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[软件发布] Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.0 发布



发表于 2015-5-7 12:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5月23日 西安 OSC 源创会开始报名啦,存储、虚拟机、Docker 等干货分享
DSC0000.jpg   Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载:http://jackrabbit.apache.org/downloads.html。
  Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.0 增长性版本,基于并兼容 Jackrabbit Oak 1.x 版本,Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.x 被认为是稳定版本,可以用于生产环境。
  Jackrabbit Oak 相比 Oak 1.0.0 的改进内容
  [OAK-1323] CLONE - XPath queries currently require @ in front of
  property names
  [OAK-1522] Provide PojoSR based RepositoryFactory implementation
  [OAK-1529] The storage backends should have an estimate on the
  number of nodes below a given path
  [OAK-1658] Similar (rep:similar) support for Solr
  [OAK-1804] TarMK compaction
  [OAK-1805] Debugging console
  [OAK-1849] DataStore GC support for heterogeneous deployments using
  a shared datastore

  [OAK-1893] MBean to dump Lucene Index content and>  [OAK-1906] Adding information to a? Standard MBean interface using annotations
  [OAK-1915] TarMK Cold Standby
  [OAK-1922] Introduce Password Expiry With Max Password Age and On First Login
  [OAK-1978] Add path exclusion to JackrabbitEventFilter
  [OAK-1990] Utility js methods to manage Oak data in Mongo
  [OAK-1993] Add command to dump Lucene index in Oak Console

  [OAK-2005] Use separate Lucene index for performing property>  [OAK-2074] _lastRev recovery tool

  [OAK-2138]>  [OAK-2191] Persistent cache for the DocumentNodeStore
  [OAK-2220] Support for atomic counters (non-clustered)
  [OAK-2261] Enable support for NodeType based indexing rules
  [OAK-2267] Expose checkpoints through JMX
  [OAK-2268] Support index time Aggregation of repository nodes
  [OAK-2278] Same Lucene index to support both property restrictions
  and fulltext constraints
  [OAK-2323] SegmentMK consistency check

  [OAK-2371] Helper>  [OAK-2399] Custom scorer for modifying score per documents
  [OAK-2504] oak-run debug should list a breakdown of space usage per
  record type
  [OAK-2517] Support IS NULL based property restrictions in LucenePropertyIndex
  [OAK-2530] Support IS NULL based property restrictions in the query engine
  [OAK-2721] LogDumper rule to dump logs as part of system out in case
  of test failure
  [OAK-672]? Avoid JCR APIs calling other JCR APIs
  [OAK-1447] Offline tool to repair MongoMK documents
  [OAK-1452] Expose query plans
  [OAK-1478] allow selecting a nodestore fixture for tests
  [OAK-1500] Verify restore to revision on MongoNS
  [OAK-1561] Implement optimised range queries
  [OAK-1570] Improve perfomances of the OrderedIndex while insert
  [OAK-1609] Configurable property exclusions for SolrIndexEditor and
  [OAK-1618] Implement noInternal from JackrabbitEventFilter
  [OAK-1645] Route find queries to Mongo secondary in MongoDocumentStore
  [OAK-1666] FileDataStore inUse map causes contention in concurrent env
  [OAK-1669] JCR Event Info should contain NodeType for all Events
  [OAK-1673] FulltextQueryTest coverage for Solr indexer
  [OAK-1681] Clarify contract of NodeBuilder.isReplaced()
  [OAK-1683] Remove dependency of DocumentStore to MicroKernelException
  [OAK-1685] BlobStore: improve code readability
  [OAK-1691] Use in-memory DB for DOCUMENT_JDBC fixture
  [OAK-1694] Use known.issues instead of commented tests
  [OAK-1706] Add RestrictionProvider#getPattern(String,Set)
  [OAK-1716] Enable passing of a execution context to runTest in multi
  threaded runs
  [OAK-1718] Avoid expanding empty property restrictions if not needed
  [OAK-1721] register ContentRepository to whiteboard
  [OAK-1723] Text content should not be stored as part of Index data
  [OAK-1724] Enable copying of Lucene index to local file system for
  read queries
  [OAK-1725] Improved SolrCursor support for paged results
  [OAK-1733] Consolidate Mongo client connection creation logic
  [OAK-1745] OrderedIndex should serve range queries regardless of direction
  [OAK-1754] add docu how to connect to Mongo w/ credentials
  [OAK-1771] Avoid lock contention in Tracker.getServices()
  [OAK-1775] Avoid lock contention in IndexTracker.getIndexNode()
  [OAK-1790] Import of compressed wikipedia dump
  [OAK-1791] Clean up dangling references to previous documents
  [OAK-1794] Keep commit info for local changes in main document
  [OAK-1796] Update Mongo Java Driver version to 2.12
  [OAK-1800] Configurable number of rows in SolrQueryIndex
  [OAK-1815] Don't create default (Scheduled)Executor when respective
  instance is supplied
  [OAK-1820] Set _lastRev on insert when new node is also commit root
  [OAK-1821] Full text expression with * as 'field' should expand to
  the 'catch all' field
  [OAK-1830] DocumentNodeStore code robustness when persistence inconsistent

  [OAK-1835] Solr index support for>  [OAK-1847] Use SegmentMK for testing where possible
  [OAK-1850] Dump help details for various command supported by oak-run
  [OAK-1852] DocumentStore API: improve documentation of keys
  [OAK-1857] Support collection object conversion to String[] in
  [OAK-1858] Segment Explorer
  [OAK-1861] Limit memory usage of DocumentNodeStore.readChildren()

