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[经验分享] Cosmos DB

发表于 2017-7-1 11:02:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Key capabilities
As a globally distributed database service, Azure Cosmos DB provides the following capabilities to help you build scalable, globally distributed, highly responsive applications:

  •   Turnkey global distribution

    • Your application is instantly available to your users, everywhere. Now your data can be too.
    • Don't worry about hardware, adding nodes, VMs or cores. Just point and click, and your data is there.

  •   Multiple data models and popular APIs for accessing and querying data

    • Support for multiple data models including key-value, document, graph, and columnar.
    • Extensible APIs for Node.js, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Python, and MongoDB.
    • SQL and Gremlin for queries.

  •   Elastically scale throughput and storage on demand, worldwide

    • Easily scale throughput at second and minute granularities, and change it anytime you want.
    • Scale storage transparently and automatically to cover your size requirements now and forever.

  •   Build highly responsive and mission-critical applications

    • Get access to your data with single digit millisecond latencies at the 99th percentile, anywhere in the world.

  •   Ensure "always on" availability

    • 99.99% availability within a single region.
    • Deploy to any number of Azure regions for higher availability.
    • Simulate a failure of one or more regions with zero-data loss guarantees.

  •   Write globally distributed applications, the right way

    • Five consistency models models offer strong SQL-like consistency to NoSQL-like eventual consistency, and every thing in between.

  •   Money back guarantees

    • Your data gets there fast, or your money back.
    • Service level agreements for availability, latency, throughput, and consistency.

  •   No database schema/index management

    • Stop worrying about keeping your database schema and indexes in-sync with your application’s schema. We're schema-free.

  •   Low cost of ownership

    • Five to ten times more cost effective than a non-managed solution.
    • Three times cheaper than DynamoDB.

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