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[软件发布] Percona Toolkit 2.2.14 发布,MySQL 管理工具包



发表于 2015-5-7 12:41:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5月23日 西安 OSC 源创会开始报名啦,存储、虚拟机、Docker 等干货分享
  Percona Toolkit 2.2.14 发布,修复了多个PT-表校验(pt-table-checksum)错误,能够更好的支持 XtraDB 集群 , 同时此版本继续为兼容 MySQL 5.7 做准备。
  New Features:

  •   pt-slave-find can now resolve the IP address and show the slave’s hostname. This can be done with the new --resolve-address option.
  •   pt-table-sync can now ignore the tables whose names match a specific Perl regex with the new --ignore-tables-regex option.
  Bugs Fixed:

  •   Fixed bug 925781: Inserting non-BMP characters into a column with utf8 charset would cause the Incorrect string value error when running the pt-table-checksum.
  •   Fixed bug 1368244: pt-online-schema-change --alter-foreign-keys-method=drop-swap`was not atomic and thus it could be interrupted. Fixed by disabling common interrupt signals during the critical drop-rename phase.
  •   Fixed bug 1381280: pt-table-checksum was failing on BINARY field in Primary Key. Fixed by implementing new --binary-index flag to optionally create checksum table using BLOB data type.
  •   Fixed bug 1421405: Running pt-upgrade against a log with many identical (or similar) queries was producing repeated sections with the same fingerprint.
  •   Fixed bug 1402730: pt-duplicate-key-checker was not checking for duplicate keys when --verbose option was set.
  •   Fixed bug 1406390: A race condition was causing pt-heartbeat to crash with sleep argument error.
  •   Fixed bug 1417558: pt-stalk when used along with --collect-strace didn’t write the strace output to the expected destination file.
  •   Fixed bug 1421025: Missing dependency for perl-TermReadKey RPM package was causing toolkit commands to fail when they were run with --ask-pass option.
  •   Fixed bug 1421781: pt-upgrade would fail when log contained SELECT...INTO queries. Fixed by ignoring/skipping those queries.
  •   Fixed bug 1425478: pt-stalk was removing non-empty files that were starting with an empty line.
  •   Fixed bug 1419098: Fixed bad formatting in the pt-table-checksum documentation.
  Percona Toolkit 是一组高级的命令行工具,用来管理 MySQL 和系统任务,主要包括:

  •   验证主节点和复制数据的一致性
  •   有效的对记录行进行归档
  •   找出重复的索引
  •   总结 MySQL 服务器
  •   从日志和 tcpdump 中分析查询
  •   问题发生时收集重要的系统信息

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