  [OAK-1862] Checkpoints>  [OAK-1863] Generic operation tasks should be able to return specific results
  [OAK-1867] Optimize SegmentWriter.prepare()
  [OAK-1875] Configurable filter restrictions to be used in SolrQueryIndex
  [OAK-1876] oak-run option to do diffs between TarMK revisions
  [OAK-1880] Omit Configuration Retrieval for PreAuthContext
  [OAK-1882] Use config parameters to write token property
  [OAK-1907] Better cost estimates for traversal, property, and ordered indexes
  [OAK-1919] Use as default for MongoDB host
  [OAK-1928] Cleanup test and execution fixtures
  [OAK-1929] MicroKernelServer not usable with user specified
  MicroKernel implementation
  [OAK-1934] Optimize MutableTree.orderBefore for the common case
  [OAK-1937] Add progress logs to MarkSweepGarbageCollector

  [OAK-1942] UserAuthentication: enhance login states with>  [OAK-1945] Unclear NodeStore.merge() contract
  [OAK-1950] Add GlobalNameMapper(NodeState) constructor
  [OAK-1955] oak-run main method should print available run modes
  [OAK-1961] Introduce DocumentStoreException
  [OAK-1965] Support for constraints like: foo = 'X' OR bar = 'Y'
  [OAK-1966] Add Hint for selecting more performant index in
  [OAK-1967] Avoid collision marker update when already present
  [OAK-1983] Query: reduce debug log output
  [OAK-1986] Log index names for which AsyncIndexUpdate would trigger
  a full reindex
  [OAK-1987] LuceneIndex should access Lucene Directory if query
  involves FullTextSearch for cost calculation
  [OAK-1994] Limit no of children listed with ls command in Oak Console
  [OAK-1997] Improve the message in UniquenessConstraintViolation
  exception to provide more details
  [OAK-1999] Query engine is slow when using many "or" constraints

  [OAK-2003] Avoid
in javadoc  [OAK-2004] Add a way to pause the background async indexer
  [OAK-2007] MongoBlobStore improvements
  [OAK-2009] Add a utility method to create Solr synonym file for node
  type expansions
  [OAK-2011] Log read and write operations to different loggers

  [OAK-2013] Add utility>  [OAK-2017] Add checkpoint management to oak-run
  [OAK-2018] Query: before throwing "traversed more than x nodes"
  exception, log it
  [OAK-2019] Compact only if needed

  [OAK-2025] Make the cache>  [OAK-2030] Remove ContentRepositoryImpl#getNodeStore
  [OAK-2031] MemoryNodeBuilder#set only works on root builders
  [OAK-2040] Tar compaction: log a warning if there is more than one checkpoint
  [OAK-2041] Checkpoint list command should also provide the checkpoint lifetime
  [OAK-2044] DocumentSplit should allow properties added by persistence
  [OAK-2050] Query engine: disable or restrict built-in full-text engine
  [OAK-2051] Provide option to use? Configuration SPI in JAAS
  authentication when running within AppServer
  [OAK-2057] Add timing to OrderedIndex
  [OAK-2060] MBean to provide consolidated cache stats
  [OAK-2061] Oak run debug option to list content from a tar file
  [OAK-2069] Log details of _lastRev recovery
  [OAK-2083] Add metatype info for Document and Segment services
  [OAK-2087] Record time when checpoint is created in SegmentNodeStore
  [OAK-2090] Improve logging in compaction and cleanup operation in SegmentMK
  [OAK-2091] Improve logging in MongoDocumentStore
  [OAK-2094] Oak Upgrade should depend on oak-jcr with a 'test' scope
  [OAK-2100] Change NodeStore#release method to return a boolean
  [OAK-2101] Add test for observation events when renaming a node
  [OAK-2104] IndexStatsMBean should expose the time upto which the
  repository state has been indexed
  [OAK-2105] Review padding for blobs collection

  [OAK-2112] DocumentNodeStore: Error calculating the machine>  [OAK-2115] Turn async indexer checkpoint warning log to debug

  [OAK-2116] Explorer should display the template>  reference tracking report
  [OAK-2119] AggregateIndex should support AdvanceQueryIndex
  [OAK-2120] Simplify BranchStates
  [OAK-2125] Integrate Lucene logging with Slf4j
  [OAK-2128] Scalability benchmarks for search
  [OAK-2131] Reduce usage of _lastRev
  [OAK-2133] Lucene: improved batching and logging
  [OAK-2134] Lucene: not using the path restriction can speed up queries
  [OAK-2143] NodeObservor should catch exception in case event processing
  [OAK-2156] UserAuthentication: Allow Password Change Via
  SimpleCredentials Attribute
  [OAK-2158] Fail for ACEs created for the admin principal
  [OAK-2160] mk.getRevisionHistory: clarify since parameter
  [OAK-2161] MicroKernelIT: clean test content
  [OAK-2169] Pluggability of UserAuthenticationFactory
  [OAK-2173] Allow specifying custom attributes in IndexPlan
  [OAK-2175] Support for rep:spellcheck
  [OAK-2176] Support for using query engine for search suggestions
  [OAK-2177] Configurable Analyzer in Lucene index
  [OAK-2178] Lucene index boosting on certain fields
  [OAK-2179] Rep:similar support in Lucene index
  [OAK-2180] Solr default rows number is too high
  [OAK-2181] Create whitelist / blacklist of properties to be indexed
  / filtered for Solr index
  [OAK-2189] TarMK cold standby: update OSGi config example files
  [OAK-2190] Support for like query for string
  [OAK-2194] Print tar file graph in segment explorer
  [OAK-2201] Make blobSize in OakDirectory configurable
  [OAK-2205] Allow native query to be run against specifc property index
  [OAK-2212] Add configuration options for ldap connection pools
  [OAK-2213] The unbound connection pool does not verify if the
  connection is still alive
  [OAK-2215] Create default repository in OakRepositoryFactory
  [OAK-2216] LIRS cache: improved concurrency when using the cache loader
  [OAK-2217] Use daemon threads for scheduled executor service in RepositoryImpl
  [OAK-2218] Allow SegmentNodeBuilder to provide child builders of the same type
  [OAK-2221] Log path for text extraction error on the Lucene index
  [OAK-2228] Changing the query traversal limit should affect already
  started queries
  [OAK-2229] Provide a way for Index implementation to determine reindex mode
  [OAK-2230] Execution Stats for async indexing
  [OAK-2233] Add UserIdCredentials to Oak user management extension
  [OAK-2234] Support property existence query (for Lucene)
  [OAK-2241] Support native queries for non-full-text indexes
  [OAK-2245] UserImporter should always set the rep:authorizableID
  [OAK-2252] make generic VersionGCSupport perform better
  [OAK-2253] Index node only if configured property changed
  [OAK-2262] Add metadata about the changed value to a
  PROPERTY_CHANGED event on a multivalued property
  [OAK-2274] XD Logo for Oak Apache
  [OAK-2287] ConflictHandler for merging jcr:lastModified
  [OAK-2291] Associate user defined values with checkpoint
  [OAK-2292] Use ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer for remote updates
  [OAK-2293] Add checkpoint management for MongoMK
  [OAK-2296] Update sql2.txt test to account for name property
  presence in non test nodes
  [OAK-2302] Simplify query debugging with MDC
  [OAK-2303] Add jsr305 annotations to Solr index code
  [OAK-2304] Not log very common queries
  [OAK-2306] Path restriction evaluation support within LucenIndex
  [OAK-2307] Provide API to create Tree from NodeState
  [OAK-2309] Persistent cache: config option for autoCompact
  [OAK-2313] Better handling for external binaries in the segment explorer

