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[经验分享] 利用saltstack的salt-ssh进行集群管理【无客户端下】



发表于 2018-8-1 11:37:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
salt-ssh '*' [ options ] sys.doc
salt-ssh -E '.*' [ options ] sys.doc cmd
Salt ssh allows for salt routines to be executed using only ssh for transport
-r, --raw, --raw-shell
Execute a raw shell command.
Define which roster system to use, this defines if a database backend, scanner, or custom roster system is used. Default is the flat file roster.
--refresh, --refresh-cache
Force a refresh of the master side data cache of the target's data. This is needed if a target's grains have been changed and the auto refresh timeframe has not been reached.
Set the number of concurrent minions to communicate with. This value defines how many processes are opened up at a time to manage connections, the more running process the faster communication should be, default is 25.
Set te default password to attempt to use when authenticating.
Set this flag to attempt to deploy the authorized ssh key with all minions. This combined with --passwd can make initial deployment of keys very fast and easy.
Print the version of Salt that is running.
Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
-h, --help
Show the help message and exit
-c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
Target Selection
-E, --pcre
The target expression will be interpreted as a PCRE regular expression rather than a shell glob.
-L, --list
The target expression will be interpreted as a comma-delimited list; example: server1.foo.bar,server2.foo.bar,example7.quo.qux
-G, --grain
The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:<glob expression>'; example: 'os:Arch*'
This was changed in version 0.9.8 to accept glob expressions instead of regular expression. To use regular expression matching with grains, use the --grain-pcre option.
The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:< regular expression>'; example: 'os:Arch.*'
-N, --nodegroup
Use a predefined compound target defined in the Salt master configuration file.
-R, --range
Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a range expression to identify targets. Range expressions look like %cluster.
Using the Range option requires that a range server is set up and the location of the range server is referenced in the master configuration file.
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/ssh.
Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Output Options
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a JSON string for each minion. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
--out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
--out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
Write the output to the specified file.
Disable all colored output
Force colored output

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