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[经验分享] SonoFelice——棣琦



发表于 2018-1-6 18:30:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  Kubernetes有个出名的监控agent---cAdvisor。在每个kubernetes Node上都会运行cAdvisor,它会收集本机以及容器的监控数据(cpu,memory,filesystem,network,uptime)。

cAdvisor web界面访问: http://< Node-IP >:4194  cAdvisor也提供Restful API: https://github.com/google/cadv ... pi.md



  • main()
  • 创建数据源
  • 创建后端服务
  • 创建数据processors
  • 获取源数据并存储
  • heapster API创建

  从上述文章提到的 NewKubeletProvider 函数中,我们找到了创建kubeClient和kubeletClient的地方,见下面代码的飘黄部分:

func NewKubeletProvider(uri *url.URL) (MetricsSourceProvider, error) {// 创建kubernetes master及kubelet client相关的配置  kubeConfig, kubeletConfig, err := GetKubeConfigs(uri)
  if err != nil {
  return nil, err
  // 创建kubeClient及kubeletClient
  kubeClient := kube_client.NewOrDie(kubeConfig)
  kubeletClient, err := NewKubeletClient(kubeletConfig)
  if err != nil {
  return nil, err

  // 获取下所有的Nodes,测试下创建的client是否能正常通讯
  if _, err := kubeClient.Nodes().List(kube_api.ListOptions{
  LabelSelector: labels.Everything(),
  FieldSelector: fields.Everything()}); err != nil {
  glog.Errorf("Failed to load nodes: %v", err)

  // 监控k8s的nodes变更
  // 这里会创建协程进行watch,便于后面调用nodeLister.List()列出所有的nodes。
  // 该Watch的实现,需要看下apiServer中的实现,后面会进行讲解
  lw := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(kubeClient, "nodes", kube_api.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything())
  nodeLister := &cache.StoreToNodeLister{Store: cache.NewStore(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc)}
  reflector := cache.NewReflector(lw, &kube_api.Node{}, nodeLister.Store, time.Hour)
  // 结构在前面介绍过
  return &kubeletProvider{
  nodeLister:    nodeLister,
  reflector:     reflector,
  kubeletClient: kubeletClient,
  }, nil



// 传入的是KubeletClientConfig,通过读取相关配置,来初始化client  

func NewKubeletClient(kubeletConfig *kubelet_client.KubeletClientConfig) (*KubeletClient, error) {  

    transport, err := kubelet_client.MakeTransport(kubeletConfig)if err != nil {return nil, err  }
  c :
= &http.Client{ // 此处可以看到,是http调用  Transport: transport,
  Timeout:   kubeletConfig.HTTPTimeout,
return &KubeletClient{  config: kubeletConfig,
  client: c,
  }, nil



func (self *KubeletClient) getAllContainers(url string, start, end time.Time) ([]cadvisor.ContainerInfo, error) {// Request data from all subcontainers.此处是构造requestBody  request := statsRequest{
  ContainerName: "/",
  NumStats:      1,
  Start:         start, // 2017-11-10T06:46:17Z 这种utc格式的时间戳
  End:           end,
  Subcontainers: true,
  body, err := json.Marshal(request)
  if err != nil {
  return nil, err
  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(body))
  if err != nil {
  return nil, err
  // 设置请求头
  req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

  var containers map[string]cadvisor.ContainerInfo
  client := self.client
  if client == nil {
  client = http.DefaultClient
  err = self.postRequestAndGetValue(client, req, &containers)
  if err != nil {
  return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get all container stats from Kubelet URL %q: %v", url, err)

  result := make([]cadvisor.ContainerInfo, 0, len(containers))
  for _, containerInfo := range containers {
  cont := self.parseStat(&containerInfo)
  if cont != nil {
  result = append(result, *cont)
  return result, nil




"/": {"name": "/","subcontainers": [  {
"name": "/docker"  },
"name": "/init.scope"  },
"name": "/kube-proxy"  },
"name": "/kubepods"  },
"name": "/system.slice"  },
"name": "/user.slice"  }
"spec": {"creation_time": "2017-10-14T17:16:59.086488213+08:00","has_cpu": true,"cpu": {"limit": 1024,"max_limit": 0,"mask": "0-3","period": 100000  },
"has_memory": true,"memory": {"limit": 33604153344,"reservation": 9223372036854771712  },
"has_network": true,"has_filesystem": true,"has_diskio": true,"has_custom_metrics": false  },
"stats": [  {
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"user": 443962220000000,"system": 438380440000000  },
"cfs": {"periods": 0,"throttled_periods": 0,"throttled_time": 0  },
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"device": "/dev/vdb","type": "vfs","capacity": 53660876800,"usage": 35852288,"base_usage": 0,"available": 53625024512,"has_inodes": true,"inodes": 26214400,"inodes_free": 26214393,"reads_completed": 457,"reads_merged": 0,"sectors_read": 13162,"read_time": 3428,"writes_completed": 231,"writes_merged": 20,"sectors_written": 72963,"write_time": 1756,"io_in_progress": 0,"io_time": 3584,"weighted_io_time": 5184  }
"task_stats": {"nr_sleeping": 0,"nr_running": 0,"nr_stopped": 0,"nr_uninterruptible": 0,"nr_io_wait": 0  }

View Code  我们可以看到这一段json数据主要分了4部分:

  • reference——container本身的引用
  • subcontainers——子容器的信息
  • spec——说明信息
  • stats——统计信息

type ContainerInfo struct {  ContainerReference

// The direct subcontainers of the current container.  Subcontainers []ContainerReference `json:"subcontainers,omitempty"`

  // The isolation used in the container.
  Spec ContainerSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`

  // Historical statistics gathered from the container.
  Stats []*ContainerStats `json:"stats,omitempty"`


(ii) 获取pod相关的summary

func (self *KubeletClient) GetSummary(host Host) (*stats.Summary, error) {  url :
= url.URL{  Scheme:
"http",  Host:   host.String(),
"/stats/summary/",  }
if self.config != nil && self.config.EnableHttps {  url.Scheme
= "https"  }

  req, err :
= http.NewRequest("GET", url.String(), nil)if err != nil {return nil, err  }
  summary :
= &stats.Summary{}  client :
= self.clientif client == nil {  client
= http.DefaultClient  }
= self.postRequestAndGetValue(client, req, summary)return summary, err  

  恩,分析一下,很简单,就是一个http  get方法的调用。那我们再来模拟一下:

type Summary struct {// Overall node stats.  Node NodeStats `json:"node"`
  // Per-pod stats.
  Pods []PodStats `json:"pods"`







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