  [OAK-2314] Mark checkpoints with>  [OAK-2321] Provide details in log when reindexing is completed by
  [OAK-2324] Remove dependency to MapDB
  [OAK-2325] Remove option to disable background operations
  [OAK-2326] Debug logging for merge failures
  [OAK-2333] SegmentMK startup slow with large journals
  [OAK-2334] Inspect any revision with SegmentMK explorer
  [OAK-2340] LucenePropertyIndex should support pure nodeType based query
  [OAK-2341] Use approx counters property index costs even when path
  restriction is available
  [OAK-2342] Clean up collision markers
  [OAK-2344] Permission validation with Node.setPrimaryType
  [OAK-2348] Pass over name and definitions to StoreStrategy.update
  [OAK-2350] Improve performance of user query with scope set
  [OAK-2351] Property name regex should only be applied on property name
  [OAK-2361] MBean to expose DocumentNodeStore runtime state
  [OAK-2362] Remove entryCount from NodeType Index
  [OAK-2365] Refactor node store tests
  [OAK-2372] TARMK Cold Standby improve test cases for FSDS mirroring
  [OAK-2373] Move FixturesHelper into common
  [OAK-2378] add a oak-run command to delete the index data in case of
  [OAK-2385] Abstract over repository creating in tests
  [OAK-2387] Simplify injection of conflict handlers
  [OAK-2390] Replace usages of Immutable* with factory calls
  [OAK-2391] Provide API to create Tree from NodeBuilder

  [OAK-2393] Change default blob>  [OAK-2398] TarMk Cold Standby add metatype info for
  'standby.readtimeout' property
  [OAK-2406] Add RootFactory.createSystemRoot
  [OAK-2407] Auto-refresh sessions on revision gc
  [OAK-2413] Clarify Editor.childNodeChanged()
  [OAK-2415] Improve logging in repository migration in upgrade
  [OAK-2422] Improve logging in Lucene indexer
  [OAK-2432] Allow querying on jcr:primaryType property if that
  property is indexed
  [OAK-2444] Enable the persistent cache by default
  [OAK-2448] Do not create nodeChildren cache entry for leaf
  [OAK-2451] Avoid clean up in XmlImportTest benchmark
  [OAK-2452] Avoid lookup of conflicting node with
  [OAK-2453] Move MongoDiffCache to mongo package
  [OAK-2454] Upgrade: reduce implementation dependency
  [OAK-2459] Pre-populate version storage with intermediate nodes
  [OAK-2462] reduce code duplication between
  Utils.getSelectedDocuments and MissingLastRevCandidateIterator
  [OAK-2463] Provide support for providing custom Tika config
  [OAK-2464] Optimize read of known non-existing children
  [OAK-2468] Index binary only if some Tika parser can support the
  binaries mimeType
  [OAK-2469] Restrict the maximum number of terms that will be indexed
  for a single field
  [OAK-2470] Support for maxExtractLength while parsing binaries with Tika
  [OAK-2471] Include index name in the log from LuceneIndexEditor
  [OAK-2483] Avoid building suggest/spellcheck dictionary at query time
  [OAK-2485] Add validating commit hook for login tokens
  [OAK-2487] DataStoreBlobStore: Merge test
  MongoDataStoreBlobStoreTest into DataStoreBlobStoreTest
  [OAK-2490] Make it possible to use the PermissionProvider from
  within query indexes

  [OAK-2491] Improve OAK-2465 avoiding ArithmeticException>  [OAK-2499] Expose mongo and db versions for reporting purposes
  [OAK-2500] checkDeepHistory/fixDeepHistory/prepareDeepHistory for oak-mongo.js
  [OAK-2501] add more trace-logging to mongoMk to debug performance issues
  [OAK-2516] Add user information in audit events in oak
  [OAK-2519] remove CachingDocumentStore interface
  [OAK-2523] Provide a default Tika Config similar to JR2 config
  [OAK-2527] Update SegmentMK header format definition
  [OAK-2529] Index usage for "not equals" conditions
  [OAK-2534] Add missing Apache Jackrabbit qualifiers to OSGi services metatype
  [OAK-2537] Support using Solr index for sorted queries
  [OAK-2542] Update RecordUsageAnalyser to reflect changes in segment format
  [OAK-2546] allow configuring subcaches of documentnodestore individually
  [OAK-2548] Spellcheck/suggest queries should return no results if no
  index can handle them
  [OAK-2553] Add builder to file store

