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[经验分享] Git 2.7.0 RC0 发布



发表于 2015-12-25 10:26:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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DSC0001.png   Git 2.7.0 RC0 发布,Git 2.7.0 更新内容如下:
  UI, Workflows & Features
  * "git remote" learned "get-url" subcommand to show the URL for a
  given remote name used for fetching and pushing.
  * There was no way to defeat a configured rebase.autostash variable
  from the command line, as "git rebase --no-autostash" was missing.
  * "git log --date=local" used to only show the normal (default)
  format in the local timezone.  The command learned to take 'local'
  as an instruction to use the local timezone with other formats,
  * The refs used during a "git bisect" session is now per-worktree so
  that independent bisect sessions can be done in different worktrees
  created with "git worktree add".
  * Users who are too busy to type three extra keystrokes to ask for
  "git stash show -p" can now set stash.showPatch configuration
  varible to true to always see the actual patch, not just the list
  of paths affected with feel for the extent of damage via diffstat.
  * "quiltimport" allows to specify the series file by honoring the
  $QUILT_SERIES environment and also --series command line option.
  * The use of 'good/bad' in "git bisect" made it confusing to use when
  hunting for a state change that is not a regression (e.g. bugfix).
  The command learned 'old/new' and then allows the end user to
  say e.g. "bisect start --term-old=fast --term-new=slow" to find a
  performance regression.
  * "git interpret-trailers" can now run outside of a Git repository.
  * "git p4" learned to reencode the pathname it uses to communicate
  with the p4 depot with a new option.
  * Give progress meter to "git filter-branch".
  * Allow a later "!/abc/def" to override an earlier "/abc" that
  appears in the same .gitignore file to make it easier to express
  "everything in /abc directory is ignored, except for ...".
  * Teach "git p4" to send large blobs outside the repository by
  talking to Git LFS.
  * Prepare for Git on-disk repository representation to undergo
  backward incompatible changes by introducing a new repository
  format version "1", with an extension mechanism.
  * "git worktree" learned a "list" subcommand.
  * "git clone --dissociate" learned that it can be used even when
  "--reference" was not used at the same time.
  * "git blame" learnt to take "--first-parent" and "--reverse" at the
  same time when it makes sense.
  * "git checkout" did not follow the usual "--[no-]progress"
  convention and implemented only "--quiet" that is essentially
  a superset of "--no-progress".  Extend the command to support the
  usual "--[no-]progress".
  * The semantics of tranfer.hideRefs configuration variable have been
  extended to work better with the ref "namespace" feature that lets
  you throw unrelated bunches of repositories in a single physical
  repository and virtually serve them as separate ones.
  * send-email config variables whose values are pathnames now go
  through the ~username/ expansion.
  * bash completion learnt to TAB-complete recipient addresses given
  to send-email.
  * The credential-cache daemon can be told to ignore SIGHUP to work
  around issue when running Git from inside emacs.
  Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
  * The infrastructure to rewrite "git submodule" in C is being built
  incrementally.  Let's polish these early parts well enough and make
  them graduate to 'next' and 'master', so that the more involved
  follow-up can start cooking on a solid ground.
  * Some features from "git tag -l" and "git branch -l" have been made
  available to "git for-each-ref" so that eventually the unified
  implementation can be shared across all three.  The version merged
  to the 'master' branch earlier had a performance regression in "tag
  --contains", which has since been corrected.
  * Because "test_when_finished" in our test framework queues the
  clean-up tasks to be done in a shell variable, it should not be
  used inside a subshell.  Add a mechanism to allow 'bash' to catch
  such uses, and fix the ones that were found.
  * The debugging infrastructure for pkt-line based communication has
  been improved to mark the side-band communication specifically.
  (merge fd89433 jk/async-pkt-line later to maint).
  * Update "git branch" that list existing branches, using the
  ref-filter API that is shared with "git tag" and "git
  * The test for various line-ending conversions has been enhanced.
  * A few test scripts around "git p4" have been improved for
  * Many allocations that is manually counted (correctly) that are
  followed by strcpy/sprintf have been replaced with a less error
  prone constructs such as xstrfmt.
  * The internal stripspace() function has been moved to where it
  logically belongs to, i.e. strbuf API, and the command line parser
  of "git stripspace" has been updated to use the parse_options API.
  * "git am" used to spawn "git mailinfo" via run_command() API once
  per each patch, but learned to make a direct call to mailinfo()
  * The implementation of "git mailinfo" was refactored so that a
  mailinfo() function can be directly called from inside a process.
  * With a "debug" helper, debugging of a single "git" invocation in
  our test scripts has become a lot easier.
  * The "configure" script did not test for -lpthread correctly, which
  upset some linkers.
  * Cross completed task off of subtree project's todo list.
  * Test cleanups for the subtree project.
  * Clean up style in an ancient test t9300.
  * Work around some test flakiness with p4d.
  * Fsck did not correctly detect a NUL-truncated header in a tag.
  * Use a safer behavior when we hit errors verifying remote certificates.
  * Speed up filter-branch for cases where we only care about rewriting
  commits, not tree data.
  * The parse-options API has been updated to make "-h" command line
  option work more consistently in all commands.
  * "git svn rebase/mkdirs" got optimized by keeping track of empty
  directories better.
  * Fix some racy client/server tests by treating SIGPIPE the same as a
  normal non-zero exit.
  * The necessary infrastructure to build topics using the free Travis
  CI has been added. Developers forking from this topic (and enabling
  Travis) can do their own builds, and we can turn on auto-builds for
  git/git (including build-status for pull requests that people
  开源中国 Git 代码托管平台:http://git.oschina.net/

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