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[经验分享] Install MySQL on Mac OS X



发表于 2015-12-30 03:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There are already several instructions out there on how to installMySQL on Mac OS X, but most of them are either outdated or morecomplicated than they need to be. Here you will find an easy tutorialshowing how to install MySQL, start it up, access it as the defaultroot user, create a database, delete the database and exit.
Step 1: Download MySQL. Go to the downloads page at mysql.comand download the particular version of MySQL that is appropriate foryour OS and machine architecture. In my case, I downloaded the "Mac OSX 10.5 (x86_64)" version because I have Mac OS X 10.5 running on aMacBook with a 64-bit Intel processor.

Step2: Access the installers. Go the the directory where the .dmg file wasdownloaded to and mount the .dmg file by double clicking it. The .dmgcontains the MySQL and MySQL Startup installer packages.
Step3: Install MySQL and the MySQL Startup Item. Double-clicking onmysql*.pkg icon starts an installer wizard that takes you through a fewintuitive installation steps. Once you click through the wizard andaccept a license agreement you should see the "install succeeded" page.Repeat for MySQLStartupItem.pkg.
Step 4: Verify Install. Fire up the Terminal and type in: cd /usr/local , hit enter, type in: ls , and verify that there are two items. The Mac OS X .pkg of MySQL installs itself into       /usr/local/mysql-VERSION       and       /usr/local/mysql.
Step 5: Restart your computer. When the computer reboots, it will startup the database server allowing you to connect to it.
Step 6: Start MySQL. Type in: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p. The last part of the command tells it you want to start it up as theroot user and that you'd like to be prompted for a password. By defaultthe root's password is blank, so when you are prompted for it, just hitenter. You are now running MySQL, and you can tell it what to do at theMySQL command prompt: mysql>.
Step 7: Create a database, delete it and exit MySQL. At the mysql> prompt, type in: create database mynewdatabase; . Verify that it was created by typing in: show databases; . You should see the database along with the default databases. Delete the database by typing in: drop database mynewdatabase; . Verify that it was deleted by typing in: show databases;  . Exit MySQL by typing in: exit; .

Piece of Cake!!
In addition, here are the commands you need to start and stop MySQL:
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start
sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM restart

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