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[经验分享] OCP-1Z0-053-V13.02-250题



发表于 2015-11-8 20:09:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  250.You want to schedule a job to rebuild all indexes on the SALES table after the completion of a bulk
  load operation.
  The bulk load operation must also be a scheduled job that executes as soon as the first file that contains
  data arrives on the system.
  How would you create these jobs?
  A. Create both jobs by using events raised by the scheduler
  B. Create both jobs by using events raised by the application
  C. Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the application and then create another job to
  perform bulk load by using events raised by the scheduler
  D. Create a job to rebuild indexes by using events arised by the Scheduller and then create another job to
  perform bulk load by using events raised by the application
  Answer: D

  从以下可知,bulk load是File arrival events raised by a file watcher,rebuild indexes是Events raised by your application,An application can raise anevent to be consumed by the Scheduler.

About Events
An event is a message sent by one application or system process to another to indicate that some action or occurrence has been detected. An event israised (sent) by one application or process, and consumed (received) by one ormore applications or processes.
There are two kinds of events consumed by the Scheduler:

  •   Events raised by your application
      An application can raise an event to be consumed by the Scheduler. The Scheduler reacts to the event by starting a job. For example, when an inventory tracking system notices that the inventory has gone below a certain threshold, it can raise an event thatstarts an inventory replenishment job.
      See "Starting Jobs with Events Raised by Your Application".
  •   File arrival events raised by a file watcher
      You can create a file watcher—a Scheduler object introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 2—to watch for the arrival of a file on a system. You can then configure a job to start when the file watcher detects the presence of the file. For example, a datawarehouse for a chain of stores loads data from end-of-day revenue reports uploaded from the point-of-sale systems in the stores. The data warehouse load job starts each time a new end-of-day report arrives.
      See "Starting a Job When a File Arrives on a System"

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