisha  June 2003
  haipe-otnk      3769/tcp   HAIPE Network Keying
  haipe-otnk      3769/udp   HAIPE Network Keying
  #                          Mike Irani  June 2003
  cindycollab     3770/tcp   Cinderella Collaboration
  cindycollab     3770/udp   Cinderella Collaboration
  #                          Ulrich Kortenkamp   June 2003
  paging-port     3771/tcp   RTP Paging Port
  paging-port     3771/udp   RTP Paging Port
  #                          Patrick Ferriter  June 2003
  ctp             3772/tcp   Chantry Tunnel Protocol
  ctp             3772/udp   Chantry Tunnel Protocol
  #                          Inderpreet Singh  June 2003
  ctdhercules     3773/tcp   ctdhercules
  ctdhercules     3773/udp   ctdhercules
  #                          Carl Banzhof  June 2003
  zicom           3774/tcp   ZICOM
  zicom           3774/udp   ZICOM
  #                          Sabu Das  June 2003
  ispmmgr         3775/tcp   ISPM Manager Port
  ispmmgr         3775/udp   ISPM Manager Port
  #                          Eric Anderson  June 2003
  dvcprov-port    3776/tcp   Device Provisioning Port
  dvcprov-port    3776/udp   Device Provisioning Port
  #                          Rob Lehew  June 2003
  jibe-eb         3777/tcp   Jibe EdgeBurst
  jibe-eb         3777/udp   Jibe EdgeBurst
  #                          Chap Tippin  June 2003        
  c-h-it-port     3778/tcp   Cutler-Hammer IT Port
  c-h-it-port     3778/udp   Cutler-Hammer IT Port
  #                          Thomas Ruchti  June 2003
  cognima         3779/tcp   Cognima Replication
  cognima         3779/udp   Cognima Replication
  #                          Raplh Greenwell  June 2003
  nnp             3780/tcp   Nuzzler Network Protocol
  nnp             3780/udp   Nuzzler Network Protocol
  #                          Andreas Schwarz  June 2003
  abcvoice-port   3781/tcp   ABCvoice server port
  abcvoice-port   3781/udp   ABCvoice server port
  #                          Carlos Gonzalez-Roman Ferrer  June 2003
  iso-tp0s        3782/tcp   Secure ISO TP0 port
  iso-tp0s        3782/udp   Secure ISO TP0 port
  #                          Herbert Falk  June 2003
  bim-pem         3783/tcp   Impact Mgr./PEM Gateway
  bim-pem         3783/udp   Impact Mgr./PEM Gateway
  #                          Walter G. Giroir  July 2003
  bfd-control     3784/tcp   BFD Control Protocol
  bfd-control     3784/udp   BFD Control Protocol
  #                          [RFC-ietf-bfd-v4v6-1hop-10.txt]
  bfd-echo        3785/tcp   BFD Echo Protocol
  bfd-echo        3785/udp   BFD Echo Protocol
  #                          [RFC-ietf-bfd-v4v6-1hop-10.txt]
  upstriggervsw   3786/tcp   VSW Upstrigger port
  upstriggervsw   3786/udp   VSW Upstrigger port
  #                          Mark-Tim Junghanns  July 2003
  fintrx          3787/tcp   Fintrx
  fintrx          3787/udp   Fintrx
  #                          Peter G.L. Potgieser  July 2003
  isrp-port       3788/tcp   SPACEWAY Routing port
  isrp-port       3788/udp   SPACEWAY Routing port
  #                          Vaibhav Kumar  July 2003
  remotedeploy    3789/tcp   RemoteDeploy Administration Port [July 2003]
  remotedeploy    3789/udp   RemoteDeploy Administration Port [July 2003]
  #                          Detlef Rothe  15 May 2009
  quickbooksrds   3790/tcp   QuickBooks RDS
  quickbooksrds   3790/udp   QuickBooks RDS
  #                          Almira  July 2003
  tvnetworkvideo  3791/tcp   TV NetworkVideo Data port
  tvnetworkvideo  3791/udp   TV NetworkVideo Data port
  #                          Kevin Brunner  July 2003
  sitewatch       3792/tcp   e-Watch Corporation SiteWatch
  sitewatch       3792/udp   e-Watch Corporation SiteWatch
  #                          John M. Baird  July 2003
  dcsoftware      3793/tcp   DataCore Software
  dcsoftware      3793/udp   DataCore Software
  #                          Andre Cato  July 2003
  jaus            3794/tcp   JAUS Robots
  jaus            3794/udp   JAUS Robots
  #                          Steven B. Cliff  July 2003
  myblast         3795/tcp   myBLAST Mekentosj port
  myblast         3795/udp   myBLAST Mekentosj port
  #                          Alexander Griekspoor  July 2003
  spw-dialer      3796/tcp   Spaceway Dialer
  spw-dialer      3796/udp   Spaceway Dialer
  #                          Patrick Fisher  July 2003

  idps            3797/tcp  >
  idps            3797/udp  >  #                          Jean-Francois Rabasse  July 2003
  minilock        3798/tcp   Minilock
  minilock        3798/udp   Minilock
  #                          Daniel Julio Reyes  August 2003
  radius-dynauth  3799/tcp   RADIUS Dynamic Authorization
  radius-dynauth  3799/udp   RADIUS Dynamic Authorization
  #                          RFC 3576 - July 2003
  pwgpsi          3800/tcp   Print Services Interface
  pwgpsi          3800/udp   Print Services Interface
  #                          Harry Lewis  May 2003 
  ibm-mgr  3801/tcp   ibm manager service
  ibm-mgr  3801/udp   ibm manager service
  #      Tim Hahn  March 2006
  vhd             3802/tcp   VHD
  vhd             3802/udp   VHD
  #                          Chris Duncombe   
  soniqsync       3803/tcp   SoniqSync
  soniqsync       3803/udp   SoniqSync
  #                          Ryan Melville  January 2004
  iqnet-port      3804/tcp   Harman IQNet Port
  iqnet-port      3804/udp   Harman IQNet Port
  #                          Bruce Vander Werf  February 2004
  tcpdataserver   3805/tcp   ThorGuard Server Port
  tcpdataserver   3805/udp   ThorGuard Server Port
  #                          Joel E. Steiger  February 2004
  wsmlb           3806/tcp   Remote System Manager
  wsmlb           3806/udp   Remote System Manager
  #                          Thomas Fiege  February 2004
  spugna          3807/tcp   SpuGNA Communication Port
  spugna          3807/udp   SpuGNA Communication Port
  #                          Samuele Sequi  February 2004
  sun-as-iiops-ca 3808/tcp   Sun App Svr-IIOPClntAuth
  sun-as-iiops-ca 3808/udp   Sun App Svr-IIOPClntAuth
  #                          Abhijit Kumar  November 2005
  apocd  3809/tcp   Java Desktop System Configuration Agent
  apocd  3809/udp   Java Desktop System Configuration Agent
  #      Geoff Higgins  March 2006
  wlanauth        3810/tcp   WLAN AS server
  wlanauth        3810/udp   WLAN AS server
  #                          Bianling Zhang  February 2004   
  amp             3811/tcp   AMP
  amp             3811/udp   AMP
  #                          Northon Rodrigues  February 2004
  neto-wol-server 3812/tcp   netO WOL Server
  neto-wol-server 3812/udp   netO WOL Server
  #                          Martin Bestmann  March 2004
  rap-ip          3813/tcp   Rhapsody Interface Protocol
  rap-ip          3813/udp   Rhapsody Interface Protocol
  #                          Paul Zander (Philips CFT)  March 2004
  neto-dcs        3814/tcp   netO DCS
  neto-dcs        3814/udp   netO DCS
  #                          Martin Bestmann  March 2004
  lansurveyorxml  3815/tcp   LANsurveyor XML
  lansurveyorxml  3815/udp   LANsurveyor XML
  #                          Michael Swan  April 2004
  sunlps-http     3816/tcp   Sun Local Patch Server
  sunlps-http     3816/udp   Sun Local Patch Server
  #                          Barry Greenberg  April 2004
  tapeware        3817/tcp   Yosemite Tech Tapeware
  tapeware        3817/udp   Yosemite Tech Tapeware
  #                          Luke Dion  April 2004
  crinis-hb       3818/tcp   Crinis Heartbeat
  crinis-hb       3818/udp   Crinis Heartbeat
  #                          Eric McMurry  April 2004
  epl-slp         3819/tcp   EPL Sequ Layer Protocol
  epl-slp         3819/udp   EPL Sequ Layer Protocol
  #                          Hans Weibel  October 2004
  scp             3820/tcp   Siemens AuD SCP
  scp             3820/udp   Siemens AuD SCP
  #                          Johann Arnold  October 2004
  pmcp            3821/tcp   ATSC PMCP Standard
  pmcp            3821/udp   ATSC PMCP Standard
  #                          Graham Jones  November 2004
  acp-discovery   3822/tcp   Compute Pool Discovery
  acp-discovery   3822/udp   Compute Pool Discovery
  acp-conduit     3823/tcp   Compute Pool Conduit
  acp-conduit     3823/udp   Compute Pool Conduit
  acp-policy      3824/tcp   Compute Pool Policy
  acp-policy      3824/udp   Compute Pool Policy
  #                          Andy Belk  February 2005
  ffserver 3825/tcp   Antera FlowFusion Process Simulation
  ffserver 3825/udp   Antera FlowFusion Process Simulation
  #      Armin Liebchen  June 2007
  wormux  3826/tcp   Wormux server
  wormux  3826/udp   Wormux server
  #      DEFERT-SIMONNEAU  June 2007
  netmpi  3827/tcp   Netadmin Systems MPI service
  netmpi  3827/udp   Netadmin Systems MPI service
  #      Göran Runfeldt  10 July 2007
  neteh  3828/tcp   Netadmin Systems Event Handler
  neteh  3828/udp   Netadmin Systems Event Handler
  neteh-ext 3829/tcp   Netadmin Systems Event Handler External
  neteh-ext 3829/udp   Netadmin Systems Event Handler External
  #      Jonas Krogell  10 July 2007
  cernsysmgmtagt  3830/tcp   Cerner System Management Agent
  cernsysmgmtagt  3830/udp   Cerner System Management Agent
  #                          Mike Craft  29 January 2008
  dvapps  3831/tcp   Docsvault Application Service
  dvapps  3831/udp   Docsvault Application Service
  #      Ketul Patel  October 2006
  xxnetserver 3832/tcp   xxNETserver
  xxnetserver 3832/udp   xxNETserver
  #      Lawrence R. Bulduc  October 2006
  aipn-auth 3833/tcp   AIPN LS Authentication
  aipn-auth 3833/udp   AIPN LS Authentication
  #      Qiang Zhang  October 2006
  spectardata 3834/tcp   Spectar Data Stream Service
  spectardata 3834/udp   Spectar Data Stream Service
  spectardb 3835/tcp   Spectar Database Rights Service
  spectardb 3835/udp   Spectar Database Rights Service
  #      Jan Rutger Voorhorst  October 2006
  markem-dcp      3836/tcp   MARKEM NEXTGEN DCP
  markem-dcp      3836/udp   MARKEM NEXTGEN DCP
  mkm-discovery   3837/tcp   MARKEM Auto-Discovery
  mkm-discovery   3837/udp   MARKEM Auto-Discovery
  #                          Vadym Kargin  August 2005
  sos             3838/tcp   Scito Object Server
  sos             3838/udp   Scito Object Server
  #                          Arno Klaassen  November 2003
  amx-rms         3839/tcp   AMX Resource Management Suite
  amx-rms         3839/udp   AMX Resource Management Suite
  #                          Ron Barber  November 2003
  flirtmitmir     3840/tcp   www.FlirtMitMir.de
  flirtmitmir     3840/udp   www.FlirtMitMir.de
  #                          Carsten Falticska  November 2003
  zfirm-shiprush3 3841/tcp   Z-Firm ShipRush v3
  zfirm-shiprush3 3841/udp   Z-Firm ShipRush v3
  #                          Rafael Zimberoff  November 2003
  nhci            3842/tcp   NHCI status port
  nhci            3842/udp   NHCI status port
  #                          Eric Welch  November 2003
  quest-agent     3843/tcp   Quest Common Agent
  quest-agent     3843/udp   Quest Common Agent
  #                          Peter Maher  November 2003
  rnm             3844/tcp   RNM
  rnm             3844/udp   RNM
  #                          sn0w of renegade labs  November 2003                                       
  v-one-spp       3845/tcp   V-ONE Single Port Proxy
  v-one-spp       3845/udp   V-ONE Single Port Proxy
  #                          Daniel Becker
  an-pcp          3846/tcp   Astare Network PCP
  an-pcp          3846/udp   Astare Network PCP
  #                          Tony Gulino  August 2003
  msfw-control    3847/tcp   MS Firewall Control
  msfw-control    3847/udp   MS Firewall Control
  #                          Oren Trutner  August 2003
  item            3848/tcp   IT Environmental Monitor
  item            3848/udp   IT Environmental Monitor
  #                          Keith Wright  August 2003
  spw-dnspreload  3849/tcp   SPACEWAY DNS Preload
  spw-dnspreload  3849/udp   SPACEWAY DNS Prelaod
  #                          Daniel Friedman  August 2003
  qtms-bootstrap  3850/tcp   QTMS Bootstrap Protocol
  qtms-bootstrap  3850/udp   QTMS Bootstrap Protocol
  #                          Phil Willis  August 2003
  spectraport     3851/tcp   SpectraTalk Port
  spectraport     3851/udp   SpectraTalk Port
  #                          Madhav Karhade  August 2003
  sse-app-config  3852/tcp   SSE App Configuration
  sse-app-config  3852/udp   SSE App Configuration
  #                          Tim Wilson  August 2003
  sscan           3853/tcp   SONY scanning protocol
  sscan           3853/udp   SONY scanning protocol
  #                          Takashi Aihara  August 2003
  stryker-com     3854/tcp   Stryker Comm Port
  stryker-com     3854/udp   Stryker Comm Port
  #                          Andrew Schultz  August 2003
  opentrac        3855/tcp   OpenTRAC
  opentrac        3855/udp   OpenTRAC
  #                          Scott Miller  August 2003
  informer        3856/tcp   INFORMER
  informer        3856/udp   INFORMER
  #                          Filippo Fadda  August 2003
  trap-port       3857/tcp   Trap Port
  trap-port       3857/udp   Trap Port
  #                          Norm Freedman  August 2003
  trap-port-mom   3858/tcp   Trap Port MOM
  trap-port-mom   3858/udp   Trap Port MOM
  #                          Norm Freedman  August 2003
  nav-port        3859/tcp   Navini Port
  nav-port        3859/udp   Navini Port
  #                          Chris Sanders  August 2003
  sasp  3860/tcp   Server/Application State Protocol (SASP)
  sasp  3860/udp   Server/Application State Protocol (SASP)
  #                          Alan Bivens  August 2003
  winshadow-hd    3861/tcp   winShadow Host Discovery
  winshadow-hd    3861/udp   winShadow Host Discovery
  #                          Shu-Wei Tan  March 2003
  giga-pocket     3862/tcp   GIGA-POCKET
  giga-pocket     3862/udp   GIGA-POCKET
  #                          Yoshikazu Watanabe
  asap-tcp        3863/tcp   asap tcp port
  asap-udp        3863/udp   asap udp port
  #                          [RFC5352]
  asap-sctp       3863/sctp  asap sctp
  #                          [RFC5352]
  asap-tcp-tls    3864/tcp   asap/tls tcp port
  #                          [RFC5352]
  asap-sctp-tls   3864/sctp  asap-sctp/tls
  #                          [RFC5352]
  xpl             3865/tcp   xpl automation protocol
  xpl             3865/udp   xpl automation protocol
  #                          Ian Lowe  August 2003
  dzdaemon        3866/tcp   Sun SDViz DZDAEMON Port
  dzdaemon        3866/udp   Sun SDViz DZDAEMON Port
  #                          Kevin Rushforth  August 2003
  dzoglserver     3867/tcp   Sun SDViz DZOGLSERVER Port
  dzoglserver     3867/udp   Sun SDViz DZOGLSERVER Port
  #                          Kevin Rushforth  August 2003
  diameter        3868/tcp   DIAMETER
  #               3868/udp   Reserved
  diameter        3868/sctp  DIAMETER
  #                          RFC3588
  ovsam-mgmt      3869/tcp   hp OVSAM MgmtServer Disco
  ovsam-mgmt      3869/udp   hp OVSAM MgmtServer Disco
  #                          Mike Pontillo  August 2003
  ovsam-d-agent   3870/tcp   hp OVSAM HostAgent Disco
  ovsam-d-agent   3870/udp   hp OVSAM HostAgent Disco
  #                          Mike Pontillo  August 2003
  avocent-adsap   3871/tcp   Avocent DS Authorization
  avocent-adsap   3871/udp   Avocent DS Authorization
  #                          Eduardo Fernandez  August 2003
  oem-agent       3872/tcp   OEM Agent
  oem-agent       3872/udp   OEM Agent
  #                          Narain Jagathesan  November 2003
  fagordnc        3873/tcp   fagordnc
  fagordnc        3873/udp   fagordnc
  #                          Luis Zugasti  November 2003
  sixxsconfig     3874/tcp   SixXS Configuration
  sixxsconfig     3874/udp   SixXS Configuration
  #                          Jeroen Massar  November 2003
  pnbscada        3875/tcp   PNBSCADA
  pnbscada        3875/udp   PNBSCADA
  #                          Philip N. Bergstresser  
  dl_agent        3876/tcp   DirectoryLockdown Agent
  dl_agent        3876/udp   DirectoryLockdown Agent
  #                          Previous contact: NetPro Computing  October 2003
  #                          New contacts: Jason Lockett  16 December 2008
  #                          New contacts: Melanie Kacerek  16 December 2008
  xmpcr-interface 3877/tcp   XMPCR Interface Port
  xmpcr-interface 3877/udp   XMPCR Interface Port
  #                          Christopher Carlson  October 2003
  fotogcad        3878/tcp   FotoG CAD interface
  fotogcad        3878/udp   FotoG CAD interface
  #                          Jason Szabo  October 2003
  appss-lm        3879/tcp   appss license manager
  appss-lm        3879/udp   appss license manager
  #                          Peter Krueger  October 2003
  igrs  3880/tcp   IGRS
  igrs  3880/udp   IGRS
  #                          Huang Jingnan  October 2003
  idac            3881/tcp   Data Acquisition and Control
  idac            3881/udp   Data Acquisition and Control
  #                          Chatziandreoglou Christos  October 2003
  msdts1          3882/tcp   DTS Service Port
  msdts1          3882/udp   DTS Service Port
  #                          Sergei Ivanov  October 2003
  vrpn            3883/tcp   VR Peripheral Network
  vrpn            3883/udp   VR Peripheral Network
  #                          Russell M. Taylor II  October 2003
  softrack-meter  3884/tcp   SofTrack Metering
  softrack-meter  3884/udp   SofTrack Metering
  #                          John T. McCann  October 2003
  topflow-ssl     3885/tcp   TopFlow SSL
  topflow-ssl     3885/udp   TopFlow SSL
  #                          Ken Nelson
  nei-management  3886/tcp   NEI management port
  nei-management  3886/udp   NEI management port
  #                          Kevin Murphy  October 2003
  ciphire-data    3887/tcp   Ciphire Data Transport
  ciphire-data    3887/udp   Ciphire Data Transport
  #                          Lars Eilebrecht  October 2003
  ciphire-serv    3888/tcp   Ciphire Services
  ciphire-serv    3888/udp   Ciphire Services
  #                          Lars Eilebrecht  October 2003
  dandv-tester    3889/tcp   D and V Tester Control Port
  dandv-tester    3889/udp   D and V Tester Control Port
  #                          Voiko Loukanov  October 2003
  ndsconnect      3890/tcp   Niche Data Server Connect
  ndsconnect      3890/udp   Niche Data Server Connect
  #                          Roland Schneider  October 2003
  rtc-pm-port     3891/tcp   Oracle RTC-PM port
  rtc-pm-port     3891/udp   Oracle RTC-PM port
  #                          PV Shivkumar  October 2003
  pcc-image-port  3892/tcp   PCC-image-port
  pcc-image-port  3892/udp   PCC-image-port
  #                          Shiro Tamoto  October 2003
  cgi-starapi     3893/tcp   CGI StarAPI Server
  cgi-starapi     3893/udp   CGI StarAPI Server
  #                          Garry Moore  October 2003
  syam-agent      3894/tcp   SyAM Agent Port
  syam-agent      3894/udp   SyAM Agent Port
  #                          Michael Daniele  October 2003
  syam-smc        3895/tcp   SyAm SMC Service Port
  syam-smc        3895/udp   SyAm SMC Service Port
  #                          Michael Daniele  October 2003
  sdo-tls         3896/tcp   Simple Distributed Objects over TLS
  sdo-tls         3896/udp   Simple Distributed Objects over TLS
  #                          Alexander Philippou  October 2003
  sdo-ssh         3897/tcp   Simple Distributed Objects over SSH
  sdo-ssh         3897/udp   Simple Distributed Objects over SSH
  #                          Alexander Philippou  October 2003
  senip           3898/tcp   IAS, Inc. SmartEye NET Internet Protocol
  senip           3898/udp   IAS, Inc. SmartEye NET Internet Protocol
  #                          Matt Nowicki  October 2003
  itv-control     3899/tcp   ITV Port
  itv-control     3899/udp   ITV Port
  #                          Alex Nicu  October 2003
  udt_os          3900/tcp   Unidata UDT OS
  udt_os          3900/udp   Unidata UDT OS
  #                          James Powell
  nimsh           3901/tcp   NIM Service Handler
  nimsh           3901/udp   NIM Service Handler
  #                          Paul B. Finley  October 2003
  nimaux          3902/tcp   NIMsh Auxiliary Port
  nimaux          3902/udp   NIMsh Auxiliary Port
  #                          Paul B. Finley  October 2003
  charsetmgr      3903/tcp   CharsetMGR
  charsetmgr      3903/udp   CharsetMGR
  #                          Tatsuya Ueda  October 2003
  omnilink-port   3904/tcp   Arnet Omnilink Port
  omnilink-port   3904/udp   Arnet Omnilink Port
  #                          Ronen Shaul  October 2003
  mupdate         3905/tcp   Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) protocol   
  mupdate         3905/udp   Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) protocol
  #                          [RFC3656]
  topovista-data  3906/tcp   TopoVista elevation data
  topovista-data  3906/udp   TopoVista elevation data
  #                          Gregg Townsend  November 2003
  imoguia-port    3907/tcp   Imoguia Port
  imoguia-port    3907/udp   Imoguia Port
  #                          Emidio Cunha  November 2003
  hppronetman     3908/tcp   HP Procurve NetManagement
  hppronetman     3908/udp   HP Procurve NetManagement
  #                          Devon Dawson  November 2003
  surfcontrolcpa  3909/tcp   SurfControl CPA
  surfcontrolcpa  3909/udp   SurfControl CPA
  #                          Hywel Morgan  November 2003
  prnrequest      3910/tcp   Printer Request Port
  prnrequest      3910/udp   Printer Request Port
  #                          Brett Green  November 2003
  prnstatus       3911/tcp   Printer Status Port
  prnstatus       3911/udp   Printer Status Port
  #                          Brett Green  November 2003
  gbmt-stars      3912/tcp   Global Maintech Stars
  gbmt-stars      3912/udp   Global Maintech Stars
  #                          Harry Goldschmitt  November 2003
  listcrt-port    3913/tcp   ListCREATOR Port
  listcrt-port    3913/udp   ListCREATOR Port
  #                          Tomokazu Asai  November 2003
  listcrt-port-2  3914/tcp   ListCREATOR Port 2
  listcrt-port-2  3914/udp   ListCREATOR Port 2
  #                          Tomokazu Asai  November 2003
  agcat           3915/tcp   Auto-Graphics Cataloging
  agcat           3915/udp   Auto-Graphics Cataloging
  #                          Paul Cope  November 2003
  wysdmc          3916/tcp   WysDM Controller
  wysdmc          3916/udp   WysDM Controller
  #                          Jim McDonald  November 2003
  aftmux          3917/tcp   AFT multiplex port
  aftmux          3917/udp   AFT multiples port
  #                          Alfred Schmidt  November 2003
  pktcablemmcops  3918/tcp   PacketCableMultimediaCOPS
  pktcablemmcops  3918/udp   PacketCableMultimediaCOPS
  #                          Eric Rosenfeld  November 2003
  hyperip         3919/tcp   HyperIP
  hyperip         3919/udp   HyperIP
  #                          Dave Reiland  November 2003
  exasoftport1    3920/tcp   Exasoft IP Port
  exasoftport1    3920/udp   Exasoft IP Port
  #                          Alan Malik  November 2003
  herodotus-net   3921/tcp   Herodotus Net
  herodotus-net   3921/udp   Herodotus Net
  #                          Adam Gawne-Cain  November 2003
  sor-update      3922/tcp   Soronti Update Port
  sor-update      3922/udp   Soronti Update Port
  #                          Carleton Watkins  November 2003
  symb-sb-port    3923/tcp   Symbian Service Broker
  symb-sb-port    3923/udp   Symbian Service Broker
  #                          Ian McDowall  November 2003
  mpl-gprs-port   3924/tcp   MPL_GPRS_PORT
  mpl-gprs-port   3924/udp   MPL_GPRS_Port
  #                          David Barrass  November 2003
  zmp             3925/tcp   Zoran Media Port
  zmp             3925/udp   Zoran Media Port
  #                          Gerard Cerchio gjpc&circlesoft.com November 2003
  winport         3926/tcp   WINPort
  winport         3926/udp   WINPort
  #                          Alwin Egger  November 2003
  natdataservice  3927/tcp   ScsTsr
  natdataservice  3927/udp   ScsTsr
  #                          Ghanshyam Patel  November 2003
  netboot-pxe     3928/tcp   PXE NetBoot Manager
  netboot-pxe     3928/udp   PXE NetBoot Manager
  #                          Markus Treinen  November 2003
  smauth-port     3929/tcp   AMS Port
  smauth-port     3929/udp   AMS Port
  #                          Angelique Dokos  November 2003
  syam-webserver  3930/tcp   Syam Web Server Port
  syam-webserver  3930/udp   Syam Web Server Port
  #                          Michael Daniele  November 2003
  msr-plugin-port 3931/tcp   MSR Plugin Port
  msr-plugin-port 3931/udp   MSR Plugin Port
  #                          Ron Steed  November 2003
  dyn-site        3932/tcp   Dynamic Site System
  dyn-site        3932/udp   Dynamic Site System
  #                          Steve Qi  November 2003
  plbserve-port   3933/tcp   PL/B App Server User Port
  plbserve-port   3933/udp   PL/B App Server User Port
  #                          Edward R. Boedecker  November 2003
  sunfm-port      3934/tcp   PL/B File Manager Port
  sunfm-port      3934/udp   PL/B File Manager Port
  #                          Edward R. Boedecker  November 2003
  sdp-portmapper  3935/tcp   SDP Port Mapper Protocol
  sdp-portmapper  3935/udp   SDP Port Mapper Protocol
  #                          James Pinkerton  November 2003
  mailprox        3936/tcp   Mailprox
  mailprox        3936/udp   Mailprox
  #                          Christof Drescher  November 2003
  dvbservdsc      3937/tcp   DVB Service Discovery
  dvbservdsc      3937/udp   DVB Service Discovery
  #                          Bert van Willigen  Novebmer 2003
  dbcontrol_agent 3938/tcp   Oracle dbControl Agent po
  dbcontrol_agent 3938/udp   Oracel dbControl Agent po
  #                          Todd Guay  November 2003
  aamp            3939/tcp   Anti-virus Application Management Port
  aamp            3939/udp   Anti-virus Application Management Port
  #                          In-sik Choi  February 2002
  xecp-node       3940/tcp   XeCP Node Service
  xecp-node       3940/udp   XeCP Node Service
  #                          Brent McCullough  November 2003
  homeportal-web  3941/tcp   Home Portal Web Server
  homeportal-web  3941/udp   Home Portal Web Server
  #                          Christian Beaumont  November 2003
  srdp            3942/tcp   satellite distribution
  srdp            3942/udp   satellite distribution
  #                          Simone Molendini  November 2003
  tig             3943/tcp   TetraNode Ip Gateway
  tig             3943/udp   TetraNode Ip Gateway
  #                          B. van Klinken  December 2003
  sops            3944/tcp   S-Ops Management
  sops            3944/udp   S-Ops Management
  #                          Stefan Hochuli  December 2003
  emcads          3945/tcp   EMCADS Server Port
  emcads          3945/udp   EMCADS Server Port
  #                          Lars Struwe Christensen  January 2004
  backupedge      3946/tcp   BackupEDGE Server
  backupedge      3946/udp   BackupEDGE Server
  #                          Frank Liberato  June 2004
  ccp             3947/tcp   Connect and Control Protocol for Consumer, Commercial, and Industrial Electronic Devices
  ccp             3947/udp   Connect and Control Protocol for Consumer, Commercial, and Industrial Electronic Devices
  #                          Aaron Myer  June 2004
  apdap           3948/tcp   Anton Paar Device Administration Protocol
  apdap           3948/udp   Anton Paar Device Administration Protocol
  #                          Martin Leitner  June 2004
  drip            3949/tcp   Dynamic Routing Information Protocol
  drip            3949/udp   Dynamic Routing Information Protocol
  #                          Dana Blair  June 2004
  namemunge       3950/tcp   Name Munging
  namemunge       3950/udp   Name Munging
  #                          John C. Klensin  July 2004
  pwgippfax       3951/tcp   PWG IPP Facsimile
  pwgippfax       3951/udp   PWG IPP Facsimile
  #                          Ira McDonald  August 2004
  i3-sessionmgr   3952/tcp   I3 Session Manager
  i3-sessionmgr   3952/udp   I3 Session Manager
  #                          Mike Gagle  August 2004
  xmlink-connect  3953/tcp   Eydeas XMLink Connect
  xmlink-connect  3953/udp   Eydeas XMLink Connect
  #                          David Crewson  September 2004
  adrep           3954/tcp   AD Replication RPC
  adrep           3954/udp   AD Replication RPC
  #                          Previous Contact: Robert Ball  August 2005
  #                          Current Contact: Robert Ball  26 March 2008
  p2pcommunity    3955/tcp   p2pCommunity
  p2pcommunity    3955/udp   p2pCommunity
  #                          Tiago Bittencourt Silva  August 2005
  gvcp            3956/tcp   GigE Vision Control
  gvcp            3956/udp   GigE Vision Control
  #                          Eric Carey  August 2005
  mqe-broker      3957/tcp   MQEnterprise Broker
  mqe-broker      3957/udp   MQEnterprise Broker
  mqe-agent       3958/tcp   MQEnterprise Agent
  mqe-agent       3958/udp   MQEnterprise Agent
  #                          Bob Lauria  August 2005
  treehopper      3959/tcp   Tree Hopper Networking
  treehopper      3959/udp   Tree Hopper Networking
  #                          Gary Whelan  August 2005
  bess            3960/tcp   Bess Peer Assessment
  bess            3960/udp   Bess Peer Assessment
  #                          Peter Verdon  August 2005
  proaxess        3961/tcp   ProAxess Server
  proaxess        3961/udp   ProAxess Server
  #                          Jonas Ahlqvist  August 2005
  sbi-agent       3962/tcp   SBI Agent Protocol
  sbi-agent       3962/udp   SBI Agent Protocol
  #                          Yossi Appleboum  August 2005
  thrp            3963/tcp   Teran Hybrid Routing Protocol
  thrp            3963/udp   Teran Hybrid Routing Protocol
  #                          Spencer Teran  August 2005
  sasggprs        3964/tcp   SASG GPRS
  sasggprs        3964/udp   SASG GPRS
  #                          Cristian Petculescu  August 2005
  ati-ip-to-ncpe  3965/tcp   Avanti IP to NCPE API
  ati-ip-to-ncpe  3965/udp   Avanti IP to NCPE API
  #                          Steve Meyer, Sr.  August 2005
  bflckmgr        3966/tcp   BuildForge Lock Manager
  bflckmgr        3966/udp   BuildForge Lock Manager
  #                          Joe Senner  August 2005
  ppsms           3967/tcp   PPS Message Service
  ppsms           3967/udp   PPS Message Service
  #                          Bart Schaefer  August 2005
  ianywhere-dbns  3968/tcp   iAnywhere DBNS
  ianywhere-dbns  3968/udp   iAnywhere DBNS
  #                          Graeme Perrow  August 2005
  landmarks       3969/tcp   Landmark Messages
  landmarks       3969/udp   Landmark Messages
  #                          Petri Rauhala  August 2005
  lanrevagent     3970/tcp   LANrev Agent
  lanrevagent     3970/udp   LANrev Agent
  lanrevserver    3971/tcp   LANrev Server
  lanrevserver    3971/udp   LANrev Server
  #                          Martin Bestmann  August 2005
  iconp           3972/tcp   ict-control Protocol
  iconp           3972/udp   ict-control Protocol
  #                          Roel Harbers  August 2005
  progistics      3973/tcp   ConnectShip Progistics
  progistics      3973/udp   ConnectShip Progistics
  #                          Jeff Skaistis  August 2005
  citysearch      3974/tcp   Remote Applicant Tracking Service
  citysearch      3974/udp   Remote Applicant Tracking Service
  #                          Marc Castelluccio  August 2005
  airshot         3975/tcp   Air Shot
  airshot         3975/udp   Air Shot
  #                          Shingo Kimura  August 2005
  opswagent  3976/tcp   Opsware Agent
  opswagent  3976/udp   Opsware Agent
  opswmanager 3977/tcp   Opsware Manager
  opswmanager 3977/udp   Opsware Manager
  #      Dave Jagoda  June 2006
  secure-cfg-svr 3978/tcp   Secured Configuration Server
  secure-cfg-svr 3978/udp   Secured Configuration Server
  #      Dr. Anupam Bharali  June 2006
  smwan  3979/tcp   Smith Micro Wide Area Network Service
  smwan  3979/udp   Smith Micro Wide Area Network Service
  #      David Sperling  June 2006
  acms  3980/tcp   Aircraft Cabin Management System
  acms  3980/udp   Aircraft Cabin Management System
  #      Dustin Zack  June 2006
  starfish 3981/tcp   Starfish System Admin
  starfish 3981/udp   Starfish System Admin
  #      Dan Razzell  June 2006
  eis  3982/tcp   ESRI Image Server
  eis  3982/udp   ESRI Image Server
  eisp  3983/tcp   ESRI Image Service
  eisp  3983/udp   ESRI Image Service
  #      Keith Ryden  July 2006
  mapper-nodemgr  3984/tcp   MAPPER network node manager
  mapper-nodemgr  3984/udp   MAPPER network node manager
  mapper-mapethd  3985/tcp   MAPPER TCP/IP server
  mapper-mapethd  3985/udp   MAPPER TCP/IP server
  mapper-ws_ethd  3986/tcp   MAPPER workstation server
  mapper-ws_ethd  3986/udp   MAPPER workstation server
  #                          John C. Horton
  centerline      3987/tcp   Centerline
  centerline      3987/udp   Centerline
  #                          Mark Simpson
  dcs-config      3988/tcp   DCS Configuration Port
  dcs-config      3988/udp   DCS Configuration Port
  #                          Ian Cargill  August 2005
  bv-queryengine  3989/tcp   BindView-Query Engine
  bv-queryengine  3989/udp   BindView-Query Engine
  bv-is           3990/tcp   BindView-IS
  bv-is           3990/udp   BindView-IS
  bv-smcsrv       3991/tcp   BindView-SMCServer
  bv-smcsrv       3991/udp   BindView-SMCServer
  bv-ds           3992/tcp   BindView-DirectoryServer
  bv-ds           3992/udp   BindView-DirectoryServer
  bv-agent        3993/tcp   BindView-Agent
  bv-agent        3993/udp   BindView-Agent
  #                          David A. Gayler  August 2005
  #               3994       Unassigned (Returned 2008-04-24)
  iss-mgmt-ssl    3995/tcp   ISS Management Svcs SSL
  iss-mgmt-ssl    3995/udp   ISS Management Svcs SSL
  #                          Wes Wilson  October 2003
  abcsoftware     3996/tcp   abcsoftware-01
  abcsoftware     3996/udp   abcsoftware-01
  #                          Andrew Zimmerman  June 2004
  agentsease-db   3997/tcp   aes_db
  agentsease-db   3997/udp   aes_db
  #      Colin Hughes  February 2006
  dnx  3998/tcp   Distributed Nagios Executor Service
  dnx  3998/udp   Distributed Nagios Executor Service
  #      John Calcote  06 November 2007
  nvcnet  3999/tcp   Norman distributes scanning service
  nvcnet  3999/udp   Norman distributes scanning service
  #      Kristian A. Bognaes, Norman ASA  06 November 2007
  terabase        4000/tcp   Terabase
  terabase        4000/udp   Terabase
  #                          Thor Olson   
  ####### Potential Conflict of ports ################################
  ####### PORT 4000 also used by ICQ  ###################
  newoak          4001/tcp   NewOak
  newoak          4001/udp   NewOak
  #                          Jim Philippou
  pxc-spvr-ft     4002/tcp   pxc-spvr-ft
  pxc-spvr-ft     4002/udp   pxc-spvr-ft
  pxc-splr-ft     4003/tcp   pxc-splr-ft
  pxc-splr-ft     4003/udp   pxc-splr-ft
  pxc-roid        4004/tcp   pxc-roid
  pxc-roid        4004/udp   pxc-roid
  pxc-pin         4005/tcp   pxc-pin
  pxc-pin         4005/udp   pxc-pin
  pxc-spvr        4006/tcp   pxc-spvr
  pxc-spvr        4006/udp   pxc-spvr
  pxc-splr        4007/tcp   pxc-splr
  pxc-splr        4007/udp   pxc-splr
  #                          Dave Nesbitt
  netcheque       4008/tcp   NetCheque accounting
  netcheque       4008/udp   NetCheque accounting
  #                          B. Clifford Neuman
  chimera-hwm     4009/tcp   Chimera HWM
  chimera-hwm 4009/udp   Chimera HWM
  #      Ken Anderson
  samsung-unidex  4010/tcp   Samsung Unidex
  samsung-unidex 4010/udp   Samsung Unidex
  #      Konstantin V. Vyaznikov

  altserviceboot 4011/tcp  >
  altserviceboot 4011/udp  >  #      Eric Dittert
  pda-gate 4012/tcp   PDA Gate
  pda-gate 4012/udp   PDA Gate
  #      Masakuni Okada
  acl-manager 4013/tcp   ACL Manager
  acl-manager 4013/udp   ACL Manager
  #      Toru Murai
  taiclock 4014/tcp   TAICLOCK
  taiclock 4014/udp   TAICLOCK
  #      Dan Bernstein
  talarian-mcast1 4015/tcp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast1 4015/udp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast2 4016/tcp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast2 4016/udp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast3 4017/tcp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast3 4017/udp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast4 4018/tcp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast4 4018/udp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast5 4019/tcp   Talarian Mcast
  talarian-mcast5 4019/udp   Talarian Mcast
  #      Geoff Mendal
  trap            4020/tcp   TRAP Port
  trap            4020/udp   TRAP Port
  #                          Jeffrey C. Byrd
  nexus-portal    4021/tcp   Nexus Portal
  nexus-portal    4021/udp   Nexus Portal
  #                          Damian Tarnawsky
  dnox            4022/tcp   DNOX
  dnox            4022/udp   DNOX
  #                          Leo Rathnayake
  esnm-zoning     4023/tcp   ESNM Zoning Port
  esnm-zoning     4023/udp   ESNM Zoning Port
  #                          Yong Cai
  tnp1-port       4024/tcp   TNP1 User Port
  tnp1-port       4024/udp   TNP1 User Port
  #                          Tony Gibbs
  partimage       4025/tcp   Partition Image Port
  partimage       4025/udp   Partition Image Port
  #                          Franck Ladurelle
  as-debug        4026/tcp   Graphical Debug Server
  as-debug        4026/udp   Graphical Debug Server
  #                          Steve Halverson
  bxp             4027/tcp   bitxpress
  bxp             4027/udp   bitxpress
  #                          Morgan Doyle
  dtserver-port   4028/tcp   DTServer Port
  dtserver-port   4028/udp   DTServer Port
  #                          Stephen Aikins
  ip-qsig         4029/tcp   IP Q signaling protocol
  ip-qsig         4029/udp   IP Q signaling protocol
  #                          Toru Tachibana
  jdmn-port       4030/tcp   Accell/JSP Daemon Port
  jdmn-port       4030/udp   Accell/JSP Daemon Port
  #                          Art Grand
  suucp           4031/tcp   UUCP over SSL
  suucp           4031/udp   UUCP over SSL
  #                          Harald Welte
  vrts-auth-port  4032/tcp   VERITAS Authorization Service
  vrts-auth-port  4032/udp   VERITAS Authorization Service
  #                          Stefan Winkel
  sanavigator     4033/tcp   SANavigator Peer Port
  sanavigator     4033/udp   SANavigator Peer Port
  #                          Robert J. Chansler
  ubxd            4034/tcp   Ubiquinox Daemon
  ubxd            4034/udp   Ubiquinox Daemon
  #                          Kit Smithers
  wap-push-http   4035/tcp   WAP Push OTA-HTTP port
  wap-push-http   4035/udp   WAP Push OTA-HTTP port
  wap-push-https  4036/tcp   WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
  wap-push-https  4036/udp   WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
  #                          Matthieu Lachance
  ravehd          4037/tcp   RaveHD network control
  ravehd          4037/udp   RaveHD network control
  #      Jason Howard  January 2006
  fazzt-ptp 4038/tcp   Fazzt Point-To-Point
  fazzt-ptp 4038/udp   Fazzt Point-To-Point
  fazzt-admin 4039/tcp   Fazzt Administration
  fazzt-admin 4039/udp   Fazzt Administration
  #      Lewis Wolfgang  May 2006
  yo-main         4040/tcp   Yo.net main service
  yo-main         4040/udp   Yo.net main service
  #                          John Tintor
  houston         4041/tcp   Rocketeer-Houston
  houston         4041/udp   Rocketeer-Houston
  #                          Johnny C. Norris II
  ldxp            4042/tcp   LDXP
  ldxp            4042/udp   LDXP
  #                          Craig Calef    

