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  This will get you up and running Shipyard.
  In order to use Shipyard you will need Docker. The setup of Docker itself is out of scope here. Check http://www.docker.io/gettingstarted/ for details. Once you have at least one Docker host, come back.
Docker Host Configuration
  Before we can use Shipyard you must configure the Docker host(s). Since Shipyard is meant for multi-host management, we need to make sure that Docker is setup to listen on TCP so Shipyard can manage them remotely.
  To setup the Docker host for the shipyard agent, start Docker with the following options if you are using Debian or Ubuntu < 14.04 (you can also edit /etc/default/docker and add these to DOCKER_OPTS) or /etc/default/docker.io if using Ubuntu 14.04:
  -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock - Note, this will only bind to the localhost address. If you would like to access the API tcp port externally replace with
  For Redhat or CentOS edit /etc/sysconfig/docker
  change: other_args=""
  to: other_args="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock" - Note, this will only bind to the localhost address. If you would like to access the API tcp port externally replace with
  Once this is changed, restart the Docker daemon. This will enable both the socket support and TCP on localhost.
  You will also need to make sure port 4500 (or whichever you use for the agent below) is open to the Shipyard host.
Security Note
  Currently there is no authentication in Docker itself. Since Shipyard needs to remotely manage the hosts, you must make sure to keep them secured through firewall or other methods. We are working on authentication in the agent to alleviate this in the near future.
  Once you have Docker installed and running, simply use the Shipyard Deploy image to deploy a local Shipyard stack. This will start five containers (redis, router, lb, db, and shipyard).
  docker run -i -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock shipyard/deploy setup
  Once you have Shipyard running, login at http://:8000 using the default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: shipyard
  !! It is recommended to change the admin password after logging in.
  If you have trouble connecting to the Shipyard container make sure you have updated UFW (http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/installation/ubuntulinux/#docker-and-ufw). DNS server problem on Ubuntu
  On Ubuntu by default NetworkManager runs dnsmasq service, which sets as your DNS server. This causes problems if you are forced to use internal DNS server. This can be fixed by executing sudo sed 's@dns=dnsmasq@#dns=dnsmasq@' -i /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf && sudo service network-manager restart && cat /etc/resolv.conf && nm-tool (this command turns off dnsmasq usage in NetworkManager configuration, restarts network manager, prints out new DNS settings and prints new connection informations for verification).
  !! This operation can be reversed by executing sudo sed 's@#dns=dnsmasq@dns=dnsmasq@' -i /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf && sudo service network-manager restart.
  To add a host, simply install the Shipyard Agent and register/run:

  • Download the latest agent from https://github.com/shipyard/shipyard-agent/releases to the Docker host
  • shipyard-agent -url http://my-shipyard-host:port -register
  • shipyard-agent -url http://my-shipyard-host:port -key 1234567890abcdefg
  • Authorize the host in Shipyard
  Note: make sure to configure the agent to run with a process manager of some sort. The agent must run continuously to keep Shipyard updated.
  See Shipyard Agent for more information.
  Shipyard can manage docker images. You can either import from the Docker registry or build from a repo url (uploading a Dockerfile will be supported in the future).
  Pull a sample image by logging into Shipyard and navigating to the "Images" link on the left. On the right, click the "Import" button. Enter ehazlett/py-helloworld and click "Import". It will take a few min depending on your network speed (total download is about 300MB if you do not have any of the base images). You can refresh the page to check the import. Note: pulling images may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed.
  Once the import is complete, click the "Containers" link. On the right click "Create". In the first dropdown, select the ehazlett/py-helloworld image. In the "Ports" text field enter 8000. Scroll to the bottom and in the "Hosts" section, select your docker host and click "Create". After launch you will see the new container in the "Containers" section. Click on the ID to see details. In the bottom left the port mappings are listed. Click on the "Mapping" link. This should open a new tab to the application. You should see something like "Hello World from Flask".

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