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[软件发布] Selenium v2.45.0 发布,支持 Firefox 36

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发表于 2015-3-5 07:14:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3月21日 深圳 OSC 源创会开始报名罗,送华为海思开发板
DSC0000.jpg   Selenium v2.45.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载:http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/2.45/selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar。此版本支持 Firefox 36,更新内容如下:
Important changes in this release:
* Native events in Firefox relied on an API that Mozilla no longer
  provides. As such, fall back to synthesized events on recent Firefox
Other changes:
* When Selenium is unable to interact with an element, such as the
  case when an element is missing or disabled, this change will output
  exactly how Selenium is attempting to locate the element, such as
  the XPath or id of the element. This greatly speeds up
  troubleshooting issues, as the exception message clearly states what
  element is broken/missing for common problems like an
* improve ByCssSelector#toString
* Remove automatic installation of the SafariDriver in Java.
* Complete Selenium Java Server support for Blink based Opera
* Upgrading PhantomJS driver
* Pull HttpClient implementation details out of HttpCommandExecutor.
* Fix issue 8254: Extensions were incorrectly transferred between
  Windows client and Linux grid node, because ZipEntry had incorrect
  name with '\' as separators.
* Adding capabilities and browser type for Opera Blink, and
  configuring tests to run in Opera Blink
* Adding support for Blink-based Opera to Java binding
* Adding Yosemite platform
* Allowing to set an arbitrary platform capability even if it can't be
  converted to Platform enum. Non-standard platform values can cause
  matching issues on Grid, but they can be usable for third-party Grid
* Taking XML namespaces into account when searching by XPath. Checked
  to work in Firefox. Chrome supports namespaces out of the box. Need
  to update IE and Safari drivers to use the updated atom and test
  them carefully.  Selenium (SeleniumHQ) 是 thoughtworks公司的一个集成测试的强大工具。
  一、Selenium 的版本
  Selenium 现在存在2个版本,一个叫 selenium-core, 一个叫selenium-rc 。
  selenium-core 是使用HTML的方式来编写测试脚本,你也可以使用 Selenium-IDE来录制脚本,但是目前Selenium-IDE只有 FireFox 版本。
  Selenium-RC 是 selenium-remote control 缩写,是使用具体的语言来编写测试类。
  selenium-rc 支持的语言非常多,这里我们着重关注java的方式。这里讲的也主要是 selenium-rc,因为个人还是喜欢这种方式.
  下图是Selenium IDE的运行界面截图:

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