  [OAK-2554] Make AbstractServiceTracker.stop()>  [OAK-2561] Add option to oak-run check runmode to check consistency
  of binary properties

  [OAK-2563] Cleanup and document security>  [OAK-2570] Open indexes in IndexTracker non blocking way
  [OAK-2571] Protect the persistent cache against Thread.interrupt

  [OAK-2572] Include cache invalidation stats in logs>  background operations
  [OAK-2574] Update mongo-java-driver to 2.13.0
  [OAK-2579] RepositoryManager must not register WhiteboardExecutor with Oak
  [OAK-2585] Set pauseCompaction default to false
  [OAK-2587] observation processing too eager/unfair under load
  [OAK-2589] Provide progress indication when reindexing is being peformed
  [OAK-2590] IndexCopier Error occurred while removing deleted files from Local
  [OAK-2591] Invoke indexUpdate only when new Document are added in
  [OAK-2595] High memory consumption of CompactionGainEstimate
  [OAK-2596] more (jmx) instrumentation for observation queue
  [OAK-2597] expose mongo's clusterNodes info more prominently
  [OAK-2601] PerfLogger for NodeObserver.contentChanged()
  [OAK-2602] [Solr] Cost calculation takes time with solr pings even
  when not fulfilling query
  [OAK-2608] Avoid indexing user/group/uuid props by default
  [OAK-2614] Timeout for MongoDB query
  [OAK-2624] Move out non essential task processing from
  DocumentNodeStore background thread
  [OAK-2633] Log document as debug message on conflict
  [OAK-2638] Use message from causing exception in

  [OAK-2645] Remove DOCUMENT_MK fixture (and>  [OAK-2654] SegmentIdTable too eager to refresh
  [OAK-2668] Ability to disable index hints for MongoDB
  [OAK-2669] Use Consolidated diff for local changes with persistent
  cache to avoid calculating diff again
  [OAK-2671] Persistent cache: use different files in tests
  [OAK-2680] Report a full observation queue situation to the logfile
  [OAK-2692] Add description annotation to
  [OAK-2708] Enable CopyOnRead feature for Lucene indexes by default
  Bug 修复
  [OAK-203]? Basic same name sibling support
  [OAK-1267] Failure in ObservationRefreshTest
  [OAK-1385] Occasional ConcurrentFileOperationsTest failure
  [OAK-1414] Copying a large subtrees does not scale as expected in
  the number of copied nodes on document node stores
  [OAK-1462] Aggregate Index isn't usable in an osgi environment
  [OAK-1472] ConcurrentAddReferenceTest#addReferences still fails
  [OAK-1488] ConcurrentAddRemoveIT, ConcurrentAddIT test failures
  [OAK-1491] ObservationTest failure on Windows
  [OAK-1589] MongoDocumentStore fails to report error for keys that are too long
  [OAK-1626] RDBBlobStoreTest fails occasionally
  [OAK-1641] Mongo: Un-/CheckedExecutionException on replica-primary crash
  [OAK-1674] Node isNew() is false in case the node is removed and
  added in same commit
  [OAK-1676] NodeStoreServices nondeterministic with customBlobStore
  [OAK-1677] Add ConflictHandler/Validator to AbstractSecurityTest
  [OAK-1686] failing test
  [OAK-1688] document atomicity of DS.update(collection, keys, update)
  [OAK-1690] OrderableNodesTest fails with Document_JDBC
  [OAK-1693] "like '%'" does not use an index
  [OAK-1697] Unresolved conflicts in TokenProviderImpl#createToken()
  [OAK-1703] Improve warning logged on concurrent Session access
  [OAK-1707] RestrictionProviderImpl returns empty pattern if all
  supported restrictions are set
  [OAK-1709] Diff cache entry too large
  [OAK-1727] Cross foreign cluster revision comparison may be wrong
  [OAK-1747] SolrIndexInitializer async parameter should be boolean
  [OAK-1759] Sporadic IllegalStateException in
  [OAK-1766] Remote Solr server should explicitly handle failures in
  connecting to ZK
  [OAK-1768] DocumentNodeBuilder.setChildNode() runs OOM with large tree
  [OAK-1777] Stats for the async indexing don't report 'done' status
  when there are no changes
  [OAK-1778] Ordered index: explain plan not implemented
  [OAK-1782] DiffCache not populated after cache miss
  [OAK-1788] ConcurrentConflictTest fails occasionally
  [OAK-1792] Sample descendant field configuration not working for root
  [OAK-1799] Create a benchmark for Full text search with Solr
  [OAK-1810] Incorrect TarMK graph metadata validation
  [OAK-1813] LastRevSingleNodeRecoveryTest fails with Mongo
  [OAK-1814] RevisionComparator my incorrectly report a revision as FUTURE
  [OAK-1816] Oak#createContentRepository never unregisters some of its services
  [OAK-1817] NPE in MarkSweepGarbageCollector.saveBatchToFile during
  Datastore GC with FileDataStore
  [OAK-1822] NodeDocument _modified may go back in time
  [OAK-1824] DocumentNodeStore "lease update thread" is not a daemon thread
  [OAK-1826] Empty directories not cleaned up when gc run on FileDataStore

