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[经验分享] Cacti 0.8.7g for windows_落英缤纷



发表于 2019-1-11 08:43:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Cacti 0.8.7g for windows
  Configuring the Scheduled Task:
  1. Open up the Cacti scheduled task that was created for you.
  2. Verify the scheduled task that was created looks like the one below. The important things to look for is that the Run field contains php \poller.php.
  3. Set the correct computer name and username in the Run As field. The correct format is COMPUTERNAME\USERNAME. Also set the password for the account.
  4. Reboot the computer for environmental variables, services, etc to be set. Otherwise, you'll likely have issues logging onto Cacti.
  5. Log onto Cacti. Add devices, items to graph, and a graph tree.
  6. Wait for at least 2 polling cycles to occur before graphs will be populated with data.
  If you run into problems, there are steps below which one should check to validate the installer was able to properly configure your system.
  Review the Installer Log
  The Cacti installer writes everything it does to cacti-installer.log, which will be in the same directory that the installer was launched from. Look through it for any errors from the various nested installers or other processes which occurred.
  Please attach cacti-installer.log to any forum support requests made for additional troubleshooting.
  Verify IIS Configuration
  IIS on Windows XP and beyond now use the PHP FastCGI module, instead of ISASPI as with older PHP versions (5.2.9 and older).
  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, right click on Default Web Site (in most cases) and select Properties.
  2. Under the Home Directory tab, select Configuration and click Add. Browse to the path of fcgiext.dll and type in .php as the extension.
  3. Get properties on the Cacti folder under the Default Website. Under the Documents tab, add index.php to the top of the list. Alternatively, if you want users to view the graphs page by default, add graph_view.php to the top of the list.
  Verify MySQL User
  1. If you try to access the Cacti web page and get the following error: FATAL: Cannot connect to MySQL server on 'localhost'. Please make sure you have specified a valid MySQL database name in 'include/config.php', run the following commands:     
c:\> mysql -u root -p cacti     
GRANT ALL ON cacti.* TO cactiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'cactipw';     
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('cactipw') WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User = 'cactiuser';     
  2. Verify the correct username and password are set correctly in \cacti\include\config.php.
  Verify NTFS Permissions
  1. Some times the installer is unable to properly modify the various NTFS permissions Cacti needs set on files/folders. This often happens when antivirus software interferes / blocks the installer's scripts from running. Thus, it's a good idea to double-check the NTFS permissions are correctly set, otherwise the Cacti installation will not function properly.
  2. Read this FAQ which outlines the needed permissions.
  1. If you ever get properties on a folder which the Cacti installation wizard modified and click on the Security tab, you will be presented with the following message:   
It is imperative that you click OK to retain the NTFS security settings that were applied. Otherwise, your Cacti installation will no longer work.
  2. Look in your Cacti log folder (typically \Inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\log\) for additional logs that the Windows Installer created if you run into problems.
  3. If after the installation, IIS reports a HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error, one should disable "Show friendly HTTP error messages" to find the real error. I've found the cause to be either two things:
  1. If the error is "The configuration parameter MD_SCRIPT_MAPS (6014) has an invalid value", then PHP configuration needs to be re-confirmed. For whatever reason the scripts used to install PHP didn't properly put it into the IIS metabase.
  1. Re-follow the Configuring IIS section earlier in this document.
  2. Instead of simply verifying the settings are correct/present, click OK to every dialog. This will re-set the settings.
  3. Lastly, you can try following Microsoft KB 311766 on how to troubleshoot it.
  2. ASP.Net needs to be re-setup. Run the following in the \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 directory:   
iisreset /stopnet user ASPNET /deleteaspnet_regiis -iiisreset /start
  These are the accounts which the installer has pre-configured on your system.   

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