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[经验分享] Unbuntu 安装 juniper



发表于 2015-11-5 14:07:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Step 1: Download Java Runtime

Ubuntu 10.10

To install Sun's Java 6 JDK on Ubuntu 10.10, add the
Sun Java6 Community PPA and install:
add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6
apt-get update
apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

Ubuntu 10.04

To make Sun's Java 6 JDK available on Ubuntu 10.04 add the new repository like so:
add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"
aptitude update
aptitude install sun-java6-jdk
update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

  don't forget sun-java6-plugin!

Step 2: Install My Script
  I wrote a shell script to simplify the install and invocation of theNetwork Connect VPN; using the web interface to connect and the broken installscript is too annoying.
  First you need to install my script onto your system:

Download the junipernc script  Put it somewhere on your PATH; I typically create ~/bin andadd that to my PATH for these sorts of things. Don't forget to ensure thescript is executable after you download it.
  If you didn't understand the previous paragraph, then open up a terminal(use Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and enter these commands; noneof them should give you any error message. You will need to type yourpassword when prompted (after thesudo

wget -q -O /tmp/junipernc http://mad-scientist.net/junipernc
chmod 755 /tmp/junipernc
sudo cp /tmp/junipernc /usr/bin

Step 3: Install Network Connect Software
  The Network Connect software is installed automatically when you firstconnect to the server. Although this install will fail on Ubuntu due to thefairly stupid scripting Juniper provides, it's still necessary to go throughthis step to obtain the software.
  So, connect to your Juniper VPN server with FireFox and log into the VPN.You should have received instructions from your IT department or whomevermanages the server on how to do this.
  Once it's done you'll see something like this (maybe after some otherlinks); Click the "Start" button next to "Network Connect":

  The Network Connect software will download:

  The software will pop up a terminal window asking for the root password:

  Of course, on Ubuntu root doesn't have a password and the script is notsmart enough to consider using sudo. So ignore this: hit ENTER and when itasks if you'd like to try again, hit ENTER again. You will get an errormessage about SSL; click OK. This will
cause the startup to fail, but that'sfine because it's left behind the downloaded software which we can then usewith a more portable installer.
  Before continuing, log out from the VPN connection in the browser. Thereshould be some kind of exit button on the page. If you can't find it, exitingyour browser should do it. We won't be needing it anymore anyway.

Step 4: Run My Script
  To complete the installation, you should invoke my juniperncscript. To do this, open a terminal window (Applications -> Accessories ->Terminal) and typejunipernc. Whenever the script runs it checksto be sure everything is set up
and, if not, will do it for you.
  The first time you run it, you will need to enter your GNU/Linux accountpassword to allow root privileges to be assigned to the Network Connectutility.
  Next, you will be asked for a server name; this should be the same serveryou browsed to in the previous step.
  Next, you will be asked for a user name; enter the username you used to loginto the Juniper connect web site.
  Finally, you will be asked for a VPN service realm. If there is a defaultvalue that is almost certainly the value you should use: the script obtainsthis value by querying your server. If there is no default given you willneed to contact your IT department
for help with this.
  At this point, the software should be installed and configured. Thesevalues will be saved and you won't need to go through these steps again. Nowthe script will automatically try to start the VPN, as described in the nextsection.


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