  nirp            4043/tcp   Neighbour>
  nirp            4043/udp   Neighbour>  ltp             4044/tcp   Location Tracking Protocol
  ltp             4044/udp   Location Tracking Protocol
  npp             4045/tcp   Network Paging Protocol
  npp             4045/udp   Network Paging Protocol
  acp-proto       4046/tcp   Accounting Protocol
  acp-proto       4046/udp   Accounting Protocol
  ctp-state       4047/tcp   Context Transfer Protocol
  ctp-state       4047/udp   Context Transfer Protocol
  #                          Hesham Soliman  November 2005
  #               4048       Unassigned (Returned 2008-04-24)
  wafs            4049/tcp   Wide Area File Services
  wafs            4049/udp   Wide Area File Services
  #                          Yuval Hager  January 2006
  cisco-wafs      4050/tcp   Wide Area File Services
  cisco-wafs      4050/udp   Wide Area File Services
  #                          Etai Lev-Ran  February 2005
  cppdp  4051/tcp   Cisco Peer to Peer Distribution Protocol
  cppdp  4051/udp   Cisco Peer to Peer Distribution Protocol
  #      Susan Sauter  July 2006
  interact 4052/tcp   VoiceConnect Interact
  interact 4052/udp   VoiceConnect Interact
  #      Jonathan Custance  July 2006
  ccu-comm-1 4053/tcp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 1
  ccu-comm-1 4053/udp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 1
  ccu-comm-2 4054/tcp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 2
  ccu-comm-2 4054/udp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 2
  ccu-comm-3 4055/tcp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 3
  ccu-comm-3 4055/udp   CosmoCall Universe Communications Port 3
  #      Steve Dellutri  July 2006
  lms  4056/tcp   Location Message Service
  lms  4056/udp   Location Message Service
  #      Sergey Burnevsky  August 2006
  wfm  4057/tcp   Servigistics WFM server
  wfm  4057/udp   Servigistics WFM server
  #      Yuri Machkasov  August 2006
  kingfisher 4058/tcp   Kingfisher protocol
  kingfisher 4058/udp   Kingfisher protocol
  #      Vaughan Wesson  October 2006
  dlms-cosem 4059/tcp   DLMS/COSEM
  dlms-cosem 4059/udp   DLMS/COSEM
  #      Gyozo Kmethy  November 2006
  dsmeter_iatc 4060/tcp   DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel
  dsmeter_iatc 4060/udp   DSMETER Inter-Agent Transfer Channel
  #      john mccann  December 2006
  ice-location 4061/tcp   Ice Location Service (TCP)
  ice-location 4061/udp   Ice Location Service (TCP)
  ice-slocation 4062/tcp   Ice Location Service (SSL)
  ice-slocation 4062/udp   Ice Location Service (SSL)
  ice-router 4063/tcp   Ice Firewall Traversal Service (TCP)
  ice-router 4063/udp   Ice Firewall Traversal Service (TCP)
  ice-srouter  4064/tcp   Ice Firewall Traversal Service (SSL)
  ice-srouter 4064/udp   Ice Firewall Traversal Service (SSL)
  #      Bernard Normier  December 2006
  avanti_cdp 4065/tcp   Avanti Common Data
  avanti_cdp 4065/udp   Avanti Common Data
  #      Steve Meyer, Sr.  February 2007
  pmas  4066/tcp   Performance Measurement and Analysis
  pmas  4066/udp   Performance Measurement and Analysis
  #      Zenon Fortuna  February 2007
  idp  4067/tcp   Information Distribution Protocol
  idp  4067/udp   Information Distribution Protocol
  #      Michaela Vanderveen  February 2007
  ipfltbcst 4068/tcp   IP Fleet Broadcast
  ipfltbcst 4068/udp   IP Fleet Broadcast
  #      Trung Huu Tran  March 2007
  minger  4069/tcp   Minger Email Address Validation Service
  minger  4069/udp   Minger Email Address Validation Service
  #      Arvel Hathcock  March 2007
  tripe  4070/tcp   Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE)
  tripe  4070/udp   Trivial IP Encryption (TrIPE)
  #      Mark Wooding  10 July 2007
  aibkup  4071/tcp   Automatically Incremental Backup
  aibkup  4071/udp   Automatically Incremental Backup
  #      Volker Wiegand  10 July 2007
  zieto-sock 4072/tcp   Zieto Socket Communications
  zieto-sock 4072/udp   Zieto Socket Communications
  #      Malcolm McLean  19 July 2007
  iRAPP  4073/tcp   iRAPP Server Protocol
  iRAPP  4073/udp   iRAPP Server Protocol
  #      Vladimir Bickov  20 August 2007

  cequint-cityid  4074/tcp   Cequint City>
  cequint-cityid  4074/udp   Cequint City>  #      Phill Goeckler  20 August 2007
  perimlan 4075/tcp   ISC Alarm Message Service
  perimlan 4075/udp   ISC Alarm Message Service
  #      Bernie Malkowski  20 August 2007
  seraph          4076/tcp   Seraph DCS
  seraph          4076/udp   Seraph DCS
  #                          Jason Spence  22 January 2008
  #               4077/tcp   Reserved
  ascomalarm      4077/udp   Ascom IP Alarming
  #                          Ascom Austria GmbH  01 May 2008
  cssp            4078/tcp   Coordinated Security Service Protocol
  #                          Michael McDaniels on behalf of Extreme Networks, Inc  01 May 2008
  #               4078/udp   Reserved
  santools        4079/tcp   SANtools Diagnostic Server
  santools        4079/udp   SANtools Diagnostic Server
  #                          David A Lethe  01 May 2008
  lorica-in       4080/tcp   Lorica inside facing
  lorica-in       4080/udp   Lorica inside facing
  lorica-in-sec   4081/tcp   Lorica inside facing (SSL)
  lorica-in-sec   4081/udp   Lorica inside facing (SSL)
  lorica-out      4082/tcp   Lorica outside facing
  lorica-out      4082/udp   Lorica outside facing
  lorica-out-sec  4083/tcp   Lorica outside facing (SSL)
  lorica-out-sec  4083/udp   Lorica outside facing (SSL)
  #                          Johannes Skov Frandsen  28 February 2008
  #               4084/tcp   Reserved
  fortisphere-vm  4084/udp   Fortisphere VM Service
  #                          Daniel Becker  03 June 2008
  ezmessagesrv    4085/tcp   EZNews Newsroom Message Service
  #                          Gerald R. Jensen  05 June 2008
  #               4085/udp   Reserved
  #               4086/tcp   Reserved
  ftsync          4086/udp   Firewall/NAT state table synchronization
  #                          Heiner Erne, Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH
  #                           06 June 2008
  applusservice   4087/tcp   APplus Service
  #                          Thomas Boerkel  05 June 2008
  #               4087/udp   Reserved
  npsp            4088/tcp   Noah Printing Service Protocol
  #                          Hiromi Ohara  18 June 2008
  #               4088/udp   Reserved
  opencore 4089/tcp   OpenCORE Remote Control Service
  opencore 4089/udp   OpenCORE Remote Control Service
  #      Pim van Riezen  July 2006
  omasgport 4090/tcp   OMA BCAST Service Guide
  omasgport 4090/udp   OMA BCAST Service Guide
  #      Mark Lipford  July 2006
  ewinstaller 4091/tcp   EminentWare Installer
  ewinstaller 4091/udp   EminentWare Installer
  ewdgs  4092/tcp   EminentWare DGS
  ewdgs  4092/udp   EminentWare DGS
  #      David A. Gayler  July 2006
  pvxpluscs 4093/tcp   Pvx Plus CS Host
  pvxpluscs 4093/udp   Pvx Plus CS Host
  #      Michael King  July 2006
  sysrqd  4094/tcp   sysrq daemon
  sysrqd  4094/udp   sysrq daemon
  #      Julien Danjou  July 2006
  xtgui  4095/tcp   xtgui information service
  xtgui  4095/udp   xtgui information service
  #      Jim Robanske  May 2006

  bre   4096/tcp   BRE (Bridge>
  bre   4096/udp   BRE (Bridge>  #      Stephen Egbert
  patrolview 4097/tcp   Patrol View
  patrolview 4097/udp   Patrol View
  #      Portnoy Boxman
  drmsfsd  4098/tcp   drmsfsd
  drmsfsd  4098/udp   drmsfsd
  #      Masao Iwai
  dpcp  4099/tcp   DPCP
  dpcp  4099/udp   DPCP
  #      John Croft
  igo-incognito   4100/tcp   IGo Incognito Data Port
  igo-incognito   4100/udp   IGo Incognito Data Port
  #                          Paul Reddy  February 2002
  brlp-0  4101/tcp   Braille protocol
  brlp-0  4101/udp   Braille protocol
  brlp-1  4102/tcp   Braille protocol
  brlp-1  4102/udp   Braille protocol
  brlp-2  4103/tcp   Braille protocol
  brlp-2  4103/udp   Braille protocol
  brlp-3  4104/tcp   Braille protocol
  brlp-3  4104/udp   Braille protocol
  #      SÈbastien Hinderer  March 2006
  shofarplayer    4105/tcp   ShofarPlayer
  shofarplayer    4105/udp   ShofarPlayer
  #      John Kozlowski  July 2006
  synchronite 4106/tcp   Synchronite
  synchronite 4106/udp   Synchronite
  #      James Figgins  July 2006
  j-ac  4107/tcp   JDL Accounting LAN Service
  j-ac  4107/udp   JDL Accounting LAN Service
  #      Takashi Sahara  September 2006
  accel  4108/tcp   ACCEL
  accel  4108/udp   ACCEL
  #      Masahiro Koiwai  October 2006
  izm  4109/tcp   Instantiated Zero-control Messaging
  izm  4109/udp   Instantiated Zero-control Messaging
  #      David Miller  February 2007
  g2tag  4110/tcp   G2 RFID Tag Telemetry Data
  g2tag  4110/udp   G2 RFID Tag Telemetry Data
  #      David Goodall  February 2007
  xgrid           4111/tcp   Xgrid
  xgrid           4111/udp   Xgrid
  #                          David Kramer  November 2004
  apple-vpns-rp 4112/tcp   Apple VPN Server Reporting Protocol
  apple-vpns-rp 4112/udp   Apple VPN Server Reporting Protocol
  #      Christophe Allie  August 2006
  aipn-reg 4113/tcp   AIPN LS Registration
  aipn-reg 4113/udp   AIPN LS Registration
  #      Qiang Zhang  October 2006
  jomamqmonitor   4114/tcp   JomaMQMonitor
  jomamqmonitor   4114/udp   JomaMQMonitor
  #                          Marcel Hofstetter  January 2003      
  cds  4115/tcp   CDS Transfer Agent
  cds  4115/udp   CDS Transfer Agent
  #      Neil Coggins  July 2006
  smartcard-tls 4116/tcp   smartcard-TLS
  smartcard-tls 4116/udp   smartcard-TLS
  #      Ilan Mahalal  April 2006
  hillrserv       4117/tcp   Hillr Connection Manager
  hillrserv       4117/udp   Hillr Connection Manager
  #                          Previous record: Freddy A. Ayuso-Henson  November 2006
  #                          Current record: Freddy A. Ayuso-Henson  22 May 2008
  netscript 4118/tcp   Netadmin Systems NETscript service
  netscript 4118/udp   Netadmin Systems NETscript service
  #      Gˆran Runfeldt  December 2006
  assuria-slm 4119/tcp   Assuria Log Manager
  assuria-slm 4119/udp   Assuria Log Manager
  #      Nick Connor  December 2006
  #  4120       Unassigned (Returned on 2007-02-01)
  e-builder 4121/tcp   e-Builder Application Communication
  e-builder 4121/udp   e-Builder Application Communication
  #      James Caza  December 2006
  fprams  4122/tcp   Fiber Patrol Alarm Service
  fprams  4122/udp   Fiber Patrol Alarm Service
  #      Zhizhong Zhuang  December 2006
  z-wave  4123/tcp   Zensys Z-Wave Control Protocol
  z-wave  4123/udp   Zensys Z-Wave Control Protocol
  #      Anders Brandt, Zensys Inc.  February 2007
  tigv2  4124/tcp   Rohill TetraNode Ip Gateway v2
  tigv2  4124/udp   Rohill TetraNode Ip Gateway v2
  #      Bert Bouwers  May 2007
  opsview-envoy 4125/tcp   Opsview Envoy
  opsview-envoy 4125/udp   Opsview Envoy
  #      Previous contact: Ton Voon  May 2007
  #      Current contact: Ton Voon  26 September 2008
  ddrepl  4126/tcp   Data Domain Replication Service
  ddrepl  4126/udp   Data Domain Replication Service
  #      Pratik Wadher  May 2007
  unikeypro 4127/tcp   NetUniKeyServer
  unikeypro 4127/udp   NetUniKeyServer
  #      Raymond Chaw  May 2007
  nufw  4128/tcp   NuFW decision delegation protocol
  nufw  4128/udp   NuFW decision delegation protocol
  nuauth  4129/tcp   NuFW authentication protocol
  nuauth  4129/udp   NuFW authentication protocol
  #      Eric Leblond  June 2007
  fronet  4130/tcp   FRONET message protocol
  fronet  4130/udp   FRONET message protocol
  #      Christer Nygren  07 August 2007
  stars  4131/tcp   Global Maintech Stars
  stars  4131/udp   Global Maintech Stars
  #      Harry Goldschmitt  June 2007
  nuts_dem        4132/tcp   NUTS Daemon
  nuts_dem        4132/udp   NUTS Daemon
  nuts_bootp      4133/tcp   NUTS Bootp Server
  nuts_bootp      4133/udp   NUTS Bootp Server
  #                          Martin Freiss
  nifty-hmi       4134/tcp   NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol
  nifty-hmi       4134/udp   NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol
  #                          Ryuichi Suzuki

  cl-db-attach 4135/tcp  >
  cl-db-attach 4135/udp  >
  cl-db-request 4136/tcp  >
  cl-db-request 4136/udp  >
  cl-db-remote 4137/tcp  >
  cl-db-remote 4137/udp  >  #      Arno Kirmeir  January 2007
  nettest         4138/tcp   nettest
  nettest         4138/udp   nettest
  #                          David Borman  March 2003
  thrtx  4139/tcp   Imperfect Networks Server
  thrtx  4139/udp   Imperfect Networks Server
  #      Dinkar Chivaluri  February 2006
  cedros_fds 4140/tcp   Cedros Fraud Detection System
  cedros_fds 4140/udp   Cedros Fraud Detection System
  #      Markus Michels  October 2006
  oirtgsvc        4141/tcp   Workflow Server
  oirtgsvc        4141/udp   Workflow Server
  oidocsvc        4142/tcp   Document Server
  oidocsvc        4142/udp   Document Server
  oidsr           4143/tcp   Document Replication
  oidsr           4143/udp   Document Replication
  #                          Norman Brie
  ##########  Compuserve (unoffically) is using port 4144 #########
  #               4144       Unassigned
  vvr-control     4145/tcp   VVR Control
  vvr-control     4145/udp   VVR Control
  #                          Ming Xu
  tgcconnect 4146/tcp   TGCConnect Beacon
  tgcconnect 4146/udp   TGCConnect Beacon
  #      Brian Becker  October 2006
  vrxpservman 4147/tcp   Multum Service Manager
  vrxpservman 4147/udp   Multum Service Manager
  #      Scott Mager  October 2006
  hhb-handheld 4148/tcp   HHB Handheld Client
  hhb-handheld 4148/udp   HHB Handheld Client
  #      Steven G. Loughner  March 2007
  agslb  4149/tcp   A10 GSLB Service
  agslb  4149/udp   A10 GSLB Service
  #      John Chiong  02 July 2007
  PowerAlert-nsa  4150/tcp   PowerAlert Network Shutdown Agent
  PowerAlert-nsa  4150/udp   PowerAlert Network Shutdown Agent
  #      Mike Delgrosso  02 July 2007
  menandmice_noh 4151/tcp   Men & Mice Remote Control
  menandmice_noh 4151/udp   Men & Mice Remote Control
  #      Eggert Thorlacius  30 August 2007

  idig_mux 4152/tcp  >
  idig_mux 4152/udp  >  #      Robin Findley  May 2007
  mbl-battd 4153/tcp   MBL Remote Battery Monitoring
  mbl-battd 4153/udp   MBL Remote Battery Monitoring
  #      Claudio Procida  May 2007
  atlinks         4154/tcp   atlinks device discovery
  atlinks         4154/udp   atlinks device discovery
  #                          Scott Griepentrog  October 2002
  bzr  4155/tcp   Bazaar version control system
  bzr  4155/udp   Bazaar version control system
  #      Martin Pool  February 2007
  stat-results 4156/tcp   STAT Results
  stat-results 4156/udp   STAT Results
  stat-scanner 4157/tcp   STAT Scanner Control
  stat-scanner 4157/udp   STAT Scanner Control
  stat-cc  4158/tcp   STAT Command Center
  stat-cc  4158/udp   STAT Command Center
  #      Darwin Ammala  March 2007
  nss  4159/tcp   Network Security Service
  nss  4159/udp   Network Security Service
  #      Dave Wierbowski  August 2006
  jini-discovery  4160/tcp   Jini Discovery
  jini-discovery  4160/udp   Jini Discovery
  #                          Mark Hodapp  
  omscontact      4161/tcp   OMS Contact
  omscontact      4161/udp   OMS Contact
  omstopology     4162/tcp   OMS Topology
  omstopology     4162/udp   OMS Topology
  #                          David Page  August 2005
  silverpeakpeer 4163/tcp   Silver Peak Peer Protocol
  silverpeakpeer 4163/udp   Silver Peak Peer Protocol
  #      Damon Ennis  March 2007
  silverpeakcomm 4164/tcp   Silver Peak Communication Protocol
  silverpeakcomm 4164/udp   Silver Peak Communication Protocol
  #      Damon Ennis  March 2007
  altcp  4165/tcp   ArcLink over Ethernet
  altcp  4165/udp   ArcLink over Ethernet
  #      Dmitry Brant  March 2007
  joost  4166/tcp   Joost Peer to Peer Protocol
  joost  4166/udp   Joost Peer to Peer Protocol
  #      Colm MacCarthaigh  April 2007
  ddgn  4167/tcp   DeskDirect Global Network
  ddgn  4167/udp   DeskDirect Global Network
  #      Laurie Charlwood  22 August 2007
  pslicser 4168/tcp   PrintSoft License Server
  pslicser 4168/udp   PrintSoft License Server
  #      David Weisgerber  27 September 2007
  iadt            4169/tcp   Automation Drive Interface Transport
  #                          Paul Suhler  15 February 2008
  iadt-disc       4169/udp   Internet ADT Discovery Protocol
  #                          Paul A. Suhler  06 February 2009
  d-cinema-csp    4170/tcp   SMPTE Content Synchonization Protocol
  #                          Michael Karagosian  04 September 2008
  #               4170/udp   Reserved
  #               4171-4176  Unassigned
  wello  4177/tcp   Wello P2P pubsub service
  wello  4177/udp   Wello P2P pubsub service
  #      Christian Westbrook  15 November 2007
  storman  4178/tcp   StorMan
  storman  4178/udp   StorMan
  #      Previous contact: Werner Guertler  February 2007
  #                          Current contact: Werner Guertler  11 May 2009
  MaxumSP  4179/tcp   Maxum Services
  MaxumSP  4179/udp   Maxum Services
  #      Greg Stine  05 July 2007
  httpx  4180/tcp   HTTPX
  httpx  4180/udp   HTTPX
  #      Paul McGough  February 2007
  macbak  4181/tcp   MacBak
  macbak  4181/udp   MacBak
  #      Wes Peters  April 2007
  pcptcpservice 4182/tcp   Production Company Pro TCP Service
  pcptcpservice 4182/udp   Production Company Pro TCP Service
  #      Ben McNeill  May 2007
  gmmp  4183/tcp   General Metaverse Messaging Protocol
  gmmp  4183/udp   General Metaverse Messaging Protocol
  #      Gareth Nelson  June 2007
  universe_suite  4184/tcp   UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE
  universe_suite  4184/udp   UNIVERSE SUITE MESSAGE SERVICE
  #                          Gary ANDREWS  07 January 2008
  wcpp            4185/tcp   Woven Control Plane Protocol
  wcpp            4185/udp   Woven Control Plane Protocol
  #                          Christopher LILJENSTOLPE  14 April 2008
  boxbackupstore  4186/tcp   Box Backup Store Service
  #                          Chris Wilson  11 September 2008
  #               4186/udp   Reserved
  csc_proxy       4187/tcp   Cascade Proxy
  #                          Matt Craighead  11 September 2008
  #               4187/udp   Reserved 
  vatata          4188/tcp   Vatata Peer to Peer Protocol
  vatata          4188/udp   Vatata Peer to Peer Protocol
  #                          Song Jian  15 September 2008
  pcep            4189/tcp   Path Computation Element Communication Protocol
  #               4189/udp   Reserved
  #                          [RFC5440]
  sieve           4190/tcp   ManageSieve Protocol
  #               4190/udp   Reserved
  #                          [RFC-ietf-sieve-managesieve-09.txt]
  #               4191/tcp   Reserved
  dsmipv6         4191/udp   Dual Stack MIPv6 NAT Traversal
  #                          [RFC5555]
  #               4192-4198  Unassigned
  eims-admin      4199/tcp   EIMS ADMIN
  eims-admin      4199/udp   EIMS ADMIN
  #                          Glenn Anderson  
  vrml-multi-use  4200-4299  VRML Multi User Systems
  #      Mitra
  corelccam 4300/tcp   Corel CCam
  corelccam 4300/udp   Corel CCam
  #      Jason Aiken
  d-data  4301/tcp   Diagnostic Data
  d-data  4301/udp   Diagnostic Data
  d-data-control 4302/tcp   Diagnostic Data Control
  d-data-control 4302/udp   Diagnostic Data Control
  #      Jon March  September 2006
  srcp  4303/tcp   Simple Railroad Command Protocol
  srcp  4303/udp   Simple Railroad Command Protocol
  #      Matthias Trute  January 2007
  owserver 4304/tcp   One-Wire Filesystem Server
  owserver 4304/udp   One-Wire Filesystem Server
  #      Paul Alfille  January 2007
  batman  4305/tcp   better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking
  batman  4305/udp   better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking
  #      Simon Wunderlich  30 August 2007
  pinghgl  4306/tcp   Hellgate London
  pinghgl  4306/udp   Hellgate London
  #      David Berk  30 August 2007
  visicron-vs     4307/tcp   Visicron Videoconference Service
  visicron-vs     4307/udp   Visicron Videoconference Service
  #      Alexey Vlaskin  22 October 2007
  compx-lockview  4308/tcp   CompX-LockView
  compx-lockview  4308/udp   CompX-LockView
  #      John Payson  22 October 2007
  dserver  4309/tcp   Exsequi Appliance Discovery
  dserver  4309/udp   Exsequi Appliance Discovery
  #      Angelo Masci  January 2007
  mirrtex         4310/tcp   Mir-RT exchange service
  mirrtex         4310/udp   Mir-RT exchange service
  #                          Sylvain Robert  14 February 2008
  #  4311-4319  Unassigned
  fdt-rcatp 4320/tcp   FDT Remote Categorization Protocol
  fdt-rcatp 4320/udp   FDT Remote Categorization Protocol
  #      Russell P. Holsclaw, Fast Data Technology, Inc.  March 2006
  rwhois          4321/tcp   Remote Who Is
  rwhois          4321/udp   Remote Who Is
  #                          Mark Kosters 
  #                          [RFC2167]
  trim-event 4322/tcp   TRIM Event Service
  trim-event 4322/udp   TRIM Event Service
  trim-ice  4323/tcp   TRIM ICE Service
  trim-ice  4323/udp   TRIM ICE Service
  #      Siva Poobalasingam  February 2007
  balour  4324/tcp   Balour Game Server
  balour  4324/udp   Balour Game Server
  #      Konstantin Schauwecker  February 2007
  geognosisman 4325/tcp   Cadcorp GeognoSIS Manager Service
  geognosisman 4325/udp   Cadcorp GeognoSIS Manager Service
  geognosis 4326/tcp   Cadcorp GeognoSIS Service
  geognosis 4326/udp   Cadcorp GeognoSIS Service
  #      Martin Daly  November 2006
  jaxer-web       4327/tcp   Jaxer Web Protocol
  jaxer-web       4327/udp   Jaxer Web Protocol
  #                          Uri Sarid  07 January 2008
  jaxer-manager   4328/tcp   Jaxer Manager Command Protocol
  jaxer-manager   4328/udp   Jaxer Manager Command Protocol
  #                          Uri Sarid  22 January 2008
  #  4329-4339  Unassigned
  gaia  4340/tcp   Gaia Connector Protocol
  gaia  4340/udp   Gaia Connector Protocol
  #      Philippe Detournay  12 November 2007
  lisp-data 4341/tcp   LISP Data Packets
  lisp-data 4341/udp   LISP Data Packets
  #      Dino Farinacci  12 November 2007
  lisp-cons 4342/tcp   LISP-CONS Control
  lisp-control 4342/udp   LISP Data-Triggered Control
  #      Dino Farinacci  May 2007
  unicall         4343/tcp   UNICALL
  unicall         4343/udp   UNICALL
  #                          James Powell
  vinainstall  4344/tcp   VinaInstall
  vinainstall 4344/udp   VinaInstall
  #      Jay Slupesky
  m4-network-as 4345/tcp   Macro 4 Network AS
  m4-network-as   4345/udp   Macro 4 Network AS
  #      Paul Wren
  elanlm  4346/tcp   ELAN LM
  elanlm  4346/udp   ELAN LM
  #      Paul Ballew
  lansurveyor 4347/tcp   LAN Surveyor
  lansurveyor 4347/udp   LAN Surveyor
  #      Michael Swan
  itose  4348/tcp   ITOSE
  itose  4348/udp   ITOSE
  #      Michael Haeuptle
  fsportmap 4349/tcp   File System Port Map
  fsportmap 4349/udp   File System Port Map
  #      Ron Minnich
  net-device 4350/tcp   Net Device
  net-device 4350/udp   Net Device
  #      Glenn Peterson
  plcy-net-svcs 4351/tcp   PLCY Net Services
  plcy-net-svcs 4351/udp   PLCY Net Services
  #                          J.J. Ekstrom
  pjlink          4352/tcp   Projector Link
  pjlink          4352/udp   Projector Link
  #                          Mitsuo Kodama  June 2005
  f5-iquery       4353/tcp   F5 iQuery
  f5-iquery       4353/udp   F5 iQuery
  #                          Tom Kee
  qsnet-trans     4354/tcp   QSNet Transmitter
  qsnet-trans     4354/udp   QSNet Transmitter
  qsnet-workst    4355/tcp   QSNet Workstation
  qsnet-workst    4355/udp   QSNet Workstation
  qsnet-assist    4356/tcp   QSNet Assistant
  qsnet-assist    4356/udp   QSNet Assistant
  qsnet-cond      4357/tcp   QSNet Conductor
  qsnet-cond      4357/udp   QSNet Conductor
  qsnet-nucl      4358/tcp   QSNet Nucleus
  qsnet-nucl      4358/udp   QSNet Nucleus
  #                          Neer Kleinman
  omabcastltkm 4359/tcp   OMA BCAST Long-Term Key Messages
  omabcastltkm 4359/udp   OMA BCAST Long-Term Key Messages
  #      Frank Hartung  07 September 2007
  matrix_vnet     4360/tcp   Matrix VNet Communication Protocol
  #                          Rehan Mahmood  18 March 2009
  #               4360/udp   Reserved
  #               4361/tcp   Reserved
  nacnl           4361/udp   NavCom Discovery and Control Port
  #                          Yilei Jia  18 March 2009
  #               4362-4367  Unassigned
  wxbrief  4368/tcp   WeatherBrief Direct
  wxbrief  4368/udp   WeatherBrief Direct
  #      Kim Alan Waggoner  November 2006
  epmd            4369/tcp   Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
  epmd            4369/udp   Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
  #                          Erlang/OTP support  December 2004
  elpro_tunnel    4370/tcp   ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel
  elpro_tunnel    4370/udp   ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel
  #                          Harry Courtice  14 April 2008
  l2c-connect     4371/tcp   LAN 2 CAN connection service
  #                          Phil Tolson  07 July 2008
  #               4371/udp   Reserved
  l2c-info        4372/tcp   LAN 2 CAN information service
  #                          Phil Tolson  07 July 2008
  #               4372/udp   Reserved
  remctl  4373/tcp   Remote Authenticated Command Service
  remctl  4373/udp   Remote Authenticated Command Service
  #      Russ Allbery  30 August 2007
  psi-ptt         4374/tcp   PSI Push-to-Talk Protocol
  #                          Frank Bredenbröcker  17 July 2008
  #               4374/udp   Reserved
  tolteces        4375/tcp   Toltec EasyShare
  tolteces        4375/udp   Toltec EasyShare
  #                          Joon Radley  21 October 2008
  bip  4376/tcp   BioAPI Interworking
  bip  4376/udp   BioAPI Interworking
  #      Jean-Paul Lemaire  05 July 2007
  cp-spxsvr 4377/tcp   Cambridge Pixel SPx Server
  cp-spxsvr 4377/udp   Cambridge Pixel SPx Server
  cp-spxdpy 4378/tcp   Cambridge Pixel SPx Display
  cp-spxdpy 4378/udp   Cambridge Pixel SPx Display
  #      Richard Warren  05 July 2007
  ctdb  4379/tcp   CTDB
  ctdb  4379/udp   CTDB
  #      Ronnie Sahlberg  05 July 2007
  #               4380-4388  Unassigned
  xandros-cms 4389/tcp   Xandros Community Management Service
  xandros-cms 4389/udp   Xandros Community Management Service
  #      Stephen M. Webb  May 2007
  wiegand         4390/tcp   Physical Access Control
  wiegand         4390/udp   Physical Access Control
  #                          Scott Guthery  25 August 2008
  apwi-imserver   4391/tcp   American Printware IMServer Protocol
  #                          Lech Lakomy  12 February 2009
  #               4391/udp   Reserved
  apwi-rxserver   4392/tcp   American Printware RXServer Protocol
  #                          Lech Lakomy  12 February 2009
  #               4392/udp   Reserved
  apwi-rxspooler  4393/tcp   American Printware RXSpooler Protocol
  #                          Lech Lakomy  12 February 2009
  #               4393/udp   Reserved
  #               4394/tcp   Reserved
  apwi-disc       4394/udp   American Printware Discovery
  #                          Lech Lakomy  12 February 2009
  omnivisionesx   4395/tcp   OmniVision communication for Virtual environments
  omnivisionesx   4395/udp   OmniVision communication for Virtual environments
  #                          Vacquier Serge  12 February 2009
  fly             4396/tcp   Fly Object Space
  #                          Nigel Warren  12 February 2009
  #               4396/udp   Reserved
  #               4397-4399  Unassigned
  ds-srv          4400/tcp   ASIGRA Services
  ds-srv          4400/udp   ASIGRA Services
  #                          David Farajun  November 2004
  ds-srvr         4401/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Service
  ds-srvr         4401/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Service
  ds-clnt         4402/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Service
  ds-clnt         4402/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Service
  ds-user         4403/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Monitoring/Management
  ds-user         4403/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Client Monitoring/Management
  ds-admin        4404/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Monitoring/Management
  ds-admin        4404/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Monitoring/Management
  ds-mail         4405/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting Message Level Restore service
  ds-mail         4405/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting Message Level Restore service
  ds-slp          4406/tcp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Sleeper Service
  ds-slp          4406/udp   ASIGRA Televaulting DS-Sleeper Service
  #                          Andrei Litvinn  January 2005
  nacagent        4407/tcp   Network Access Control Agent
  #                          ITGroup  30 June 2008
  #               4407/udp   Reserved
  slscc           4408/tcp   SLS Technology Control Centre
  #                          Steven Sweeting  28 January 2008
  #               4408/udp   Reserved
  #               4409-4425  Unassigned
  beacon-port-2   4426/tcp   SMARTS Beacon Port
  beacon-port-2   4426/udp   SMARTS Beacon Port
  #                          Eyal Yardeni  November 2003
  drizzle         4427/tcp   Drizzle database server
  #                          Elliot Murphy  09 July 2008
  #               4427/udp   Reserved
  omviserver      4428/tcp   OMV-Investigation Server-Client
  #                          Serge Vacquier  20 May 2009
  #               4428/udp   Reserved
  omviagent       4429/tcp   OMV Investigation Agent-Server
  #                          Serge Vacquier  20 May 2009
  #               4429/udp   Reserved
  rsqlserver      4430/tcp   REAL SQL Server
  rsqlserver      4430/udp   REAL SQL Server
  #                          Marco Bambini  28 August 2008
  wspipe          4431/tcp   adWISE Pipe
  #                          Heikki Ellilä  18 June 2009
  #               4431/udp   Reserved
  #               4432-4440  Unassigned
  #               4441/tcp   Reserved
  netblox         4441/udp   Netblox Protocol
  #                          Brian S. Locke  10 July 2008
  saris           4442/tcp   Saris
  saris           4442/udp   Saris
  pharos          4443/tcp   Pharos
  pharos          4443/udp   Pharos
  #                          TeleConsult GmbH, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany
  krb524          4444/tcp   KRB524
  krb524          4444/udp   KRB524
  #                          B. Clifford Neuman
  # PROBLEM krb524 assigned the port,
  # PROBLEM nv used it without an assignment
  nv-video        4444/tcp   NV Video default
  nv-video        4444/udp   NV Video default
  #                          Ron Frederick
  upnotifyp 4445/tcp   UPNOTIFYP
  upnotifyp  4445/udp   UPNOTIFYP
  #      Mark Fox
  n1-fwp  4446/tcp   N1-FWP
  n1-fwp  4446/udp   N1-FWP
  n1-rmgmt 4447/tcp   N1-RMGMT
  n1-rmgmt 4447/udp   N1-RMGMT
  #      Lori Tassin
  asc-slmd 4448/tcp   ASC Licence Manager
  asc-slmd 4448/udp   ASC Licence Manager
  #      Casper Stoel
  privatewire     4449/tcp   PrivateWire
  privatewire     4449/udp   PrivateWire
  #      Uri Resnitzky
  camp  4450/tcp   Camp
  camp  4450/udp   Camp
  ctisystemmsg    4451/tcp   CTI System Msg
  ctisystemmsg    4451/udp   CTI System Msg
  ctiprogramload  4452/tcp   CTI Program Load
  ctiprogramload  4452/udp   CTI Program Load
  #      Steven Cliff
  nssalertmgr  4453/tcp   NSS Alert Manager
  nssalertmgr 4453/udp   NSS Alert Manager
  nssagentmgr 4454/tcp   NSS Agent Manager
  nssagentmgr  4454/udp   NSS Agent Manager
  #      Jim Hill
  prchat-user 4455/tcp   PR Chat User
  prchat-user 4455/udp   PR Chat User
  prchat-server 4456/tcp   PR Chat Server
  prchat-server 4456/udp   PR Chat Server
  prRegister 4457/tcp   PR Register
  prRegister 4457/udp   PR Register
  #      Donny Gilor
  mcp  4458/tcp   Matrix Configuration Protocol
  mcp  4458/udp   Matrix Configuration Protocol
  #      Tim DeBaillie  December 2006
  #  4459-4483  Unassigned
  hpssmgmt        4484/tcp   hpssmgmt service
  hpssmgmt        4484/udp   hpssmgmt service
  #                          David Straw  November 2005
  assyst-dr       4485/tcp   Assyst Data Repository Service
  #                          Albert Cester  26 August 2008
  #               4485/udp   Reserved          
  #  4486-4499  Unassigned
  ipsec-nat-t     4500/tcp   IPsec NAT-Traversal
  ipsec-nat-t     4500/udp   IPsec NAT-Traversal
  #                          [RFC3947]
  #               4501       De-registered (08 June 2001)
  #                          IANA
  #               4502-4534  Unassigned
  ehs             4535/tcp   Event Heap Server
  ehs             4535/udp   Event Heap Server
  ehs-ssl         4536/tcp   Event Heap Server SSL
  ehs-ssl         4536/udp   Event Heap Server SSL
  #                          Brad Johanson  August 2005
  wssauthsvc      4537/tcp   WSS Security Service
  wssauthsvc      4537/udp   WSS Security Service
  #      Mark Tirschwell  January 2006
  isigate  4538/tcp   isigate
  isigate  4538/udp   isigate
  #      Julien VALIENTE  May 2006
  #               4539-4544  Unassigned
  worldscores 4545/tcp   WorldScores
  worldscores 4545/udp   WorldScores
  #                          Steve Davis
  sf-lm           4546/tcp   SF License Manager (Sentinel)
  sf-lm           4546/udp   SF License Manager (Sentinel)
  #                          Thomas Koell
  lanner-lm 4547/tcp   Lanner License Manager
  lanner-lm 4547/udp   Lanner License Manager
  #      Les Enstone
  synchromesh 4548/tcp   Synchromesh
  synchromesh 4548/udp   Synchromesh
  #      Tom Hawkins  February 2006
  aegate  4549/tcp   Aegate PMR Service
  aegate  4549/udp   Aegate PMR Service
  #      Nick Warrington  March 2006
  gds-adppiw-db 4550/tcp   Perman I Interbase Server
  gds-adppiw-db 4550/udp   Perman I Interbase Server
  #      Leo Lesage  April 2006
  ieee-mih        4551/tcp   MIH Services
  ieee-mih        4551/udp   MIH Services
  #                          [RFC-ietf-mipshop-mstp-solution-12.txt]
  menandmice-mon  4552/tcp   Men and Mice Monitoring
  menandmice-mon  4552/udp   Men and Mice Monitoring
  #                          Carsten Strotmann  20 May 2009
  icshostsvc      4553/tcp   ICS host services
  #                          Gordan Vosicki  23 September 2009
  #               4553/udp   Reserved
  msfrs  4554/tcp   MS FRS Replication
  msfrs  4554/udp   MS FRS Replication
  #      Kev George  September 2006
  rsip            4555/tcp   RSIP Port
  rsip            4555/udp   RSIP Port
  #                          RFC 3103   
  dtn-bundle-tcp  4556/tcp   DTN Bundle TCP CL Protocol
  dtn-bundle-udp  4556/udp   DTN Bundle UDP CL Protocol
  #      Michael Demmer  November 2006
  #               4557/tcp   Reserved
  mtcevrunqss     4557/udp   Marathon everRun Quorum Service Server
  #                          David Schwartz  18 June 2009
  #               4558/tcp   Reserved
  mtcevrunqman    4558/udp   Marathon everRun Quorum Service Manager
  #                          David Schwartz  18 June 2009
  hylafax         4559/tcp   HylaFAX
  hylafax         4559/udp   HylaFAX
  #                          Lee Howard  March 2002
  #               4560-4565  Unassigned
  kwtc  4566/tcp   Kids Watch Time Control Service
  kwtc  4566/udp   Kids Watch Time Control Service
  #      Larry Zarou  October 2006
  tram            4567/tcp   TRAM
  tram            4567/udp   TRAM
  #                          Joe Wesley
  bmc-reporting   4568/tcp   BMC Reporting
  bmc-reporting   4568/udp   BMC Reporting
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  iax             4569/tcp   Inter-Asterisk eXchange
  iax             4569/udp   Inter-Asterisk eXchange
  #                          [RFC-guy-iax-05.txt]
  #               4570-4590  Unassigned
  l3t-at-an       4591/tcp   HRPD L3T (AT-AN)
  l3t-at-an       4591/udp   HRPD L3T (AT-AN)
  #                          Avi Lior  27 February 2009
  #               4592/tcp   Reserved
  hrpd-ith-at-an  4592/udp   HRPD-ITH (AT-AN)
  #                          David Ott  05 June 2008
  ipt-anri-anri 4593/tcp   IPT (ANRI-ANRI)
  ipt-anri-anri 4593/udp   IPT (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-session 4594/tcp   IAS-Session (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-session 4594/udp   IAS-Session (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-paging 4595/tcp   IAS-Paging (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-paging 4595/udp   IAS-Paging (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-neighbor 4596/tcp   IAS-Neighbor (ANRI-ANRI)
  ias-neighbor 4596/udp   IAS-Neighbor (ANRI-ANRI)
  #      David Ott  31 July 2007
  a21-an-1xbs 4597/tcp   A21 (AN-1xBS)
  a21-an-1xbs 4597/udp   A21 (AN-1xBS)
  #      David Ott  February 2006
  a16-an-an       4598/tcp   A16 (AN-AN)
  a16-an-an       4598/udp   A16 (AN-AN)
  #                          David Ott  December 2005
  a17-an-an 4599/tcp   A17 (AN-AN)
  a17-an-an 4599/udp   A17 (AN-AN)
  #      David Ott  February 2006
  piranha1        4600/tcp   Piranha1
  piranha1        4600/udp   Piranha1
  piranha2        4601/tcp   Piranha2
  piranha2        4601/udp   Piranha2
  #                          Primark Corporation
  mtsserver       4602/tcp   EAX MTS Server
  #                          Pedro A Rodriguez  06 August 2008
  #               4602/udp   Reserved
  #               4603-4657  Unassigned
  playsta2-app    4658/tcp   PlayStation2 App Port
  playsta2-app    4658/udp   PlayStation2 App Port
  playsta2-lob    4659/tcp   PlayStation2 Lobby Port
  playsta2-lob    4659/udp   PlayStation2 Lobby Port
  #                          Noam Rimon  December 2004
  smaclmgr        4660/tcp   smaclmgr
  smaclmgr        4660/udp   smaclmgr
  #                          Hiromi Taki  
  kar2ouche       4661/tcp   Kar2ouche Peer location service
  kar2ouche       4661/udp   Kar2ouche Peer location service
  #                          Andy Krouwel  
  oms             4662/tcp   OrbitNet Message Service
  oms             4662/udp   OrbitNet Message Service
  #                          Roy Davies  August 2005
  noteit          4663/tcp   Note It! Message Service
  noteit          4663/udp   Note It! Message Service
  #      Pedro Alpedrinha  February 2006
  ems             4664/tcp   Rimage Messaging Server
  ems             4664/udp   Rimage Messaging Server
  #      David V. Raskin  February 2006
  contclientms    4665/tcp   Container Client Message Service
  contclientms    4665/udp   Container Client Message Service
  #      Bruce Thompson  February 2006
  eportcomm       4666/tcp   E-Port Message Service
  eportcomm       4666/udp   E-Port Message Service
  mmacomm         4667/tcp   MMA Comm Services
  mmacomm         4667/udp   MMA Comm Services
  mmaeds          4668/tcp   MMA EDS Service
  mmaeds          4668/udp   MMA EDS Service
  #      Robert Shaffer  February 2006
  eportcommdata   4669/tcp   E-Port Data Service
  eportcommdata   4669/udp   E-Port Data Service
  #      Robert Shaffer  February 2006
  light  4670/tcp   Light packets transfer protocol
  light  4670/udp   Light packets transfer protocol
  #      Adam Golovenko  October 2006
  acter  4671/tcp   Bull RSF action server
  acter  4671/udp   Bull RSF action server
  #      Christian Caudrelier  February 2006
  rfa             4672/tcp   remote file access server
  rfa             4672/udp   remote file access server
  #      No contact Listed
  cxws            4673/tcp   CXWS Operations
  cxws            4673/udp   CXWS Operations
  #                          Phil Abercrombie  August 2005
  appiq-mgmt      4674/tcp   AppIQ Agent Management
  appiq-mgmt      4674/udp   AppIQ Agent Management
  #                          Phil Abercrombie  August 2005
  dhct-status     4675/tcp   BIAP Device Status
  dhct-status     4675/udp   BIAP Device Status
  dhct-alerts     4676/tcp   BIAP Generic Alert
  dhct-alerts     4676/udp   BIAP Generic Alert
  #                          Louis Slothouber  August 2005
  bcs             4677/tcp   Business Continuity Servi
  bcs             4677/udp   Business Continuity Servi
  #                          Siew Sim  August 2005
  traversal       4678/tcp   boundary traversal
  traversal       4678/udp   boundary traversal
  #                          Kevin Lu  August 2005
  mgesupervision  4679/tcp   MGE UPS Supervision
  mgesupervision  4679/udp   MGE UPS Supervision
  mgemanagement   4680/tcp   MGE UPS Management
  mgemanagement   4680/udp   MGE UPS Management
  #                          Lecuivre J  August 2005
  parliant        4681/tcp   Parliant Telephony System
  parliant        4681/udp   Parliant Telephony System
  #                          Colin Henein  August 2005
  finisar         4682/tcp   finisar
  finisar         4682/udp   finisar
  #                          Christina Mercier  August 2005
  spike           4683/tcp   Spike Clipboard Service
  spike           4683/udp   Spike Clipboard Service
  #                          Scott Herscher  August 2005
  rfid-rp1        4684/tcp   RFID Reader Protocol 1.0
  rfid-rp1        4684/udp   RFID Reader Protocol 1.0
  #                          Michael Mealling  August 2005
  autopac         4685/tcp   Autopac Protocol
  autopac         4685/udp   Autopac Protocol
  #                          Peter Hallenbeck  August 2005
  msp-os          4686/tcp   Manina Service Protocol
  msp-os          4686/udp   Manina Service Protocol
  #                          Markus Nix  August 2005
  nst             4687/tcp   Network Scanner Tool FTP
  nst             4687/udp   Network Scanner Tool FTP
  #                          Mala Bhat  August 2005
  mobile-p2p      4688/tcp   Mobile P2P Service
  mobile-p2p      4688/udp   Mobile P2P Service
  #                          Previous contact: Hanz Hager  August 2005
  #                          Current contact: Hanz Hager  04 December 2008

