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[经验分享] Git Guide Pre-1.5.



发表于 2018-9-19 07:24:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Git Guide Pre-1.5.  http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Git_Guide_Pre-1.5
  For given commands you can type either eg git commmit or git-commit; the man page is available via man git-commit or 'git commit --help'.
  For more common everyday commands see the list in git help.

  This guide assumes that the repository you work with was cloned by git 1.5, if it was cloned with an older version, some of the commands, especially>SetupHow do I get my copy of the repository?  Once you have your access setup:
$ git clone ssh://[]scm.sourcemage.org/smgl/grimoire.git  $ ls
  $ cd grimoire
  Note: If you don't want to authenticate for every action, you can also use git:// instead of ssh:// for read/update operations. You will need ssh:// for any write operations. Do not use http://, even if it seems to work.  It is not a supported mechanism for developers getting timely updates.
Any other initial setup I need?  Tell git who you are:
$ git config user.name "FirstName LastName"  $ git config user.email "user@example.com"
  If you have many git repositories under your current user, you can set this for all of them
$ git config --global user.name "FirstName LastName"  $ git config --global user.email "user@example.com"
  If you want pretty colors, you can setup the following for branch, status, and diff commands:
$ git config --global color.branch "auto"  $ git config --global color.status "auto"
  $ git config --global color.diff "auto"
  Or, to turn all color options on (with git 1.5.5+), use:
$ git config --global color.ui "auto"  To enable aut-detection for number of threads to use (good for multi-CPU or multi-core computers) for packing repositories, use:
$ git config --global pack.threads "0"Basics  For just dealing with the primary branch of the grimoire (test for the grimoire, aka "master" in git):
How do I keep my copy current?  Assuming you are on the master branch:
$ git pullHow do I update a spell, assuming I have no other changes I don't want to commit?$ git pull  $ $EDITOR path/to/spell/files
  $ git add path/to/new/files
  Note: deletions will be noted automatically.
  $ git commit -a
  Note: fill the commit message with the spell name and the version number it is updated to.
  $ git push origin master
  Note: This commits *all* local changes, if you want to keep some not committed, see the Intermediate Usage section.
Oh no, a conflict!  How do I resolve it?$ $EDITOR path/to/conflicting/file  $ git update-index path/to/conflicting/file
  $ git commit -F .msg
  $ rm .msgI screwed up, how do I reset my checkout?$ git checkout -fI want to fix my last commit.$ $EDITOR path/to/spell/files
  $ git commit --amend
  This will include the new changes you made and recommit with the previous commit message.
What other info commands are there?$ git status  $ git log []

  $ git show [  $ git diff

  •   git-config color.diff auto tells git you prefer colored output.
Intermediate UsageI only want to commit certain files.$ git commit path/to/some/files  Note:

  •   git commit with no args may complain about needing to update the index to include some files in the commit; specifying explicit paths will avoid this.

  •   Best practice is to always do a commit per atomic change so that a separate commit>
I want to discard my uncommitted changes$ git reset --hard  That will discard all the uncommitted changes you made locally. If you want to reset only a part of the repository, you'll have to use a trick:
$ git diff some/path | patch -p1 -RHow do I see all the available branches?$ git branch  * master
  The * denotes the current working branch. "master" is the branch each repository starts with, it is a local branch of the remote "master".
  git branch -r shows remote branches, and git branch -a shows all:
$ git branch -r  origin/HEAD
  origin/stable-rc-0.8I want to work on an upstream branch other than "master".$ git checkout --track -b  origin/
  Note: this creates a local branch  based on the upstream branch and switches your working copy to that branch.
  $ git pull
  $ git push origin
  Sometimes you may need to use the following instead of that last commit:
$ git push origin :I want to get back to the main branch.$ git checkout masterI want to create a local WIP branch.$ git branch devel-something   $ git checkout devel-something
  Or just:
$ git checkout -b devel-something   edit/add/commit/etc.
  If  is currently checked out, you don't have to specify it explicitly. You can use the "--track" argument to branch/checkout to make "git pull" work in this WIP branch without parameters.
I want to push my WIP branch changes back to the mainline.$ git checkout master  $ git pull . devel-somethingI want to delete a local WIP branch.$ git branch -d devel-something
  git will refuse to delete the branch if it contains changes that haven't been merged to master yet. To delete the branch anyway, use
$ git branch -D devel-somethingI want to cherry-pick a change from one local branch to another local branch.$ git log  path/to/changed/file  $ git checkout

  $ git cherry-pick   $ git cherry-pick
  $ git push origin
  $ git branch -D I want to revert a commit.$ git log path/to/file
  $ git revert

  Note: revert and cherry-pick automatically do a commit with a message that preserves the original commit>Advanced UsageI want to publish my WIP branch on the central server.$ git push origin devel-something:refs/heads/devel-something  Note:

  •   Other people updating their clones will automatically get this branch in their remote branches list.
  •   Branch names have to be unique, so "devel-something" must not yet exist as branch in the remote repository.
  •   It is not possible to delete a remote branch, but you can remove the branch names from your remote branch listing by using "git branch -d -r origin/".
I want to work in various remote branches often.  Just create a local branch for each remote branch you want to work on:
$ git branch --track devel origin/devel  $ git branch --track stable-rc-0.10 origin/stable-rc-0.10I only want to push my commits up to a certain point.$ git push origin :I'm tired of typing my SSH key passphrase.
  You may want to use ssh-agent to avoid having to type in your SSH password while working on the repositories (assuming you cloned with developer access). First we load the ssh-agent :
$ eval `ssh-agent`  Agent pid 10044
  The above PID will be different for you. Now we load our key (assuming you only have one key or want to load them all):
$ ssh-add  If you have a specific key for the grimoire and want to only load that, use:
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/grimoire_id_rsa  Assuming you named your grimoire SSH key ~/.ssh/grimoire_id_rsa.
  You can also consider using a passphrase-less key, as long as the physical security of the private key file is reasonable (your development machine isn't share with other users, you have firewall protection in place, etc.).
Why do my commit emails have extra "Merge branch 'master'" messages?  When you do a git pull, it fetches any changes to the upstream branches, merges them into your checkout, and does an auto-commit back to your local repo. This auto-commit produces this message, and it gets sent along when you push. Note that this commit only happens if you have commits in your local repository that haven't been pushed yet.
  If you want to avoid this, you can "rebase" your branch instead of using "pull". Rebasing works by rewinding your working copy to the state of the remote branch, then replays all your changes on top of that.
$ git fetch  $ git rebase remotes/origin/
  Obviously this can lead to conflicts similar to "git pull", but unlike pull, rebase will stop on each conflict. After resolving this conflict (editing files and running "git update-index" on them), "git rebase --continue" will continue the rebase. If you want to skip the conflicting commit, use "git rebase --skip". The whole rebase can be stopped and your branch restored to how it was by using "git rebase --abort".
I have totally screwed up my repository with a broken merge  Most actions done on your git repository can be undone.
$ git reflog  78c80b7... HEAD@{0}: pull : Fast forward
  c516234... HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving to master
  c516234... HEAD@{2}: pull : Fast forward
  01fdb2a... HEAD@{3}: rebase: mplayer: adapt configure options to latest svn
  da8ed38... HEAD@{4}: rebase
  This shows all actions that have been done in your repository. If you want to undo that latest pull, you can use "git reset":
$ git reset --hard HEAD@{1}  Good tutorial on the basics of git:   A tour of git: the basics

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