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[经验分享] SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Overview



发表于 2015-9-18 10:57:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Integrated Environment for Developing Java Programs
  The SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is SAP's environment for developing Java-based, multiple-layered business applications. It is based on Eclipse, an open source product, whose open plug-In architecture not only provides a sound basis of Java development core functionality, but also a suitable platform for extending it with more specific features.

    • Getting Started
    • Developer Studio Capabilities
    • Installation and Upgrade
    • More Resources


Getting Started
  The Developer Studio is based on the Eclipse platform, which is developed as an open source project focused on providing an extensible development platform and application framework for building software. SAP is an active contributor to the Eclipse project, especially in the Web Tool Project. More information can be found on the Eclipse homepage.
  By offering a single point of entry for all Java development activities and an integration point for SAPu2019s entire Java tools infrastructure, the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (subsequently abbreviated to Developer Studio) supports you in developing business applications according to different programming models, such as Web Dynpro and Java EE 5. Moreover, it comes equipped with tools for a holistic software life-cycle process. Application developers do not need to switch between different development environments for building different layers on an application. Instead, they can develop, build, deploy, and execute applications directly from the Developer Studio.
  The most current release of the Developer Studio comes with the SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1, an environment that bundles all the technologies for developing composite applications with SAP NetWeaver. For an introduction to the current status and all the basic facts about this version, see the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio standard presentation.
Developer Studio Capabilities
  The SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio:

  • Delivers a robust, fully-integrated development environment, matched in particular for extensive Java projects and for large teams of developers. Thus, the Developer Studio provides a highly productive environment, which covers the whole life cycle for Java projects.

  • Reduces the complexity of solutions and increases reusability by providing close support for SAPu2019s development component model. Provides a connection to a defined software logistics process offering change management for projects and solutions.

  • Offers a highly flexible development process, since the Developer Studio can also be used as a local development environment. That is, all sources can be edited and built offline, then deployed and tested on a locally installed server, before u2013 optional u2013 being checked in, rebuilt and distributed by the SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure.
  • Provides a complete set of development tools for all aspects of Java business development (such as user interfaces, e-business logic, and Java persistence), and also supports standard technologies as well as SAP-specific technologies and infrastructure.
  • Increases productivity by providing wizards and a variety of graphical editing tools. In particular, developers can count on significantly reducing development costs when creating user interfaces with the Web Dynpro technology.
  The fact that SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio uses Eclipse as its basis allows developers and partners to extend the set of tools in Developer Studio by other plug-ins that are offered on the Eclipse platform. For example, in the article Using JUnit in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, Kousik Mukherjee of HCL Technologies explains a practical and common approach for addressing programming defects before they make it past local development environments using JUnit, an open source, regression-testing framework for Java that developers can use to write unit tests as they develop systems.
Installation and Upgrade
  SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.1 SP3 Installation Guide
  The installation guide for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.1. SP3 describes various ways to install the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio depending on your system landscape.
  Distributing Development Tools Made Easier: The New Update Server for the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
  According to SAPu00B4s strategy of leveraging the Eclipse platform for our development and modeling tools as much as possible, we are now adopting Eclipseu2019s Update Server technology for the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
  The New Update Server for the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio explains how this changes the Studiou2019s delivery process and tells you how you can benefit when distributing SAPu2019s development tools in your organization.
  For each Service Pack you have to install certain top-level features to fully benefit from a certain SAP NetWeaver product.
  The SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio - Overview of Top Level Features page shows you in detail which top level features you need. On the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Update Site you get the platform installer and all necessary information for installing and updating the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
More Resources
  Rainer Ehre, VP for SAP NetWeaver Development Tools, tells the story of how SAP adopted Eclipse from the beginning up to the current state. Learn more about the The SAP Eclipse Story.
  The large range of tools in Developer Studio gives developers a lot of freedom to choose between programming models and paradigms when developing applications for the SAP NetWeaver platform. The Featured Events illustrates this variety of choices especially well.
You can find all the official documentation relating to the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio in the SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment Library. For an introduction to the current status and all the basic facts about this version, see the Introduction to the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (in SAP Help Portal).

  Downloads > Support Packages and Patches > SAP NetWeaver > SAP NETWEAVER > SAP NETWEAVER 7.0 > Entry by Component > Developer Studio

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