  altovacentral   4689/tcp  >
  altovacentral   4689/udp  >  #                         > August 2005

  prelude         4690/tcp   Prelude>
  prelude         4690/udp   Prelude>  #                          Yoann Vandoorselaere  August 2005
  monotone        4691/tcp   Monotone Network Protocol
  monotone        4691/udp   Monotone Network Protocol
  #                          Tomas Fasth  August 2005
  conspiracy      4692/tcp   Conspiracy messaging
  conspiracy      4692/udp   Conspiracy messaging
  #                          Jens Edlund  August 2005
  #               4693-4699  Unassigned
  netxms-agent 4700/tcp   NetXMS Agent
  netxms-agent 4700/udp   NetXMS Agent
  netxms-mgmt 4701/tcp   NetXMS Management
  netxms-mgmt 4701/udp   NetXMS Management
  netxms-sync 4702/tcp   NetXMS Server Synchronization
  netxms-sync 4702/udp   NetXMS Server Synchronization
  #      Victor Kirhenshtein  July 2006
  #               4703-4727  Unassigned
  capmux  4728/tcp   CA Port Multiplexer
  capmux  4728/udp   CA Port Multiplexer
  #      Nigel Groves  June 2006
  #               4729/tcp   Reserved
  gsmtap          4729/udp   GSM Interface Tap
  #                          Harald Welte  16 January 2009
  gearman         4730/tcp   Gearman Job Queue System
  gearman         4730/udp   Gearman Job Queue System
  #                          Eric Day  16 January 2009
  remcap          4731/tcp   Remote Capture Protocol
  #                          Marc Donner  16 January 2009
  #               4731/udp   Reserved
  #               4732-4736  Unassigned
  ipdr-sp         4737/tcp   IPDR/SP
  ipdr-sp         4737/udp   IPDR/SP
  #                          Ken Sarno  August 2005
  solera-lpn 4738/tcp   SoleraTec Locator
  solera-lpn 4738/udp   SoleraTec Locator
  #                          Mark Armstrong  December 2005
  ipfix           4739/tcp   IP Flow Info Export
  ipfix           4739/udp   IP Flow Info Export
  #                          Nevil Brownlee  August 2005
  ipfix           4739/sctp  IP Flow Info Export
  #      Nevil Brownlee  January 2006
  ipfixs   4740/tcp   ipfix protocol over TLS
  ipfixs   4740/sctp  ipfix protocol over DTLS
  ipfixs   4740/udp   ipfix protocol over DTLS
  #      Nevil Brownlee  October 2006
  lumimgrd 4741/tcp   Luminizer Manager
  lumimgrd 4741/udp   Luminizer Manager
  #      George Hwa  March 2007
  sicct  4742/tcp   SICCT
  sicct-sdp 4742/udp   SICCT Service Discovery Protocol
  #      TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.  April 2006
  openhpid        4743/tcp   openhpi HPI service
  openhpid        4743/udp   openhpi HPI service
  #      Thomas Kanngieser  January 2006
  ifsp  4744/tcp   Internet File Synchronization Protocol
  ifsp  4744/udp   Internet File Synchronization Protocol
  #      Alex White  12 September 2007
  fmp  4745/tcp   Funambol Mobile Push
  fmp  4745/udp   Funambol Mobile Push
  #      Andrea Gazzaniga  January 2007
  #               4746-4748  Unassigned
  profilemac 4749/tcp   Profile for Mac
  profilemac 4749/udp   Profile for Mac
  #      David Sinclair  May 2006
  ssad  4750/tcp   Simple Service Auto Discovery
  ssad  4750/udp   Simple Service Auto Discovery
  #                          Dr Horst Herb  December 2005
  spocp           4751/tcp   Simple Policy Control Protocol
  spocp           4751/udp   Simple Policy Control Protocol
  #                          Roland Hedberg  August 2005
  snap            4752/tcp   Simple Network Audio Protocol
  snap            4752/udp   Simple Network Audio Protocol
  #                          Dameon Wagner  February 2002
  #               4753-4783  Unassigned
  bfd-multi-ctl   4784/tcp   BFD Multihop Control
  bfd-multi-ctl   4784/udp   BFD Multihop Control
  #      Dave Katz ; Dave Ward  February 2006
  #               4785/tcp   Reserved
  cncp            4785/udp   Cisco Nexus Control Protocol
  #                          Joseph Swaminathan  01 April 2009
  smart-install   4786/tcp   Smart Install Service
  #                          Amit Nigam  24 August 2009
  #               4786/udp   Reserved
  #               4787-4799  Unassigned
  iims            4800/tcp   Icona Instant Messenging System
  iims            4800/udp   Icona Instant Messenging System
  iwec            4801/tcp   Icona Web Embedded Chat
  iwec            4801/udp   Icona Web Embedded Chat
  ilss            4802/tcp   Icona License System Server
  ilss            4802/udp   Icona License System Server
  #                          Paul Stephen Borlie
  notateit        4803/tcp   Notateit Messaging
  notateit-disc   4803/udp   Notateit Messaging Discovery
  #                           Ean Black  08 April 2009
  #               4804-4826  Unassigned
  htcp            4827/tcp   HTCP
  htcp            4827/udp   HTCP
  #                          Paul Vixie
  #               4828-4836  Unassigned
  varadero-0      4837/tcp   Varadero-0
  varadero-0      4837/udp   Varadero-0
  varadero-1      4838/tcp   Varadero-1
  varadero-1      4838/udp   Varadero-1
  varadero-2      4839/tcp   Varadero-2
  varadero-2      4839/udp   Varadero-2
  #                          Carlos Arteaga
  opcua-tcp 4840/tcp   OPC UA TCP Protocol
  opcua-udp 4840/udp   OPC UA TCP Protocol
  #      Randy Armstrong  September 2006
  quosa  4841/tcp   QUOSA Virtual Library Service
  quosa  4841/udp   QUOSA Virtual Library Service
  #      Uri Blank  September 2006
  gw-asv  4842/tcp   nCode ICE-flow Library AppServer
  gw-asv  4842/udp   nCode ICE-flow Library AppServer
  #      Ross Swithenbank  September 2006
  opcua-tls 4843/tcp   OPC UA TCP Protocol over TLS/SSL
  opcua-tls 4843/udp   OPC UA TCP Protocol over TLS/SSL
  #      Randy Armstrong  September 2006
  gw-log  4844/tcp   nCode ICE-flow Library LogServer
  gw-log  4844/udp   nCode ICE-flow Library LogServer
  #      Ross Swithenbank  September 2006
  wcr-remlib      4845/tcp   WordCruncher Remote Library Service
  wcr-remlib      4845/udp   WordCruncher Remote Library Service
  #                          Jason Dzubak  17 March 2008
  contamac_icm    4846/tcp   Contamac ICM Service
  contamac_icm    4846/udp   Contamac ICM Service
  #                          Abdullah Obeid  20 March 2008
  wfc  4847/tcp   Web Fresh Communication
  wfc  4847/udp   Web Fresh Communication
  #      Jonathan Bastnagel  17 September 2007
  appserv-http    4848/tcp   App Server - Admin HTTP
  appserv-http    4848/udp   App Server - Admin HTTP
  appserv-https   4849/tcp   App Server - Admin HTTPS
  appserv-https   4849/udp   App Server - Admin HTTPS
  #                          Sreeram Duvvuru  April 2002
  sun-as-nodeagt  4850/tcp   Sun App Server - NA
  sun-as-nodeagt  4850/udp   Sun App Server - NA
  #                          Kedar Mhaswade  November 2004  
  derby-repli     4851/tcp   Apache Derby Replication
  derby-repli     4851/udp   Apache Derby Replication
  #                          Jorgen Loland  27 February 2008
  #               4852-4866  Unassigned
  unify-debug     4867/tcp   Unify Debugger
  unify-debug     4867/udp   Unify Debugger
  #      Ron Kuris  May 2006

  phrelay         4868/tcp   Photon>
  phrelay         4868/udp   Photon>
  phrelaydbg      4869/tcp   Photon>
  phrelaydbg      4869/udp   Photon>  #                          Michael Hunter
  cc-tracking     4870/tcp   Citcom Tracking Service
  cc-tracking     4870/udp   Citcom Tracking Service
  #                          Wolfgang Weidner  December 2005
  wired           4871/tcp   Wired
  wired           4871/udp   Wired
  #      Axel Andersson  February 2006
  #               4872-4883  Unassigned
  hivestor        4884/tcp   HiveStor Distributed File System
  hivestor        4884/udp   HiveStor Distributed File System
  #                          Nicholas Young  10 July 2008
  abbs            4885/tcp   ABBS
  abbs            4885/udp   ABBS
  #                          Ryan Rubley
  #               4886-4893  Unassigned
  lyskom          4894/tcp   LysKOM Protocol A
  lyskom          4894/udp   LysKOM Protocol A
  #                          Per Cederqvist
  #               4895-4898  Unassigned
  radmin-port     4899/tcp   RAdmin Port
  radmin-port     4899/udp   RAdmin Port
  #                          Dmitri Znosko  March 2003
  hfcs  4900/tcp   Hyper File Client/Server Database Engine
  hfcs  4900/udp   Hyper File Client/Server Database Engine
  #      Jerome AERTS  March 2006
  flr_agent       4901/tcp   FileLocator Remote Search Agent
  #                          David Vest  19 November 2008
  #               4901/udp   Reserved
  magiccontrol    4902/tcp   magicCONROL RF and Data Interface
  #                          Andreas Spalenski  24 November 2008
  #               4902/udp   Reserved
  #               4903-4911  Unassigned
  lutap           4912/tcp   Technicolor LUT Access Protocol
  #                          Markus Loeffler  17 February 2009
  #               4912/udp   Reserved
  lutcp  4913/tcp   LUTher Control Protocol
  #      Markus Loeffler  03 July 2007
  bones           4914/tcp   Bones Remote Control
  bones           4914/udp   Bones Remote Control
  #                          Andreas Foedrowitz  18 June 2008
  frcs            4915/tcp   Fibics Remote Control Service
  #                          Ken Lagarec  17 April 2009
  #               4915/udp   Reserved
  #               4916-4936  Unassigned
  #               4937/tcp   Reserved
  atsc-mh-ssc     4937/udp   ATSC-M/H Service Signaling Channel
  #                          Jerry Whitaker  27 October 2008
  #               4938-4939  Unassigned
  eq-office-4940 4940/tcp   Equitrac Office
  eq-office-4940 4940/udp   Equitrac Office
  eq-office-4941 4941/tcp   Equitrac Office
  eq-office-4941 4941/udp   Equitrac Office
  eq-office-4942 4942/tcp   Equitrac Office
  eq-office-4942 4942/udp   Equitrac Office
  #      Tom Haapanen  11 July 2007
  #               4943-4948  Unassigned
  munin           4949/tcp   Munin Graphing Framework
  munin           4949/udp   Munin Graphing Framework
  #                          Nicolai Langfeldt  August 2005
  sybasesrvmon    4950/tcp   Sybase Server Monitor
  sybasesrvmon    4950/udp   Sybase Server Monitor
  #                          Chris Irie  26 March 2008
  pwgwims         4951/tcp   PWG WIMS
  pwgwims         4951/udp   PWG WIMS
  #                          Ira McDonald  December 2005
  sagxtsds        4952/tcp   SAG Directory Server
  sagxtsds        4952/udp   SAG Directory Server
  #      Michael Chirila  January 2006
  #               4953-4968  Unassigned
  ccss-qmm        4969/tcp   CCSS QMessageMonitor
  ccss-qmm        4969/udp   CCSS QMessageMonitor
  ccss-qsm        4970/tcp   CCSS QSystemMonitor
  ccss-qsm        4970/udp   CCSS QSystemMonitor
  #      David Young  January 2006
  #               4971-4982  Unassigned
  #               4983       Unassigned (Removed on 2005-12-22)
  webyast         4984/tcp   WebYast
  #                          Federico Lucifredi  25 September 2009
  #               4984/udp   Reserved
  gerhcs          4985/tcp   GER HC Standard
  #                          Roger Ward  25 September 2009
  #               4985/udp   Reserved
  mrip  4986/tcp   Model Railway Interface Program
  mrip  4986/udp   Model Railway Interface Program
  #      Howard Amos  April 2006
  smar-se-port1   4987/tcp   SMAR Ethernet Port 1
  smar-se-port1   4987/udp   SMAR Ethernet Port 1
  smar-se-port2   4988/tcp   SMAR Ethernet Port 2
  smar-se-port2   4988/udp   SMAR Ethernet Port 2
  #                          Delcio Prizon
  parallel        4989/tcp   Parallel for GAUSS (tm)
  parallel        4989/udp   Parallel for GAUSS (tm)
  #                          Matthew Ford  March 2003
  busycal         4990/tcp   BusySync Calendar Synch. Protocol
  busycal         4990/udp   BusySync Calendar Synch. Protocol
  #                          David Riggle  07 January 2008
  vrt             4991/tcp   VITA Radio Transport
  vrt             4991/udp   VITA Radio Transport
  #                          Sam Bretheim  08 January 2009
  #               4992-4998  Unassigned
  hfcs-manager    4999/tcp   Hyper File Client/Server Database Engine Manager
  hfcs-manager    4999/udp   Hyper File Client/Server Database Engine Manager
  #      Jerome AERTS  March 2006
  commplex-main 5000/tcp
  commplex-main 5000/udp
  commplex-link 5001/tcp
  commplex-link 5001/udp
  rfe             5002/tcp   radio free ethernet
  rfe             5002/udp   radio free ethernet
  fmpro-internal  5003/tcp   FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
  fmpro-internal  5003/udp   FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary name binding
  #                          Clay Maeckel
  avt-profile-1   5004/tcp   RTP media data [RFC 3551, RFC 4571]
  avt-profile-1   5004/udp   RTP media data [RFC 3551]
  avt-profile-1   5004/dccp  RTP media data [RFC 3551, RFC-ietf-dccp-rtp-07.txt]
  avt-profile-2   5005/tcp   RTP control protocol [RFC 3551, RFC 4571]
  avt-profile-2   5005/udp   RTP control protocol [RFC 3551]
  avt-profile-2   5005/dccp  RTP control protocol [RFC 3551, RFC-ietf-dccp-rtp-07.txt]
  wsm-server      5006/tcp   wsm server
  wsm-server      5006/udp   wsm server
  wsm-server-ssl  5007/tcp   wsm server ssl
  wsm-server-ssl  5007/udp   wsm server ssl
  #                          Adam Berk
  synapsis-edge   5008/tcp   Synapsis EDGE
  synapsis-edge   5008/udp   Synapsis EDGE
  #                          Paul Schilling
  winfs           5009/tcp   Microsoft Windows Filesystem
  winfs           5009/udp   Microsoft Windows Filesystem
  #      Simon Skaria  January 2006
  telelpathstart  5010/tcp   TelepathStart
  telelpathstart  5010/udp   TelepathStart
  telelpathattack 5011/tcp   TelepathAttack
  telelpathattack 5011/udp   TelepathAttack
  #                          Helmuth Breitenfellner
  nsp             5012/tcp   NetOnTap Service
  nsp             5012/udp   NetOnTap Service
  #      Kim Hancock  24 October 2007
  fmpro-v6 5013/tcp   FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
  fmpro-v6 5013/udp   FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
  #      Alex Chen  01 August 2007
  #               5014/tcp   Reserved
  onpsocket       5014/udp   Overlay Network Protocol
  #                          Roger Matthias  24 August 2009
  #               5015-5019  Unassigned
  zenginkyo-1     5020/tcp   zenginkyo-1
  zenginkyo-1     5020/udp   zenginkyo-1
  zenginkyo-2     5021/tcp   zenginkyo-2
  zenginkyo-2     5021/udp   zenginkyo-2
  #                          Masashi Suzaki
  mice            5022/tcp   mice server
  mice            5022/udp   mice server
  #                          Alan Clifford
  htuilsrv        5023/tcp   Htuil Server for PLD2
  htuilsrv        5023/udp   Htuil Server for PLD2
  #                          Dennis Reinhardt
  scpi-telnet     5024/tcp   SCPI-TELNET
  scpi-telnet     5024/udp   SCPI-TELNET
  scpi-raw        5025/tcp   SCPI-RAW
  scpi-raw        5025/udp   SCPI-RAW
  #                          Ryan Columbus  October 2002
  strexec-d       5026/tcp   Storix I/O daemon (data)
  strexec-d       5026/udp   Storix I/O daemon (data)
  strexec-s       5027/tcp   Storix I/O daemon (stat)
  strexec-s       5027/udp   Storix I/O daemon (stat)
  #                          Anthony Johnson  August 2005

  qvr             5028/tcp   Quiqum Virtual>  #                          Philipp Marcel Albrecht  06 July 2009
  #               5028/udp   Reserved
  infobright      5029/tcp   Infobright Database Server
  infobright      5029/udp   Infobright Database Server
  #                          Mark Windrim  23 July 2009
  surfpass 5030/tcp   SurfPass
  surfpass 5030/udp   SurfPass
  #      Olivier Guezenec  December 2006
  #               5031/tcp   Reserved
  dmp             5031/udp   Direct Message Protocol
  #                           Gjermund Wallenius  30 September 2009
  #               5032-5041  Unassigned
  asnaacceler8db  5042/tcp   asnaacceler8db
  asnaacceler8db  5042/udp   asnaacceler8db
  #                          Walter Goodwin
  swxadmin        5043/tcp   ShopWorX Administration
  swxadmin        5043/udp   ShopWorX Administration
  #                          Don W. Fitzpatrick  August 2005
  lxi-evntsvc     5044/tcp   LXI Event Service
  lxi-evntsvc     5044/udp   LXI Event Service
  #                          Nick Barendt  August 2005
  #               5045-5048  Unassigned
  ivocalize 5049/tcp   iVocalize Web Conference
  ivocalize 5049/udp   iVocalize Web Conference
  #      Bryan Vergato  May 2006
  mmcc            5050/tcp   multimedia conference control tool
  mmcc            5050/udp   multimedia conference control tool
  #                          Steve Casner
  ita-agent       5051/tcp   ITA Agent
  ita-agent       5051/udp   ITA Agent
  ita-manager     5052/tcp   ITA Manager
  ita-manager     5052/udp   ITA Manager
  #                          Don Merrell
  rlm             5053/tcp   RLM License Server
  #                          Matt Christiano  28 July 2008
  #               5053/udp   Reserved
  rlm-admin       5054/tcp   RLM administrative interface
  #                          Matt Christiano  28 July 2008
  #               5054/udp   Reserved
  unot            5055/tcp   UNOT
  unot            5055/udp   UNOT
  #                          Gordon Mohr
  intecom-ps1     5056/tcp   Intecom Pointspan 1
  intecom-ps1     5056/udp   Intecom Pointspan 1
  intecom-ps2     5057/tcp   Intecom Pointspan 2
  intecom-ps2     5057/udp   Intecom Pointspan 2
  #                          David Meermans
  #               5058/tcp   Reserved
  locus-disc      5058/udp   Locus Discovery
  #                          Alan King, Enabling Technology Pty. Ltd.  13 August 2009
  sds  5059/tcp   SIP Directory Services
  sds  5059/udp   SIP Directory Services
  #      Arthur Wilton  March 2006
  sip             5060/tcp   SIP
  sip             5060/udp   SIP
  sip-tls         5061/tcp   SIP-TLS
  sip-tls         5061/udp   SIP-TLS
  #                          Henning Schulzrinne
  na-localise     5062/tcp   Localisation access
  na-localise     5062/udp   Localisation access
  #                          Jean-Pierre Garcia  28 October 2009
  csrpc           5063/tcp   centrify secure RPC
  #                          Paul Moore  28 October 2009
  #               5063/udp   Reserved
  ca-1            5064/tcp   Channel Access 1
  ca-1            5064/udp   Channel Access 1
  ca-2            5065/tcp   Channel Access 2
  ca-2            5065/udp   Channel Access 2
  #                          Jeffrey Hill  August 2002
  stanag-5066     5066/tcp   STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF
  stanag-5066     5066/udp   STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF
  #                          Donald G. Kallgren
  authentx        5067/tcp   Authentx Service
  authentx        5067/udp   Authentx Service
  #                          Alberto Fernandez  January 2006
  bitforestsrv    5068/tcp   Bitforest Data Service
  #                          Ville-Pekka Vahteala  05 June 2008
  #               5068/udp   Reserved
  i-net-2000-npr  5069/tcp   I/Net 2000-NPR
  i-net-2000-npr  5069/udp   I/Net 2000-NPR
  #                          Chris Megede
  vtsas  5070/tcp   VersaTrans Server Agent Service
  vtsas  5070/udp   VersaTrans Server Agent Service
  #      Christopher Miller  February 2006
  powerschool     5071/tcp   PowerSchool
  powerschool     5071/udp   PowerSchool
  #                          Greg Porter
  ayiya           5072/tcp   Anything In Anything
  ayiya           5072/udp   Anything In Anything
  #                          Jeroen Massar  August 2005
  tag-pm          5073/tcp   Advantage Group Port Mgr
  tag-pm          5073/udp   Advantage Group Port Mgr
  #                          James Goddard  August 2005
  alesquery       5074/tcp   ALES Query
  alesquery       5074/udp   ALES Query
  #                          Tim Maloney  August 2005
  #               5075-5078  Unassigned
  #               5079/tcp   Reserved
  cp-spxrpts      5079/udp   Cambridge Pixel SPx Reports
  #                          Richard Warren  17 September 2008
  onscreen        5080/tcp   OnScreen Data Collection Service
  onscreen        5080/udp   OnScreen Data Collection Service
  #                          Christopher Miller  14 January 2008
  sdl-ets         5081/tcp   SDL - Ent Trans Server
  sdl-ets         5081/udp   SDL - Ent Trans Server
  #                          Marc Morin  April 2002
  qcp             5082/tcp   Qpur Communication Protocol
  qcp             5082/udp   Qpur Communication Protocol
  qfp             5083/tcp   Qpur File Protocol
  qfp             5083/udp   Qpur File Protocol
  #                          Joachim Kluemper  19 March 2008
  llrp  5084/tcp   EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol
  llrp  5084/udp   EPCglobal Low-Level Reader Protocol
  encrypted-llrp 5085/tcp   EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP
  encrypted-llrp 5085/udp   EPCglobal Encrypted LLRP
  #      Margaret Wasserman  November 2006
  #               5086-5089  Unassigned
  car             5090/sctp  Candidate AR
  cxtp            5091/sctp  Context Transfer Protocol
  #                          RFC 4065 - July 2005
  #               5092/tcp   Reserved
  magpie          5092/udp   Magpie Binary
  #                          Phil Maker  18 June 2008
  sentinel-lm     5093/tcp   Sentinel LM
  sentinel-lm     5093/udp   Sentinel LM
  #                          Derick Snyder
  #               5094-5098  Unassigned
  sentlm-srv2srv  5099/tcp   SentLM Srv2Srv
  sentlm-srv2srv  5099/udp   SentLM Srv2Srv
  #                          Derick Snyder
  socalia         5100/tcp   Socalia service mux
  socalia         5100/udp   Socalia service mux
  #                          Alberto Raydan  August 2005
  talarian-tcp    5101/tcp   Talarian_TCP
  talarian-udp    5101/udp   Talarian_UDP
  #                          Leo Martins
  oms-nonsecure   5102/tcp   Oracle OMS non-secure
  oms-nonsecure   5102/udp   Oracle OMS non-secure
  #                          Todd Guay  August 2005
  #               5103-5110  Unassigned
  taep-as-svc     5111/tcp   TAEP AS service
  taep-as-svc     5111/udp   TAEP AS service
  #                          Liu Changchun  05 November 2008
  pm-cmdsvr       5112/tcp   PeerMe Msg Cmd Service
  pm-cmdsvr       5112/udp   PeerMe Msg Cmd Service
  #                          Marcos Della  August 2005
  ni-conf         5113/tcp   NI Device Configuration Protocol
  ni-dc           5113/udp   NI Device Discovery and Configuration Protocol
  #                          Ioan Cornea  03 August 2009
  ev-services     5114/tcp   Enterprise Vault Services
  #                          Richard Jones  26 May 2009
  #               5114/udp   Reserved
  autobuild       5115/tcp   Symantec Autobuild Service
  #                          David Warden  17 November 2008
  #               5115/udp   Reserved
  #               5116/tcp   Reserved
  emb-proj-cmd    5116/udp   EPSON Projecter Image Transfer
  #                          SEIKO EPSON  17 November 2008
  gradecam        5117/tcp   GradeCam Image Processing
  #                          Robert Porter  24 September 2009
  #               5117/udp   Reserved
  #               5118-5132  Unassigned
  nbt-pc          5133/tcp   Policy Commander
  nbt-pc          5133/udp   Policy Commander
  #                          Emily Harris  November 2004
  ppactivation    5134/tcp   PP ActivationServer
  #                          Ian Bradley  14 October 2009
  #               5134/udp   Reserved
  erp-scale       5135/tcp   ERP-Scale
  #                          Ian Bradley  14 October 2009
  #               5135/udp   Reserved
  #               5136/tcp   Reserved
  minotaur-sa     5136/udp   Minotaur SA
  #                          Kenneth Flynn  14 October 2009
  ctsd            5137/tcp   MyCTS server port
  ctsd            5137/udp   MyCTS server port
  #                          Jilles Oldenbeuving  June 2002
  #               5138-5144  Unassigned
  rmonitor_secure 5145/tcp   RMONITOR SECURE
  rmonitor_secure 5145/udp   RMONITOR SECURE
  #                          Kory Hamzeh  
  social-alarm    5146/tcp   Social Alarm Service
  #                          Shaun Byrne  18 August 2009
  #               5146/udp   Reserved
  #               5147-5149  Unassigned
  atmp            5150/tcp   Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
  atmp            5150/udp   Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
  #                          Kory Hamzeh
  esri_sde        5151/tcp   ESRI SDE Instance
  esri_sde        5151/udp   ESRI SDE Remote Start
  sde-discovery   5152/tcp   ESRI SDE Instance Discovery
  sde-discovery   5152/udp   ESRI SDE Instance Discovery
  #                          Peter Aronson  
  toruxserver     5153/tcp   ToruX Game Server
  #                          Josse van Dobben de Bruyn  01 July 2009
  #               5153/udp   Reserved
  bzflag          5154/tcp   BZFlag game server
  bzflag          5154/udp   BZFlag game server
  #                          Tim Riker  July 2003
  asctrl-agent    5155/tcp   Oracle asControl Agent
  asctrl-agent    5155/udp   Oracle asControl Agent
  #                          Todd Guay  August 2005
  #               5156-5160  Unassigned
  snmpssh         5161/tcp   SNMP over SSH Transport Model
  #               5161/udp   Reserved
  #                          [RFC5592]
  snmpssh-trap    5162/tcp   SNMP Notification over SSH Transport Model
  #               5162/udp   Reserved
  #                          [RFC5592]
  sbackup         5163/tcp   Shadow Backup
  #                          Glenn Allen  05 August 2009
  #               5163/udp   Reserved
  vpa             5164/tcp   Virtual Protocol Adapter
  vpa-disc        5164/udp   Virtual Protocol Adapter Discovery
  #                          Douglas Goodall  05 August 2009
  ife_icorp       5165/tcp   ife_1corp
  ife_icorp       5165/udp   ife_1corp
  #                          Paul Annala
  winpcs          5166/tcp   WinPCS Service Connection
  winpcs          5166/udp   WinPCS Service Connection
  #                          Complan Network AS  February 2006
  scte104         5167/tcp   SCTE104 Connection
  scte104         5167/udp   SCTE104 Connection
  scte30          5168/tcp   SCTE30 Connection
  scte30          5168/udp   SCTE30 Connection
  #                          Thomas Russell  May 2005
  #               5169-5189  Unassigned
  aol             5190/tcp   America-Online
  aol             5190/udp   America-Online
  #                          Marty Lyons
  aol-1           5191/tcp   AmericaOnline1
  aol-1           5191/udp   AmericaOnline1
  aol-2           5192/tcp   AmericaOnline2
  aol-2           5192/udp   AmericaOnline2
  aol-3           5193/tcp   AmericaOnline3
  aol-3           5193/udp   AmericaOnline3
  #                          Bruce Mackey
  #               5194-5199  Unassigned
  targus-getdata  5200/tcp   TARGUS GetData
  targus-getdata  5200/udp   TARGUS GetData 
  targus-getdata1 5201/tcp   TARGUS GetData 1
  targus-getdata1 5201/udp   TARGUS GetData 1
  targus-getdata2 5202/tcp   TARGUS GetData 2
  targus-getdata2 5202/udp   TARGUS GetData 2
  targus-getdata3 5203/tcp   TARGUS GetData 3
  targus-getdata3 5203/udp   TARGUS GetData 3
  #                          John Keaveney
  #               5204-5221  Unassigned
  xmpp-client     5222/tcp   XMPP Client Connection
  xmpp-client     5222/udp   XMPP Client Connection
  #                          [RFC3920]
  hpvirtgrp 5223/tcp   HP Virtual Machine Group Management
  hpvirtgrp 5223/udp   HP Virtual Machine Group Management
  hpvirtctrl 5224/tcp   HP Virtual Machine Console Operations
  hpvirtctrl 5224/udp   HP Virtual Machine Console Operations
  #      John Williams  June 2007
  hp-server       5225/tcp   HP Server
  hp-server       5225/udp   HP Server
  hp-status       5226/tcp   HP Status
  hp-status       5226/udp   HP Status
  #                          Brett Green
  perfd  5227/tcp   HP System Performance Metric Service
  perfd  5227/udp   HP System Performance Metric Service
  #      Previous contact: Phyllis Gallgher  April 2007
  #                          Current contact: Chris Bertin  19 May 2009
  hpvroom         5228/tcp   HP Virtual Room Service
  #                          Scott Levin  19 March 2009
  #               5228/udp   Reserved
  #               5229-5233  Unassigned
  eenet           5234/tcp   EEnet communications
  eenet           5234/udp   EEnet communications
  #                          Helmut Giritzer  November 2005
  galaxy-network  5235/tcp   Galaxy Network Service
  galaxy-network  5235/udp   Galaxy Network Service
  #      Michael Andre  04 October 2007
  padl2sim        5236/tcp
  padl2sim        5236/udp
  mnet-discovery 5237/tcp   m-net discovery
  mnet-discovery 5237/udp   m-net discovery
  #      Andy Crick  13 November 2007
  #               5238-5244  Unassigned
  downtools       5245/tcp   DownTools Control Protocol
  downtools-disc  5245/udp   DownTools Discovery Protocol
  #                          Jarrod Sayers  07 April 2009
  #               5246/tcp   Reserved
  capwap-control  5246/udp   CAPWAP Control Protocol
  #                          [RFC5415]
  #               5247/tcp   Reserved
  capwap-data     5247/udp   CAPWAP Data Protocol
  #                          [RFC5415]
  caacws          5248/tcp   CA Access Control Web Service
  caacws          5248/udp   CA Access Control Web Service
  #                          Gabriel Kalmar  06 March 2008
  caaclang2       5249/tcp   CA AC Lang Service
  caaclang2       5249/udp   CA AC Lang Service
  #                          Gabriel Kalmar  19 February 2008
  soagateway 5250/tcp   soaGateway
  soagateway 5250/udp   soaGateway
  #                          Greg Bodine  February 2002
  caevms          5251/tcp   CA eTrust VM Service
  caevms          5251/udp   CA eTrust VM Service
  #                          Kevin Bond  November 2004
  movaz-ssc       5252/tcp   Movaz SSC
  movaz-ssc       5252/udp   Movaz SSC
  #                          Lou Berger  November 2004
  #               5253-5263  Unassigned
  3com-njack-1    5264/tcp   3Com Network Jack Port 1
  3com-njack-1    5264/udp   3Com Network Jack Port 1
  3com-njack-2    5265/tcp   3Com Network Jack Port 2
  3com-njack-2    5265/udp   3Com Network Jack Port 2
  #                          Abhay Rajaram  March 2003
  #               5266-5268  Unassigned
  xmpp-server     5269/tcp   XMPP Server Connection
  xmpp-server     5269/udp   XMPP Server Connection
  #                          [RFC3920]
  xmp             5270/tcp   Cartographer XMP
  xmp             5270/udp   Cartographer XMP
  #                          Bobby Krupczak  03 April 2008
  #               5271       Unassigned
  pk              5272/tcp   PK
  pk              5272/udp   PK
  #                          Patrick Kara
  #               5273-5281  Unassigned
  transmit-port   5282/tcp   Marimba Transmitter Port
  transmit-port   5282/udp   Marimba Transmitter Port
  #                          Johan Eriksson  April 2002
  #               5283-5297  Unassigned
  presence        5298/tcp   XMPP Link-Local Messaging
  presence        5298/udp   XMPP Link-Local Messaging
  #                          Eric St. Onge  14 January 2008
  nlg-data        5299/tcp   NLG Data Service
  nlg-data        5299/udp   NLG Data Service
  #                          Andy Shellam  19 February 2008
  hacl-hb  5300/tcp   HA cluster heartbeat
  hacl-hb  5300/udp   HA cluster heartbeat
  hacl-gs  5301/tcp   HA cluster general services
  hacl-gs  5301/udp   HA cluster general services
  hacl-cfg 5302/tcp   HA cluster configuration
  hacl-cfg 5302/udp   HA cluster configuration
  hacl-probe 5303/tcp   HA cluster probing
  hacl-probe 5303/udp   HA cluster probing
  hacl-local      5304/tcp   HA Cluster Commands
  hacl-local      5304/udp   HA Cluster Commands
  hacl-test       5305/tcp   HA Cluster Test
  hacl-test       5305/udp   HA Cluster Test
  #                          Eric Soderberg
  #                          Edward Yim
  sun-mc-grp 5306/tcp   Sun MC Group
  sun-mc-grp 5306/udp   Sun MC Group
  #                          Michael DeMoney
  sco-aip  5307/tcp   SCO AIP
  sco-aip  5307/udp   SCO AIP
  #      Barrie Cooper
  cfengine  5308/tcp   CFengine
  cfengine 5308/udp   CFengine
  #      Mark Burgess
  jprinter 5309/tcp   J Printer
  jprinter   5309/udp   J Printer
  #      Ken Blackwell
  outlaws         5310/tcp   Outlaws
  outlaws         5310/udp   Outlaws
  #                          Richard Fife
  #               5311       Unassigned (removed 7 May 2004)
  permabit-cs     5312/tcp   Permabit Client-Server
  permabit-cs     5312/udp   Permabit Client-Server
  #                          Jered Floyd , June 2004

