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[经验分享] ABAP:SAP And SAP Links



发表于 2015-9-17 10:45:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本人接触SAP时间也较短,而且只是从ABAP编程开始,对于功能部分和SAP系统部分只是“七窍通了六窍”,我在开发方面的文章都是自己在实际工作中使用到的一些技术点。还有本人也很少光顾自己的Blog,因此有一些同行新手提出的问题未能及时发现看到(其实即使看到了也基本上回答不了 DSC0000.gif ),因此赶紧搜罗了一些相关站点,希望能够对大家有些帮助。


ABAP Cafe- is an excellent resource, with a lot of source code to download.
ABAP Central- has some good info, and some really good links (it links to this site among others). ABAP Central has been recentlyupdated, and now contains alot of useful code examples.
ABAP Development Code Efficiencies- has many good examples of how to code ABAP properly, and efficiently. A goodread.
ABAP/4 Samples- A collection of ABAP reports written by Imre Kabai and Benny G. Sorensen.
ABAP Source Code- has a number of sample reports that look interesting.
BasisGuru.com- is a site that has some useful ABAPs in the Utilities section, and some useful FAQs.
Bence Toth's Website- has sample ABAP programs, and is a good overall resource.
CT Software- offers several free reports. They may be of some use. Or maybe not...
Foro de Discussion ABAP- A Spanish language ABAP web site.
Globe Data- has a useful overview of using SAP and the internet.
IntelligentERP- has some good articles on various aspects of ABAP. They can be found in Archived SAP ArticlesArchived SAP Articles, and Archived SAP COLUMNSArchived SAP COLUMNS
Logos Informatic - have some interesting papers on EDI, SAPScript, ALE, and WebRFCs.
Object-Oriented Language: ABAP Objects- Contains some good papers on ABAP Objects, the object oriented extension ofABAP/4
OSS website- Access all of your favourite OSS content via the web. Requires an OSS userid.
Popeys Place- has technical tips, how to's, downloadable code, links, and more.
Primestaff- is offering a search service for archives of the SAP-R3-L mailing list.
SAP101- A good collection of information. Has useful tables, programs, and more. Has more of a BASISslant.
SAP and ABAP Goodies- has a collection of interesting (and useful) program examples.
SAP Assist- has a site with a lot of information, some specifically fordevelopers. This includes links to relavant sites, and forums toask/answer questions. Also has a good selection of general SAP news.
SAP Fans Website- A good source for a general overview of SAP. Also contains a number of links. Some are useful, others are not sogood.
SAP Help Files- An SAP site that has most of the 4.0 helpfiles and printfiles online.
SAP Labs Website- This website has some useful downloads, plus links to the SAP Simplification Site
SAP Materials web site- A collection of technical documents related to ABAP, ABAP Query, ALE/BAPI and Basis.
SAP Professionals Home Page- has an excellent collection of SAP related links, and several other documents that have been handy tome.
SAP R/3-ABAP4- This site has a great windows help file of ABAP tips, check out the ABAP Hints and Tipssection.
SAP-R3-L Archive- Search the SAP-R3-L mailing list archive, very useful for finding answers toobscure problems.
SAP Services and Pointers- has many good articles related to SAP and ABAP, as well as some excellent referencematerial.
SAP Simplification Site- Good site with some excellent documentation on Data loads, Report Writing, and SAPScript.
SAPStuff- Like the name says, lots of stuff about SAP. Has a focus on BASIS and ABAP.
SearchSap- They gave me a link, so I will give them one back.
Subba Rao's SAP Material Site- This site has a lot of documents on ABAP and technical aspects of SAP.
Wolfgang's ABAP Home- is the best ABAP site that I have come across in my web wanderings.
Henriks ABAP Page- A useful page with good info on ABAP Objects, examples of using EnjoySAP controls, and more.
ABAP Objects- Another site with good info on ABAP Objects
Introduction to Object Orientation- An Introduction to ABAP Objects
SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and Abap/4- Configuration modules are Material Management, Production Planning,Sales/Distribution, Financial, Controlling and Basis Components.

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