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[经验分享] How to Manually import transports into SAP without using command line TP-rikery



发表于 2019-2-3 09:05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

How to Manually import transports into SAP without using command line TP
发表人 Mapp Tyrone 位置 Tyrone's Blogg on anything>inShare1  Tweet
  Manually Importing Transports into SAP – A practical how-to for beginners
  Sometimes you will receive transport files from external developers who have developed custom solutions for SAP and you will be required to import their transports into your SAP System manually. If you are new to SAP Basis like me then you will find this helpful, if your old-hat though its probably nothing you haven’t seen before.
  It used to be done the old school way using the “tp”commands like the following:
  D:\usr\sap\ECD> tp.exe addtobuffer K900237.X20 ECD client=100 pf=\\bansapdevap01\sapmnt\trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_ECD.PFL
  However I found that our PFL file just did not seem to be compatible for some reason this command does not work – why I didn’t really spend too much time trying to figure out, instead I figured there must be a better / easier way to do it by now than just command line.
  So Instead of doing it through command line I did the following:
  1. Unzipped the transport file sent through by the developer
  2. This gave me two files:
  a. K900237.X20
  3. Naming convention used is R. and K. (The Source system is the developers source system)
  a. K Type Transport = Cofile – Normally only 1 – 3 KB
  b. R Type Transport = Datafile – Normally more than the Colfile

  4. K900237.X20 was a Cofile – it doesn’t contain much data, it has the attributes of the data file stored in it. Command or change request information files that include information on the transport type, object>  5. R900237.X20 was a Datafile – This contains the actual data for the Transport – what changes will be made in your system.
  6. Go to the Development Server and navigated to the following directory: D:\usr\sap\trans
  a. Copy the K Type Transport to Cofile folder located in D:\usr\sap\trans\cofile
  b. Copy the R Type Transport into the data folder located in D:\usr\sap\trans\data
  7. Go into the SAP ECC Dev System and proceed to transaction STMS
  8. Proceed to import queue (F5 then Select Dev System)
  9. Go to the Extras Menu, Select Other Requests then select Add

  10. This will show the following screen, enter your target client (in our case it is 100 as the golden development system)
  11. Then select the Transport request search button

  12. Search for your transports by entering the * at the start for a wildcard selection and then putting in the digit code in the transport file – ie *900237 don’t include the .x20 extension, this will likely show up as the transport prefix) and lastly ensure you pump up your number restriction to a number that will give you the result you are after.

  13. Find your transport number and select it

  14. Then you will end up with a screen like below with your transport request filled out, target client and import queue filled out. You can if you want select import again if you are re-importing this transport.

  15. Click Yes when asked to attach to import queue

  16. Then once it is attached to the import buffers, import the transport then use the forward transport options from the menu system to send the transport to QA for testing.

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