  rrdp            5313/tcp   Real-time &>
  rrdp            5313/udp   Real-time &>  #                          Ted Hoshi , June 2004
  opalis-rbt-ipc  5314/tcp   opalis-rbt-ipc
  opalis-rbt-ipc  5314/udp   opalis-rbt-ipc
  #                          Laurent Domenech
  hacl-poll       5315/tcp   HA Cluster UDP Polling
  hacl-poll       5315/udp   HA Cluster UDP Polling
  #                          Hoa Nguyen
  hpdevms  5316/tcp   HP Device Monitor Service
  hpdevms  5316/udp   HP Device Monitor Service
  #      Masato Maeda  04 October 2007
  #               5317-5319  Unassigned
  bsfserver-zn    5320/tcp   Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF
  #                          Bert Paul  01 May 2008
  #               5320/udp   Reserved
  bsfsvr-zn-ssl   5321/tcp   Webservices-based Zn interface of BSF over SSL
  #                          Bert Paul  03 July 2008
  #               5321/udp   Reserved
  #               5322-5342  Unassigned
  kfserver 5343/tcp   Sculptor Database Server
  kfserver 5343/udp   Sculptor Database Server
  #                          Keith Ashman  December 2005
  xkotodrcp 5344/tcp   xkoto DRCP
  xkotodrcp 5344/udp   xkoto DRCP
  #      Jeff Heisz  February 2006
  #               5345-5348  Unassigned
  stuns           5349/tcp   STUN over TLS
  stuns           5349/udp   Reserved for a future enhancement of STUN
  #                          [RFC5389]
  turns           5349/tcp   TURN over TLS
  turns           5349/udp   Reserved for a future enhancement of TURN
  #                          [RFC-ietf-behave-turn-16.txt]
  nat-pmp-status 5350/tcp   NAT-PMP Status Announcements
  nat-pmp-status 5350/udp   NAT-PMP Status Announcements
  #      Stuart Cheshire  03 December 2007
  nat-pmp         5351/tcp   NAT Port Mapping Protocol
  nat-pmp         5351/udp   NAT Port Mapping Protocol
  #                          Joshua Graessley  December 2004
  dns-llq         5352/tcp   DNS Long-Lived Queries
  dns-llq         5352/udp   DNS Long-Lived Queries
  #                          Kiren Sekar  August 2005
  mdns            5353/tcp   Multicast DNS
  mdns            5353/udp   Multicast DNS
  #                          Stuart Cheshire
  mdnsresponder   5354/tcp   Multicast DNS Responder IPC
  mdnsresponder   5354/udp   Multicast DNS Responder IPC
  #                          Stuart Cheshire  June 2004
  llmnr           5355/tcp   LLMNR
  llmnr           5355/udp   LLMNR
  #                          Bernard Aboba  June 2004
  ms-smlbiz       5356/tcp   Microsoft Small Business
  ms-smlbiz       5356/udp   Microsoft Small Business
  #                          Gopikrishna Sandra  February 2005
  wsdapi          5357/tcp   Web Services for Devices
  wsdapi          5357/udp   Web Services for Devices
  wsdapi-s        5358/tcp   WS for Devices Secured
  wsdapi-s        5358/udp   WS for Devices Secured
  #                          Henry Rawas  August 2005
  ms-alerter 5359/tcp   Microsoft Alerter
  ms-alerter 5359/udp   Microsoft Alerter
  #      Marc McClure  07 August 2007
  ms-sideshow     5360/tcp   Protocol for Windows SideShow
  ms-sideshow     5360/udp   Protocol for Windows SideShow
  ms-s-sideshow   5361/tcp   Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow
  ms-s-sideshow   5361/udp   Secure Protocol for Windows SideShow
  #                          Dan Polivy  12 March 2008
  serverwsd2      5362/tcp   Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Service
  serverwsd2      5362/udp   Microsoft Windows Server WSD2 Service
  #                          Erhan Soyer-Osman  26 March 2008
  net-projection  5363/tcp   Windows Network Projection
  net-projection  5363/udp   Windows Network Projection
  #                          Rob Williams  17 February 2009
  #              5364-5396  Unassigned
  stresstester    5397/tcp   StressTester(tm) Injector
  stresstester    5397/udp   StressTester(tm) Injector
  #                          Graham Parsons  August 2005
  elektron-admin  5398/tcp   Elektron Administration
  elektron-admin  5398/udp   Elektron Administration
  #                          Chris Hawk  August 2005
  securitychase   5399/tcp   SecurityChase
  securitychase   5399/udp   SecurityChase
  #                          Daisuke Shinomiya  August 2005
  excerpt  5400/tcp   Excerpt Search
  excerpt  5400/udp   Excerpt Search
  excerpts 5401/tcp   Excerpt Search Secure
  excerpts   5401/udp   Excerpt Search Secure
  #             John Hinsdale
  mftp  5402/tcp   OmniCast MFTP
  mftp  5402/udp   OmniCast MFTP
  #      Steve Bannister  
  hpoms-ci-lstn   5403/tcp   HPOMS-CI-LSTN
  hpoms-ci-lstn 5403/udp   HPOMS-CI-LSTN
  hpoms-dps-lstn  5404/tcp   HPOMS-DPS-LSTN
  hpoms-dps-lstn  5404/udp   HPOMS-DPS-LSTN
  #                  Harold Froehling
  netsupport 5405/tcp   NetSupport
  netsupport 5405/udp   NetSupport
  #             Paul Sanders
  systemics-sox 5406/tcp   Systemics Sox
  systemics-sox 5406/udp   Systemics Sox
  #             Gary Howland
  foresyte-clear  5407/tcp   Foresyte-Clear
  foresyte-clear  5407/udp   Foresyte-Clear
  foresyte-sec    5408/tcp   Foresyte-Sec
  foresyte-sec 5408/udp   Foresyte-Sec
  #      Jorge Aldana
  salient-dtasrv  5409/tcp   Salient Data Server
  salient-dtasrv  5409/udp   Salient Data Server
  salient-usrmgr  5410/tcp   Salient User Manager
  salient-usrmgr  5410/udp   Salient User Manager
  #                          Richard Farnham  
  actnet  5411/tcp   ActNet
  actnet  5411/udp   ActNet
  #             Simon Robillard
  continuus 5412/tcp   Continuus
  continuus    5412/udp   Continuus
  #             Steven Holtsberg
  wwiotalk 5413/tcp   WWIOTALK
  wwiotalk 5413/udp   WWIOTALK
  #             Roger Knobbe
  statusd  5414/tcp   StatusD
  statusd  5414/udp   StatusD
  #             Stephen Misel
  ns-server   5415/tcp   NS Server
  ns-server 5415/udp   NS Server
  #             Jeffrey Chiao
  sns-gateway 5416/tcp   SNS Gateway
  sns-gateway 5416/udp   SNS Gateway
  sns-agent 5417/tcp   SNS Agent
  sns-agent   5417/udp   SNS Agent
  #                 Mary Holstage
  mcntp  5418/tcp   MCNTP
  mcntp  5418/udp   MCNTP
  #             Heiko Rupp
  dj-ice  5419/tcp   DJ-ICE
  dj-ice  5419/udp   DJ-ICE
  #             Don Tyson
  cylink-c 5420/tcp   Cylink-C
  cylink-c 5420/udp   Cylink-C
  #             John Jobe
  netsupport2 5421/tcp   Net Support 2
  netsupport2 5421/udp   Net Support 2
  #             Paul Sanders
  salient-mux     5422/tcp   Salient MUX
  salient-mux     5422/udp   Salient MUX
  #                          Richard Farnham
  virtualuser     5423/tcp   VIRTUALUSER
  virtualuser     5423/udp   VIRTUALUSER
  #                          Chad Williams
  beyond-remote   5424/tcp   Beyond Remote
  beyond-remote   5424/udp   Beyond Remote
  #                          Michael Berg  November 2004
  br-channel      5425/tcp   Beyond Remote Command Channel
  br-channel      5425/udp   Beyond Remote Command Channel
  #                          Michael Berg  August 2005
  devbasic        5426/tcp   DEVBASIC
  devbasic        5426/udp   DEVBASIC
  #                          Curtis Smith
  sco-peer-tta    5427/tcp   SCO-PEER-TTA
  sco-peer-tta    5427/udp   SCO-PEER-TTA
  #                          Andrew Shire
  telaconsole     5428/tcp   TELACONSOLE
  telaconsole     5428/udp   TELACONSOLE
  #                          Joseph M. Newcomer
  base            5429/tcp   Billing and Accounting System Exchange
  base            5429/udp   Billing and Accounting System Exchange
  #                          Odo Maletzki
  radec-corp      5430/tcp   RADEC CORP
  radec-corp      5430/udp   RADEC CORP
  #                          David Chell
  park-agent      5431/tcp   PARK AGENT
  park-agent      5431/udp   PARK AGENT
  #                          John Clifford
  postgresql      5432/tcp   PostgreSQL Database
  postgresql      5432/udp   PostgreSQL Database
  #                          Tom Lane
  pyrrho          5433/tcp   Pyrrho DBMS
  pyrrho          5433/udp   Pyrrho DBMS
  #                          Malcolm Crowe  November 2005
  sgi-arrayd      5434/tcp   SGI Array Services Daemon
  sgi-arrayd      5434/udp   SGI Array Services Daemon
  #                          Karl Feind  October 2005
  sceanics        5435/tcp   SCEANICS situation and action notification
  sceanics        5435/udp   SCEANICS situation and action notification
  #                          Richard Olsen
  #               5436-5442  Unassigned
  spss            5443/tcp   Pearson HTTPS
  spss            5443/udp   Pearson HTTPS
  #                          Pearson  17 January 2008
  #               5444-5452  Unassigned
  surebox         5453/tcp   SureBox
  surebox         5453/udp   SureBox
  #                          Emin BORU  November 2004
  apc-5454        5454/tcp   APC 5454
  apc-5454        5454/udp   APC 5454
  apc-5455        5455/tcp   APC 5455
  apc-5455        5455/udp   APC 5455
  apc-5456        5456/tcp   APC 5456
  apc-5456        5456/udp   APC 5456
  #                          American Power Conversion
  #               5457-5460  Unassigned
  silkmeter       5461/tcp   SILKMETER
  silkmeter       5461/udp   SILKMETER
  #                          Klaus Fellner  
  ttl-publisher   5462/tcp   TTL Publisher
  ttl-publisher   5462/udp   TTL Publisher
  #                          Peter Jacobs
  ttlpriceproxy   5463/tcp   TTL Price Proxy
  ttlpriceproxy   5463/udp   TTL Price Proxy
  #                          Peter Jacobs
  quailnet 5464/tcp   Quail Networks Object Broker
  quailnet 5464/udp   Quail Networks Object Broker
  #      Craig N. Bissell  April 2006
  netops-broker   5465/tcp   NETOPS-BROKER
  netops-broker   5465/udp   NETOPS-BROKER
  #                          John R. Deuel
  #  5466-5499  Unassigned
  fcp-addr-srvr1  5500/tcp   fcp-addr-srvr1
  fcp-addr-srvr1  5500/udp   fcp-addr-srvr1
  fcp-addr-srvr2  5501/tcp   fcp-addr-srvr2
  fcp-addr-srvr2  5501/udp   fcp-addr-srvr2
  fcp-srvr-inst1  5502/tcp   fcp-srvr-inst1
  fcp-srvr-inst1  5502/udp   fcp-srvr-inst1
  fcp-srvr-inst2  5503/tcp   fcp-srvr-inst2
  fcp-srvr-inst2  5503/udp   fcp-srvr-inst2
  fcp-cics-gw1    5504/tcp   fcp-cics-gw1
  fcp-cics-gw1    5504/udp   fcp-cics-gw1
  #      Ken Wittmer
  checkoutdb 5505/tcp   Checkout Database
  checkoutdb 5505/udp   Checkout Database
  #      Dirk Stoop  April 2007
  #               5506-5552  Unassigned
  sgi-eventmond   5553/tcp   SGI Eventmond Port
  sgi-eventmond   5553/udp   SGI Eventmond Port
  #                          Andrei Vilkotski  June 2003
  sgi-esphttp     5554/tcp   SGI ESP HTTP
  sgi-esphttp     5554/udp   SGI ESP HTTP
  #                          Vladimir Legalov
  ###UNAUTHORIZED USE: Port 5555 also used by HP Omniback############
  ###UNAUTHORIZED USE: port 5555 by Intermec UDPPlus#################
  personal-agent  5555/tcp   Personal Agent
  personal-agent  5555/udp   Personal Agent
  #                  Jackie Wu
  freeciv         5556/tcp   Freeciv gameplay
  freeciv         5556/udp   Freeciv gameplay
  #      Reinier Post, Paul Zastoupil  January 2006
  #  5557-5565  Unassigned
  westec-connect  5566/tcp   Westec Connect
  #                          Previous contact: Kaushlesh Chandel  03 March 2009
  #                          Current contact: Jon Bolen  18 March 2009
  #               5566/udp   Unassigned
  m-oap  5567/tcp   Multicast Object Access Protocol
  m-oap  5567/udp   Multicast Object Access Protocol
  #                          Bryant Eastham  November 2004
  sdt  5568/tcp   Session Data Transport Multicast
  sdt  5568/udp   Session Data Transport Multicast
  #      Daniel W. Antonuk  May 2006
  #               5569-5572  Unassigned
  sdmmp  5573/tcp   SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocol
  sdmmp  5573/udp   SAS Domain Management Messaging Protocol
  #      Ron Zuckerman  30 August 2007
  lsi-bobcat      5574/tcp   SAS IO Forwarding
  #                          Mandar Joshi  09 February 2009
  #               5574/udp   Reserved
  #               5575-5578  Unassigned
  fdtracks        5579/tcp   FleetDisplay Tracking Service
  #                          Henrik Woffinden  22 September 2008
  #               5579/udp   Unassigned
  tmosms0  5580/tcp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0
  tmosms0  5580/udp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0
  tmosms1  5581/tcp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1
  tmosms1  5581/udp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1
  #      Ezinne Oji  June 2006
  fac-restore     5582/tcp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3
  fac-restore     5582/udp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 3
  #                          Jessica Yan  19 February 2008
  tmo-icon-sync   5583/tcp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2
  tmo-icon-sync   5583/udp   T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2
  #                          Donghwan Lim  22 January 2008
  bis-web         5584/tcp   BeInSync-Web
  bis-web         5584/udp   BeInSync-Web
  bis-sync        5585/tcp   BeInSync-sync
  bis-sync        5585/udp   BeInSync-sync
  #                          Adi Ruppin  August 2005
  #               5586-5596  Unassigned
  ininmessaging   5597/tcp   inin secure messaging
  ininmessaging   5597/udp   inin secure messaging
  #      Mike Gagle  May 2006
  mctfeed  5598/tcp   MCT Market Data Feed
  mctfeed  5598/udp   MCT Market Data Feed
  #      Stephane Touizer  May 2006
  esinstall 5599/tcp   Enterprise Security Remote Install
  esinstall 5599/udp   Enterprise Security Remote Install
  esmmanager  5600/tcp   Enterprise Security Manager
  esmmanager 5600/udp   Enterprise Security Manager
  esmagent 5601/tcp   Enterprise Security Agent
  esmagent    5601/udp   Enterprise Security Agent
  #             Kimberly Gibbs
  a1-msc  5602/tcp   A1-MSC
  a1-msc  5602/udp   A1-MSC
  a1-bs  5603/tcp   A1-BS
  a1-bs    5603/udp   A1-BS
  a3-sdunode 5604/tcp   A3-SDUNode
  a3-sdunode 5604/udp   A3-SDUNode
  a4-sdunode 5605/tcp   A4-SDUNode
  a4-sdunode 5605/udp   A4-SDUNode
  #             Mike Dolan
  #               5606-5626  Unassigned
  ninaf  5627/tcp   Node Initiated Network Association Forma
  ninaf  5627/udp   Node Initiated Network Association Forma
  #      Thomas Scholl  March 2006
  htrust          5628/tcp   HTrust API
  htrust          5628/udp   HTrust API
  #                          Karl Olafsson  24 October 2008
  symantec-sfdb 5629/tcp   Symantec Storage Foundation for Database
  symantec-sfdb 5629/udp   Symantec Storage Foundation for Database
  #      Quang Thoi  November 2006
  precise-comm 5630/tcp   PreciseCommunication
  precise-comm 5630/udp   PreciseCommunication
  #      Alon Tamir  April 2006
  pcanywheredata  5631/tcp   pcANYWHEREdata
  pcanywheredata  5631/udp   pcANYWHEREdata
  pcanywherestat  5632/tcp   pcANYWHEREstat
  pcanywherestat  5632/udp   pcANYWHEREstat
  #                          Jon Rosarky
  beorl           5633/tcp   BE Operations Request Listener
  beorl           5633/udp   BE Operations Request Listener
  #      chirag desai  February 2006
  xprtld  5634/tcp   SF Message Service
  xprtld  5634/udp   SF Message Service
  #      VR Satish  16 August 2007
  sfmsso          5635/tcp   SFM Authentication Subsystem
  #                          De-Chih Chien  15 September 2008
  #               5635/udp   Reserved
  sfm-db-server   5636/tcp   SFMdb - SFM DB server
  #                          De-Chih Chien  06 October 2008
  #               5636/udp   Reserved
  #               5637-5670  Unassigned
  amqps           5671/tcp   amqp protocol over TLS/SSL
  amqps           5671/udp   amqp protocol over TLS/SSL
  #                          Ted Ross  26 March 2008
  amqp  5672/tcp   AMQP
  amqp  5672/udp   AMQP
  #      Pieter Hintjens  January 2006
  amqp  5672/sctp  AMQP
  #      Martin Sustrik  March 2007
  jms             5673/tcp   JACL Message Server
  jms             5673/udp   JACL Message Server
  #                          Stuart Allen  February 2002
  hyperscsi-port  5674/tcp   HyperSCSI Port
  hyperscsi-port  5674/udp   HyperSCSI Port
  #                          Data Storage Institute, Singapore
  #                           February 2002
  v5ua            5675/tcp   V5UA application port
  v5ua            5675/udp   V5UA application port
  v5ua            5675/sctp  V5UA application port
  #                          RFC3807 June 2004
  raadmin         5676/tcp   RA Administration
  raadmin         5676/udp   RA Administration
  #                          Sergei Zjaikin  February 2002
  questdb2-lnchr  5677/tcp   Quest Central DB2 Launchr
  questdb2-lnchr  5677/udp   Quest Central DB2 Launchr
  #                          Robert M. Mackowiak  February 2002
  rrac            5678/tcp   Remote Replication Agent Connection 
  rrac            5678/udp   Remote Replication Agent Connection 
  dccm            5679/tcp   Direct Cable Connect Manager
  dccm            5679/udp   Direct Cable Connect Manager
  #                          Mark Miller
  auriga-router   5680/tcp   Auriga Router Service
  auriga-router   5680/udp   Auriga Router Service
  #      Vincent Gaudeul  February 2006
  ncxcp   5681/tcp   Net-coneX Control Protocol
  ncxcp   5681/udp   Net-coneX Control Protocol
  #      Ryan Werber  June 2006
  #               5682-5687  Unassigned
  ggz             5688/tcp   GGZ Gaming Zone
  ggz             5688/udp   GGZ Gaming Zone
  #                          Josef Spillner  January 2003 
  qmvideo  5689/tcp   QM video network management protocol
  qmvideo  5689/udp   QM video network management protocol
  #      Jamie Lokier  May 2006
  #               5690-5712  Unassigned
  proshareaudio   5713/tcp   proshare conf audio
  proshareaudio   5713/udp   proshare conf audio
  prosharevideo   5714/tcp   proshare conf video
  prosharevideo   5714/udp   proshare conf video
  prosharedata    5715/tcp   proshare conf data
  prosharedata    5715/udp   proshare conf data
  prosharerequest 5716/tcp   proshare conf request
  prosharerequest 5716/udp   proshare conf request
  prosharenotify  5717/tcp   proshare conf notify
  prosharenotify  5717/udp   proshare conf notify
  dpm  5718/tcp   DPM Communication Server
  dpm  5718/udp   DPM Communication Server
  dpm-agent 5719/tcp   DPM Agent Coordinator
  dpm-agent 5719/udp   DPM Agent Coordinator
  #      Sundar Srinivasan  Vinay Badami  May 2006
  ms-licensing    5720/tcp   MS-Licensing
  ms-licensing    5720/udp   MS-Licensing
  #                          Thomas Lindeman  November 2002
  dtpt            5721/tcp   Desktop Passthru Service
  dtpt            5721/udp   Desktop Passthru Service
  #                          Dan Leising  January 2005
  msdfsr  5722/tcp   Microsoft DFS Replication Service
  msdfsr  5722/udp   Microsoft DFS Replication Service
  #      Guhan Suriyanarayanan  March 2006
  omhs  5723/tcp   Operations Manager - Health Service
  omhs  5723/udp   Operations Manager - Health Service
  omsdk  5724/tcp   Operations Manager - SDK Service
  omsdk  5724/udp   Operations Manager - SDK Service
  #      Gerardo Dilillo  August 2006

  ms-ilm          5725/tcp   Microsoft>  #               5725/udp   Reserved
  #                          Rob Ward  02 May 2008
  ms-ilm-sts      5726/tcp   Microsoft Lifecycle Manager Secure Token Service
  #               5726/udp   Reserved
  #                          Rob Ward  02 May 2008
  asgenf          5727/tcp   ASG Event Notification Framework
  #                          Arman Bedonian  15 July 2009
  #               5727/udp   Reserved
  #               5728-5728  Unassigned
  openmail        5729/tcp   Openmail User Agent Layer
  openmail        5729/udp   Openmail User Agent Layer
  #                          OpenMail Encyclopedia
  #                          Don Loughry
  unieng          5730/tcp   Steltor's calendar access
  unieng          5730/udp   Steltor's calendar access
  #                          Bernard Desruisseaux
  #               5731-5740  Unassigned          

  ida-discover1   5741/tcp  >
  ida-discover1   5741/udp  >
  ida-discover2   5742/tcp  >
  ida-discover2   5742/udp  >  #                          MPITech Support
  watchdoc-pod    5743/tcp   Watchdoc NetPOD Protocol
  watchdoc-pod    5743/udp   Watchdoc NetPOD Protocol
  #                          Christophe Chevalier  August 2005
  watchdoc        5744/tcp   Watchdoc Server
  watchdoc        5744/udp   Watchdoc Server
  #                          Christophe Chevalier  November 2004
  fcopy-server    5745/tcp   fcopy-server
  fcopy-server    5745/udp   fcopy-server
  fcopys-server   5746/tcp   fcopys-server
  fcopys-server   5746/udp   fcopys-server
  #                          Moshe Leibovitch
  tunatic         5747/tcp   Wildbits Tunatic
  tunatic         5747/udp   Wildbits Tunatic
  tunalyzer       5748/tcp   Wildbits Tunalyzer
  tunalyzer       5748/udp   Wildbits Tunalyzer
  #                          Sylvain Demongeot  August 2005
  #               5749       Unassigned
  rscd            5750/tcp   Bladelogic Agent Service
  rscd            5750/udp   Bladelogic Agent Service
  #                          Previous contact: Brian Trevor  07 January 2008
  #                          Current contact: Brian Trevor  24 October 2008
  #               5751-5754  Unassigned
  openmailg       5755/tcp   OpenMail Desk Gateway server
  openmailg       5755/udp   OpenMail Desk Gateway server
  x500ms          5757/tcp   OpenMail X.500 Directory Server
  x500ms          5757/udp   OpenMail X.500 Directory Server
  openmailns      5766/tcp   OpenMail NewMail Server
  openmailns      5766/udp   OpenMail NewMail Server
  s-openmail      5767/tcp   OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure)
  s-openmail      5767/udp   OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure)
  openmailpxy     5768/tcp   OpenMail CMTS Server
  openmailpxy     5768/udp   OpenMail CMTS Server
  #                          OpenMail Encyclopedia
  #                          Don Loughry
  spramsca 5769/tcp   x509solutions Internal CA
  spramsca 5769/udp   x509solutions Internal CA
  spramsd  5770/tcp   x509solutions Secure Data
  spramsd  5770/udp   x509solutions Secure Data
  #      Brendan Fay  February 2006
  netagent        5771/tcp   NetAgent
  netagent        5771/udp   NetAgent
  #                          Bradley Birnbaum
  #               5772-5776  Unassigned
  dali-port       5777/tcp   DALI Port
  dali-port       5777/udp   DALI Port
  #                          Wayne Morrow / Michael Melio  /  October 2003
  #               5778-5779  Unassigned
  vts-rpc         5780/tcp   Visual Tag System RPC
  #                          Graham Bloice  17 September 2009
  #               5780/udp   Reserved          
  3par-evts       5781/tcp   3PAR Event Reporting Service
  3par-evts       5781/udp   3PAR Event Reporting Service
  #                          Sushil Thomas  10 March 2008
  3par-mgmt       5782/tcp   3PAR Management Service
  3par-mgmt       5782/udp   3PAR Management Service
  3par-mgmt-ssl   5783/tcp   3PAR Management Service with SSL
  3par-mgmt-ssl   5783/udp   3PAR Management Service with SSL
  #                          Don Marselle  19 March 2008
  #               5784       Unassigned
  3par-rcopy      5785/tcp   3PAR Inform Remote Copy
  3par-rcopy      5785/udp   3PAR Inform Remote Copy
  #                          Don Marselle  09 April 2008
  #               5786-5792  Unassigned
  xtreamx  5793/tcp   XtreamX Supervised Peer message
  xtreamx  5793/udp   XtreamX Supervised Peer message
  #      Ahmad Tajuddin Samsudin  February 2007
  #               5794-5812  Unassigned
  icmpd           5813/tcp   ICMPD
  icmpd           5813/udp   ICMPD
  #                          Shane O'Donnell  
  spt-automation  5814/tcp   Support Automation
  spt-automation  5814/udp   Support Automation
  #                          Joshua Hawkins  November 2003
  #               5815-5858  Unassigned
  wherehoo        5859/tcp   WHEREHOO
  wherehoo        5859/udp   WHEREHOO
  #                          Jim Youll
  #               5860-5862  Unassigned
  ppsuitemsg 5863/tcp   PlanetPress Suite Messeng
  ppsuitemsg 5863/udp   PlanetPress Suite Messeng
  #      Yannick Fortin  February 2006
  #               5864-5899  Unassigned
  vnc-server 5900/tcp   VNC Server
  vnc-server 5900/udp   VNC Server
  #      Tristan Richardson  March 2006
  #               5901-5909  Unassigned
  cm              5910/tcp   Context Management
  cm              5910/udp   Context Management
  cpdlc           5911/tcp   Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
  cpdlc           5911/udp   Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
  fis             5912/tcp   Flight Information Services
  fis             5912/udp   Flight Information Services
  ads-c           5913/tcp   Automatic Dependent Surveillance
  ads-c           5913/udp   Automatic Dependent Surveillance
  #                          Eivan Cerasi  10 October 2008
  #               5914-5962  Unassigned
  indy            5963/tcp   Indy Application Server
  indy            5963/udp   Indy Application Server
  #                          Bjorn Lantz  November 2004
  #               5964-5967  Unassigned
  mppolicy-v5     5968/tcp   mppolicy-v5
  mppolicy-v5     5968/udp   mppolicy-v5
  mppolicy-mgr    5969/tcp   mppolicy-mgr
  mppolicy-mgr 5969/udp   mppolicy-mgr
  #                          Yutaka Ono
  #               5970-5983  Unassigned
  couchdb         5984/tcp   CouchDB
  couchdb         5984/udp   CouchDB
  #      Noah Slater  27 November 2007
  wsman  5985/tcp   WBEM WS-Management HTTP
  wsman  5985/udp   WBEM WS-Management HTTP
  wsmans  5986/tcp   WBEM WS-Management HTTP over TLS/SSL
  wsmans  5986/udp   WBEM WS-Management HTTP over TLS/SSL
  #      Jim Davis  November 2006
  wbem-rmi        5987/tcp   WBEM RMI
  wbem-rmi        5987/udp   WBEM RMI
  wbem-http       5988/tcp   WBEM CIM-XML (HTTP)
  wbem-http       5988/udp   WBEM CIM-XML (HTTP)
  #                          Jim Davis
  wbem-https      5989/tcp   WBEM CIM-XML (HTTPS)
  wbem-https      5989/udp   WBEM CIM-XML (HTTPS)
  #                          Jim Davis
  wbem-exp-https  5990/tcp   WBEM Export HTTPS
  wbem-exp-https  5990/udp   WBEM Export HTTPS
  #                          Denise Eckstein  November 2004
  nuxsl           5991/tcp   NUXSL
  nuxsl           5991/udp   NUXSL
  #                          Kai Kretschmann  March 2002
  consul-insight  5992/tcp   Consul InSight Security
  consul-insight  5992/udp   Consul InSight Security
  #                          Arthur Hillenaar  January 2006
  #               5993-5998  Unassigned
  cvsup           5999/tcp   CVSup
  cvsup           5999/udp   CVSup
  #                          Randall Atkinson
  x11             6000-6063/tcp   X Window System
  x11             6000-6063/udp   X Window System
  #                          Stephen Gildea
  ndl-ahp-svc     6064/tcp   NDL-AHP-SVC
  ndl-ahp-svc     6064/udp   NDL-AHP-SVC
  #                          John Richmond
  winpharaoh      6065/tcp   WinPharaoh
  winpharaoh      6065/udp   WinPharaoh
  #                    Basil Lee
  ewctsp          6066/tcp   EWCTSP
  ewctsp          6066/udp   EWCTSP
  #                          Mark Bailon
  #               6067       Unassigned (Removed on 2007-07-17)
  gsmp            6068/tcp   GSMP
  gsmp            6068/udp   GSMP
  #                          Avri Doria
  trip            6069/tcp   TRIP
  trip            6069/udp   TRIP
  #                          Hussein F. Salama
  messageasap     6070/tcp   Messageasap
  messageasap     6070/udp   Messageasap
  #                          Murray Freeman
  ssdtp           6071/tcp   SSDTP
  ssdtp           6071/udp   SSDTP
  #                          Michael Shearson  
  diagnose-proc   6072/tcp   DIAGNOSE-PROC
  diagnose-proc   6072/udp   DIAGNOSE-PROC
  #                          Allan Miller
  directplay8     6073/tcp   DirectPlay8
  directplay8     6073/udp   DirectPlay8
  #                          John Kane
  max  6074/tcp   Microsoft Max
  max  6074/udp   Microsoft Max
  #      Jay Beavers  February 2006
  #               6075-6083  Unassigned
  p2p-sip         6084/tcp   Peer to Peer Infrastructure Protocol
  #                          Cullen Jennings  29 January 2009
  #               6084/udp   Reserved
  konspire2b      6085/tcp   konspire2b p2p network
  konspire2b      6085/udp   konspire2b p2p network
  #                          Jason Rohrer  October 2002
  pdtp  6086/tcp   PDTP P2P
  pdtp  6086/udp   PDTP P2P
  #      Tony Arcieri  March 2006
  ldss  6087/tcp   Local Download Sharing Service
  ldss  6087/udp   Local Download Sharing Service
  #      Clifford Heath  May 2006
  #               6088-6098  Unassigned
  raxa-mgmt       6099/tcp   RAXA Management
  #                          Sukanta Ganguly
  #               6099/udp   Reserved
  synchronet-db   6100/tcp   SynchroNet-db
  synchronet-db   6100/udp   SynchroNet-db
  synchronet-rtc  6101/tcp   SynchroNet-rtc
  synchronet-rtc  6101/udp   SynchroNet-rtc
  synchronet-upd  6102/tcp   SynchroNet-upd
  synchronet-upd  6102/udp   SynchroNet-upd
  #                          Arne Haugland    
  rets            6103/tcp   RETS
  rets            6103/udp   RETS
  #                          Bruce Toback
  dbdb            6104/tcp   DBDB
  dbdb            6104/udp   DBDB
  #                          Aaron Brick
  primaserver     6105/tcp   Prima Server
  primaserver     6105/udp   Prima Server
  mpsserver       6106/tcp   MPS Server
  mpsserver       6106/udp   MPS Server
  #                          Prima Designs Systems Ltd.
  etc-control     6107/tcp   ETC Control
  etc-control     6107/udp   ETC Control
  #                          Steve Polishinski  
  sercomm-scadmin 6108/tcp   Sercomm-SCAdmin
  sercomm-scadmin 6108/udp   Sercomm-SCAdmin
  #                          Melinda Tsao
  globecast-id    6109/tcp   GLOBECAST-ID
  globecast-id    6109/udp   GLOBECAST-ID
  #                          Piers Scannell
  softcm          6110/tcp   HP SoftBench CM
  softcm          6110/udp   HP SoftBench CM
  spc             6111/tcp   HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
  spc             6111/udp   HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
  #                          Scott A. Kramer
  dtspcd          6112/tcp   dtspcd
  dtspcd          6112/udp   dtspcd  
  #                          Doug Royer
  dayliteserver   6113/tcp   Daylite Server
  #                          Brent Gulanowski  26 August 2009
  #               6113/udp   Reserved
  #               6114-6116  Unassigned
  daylitetouch    6117/tcp   Daylite Touch Sync
  #                          Brent Gulanowski  26 August 2009
  #               6117/udp   Reserved
  #               6118-6121  Unassigned
  bex-webadmin    6122/tcp   Backup Express Web Server
  bex-webadmin    6122/udp   Backup Express Web Server
  #                          Chi Shih Chang  November 2005
  backup-express  6123/tcp   Backup Express
  backup-express  6123/udp   Backup Express
  #      Chi Shih Chang
  pnbs            6124/tcp   Phlexible Network Backup Service
  pnbs            6124/udp   Phlexible Network Backup Service
  #                          William R. Lear  23 October 2008
  #               6125-6132  Unassigned
  nbt-wol         6133/tcp   New Boundary Tech WOL
  nbt-wol         6133/udp   New Boundary Tech WOL
  #                          Elizabeth Zilen  November 2004
  #               6134-6139  Unassigned
  pulsonixnls     6140/tcp   Pulsonix Network License Service
  pulsonixnls     6140/udp   Pulsonix Network License Service
  #                          David Manns  28 February 2008
  meta-corp       6141/tcp   Meta Corporation License Manager
  meta-corp       6141/udp   Meta Corporation License Manager
  #                          Osamu Masuda
  aspentec-lm     6142/tcp   Aspen Technology License Manager
  aspentec-lm     6142/udp   Aspen Technology License Manager
  #                          Kevin Massey
  watershed-lm    6143/tcp   Watershed License Manager
  watershed-lm    6143/udp   Watershed License Manager
  #                          David Ferrero
  statsci1-lm     6144/tcp   StatSci License Manager - 1
  statsci1-lm     6144/udp   StatSci License Manager - 1
  statsci2-lm     6145/tcp   StatSci License Manager - 2
  statsci2-lm     6145/udp   StatSci License Manager - 2
  #                          Scott Blachowicz
  lonewolf-lm     6146/tcp   Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
  lonewolf-lm     6146/udp   Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
  #                          Dan Klein
  montage-lm      6147/tcp   Montage License Manager
  montage-lm      6147/udp   Montage License Manager
  #                          Michael Ubell
  ricardo-lm      6148/tcp   Ricardo North America License Manager
  ricardo-lm      6148/udp   Ricardo North America License Manager
  #                          M Flemming
  tal-pod         6149/tcp   tal-pod
  tal-pod         6149/udp   tal-pod
  #                          Steven Loomis
  #               6150-6160  Unassigned
  patrol-ism      6161/tcp   PATROL Internet Srv Mgr
  patrol-ism      6161/udp   PATROL Internet Srv Mgr
  patrol-coll     6162/tcp   PATROL Collector
  patrol-coll     6162/udp   PATROL Collector
  #                          Portnoy Boxman  January 2005
  pscribe         6163/tcp   Precision Scribe Cnx Port
  pscribe         6163/udp   Precision Scribe Cnx Port
  #                          Robert W Hodges  January 2005
  #               6164-6199  Unassigned
  lm-x  6200/tcp   LM-X License Manager by X-Formation
  lm-x  6200/udp   LM-X License Manager by X-Formation
  #      Henrik Goldman  October 2006
  #               6201-6221  Unassigned
  radmind  6222/tcp   Radmind Access Protocol
  radmind  6222/udp   Radmind Access Protocol
  #      Patrick M McNeal  March 2006
  #               6223-6240  Unassigned
  jeol-nsdtp-1    6241/tcp   JEOL Network Services Data Transport Protocol 1
  jeol-nsddp-1    6241/udp   JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 1
  jeol-nsdtp-2    6242/tcp   JEOL Network Services Data Transport Protocol 2
  jeol-nsddp-2    6242/udp   JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 2
  jeol-nsdtp-3    6243/tcp   JEOL Network Services Data Transport Protocol 3
  jeol-nsddp-3    6243/udp   JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 3
  jeol-nsdtp-4    6244/tcp   JEOL Network Services Data Transport Protocol 4
  jeol-nsddp-4    6244/udp   JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 4
  #                          Kevin Wellwood  17 April 2008
  #               6245-6250  Unassigned
  tl1-raw-ssl     6251/tcp   TL1 Raw Over SSL/TLS
  tl1-raw-ssl     6251/udp   TL1 Raw Over SSL/TLS
  #                          Jim Humphreys  29 January 2008
  tl1-ssh         6252/tcp   TL1 over SSH
  tl1-ssh         6252/udp   TL1 over SSH
  #                          Jim Humphreys  25 January 2008
  crip            6253/tcp   CRIP
  crip            6253/udp   CRIP
  #                          Mike Rodbell  
  #               6254-6267  Unassigned
  grid  6268/tcp   Grid Authentication
  grid  6268/udp   Grid Authentication