  [OAK-1827]>  [OAK-1829] IllegalStateException when using "lowerCase"/"lower" on a
  array property
  [OAK-1833] Logging in and out many sessions leads to high memory consumption
  [OAK-1840] Failure when setting up DocumentNS fixture
  [OAK-1848] Default sync handler property mapping does not allow
  constant properties
  [OAK-1853] Potential NPE in RDBDocumentStore
  [OAK-1855] Travis builds time out
  [OAK-1865] Blob garbage collector deletes referenced blobs for
  Jackrabbit 2.x DataStores
  [OAK-1866] SegmentMK: Inefficient flat node comparisons
  [OAK-1869] TarMK: Incorrect tar entry verification in recovery mode

  [OAK-1870] Lucene blob>  [OAK-1874] Indexes: re-index automatically when adding an index

  [OAK-1877] Hourly async reindexing on an>  [OAK-1883] Unnecessary invocations of LastRevRecovery when recovery
  already done.
  [OAK-1885] Add restore option for oak-run
  [OAK-1886] OOM in

  [OAK-1887] Expose security>  component properties
  [OAK-1889] Incomplete component declaration with default action provider
  [OAK-1890] Concurrent System Login: slowdown for high concurrency levels
  [OAK-1892] OrderedIndexConcurrentClusterIT takes too long
  [OAK-1894] PropertyIndex only considers the cost of a single indexed property

  [OAK-1895]>  cheaper than an OrderedIndex (or a different AdvancedQueryIndex impl)
  [OAK-1897] Stale documents in MongoDocumentStore cache
  [OAK-1898] Query: Incorrect cost calculation for traversal
  [OAK-1899] Ordered index fails with old index content
  [OAK-1902] NodeTypeIndex is not conversative enough about its cost
  [OAK-1916] NodeStoreKernel doesn't handle array properties correctly
  [OAK-1917] FileNotFoundException during TarMK GC
  [OAK-1921] Backup: "Attempt to read external blob" error
  [OAK-1926] UnmergedBranch state growing with empty BranchCommit
  leading to performance degradation
  [OAK-1927] TarMK compaction delays journal updates
  [OAK-1931] MicroKernel.read() returns negative value
  [OAK-1932] TarMK compaction can create mixed segments
  [OAK-1933] Query: UnsupportedOperationException for some
  combinations of "or" and "and" conditions
  [OAK-1935] MAX_QUEUED_CONTINUATIONS feature not working in

  EventGenerator>  [OAK-1936] TarMK compaction map check should switch comparison sides
  [OAK-1943] UserImporter doesn't import protected rep:passwordLastModified
  [OAK-1946] Restore: "Attempt to read external blob" error
  [OAK-1949] UserContext needs to be adjusted to reflect changes made
  with OAK-1922
  [OAK-1951] UserContext doesn't reflect new group-member structure
  [OAK-1953] Oak console on MongoMK fails with NPE
  [OAK-1958] Session.logout performance poor
  [OAK-1959] AsyncIndexUpdate unable to cope with missing checkpoint ref
  [OAK-1960] Console in Oak Run does not close the NodeStore upon exit
  [OAK-1964] Performance degradation due to SessionDelegate.WarningLock
  [OAK-1968] Wrong time unit for async index lease time
  [OAK-1969] Duplicate observation events when using JackrabbitEventFilter
  [OAK-1972] Async property index update may fail on DocumentMK with
  more than 100 index changes
  [OAK-1973] IndexUpdate traverses the data nodes under index nodes
  [OAK-1975] Wrong values reported for OBSERVATION_EVENT_DURATION
  [OAK-1976] SecurityProvider is not able to add Custom
  PrincipalConfiguration in CompositePrincipalConfiguration in OSGI Mode
  [OAK-1977] ContentMirrorStoreStrategy should utilize path
  restriction when available
  [OAK-1982] Ordered index must ignore full-text queries
  [OAK-1985] TokenLoginModule can't handle case insensitive userids
  [OAK-1988] Confusing debug message about old revision access
  [OAK-1991] Optimize access to OrderedPropertyIndex
  [OAK-1998] Accessible tree below a non-accessible parent are HiddenTree
  [OAK-2000] Observation events accessibility not checked correctly
  [OAK-2001] TarMk compaction can still cause repository growth
  [OAK-2002] TarMK: FileStore constructor loads all entries in the journal.log
  [OAK-2010] BlobGcMaxAgeInSecs is set to high for MongoBlobStore
  [OAK-2012] oak run benchmark has bad imports
  [OAK-2014] oak-run build fails on windows
  [OAK-2015] PermissionStore doesn't reflect dynamic nature of jcr:all
  [OAK-2020] NodeState view at given version is not stable with
  [OAK-2021] XPath queries with certain combinations of "or"
  conditions don't use an index
  [OAK-2022] XPath queries with "order by" are never converted to "union"
  [OAK-2024] Error when accessing /oak:index/rep:policy/reindex property via JCR
  [OAK-2026] Incompatibility with
  PropertyDefinitionImpl#getValueConstraints potentially returning null
  [OAK-2027] SessionMBean fails to render due to NPE in getSessionAttributes
  [OAK-2029] Oak Lucene index doesn't get notified about updates when
  index is stored on the file system
  [OAK-2032] Setting a MV Name property does not validate the namespaces
  [OAK-2033] Setting a path property with a value that contains a
  unregistered namespace does not fail
  [OAK-2036] getPlan() output for NodeTypeIndex doesn't indicate the
  index type used
  [OAK-2038] Invalid type error while importing DocView xml data
  [OAK-2039] SegmentNodeStore might not create a checkpoint
  [OAK-2042] TarMK CompactionMap should include more nodes
  [OAK-2047] Missing privileges after repository upgrade
  [OAK-2048] oak-solr-osgi uses wrong version of spatial4j
  [OAK-2049] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Segment.getRefId()
  [OAK-2052] Node.setProperty(String, Value) fails for binary non ValueImpls
  [OAK-2053] Excessive memory usage with Oracle Java 6
  [OAK-2056] Optimize orderings by date fields
  [OAK-2058] Hard-coded write concern
  [OAK-2059] Reindexing can include hidden nodes in the index

