3月21日 深圳 OSC 源创会开始报名罗,送华为海思开发板
Spring XD 今天发布了 1.1 GA 和 1.0.4 两个新版本,下载地址:
* 1.1.0.RELEASE: zip, homebrew, yum.
* 1.0.4.RELEASE: zip.
其中 1.1 GA 包含诸多改进,值得关注的有:
- Stream Processing with Reactor, RxJava, Spark Streaming and Python
- Orchestrate Spark and Sqoop Batch Jobs
- Kafka based message bus, source and sink along with new general purpose high level Kafka APIs
- Batching and compression for RabbitMQ
- Easily develop, test, and package custom modules and upload them to the admin server.
- Containers group management when running XD on YARN
- Role based authorization of REST endpoints and LDAP/file based authentication
- Support for Pivotal, Hortonworks, and Cloudera Hadoop distributions.
Spring XD 是一个统一的,分布式,可扩展的系统用于数据摄取,实时分析,批量处理和数据导出。该项目的目标是简化大数据应用的开发。