  grid-alt 6269/tcp   Grid Authentication>
  grid-alt 6269/udp   Grid Authentication>  #      Jason Hamilton  June 2006
  #               6270-6299  Unassigned
  bmc-grx         6300/tcp   BMC GRX
  bmc-grx         6300/udp   BMC GRX
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  bmc_ctd_ldap 6301/tcp   BMC CONTROL-D LDAP SERVER
  bmc_ctd_ldap 6301/udp   BMC CONTROL-D LDAP SERVER
  #      Portnoy Boxman  September 2006
  #               6302-6315  Unassigned
  abb-escp        6316/tcp   Ethernet Sensor Communications Protocol
  abb-escp        6316/udp   Ethernet Sensor Communications Protocol
  #                          Jaime Antolin  25 September 2008
  #               6317-6319  Unassigned
  repsvc  6320/tcp   Double-Take Replication Service
  repsvc  6320/udp   Double-Take Replication Service
  #      James Wilkinson  April 2006
  emp-server1     6321/tcp   Empress Software Connectivity Server 1
  emp-server1     6321/udp   Empress Software Connectivity Server 1  
  emp-server2     6322/tcp   Empress Software Connectivity Server 2 
  emp-server2     6322/udp   Empress Software Connectivity Server 2 
  #                          Srdjan Holovac
  #               6323-6342  Unassigned
  sflow           6343/tcp   sFlow traffic monitoring
  sflow           6343/udp   sFlow traffic monitoring
  #                          Peter Phaal  June 2003
  #               6344-6345  Unassigned
  gnutella-svc    6346/tcp   gnutella-svc
  gnutella-svc    6346/udp   gnutella-svc
  gnutella-rtr    6347/tcp   gnutella-rtr
  gnutella-rtr    6347/udp   gnutella-rtr
  #                          Serguei Osokine
  #               6348-6354  Unassigned
  pmcs  6355/tcp   PMCS applications
  pmcs  6355/udp   PMCS applications
  #      Pavel Mendl  March 2007
  #               6356-6359  Unassigned
  metaedit-mu 6360/tcp   MetaEdit+ Multi-User
  metaedit-mu 6360/udp   MetaEdit+ Multi-User
  #      Steven Kelly  12 November 2007
  #               6361-6369  Unassigned
  metaedit-se 6370/tcp   MetaEdit+ Server Administration
  metaedit-se 6370/udp   MetaEdit+ Server Administration
  #      Steven Kelly  12 November 2007
  #               6371-6381  Unassigned
  metatude-mds    6382/tcp   Metatude Dialogue Server
  metatude-mds    6382/udp   Metatude Dialogue Server
  #                          Menno Zweistra  
  #               6383-6388  Unassigned
  clariion-evr01  6389/tcp   clariion-evr01
  clariion-evr01  6389/udp   clariion-evr01
  #                          Dave DesRoches
  metaedit-ws 6390/tcp   MetaEdit+ WebService API
  metaedit-ws 6390/udp   MetaEdit+ WebService API
  #      Steven Kelly  12 November 2007
  #               6391-6399  Unassigned
  boe-cms         6400       Business Objects CMS contact port
  boe-was         6401       boe-was
  boe-eventsrv    6402       boe-eventsrv
  boe-cachesvr    6403       boe-cachesvr
  boe-filesvr     6404       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-pagesvr     6405       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-processsvr  6406       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-resssvr1    6407       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-resssvr2    6408       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-resssvr3    6409       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  boe-resssvr4    6410       Business Objects Enterprise internal server
  #                          Previous contact: Wade Richards
  #                          Current contact: Wade Richards  05 May 2008
  #               6411-6416  Unassigned
  faxcomservice 6417/tcp   Faxcom Message Service
  faxcomservice 6417/udp   Faxcom Message Service
  #      Albert Leung  April 2006
  #               6418-6419  Unassigned
  nim-vdrshell    6420/tcp   NIM_VDRShell
  nim-vdrshell    6420/udp   NIM_VDRShell
  nim-wan         6421/tcp   NIM_WAN
  nim-wan         6421/udp   NIM_WAN
  #      Rik Ditter  February 2006
  #               6422-6431  Unassigned
  pgbouncer       6432/tcp   PgBouncer
  #                          Marko Kreen  13 February 2009
  #               6432/udp   Reserved
  #               6433-6442  Unassigned
  sun-sr-https 6443/tcp   Service Registry Default HTTPS Domain
  sun-sr-https 6443/udp   Service Registry Default HTTPS Domain
  #      Paul Sterk  March 2006
  sge_qmaster 6444/tcp   Grid Engine Qmaster Service
  sge_qmaster 6444/udp   Grid Engine Qmaster Service
  sge_execd 6445/tcp   Grid Engine Execution Service
  sge_execd 6445/udp   Grid Engine Execution Service
  #      Andreas Haas  August 2006
  mysql-proxy     6446/tcp   MySQL Proxy
  mysql-proxy     6446/udp   MySQL Proxy
  #                          Kay Roepke  22 April 2009
  #               6447-6454  Unassigned
  skip-cert-recv  6455/tcp   SKIP Certificate Receive
  skip-cert-send  6456/udp   SKIP Certificate Send
  #                          Tom Markson
  #               6457-6470  Unassigned
  lvision-lm 6471/tcp   LVision License Manager
  lvision-lm 6471/udp   LVision License Manager
  #      Brian McKinnon
  #  6472-6479  Unassigned
  sun-sr-http 6480/tcp   Service Registry Default HTTP Domain
  sun-sr-http 6480/udp   Service Registry Default HTTP Domain
  #      Paul Sterk  March 2006
  servicetags 6481/tcp   Service Tags
  servicetags 6481/udp   Service Tags
  #      Peter Schow  January 2007
  ldoms-mgmt      6482/tcp   Logical Domains Management Interface
  ldoms-mgmt      6482/udp   Logical Domains Management Interface
  #                          Eric Sharakan  14 February 2008
  SunVTS-RMI 6483/tcp   SunVTS RMI
  SunVTS-RMI 6483/udp   SunVTS RMI
  #      Sumit Arora  June 2007
  sun-sr-jms 6484/tcp   Service Registry Default JMS Domain
  sun-sr-jms 6484/udp   Service Registry Default JMS Domain
  sun-sr-iiop 6485/tcp   Service Registry Default IIOP Domain
  sun-sr-iiop 6485/udp   Service Registry Default IIOP Domain
  sun-sr-iiops 6486/tcp   Service Registry Default IIOPS Domain
  sun-sr-iiops 6486/udp   Service Registry Default IIOPS Domain
  sun-sr-iiop-aut 6487/tcp   Service Registry Default IIOPAuth Domain
  sun-sr-iiop-aut 6487/udp   Service Registry Default IIOPAuth Domain
  sun-sr-jmx 6488/tcp   Service Registry Default JMX Domain
  sun-sr-jmx 6488/udp   Service Registry Default JMX Domain
  sun-sr-admin 6489/tcp   Service Registry Default Admin Domain
  sun-sr-admin 6489/udp   Service Registry Default Admin Domain
  #      Paul Sterk  March 2006
  #  6490-6499  Unassigned
  boks  6500/tcp   BoKS Master
  boks  6500/udp   BoKS Master
  boks_servc 6501/tcp   BoKS Servc
  boks_servc 6501/udp   BoKS Servc
  boks_servm 6502/tcp   BoKS Servm
  boks_servm 6502/udp   BoKS Servm
  boks_clntd 6503/tcp   BoKS Clntd
  boks_clntd 6503/udp   BoKS Clntd
  #                          Magnus Nystrom  
  #            6504       Unassigned
  badm_priv 6505/tcp   BoKS Admin Private Port
  badm_priv 6505/udp   BoKS Admin Private Port
  badm_pub  6506/tcp   BoKS Admin Public Port
  badm_pub   6506/udp   BoKS Admin Public Port
  bdir_priv  6507/tcp   BoKS Dir Server, Private Port
  bdir_priv    6507/udp   BoKS Dir Server, Private Port
  bdir_pub 6508/tcp   BoKS Dir Server, Public Port
  bdir_pub   6508/udp   BoKS Dir Server, Public Port
  #      Magnus Nystrom
  mgcs-mfp-port   6509/tcp   MGCS-MFP Port
  mgcs-mfp-port   6509/udp   MGCS-MFP Port
  #                          Minoru Ozaki
  mcer-port       6510/tcp   MCER Port
  mcer-port       6510/udp   MCER Port
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  #               6511-6512  Unassigned
  netconf-tls     6513/tcp   NETCONF over TLS
  #               6513/udp   Reserved
  #                          [RFC5539]
  syslog-tls      6514/tcp   Syslog over TLS
  #                          [RFC5425]
  #               6514/udp   Reserved         
  elipse-rec      6515/tcp   Elipse RPC Protocol
  elipse-rec      6515/udp   Elipse RPC Protocol
  #      Flávio Englert  17 September 2007
  #               6516-6542  Unassigned
  lds-distrib     6543/tcp   lds_distrib
  lds-distrib     6543/udp   lds_distrib
  #                          Jack Baker  June 2003
  lds-dump 6544/tcp   LDS Dump Service
  lds-dump 6544/udp   LDS Dump Service
  #      Jack Baker  February 2006
  #               6545-6546  Unassigned
  apc-6547        6547/tcp   APC 6547
  apc-6547        6547/udp   APC 6547
  apc-6548        6548/tcp   APC 6548
  apc-6548        6548/udp   APC 6548
  apc-6549        6549/tcp   APC 6549
  apc-6549        6549/udp   APC 6549
  #                          American Power Conversion
  fg-sysupdate 6550/tcp   fg-sysupdate
  fg-sysupdate 6550/udp   fg-sysupdate
  #      Mark Beyer
  sum  6551/tcp   Software Update Manager
  sum  6551/udp   Software Update Manager
  #      Jan Dirven  13 December 2007
  #               6552-6557  Unassigned
  xdsxdm  6558/tcp 
  xdsxdm  6558/udp 
  #                          Brian Tackett  possible contact
  #               6559-6565  Unassigned
  sane-port       6566/tcp   SANE Control Port
  sane-port       6566/udp   SANE Control Port
  #                          Henning Meier-Geinitz  October 2002
  esp  6567/tcp   eSilo Storage Protocol
  esp  6567/udp   eSilo Storage Protocol
  #      Andrew Chernow  January 2007
  canit_store     6568/tcp   CanIt Storage Manager
  #                          David F. Skoll  22 April 2009
  #               6568/udp   Reserved
  #               6569-6578  Unassigned
  affiliate 6579/tcp   Affiliate
  affiliate 6579/udp   Affiliate
  #      David Catmull  January 2006
  parsec-master   6580/tcp   Parsec Masterserver
  parsec-master   6580/udp   Parsec Masterserver
  parsec-peer     6581/tcp   Parsec Peer-to-Peer
  parsec-peer     6581/udp   Parsec Peer-to-Peer
  parsec-game     6582/tcp   Parsec Gameserver
  parsec-game     6582/udp   Parsec Gameserver
  #                          Andreas Varga  
  joaJewelSuite   6583/tcp   JOA Jewel Suite
  joaJewelSuite   6583/udp   JOA Jewel Suite
  #                          Bob Rundle  November 2005
  #               6584-6587  Unassigned
  #               6588       Unassigned
  ####Unofficial use of port 6588 by AnalogX and Microsoft####
  #               6589-6599  Unassigned
  mshvlm          6600/tcp   Microsoft Hyper-V Live Migration
  #                          Rajesh Davé  03 February 2009
  #               6600/udp   Reserved
  mstmg-sstp      6601/tcp   Microsoft Threat Management Gateway SSTP
  #                          Ori Yosefi  04 May 2009
  #               6601/udp   Reserved
  #               6602-6618  Unassigned
  odette-ftps 6619/tcp   ODETTE-FTP over TLS/SSL
  odette-ftps 6619/udp   ODETTE-FTP over TLS/SSL
  #      Ieuan Friend  March 2006
  #                          [RFC5024]
  kftp-data       6620/tcp   Kerberos V5 FTP Data
  kftp-data       6620/udp   Kerberos V5 FTP Data
  kftp            6621/tcp   Kerberos V5 FTP Control
  kftp            6621/udp   Kerberos V5 FTP Control
  #                          Robert J. Scott  August 2005
  mcftp  6622/tcp   Multicast FTP
  mcftp  6622/udp   Multicast FTP
  #      Bruce Lueckenhoff  February 2006
  ktelnet         6623/tcp   Kerberos V5 Telnet
  ktelnet         6623/udp   Kerberos V5 Telnet
  #                          Robert J. Scott  August 2005
  #               6624-6625  Unassigned
  wago-service 6626/tcp   WAGO Service and Update
  wago-service 6626/udp   WAGO Service and Update
  #      Wolfgang Adler  April 2006
  nexgen          6627/tcp   Allied Electronics NeXGen
  nexgen          6627/udp   Allied Electronics NeXGen
  #                          Lou Seitchik  August 2005
  afesc-mc        6628/tcp   AFE Stock Channel M/C
  afesc-mc        6628/udp   AFE Stock Channel M/C
  #                          K.K Ho  April 2004
  #               6629-6630  Unassigned
  #               6631       Unassigned (Returned 28 May 2004)
  #               6632-6664  Unassigned
  ircu  6665-6669/tcp  IRCU
  ircu  6665-6669/udp  IRCU
  #                  Brian Tackett
  vocaltec-gold   6670/tcp   Vocaltec Global Online Directory
  vocaltec-gold   6670/udp   Vocaltec Global Online Directory
  #                          Scott Petrack
  p4p-portal      6671/tcp   P4P Portal Service
  p4p-portal      6671/udp   P4P Portal Service
  #                          Chris Griffiths  28 July 2008
  vision_server   6672/tcp   vision_server
  vision_server   6672/udp   vision_server
  vision_elmd     6673/tcp   vision_elmd
  vision_elmd     6673/udp   vision_elmd
  #                          Chris Kramer
  #               6674-6687  Unassigned
  clever-tcpip    6688/tcp   CleverView for TCP/IP Message Service
  #                          David Cheng  13 October 2009
  #               6688/udp   Reserved
  tsa             6689/tcp   Tofino Security Appliance
  tsa             6689/udp   Tofino Security Appliance
  #                          Scott Howard  13 October 2009
  #               6690-6699  Unassigned
  frc-hp          6700/sctp  ForCES HP (High Priority) channel
  #                          Jamal Hadi Salim  04 August 2009
  kti-icad-srvr 6701/tcp   KTI/ICAD Nameserver
  kti-icad-srvr 6701/udp   KTI/ICAD Nameserver
  #                  Stanley Knutson  
  frc-mp          6701/sctp  ForCES MP (Medium Priority) channel
  #                          Jamal Hadi Salim  04 August 2009
  frc-lp          6702/sctp  ForCES LP (Low priority) channel
  #                          Jamal Hadi Salim  04 August 2009
  e-design-net    6702/tcp   e-Design network
  e-design-net    6702/udp   e-Design network
  e-design-web    6703/tcp   e-Design web
  e-design-web    6703/udp   e-Design web
  #      Janos Lerch  February 2006
  #               6704-6713  Unassigned
  ibprotocol      6714/tcp   Internet Backplane Protocol
  ibprotocol      6714/udp   Internet Backplane Protocol
  #                          Alessandro Bassi
  fibotrader-com  6715/tcp   Fibotrader Communications
  fibotrader-com  6715/udp   Fibotrader Communications
  #      Robert Wetzold  January 2006
  #               6716-6766  Unassigned
  bmc-perf-agent  6767/tcp   BMC PERFORM AGENT
  bmc-perf-agent  6767/udp   BMC PERFORM AGENT
  bmc-perf-mgrd   6768/tcp   BMC PERFORM MGRD  
  bmc-perf-mgrd   6768/udp   BMC PERFORM MGRD
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  adi-gxp-srvprt  6769/tcp   ADInstruments GxP Server
  adi-gxp-srvprt  6769/udp   ADInstruments GxP Server
  #                          Mathew Pitchforth  August 2005
  plysrv-http     6770/tcp   PolyServe http
  plysrv-http     6770/udp   PolyServe http
  plysrv-https    6771/tcp   PolyServe https
  plysrv-https    6771/udp   PolyServe https
  #                          Mike Spitzer  August 2005
  #               6772-6784  Unassigned
  dgpf-exchg 6785/tcp   DGPF Individual Exchange
  dgpf-exchg 6785/udp   DGPF Individual Exchange
  #      Thomas Weise  April 2006
  smc-jmx         6786/tcp   Sun Java Web Console JMX
  smc-jmx         6786/udp   Sun Java Web Console JMX
  smc-admin       6787/tcp   Sun Web Console Admin
  smc-admin       6787/udp   Sun Web Console Admin
  #                          Bill Edwards  August 2005
  smc-http        6788/tcp   SMC-HTTP
  smc-http        6788/udp   SMC-HTTP
  #                          Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee  November 2002
  smc-https       6789/tcp   SMC-HTTPS
  smc-https       6789/udp   SMC-HTTPS
  #                          Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee  August 2002
  hnmp            6790/tcp   HNMP
  hnmp            6790/udp   HNMP
  #                          Jude George
  hnm             6791/tcp   Halcyon Network Manager
  hnm             6791/udp   Halcyon Network Manager
  #                          Richard Harriss  May 2005
  #               6792-6800  Unassigned
  acnet  6801/tcp   ACNET Control System Protocol
  acnet  6801/udp   ACNET Control System Protocol
  #      Rich Neswold  February 2007
  #               6802-6830  Unassigned
  ambit-lm        6831/tcp   ambit-lm
  ambit-lm        6831/udp   ambit-lm
  #                          Don Hejna
  #               6832-6840  Unassigned
  netmo-default 6841/tcp   Netmo Default
  netmo-default 6841/udp   Netmo Default
  netmo-http 6842/tcp   Netmo HTTP
  netmo-http 6842/udp   Netmo HTTP
  #      Urs Bertschinger
  #               6843-6849   Unassigned
  iccrushmore     6850/tcp    ICCRUSHMORE
  iccrushmore     6850/udp    ICCRUSHMORE
  #                           Dave Hubbard
  #               6851-6887   Unassigned
  muse            6888/tcp    MUSE
  muse            6888/udp    MUSE
  #                           Muse Communications Corporation
  #               6889-6935   Unassigned
  xsmsvc  6936/tcp    XenSource Management Service
  xsmsvc  6936/udp    XenSource Management Service
  #       Roger Klorese  June 2006
  #               6937-6945   Unassigned
  bioserver       6946/tcp    Biometrics Server
  bioserver       6946/udp    Biometrics Server
  #       ISHII AKIO  January 2006
  #               6947-6950   Unassigned
  otlp  6951/tcp    OTLP
  otlp  6951/udp    OTLP
  #       Brent Foster  April 2006
  #               6952-6960   Unassigned
  jmact3          6961/tcp    JMACT3
  jmact3          6961/udp    JMACT3
  jmevt2          6962/tcp    jmevt2
  jmevt2          6962/udp    jmevt2
  swismgr1        6963/tcp    swismgr1
  swismgr1     6963/udp    swismgr1
  swismgr2        6964/tcp    swismgr2
  swismgr2        6964/udp    swismgr2
  swistrap        6965/tcp    swistrap
  swistrap        6965/udp    swistrap
  swispol         6966/tcp    swispol
  swispol         6966/udp    swispol
  #                           Yutaka Ono
  #               6967-6968   Unassigned
  acmsoda         6969/tcp    acmsoda
  acmsoda         6969/udp    acmsoda
  #                           Daniel Simms
  #               6970-6996   Unassigned
  MobilitySrv 6997/tcp    Mobility XE Protocol
  MobilitySrv 6997/udp    Mobility XE Protocol
  #       Joseph T Savarese  June 2007
  iatp-highpri 6998/tcp    IATP-highPri
  iatp-highpri 6998/udp    IATP-highPri
  iatp-normalpri 6999/tcp    IATP-normalPri
  iatp-normalpri 6999/udp    IATP-normalPri
  #                           John Murphy
  afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp    file server itself
  afs3-fileserver 7000/udp    file server itself
  afs3-callback   7001/tcp    callbacks to cache managers
  afs3-callback   7001/udp    callbacks to cache managers
  afs3-prserver   7002/tcp    users & groups database
  afs3-prserver   7002/udp    users & groups database
  afs3-vlserver   7003/tcp    volume location database
  afs3-vlserver   7003/udp    volume location database
  afs3-kaserver   7004/tcp    AFS/Kerberos authentication service
  afs3-kaserver   7004/udp    AFS/Kerberos authentication service
  afs3-volser     7005/tcp    volume managment server
  afs3-volser     7005/udp    volume managment server
  afs3-errors     7006/tcp    error interpretation service
  afs3-errors     7006/udp    error interpretation service
  afs3-bos        7007/tcp    basic overseer process
  afs3-bos        7007/udp    basic overseer process
  afs3-update     7008/tcp    server-to-server updater
  afs3-update     7008/udp    server-to-server updater
  afs3-rmtsys     7009/tcp    remote cache manager service
  afs3-rmtsys     7009/udp    remote cache manager service
  ups-onlinet     7010/tcp    onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
  ups-onlinet     7010/udp    onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
  #                           Jim Thompson
  talon-disc      7011/tcp    Talon Discovery Port
  talon-disc      7011/udp    Talon Discovery Port
  talon-engine    7012/tcp    Talon Engine
  talon-engine    7012/udp    Talon Engine
  microtalon-dis  7013/tcp    Microtalon Discovery
  microtalon-dis  7013/udp    Microtalon Discovery
  microtalon-com  7014/tcp    Microtalon Communications
  microtalon-com  7014/udp    Microtalon Communications
  talon-webserver 7015/tcp    Talon Webserver
  talon-webserver 7015/udp    Talon Webserver
  #                           Jim Thompson
  #               7016-7019   Unassigned
  dpserve         7020/tcp    DP Serve
  dpserve         7020/udp    DP Serve
  dpserveadmin    7021/tcp    DP Serve Admin
  dpserveadmin    7021/udp    DP Serve Admin
  #                           Allan Stanley
  ctdp            7022/tcp    CT Discovery Protocol
  ctdp            7022/udp    CT Discovery Protocol
  #                           James Kirkwood  June 2005
  ct2nmcs         7023/tcp    Comtech T2 NMCS
  ct2nmcs         7023/udp    Comtech T2 NMCS
  #                           Bryan Wilcutt  June 2005
  vmsvc           7024/tcp    Vormetric service
  vmsvc           7024/udp    Vormetric service
  #                           Tom Boyle  June 2005
  vmsvc-2         7025/tcp    Vormetric Service II
  vmsvc-2         7025/udp    Vormetric Service II
  #                           Tom Boyle  June 2005
  #               7026-7029   Unassigned
  op-probe        7030/tcp    ObjectPlanet probe
  op-probe        7030/udp    ObjectPlanet probe
  #                           Bjorn Jarle Kvande  April 2002
  #               7031-7069   Unassigned
  arcp            7070/tcp    ARCP
  arcp            7070/udp    ARCP
  #                           Jude George
  #               7071-7079   Unassigned
  empowerid       7080/tcp    EmpowerID Communication
  empowerid       7080/udp    EmpowerID Communication
  #                           Matthew Whited  16 January 2008
  #               7081-7098   Unassigned
  lazy-ptop       7099/tcp    lazy-ptop
  lazy-ptop       7099/udp    lazy-ptop
  #                           Guy Keren
  font-service    7100/tcp    X Font Service
  font-service    7100/udp    X Font Service
  #                           Stephen Gildea
  elcn  7101/tcp    Embedded Light Control Network
  elcn  7101/udp    Embedded Light Control Network
  #       Michael Scarito  February 2007
  #               7102-7120   Unassigned
  virprot-lm      7121/tcp    Virtual Prototypes License Manager
  virprot-lm      7121/udp    Virtual Prototypes License Manager
  #                           Victor Galis
  #               7122-7127   Unassigned
  scenidm  7128/tcp    intelligent data manager
  scenidm  7128/udp    intelligent data manager
  #       Paul Ignatius  March 2006
  scenccs  7129/tcp    Catalog Content Search
  scenccs  7129/udp    Catalog Content Search
  #       Anil Sharma  April 2006
  #               7130-7160   Unassigned
  cabsm-comm      7161/tcp    CA BSM Comm
  cabsm-comm      7161/udp    CA BSM Comm
  #                           Chun-Ho Chang  November 2004
  caistoragemgr   7162/tcp    CA Storage Manager
  caistoragemgr   7162/udp    CA Storage Manager
  #                           Emre Tunar  November 2004
  cacsambroker    7163/tcp    CA Connection Broker
  cacsambroker    7163/udp    CA Connection Broker
  #                           David Roberts  May 2005
  fsr  7164/tcp    File System Repository Agent
  fsr  7164/udp    File System Repository Agent
  #       Micha Ben-Efraim  19 July 2007
  doc-server      7165/tcp    Document WCF Server
  doc-server      7165/udp    Document WCF Server
  aruba-server    7166/tcp    Aruba eDiscovery Server
  aruba-server    7166/udp    Aruba eDiscovery Server
  #                           Micha Ben-Efraim  07 January 2008             
  #               7167-7173   Unassigned
  clutild         7174/tcp    Clutild
  clutild         7174/udp    Clutild
  #                           Cheryl Stoutenburg
  #               7175-7199   Unassigned
  fodms           7200/tcp    FODMS FLIP 
  fodms           7200/udp    FODMS FLIP 
  #                           David Anthony
  dlip            7201/tcp    DLIP
  dlip            7201/udp    DLIP
  #                           Albert Manfredi
  #               7202-7226   Unassigned
  ramp            7227/tcp    Registry A & M Protocol
  ramp            7227/udp    Registry A $ M Protocol
  #                           John Havard  November 2003
  #               7228-7261   Unassigned
  cnap            7262/tcp    Calypso Network Access Protocol
  cnap            7262/udp    Calypso Network Access Protocol
  #                           Scott Halberg  02 June 2009
  #               7263-7271   Unassigned
  watchme-7272    7272/tcp    WatchMe Monitoring 7272
  watchme-7272    7272/udp    WatchMe Monitoring 7272
  #                           Oliver Heinz  August 2005
  oma-rlp         7273/tcp    OMA Roaming Location
  oma-rlp         7273/udp    OMA Roaming Location
  oma-rlp-s       7274/tcp    OMA Roaming Location SEC
  oma-rlp-s       7274/udp    OMA Roaming Location SEC
  #                           Larry A. Young  August 2005
  oma-ulp         7275/tcp    OMA UserPlane Location
  oma-ulp         7275/udp    OMA UserPlane Location
  #       Larry A. Young  February 2006
  oma-ilp  7276/tcp    OMA Internal Location Protocol
  oma-ilp  7276/udp    OMA Internal Location Protocol
  oma-ilp-s 7277/tcp    OMA Internal Location Secure Protocol
  oma-ilp-s 7277/udp    OMA Internal Location Secure Protocol
  #       Khiem Tran  06 November 2007
  oma-dcdocbs     7278/tcp    OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS
  oma-dcdocbs     7278/udp    OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS
  #                           Avi Primo  29 January 2008
  ctxlic          7279/tcp    Citrix Licensing
  ctxlic          7279/udp    Citrix Licensing
  #                           Marc Binstock  29 January 2008
  itactionserver1 7280/tcp    ITACTIONSERVER 1
  itactionserver1 7280/udp    ITACTIONSERVER 1
  itactionserver2 7281/tcp    ITACTIONSERVER 2
  itactionserver2 7281/udp    ITACTIONSERVER 2
  #                           Brian Taylor
  mzca-action     7282/tcp    eventACTION/ussACTION (MZCA) server
  #                           Gord Tomlin  30 January 2009
  #               7282/udp    Reserved
  #               7283-7299   Unassigned
  swx             7300-7359   The Swiss Exchange
  #                           Edgar Blum
  #  7360-7364   Unassigned (Removed on 2006-2-06)
  lcm-server      7365/tcp    LifeKeeper Communications
  lcm-server      7365/udp    LifeKeeper Communications
  #       James Bottomley  February 2006
  #  7366-7390   Unassigned (Removed on 2006-2-06)
  mindfilesys     7391/tcp    mind-file system server
  mindfilesys     7391/udp    mind-file system server
  mrssrendezvous  7392/tcp    mrss-rendezvous server
  mrssrendezvous  7392/udp    mrss-rendezvous server
  #                           Dave Porter   
  nfoldman        7393/tcp    nFoldMan Remote Publish
  nfoldman        7393/udp    nFoldMan Remote Publish
  #       Richard McDonald  January 2006
  fse  7394/tcp    File system export of backup images
  fse  7394/udp    File system export of backup images
  #       Weibao Wu  April 2006
  winqedit        7395/tcp    winqedit
  winqedit        7395/udp    winqedit
  #                           David Greer
  #               7396        Unassigned
  hexarc          7397/tcp    Hexarc Command Language
  hexarc          7397/udp    Hexarc Command Language
  #                           George Moromisato  November 2004
  #               7398-7399   Unassigned
  rtps-discovery  7400/tcp    RTPS Discovery
  rtps-discovery  7400/udp    RTPS Discovery
  rtps-dd-ut      7401/tcp    RTPS Data-Distribution User-Traffic
  rtps-dd-ut      7401/udp    RTPS Data-Distribution User-Traffic
  rtps-dd-mt      7402/tcp    RTPS Data-Distribution Meta-Traffic
  rtps-dd-mt      7402/udp    RTPS Data-Distribution Meta-Traffic
  #                           Gerardo Pardo-Castellote  October 2005
  #               7403-7409   Unassigned
  ionixnetmon 7410/tcp    Ionix Network Monitor
  ionixnetmon 7410/udp    Ionix Network Monitor
  #       Maxime Deputter  April 2006
  #               7411-7420   Unassigned
  mtportmon       7421/tcp    Matisse Port Monitor
  mtportmon       7421/udp    Matisse Port Monitor
  #                           Didier Cabannes  November 2004
  #               7422-7425   Unassigned
  pmdmgr          7426/tcp    OpenView DM Postmaster Manager
  pmdmgr          7426/udp    OpenView DM Postmaster Manager
  oveadmgr        7427/tcp    OpenView DM Event Agent Manager
  oveadmgr        7427/udp    OpenView DM Event Agent Manager
  ovladmgr        7428/tcp    OpenView DM Log Agent Manager
  ovladmgr        7428/udp    OpenView DM Log Agent Manager
  opi-sock        7429/tcp    OpenView DM rqt communication
  opi-sock        7429/udp    OpenView DM rqt communication
  xmpv7           7430/tcp    OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe
  xmpv7           7430/udp    OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe
  pmd             7431/tcp    OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe
  pmd             7431/udp    OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe
  #                           Dave Lamb
  faximum         7437/tcp    Faximum
  faximum         7437/udp    Faximum
  #                           George Pajari
  #               7438-7442   Unassigned
  oracleas-https  7443/tcp    Oracle Application Server HTTPS
  oracleas-https  7443/udp    Oracle Application Server HTTPS
  #       David McMarlin  August 2006
  #               7444-7472   Unassigned
  rise  7473/tcp    Rise: The Vieneo Province
  rise  7473/udp    Rise: The Vieneo Province
  #       Jason Reskin  March 2007
  #               7474-7490   Unassigned
  telops-lmd      7491/tcp    telops-lmd
  telops-lmd      7491/udp    telops-lmd
  #                           David Spencer
  #               7492-7499   Unassigned
  silhouette      7500/tcp    Silhouette User
  silhouette      7500/udp    Silhouette User
  #                           Anthony Payne  February 2004   
  ovbus           7501/tcp    HP OpenView Bus Daemon
  ovbus           7501/udp    HP OpenView Bus Daemon
  #                           David M. Rhodes
  #               7502-7509   Unassigned
  ovhpas          7510/tcp    HP OpenView Application Server
  ovhpas          7510/udp    HP OpenView Application Server
  #                           Jeff Conrad
  pafec-lm        7511/tcp    pafec-lm
  pafec-lm        7511/udp    pafec-lm
  #                           Billy Dhillon
  #               7512-7541   Unassigned
  saratoga 7542/tcp    Saratoga Transfer Protocol
  saratoga 7542/udp    Saratoga Transfer Protocol
  #       Lloyd Wood  May 2007
  atul            7543/tcp    atul server
  atul            7543/udp    atul server
  #       Mark Stapp  January 2006
  nta-ds          7544/tcp    FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer
  nta-ds          7544/udp    FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer
  nta-us          7545/tcp    FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer
  nta-us          7545/udp    FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer
  #                           Fred Messinger
  cfs             7546/tcp    Cisco Fabric service
  cfs             7546/udp    Cisco Fabric service
  #                           Rituparna Agrawal  September 2005
  cwmp            7547/tcp    DSL Forum CWMP
  cwmp            7547/udp    DSL Forum CWMP
  #                           Anton Okmianski  January 2006
  tidp  7548/tcp    Threat Information Distribution Protocol
  tidp  7548/udp    Threat Information Distribution Protocol
  #       Chui-Tin Yen  February 2006
  nls-tl  7549/tcp    Network Layer Signaling Transport Layer
  nls-tl  7549/udp    Network Layer Signaling Transport Layer
  #       Melinda Shore  May 2006
  #               7550-7559   Unassigned
  sncp            7560/tcp    Sniffer Command Protocol
  sncp            7560/udp    Sniffer Command Protocol
  #                           Dominick Cafarelli  August 2005
  #               7561-7565   Unassigned
  vsi-omega       7566/tcp    VSI Omega 
  vsi-omega       7566/udp    VSI Omega
  #                           Curtis Smith
  #               7567-7569   Unassigned
  aries-kfinder   7570/tcp    Aries Kfinder
  aries-kfinder   7570/udp    Aries Kfinder
  #                           James King, III
  #               7571-7587   Unassigned
  sun-lm          7588/tcp    Sun License Manager
  sun-lm          7588/udp    Sun License Manager
  #                           Sophie Deng
  #               7589-7623   Unassigned
  indi            7624/tcp    Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface
  indi            7624/udp    Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface
  #                           Elwood Downey  April 2002
  #               7625        Unassigned
  simco           7626/tcp    SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO) Server
  #                           RFC4540
  #               7626/udp    De-registered (30 January 2006)
  simco           7626/sctp   SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO)
  #       Sebastian Kiesel  January 2006
  soap-http       7627/tcp    SOAP Service Port
  soap-http       7627/udp    SOAP Service Port
  #                           Donald Dylla  December 2004
  zen-pawn 7628/tcp    Primary Agent Work Notification
  zen-pawn 7628/udp    Primary Agent Work Notification
  #       Ty Ellis  May 2006
  xdas  7629/tcp    OpenXDAS Wire Protocol
  xdas  7629/udp    OpenXDAS Wire Protocol
  #       John Calcote  October 2006
  #               7630-7632   Unassigned
  pmdfmgt         7633/tcp    PMDF Management
  pmdfmgt         7633/udp    PMDF Management
  #                           Hunter Goatley
  #               7634-7647   Unassigned
  cuseeme  7648/tcp    bonjour-cuseeme
  cuseeme  7648/udp    bonjour-cuseeme
  #       Marc Manthey  July 2006
  #               7649-7671   Unassigned
  imqstomp        7672/tcp    iMQ STOMP Server
  #                           Amy Kang  10 March 2009
  #               7672/udp    Reserved
  imqstomps       7673/tcp    iMQ STOMP Server over SSL
  #                           Amy Kang  10 March 2009
  #               7673/udp    Reserved
  imqtunnels      7674/tcp    iMQ SSL tunnel
  imqtunnels      7674/udp    iMQ SSL tunnel
  imqtunnel       7675/tcp    iMQ Tunnel
  imqtunnel       7675/udp    iMQ Tunnel
  #                           Shailesh S. Bavadekar  April 2002
  imqbrokerd      7676/tcp    iMQ Broker Rendezvous
  imqbrokerd      7676/udp    iMQ Broker Rendezvous
  #                           Joseph Di Pol  April 2002
  sun-user-https  7677/tcp    Sun App Server - HTTPS
  sun-user-https  7677/udp    Sun App Server - HTTPS
  #                           Abhijit Kumar  November 2005
  #               7678-7679   Unassigned
  pando-pub       7680/tcp    Pando Media Public Distribution
  pando-pub       7680/udp    Pando Media Public Distribution
  #                           Laird Popkin  27 February 2008
  #               7681-7688   Unassigned
  collaber 7689/tcp    Collaber Network Service
  collaber 7689/udp    Collaber Network Service
  #       Rajesh Akkineni  January 2007
  #               7690-7696   Unassigned
  klio            7697/tcp    KLIO communications
  klio            7697/udp    KLIO communications
  #                           Helmut Giritzer  August 2005
  #               7698-7699   Unassigned
  em7-secom       7700/tcp    EM7 Secure Communications
  #                           Christopher Cordray  05 June 2008
  #               7700/udp    Reserved
  #               7701-7706   Unassigned
  sync-em7        7707/tcp    EM7 Dynamic Updates
  sync-em7        7707/udp    EM7 Dynamic Updates
  #                           Christopher Cordray  November 2004
  scinet          7708/tcp    scientia.net
  scinet          7708/udp    scientia.net
  #       Christoph Anton Mitterer  January 2006
  #               7709-7719   Unassigned
  medimageportal  7720/tcp    MedImage Portal
  medimageportal  7720/udp    MedImage Portal
  #                           Robert Helton  October 2003
  #               7721-7723   Unassigned
  nsdeepfreezectl 7724/tcp    Novell Snap-in Deep Freeze Control
  nsdeepfreezectl 7724/udp    Novell Snap-in Deep Freeze Control
  #                           David Crowe  07 January 2008
  nitrogen        7725/tcp    Nitrogen Service
  nitrogen        7725/udp    Nitrogen Service
  #                           Randy Lomnes  November 2004
  freezexservice  7726/tcp    FreezeX Console Service
  freezexservice  7726/udp    FreezeX Console Service
  #                           David Crowe  June 2005
  trident-data    7727/tcp    Trident Systems Data
  trident-data    7727/udp    Trident Systems Data
  #                           Jeremy McClintock   August 2005
  #               7728-7733   Unassigned
  smip  7734/tcp    Smith Protocol over IP
  smip  7734/udp    Smith Protocol over IP
  #       Jim Pettinato  April 2007
  #               7735-7737   Unassigned
  aiagent         7738/tcp    HP Enterprise Discovery Agent
  aiagent         7738/udp    HP Enterprise Discovery Agent
  #                           Matthew Darwin  August 2005
  #               7739-7741   Unassigned
  msss            7742/tcp    Mugginsoft Script Server Service
  #                           Jonathan Mitchell  08 September 2008
  #               7742/udp    Reserved
  sstp-1          7743/tcp    Sakura Script Transfer Protocol
  sstp-1          7743/udp    Sakura Script Transfer Protocol
  #                           Kouichi Takeda
  raqmon-pdu      7744/tcp    RAQMON PDU
  raqmon-pdu      7744/udp    RAQMON PDU
  #                           RFC4712
  #               7745-7746   Unassigned
  prgp            7747/tcp    Put/Run/Get Protocol
  prgp            7747/udp    Put/Run/Get Protocol
  #                           Jayasooriah  22 February 2008
  #               7748-7776   Unassigned
  cbt             7777/tcp    cbt
  cbt             7777/udp    cbt
  #                           Tony Ballardie
  interwise       7778/tcp    Interwise
  interwise       7778/udp    Interwise
  #                           Joseph Gray
  vstat           7779/tcp    VSTAT
  vstat           7779/udp    VSTAT
  #                           Vinh Nguyn
  #               7780        Unassigned
  accu-lmgr       7781/tcp    accu-lmgr
  accu-lmgr       7781/udp    accu-lmgr
  #                           Moises E. Hernandez
  #               7782-7785   Unassigned
  minivend        7786/tcp    MINIVEND
  minivend        7786/udp    MINIVEND
  #                           Mike Heins
  popup-reminders 7787/tcp    Popup Reminders Receive
  popup-reminders 7787/udp    Popup Reminders Receive
  #       Robert Harvey  January 2006
  #               7788        Unassigned
  office-tools    7789/tcp    Office Tools Pro Receive
  office-tools    7789/udp    Office Tools Pro Receive
  #       Robert Harvey  January 2006
  #               7790-7793   Unassigned
  q3ade           7794/tcp    Q3ADE Cluster Service
  q3ade           7794/udp    Q3ADE Cluster Service
  #                           Uffe Harksen  August 2005
  #               7795-7796   Unassigned
  pnet-conn       7797/tcp    Propel Connector port
  pnet-conn       7797/udp    Propel Connector port
  pnet-enc        7798/tcp    Propel Encoder port
  pnet-enc        7798/udp    Propel Encoder port
  #                           Leif Hedstrom  April 2002