  [OAK-2062] Range queries and>  consistent with JR2
  [OAK-2070] Segment corruption
  [OAK-2071] ImporterImpl does not convert JCR paths to Oak paths
  [OAK-2073] Prevent against integer overflow in compaction check
  [OAK-2077] Improve the resilence of the OrderedIndex for dangling links
  [OAK-2078] Prevent null/empty passwords in ldap provider
  [OAK-2080] BlobSize in OakDirectory differs between trunk and 1.0 branch
  [OAK-2084] The query engine should not return hidden nodes
  [OAK-2088] AsyncIndexUpdate can leave orphaned checkpoint in case of
  abrupt shutdown
  [OAK-2093] RDBBlobStore failure because of missing lastmod column on
  datastore_data table

  [OAK-2095]>  [OAK-2099] AIOOBE in Segment#toString
  [OAK-2102] Oak-run add option to remove all unreferenced checkpoints
  [OAK-2107] Remove the MongoGridFSBlobStore implementation
  [OAK-2111] Rename FileStoreCorruptException to
  SegmentNotFoundException and update the NodeStore contract
  [OAK-2117] Reindex removes all nodes under index definition node
  [OAK-2118] Aggregation cursor introduces doubles in the result set
  [OAK-2123] Tests do not tear down repository completely
  [OAK-2127] Long running merge may block other commits

  [OAK-2132] BackgroundWriteTest uses>  [OAK-2139] SegmentExplorer better binary display
  [OAK-2140] Segment Compactor will not compact binaries > 16k
  [OAK-2142] Possibility of numeric overflow in blobCacheSize in DocumentMK
  [OAK-2144] Intermittent Node not found at given revision with
  [OAK-2145] TarMK cold standby: file handle leak
  [OAK-2146] empty resultset for PropertyIndex and multi-value
  properties with mixed OR+AND
  [OAK-2147] [Ordered Index] Indexing on large content is slow
  [OAK-2148] SegmentExplorer display in memory references to tar files
  [OAK-2150] TarMK cold standby: logs are too verbose
  [OAK-2151] DocumentNodeStore does not detect hierarchy conflict
  [OAK-2152] Ignore maven-javadoc-plugin -Xdoclint:none option
  [OAK-2153] Disable TokenAuthenticationTest#tokenCreationWithPreAuth
  [OAK-2157] Better error message for getPrimaryItem
  [OAK-2163] Oak-run "checkpoint" and "backup" don't use memory mapped files
  [OAK-2164] Only enforce uniqueness of jcr:uuid for referenceable nodes
  [OAK-2166] CacheConsistencyTest may fail with IllegalStateException
  [OAK-2167] Last revision recover incomplete
  [OAK-2174] Non-blocking reindexing doesn't finish properly
  [OAK-2186] Change Password On First Login: Wrong Config Property Description
  [OAK-2188] Add/remove version label fails with restricted access on
  [OAK-2192] Concurrent commit during compaction results in mixed segments
  [OAK-2195] Repository upgrade does not correctly update jcr:all
  aggregate privileges and bits
  [OAK-2197] Node.getReferences throws IllegalArgumentException
  [OAK-2202] OrderedIndex should not return the whole index on
  property=$value statement
  [OAK-2203] Full reindexing is triggered when the IndexEditor is missing

  [OAK-2219] Ordered index does not return>  un-restricted indexes
  [OAK-2224] Increase the threshold for warning in PathIterator
  [OAK-2225] MultipleMoveTest doesn't restore ACEs properly causing
  later tests to fail
  [OAK-2226] Aggregate Lucene no results for multiple jcr:contains
  [OAK-2227] Increase package export on
  [OAK-2232] External events incomplete
  [OAK-2235] Lucene index not created if no node is indexed
  [OAK-2237] NodeStoreKernel.getNodes throws when passing filter=""
  [OAK-2238] Session.getItem violates JCR Spec

  [OAK-2243] User Query: Condition 'nameMatches' ignores authorizable>  [OAK-2246] UUID collision check is not does not work in transient space
  [OAK-2248] IndexOutOfBoundsException in
  [OAK-2249] Query with mixed full-text, "and", "or" conditions fails
  [OAK-2250] Lucene Index property definition is ignored if its not in
  includePropertyNames config
  [OAK-2254] Observation events accessibility check should respect
  session refresh settings
  [OAK-2255] PermissionStoreImpl refresh root on flush
  [OAK-2256] MemoryNodeBuilder NPE on base() following root refresh
  [OAK-2259] SegmentBlob equals check should verify compaction in both
  [OAK-2260] TarMK Cold Standby can corrupt bulk segments
  [OAK-2266] UserQueryManager: Sort Ignore Case Reversed
  [OAK-2271] Compaction estimation time should not depend on number of
  [OAK-2275] mvn site and site-deploy does not work as expected
  [OAK-2285] Builder does not exist error during async index update
  [OAK-2288] DocumentNS may expose branch commit on earlier revision
  [OAK-2289] Async indexer checkpoints not cleaned up under heavy load
  [OAK-2294] Corrupt repository after concurrent version operations
  [OAK-2295] Using "order by jcr:score" slows down queries by a few
  orders of magnitude
  [OAK-2297] Update for absent document may throw NPE
  [OAK-2299] oak.removeDescendantsAndSelf() does not remove
  descendants with long paths
  [OAK-2301] QueryEngine should not tokenize fulltext expression by default
  [OAK-2308] Incorrect recovery of _lastRev for branch commit

