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[经验分享] use Git on win7 ---from beginning to end



发表于 2018-9-18 08:49:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is a note for what I have encountered with deploying code using git on win7.  
I will tell you my solutions, but the most important method is googling.
  Hope you can done successfully! Gook Luck!

helpful links:

  article 1: (1)http://nathanj.github.io/gitguide/tour.html

  article 2: (2)http://guides.beanstalkapp.com/version-control/git-on-windows.html


tools links :
  tool 1: (1)http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list
  I choosed Git-1.9.0-preview20140217.exe
  tool 2:  (2)http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
  choose putty-0.60-installer.exe

  I started from article 1 and downloaded tool 1. Everything goes well until the section
"Pushing to a remote server". Next, I followed article 2.
  If you plan to use the PUTTY like me, you need scrool down a bit far away from the top
to meet the section "Installing PuTTY".For Checking you can access your github , there is

  Here the>  1. Generating a key pair
  To do this you need to run Git Bash, which can be found in your start menu.
  Run the command:
  ssh-keygen -t rsa
  It will ask for location and pass phrase. Accept the default location (usually
  C:\Documents and Settings\username\.ssh\ or C:\Users\username\.ssh) by pressing
  ENTER. After that, make sure to set a strong pass phrase for the key.

  Now that the keys are generated, open the file>  default location from the previous step) with a text editor. The contents
  of this file is your new public key. If you copy it to your clipboard, you
  can add it to your Github profile.(Account settings --> SSH Keys -->
  Add SSH key)
  2. Checking your connection.
  Before trying to access your Github repository, check if the connection to
  your remote repository works. Run the command:
  ssh git@github.com
  You should see the similiar result:

After you have connected to Github successfully, you can go back to the article 1.

Problem I have met:
  1.Why cannot I push code to Github?
  solution: launch the Pagent.exe. This is a backend authentication tool.












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