  altbsdp  7799/tcp   >
  altbsdp  7799/udp   >  #       Dieter Siegmund  22 October 2007
  asr  7800/tcp    Apple Software Restore
  asr  7800/udp    Apple Software Restore
  #       Jim Kateley  January 2006
  ssp-client 7801/tcp    Secure Server Protocol - client
  ssp-client 7801/udp    Secure Server Protocol - client
  #       Rick Macchio  November 2006
  #               7802-7809   Unassigned
  rbt-wanopt 7810/tcp    Riverbed WAN Optimization Protocol
  rbt-wanopt 7810/udp    Riverbed WAN Optimization Protocol
  #      Vladimir Legalov  04 September 2007
  #               7811-7844   Unassigned
  apc-7845        7845/tcp    APC 7845
  apc-7845        7845/udp    APC 7845
  apc-7846        7846/tcp    APC 7846
  apc-7846        7846/udp    APC 7846
  #                           American Power Conversion
  #               7847-7868   Unassigned
  mobileanalyzer  7869/tcp    MobileAnalyzer& MobileMonitor
  #                           Jonas Gyllensvaan  27 April 2009
  #               7869/udp    Reserved   
  rbt-smc         7870/tcp    Riverbed Steelhead Mobile Service
  #                           Gabriel Levy  29 August 2008
  #               7870/udp    Reserved
  #               7871-7879   Unassigned
  pss             7880/tcp    Pearson
  pss             7880/udp    Pearson
  #                           Pearson  17 January 2008
  #               7881-7886   Unassigned
  ubroker         7887/tcp    Universal Broker
  ubroker         7887/udp    Universal Broker
  #                           Nathan Hammond  October 2005
  #               7888-7899   Unassigned
  mevent  7900/tcp    Multicast Event
  mevent  7900/udp    Multicast Event
  #       YoonSoo Kim  May 2006
  tnos-sp         7901/tcp    TNOS Service Protocol
  tnos-sp         7901/udp    TNOS Service Protocol
  tnos-dp         7902/tcp    TNOS shell Protocol
  tnos-dp         7902/udp    TNOS shell Protocol
  tnos-dps        7903/tcp    TNOS Secure DiaguardProtocol
  tnos-dps        7903/udp    TNOS Secure DiaguardProtocol
  #                           Rene Kurt  August 2005
  #               7904-7912   Unassigned
  qo-secure       7913/tcp    QuickObjects secure port
  qo-secure       7913/udp    QuickObjects secure port
  #                           Jonas Bovin  
  #               7914-7931   Unassigned
  t2-drm          7932/tcp    Tier 2 Data Resource Manager
  t2-drm          7932/udp    Tier 2 Data Resource Manager
  t2-brm          7933/tcp    Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
  t2-brm          7933/udp    Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
  #                           Peter Carlson
  #               7934-7966   Unassigned
  supercell       7967/tcp    Supercell
  supercell       7967/udp    Supercell
  #                           Kevin Nakagawa
  #               7968-7978   Unassigned    
  micromuse-ncps  7979/tcp    Micromuse-ncps
  micromuse-ncps  7979/udp    Micromuse-ncps
  #                           Hing Wing To
  quest-vista     7980/tcp    Quest Vista
  quest-vista     7980/udp    Quest Vista
  #                           Preston Bannister
  #               7981-7997   Unassigned
  #               7998/tcp    Reserved
  usicontentpush  7998/udp    USI Content Push Service
  #                           Prakash Iyer  10 August 2009
  irdmi2          7999/tcp    iRDMI2
  irdmi2          7999/udp    iRDMI2
  irdmi           8000/tcp    iRDMI
  irdmi           8000/udp    iRDMI
  #                           Gil Shafriri
  vcom-tunnel 8001/tcp    VCOM Tunnel
  vcom-tunnel 8001/udp    VCOM Tunnel
  #       Mark Lewandowski
  teradataordbms 8002/tcp    Teradata ORDBMS
  teradataordbms 8002/udp    Teradata ORDBMS
  #       Curt Ellmann
  mcreport        8003/tcp    Mulberry Connect Reporting Service
  mcreport        8003/udp    Mulberry Connect Reporting Service
  #                           Dave Stoneham  10 March 2008
  #               8004        Unassigned
  mxi  8005/tcp    MXI Generation II for z/OS
  mxi  8005/udp    MXI Generation II for z/OS
  #       Rob Scott  May 2007
  #               8006-8007   Unassigned

  http-alt 8008/tcp    HTTP>
  http-alt 8008/udp    HTTP>  #              James Gettys
  #               8009-8018   Unassigned
  qbdb            8019/tcp    QB DB Dynamic Port
  qbdb            8019/udp    QB DB Dynamic Port
  #                           Sridhar Krishnamurthy  15 February 2008
  intu-ec-svcdisc 8020/tcp    Intuit Entitlement Service and Discovery
  intu-ec-svcdisc 8020/udp    Intuit Entitlement Service and Discovery
  intu-ec-client  8021/tcp    Intuit Entitlement Client
  intu-ec-client  8021/udp    Intuit Entitlement Client
  #                           Daniel C. McGloin  May 2005
  oa-system       8022/tcp    oa-system
  oa-system       8022/udp    oa-system
  #                           Marie-France Dubreuil
  #               8023-8024   Unassigned
  ca-audit-da 8025/tcp    CA Audit Distribution Agent
  ca-audit-da 8025/udp    CA Audit Distribution Agent
  ca-audit-ds 8026/tcp    CA Audit Distribution Server
  ca-audit-ds 8026/udp    CA Audit Distribution Server
  #       Henning Smith  July 2006
  #               8027-8031   Unassigned
  pro-ed  8032/tcp    ProEd
  pro-ed  8032/udp    ProEd
  mindprint 8033/tcp    MindPrint
  mindprint 8033/udp    MindPrint
  #              Larry Tusoni
  vantronix-mgmt  8034/tcp    .vantronix Management
  vantronix-mgmt  8034/udp    .vantronix Management
  #                           Reyk Floeter  27 February 2008
  #               8035-8041   Unassigned
  fs-agent        8042/tcp    FireScope Agent
  #                           Matt Rogers  16 October 2008
  #               8042/udp    Reserved
  fs-server       8043/tcp    FireScope Server
  #                           Matt Rogers  16 October 2008
  #               8043/udp    Reserved
  fs-mgmt         8044/tcp    FireScope Management Interface
  #                           Matt Rogers  16 October 2008
  #               8044/udp    Reserved
  #               8045-8051   Unassigned
  senomix01 8052/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Server
  senomix01 8052/udp    Senomix Timesheets Server
  senomix02 8053/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix02 8053/udp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix03 8054/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix03 8054/udp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix04 8055/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix04 8055/udp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix05 8056/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix05 8056/udp    Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]
  senomix06 8057/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix06 8057/udp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix07 8058/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix07 8058/udp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix08 8059/tcp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  senomix08 8059/udp    Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]
  #       Charles O'Dale  July 2006
  #               8060-8073   Unassigned
  gadugadu 8074/tcp    Gadu-Gadu
  gadugadu 8074/udp    Gadu-Gadu
  #       Marcin Gozdalik  May 2006
  #               8075-8079   Unassigned

  http-alt 8080/tcp    HTTP>
  http-alt 8080/udp    HTTP>  #              Stephen Casner
  sunproxyadmin   8081/tcp    Sun Proxy Admin Service
  sunproxyadmin   8081/udp    Sun Proxy Admin Service
  #                           Arvind Srinivasan  August 2005
  us-cli          8082/tcp    Utilistor (Client)
  us-cli          8082/udp    Utilistor (Client)
  us-srv          8083/tcp    Utilistor (Server)
  us-srv          8083/udp    Utilistor (Server)
  #                           Andy Brewerton  August 2005
  #               8084-8085   Unassigned
  d-s-n           8086/tcp    Distributed SCADA Networking Rendezvous Port
  d-s-n           8086/udp    Distributed SCADA Networking Rendezvous Port
  #                           Gary Hampton  27 February 2008
  simplifymedia   8087/tcp    Simplify Media SPP Protocol
  simplifymedia   8087/udp    Simplify Media SPP Protocol
  #                           Emmanuel Saint-Loubert  08 August 2008
  radan-http      8088/tcp    Radan HTTP
  radan-http      8088/udp    Radan HTTP
  #                           Previous contact: Steve Hay  April 2002
  #                           Current contact: Steve Hay  13 June 2008
  #               8089-8096   Unassigned

  sac  8097/tcp    SAC Port>
  sac  8097/udp    SAC Port>  #       Girish Bhat  April 2006
  #               8098-8099   Unassigned
  xprint-server   8100/tcp    Xprint Server
  xprint-server   8100/udp    Xprint Server
  #                           John McKernan
  ldoms-migr      8101/tcp    Logical Domains Migration
  #                           Liam Merwick  16 January 2009
  #               8101/udp    Reserved
  #               8102-8114   Unassigned
  mtl8000-matrix  8115/tcp    MTL8000 Matrix
  mtl8000-matrix  8115/udp    MTL8000 Matrix
  #                           David Pinch  April 2002
  cp-cluster      8116/tcp    Check Point Clustering
  cp-cluster      8116/udp    Check Point Clustering
  #                           Roni Moshitzky
  #               8117        Unassigned
  privoxy         8118/tcp    Privoxy HTTP proxy
  privoxy         8118/udp    Privoxy HTTP proxy
  #                           Andreas Oesterhelt  June 2002
  #               8119-8120   Unassigned
  apollo-data     8121/tcp    Apollo Data Port
  apollo-data     8121/udp    Apollo Data Port
  #                           Anthony Carrabino  August 2003
  apollo-admin    8122/tcp    Apollo Admin Port
  apollo-admin    8122/udp    Apollo Admin Port
  #                           Anthony Carrabino  August 2003
  #               8123-8127   Unassigned
  paycash-online  8128/tcp    PayCash Online Protocol
  paycash-online  8128/udp    PayCash Online Protocol
  paycash-wbp     8129/tcp    PayCash Wallet-Browser
  paycash-wbp     8129/udp    PayCash Wallet-Browser
  #                           MegaZone  August 2005
  indigo-vrmi     8130/tcp    INDIGO-VRMI
  indigo-vrmi     8130/udp    INDIGO-VRMI
  indigo-vbcp     8131/tcp    INDIGO-VBCP
  indigo-vbcp     8131/udp    INDIGO-VBCP
  #                           Colin Caughie
  dbabble         8132/tcp    dbabble
  dbabble         8132/udp    dbabble
  #                           Chris Pugmire        
  #               8133-8147   Unassigned
  isdd            8148/tcp    i-SDD file transfer
  isdd            8148/udp    i-SDD file transfer
  #                           Frank Waarsenburg  November 2004
  #               8149-8159   Unassigned
  patrol  8160/tcp    Patrol
  patrol  8160/udp    Patrol
  patrol-snmp 8161/tcp    Patrol SNMP
  patrol-snmp 8161/udp    Patrol SNMP
  #       Portnoy Boxman
  #               8162-8182   Unassigned
  proremote       8183/tcp    ProRemote
  #                           Alex Lelievre  18 August 2009
  #               8183/udp    Reserved
  #               8184-8191   Unassigned
  spytechphone 8192/tcp    SpyTech Phone Service
  spytechphone 8192/udp    SpyTech Phone Service
  #       Bill Kay  April 2006
  #               8193        Unassigned
  blp1  8194/tcp    Bloomberg data API
  blp1  8194/udp    Bloomberg data API
  blp2  8195/tcp    Bloomberg feed
  blp2  8195/udp    Bloomberg feed
  #       Albert Hou  May 2006
  #               8196-8198   Unassigned
  vvr-data        8199/tcp    VVR DATA
  vvr-data        8199/udp    VVR DATA
  #                           Ming Xu
  trivnet1 8200/tcp    TRIVNET
  trivnet1 8200/udp    TRIVNET
  trivnet2   8201/tcp    TRIVNET
  trivnet2 8201/udp    TRIVNET
  #                   Saar Wilf
  #               8202-8203   Unassigned
  lm-perfworks 8204/tcp    LM Perfworks
  lm-perfworks 8204/udp    LM Perfworks
  lm-instmgr 8205/tcp    LM Instmgr
  lm-instmgr 8205/udp    LM Instmgr
  lm-dta         8206/tcp    LM Dta
  lm-dta  8206/udp    LM Dta
  lm-sserver 8207/tcp    LM SServer
  lm-sserver 8207/udp    LM SServer
  lm-webwatcher 8208/tcp    LM Webwatcher
  lm-webwatcher 8208/udp    LM Webwatcher
  #                   Chris Flynn
  #               8209-8229   Unassigned
  rexecj          8230/tcp    RexecJ Server
  rexecj          8230/udp    RexecJ Server
  #                           Curtiss Howard  November 2004
  #               8231-8242   Unassigned
  synapse-nhttps  8243/tcp    Synapse Non Blocking HTTPS
  synapse-nhttps  8243/udp    Synapse Non Blocking HTTPS
  #                           Ruwan Linton  10 July 2008
  #               8244-8275   Unassigned
  pando-sec       8276/tcp    Pando Media Controlled Distribution
  pando-sec       8276/udp    Pando Media Controlled Distribution
  #                           Laird Popkin  27 February 2008
  #               8277-8279   Unassigned
  synapse-nhttp   8280/tcp    Synapse Non Blocking HTTP
  synapse-nhttp   8280/udp    Synapse Non Blocking HTTP
  #                           Ruwan Linton  05 June 2008
  #               8281-8291   Unassigned
  blp3  8292/tcp    Bloomberg professional
  blp3  8292/udp    Bloomberg professional
  #               8293        Unassigned
  blp4  8294/tcp    Bloomberg intelligent client
  blp4  8294/udp    Bloomberg intelligent client
  #       Albert Hou  May 2006
  #               8295-8299   Unassigned
  tmi  8300/tcp    Transport Management Interface
  tmi  8300/udp    Transport Management Interface
  #       Steve Kneizys  November 2006
  amberon  8301/tcp    Amberon PPC/PPS
  amberon  8301/udp    Amberon PPC/PPS
  #       Ronald Snyder  March 2006
  #               8302-8319   Unassigned
  tnp-discover 8320/tcp    Thin(ium) Network Protocol
  tnp-discover 8320/udp    Thin(ium) Network Protocol
  tnp  8321/tcp    Thin(ium) Network Protocol
  tnp  8321/udp    Thin(ium) Network Protocol
  #       Aly Orady, Atto Devices, Inc.  07 August 2007
  #               8322-8350   Unassigned
  server-find 8351/tcp    Server Find
  server-find 8351/udp    Server Find
  #                   Chris Brown
  #               8352-8375   Unassigned
  cruise-enum 8376/tcp    Cruise ENUM
  cruise-enum 8376/udp    Cruise ENUM
  cruise-swroute 8377/tcp    Cruise SWROUTE
  cruise-swroute 8377/udp    Cruise SWROUTE
  cruise-config 8378/tcp    Cruise CONFIG
  cruise-config 8378/udp    Cruise CONFIG
  cruise-diags 8379/tcp    Cruise DIAGS
  cruise-diags 8379/udp    Cruise DIAGS
  cruise-update 8380/tcp    Cruise UPDATE
  cruise-update 8380/udp    Cruise UPDATE
  #                   Steve Husak   
  #               8381-8382   Unassigned
  m2mservices     8383/tcp    M2m Services
  m2mservices     8383/udp    M2m Services
  #                           Carlos Arteaga  November 2004
  #               8384-8399   Unassigned
  cvd  8400/tcp    cvd
  cvd  8400/udp    cvd
  sabarsd   8401/tcp    sabarsd
  sabarsd  8401/udp    sabarsd
  abarsd  8402/tcp    abarsd
  abarsd  8402/udp    abarsd
  admind  8403/tcp    admind
  admind   8403/udp    admind
  #                   Aaron Bilbrey
  svcloud         8404/tcp    SuperVault Cloud
  #                           Alex Stoev  14 September 2009
  #               8404/udp    Reserved
  svbackup        8405/tcp    SuperVault Backup
  #                           Alex Stoev  14 September 2009
  #               8405/udp    Reserved
  #               8406-8415   Unassigned
  espeech         8416/tcp    eSpeech Session Protocol
  espeech         8416/udp    eSpeech Session Protocol
  #                           Scott Tarone  November 2002
  espeech-rtp     8417/tcp    eSpeech RTP Protocol
  espeech-rtp     8417/udp    eSpeech RTP Protocol
  #                           Scott Tarone  April 2003
  #               8418-8441   Unassigned
  cybro-a-bus 8442/tcp    CyBro A-bus Protocol
  cybro-a-bus 8442/udp    CyBro A-bus Protocol
  #       Damir Skrjanec  May 2007
  pcsync-https    8443/tcp    PCsync HTTPS
  pcsync-https    8443/udp    PCsync HTTPS
  pcsync-http     8444/tcp    PCsync HTTP
  pcsync-http     8444/udp    PCsync HTTP
  #                           Katy Lynn McCullough
  #               8445-8449   Unassigned
  npmp            8450/tcp    npmp
  npmp            8450/udp    npmp
  #                           Ian Chard
  #               8451-8469   Unassigned
  cisco-avp       8470/tcp    Cisco Address Validation Protocol
  #                           Cullen Jennings  13 February 2009
  #               8470/udp    Reserved

  pim-port        8471/tcp    PIM over>
  pim-port        8471/sctp   PIM over>  #                           Dino Farinacci  21 August 2008
  #               8471/udp    Reserved
  otv             8472/tcp    Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV)
  otv             8472/udp    Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV)
  #                           Dino Farinacci  07 January 2008
  vp2p            8473/tcp    Virtual Point to Point
  vp2p            8473/udp    Virtual Point to Point
  #                           Jerome Grimbert
  noteshare       8474/tcp    AquaMinds NoteShare
  noteshare       8474/udp    AquaMinds NoteShare
  #                           Michael McNabb  October 2005
  #               8475-8499   Unassigned
  fmtp            8500/tcp    Flight Message Transfer Protocol
  fmtp            8500/udp    Flight Message Transfer Protocol
  #                           Eivan Cerasi  December 2003
  #               8501-8553   Unassigned

  rtsp-alt        8554/tcp    RTSP>
  rtsp-alt        8554/udp    RTSP>  #                           Stephen Casner
  d-fence         8555/tcp    SYMAX D-FENCE
  d-fence         8555/udp    SYMAX D-FENCE
  #                           Thomas Geisel  January 2003
  #               8556-8566   Unassigned
  oap-admin 8567/tcp    Object Access Protocol Administration
  oap-admin 8567/udp    Object Access Protocol Administration
  #                           Bryant Eastham  August 2005
  #               8568-8599   Unassigned
  asterix         8600/tcp    Surveillance Data
  asterix         8600/udp    Surveillance Data
  #                           Eivan Cerasi  November 2005
  #               8601-8609   Unassigned
  canon-mfnp      8610/tcp    Canon MFNP Service
  canon-mfnp      8610/udp    Canon MFNP Service
  #                           Ritsuto Sako  04 May 2009
  canon-bjnp1     8611/tcp    Canon BJNP Port 1
  canon-bjnp1     8611/udp    Canon BJNP Port 1
  #                           Atsushi Nakamura  November 2003
  canon-bjnp2     8612/tcp    Canon BJNP Port 2
  canon-bjnp2     8612/udp    Canon BJNP Port 2
  #                           Atsushi Nakamura  November 2003
  canon-bjnp3     8613/tcp    Canon BJNP Port 3
  canon-bjnp3     8613/udp    Canon BJNP Port 3
  #                           Atsushi Nakamura  November 2003
  canon-bjnp4     8614/tcp    Canon BJNP Port 4
  canon-bjnp4     8614/udp    Canon BJNP Port 4
  #                           Atsushi Nakamura  November 2003
  #               8615-8685   Unassigned
  sun-as-jmxrmi   8686/tcp    Sun App Server - JMX/RMI
  sun-as-jmxrmi   8686/udp    Sun App Server - JMX/RMI
  #                           Abhijit Kumar  November 2005
  #               8687-8698   Unassigned
  vnyx            8699/tcp    VNYX Primary Port
  vnyx            8699/udp    VNYX Primary Port
  #                           Gregg Green  November 2004
  #               8700-8731   Unassigned
  #               8732/tcp    Reserved
  dtp-net         8732/udp    DASGIP Net Services
  #                           Dr. Matthias Arnold  23 March 2009
  ibus  8733/tcp    iBus
  ibus  8733/udp    iBus
  #              Silvano Maffeis
  #               8734-8762   Unassigned
  mc-appserver    8763/tcp    MC-APPSERVER
  mc-appserver    8763/udp    MC-APPSERVER
  #                           Romeo Kasanwidjojo       
  openqueue       8764/tcp    OPENQUEUE
  openqueue       8764/udp    OPENQUEUE
  #                           Matt Jensen                   
  ultraseek-http 8765/tcp    Ultraseek HTTP
  ultraseek-http 8765/udp    Ultraseek HTTP
  #                   Walter Underwood
  #               8766-8769   Unassigned
  dpap            8770/tcp    Digital Photo Access Protocol
  dpap            8770/udp    Digital Photo Access Protocol
  #                           Amandeep Jawa  November 2004
  #               8771-8785   Unassigned
  msgclnt         8786/tcp    Message Client
  msgclnt         8786/udp    Message Client
  msgsrvr         8787/tcp    Message Server
  msgsrvr         8787/udp    Message Server
  #                           Michael O'Brien  March 2003
  #               8788-8799   Unassigned
  sunwebadmin     8800/tcp    Sun Web Server Admin Service
  sunwebadmin     8800/udp    Sun Web Server Admin Service
  #                           Jyri J. Virkki  December 2005
  #               8801-8803   Unassigned
  truecm          8804/tcp    truecm
  truecm          8804/udp    truecm
  #                           Scott Kramer
  #               8805-8872   Unassigned
  dxspider        8873/tcp    dxspider linking protocol
  dxspider        8873/udp    dxspider linking protocol
  #                           Dirk Koopman  August 2005
  #               8874-8879   Unassigned        
  cddbp-alt 8880/tcp    CDDBP
  cddbp-alt 8880/udp    CDDBP
  #              Steve Scherf
  #               8881-8882   Unassigned
  secure-mqtt     8883/tcp    Secure MQTT
  secure-mqtt     8883/udp    Secure MQTT
  #                           Arthur Barr  27 February 2008
  #               8884-8887   Unassigned
  ddi-tcp-1       8888/tcp    NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1)
  ddi-udp-1       8888/udp    NewsEDGE server UDP (UDP 1)
  ddi-tcp-2       8889/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 1
  ddi-udp-2       8889/udp    NewsEDGE server broadcast
  ddi-tcp-3       8890/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 2
  ddi-udp-3       8890/udp    NewsEDGE client broadcast
  ddi-tcp-4       8891/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application
  ddi-udp-4       8891/udp    Desktop Data UDP 3: NESS application
  ddi-tcp-5       8892/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product
  ddi-udp-5       8892/udp    Desktop Data UDP 4: FARM product
  ddi-tcp-6       8893/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
  ddi-udp-6       8893/udp    Desktop Data UDP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application
  ddi-tcp-7       8894/tcp    Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application
  ddi-udp-7       8894/udp    Desktop Data UDP 6: COAL application
  #                           Fred Yao
  #               8895-8898   Unassigned
  ospf-lite       8899/tcp    ospf-lite
  ospf-lite       8899/udp    ospf-lite
  #                           Matthew Thomas  07 January 2008
  jmb-cds1        8900/tcp    JMB-CDS 1
  jmb-cds1        8900/udp    JMB-CDS 1
  jmb-cds2        8901/tcp    JMB-CDS 2
  jmb-cds2        8901/udp    JMB-CDS 2
  #       Curtis Bray
  #               8902-8909   Unassigned
  manyone-http    8910/tcp    manyone-http
  manyone-http    8910/udp    manyone-http
  manyone-xml     8911/tcp    manyone-xml
  manyone-xml     8911/udp    manyone-xml
  #                           Matt King  April 2002
  wcbackup        8912/tcp    Windows Client Backup
  wcbackup        8912/udp    Windows Client Backup
  #                           Jim Lyon  November 2005
  dragonfly       8913/tcp    Dragonfly System Service
  dragonfly       8913/udp    Dragonfly System Service
  #                           Paul Hodara  November 2005
  #               8914-8936   Unassigned
  twds            8937/tcp    Transaction Warehouse Data Service
  #                           Lance M. Steenson  18 September 2009
  #               8937/udp    Reserved
  #               8938-8953   Unassigned
  cumulus-admin   8954/tcp    Cumulus Admin Port
  cumulus-admin   8954/udp    Cumulus Admin Port
  #                           Thomas Schleu
  #               8955-8988   Unassigned
  sunwebadmins    8989/tcp    Sun Web Server SSL Admin Service
  sunwebadmins    8989/udp    Sun Web Server SSL Admin Service
  #                           Jyri J. Virkki  December 2005
  http-wmap 8990/tcp    webmail HTTP service
  http-wmap 8990/udp    webmail HTTP service
  https-wmap 8991/tcp    webmail HTTPS service
  https-wmap 8991/udp    webmail HTTPS service
  #       Fred Batty  03 December 2007
  #               8992-8998   Unassigned
  bctp            8999/tcp    Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol
  bctp            8999/udp    Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol
  #                           Alexander Sahler  February 2002
  cslistener      9000/tcp    CSlistener
  cslistener      9000/udp    CSlistener
  #                           David Jones
  etlservicemgr   9001/tcp    ETL Service Manager
  etlservicemgr   9001/udp    ETL Service Manager
  #                           Stephen McCrea  March 2002
  dynamid         9002/tcp    DynamID authentication
  dynamid         9002/udp    DynamID authentication
  #                           Jerome Dusautois  March 2002
  #               9003-9005   Unassigned
  #               9006        De-Commissioned Port 02/24/00, ms
  #               9007/tcp    Reserved
  ogs-client      9007/udp    Open Grid Services Client
  #                           Gareth Nelson  22 August 2008
  ogs-server      9008/tcp    Open Grid Services Server
  #                           Gareth Nelson  22 August 2008
  #               9008/udp    Reserved
  pichat          9009/tcp    Pichat Server
  pichat          9009/udp    Pichat Server
  #                           Mark Seuffert  November 2004
  sdr             9010/tcp    Secure Data Replicator Protocol
  #                           Sufyan Almajali  27 June 2008
  #               9010/udp    Reserved
  #               9011-9019   Unassigned
  tambora         9020/tcp    TAMBORA
  tambora         9020/udp    TAMBORA
  #                           Jason van Zyl  March 2002

  panagolin-ident 9021/tcp    Pangolin>
  panagolin-ident 9021/udp    Pangolin>  #                           William Benner  March 2002
  paragent        9022/tcp    PrivateArk Remote Agent
  paragent        9022/udp    PrivateArk Remote Agent
  #                           Gal Cucuy  March 2002
  swa-1           9023/tcp    Secure Web Access - 1
  swa-1           9023/udp    Secure Web Access - 1
  swa-2           9024/tcp    Secure Web Access - 2
  swa-2           9024/udp    Secure Web Access - 2
  swa-3           9025/tcp    Secure Web Access - 3
  swa-3           9025/udp    Secure Web Access - 3
  swa-4           9026/tcp    Secure Web Access - 4
  swa-4           9026/udp    Secure Web Access - 4
  #                           Tim McGranaghan
  #               9027-9079   Unassigned
  glrpc           9080/tcp    Groove GLRPC
  glrpc           9080/udp    Groove GLRPC
  #                           Adrian Popescu  September 2002
  #               9081-9083   Unassigned
  aurora          9084/tcp    IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
  aurora          9084/udp    IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
  aurora          9084/sctp   IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
  #                           Jeroen Massar  21 August 2008
  ibm-rsyscon     9085/tcp    IBM Remote System Console
  ibm-rsyscon     9085/udp    IBM Remote System Console
  #                           William LePera  18 June 2008
  net2display     9086/tcp    Vesa Net2Display
  net2display     9086/udp    Vesa Net2Display
  #                           Kenneth B. Ocheltree  07 January 2008

  classic  9087/tcp   >
  classic  9087/udp   >  #       Paul Cadarette  January 2007
  sqlexec  9088/tcp    IBM Informix SQL Interface
  sqlexec  9088/udp    IBM Informix SQL Interface
  sqlexec-ssl     9089/tcp    IBM Informix SQL Interface - Encrypted
  sqlexec-ssl     9089/udp    IBM Informix SQL Interface - Encrypted
  #                           Jonathan Leffler  December 2005
  websm           9090/tcp    WebSM
  websm           9090/udp    WebSM
  #                           I-Hsing Tsao
  xmltec-xmlmail  9091/tcp    xmltec-xmlmail
  xmltec-xmlmail  9091/udp    xmltec-xmlmail
  #                           Mitch Kaufman
  XmlIpcRegSvc    9092/tcp    Xml-Ipc Server Reg
  XmlIpcRegSvc    9092/udp    Xml-Ipc Server Reg
  #                           Casey Harrington  January 2006
  #               9093-9099   Unassigned
  hp-pdl-datastr  9100/tcp    PDL Data Streaming Port
  hp-pdl-datastr  9100/udp    PDL Data Streaming Port
  #                           Shivaun Albright  April 2002
  #### The protocol name "pdl-datastream" is primarily registered for use ####
  #### in DNS SRV records (RFC 2782). DNS SRV records allow a protocol to run on ####
  #### any port number, but the default port for this protocol is 9100 ####.
  pdl-datastream  9100/tcp    Printer PDL Data Stream
  pdl-datastream  9100/udp    Printer PDL Data Stream
  #                           Stuart Cheshire  September 2002
  bacula-dir      9101/tcp    Bacula Director
  bacula-dir      9101/udp    Bacula Director
  bacula-fd       9102/tcp    Bacula File Daemon 
  bacula-fd       9102/udp    Bacula File Daemon
  bacula-sd       9103/tcp    Bacula Storage Daemon
  bacula-sd       9103/udp    Bacula Storage Daemon
  #                           Kern Sibbald   January 2002
  peerwire        9104/tcp    PeerWire
  peerwire        9104/udp    PeerWire
  #                           Steven Gerhardt  February 2004
  xadmin          9105/tcp    Xadmin Control Service
  xadmin          9105/udp    Xadmin Control Service
  #                           Ariën Huisken  15 June 2009
  #               9106-9118   Unassigned
  mxit  9119/tcp    MXit Instant Messaging
  mxit  9119/udp    MXit Instant Messaging
  #       Marnus Freeman  February 2006
  #               9120-9130   Unassigned
  dddp            9131/tcp    Dynamic Device Discovery
  dddp            9131/udp    Dynamic Device Discovery
  #                           Shane Dick  August 2005
  #               9132-9159   Unassigned
  apani1  9160/tcp    apani1
  apani1  9160/udp    apani1
  apani2  9161/tcp    apani2
  apani2  9161/udp    apani2
  apani3  9162/tcp    apani3
  apani3  9162/udp    apani3
  apani4  9163/tcp    apani4
  apani4  9163/udp    apani4
  apani5  9164/tcp    apani5
  apani5  9164/udp    apani5
  #              Neal Taylor
  #               9165-9190   Unassigned
  sun-as-jpda     9191/tcp    Sun AppSvr JPDA
  sun-as-jpda     9191/udp    Sun AppSvr JPDA
  #                           Abhijit Kumar  November 2005
  #               9192-9199   Unassigned
  wap-wsp      9200/tcp    WAP connectionless session service
  wap-wsp  9200/udp    WAP connectionless session service
  wap-wsp-wtp 9201/tcp    WAP session service
  wap-wsp-wtp 9201/udp    WAP session service
  wap-wsp-s 9202/tcp    WAP secure connectionless session service
  wap-wsp-s 9202/udp    WAP secure connectionless session service
  wap-wsp-wtp-s 9203/tcp    WAP secure session service
  wap-wsp-wtp-s 9203/udp    WAP secure session service
  wap-vcard 9204/tcp    WAP vCard
  wap-vcard 9204/udp    WAP vCard
  wap-vcal 9205/tcp    WAP vCal
  wap-vcal 9205/udp    WAP vCal
  wap-vcard-s 9206/tcp    WAP vCard Secure
  wap-vcard-s 9206/udp    WAP vCard Secure
  wap-vcal-s 9207/tcp    WAP vCal Secure
  wap-vcal-s 9207/udp    WAP vCal Secure
  #                           WAP Forum  
  #                           WAP Forum
  rjcdb-vcards    9208/tcp    rjcdb vCard
  rjcdb-vcards    9208/udp    rjcdb vCard
  #       Robert John Churchill  January 2006
  almobile-system 9209/tcp    ALMobile System Service
  almobile-system 9209/udp    ALMobile System Service
  #       Rob Graber  January 2006
  oma-mlp         9210/tcp    OMA Mobile Location Protocol
  oma-mlp         9210/udp    OMA Mobile Location Protocol
  oma-mlp-s       9211/tcp    OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure
  oma-mlp-s       9211/udp    OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure
  #                           Hans Rohnert  April 2002
  serverviewdbms  9212/tcp    Server View dbms access [January 2005]
  serverviewdbms  9212/udp    Server View dbms access [January 2005]
  #                           Detlef Rothe  15 May 2009
  serverstart     9213/tcp    ServerStart RemoteControl [August 2005]
  serverstart     9213/udp    ServerStart RemoteControl [August 2005]
  #                           Detlef Rothe  15 May 2009
  ipdcesgbs       9214/tcp    IPDC ESG BootstrapService
  ipdcesgbs       9214/udp    IPDC ESG BootstrapService
  #       Joerg Heuer  February 2006
  insis           9215/tcp    Integrated Setup and Install Service
  insis           9215/udp    Integrated Setup and Install Service
  #       Markus Treinen  February 2006
  acme  9216/tcp    Aionex Communication Management Engine
  acme  9216/udp    Aionex Communication Management Engine
  #       Mark Sapp  April 2006
  fsc-port        9217/tcp    FSC Communication Port
  fsc-port        9217/udp    FSC Communication Port
  #                           Teijo Mustonen  March 2002
  #               9218-9221   Unassigned
  teamcoherence   9222/tcp    QSC Team Coherence
  teamcoherence   9222/udp    QSC Team Coherence
  #                           Ewan McNab  November 2004
  #               9223-9254   Unassigned
  mon  9255/tcp    Manager On Network
  mon  9255/udp    Manager On Network
  #       David Rouchet  May 2007
  #               9256-9277   Unassigned
  pegasus         9278/tcp    Pegasus GPS Platform
  pegasus         9278/udp    Pegasus GPS Platform
  #                           Nestor A. Diaz  12 May 2009
  pegasus-ctl     9279/tcp    Pegaus GPS System Control Interface
  pegasus-ctl     9279/udp    Pegaus GPS System Control Interface
  #                           Nestor A. Diaz  12 May 2009
  pgps            9280/tcp    Predicted GPS
  pgps            9280/udp    Predicted GPS
  #                           Jeremy Freeman  14 February 2008
  swtp-port1      9281/tcp    SofaWare transport port 1
  swtp-port1      9281/udp    SofaWare transport port 1
  swtp-port2      9282/tcp    SofaWare transport port 2
  swtp-port2      9282/udp    SofaWare transport port 2
  #                           Amir Rapson  February 2002
  callwaveiam     9283/tcp    CallWaveIAM
  callwaveiam     9283/udp    CallWaveIAM
  #                           Colin Kelley  
  visd            9284/tcp    VERITAS Information Serve
  visd            9284/udp    VERITAS Information Serve
  #                           Ravi Tavakely  February 2002
  n2h2server      9285/tcp    N2H2 Filter Service Port
  n2h2server      9285/udp    N2H2 Filter Service Port
  #                           Jim Irwin  February 2002
  #               9286        Unassigned
  cumulus         9287/tcp    Cumulus
  cumulus  9287/udp    Cumulus
  #                           Thomas Schleu                  
  #               9288-9291   Unassigned
  armtechdaemon   9292/tcp    ArmTech Daemon
  armtechdaemon   9292/udp    ArmTech Daemon
  #                           Rohan Story
  storview 9293/tcp    StorView Client
  storview 9293/udp    StorView Client
  #       Ryan Smith  July 2006
  armcenterhttp 9294/tcp    ARMCenter http Service
  armcenterhttp 9294/udp    ARMCenter http Service
  armcenterhttps 9295/tcp    ARMCenter https Service
  armcenterhttps 9295/udp    ARMCenter https Service
  #       Eric Thiebaut-George  April 2006
  #               9296-9299   Unassigned
  vrace  9300/tcp    Virtual Racing Service
  vrace  9300/udp    Virtual Racing Service
  #       Pete Loeffen, President, Digital Rowing Inc.  October 2006
  #               9301-9305   Unassigned
  sphinxql        9306/tcp    Sphinx search server (MySQL listener)
  #                           Andrew Aksyonoff  20 October 2009
  #               9306/udp    Reserved
  #               9307-9311   Unassigned
  sphinxapi       9312/tcp    Sphinx search server
  #                           Andrew Aksyonoff  20 October 2009
  #               9312/udp    Reserved
  #               9313-9317   Unassigned
  secure-ts       9318/tcp    PKIX TimeStamp over TLS
  secure-ts       9318/udp    PKIX TimeStamp over TLS
  #                           Niklas Weiss  November 2004
  #               9319-9320   Unassigned
  guibase  9321/tcp    guibase
  guibase  9321/udp    guibase
  #       Yutaka Ono
  #               9322-9342   Unassigned
  mpidcmgr     9343/tcp    MpIdcMgr
  mpidcmgr  9343/udp    MpIdcMgr
  mphlpdmc 9344/tcp    Mphlpdmc
  mphlpdmc 9344/udp    Mphlpdmc
  #       Yutaka Ono
  #               9345        Unassigned   
  ctechlicensing  9346/tcp    C Tech Licensing
  ctechlicensing  9346/udp    C Tech Licensing
  #                           Reed Copsey, Jr.       
  #               9347-9373   Unassigned
  fjdmimgr 9374/tcp    fjdmimgr
  fjdmimgr 9374/udp    fjdmimgr
  #                   Yutaka Ono
  #               9375-9379   Unassigned
  boxp  9380/tcp    Brivs! Open Extensible Protocol
  boxp  9380/udp    Brivs! Open Extensible Protocol
  #       Danko Alexeyev  08 August 2007
  #               9381-9386   Unassigned
  d2dconfig       9387/tcp    D2D Configuration Service
  #                           Pete Camble  24 December 2008
  #               9387/udp    Reserved
  d2ddatatrans    9388/tcp    D2D Data Transfer Service
  #                           Pete Camble  24 December 2008
  #               9388/udp    Reserved
  adws            9389/tcp    Active Directory Web Services
  #                           Nitin Gupta  24 December 2008
  #               9389/udp    Reserved
  otp             9390/tcp    OpenVAS Transfer Protocol
  #                           Tim Brown  24 December 2008
  #               9390/udp    Reserved
  #               9391-9395   Unassigned
  fjinvmgr 9396/tcp    fjinvmgr
  fjinvmgr 9396/udp    fjinvmgr
  mpidcagt 9397/tcp    MpIdcAgt
  mpidcagt 9397/udp    MpIdcAgt
  #              Yutaka Ono
  #               9398-9399   Unassigned
  sec-t4net-srv 9400/tcp    Samsung Twain for Network Server
  sec-t4net-srv 9400/udp    Samsung Twain for Network Server
  sec-t4net-clt 9401/tcp    Samsung Twain for Network Client
  sec-t4net-clt 9401/udp    Samsung Twain for Network Client
  #       Dongkeun Kim  February 2007
  sec-pc2fax-srv  9402/tcp    Samsung PC2FAX for Network Server
  sec-pc2fax-srv  9402/udp    Samsung PC2FAX for Network Server
  #                           HyeongBae Yu  31 July 2008
  #               9403-9417   Unassigned
  git             9418/tcp    git pack transfer service
  git             9418/udp    git pack transfer service
  #                           Linus Torvalds  September 2005
  #               9419-9442   Unassigned
  tungsten-https 9443/tcp    WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS
  tungsten-https 9443/udp    WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS
  #       Afkham Azeez  June 2006
  wso2esb-console 9444/tcp    WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS
  wso2esb-console 9444/udp    WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS
  #                           Ruwan Linton  20 August 2008
  #               9445-9449   Unassigned
  sntlkeyssrvr    9450/tcp    Sentinel Keys Server
  sntlkeyssrvr    9450/udp    Sentinel Keys Server
  #                           Martin Ziskind  21 August 2008
  #               9451-9499   Unassigned
  ismserver 9500/tcp    ismserver
  ismserver    9500/udp    ismserver
  #              Ian Gordon
  #               9501-9534   Unassigned
  mngsuite        9535/tcp    Management Suite Remote Control
  mngsuite        9535/udp    Management Suite Remote Control
  #                           Alan Butt
  laes-bf  9536/tcp    Surveillance buffering function
  laes-bf  9536/udp    Surveillance buffering function
  #       Glen Myers  May 2007
  #               9537-9554   Unassigned
  trispen-sra     9555/tcp    Trispen Secure Remote Access
  trispen-sra     9555/udp    Trispen Secure Remote Access
  #                           Jaco Botha  November 2004
  #               9556-9591   Unassigned
  ldgateway 9592/tcp    LANDesk Gateway
  ldgateway 9592/udp    LANDesk Gateway
  #       Alan Butt  March 2006
  cba8            9593/tcp    LANDesk Management Agent
  cba8            9593/udp    LANDesk Management Agent
  #                           Alan Butt  November 2004
  msgsys          9594/tcp    Message System
  msgsys          9594/udp    Message System
  pds             9595/tcp    Ping Discovery Service
  pds             9595/udp    Ping Discovery Service
  #                           Alan Butt
  mercury-disc    9596/tcp    Mercury Discovery
  mercury-disc    9596/udp    Mercury Discovery
  #                           Paul Mclachlan  November 2005
  pd-admin        9597/tcp    PD Administration
  pd-admin        9597/udp    PD Administration
  #                           Duk Loi  November 2005
  vscp            9598/tcp    Very Simple Ctrl Protocol
  vscp            9598/udp    Very Simple Ctrl Protocol
  #                           Ake Hedman  November 2005
  robix           9599/tcp    Robix
  robix           9599/udp    Robix
  #                           Evan Rosen  November 2005
  micromuse-ncpw  9600/tcp    MICROMUSE-NCPW
  micromuse-ncpw  9600/udp    MICROMUSE-NCPW
  #                           Hing Wing To
  #               9601-9611   Unassigned
  streamcomm-ds   9612/tcp    StreamComm User Directory
  streamcomm-ds 9612/udp    StreamComm User Directory
  #                           Brian C. Wiles
  #               9613        Unassigned
  iadt-tls        9614/tcp    iADT Protocol over TLS
  #                           Paul A. Suhler  05 February 2009
  #               9614/udp    Reserved
  #               9615        Unassigned
  erunbook_agent  9616/tcp    eRunbook Agent
  #                           Gerhard Wagner  10 March 2009
  #               9616/udp    Reserved
  erunbook_server 9617/tcp    eRunbook Server
  #                           Gerhard Wagner  10 March 2009
  #               9617/udp    Reserved
  condor          9618/tcp    Condor Collector Service
  condor          9618/udp    Condor Collector Service
  #                           Todd Tannenbaum  03 April 2008
  #               9619-9627   Unassigned
  odbcpathway 9628/tcp    ODBC Pathway Service
  odbcpathway 9628/udp    ODBC Pathway Service
  #       Adrian Hungate  May 2007
  uniport  9629/tcp    UniPort SSO Controller
  uniport  9629/udp    UniPort SSO Controller
  #       Adrian Hungate  05 September 2007
  peoctlr         9630/tcp    Peovica Controller
  #                           Adrian Hungate  14 September 2009
  #               9630/udp    Reserved
  peocoll         9631/tcp    Peovica Collector
  #                           Adrian Hungate  14 September 2009
  #               9631/udp    Reserved
  #               9632/tcp    Reserved
  mc-comm         9632/udp    Mobile-C Communications
  #                           David Ko  14 September 2009
  #               9633-9666   Unassigned
  xmms2           9667/tcp    Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System
  xmms2           9667/udp    Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System
  #                           Juho Vähä-Herttua  14 April 2009
  tec5-sdctp      9668/tcp    tec5 Spectral Device Control Protocol
  tec5-sdctp      9668/udp    tec5 Spectral Device Control Protocol
  #                           Michael Muth  11 May 2009
  #               9669-9693   Unassigned
  client-wakeup   9694/tcp    T-Mobile Client Wakeup Message
  client-wakeup   9694/udp    T-Mobile Client Wakeup Message
  #                           Michael Schönborn, T-Mobile International AG  11 September 2009
  ccnx            9695/tcp    Content Centric Networking
  ccnx            9695/udp    Content Centric Networking
  #                           Van Jacobson  29 September 2009
  #                           Simon Barber  29 September 2009
  #               9696-9699   Unassigned
  board-roar      9700/tcp    Board M.I.T. Service
  board-roar      9700/udp    Board M.I.T. Service
  #       Francesco Rosi  January 2006
  #               9701-9746   Unassigned
  l5nas-parchan   9747/tcp    L5NAS Parallel Channel
  l5nas-parchan   9747/udp    L5NAS Parallel Channel
  #                           Lawrence J. Dickson - Land-5 Corporation
  #                            March 2002            
  #               9748-9749   Unassigned
  board-voip      9750/tcp    Board M.I.T. Synchronous Collaboration
  board-voip      9750/udp    Board M.I.T. Synchronous Collaboration
  #       Francesco Rosi  January 2006
  #               9751-9752   Unassigned
  rasadv  9753/tcp    rasadv
  rasadv  9753/udp    rasadv
  #              Dave Thaler
  #               9754-9761   Unassigned
  tungsten-http 9762/tcp    WSO2 Tungsten HTTP
  tungsten-http 9762/udp    WSO2 Tungsten HTTP
  #       Afkham Azeez  June 2006
  #               9763-9799   Unassigned
  davsrc          9800/tcp    WebDav Source Port
  davsrc          9800/udp    WebDav Source Port
  #                           Ethan Fremen
  sstp-2          9801/tcp    Sakura Script Transfer Protocol-2
  sstp-2          9801/udp    Sakura Script Transfer Protocol-2
  #                           Kouichi Takeda
  davsrcs         9802/tcp    WebDAV Source TLS/SSL
  davsrcs         9802/udp    WebDAV Source TLS/SSL
  #                           Rob Isaac  July 2003
  #               9803-9874   Unassigned
  sapv1           9875/tcp    Session Announcement v1
  sapv1           9875/udp    Session Announcement v1
  #                           RFC 2974
  sd              9876/tcp    Session Director
  sd              9876/udp    Session Director
  #                           Van Jacobson
  #  9877-9887   Unassigned
  cyborg-systems 9888/tcp    CYBORG Systems
  cyborg-systems 9888/udp    CYBORG Systems
  #              Malcolm Graham
  #  9889-9897   Unassigned
  monkeycom 9898/tcp    MonkeyCom
  monkeycom       9898/udp    MonkeyCom
  #              Yuji Kuwabara
  sctp-tunneling  9899/tcp    SCTP TUNNELING
  sctp-tunneling  9899/udp    SCTP TUNNELING
  iua             9900/tcp    IUA
  iua             9900/udp    IUA
  iua             9900/sctp   IUA 
  #                           Lyndon Ong
  enrp  9901/udp    enrp server channel
  enrp-sctp 9901/sctp   enrp server channel
  #       [RFC5353]
  enrp-sctp-tls 9902/sctp   enrp/tls server channel
  #       [RFC5353]
  #  9903-9908   Unassigned
  domaintime      9909/tcp   domaintime
  domaintime      9909/udp   domaintime
  #                          Jeffry Dwight
  #               9910       Unassigned
  sype-transport  9911/tcp   SYPECom Transport Protocol
  sype-transport  9911/udp   SYPECom Transport Protocol
  #                          Sylvain Pedneault  March 2003   
  #               9912-9949  Unassigned
  apc-9950        9950/tcp   APC 9950
  apc-9950        9950/udp   APC 9950
  apc-9951        9951/tcp   APC 9951
  apc-9951        9951/udp   APC 9951
  apc-9952        9952/tcp   APC 9952
  apc-9952        9952/udp   APC 9952
  #                          American Power Conversion
  acis  9953/tcp   9953
  acis  9953/udp   9953
  #      Thomas Guth  January 2006
  #  9954-9965  Unassigned
  odnsp  9966/tcp   OKI Data Network Setting Protocol
  odnsp  9966/udp   OKI Data Network Setting Protocol
  #      Masato Sato  May 2006
  #  9967-9986  Unassigned
  dsm-scm-target 9987/tcp   DSM/SCM Target Interface
  dsm-scm-target 9987/udp   DSM/SCM Target Interface
  #      Mike Dyslin  August 2006
  nsesrvr         9988/tcp   Software Essentials Secure HTTP server
  #                          Narayanan Raju  05 February 2009
  #               9988/udp   Reserved 
  #  9989-9989  Unassigned
  osm-appsrvr     9990/tcp   OSM Applet Server
  osm-appsrvr     9990/udp   OSM Applet Server
  #                          Vinay Gupta  August 2003
  osm-oev         9991/tcp   OSM Event Server
  osm-oev         9991/udp   OSM Event Server
  #                          Vinay Gupta  August 2003
  palace-1        9992/tcp   OnLive-1
  palace-1        9992/udp   OnLive-1
  palace-2        9993/tcp   OnLive-2
  palace-2        9993/udp   OnLive-2
  palace-3        9994/tcp   OnLive-3
  palace-3        9994/udp   OnLive-3
  palace-4        9995/tcp   Palace-4
  palace-4        9995/udp   Palace-4
  palace-5        9996/tcp   Palace-5
  palace-5        9996/udp   Palace-5
  palace-6 9997/tcp   Palace-6
  palace-6 9997/udp   Palace-6
  #      Douglas Crockford
  distinct32      9998/tcp   Distinct32
  distinct32      9998/udp   Distinct32
  distinct        9999/tcp   distinct
  distinct        9999/udp   distinct
  #                          Anoop Tewari
  ndmp            10000/tcp  Network Data Management Protocol
  ndmp            10000/udp  Network Data Management Protocol
  #                          Brian Ehrmantraut
  scp-config      10001/tcp  SCP Configuration Port
  scp-config      10001/udp  SCP Configuration Port
  #                          Brad Strand
  documentum 10002/tcp  EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
  documentum 10002/udp  EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
  documentum_s 10003/tcp  EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
  documentum_s 10003/udp  EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
  #      Reza Bagherian  19 July 2007
  emcrmirccd      10004/tcp  EMC Replication Manager Client
  #                          Robert Boudrie  09 June 2008
  #               10004/udp  Reserved
  emcrmird        10005/tcp  EMC Replication Manager Server
  #                          Robert Boudrie  09 June 2008
  #               10005/udp  Reserved
  #               10006      Unassigned
  mvs-capacity 10007/tcp  MVS Capacity
  mvs-capacity 10007/udp  MVS Capacity
  #                          Donna Dillenberger
  octopus         10008/tcp  Octopus Multiplexer
  octopus         10008/udp  Octopus Multiplexer
  #                          Chris Koeritz  October 2002
  swdtp-sv 10009/tcp  Systemwalker Desktop Patrol
  swdtp-sv 10009/udp  Systemwalker Desktop Patrol
  #      Akira> March 2006
  rxapi           10010/tcp  ooRexx rxapi services
  #                          David Ashley  24 July 2009
  #               10010/udp  Reserved
  #               10011-10049 Unassigned
  zabbix-agent    10050/tcp  Zabbix Agent
  zabbix-agent    10050/udp  Zabbix Agent
  zabbix-trapper  10051/tcp  Zabbix Trapper
  zabbix-trapper  10051/udp  Zabbix Trapper
  #      Alexei Vladishev  February 2006
  #               10052-10079 Unassigned
  amanda          10080/tcp  Amanda
  amanda          10080/udp  Amanda
  #                          John Jackson
  famdc  10081/tcp  FAM Archive Server
  famdc  10081/udp  FAM Archive Server
  #      Frode Randers  January 2006
  #               10082-10099 Unassigned
  itap-ddtp       10100/tcp  VERITAS ITAP DDTP
  itap-ddtp       10100/udp  VERITAS ITAP DDTP
  #                          Saugata Guha  May 2004
  ezmeeting-2     10101/tcp  eZmeeting
  ezmeeting-2     10101/udp  eZmeeting
  ezproxy-2       10102/tcp  eZproxy
  ezproxy-2       10102/udp  eZproxy
  ezrelay         10103/tcp  eZrelay
  ezrelay         10103/udp  eZrelay
  #                          Albert C. Yang  March 2002
  swdtp  10104/tcp  Systemwalker Desktop Patrol
  swdtp  10104/udp  Systemwalker Desktop Patrol
  #      Akira> September 2006
  #               10105-10106 Unassigned
  bctp-server     10107/tcp  VERITAS BCTP, server
  bctp-server     10107/udp  VERITAS BCTP, server
  #                          Saugata Guha  May 2004
  #               10108-10109 Unassigned
  nmea-0183       10110/tcp  NMEA-0183 Navigational Data
  nmea-0183       10110/udp  NMEA-0183 Navigational Data
  #                          Meindert Sprang  18 February 2009
  #               10111-10112 Unassigned
  netiq-endpoint  10113/tcp  NetIQ Endpoint
  netiq-endpoint  10113/udp  NetIQ Endpoint
  netiq-qcheck    10114/tcp  NetIQ Qcheck
  netiq-qcheck    10114/udp  NetIQ Qcheck
  #                          John Wood  
  netiq-endpt     10115/tcp  NetIQ Endpoint
  netiq-endpt 10115/udp  NetIQ Endpoint
  #             Gary Weichinger
  netiq-voipa     10116/tcp  NetIQ VoIP Assessor
  netiq-voipa     10116/udp  NetIQ VoIP Assessor
  #                          Gary Weichinger
  #  10117-10127 Unassigned
  bmc-perf-sd     10128/tcp  BMC-PERFORM-SERVICE DAEMON
  bmc-perf-sd     10128/udp  BMC-PERFORM-SERVICE DAEMON
  #                          Portnoy Boxman
  bmc-gms         10129/tcp  BMC General Manager Server
  #                          Dima Seliverstov  28 July 2009
  #               10129/udp  Reserved
  #               10130-10159 Unassigned
  qb-db-server    10160/tcp  QB Database Server
  qb-db-server    10160/udp  QB Database Server
  #      Wei Wang  November 2005
  #               10161-10199 Unassigned
  trisoap  10200/tcp  Trigence AE Soap Service
  trisoap  10200/udp  Trigence AE Soap Service
  #      Brigitte Gagne  August 2006
  rsms            10201/tcp  Remote Server Management Service
  rscs            10201/udp  Remote Server Control and Test Service
  #                          Patrick H. Piper  06 March 2009
  #               10202-10251 Unassigned