  [OAK-2311]>  [OAK-2312] NodeStoreTest.moveToDescendant fails on MemoryNodeStore
  [OAK-2315] Index cost is sometimes negative
  [OAK-2317] UserValidator: Detect nested authorizables introduced by
  change of primary type
  [OAK-2318] DocumentNodeStore.diffManyChildren() reads too many nodes
  [OAK-2319] UserProvider does not install autocreated items
  [OAK-2320] Wrong optimization for joins with ISDESCENDANTNODE conditions
  [OAK-2322] Compaction estimation includes all data segments
  [OAK-2327] DataStoreBlobStore should log exception thrown while
  reading inputstream
  [OAK-2328] add logging in OrderedContentMirrorStorateStrategy for
  better investigation
  [OAK-2330] Field boost not working if the property for indexing is
  picked using aggregate index rules
  [OAK-2332] LIRS cache: deadlock if a value loader access the cache
  [OAK-2335] IndexPlanner does not return plan for mixin based queries
  [OAK-2336] NodeDocument.getNodeAtRevision() may read too many revisions
  [OAK-2343] Wrong handling of InterruptedException in BackgroundThread
  [OAK-2345] Diff reads too many nodes
  [OAK-2346] InitializerTest.testInitializerMongoWithoutInitialContent() fails
  [OAK-2347] TarMK Cold Standby FSDS mirroring
  [OAK-2354] Support comments anywhere in a SQL-2 statement
  [OAK-2355] TarMK Cold Standby expose standby read timeout value
  [OAK-2356] Logic for writing properties in SegmentWriter.writeNode looks off
  [OAK-2359] read is inefficient when there are many split documents
  [OAK-2363] NPE in DocumentNodeStore#retrieve for non existing checkpoint
  [OAK-2366] Cleanup org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.kernel package
  [OAK-2367] Importing a group with random node name and members fails.
  [OAK-2368] Property index: setting declaringNodeTypes to an empty
  array can break queries
  [OAK-2369] DataStoreWrapperBackend not updated to latest extensions
  added to Backend interface
  [OAK-2370] o.a.j.o.plugins.segment.HeavyWriteIT fails on travis
  (exit code 137)
  [OAK-2375] Sporadic test failure of HeavyWriteIT.heavyWrite on Travis
  [OAK-2380] SegmentReferenceLimitTestIT does not close FileStore
  [OAK-2383] ConcurrentAddNodesClusterIT does not close sessions
  [OAK-2384] SegmentNotFoundException when keeping JCR Value references
  [OAK-2386] AnnotatingConflictHandler: jcr:primaryType must be of type Name
  [OAK-2388] Possibility of overflow in file length calculation
  [OAK-2389] issues with JsopBuilder.encode and .escape
  [OAK-2394] Clarify handling of hidden items in ImmutableTree
  [OAK-2396] TarMk Cold Standby reduce verbosity of server errors on
  client timeouts
  [OAK-2402] oak-lucene fails to start in OSGi
  [OAK-2409] Invalid cast being performed in BlobStoreFixture
  [OAK-2411] Upgrade may fail with constraint exception
  [OAK-2418] int overflow with orderby causing huge slowdown
  [OAK-2420] DocumentNodeStore revision GC may lead to NPE
  [OAK-2425] DefaultSolrServerProvider should use ConcurrentUpdateSS
  for indexing
  [OAK-2426] [LucenePropertyIndex] full-text search on first level
  relative node returns no result
  [OAK-2427] XPath to SQL-2 conversion fails due to escaping error
  [OAK-2429] MissingIndexProviderStrategy too eager to set the reindex flag

