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[经验分享] exchange 2013 移动数据库和日志文件路径

发表于 2018-7-8 09:28:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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  At some point, you might want to transfer your Mailbox database and/or Log folder to new location. In Exchange 2013 you can use Move-DatabasePath PowerShell cmdlet in Exchange Management Shell to move the database. As of now, you can’t move database using EAC. In this post, I will show steps to move database and log folder path in Exchange 2013 using PowerShell cmdlet in EMS.
Move Database and Log Folder Path in Exchange 2013
  To view current list of databases type Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet in EMS.

  To view the location of any database type, Get-MailboxDatabase -DatabaseName | FL Name,*Path*. For example, we want to view the location of Database named “Mailbox Database 2018660615”. Type, Get-MailboxDatabase “Mailbox Database 2018660615” | fl Name, *path* in EMS as shown below.

  As we can see above, the database is in default location, which is definitely not recommended place to store the Mailbox database. For starters, always store Database and Log files in separate drives other than the drive where Exchange is installed. For example, Exchange can be installed in C drive, Database can be stored in D drive and Logs can be stored in E drive.

  Here, I will move both database and logs to D drive, but you get the>
  ***Note: – The database will be dismounted temporarily during the transfer so not a good>  Move-Databasepath “Mailbox Database 2018660615″ -EdbFilepath “D:\Exchange Databases\Mailbox Database 2018660615.edb” -LogFolderpath “D:\Exchange Logs”

  Now let’s verify if the database has changed its location. Run the following cmdlet again.
  Get-MailboxDatabase “Mailbox Database 2018660615″ | FL Name,*Path*

  As you can see above the database has been moved to new location successfully. You can also view this in EAC. Login to EAC, select servers in the features pane, then select databases tab. Open the properties of the particular database.

  In this way you can move database and log folder path in Exchange 2013.

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