  apollo-relay    10252/tcp  Apollo>
  apollo-relay    10252/udp  Apollo>  #                          Anthony Carrabino  August 2003
  #               10253-10259 Unassigned
  axis-wimp-port  10260/tcp  Axis WIMP Port
  axis-wimp-port  10260/udp  Axis WIMP Port
  #                          Stefan Eriksson
  #               10261-10287 Unassigned
  blocks  10288/tcp  Blocks
  blocks  10288/udp  Blocks
  #             Carl Malamud
  #  10289-10320 Unassigned
  cosir           10321/tcp   Computer Op System Information Report
  #                           Kevin C. Barber  13 January 2009
  #               10321/udp   Reserved
  #  10322-10539 Unassigned
  MOS-lower 10540/tcp  MOS Media Object Metadata Port
  MOS-lower 10540/udp  MOS Media Object Metadata Port
  MOS-upper 10541/tcp  MOS Running Order Port
  MOS-upper 10541/udp  MOS Running Order Port
  MOS-aux  10542/tcp  MOS Low Priority Port
  MOS-aux  10542/udp  MOS Low Priority Port
  MOS-soap 10543/tcp  MOS SOAP Default Port
  MOS-soap 10543/udp  MOS SOAP Default Port
  MOS-soap-opt 10544/tcp   MOS SOAP Optional Port
  MOS-soap-opt 10544/udp   MOS SOAP Optional Port
  #      Eric Thorniley    17 September 2007
  #  10545-10799 Unassigned
  gap  10800/tcp  Gestor de Acaparamiento para Pocket PCs
  gap  10800/udp  Gestor de Acaparamiento para Pocket PCs
  #      Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas  March 2006
  #  10801-10804 Unassigned
  lpdg  10805/tcp  LUCIA Pareja Data Group
  lpdg  10805/udp  LUCIA Pareja Data Group
  #      Alvaro P. Dominguez  February 2006
  #  10806-10859 Unassigned
  helix           10860/tcp  Helix Client/Server
  helix           10860/udp  Helix Client/Server
  #                          Matthew Strange  06 March 2009
  #  10861-10989 Unassigned
  rmiaux          10990/tcp  Auxiliary RMI Port
  rmiaux          10990/udp  Auxiliary RMI Port
  #                          Eugen Bacic
  #               10991-10999 Unassigned
  irisa  11000/tcp  IRISA
  irisa  11000/udp  IRISA
  #             V.A. Brauner
  metasys  11001/tcp  Metasys
  metasys  11001/udp  Metasys
  #             Tobin Schuster
  #               11002-11105 Unassigned
  sgi-lk          11106/tcp   SGI LK Licensing service
  sgi-lk          11106/udp   SGI LK Licensing service
  #                           Michel Bourget  06 January 2009
  #               11107-11110 Unassigned
  vce  11111/tcp  Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
  vce  11111/udp  Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
  #             Fred Cohen
  dicom           11112/tcp   DICOM
  dicom           11112/udp   DICOM
  #                           David Clunie  August 2005
  #               11113-11160 Unassigned
  suncacao-snmp   11161/tcp   sun cacao snmp access point
  suncacao-snmp   11161/udp   sun cacao snmp access point
  suncacao-jmxmp  11162/tcp   sun cacao JMX-remoting access point
  suncacao-jmxmp  11162/udp   sun cacao JMX-remoting access point
  suncacao-rmi    11163/tcp   sun cacao rmi registry access point
  suncacao-rmi    11163/udp   sun cacao rmi registry access point
  suncacao-csa    11164/tcp   sun cacao command-streaming access point
  suncacao-csa    11164/udp   sun cacao command-streaming access point
  suncacao-websvc 11165/tcp   sun cacao web service access point
  suncacao-websvc 11165/udp   sun cacao web service access point
  #                           Nick Stephen  August 2005
  #               11166-11200 Unassigned
  smsqp           11201/tcp   smsqp
  smsqp           11201/udp   smsqp
  #                           Andres Seco Hernandez
  #               11202-11207 Unassigned
  wifree  11208/tcp   WiFree Service
  wifree  11208/udp   WiFree Service
  #       Jose Luis Martin Peinado  March 2006
  #               11209-11210 Unassigned
  memcache        11211/tcp   Memory cache service
  memcache        11211/udp   Memory cache service
  #                           Trond Norbye  09 February 2009
  #               11212-11318 Unassigned
  imip            11319/tcp   IMIP
  imip            11319/udp   IMIP
  #                           IM Unified Coalition, Len Zuvela
  imip-channels   11320/tcp   IMIP Channels Port
  imip-channels   11320/udp   IMIP Channels Port
  #                           Len Zuvela
  arena-server    11321/tcp   Arena Server Listen
  arena-server    11321/udp   Arena Server Listen
  #                           Earl Brannigan
  #               11322-11366 Unassigned
  atm-uhas        11367/tcp   ATM UHAS
  atm-uhas        11367/udp   ATM UHAS
  #                           Todd Barker
  #               11368-11370 Unassigned
  hkp             11371/tcp   OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
  hkp             11371/udp   OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
  #                           David Shaw  May 2003
  #               11372-11599 Unassigned
  tempest-port    11600/tcp   Tempest Protocol Port
  tempest-port    11600/udp   Tempest Protocol Port
  #                           Francis Cianfrocca
  #               11601-11719 Unassigned

  h323callsigalt  11720/tcp   h323 Call Signal>
  h323callsigalt  11720/udp   h323 Call Signal>  #                           Chris White
  #               11721-11750 Unassigned
  intrepid-ssl    11751/tcp  Intrepid SSL
  intrepid-ssl    11751/udp  Intrepid SSL
  #                          Robert Eden  March 2003
  #               11752-11966 Unassigned
  sysinfo-sp      11967/tcp  SysInfo Service Protocol
  sysinfo-sp      11967/udp  SysInfo Sercice Protocol
  #                          Mike Cooper  March 2003
  #               11968-11996 Unassigned
  wmereceiving 11997/sctp WorldMailExpress
  wmedistribution 11998/sctp WorldMailExpress
  wmereporting 11999/sctp WorldMailExpress
  #      Greg Foutz  March 2006
  entextxid 12000/tcp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
  entextxid 12000/udp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
  entextnetwk 12001/tcp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
  entextnetwk 12001/udp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
  entexthigh 12002/tcp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
  entexthigh 12002/udp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
  entextmed 12003/tcp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
  entextmed 12003/udp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
  entextlow 12004/tcp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
  entextlow 12004/udp  IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
  #      Eugene Cox
  dbisamserver1   12005/tcp  DBISAM Database Server - Regular
  dbisamserver1   12005/udp  DBISAM Database Server - Regular
  dbisamserver2   12006/tcp  DBISAM Database Server - Admin
  dbisamserver2   12006/udp  DBISAM Database Server - Admin
  #                          Tim Young  May 2002
  accuracer       12007/tcp  Accuracer Database System ñ Server
  accuracer       12007/udp  Accuracer Database System ñ Server
  accuracer-dbms  12008/tcp  Accuracer Database System ñ Admin
  accuracer-dbms  12008/udp  Accuracer Database System ñ Admin
  #                          Alexander V. Ivanov  December 2004
  #               12009      Unassigned
  edbsrvr         12010/tcp  ElevateDB Server
  #                          Tim Young  06 May 2009
  #               12010/udp  Reserved
  #               12011      Unassigned
  vipera          12012/tcp  Vipera Messaging Service
  vipera          12012/udp  Vipera Messaging Service
  #                          Silvano Maffeis  August 2005
  vipera-ssl      12013/tcp  Vipera Messaging Service over SSL Communication
  vipera-ssl      12013/udp  Vipera Messaging Service over SSL Communication
  #                          Silvano Maffeis  16 January 2008
  #               12014-12108 Unassigned
  rets-ssl        12109/tcp  RETS over SSL
  rets-ssl        12109/udp  RETS over SSL
  #                          Bruce Toback  February 2003
  #               12110-12120 Unassigned
  nupaper-ss      12121/tcp  NuPaper Session Service
  nupaper-ss      12121/udp  NuPaper Session Service
  #                          David Warden  November 2005
  #               12122-12167 Unassigned
  cawas           12168/tcp  CA Web Access Service
  cawas           12168/udp  CA Web Access Service
  #                          Jon Press  August 2005
  #               12169-12171 Unassigned
  hivep  12172/tcp  HiveP
  hivep  12172/udp  HiveP
  #      Dick Augustsson
  #               12173-12299 Unassigned
  linogridengine  12300/tcp   LinoGrid Engine
  linogridengine  12300/udp   LinoGrid Engine
  #                           Frans Lundberg  November 2004
  #               12301-12320 Unassigned
  warehouse-sss   12321/tcp   Warehouse Monitoring Syst SSS
  warehouse-sss   12321/udp   Warehouse Monitoring Syst SSS
  warehouse       12322/tcp   Warehouse Monitoring Syst
  warehouse       12322/udp   Warehouse Monitoring Syst
  #                           Craig Steffen  August 2005
  #               12323-12344 Unassigned
  italk           12345/tcp  Italk Chat System
  italk           12345/udp  Italk Chat System
  #                          Takayuki Ito
  #               12346-12752 Unassigned
  tsaf            12753/tcp  tsaf port  
  tsaf            12753/udp  tsaf port  
  #                          Andreas Fehr
  #               12754-13159 Unassigned
  i-zipqd  13160/tcp  I-ZIPQD
  i-zipqd  13160/udp  I-ZIPQD
  #      Chuck Runquist
  #               13161-13215 Unassigned
  bcslogc         13216/tcp  Black Crow Software application logging
  bcslogc         13216/udp  Black Crow Software application logging
  #                          Ramindur Singh  04 December 2008
  rs-pias         13217/tcp  R&S Proxy Installation Assistant Service
  rs-pias         13217/udp  R&S Proxy Installation Assistant Service
  #                          Guido Kiener  04 December 2008
  emc-vcas-tcp    13218/tcp  EMC Virtual CAS Service
  emc-vcas-udp    13218/udp  EMV Virtual CAS Service Discovery
  #                          Mark O'Connell  04 December 2008
  #               13219-13222 Unassigned
  powwow-client   13223/tcp  PowWow Client
  powwow-client   13223/udp  PowWow Client
  powwow-server   13224/tcp  PowWow Server
  powwow-server   13224/udp  PowWow Server
  #                          Paul K. Peterson
  #               13225-13719 Unassigned
  bprd  13720/tcp  BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
  bprd  13720/udp  BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
  bpdbm  13721/tcp  BPDBM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
  bpdbm  13721/udp  BPDBM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup)
  #      Jeff Holmbeck
  bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp  BP Java MSVC Protocol
  bpjava-msvc 13722/udp  BP Java MSVC Protocol
  #      Tim Schmidt
  #               13723      Unassigned
  vnetd           13724/tcp  Veritas Network Utility
  vnetd           13724/udp  Veritas Network Utility
  #                          Jeff Holmbeck  
  #               13725-13781 Unassigned
  bpcd  13782/tcp  VERITAS NetBackup
  bpcd  13782/udp  VERITAS NetBackup
  vopied  13783/tcp  VOPIED Protocol
  vopied  13783/udp  VOPIED Protocol
  #      Jeff Holmbeck
  #               13784       Unassigned
  nbdb            13785/tcp   NetBackup Database
  nbdb            13785/udp   NetBackup Database
  #                           Pat Tovo  December 2004
  nomdb           13786/tcp   Veritas-nomdb
  nomdb           13786/udp   Veritas-nomdb
  #                           Clayton Haapala  August 2005
  #               13787-13817 Unassigned
  dsmcc-config    13818/tcp  DSMCC Config
  dsmcc-config 13818/udp  DSMCC Config
  dsmcc-session 13819/tcp  DSMCC Session Messages
  dsmcc-session 13819/udp  DSMCC Session Messages
  dsmcc-passthru 13820/tcp  DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages
  dsmcc-passthru 13820/udp  DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages
  dsmcc-download 13821/tcp  DSMCC Download Protocol
  dsmcc-download 13821/udp  DSMCC Download Protocol
  dsmcc-ccp 13822/tcp  DSMCC Channel Change Protocol
  dsmcc-ccp 13822/udp  DSMCC Channel Change Protocol
  #      Tim Addington
  #      ISO/IEC 13818-6 MPEG-2 DSM-CC
  #               13823-13928 Unassigned
  dta-systems     13929/tcp  D-TA SYSTEMS
  dta-systems     13929/udp  D-TA SYSTEMS
  #                          Alexis Bose  08 December 2008
  medevolve       13930/tcp  MedEvolve Port Requester
  #                          Jon Robertson  24 October 2008
  #               13930/udp  Reserved
  #               13931-13999 Unassigned
  scotty-ft 14000/tcp   SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer
  scotty-ft 14000/udp   SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer
  #       Patrick Verbeek  May 2007
  sua         14001/tcp  SUA
  sua         14001/udp  De-Registered (2001 June 06)
  sua             14001/sctp SUA
  #      Miguel Angel Garcia
  #               14002-14032 Unassigned
  sage-best-com1  14033/tcp  sage Best! Config Server 1
  sage-best-com1  14033/udp  sage Best! Config Server 1
  sage-best-com2  14034/tcp  sage Best! Config Server 2
  sage-best-com2  14034/udp  sage Best! Config Server 2
  #                          Christian Rubach
  #               14035-14140 Unassigned 
  vcs-app         14141/tcp  VCS Application
  vcs-app         14141/udp  VCS Application
  #                          Ming Xu
  icpp            14142/tcp  IceWall Cert Protocol
  icpp            14142/udp  IceWall Cert Protocol
  #                          Tsutomu Fujinami  August 2005
  #               14143-14144 Unassigned
  gcm-app         14145/tcp  GCM Application
  gcm-app         14145/udp  GCM Application
  #                          Ming Xu
  #               14146-14148 Unassigned
  vrts-tdd        14149/tcp  Veritas Traffic Director
  vrts-tdd        14149/udp  Veritas Traffic Director
  #                          Sameer Deokule  March 2002
  vcscmd          14150/tcp  Veritas Cluster Server Command Server
  #                          Anand Bhalerao  02 October 2008
  #               14150/udp  Reserved
  #               14151-14153 Unassigned
  vad  14154/tcp  Veritas Application Director
  vad  14154/udp  Veritas Application Director
  #      Rajeev Verma  February 2006
  #               14155-14249 Unassigned
  cps             14250/tcp  Fencing Server
  cps             14250/udp  Fencing Server
  #                          Mayank Vasa  03 April 2008
  #               14251-14413 Unassigned
  ca-web-update 14414/tcp  CA eTrust Web Update Service
  ca-web-update 14414/udp  CA eTrust Web Update Service
  #      Robert Ciochon  August 2006
  #               14415-14935 Unassigned
  hde-lcesrvr-1   14936/tcp  hde-lcesrvr-1
  hde-lcesrvr-1   14936/udp  hde-lcesrvr-1
  hde-lcesrvr-2   14937/tcp  hde-lcesrvr-2
  hde-lcesrvr-2   14937/udp  hde-lcesrvr-2
  #                          Horizon Digital Enterprise, Inc.
  #               14938-14999 Unassigned
  hydap           15000/tcp  Hypack Data Aquisition
  hydap           15000/udp  Hypack Data Aquisition
  #                          Mircea Neacsu  
  #               15001-15344 Unassigned
  xpilot          15345/tcp  XPilot Contact Port
  xpilot          15345/udp  XPilot Contact Port
  #                          Bert Gijsbers  
  #               15346-15362 Unassigned
  3link           15363/tcp  3Link Negotiation
  3link           15363/udp  3Link Negotiation
  #                          Brant Thomsen  January 2003
  #               15364-15554 Unassigned
  cisco-snat 15555/tcp  Cisco Stateful NAT
  cisco-snat 15555/udp  Cisco Stateful NAT
  #      Kaushik Biswas  March 2006
  #               15556-15659 Unassigned
  bex-xr          15660/tcp  Backup Express Restore Server
  bex-xr          15660/udp  Backup Express Restore Server
  #                          Chi Shih Chang  19 March 2008
  #               15661-15739 Unassigned
  ptp             15740/tcp  Picture Transfer Protocol
  ptp             15740/udp  Picture Transfer Protocol
  #                          Petronel Bigioi  November 2004
  #               15741-16160 Unassigned
  sun-sea-port    16161/tcp  Solaris SEA Port
  sun-sea-port    16161/udp  Solaris SEA Port
  #                          Dana Porter  October 2003
  solaris-audit   16162/tcp  Solaris Audit - secure remote audit log
  #                          Jan Friedel  07 May 2009
  #               16162/udp  Reserved
  #               16163-16308 Unassigned
  etb4j           16309/tcp  etb4j
  etb4j           16309/udp  etb4j
  #                          Christopher R. Smith  November 2004
  pduncs  16310/tcp  Policy Distribute, Update Notification
  pduncs  16310/udp  Policy Distribute, Update Notification
  #      Diane I. Shannon  August 2006
  pdefmns  16311/tcp  Policy definition and update management
  pdefmns  16311/udp  Policy definition and update management
  #      Diane I. Shannon  April 2007
  #               16312-16359 Unassigned
  netserialext1 16360/tcp  Network Serial Extension Ports One
  netserialext1 16360/udp  Network Serial Extension Ports One
  netserialext2 16361/tcp  Network Serial Extension Ports Two
  netserialext2 16361/udp  Network Serial Extension Ports Two
  #                          Michael J Hoy
  #               16362-16366 Unassigned
  netserialext3 16367/tcp  Network Serial Extension Ports Three
  netserialext3 16367/udp  Network Serial Extension Ports Three
  netserialext4 16368/tcp  Network Serial Extension Ports Four
  netserialext4   16368/udp  Network Serial Extension Ports Four
  #                          Michael J Hoy
  #               16369-16383 Unassigned
  connected       16384/tcp  Connected Corp
  connected       16384/udp  Connected Corp
  #                          Nicole C. Ouellette  February 2004
  #               16385-16618 Unassigned
  xoms            16619/tcp  X509 Objects Management Service
  #                          Francis GASCHET / NUMLOG  08 September 2008
  #               16619/udp  Reserved
  #               16620-16899 Unassigned
  newbay-snc-mc   16900/tcp  Newbay Mobile Client Update Service
  newbay-snc-mc   16900/udp  Newbay Mobile Client Update Service
  #                          Srinivasa Nayudu  06 July 2009
  #               16901-16949 Unassigned
  sgcip  16950/tcp  Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol
  sgcip  16950/udp  Simple Generic Client Interface Protocol
  #      John Aquilino
  #               16951-16990 Unassigned
  intel-rci-mp    16991/tcp  INTEL-RCI-MP
  intel-rci-mp    16991/udp  INTEL-RCI-MP
  #                          Jane Dashevsky  
  amt-soap-http   16992/tcp   Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTP
  amt-soap-http   16992/udp   Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTP
  amt-soap-https  16993/tcp   Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
  amt-soap-https  16993/udp   Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
  #                           David T. Hines  February 2005
  amt-redir-tcp   16994/tcp   Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TCP
  amt-redir-tcp   16994/udp   Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TCP
  amt-redir-tls   16995/tcp   Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TLS
  amt-redir-tls   16995/udp   Intel(R) AMT Redirection/TLS
  #                           Nimrod Diamant  February 2005
  #               16996-17006 Unassigned
  isode-dua       17007/tcp
  isode-dua       17007/udp
  #               17008-17184 Unassigned
  soundsvirtual   17185/tcp  Sounds Virtual
  soundsvirtual   17185/udp  Sounds Virtual
  #                          Richard Snider   
  #               17186-17218 Unassigned
  chipper         17219/tcp  Chipper
  chipper         17219/udp  Chipper
  #                          Ronald Jimmink
  #               17220-17234 Unassigned
  ssh-mgmt        17235/tcp  SSH Tectia Manager
  ssh-mgmt        17235/udp  SSH Tectia Manager
  #                          Ville Laurikari  August 2005
  #               17236-17728 Unassigned
  ea  17729/tcp  Eclipse Aviation
  ea  17729/udp  Eclipse Aviation
  #      William Schmidt  March 2006
  #               17730-17753 Unassigned
  zep             17754/tcp  Encap. ZigBee Packets
  zep             17754/udp  Encap. ZigBee Packets
  #      Fred Fierling  February 2006
  zigbee-ip 17755/tcp  ZigBee IP Transport Service
  zigbee-ip 17755/udp  ZigBee IP Transport Service
  zigbee-ips 17756/tcp  ZigBee IP Transport Secure Service
  zigbee-ips 17756/udp  ZigBee IP Transport Secure Service
  #      Chris Herzog  May 2006
  #               17757-17776 Unassigned
  sw-orion        17777/tcp  SolarWinds Orion
  #                          Joel Dolisy  10 September 2008
  #               17777/udp  Reserved
  #               17778-17999 Unassigned
  biimenu         18000/tcp  Beckman Instruments, Inc.
  biimenu         18000/udp  Beckman Instruments, Inc.
  #                          R. L. Meyering
  #               18001-18180 Unassigned
  opsec-cvp       18181/tcp  OPSEC CVP
  opsec-cvp       18181/udp  OPSEC CVP
  opsec-ufp       18182/tcp  OPSEC UFP
  opsec-ufp       18182/udp  OPSEC UFP
  #                          Alon Kantor
  opsec-sam       18183/tcp  OPSEC SAM
  opsec-sam       18183/udp  OPSEC SAM
  opsec-lea       18184/tcp  OPSEC LEA
  opsec-lea       18184/udp  OPSEC LEA
  opsec-omi       18185/tcp  OPSEC OMI
  opsec-omi       18185/udp  OPSEC OMI
  #                          Alon Kantor
  ohsc            18186/tcp  Occupational Health SC
  ohsc            18186/udp  Occupational Health Sc
  #                          David Fudge  August 2003
  opsec-ela       18187/tcp  OPSEC ELA
  opsec-ela       18187/udp  OPSEC ELA
  #                          Alon Kantor
  #               18188-18240 Unassigned
  checkpoint-rtm  18241/tcp  Check Point RTM
  checkpoint-rtm  18241/udp  Check Point RTM
  #                          Dudi Hazan
  #               18242-18261 Unassigned
  gv-pf           18262/tcp  GV NetConfig Service
  gv-pf           18262/udp  GV NetConfig Service
  #                          Scott Libert  29 January 2008
  #               18263-18462 Unassigned
  ac-cluster      18463/tcp  AC Cluster
  ac-cluster      18463/udp  AC Cluster
  #                          Lisa Zhong
  #               18464-18633 Unassigned

  rds-ib          18634/tcp >
  rds-ib          18634/udp >  #                          Andy Grover  27 February 2009

  rds-ip          18635/tcp >
  rds-ip          18635/udp >  #                          Andy Grover  20 May 2009
  #               18636-18768 Unassigned
  ique            18769/tcp  IQue Protocol
  ique            18769/udp  IQue Protocol
  #                          Avi Drissman  July 2002
  #               18770-18880 Unassigned
  infotos         18881/tcp   Infotos
  infotos         18881/udp   Infotos
  #                           Marcel Dube  November 2004
  #               18882-18887 Unassigned
  apc-necmp       18888/tcp  APCNECMP
  apc-necmp       18888/udp  APCNECMP
  #                          Michael Yip
  #               18889-18999 Unassigned
  igrid           19000/tcp   iGrid Server
  igrid           19000/udp   iGrid Server
  #                           Massimo Cafaro  November 2004
  #               19001-19019 Unassigned
  j-link          19020/tcp   J-Link TCP/IP Protocol
  #                           SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG  16 January 2009
  #               19020/udp   Reserved
  #               19021-19190 Unassigned
  opsec-uaa       19191/tcp  OPSEC UAA
  opsec-uaa       19191/udp  OPSEC UAA
  #                          Reuven Harrison   
  #               19192-19193 Unassigned
  ua-secureagent  19194/tcp  UserAuthority SecureAgent
  ua-secureagent  19194/udp  UserAuthority SecureAgent
  #                          Reuven Harrison  January 2003
  #               19195-19282 Unassigned
  keysrvr         19283/tcp  Key Server for SASSAFRAS
  keysrvr         19283/udp  Key Server for SASSAFRAS
  #                          Mark Valence
  #               19284-19314 Unassigned
  keyshadow       19315/tcp  Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
  keyshadow       19315/udp  Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
  #                          Mark Valence
  #               19316-19397 Unassigned
  mtrgtrans       19398/tcp  mtrgtrans
  mtrgtrans       19398/udp  mtrgtrans
  #                          Katsuhito Muroi
  #               19399-19409 Unassigned
  hp-sco  19410/tcp  hp-sco
  hp-sco  19410/udp  hp-sco
  hp-sca  19411/tcp  hp-sca
  hp-sca  19411/udp  hp-sca
  #      Larry Schwartz
  hp-sessmon      19412/tcp  HP-SESSMON
  hp-sessmon      19412/udp  HP-SESSMON
  #                          Gita Murthy  
  #               19413-19538 Unassigned
  fxuptp          19539/tcp  FXUPTP
  fxuptp          19539/udp  FXUPTP
  #                          Keiji Okuma  August 2005
  sxuptp          19540/tcp  SXUPTP
  sxuptp          19540/udp  SXUPTP
  #                          Keiji Okuma  August 2002
  jcp             19541/tcp  JCP Client
  jcp             19541/udp  JCP Client
  #                          Yuji Sasaki
  #               19542-19998 Unassigned
  dnp-sec         19999/tcp  Distributed Network Protocol - Secure
  dnp-sec         19999/udp  Distributed Network Protocol - Secure
  #                          Grant Gilchrist  04 August 2008
  dnp             20000/tcp  DNP
  dnp             20000/udp  DNP
  #                          Michael Thesing
  microsan        20001/tcp  MicroSAN
  microsan        20001/udp  MicroSAN
  #                          Thomas E. Ludwig  February 2004
  commtact-http   20002/tcp  Commtact HTTP
  commtact-http   20002/udp  Commtact HTTP
  commtact-https  20003/tcp  Commtact HTTPS
  commtact-https  20003/udp  Commtact HTTPS
  #                          Tomas Svoboda  December 2004
  #               20004      Unassigned
  openwebnet      20005/tcp  OpenWebNet protocol for electric network
  openwebnet      20005/udp  OpenWebNet protocol for electric network
  #                          BTicino S.p.A.  09 April 2008
  #               20006-20013 Unassigned
  opendeploy      20014/tcp  OpenDeploy Listener
  opendeploy      20014/udp  OpenDeploy Listener
  #                          Todd Scallan  August 2005
  #               20015-20033 Unassigned

