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[经验分享] haproxy的timout参数



发表于 2019-1-1 11:07:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  第一个参数:timeout queue
  Set the maximum time to wait in the queue for a connection slot to be free
  When a server's maxconn is reached, connections are left pending in a queue
  which may be server-specific or global to the backend. In order not to wait
  indefinitely, a timeout is applied to requests pending in the queue. If the
  timeout is reached, it is considered that the request will almost never be
  served, so it is dropped and a 503 error is returned to the client.
  The "timeout queue" statement allows to fix the maximum time for a request to
  be left pending in a queue. If unspecified, the same value as the backend's
  connection timeout ("timeout connect") is used, for backwards compatibility
  with older versions with no "timeout queue" parameter.
  "timeout queue"这个语句允许固定请求在队列中挂起的最大时间。如果是没有指定,那么和后台连接超时"timeout connect"的值相同。


  timeout server
  Set the maximum inactivity time on the server side.


  The inactivity timeout applies when the server is expected to acknowledge or
  send data. In HTTP mode, this timeout is particularly important to consider
  during the first phase of the server's response, when it has to send the
  headers, as it directly represents the server's processing time for the
  request. To find out what value to put there, it's often good to start with
  what would be considered as unacceptable response times, then check the logs
  to observe the response time distribution, and adjust the value accordingly.

  In TCP mode (and to a lesser extent更小来说, in HTTP mode), it is highly

  recommended that the client timeout remains equal to the server timeout in
  order to avoid complex situations to debug. Whatever the expected server
  response times, it is a good practice to cover at least one or several TCP
  packet losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3
  seconds (eg: 4 or 5 seconds minimum). If some long-lived sessions are mixed
  with short-lived sessions (eg: WebSocket and HTTP), it's worth considering
  "timeout tunnel", which overrides "timeout client" and "timeout server" for
  如果是一些长会话混合了一些短会话,最好考虑"timeout tunnel"。

  This parameter is specific to backends, but can be specified once for all in
    "defaults" sections. 可以在“defaults”区域一次性指定。
  This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to
  forget about it. An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which
  is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning
  during startup because it may results in accumulation of expired sessions in
  the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.

  This parameter replaces the old, deprecated "srvtimeout". It is recommended
  to use it to write new configurations. The form "timeout srvtimeout" is
  provided only by backwards compatibility but its use is strongly discouraged.


  timeout client
  timeout clitimeout  (deprecated)
  Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side.

  The inactivity timeout applies when the client is expected to acknowledge or
    send data. In HTTP mode, this timeout is particularly important to consider
  during the first phase, when the client sends the request, and during the
  response while it is reading data sent by the server. That said, for the
  first phase, it is preferable to set the "timeout http-request" to better
  protect HAProxy from Slowloris like attacks.
  It is a good practice to cover one or several TCP packet

  losses by specifying timeouts that are slightly above multiples of 3 seconds
  (eg: 4 or 5 seconds). If some long-lived sessions are mixed with short-lived
  sessions (eg: WebSocket and HTTP), it's worth considering "timeout tunnel",
  which overrides "timeout client" and "timeout server" for tunnels, as well as
  "timeout client-fin" for half-closed connections.

  This parameter is specific to frontends, but can be specified once for all in
  "defaults" sections. This is in fact one of the easiest solutions not to
  forget about it. An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which
  is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning
  during startup because it may results in accumulation of expired sessions in
  the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.


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