  [OAK-2430] TARMK Cold Standby>  [OAK-2433] IllegalStateException for ValueMap on _revisions
  [OAK-2434] Lucene AND query with a complex OR phrase returns incorrect result
  [OAK-2435] UpdateOp.Key.equals() incorrect
  [OAK-2436] LucenePropertyIndex throws IllegalStateException: No
  query created for filter when using order by jcr:score
  [OAK-2439] IndexPlanner returning plan for queries involving jcr:score
  [OAK-2441] Regression with Node.getPrimaryNodeType and
  getMixinNodeTypes wrt Jackrabbit 2.x
  [OAK-2442] NoSuchElementException thrown by NodeDocument
  [OAK-2449] offline compaction (via oak-run) broken
  [OAK-2450] MongoDocumentStore fails for DELETED_ONCE indexed property
  [OAK-2465] Long overflow in PermissionEntryProviderImpl
  [OAK-2475] Query Filter looses property constraints for multiple and
  conditions for same property
  [OAK-2482] oak-mongo.js does not escape special characters for
  regular expressions
  [OAK-2486] TokenProviderImpl.createToken should always create valid node
  [OAK-2488] Node.getMixinNodeTypes can revive deleted node mixins
  [OAK-2489] Remove useless configPath in embedded SolrServer provider
  [OAK-2493] DataStore GC: Fix incorrect tests
  [OAK-2497] Range query with incorrectly formatted date
  [OAK-2503] DataStore: Cleanup tests
  [OAK-2508] ACL filtering on spellchecks
  [OAK-2513] algorithm with O(n!) in mongoMk rebase - not finishing in years
  [OAK-2515] SolrQueryIndex blindly executes a 2nd query to check
  there are no more results
  [OAK-2521] SegmentDataStoreBlobGCTest failing at some places
  [OAK-2524] Error while configuring analyzer by composition
  [OAK-2525] SharedDataStoreUtilsTest failing on travis
  [OAK-2528] Entries in _commitRoot not purged
  [OAK-2531] Suggest field doesn't get stored if it has only one value
  [OAK-2535] TARMK Cold Standby allow cleanup on standby instance
  [OAK-2536] OakSolrConfigurationProviderService used.properties
  initialization fails
  [OAK-2540] Session operations null check
  [OAK-2541] TARMK Cold Standby marks the sync as stopped on first error
  [OAK-2549] Persistent Cache: support append-only mode
  [OAK-2557] VersionGC uses way too much memory if there is a large
  pile of garbage
  [OAK-2558] Wrong interpretation of SegmentNodeStoreService
  configuration values
  [OAK-2559] Lucene index rules should be case insensitive
  [OAK-2562] DiffCache is inefficient
  [OAK-2566] PropertyRestriction.isNotNullRestriction does not take
  "list" into account
  [OAK-2567] AsyncIndex should update the run status after the merge
  has completed
  [OAK-2576] ServiceEvent on each session login/logout
  [OAK-2577] LuceneSupportTest fails
  [OAK-2582] RDB: improve memory cache handling
  [OAK-2584] Row estimator should have a threshold
  [OAK-2588] MultiDocumentStoreTest.testInvalidateCache failing for Mongo
  [OAK-2603] Failure in one of the batch in VersionGC might lead to
  orphaned nodes
  [OAK-2605] Support for additional encodings needed in ReversedLinesFileReader
  [OAK-2607] OakSolrConfigurationProviderService wrongly uses
  ignoredProperties for usedProperties
  [OAK-2611] Lucene suggester should only be updated if the index is
  used for suggestions
  [OAK-2612] Findbugs plugin version should depend on JDK version
  [OAK-2615] oak-pojosr tests fail
  [OAK-2616] GCMonitorMBean#getRepositorySize reports incorrect values
  [OAK-2639] Incorrect check for log level in PerfLogger
  [OAK-2640] export org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.atomic
  [OAK-2642] DocumentNodeStore.dispose() may leave repository in an
  inconsistent state
  [OAK-2648] ObservationTest.observationDispose() restarts repository
  after test finished
  [OAK-2649] IndexCopier might create empty files in case of error
  occuring while copying
  [OAK-2658] Test failures in TarMK standby: Address already in use
  [OAK-2659] Failed expectations in TarMK standby tests
  [OAK-2661] Glob restriction test failures on Jenkins
  [OAK-2666] LMSEstimator update resetting weights
  [OAK-2670] Online Backup of segment store fails on Windows because
  the journal file is locked exclusively.
  [OAK-2672]? Possible null pointer dereferences in ExternalLoginModule
  [OAK-2691] Blob GC throws NPE
  [OAK-2694] Avoid unneeded unboxing in PropertiesUtil
  [OAK-2695] DocumentNodeStore.dispatch() may pass null to NodeStateDiff
  [OAK-2704] ConcurrentAddIT occasionally fail with OakMerge0001
  [OAK-2709] Misleading log message from IndexCopier
  [OAK-2715] ObservationTest benchmark logs warnings about IllegalStateException

  [OAK-2716] Background operation lock not>  DocumentNodeStore is closed
  [OAK-2718] NodeStateSolrServersObserver performs complete diff
  synchronously causing slowness in dispatch
  [OAK-2720] Misleading traversal warning message while performing query
  [OAK-2725] Wrong indexed query estimates exceed more than double the
  actual index entries
  [OAK-1455] document oak:unstructured performance advantages
  [OAK-1533] RdbDocumentStore should use a connection pool
  [OAK-1536] Add configuration for baselining-maven-plugin
  [OAK-1678] document atomicity of DS.remove(collection, keys)
  [OAK-1702] Create a benchmark for Full text search
  [OAK-1785] Upgrade HttClient version in oak-solr-osgi
  [OAK-1803] Drop oak-mk-perf
  [OAK-1896] Move JR2 specific logic from oak-run to separate module

  [OAK-2034] Update parent pom.xml to latest 2.9>  [OAK-2054] MissingLastRevSeeker optimized only for MongoDS
  [OAK-2079] Refactor BlobStore creation logic in a BlobStoreFixture
  [OAK-2082] Analyze repository growth with Lucene index on SegmentMk
  [OAK-2085] Move CacheStats humanReadableByteCount to Oak Commons IOUtils
  [OAK-2168] Make SolrIndex implement AdvanceQueryIndex
  [OAK-2170] Oak 1.1.x : Document new features in security area

  [OAK-2184]>  [OAK-2208] MissingLastRevSeeker non MongoDS may fail with OOM

  [OAK-2352]>  [OAK-2431] Avoid wrapping of LuceneIndexProvider with
  AggregateIndexProvider in tests
  [OAK-2438] Evaluate support for must(must_not(x)) query with Lucene
  [OAK-2578] Add Sling OSGi Mocks to parent pom
  [OAK-2583] Use PerfLogger in DocumentNodeStoreBranch

  [OAK-2625] Copy Jackrabbit 2 S3>  [OAK-2632] Upgrade Jackrabbit dependency to 2.10.0
  [OAK-2653] Deprecate ordered index
  [OAK-2664] Move ProgressNotificationEditor from upgrade module to core
  [OAK-2693] Retire oak-mk-remote
  详细 issues 列表:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OAK??
  Apache Jackrabbit 是由 Apache Foundation 提供的 JSR-170 的开放源码实现..
  随着内容管理应用程序的日益普及,对用于内容仓库的普通、标准化 API 的需求已凸现出来。Content Repository for Java Technology API (JSR-170) 的目标就是提供这样一个接口。JSR-170 的一个主要优点是,它不绑定到任何特定的底层架构。例如,JSR-170 实现的后端数据存储可以是文件系统、WebDAV 仓库、支持 XML 的系统,甚至还可以是 SQL 数据库。此外,JSR-170 的导出和导入功能允许一个集成器在内容后端与 JCR 实现之间无缝地切换。

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