  nburn_id        20034/tcp  NetBurner>
  nburn_id        20034/udp  NetBurner>  #                          Paul Breed  November 2003
  #               20035-20045 Unassigned
  tmophl7mts      20046/tcp  TMOP HL7 Message Transfer Service
  tmophl7mts      20046/udp  TMOP HL7 Message Transfer Service
  #                          Tim Riley  31 July 2009
  #               20047-20048 Unassigned
  nfsrdma         20049/tcp  Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
  nfsrdma         20049/udp  Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
  nfsrdma         20049/sctp Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
  #                          [RFC-ietf-nfsv4-rpcrdma-09.txt]
  #               20050-20166 Unassigned
  tolfab  20167/tcp   TOLfab Data Change
  tolfab  20167/udp   TOLfab Data Change
  #      Pierre Couderc  March 2006
  #               20168-20201 Unassigned
  ipdtp-port      20202/tcp  IPD Tunneling Port
  ipdtp-port      20202/udp  IPD Tunneling Port
  #                          Vikki Yin Wei  January 2003
  #               20203-20221 Unassigned
  ipulse-ics      20222/tcp  iPulse-ICS
  ipulse-ics      20222/udp  iPulse-ICS
  #                          Meggie Garica-Woodruff
  #               20223-20479 Unassigned
  emwavemsg       20480/tcp  emWave Message Service
  emwavemsg       20480/udp  emWave Message Service
  #                          Harald Striepe  14 February 2008
  #               20481-20669 Unassigned
  track  20670/tcp  Track
  track  20670/udp  Track
  #      Michael Sweet  
  #               20671-20998 Unassigned
  athand-mmp      20999/tcp  At Hand MMP
  athand-mmp      20999/udp  AT Hand MMP
  #                          Stepan Riha  
  irtrans         21000/tcp  IRTrans Control
  irtrans         21000/udp  IRTrans Control
  #                          Marcus Mueller  November 2004
  #               21001-21553 Unassigned
  dfserver 21554/tcp   MineScape Design File Server
  dfserver 21554/udp   MineScape Design File Server
  #      Michael Purser  June 2006
  #               21555-21589 Unassigned
  vofr-gateway 21590/tcp  VoFR Gateway
  vofr-gateway 21590/udp  VoFR Gateway
  #      Marty Borden
  #               21591-21799 Unassigned
  tvpm            21800/tcp  TVNC Pro Multiplexing
  tvpm            21800/udp  TVNC Pro Multiplexing
  #                          Brian Blevins
  #               21801-21844 Unassigned
  webphone        21845/tcp  webphone
  webphone        21845/udp  webphone
  netspeak-is     21846/tcp  NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
  netspeak-is     21846/udp  NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services
  netspeak-cs     21847/tcp  NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
  netspeak-cs     21847/udp  NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
  netspeak-acd    21848/tcp  NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
  netspeak-acd    21848/udp  NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution
  netspeak-cps    21849/tcp  NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
  netspeak-cps    21849/udp  NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System
  #                          Toby Hosterman
  #               21850-21999 Unassigned 
  snapenetio 22000/tcp  SNAPenetIO
  snapenetio 22000/udp  SNAPenetIO
  optocontrol 22001/tcp  OptoControl
  optocontrol 22001/udp  OptoControl
  #      Kevin Kuhns
  optohost002 22002/tcp  Opto Host Port 2
  optohost002 22002/udp  Opto Host Port 2
  optohost003 22003/tcp  Opto Host Port 3
  optohost003 22003/udp  Opto Host Port 3
  optohost004 22004/tcp  Opto Host Port 4
  optohost004 22004/udp  Opto Host Port 4
  optohost004 22005/tcp  Opto Host Port 5
  optohost004 22005/udp  Opto Host Port 5
  #      Doug Leany  September 2006
  #               22006-22124 Unassigned
  dcap            22125/tcp  dCache Access Protocol
  #                          Christoph Anton Mitterer  10 March 2009
  #               22125/udp  Reserved
  #               22126-22127 Unassigned
  gsidcap         22128/tcp  GSI dCache Access Protocol
  #                          Christoph Anton Mitterer  10 March 2009
  #               22128/udp  Reserved
  #               22129-22272 Unassigned
  wnn6            22273/tcp  wnn6
  wnn6            22273/udp  wnn6
  #                          Yasunari Gon Yamasita
  #               22274-22304 Unassigned
  cis  22305/tcp  CompactIS Tunnel
  cis  22305/udp  CompactIS Tunnel
  #      Justin Paupore  16 August 2007
  #               22306-22342 Unassigned
  cis-secure 22343/tcp  CompactIS Secure Tunnel
  cis-secure 22343/udp  CompactIS Secure Tunnel
  #      Justin Paupore  16 August 2007
  #               22344-22346 Unassigned
  WibuKey  22347/tcp  WibuKey Standard WkLan
  WibuKey  22347/udp  WibuKey Standard WkLan
  #      Wolfgang Voelker  June 2007
  #               22348-22349 Unassigned
  CodeMeter 22350/tcp  CodeMeter Standard
  CodeMeter 22350/udp  CodeMeter Standard
  #      Wolfgang Voelker  June 2007
  #               22351-22554 Unassigned
  vocaltec-wconf  22555/tcp  Vocaltec Web Conference
  vocaltec-phone  22555/udp  Vocaltec Internet Phone
  #                          Scott Petrack
  #               22556-22762 Unassigned
  talikaserver 22763/tcp  Talika Main Server
  talikaserver 22763/udp  Talika Main Server
  #      Laxman C. Marathe  December 2006
  #               22764-22799 Unassigned
  aws-brf         22800/tcp  Telerate Information Platform LAN
  aws-brf         22800/udp  Telerate Information Platform LAN
  #                          Timo Sivonen
  #               22801-22950 Unassigned
  brf-gw          22951/tcp  Telerate Information Platform WAN
  brf-gw          22951/udp  Telerate Information Platform WAN
  #                          Timo Sivonen
  #               22952-22999 Unassigned
  inovaport1 23000/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 1
  inovaport1 23000/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 1
  inovaport2 23001/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 2
  inovaport2 23001/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 2
  inovaport3 23002/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 3
  inovaport3 23002/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 3
  inovaport4 23003/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 4
  inovaport4 23003/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 4
  inovaport5 23004/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 5
  inovaport5 23004/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 5
  inovaport6 23005/tcp  Inova LightLink Server Type 6
  inovaport6 23005/udp  Inova LightLink Server Type 6
  #      Chris Koeritz  October 2006
  #               23006-23271 Unassigned
  #               23272/tcp  Reserved
  s102            23272/udp  S102 application
  #                          Kimmo Kymalainen  26 August 2009
  #               23273-23332 Unassigned
  elxmgmt  23333/tcp  Emulex HBAnyware Remote Management
  elxmgmt  23333/udp  Emulex HBAnyware Remote Management
  #      Maziar Tamadon  06 November 2007
  #               23334-23399 Unassigned
  novar-dbase 23400/tcp  Novar Data
  novar-dbase 23400/udp  Novar Data
  novar-alarm 23401/tcp  Novar Alarm
  novar-alarm 23401/udp  Novar Alarm
  novar-global 23402/tcp  Novar Global
  novar-global 23402/udp  Novar Global
  #      Keith Kilroy  February 2006
  #               23403-23455 Unassigned
  aequus          23456/tcp  Aequus Service
  #                          James Anson  12 February 2009
  #               23456/udp  Reserved
  aequus-alt      23457/tcp  Aequus Service Mgmt
  #                          James Anson  12 February 2009
  #               23457/udp  Reserved
  #               23458-23999 Unassigned
  med-ltp  24000/tcp  med-ltp
  med-ltp  24000/udp  med-ltp
  med-fsp-rx 24001/tcp  med-fsp-rx
  med-fsp-rx 24001/udp  med-fsp-rx
  med-fsp-tx 24002/tcp  med-fsp-tx
  med-fsp-tx 24002/udp  med-fsp-tx
  med-supp 24003/tcp  med-supp
  med-supp 24003/udp  med-supp
  med-ovw  24004/tcp  med-ovw
  med-ovw  24004/udp  med-ovw
  med-ci  24005/tcp  med-ci
  med-ci  24005/udp  med-ci
  med-net-svc 24006/tcp  med-net-svc
  med-net-svc 24006/udp  med-net-svc
  #      Juergen Fischbach
  #               24007-24241 Unassigned
  filesphere      24242/tcp  fileSphere
  filesphere      24242/udp  fileSphere
  #                          Carl Cedergren
  #               24243-24248 Unassigned
  vista-4gl       24249/tcp Vista 4GL
  vista-4gl       24249/udp Vista 4GL
  #                         Mark Itzcovitz
  #               24250-24320 Unassigned
  ild             24321/tcp  Isolv Local Directory
  ild             24321/udp  Isolv Local Directory
  #                          Mitchell Bass  August 2005
  #               24322-24385 Unassigned
  intel_rci 24386/tcp Intel RCI
  intel_rci 24386/udp Intel RCI
  #     Mark Lewis  
  #               24387-24464   Unassigned
  tonidods        24465/tcp Tonido Domain Server
  tonidods        24465/udp Tonido Domain Server
  #                         Madhan Kanagavel  18 July 2008
  #               24466-24553   Unassigned
  binkp           24554/tcp BINKP
  binkp           24554/udp BINKP
  #                         Max Masyutin
  #               24555-24675 Unassigned
  canditv         24676/tcp Canditv Message Service
  canditv         24676/udp Canditv Message Service
  #                         Gary Aston  10 March 2009
  flashfiler      24677/tcp FlashFiler
  flashfiler      24677/udp FlashFiler
  #                         Ben Oram  
  proactivate     24678/tcp Turbopower Proactivate
  proactivate     24678/udp Turbopower Proactivate
  #                         Ben Oram
  #               24679     Unassigned
  tcc-http 24680/tcp TCC User HTTP Service
  tcc-http 24680/udp TCC User HTTP Service
  #     Brian Kennedy  August 2006
  #               24681-24753 Unassigned
  cslg            24754/tcp Citrix StorageLink Gateway
  #                         Mark Nijmeijer  17 April 2009
  #               24754/udp Reserved
  #               24755-24921 Unassigned

  find            24922/tcp Find>
  find            24922/udp Find>  #                         Jean-Paul Moreaux
  #               24923-24999 Unassigned
  icl-twobase1    25000/tcp  icl-twobase1
  icl-twobase1    25000/udp  icl-twobase1
  icl-twobase2    25001/tcp  icl-twobase2
  icl-twobase2    25001/udp  icl-twobase2
  icl-twobase3    25002/tcp  icl-twobase3
  icl-twobase3    25002/udp  icl-twobase3
  icl-twobase4    25003/tcp  icl-twobase4
  icl-twobase4    25003/udp  icl-twobase4
  icl-twobase5    25004/tcp  icl-twobase5
  icl-twobase5    25004/udp  icl-twobase5
  icl-twobase6    25005/tcp  icl-twobase6
  icl-twobase6    25005/udp  icl-twobase6
  icl-twobase7    25006/tcp  icl-twobase7
  icl-twobase7    25006/udp  icl-twobase7
  icl-twobase8    25007/tcp  icl-twobase8
  icl-twobase8    25007/udp  icl-twobase8
  icl-twobase9    25008/tcp  icl-twobase9
  icl-twobase9    25008/udp  icl-twobase9
  icl-twobase10   25009/tcp  icl-twobase10
  icl-twobase10   25009/udp  icl-twobase10
  #                          J. A. (Tony) Sever
  #               25010-25792 Unassigned
  vocaltec-hos    25793/tcp  Vocaltec Address Server     
  vocaltec-hos    25793/udp  Vocaltec Address Server
  #                          Scott Petrack
  #               25794-25899 Unassigned
  tasp-net        25900/tcp  TASP Network Comm
  tasp-net        25900/udp  TASP Network Comm
  #                          Martin Ellis  November 2004
  niobserver      25901/tcp  NIObserver
  niobserver      25901/udp  NIObserver
  #                          Roman Oliynyk
  nilinkanalyst 25902/tcp  NILinkAnalyst
  nilinkanalyst 25902/udp  NILinkAnalyst
  #      Roman Oliynyk  30 August 2007
  niprobe         25903/tcp  NIProbe
  niprobe         25903/udp  NIProbe
  #                          Roman Oliynyk
  #               25904-25999 Unassigned
  quake           26000/tcp  quake
  quake           26000/udp  quake
  #                          Yasunari Gon Yamasita  
  #               26001-26132 Unassigned
  scscp  26133/tcp  Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
  scscp  26133/udp  Symbolic Computation Software Composability Protocol
  #      Alexander Konovalov  27 November 2007
  #               26134-26207 Unassigned
  wnn6-ds         26208/tcp  wnn6-ds
  wnn6-ds         26208/udp  wnn6-ds
  #                          Yasunari Gon Yamasita
  #               26209-26259 Unassigned
  ezproxy         26260/tcp  eZproxy
  ezproxy         26260/udp  eZproxy
  ezmeeting       26261/tcp  eZmeeting
  ezmeeting       26261/udp  eZmeeting
  #                          Albert C. Yang
  k3software-svr  26262/tcp  K3 Software-Server
  k3software-svr  26262/udp  K3 Software-Server
  k3software-cli  26263/tcp  K3 Software-Client
  k3software-cli  26263/udp  K3 Software-Client
  #                          Jim Baldridge
  #  26264      De-registered (6 April 2006)
  #               26265-26485 Unassigned
  exoline-tcp 26486/tcp  EXOline-TCP
  exoline-udp 26486/udp  EXOline-UDP
  #      Previous contact: Lars Mattsson  May 2006
  #                      Current contact: Lars Mattsson  24 December 2008
  exoconfig 26487/tcp  EXOconfig
  exoconfig 26487/udp  EXOconfig
  #      Previous contact: Urban Fosseus  May 2006
  #                          Current contact: Urban Fosseus  24 December 2008
  #               26488      Unassigned
  exonet  26489/tcp  EXOnet
  exonet  26489/udp  EXOnet
  #      Previous contact: Urban Fosseus  May 2006
  #                          Current contact: Urban Fosseus  24 December 2008
  #               26490-26999 Unassigned
  flex-lm  27000-27009 FLEX LM (1-10)
  #      Daniel Birns
  #               27010-27344 Unassigned
  imagepump       27345/tcp  ImagePump
  imagepump       27345/udp  ImagePump
  #                          Richard Minner
  #               27346-27441 Unassigned
  jesmsjc  27442/tcp  Job controller service
  jesmsjc  27442/udp  Job controller service
  #      Peter Coates  April 2006
  #               27443-27503 Unassigned
  kopek-httphead  27504/tcp  Kopek HTTP Head Port
  kopek-httphead  27504/udp  Kopek HTTP Head Port
  #                          Sten H. Danielsen  July 2002
  #               27505-27781 Unassigned
  ars-vista       27782/tcp  ARS VISTA Application
  ars-vista       27782/udp  ARS VISTA Application
  #                          Spencer Teran  November 2004
  #               27783-27998 Unassigned
  tw-auth-key     27999/tcp  TW Authentication/Key Distribution and
  tw-auth-key     27999/udp  Attribute Certificate Services
  #                          Alex Duncan
  nxlmd           28000/tcp   NX License Manager
  nxlmd           28000/udp   NX License Manager
  #                           Anthony Greatorex  November 2004
  pqsp            28001/tcp   PQ Service
  #                           Peter Laschtowitz  15 September 2009
  #               28001/udp   Reserved
  #               28002-28239 Unassigned
  siemensgsm      28240/tcp   Siemens GSM
  siemensgsm      28240/udp   Siemens GSM
  #                           David Anuszewski  November 2004
  #               28241-29117 Unassigned
  #               29118/tcp   Reserved
  #               29118/udp   Reserved
  sgsap           29118/sctp  SGsAP in 3GPP
  #                           3GPP Specifications Manager (John M Meredith)
  #                            11 June 2009
  #               28119-29166 Unassigned
  otmp  29167/tcp   ObTools Message Protocol
  otmp  29167/udp   ObTools Message Protocol
  #       Paul Clark  February 2006
  #               29168/tcp   Reserved
  #               29168/udp   Reserved
  sbcap           29168/sctp  SBcAP in 3GPP
  #                           3GPP Specifications Manager (John M Meredith)
  #                            11 June 2009
  iuhsctpassoc    29169/sctp  HNBAP and RUA Common Association
  #                           John Meredith  08 September 2009
  #               29170-30000 Unassigned
  pago-services1  30001/tcp   Pago Services 1
  pago-services1  30001/udp   Pago Services 1
  pago-services2  30002/tcp   Pago Services 2
  pago-services2  30002/udp   Pago Services 2
  #                           Balduin Mueller-Platz
  #                            March 2002
  #               30003-30259 Unassigned
  kingdomsonline  30260/tcp   Kingdoms Online (CraigAvenue)
  kingdomsonline  30260/udp   Kingdoms Online (CraigAvenue)
  #                           Drake Bankston  18 August 2009
  #               30261-30998 Unassigned
  ovobs  30999/tcp   OpenView Service Desk Client
  ovobs  30999/udp   OpenView Service Desk Client
  #       Service Desk Product Manager  May 2006
  #               31000-31019 Unassigned
  autotrac-acp    31020/tcp   Autotrac ACP 245
  #                           Roberto Jorge Dino
  #               31020/udp   Reserved
  #               31021-31415 Unassigned
  xqosd           31416/tcp   XQoS network monitor
  xqosd           31416/udp   XQoS network monitor
  #                           Joe Elliott  June 2002
  #               31417-31456 Unassigned
  tetrinet        31457/tcp   TetriNET Protocol
  tetrinet        31457/udp   TetriNET Protocol
  #                           Emmanuel Bourg  November 2004
  #               31458-31619 Unassigned
  lm-mon          31620/tcp   lm mon
  lm-mon          31620/udp   lm mon
  #                           System Administrator  June 2003
  #               31621-31684 Unassigned
  dsx_monitor     31685/tcp   DS Expert Monitor
  #                           John Lowery, NetPro Computing,  21 August 2008
  #               31685/udp   Reserved
  #               31686-31764 Unassigned
  gamesmith-port  31765/tcp   GameSmith Port
  gamesmith-port  31765/udp   GameSmith Port
  #                           Randy Thompson  August 2002
  #               31766-31947 Unassigned
  iceedcp_tx 31948/tcp   Embedded Device Configuration Protocol TX
  iceedcp_tx 31948/udp   Embedded Device Configuration Protocol TX
  iceedcp_rx 31949/tcp   Embedded Device Configuration Protocol RX
  iceedcp_rx 31949/udp   Embedded Device Configuration Protocol RX
  #       Oliver Lewis  August 2006
  #               31950-32248 Unassigned
  iracinghelper 32034/tcp   iRacing helper service
  iracinghelper 32034/udp   iRacing helper service
  #       Randy Cassidy  30 August 2007
  #               31950-32248 Unassigned
  t1distproc60    32249/tcp   T1 Distributed Processor
  t1distproc60    32249/udp   T1 Distributed Processor
  #                           Peter Beahan  November 2004
  #               32250-32482 Unassigned
  apm-link        32483/tcp   Access Point Manager Link
  apm-link        32483/udp   Access Point Manager Link
  #                           Tony Diodato  August 2005
  #               32484-32634 Unassigned
  sec-ntb-clnt    32635/tcp   SecureNotebook-CLNT
  sec-ntb-clnt    32635/udp   SecureNotebook-CLNT
  #                           Eric Cantineau  November 2004
  DMExpress 32636/tcp   DMExpress
  DMExpress 32636/udp   DMExpress
  #       Arnie Farrelly
  #        18 July 2007
  #               32637-32766 Unassigned
  filenet-powsrm  32767/tcp   FileNet BPM WS-ReliableMessaging Client
  filenet-powsrm  32767/udp   FileNet BPM WS-ReliableMessaging Client
  #       Chris Adkins  August 2006
  filenet-tms     32768/tcp   Filenet TMS
  filenet-tms     32768/udp   Filenet TMS
  filenet-rpc     32769/tcp   Filenet RPC
  filenet-rpc     32769/udp   Filenet RPC
  filenet-nch     32770/tcp   Filenet NCH
  filenet-nch     32770/udp   Filenet NCH
  #                           Daniel Whelan  
  filenet-rmi     32771/tcp   FileNET RMI
  filenet-rmi     32771/udp   FileNet RMI
  #                           Chris Adkins
  filenet-pa      32772/tcp   FileNET Process Analyzer
  filenet-pa      32772/udp   FileNET Process Analyzer
  #                           Chris Adkins  January 2003
  filenet-cm      32773/tcp   FileNET Component Manager
  filenet-cm      32773/udp   FileNET Component Manager
  #                           Chris Adkins  August 2003
  filenet-re      32774/tcp   FileNET Rules Engine
  filenet-re      32774/udp   FileNET Rules Engine
  #                           Chris Adkins  August 2003
  filenet-pch     32775/tcp   Performance Clearinghouse
  filenet-pch     32775/udp   Performance Clearinghouse
  #                           Tim Morgan  November 2005
  filenet-peior   32776/tcp   FileNET BPM IOR
  filenet-peior   32776/udp   FileNET BPM IOR
  #       Chris Adkins  May 2006
  filenet-obrok 32777/tcp   FileNet BPM CORBA
  filenet-obrok 32777/udp   FileNet BPM CORBA
  #      Chris Adkins  October 2006
  #               32778-32895 Unassigned

  idmgratm        32896/tcp   Attachmate>
  idmgratm        32896/udp   Attachmate>  #                           George Gianelos  March 2003
  #               32897-33122 Unassigned
  aurora-balaena  33123/tcp   Aurora (Balaena Ltd)
  aurora-balaena  33123/udp   Aurora (Balaena Ltd)
  #                           Andrew Mather  14 February 2008
  #               33124-33330 Unassigned
  diamondport     33331/tcp   DiamondCentral Interface
  diamondport     33331/udp   DiamondCentral Interface
  #                           Edward Browdy  July 2002
  #               33332-33433 Unassigned
  traceroute      33434/tcp   traceroute use
  traceroute      33434/udp   traceroute use
  #                           IANA
  #               33435-33655 Unassigned
  snip-slave      33656/tcp   SNIP Slave
  snip-slave      33656/udp   SNIP Slave
  #                           Dr. Chris Tucker  August 2005
  #               33657-34248 Unassigned

  turbonote-2     34249/tcp   TurboNote>
  turbonote-2     34249/udp   TurboNote>  #                           Peter Hyde
  #               34250-34377 Unassigned
  p-net-local     34378/tcp   P-Net on IP local
  p-net-local     34378/udp   P-Net on IP local
  #                           Kurt Nissen  February 2004
  p-net-remote    34379/tcp   P-Net on IP remote
  p-net-remote    34379/udp   P-Net on IP remote
  #                           Kurt Nissen  February 2004
  #               34380-34961 Unassigned
  profinet-rt     34962/tcp   PROFInet RT Unicast
  profinet-rt     34962/udp   PROFInet RT Unicast
  profinet-rtm    34963/tcp   PROFInet RT Multicast
  profinet-rtm    34963/udp   PROFInet RT Multicast
  profinet-cm     34964/tcp   PROFInet Context Manager
  profinet-cm     34964/udp   PROFInet Context Manager
  #                           Peter Wenzel  November 2004
  #               34965-34979 Unassigned
  ethercat        34980/tcp   EtherCAT Port
  ethercat        34980/udp   EhterCAT Port
  #                           Martin Rostan  November 2003
  #               34981-36000 Unassigned
  allpeers 36001/tcp   AllPeers Network
  allpeers 36001/udp   AllPeers Network
  #       Cedric Maloux  April 2007
  #               36002-36411 Unassigned
  s1-control      36412/sctp  S1-Control Plane (3GPP)
  #                           Kimmo Kymalainen  01 September 2009
  #               36413-36421 Unassigned
  x2-control      36422/sctp  X2-Control Plane (3GPP)
  #                           Kimmo Kymalainen  01 September 2009
  #               36423-36864 Unassigned
  kastenxpipe     36865/tcp   KastenX Pipe
  kastenxpipe     36865/udp   KastenX Pipe
  #                           Guy Cheng
  #               36866-37474 Unassigned
  neckar          37475/tcp   science + computing's Venus Administration Port
  neckar          37475/udp   science + computing's Venus Administration Port
  #                           Ralf Allrutz  February 2002
  #               37476-37653 Unassigned
  unisys-eportal  37654/tcp   Unisys ClearPath ePortal
  unisys-eportal  37654/udp   Unisys ClearPath ePortal
  #       Sung U. Ro  January 2006
  #               37655-38200 Unassigned
  galaxy7-data    38201/tcp   Galaxy7 Data Tunnel
  galaxy7-data    38201/udp   Galaxy7 Data Tunnel
  #                           Tatham Oddie  September 2002
  fairview        38202/tcp   Fairview Message Service
  fairview        38202/udp   Fairview Message Service
  #                           Jim Lyle  November 2005
  agpolicy        38203/tcp   AppGate Policy Server
  agpolicy        38203/udp   AppGate Policy Server
  #                           Martin Forssen  November 2004
  #               38204-39680 Unassigned
  turbonote-1     39681/tcp   TurboNote Default Port
  turbonote-1     39681/udp   TurboNote Default Port
  #                           Peter Hyde
  #               39682-39999 Unassigned
  safetynetp 40000/tcp   SafetyNET p
  safetynetp 40000/udp   SafetyNET p
  #       Roland Rupp  November 2006
  #               40001-40840 Unassigned
  cscp            40841/tcp   CSCP
  cscp            40841/udp   CSCP
  #                           Michael Dodge      
  csccredir       40842/tcp   CSCCREDIR
  csccredir       40842/udp   CSCCREDIR
  csccfirewall    40843/tcp   CSCCFIREWALL
  csccfirewall    40843/udp   CSCCFIREWALL
  #                           Sudhir Menon
  #               40844-41110 Unassigned
  fs-qos          41111/tcp   Foursticks QoS Protocol
  fs-qos          41111/udp   Foursticks QoS Protocol
  #                           Chee Kent Lam  April 2002
  #               41112-41120 Unassigned
  tentacle        41121/tcp   Tentacle Server
  #                           Sancho Lerena  02 June 2009
  #               41121/udp   Reserved
  #               41122-41793 Unassigned
  crestron-cip    41794/tcp   Crestron Control Port
  crestron-cip    41794/udp   Crestron Control Port
  crestron-ctp    41795/tcp   Crestron Terminal Port
  crestron-ctp    41795/udp   Crestron Terminal Port
  #                           Ed Ranney  January 2003
  #               41796-42507 Unassigned
  candp           42508/tcp   Computer Associates network discovery protocol
  candp           42508/udp   Computer Associates network discovery protocol
  #                           Jon Press  September 2005
  candrp          42509/tcp   CA discovery response
  candrp          42509/udp   CA discovery response
  caerpc          42510/tcp   CA eTrust RPC
  caerpc          42510/udp   CA eTrust RPC
  #                           Jon Press  August 2005
  #               42511-43187 Unassigned
  reachout        43188/tcp   REACHOUT
  reachout        43188/udp   REACHOUT
  ndm-agent-port  43189/tcp   NDM-AGENT-PORT
  ndm-agent-port  43189/udp   NDM-AGENT-PORT
  ip-provision    43190/tcp   IP-PROVISION
  ip-provision    43190/udp   IP-PROVISION
  #                           Roman Kriis
  noit-transport  43191/tcp   Reconnoiter Agent Data Transport
  #                           Theo Schlossnagle  19 May 2009
  #               43191/udp   Reserved
  #               43192-43439 Unassigned
  ew-mgmt         43440/tcp   Cisco EnergyWise Management
  ew-disc-cmd     43440/udp   Cisco EnergyWise Discovery and Command Flooding
  #                           John Parello  19 May 2009
  ciscocsdb       43441/tcp   Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports
  ciscocsdb       43441/udp   Cisco NetMgmt DB Ports
  #                           Cisco Systems  November 2005
  #               43442-44320 Unassigned
  pmcd            44321/tcp   PCP server (pmcd)
  pmcd            44321/udp   PCP server (pmcd)
  #                           Ken McDonell  June 2002
  pmcdproxy       44322/tcp   PCP server (pmcd) proxy
  pmcdproxy       44322/udp   PCP server (pmcd) proxy
  #                           Ken McDonnell  July 2003
  #               44323-44552 Unassigned
  rbr-debug       44553/tcp   REALbasic Remote Debug
  rbr-debug       44553/udp   REALbasic Remote Debug
  #                           Aaron Ballman  November 2004
  #               44554-44817 Unassigned
  EtherNet/IP-2   44818/tcp   EtherNet/IP messaging
  EtherNet/IP-2   44818/udp   EtherNet/IP messaging
  #                           Brian Batke
  #                           New contact added for port 44818 on 2008-02-01
  #               44819-45053 Unassigned
  invision-ag     45054/tcp   InVision AG
  invision-ag     45054/udp   InVision AG
  #                           Matthias Schroer
  #               45055-45677 Unassigned
  eba             45678/tcp   EBA PRISE
  eba             45678/udp   EBA PRISE
  #                           Patrick Kara
  #               45679-45824 Unassigned
  qdb2service 45825/tcp   Qpuncture Data Access Service
  qdb2service 45825/udp   Qpuncture Data Access Service
  #       Michael Yun  24 October 2007
  #               45826-45965 Unassigned
  ssr-servermgr   45966/tcp   SSRServerMgr
  ssr-servermgr   45966/udp   SSRServerMgr
  #                           Jeremy Gilliat
  #               45967-46998 Unassigned
  mediabox        46999/tcp   MediaBox Server
  mediabox        46999/udp   MediaBox Server
  #                           Alexander Graef  November 2004
  mbus            47000/tcp   Message Bus
  mbus            47000/udp   Message Bus
  #                           Dirk Kutscher  
  winrm           47001/tcp   Windows Remote Management Service
  #                           Ryan Mack  29 April 2009
  #               47001/udp   Reserved
  #               47002-47556 Unassigned
  dbbrowse        47557/tcp   Databeam Corporation
  dbbrowse        47557/udp   Databeam Corporation
  #                           Cindy Martin
  #               47558-47623 Unassigned
  directplaysrvr  47624/tcp   Direct Play Server
  directplaysrvr  47624/udp   Direct Play Server
  #                           Ajay Jindal
  #               47625-47805 Unassigned
  ap              47806/tcp   ALC Protocol
  ap              47806/udp   ALC Protocol
  #                           Dave Robin
  #               47807       Unassigned
  bacnet          47808/tcp   Building Automation and Control Networks
  bacnet          47808/udp   Building Automation and Control Networks
  #                           H. Michael Newman
  #               47809-47999 Unassigned
  nimcontroller   48000/tcp   Nimbus Controller
  nimcontroller   48000/udp   Nimbus Controller
  nimspooler      48001/tcp   Nimbus Spooler
  nimspooler      48001/udp   Nimbus Spooler
  nimhub          48002/tcp   Nimbus Hub
  nimhub          48002/udp   Nimbus Hub
  nimgtw          48003/tcp   Nimbus Gateway
  nimgtw          48003/udp   Nimbus Gateway
  #                           Carstein Seeberg
  #               48004-48127 Unassigned
  isnetserv 48128/tcp   Image Systems Network Services
  isnetserv 48128/udp   Image Systems Network Services
  #       Bengt Gustafsson  May 2006
  blp5  48129/tcp   Bloomberg locator
  blp5  48129/udp   Bloomberg locator
  #       Albert Hou  May 2006
  #               48130-48555 Unassigned
  com-bardac-dw   48556/tcp   com-bardac-dw
  com-bardac-dw   48556/udp   com-bardac-dw
  #                           Nicholas J Howes
  #               48557-48618 Unassigned
  iqobject        48619/tcp  iqobject
  iqobject        48619/udp  iqobject
  #                           Bjorn de Bonnenfant  November 2003
  #               48620-49150 Unassigned
  #               49151       IANA Reserved
  The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535
  [RFC768]   Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768,
  USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1980.
  [RFC793]   Postel, J., ed., "Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA
  Internet Program Protocol Specification", STD 7, RFC 793,
  USC/Information Sciences Institute, September 1981.
  [RFC2167]  S. Williamson, M. Kosters, D. Blacka, J. Singh, K. Zeilstra,
  "Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5", RFC 2167, June 1997.
  [RFC2281]  T. Li, B. Cole, P. Morton and D. Li, "Cisco Hot Standby
  Router Protocol (HSRP)", RFC 2281, March 1998.
  [RFC2351]  A. Robert, "Mapping of Airline Reservation, Ticketing, and
  Messaging Traffic over IP", RFC 2351, May 1998.
  [RFC2865]  C. Rigney, S. Willens, A. Rubens, W. Simpson, "Remote
  Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 2865, June
  [RFC2866]  C. Rigney, "RADIUS Accounting", RFC 2866, June 2000.
  [RFC3077]  Duros, E., W. Dabbous, H. Izumiyama, N. Fujii, and Y. Zhang,
  "A Link-Layer Tunneling Mechanism for Unidirectional Links",
  RFC 3077, March 2001.
  [RFC3340]  M. Rose, G. Klyne, and D. Crocker, "The Application
  Exchange Core", RFC 3340, July 2002.
  [RFC3547]  M. Baugher, B. Weis, T. Hardjono and H. Harney, "The Group
  Domain of Interpretation", RFC 3547, July 2003.
  [RFC3576]  M. Chiba, G. Dommety, M. Eklund, D. Mitton, and B. Aboba,
  "Dynamic Authorization Extensions to Remote Authentication
  Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 3576, July 2003.
  [RFC3588]  P. Calhoun, J. Loughney, E. Guttman, G. Zorn and J. Arkko,
  "Diameter Base Protocol", RFC 3588, September 2003.
  [RFC3656]  R. Siemborski, "The MUPDATE Distributed Mailbox Database Protocol",
  RFC 3656, December 2003.
  [RFC3620]  D. New, "The TUNNEL Profile", RFC 3620, October 2003.
  [RFC3720]   J. Satran, K. Meth, C. Sapuntzakis, M. Chadalapaka, and
  E. Zeidner, "iSCSI", RFC 3720, April 2004.
  [RFC3767]  S. Farrell, Ed., "Securely Available Credentials Protocol",
  RFC 3767, June 2004.
  [RFC3807]  E. Weilandt, N. Khanchandani, and S. Rao, "V5.2-User Adaptation
  Layer (V5UA)", RFC 3807, June 2004.
  [RFC3821]  M. Rajagopal, E. Rodriguez, and R. Weber, "Fibre Channel Over
  TCP/IP (FCIP)", RFC 3821, July 2004.
  [RFC3887]  T. Hansen, "Message Tracking Query Protocol", RFC 3887,
  September 2004.
  [RFC3920]  P. Saint-Andre, Ed., "Extensible Messaging and Presence
  Protocol (XMPP): Core", RFC 3920, October 2004.
  [RFC3947]  T. Kivinen, A. Huttunen, B. Swander, and V. Volpe, "Negotiation
  of NAT-Traversal in the IKE", RFC 3947, January 2005.
  [RFC3983]  A. Newton and M. Sanz, "IRIS - Using the Internet Registry
  Information Service (IRIS) over the Blocks Extensible Exchange
  Protocol (BEEP)", RFC 3983, January 2005.
  [RFC4065]  J. Kempf, "Instructions for Seamoby and Experimental Mobility
  Protocol IANA", RFC 4065, July 2005.
  [RFC4146]  R. Gellens, "Simple New Mail Notification", RFC 4146, August 2005.
  [RFC4165]   T. George, B. Bidulock, R. Dantu, H. J. Schwarzbauer, and K. Morneault,
  "Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part 2 (MTP2) - User
  Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer (M2PA)", RFC 4165, September 2005.
  [RFC4171]  J. Tseng, K. Gibbons, F. Travostino, C. Du Laney, and J. Souza,
  "Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)", RFC 4171, September 2005.
  [RFC4204]  J. Lang, Ed., "Link Management Protocol (LMP)", RFC 4204,
  October 2005.
  [RFC4340]  E. Kohler, M. Handley and S. Floyd, "Datagram Congestion
  Control Protocol (DCCP)", RFC 4340, March 2006.
  [RFC4379]  K. Kompella and G. Swallow, "Detecting Multi-Protocol Label Switched (MPLS)
  Data Plane Failures", RFC 4379, February 2006.
  [RFC4380]  C. Huitema, "Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through Network Address
  Translations (NATs)", RFC 4380, February 2006.
  [RFC4409]  R. Gellens and J. Klensin, "Message Submission for Mail", RFC 4409,
  April 2006.
  [RFC4430]  S. Sakane, K. Kamada, M. Thomas and J. Vilhuber,
  "Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)",
  RFC 4430, March 2006.
  [RFC4535]  H. Harney, U. Meth, A. Colegrove, G. Gross, "GSAKMP: Group Secure
  Association Group Management Protocol", RFC 4535, June 2006.
  [RFC4540]  M. Stiemerling, J. Quittek and C. Cadar, "NEC's Simple Middlebox
  Configuration (SIMCO) Protocol Version 3.0", RFC 4540, May 2006.
  [RFC4656]  S. Shalunov, A. Karp, J.W. Boote and M.J. Zekauskas,
  "A One-way Active Measurement Protocol (OWAMP)", RFC 4656, September 2006.
  [RFC4666]  K. Morneault, Ed., J. Pastor-Balbas, Ed., "Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message
  Transfer Part 3 (MTP3) - User Adaptation Layer (M3UA)", RFC 4666, September
  [RFC4744]  E. Lear and K. Crozier, "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Blocks Extensible
  Exchange Protocol (BEEP)", RFC 4744, December 2006.
  [RFC4742]  M. Wasserman and T. Goddard, "Using the NETCONF Configuration Protocol over
  Secure Shell (SSH)", RFC 4742, December 2006.
  [RFC4743]  T. Goddard, "Using the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) Over the
  Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)", RFC 4743, December 2006.
  [RFC4727]  B. Fenner, "Experimental values In IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6,
  UDP and TCP Headers",  RFC 4727, November 2006.
  [RFC4712]  A. Siddiqui, D. Romascanu, E. Golovinsky, M. Rahman and Y. Kim,
  "Transport Mappings for Real-time Application Quality of Service
  Monitoring (RAQMON) Protocol Data Unit (PDU)", RFC 4712, October 2006.
  [RFC4767]  B. Feinstein and G. Matthews, "The Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol
  (IDXP)", RFC 4767, March 2007.
  [RFC4960]  Randall Stewart, "Stream Control Transmission Protocol", RFC 4960,
  September 2007.

  [RFC4975]  B. Campbell, R. Mahy and C. Jennings, "The Message Session>  RFC 4975, September 2007.
  [RFC4992]  A. Newton, "XML Pipelining with Chunks for the Information Registry
  Information Service", RFC 4992, August 2007.
  [RFC4993]  A. Newton, "A Lightweight UDP Transfer Protocol for the Internet
  Registry Information Service", RFC 4993, August 2007.
  [RFC5024]  I. Friend, "ODETTE File Transfer Protocol 2", RFC 5024, November 2007.
  [RFC5087]  Y(J). Stein, R. Shashoua, R. Insler and M. Anavi, "Time Division
  Multiplexing over IP (TDMoIP)", December 2007.
  C. Perkins, "RTP and the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
  (DCCP)", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  [RFC5191]  D. Forsberg, Y. Ohba (Ed.), B. Patil, H. Tschofenig and A. Yegin,
  "Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA)",
  RFC 5191, May 2008.
  [RFC5498]  I. Chakeres, "IANA Allocations for MANET Protocols", RFC 5498,
  March 2009.
  [RFC5326]  M. Ramadas, S. Burleigh, S. Farrell, "Licklider Transmission Protocol -
  Specification", RFC 5326, September 2008.
  [RFC5352]  R. Stewart, Q. Xie, M. Stillman, M. Tuexen, "Aggregate Server
  Access Protocol (ASAP)", RFC 5352, September 2008.
  [RFC5353]  Q. Xie, R. Stewart, M. Stillman, M. Tuexen, A. Silverton, "Endpoint
  Handlespace Redundancy Protocol (ENRP)", RFC 5353, September 2008.
  [RFC5389]  J. Rosenberg, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, D. Wing, "Session Traversal Utilities
  for (NAT) (STUN)", RFC 5389, October 2008.
  [RFC5357]  K. Hedayat, R. Krzanowski, A. Morton, K. Yum, J. Babiarz, "A Two-way
  Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP)", RFC 5357, October 2008.
  M. Spencer, B. Capouch, E. Guy, Ed., F. Miller, K. Shumard, "IAX:
  Inter-Asterisk eXchange Version 2", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  [RFC5415]  P. Calhoun, Ed., M. Montemurro, Ed., D. Stanley, Ed., "CAPWAP
  Protocol Specification", RFC 5415, March 2009.
  [RFC5440]  J. Vasseur, Ed., J. Le Roux, Ed., "Path Computation Element (PCE)
  Communication Protocol (PCEP)", RFC 5440, March 2009.
  A. Melnikov, Ed., T. Martin, "A Protocol for Remotely Managing
  Sieve Scripts", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  T. Melia, Ed., G. Bajko, S. Das, N. Golmie, J. Zuniga, "IEEE 802.21
  Mobility Services Framework Design (MSFD)", RFC XXXX, Month Year.

  M. Eisler, "IANA Considerations for RPC Net>  Address Formats", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  [RFC5539]  M. Badra, "NETCONF Over Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 5539,
  May 2009.
  T. Talpey, B. Callaghan, "Remote Direct Memory Access Transport for
  Remote Procedure Call", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  [RFC5555]  H. Soliman, Ed., "Mobile IPv6 Support for Dual Stack Hosts and Routers",
  RFC 5555, June 2009.
  [RFC5592]  D. Harrington, J. Salowey, W. Hardaker, "Secure Shell Transport Model
  for SNMP", RFC 5592, June 2009.
  M. Blanchet and F. Parent, "IPv6 Tunnel Broker with the Tunnel Setup
  Protocol (TSP)", RFC ####, Month Year.
  H. Schulzrinne, R. Hancock, "GIST: General Internet Signalling Transport",
  RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  D. Katz, D. Ward, "BFD for IPv4 and IPv6 (Single Hop)", RFC XXXX, Month Year.
  [RFC5734]  S. Hollenbeck, "Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport over TCP",
  RFC 5734, August 2009.

  J. Rosenberg, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, "Traversal Using>
  >  Month Year.

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