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[经验分享] SAP Useful Transaction Codes



发表于 2015-9-19 02:05:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Useful Transaction Codes
Useful Transaction Codes
AL02 Database Alert Monitor
AL03 Operating System Alert Monitor
AL05 Workload Alert Monitor
AL08 Current active users (in system)
AL11 Display operating system file from CCMS
DB01 Exclusive waits in Oracle database
DB02 Database performance; tables and index
DB03 Parameter changes in database
DB05 Analysis of table with respect to indexed fields
DB12 Backup logs
DB13 DBA planning calendar
DB14 DBA logs
OSS1 Online Service System logon
RZ01 Graphical background job scheduling monitor
RZ02 Network graphical display of instance
RZ03 Server status, alerts, maintain operations mode
RZ04 Maintain operations mode and instance
RZ06 Maintain alert threshold
RZ08 CCMS Alert Monitor
RZ10 Maintain system profiles X
RZ11 Display profile parameter attributes
RZ20 Alert Monitor 4.0
RZ21 Maintain settings for Alert Monitor 4.0
SA38 ABAP reporting
SCAM CATT management
SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool
SCC1 Client copy transport X
SCC3 Client copy log
SCC4 Client copy administration X
SCC5 Delete clients X
Joy V.Ramachandran ; Consultant- SAP BASIS ; joy_rama@msn.com ; joy.rama@sapgenie.com
Useful Transaction Codes
SCC6 Client import X
SCC7 Client import – post processing
SCC8 Client export
SCC9 Remote client copy X
SCCL Local client copy X
SCMP Table comparison
SCU3 Table history
SE01 Transport organizer
SE03 Workbench organizer: tools
SE06 Set up workbench organizer
SE09 Workbench organizer
SE10 Customizing organizer
SE11 Data Dictionary maintenance X
SE12 Data Dictionary display
SE15 Repository Info System
SE16 Display table content X X
SE17 General table display X
SE38 ABAP editor X
SFT2 Maintain public holiday calendar
SFT3 Maintain factory calendar
SICK Installation check
SM01 Lock transactions X
SM02 System messages
SM04 Overview of users
SM12 Database locks X
SM13 Update terminates X
SM21 System log
SM30 Maintain tables (not all tables can use SM30) X
SM31 Maintain tables X
SM35 Batch input monitoring
SM36 Schedule background jobs
SM37 Overview of background jobs
SM39 Job analysis
SM49 External operating system commands, execute
SM50 Work process overview
SM51 Instance overview
SM58 Error log for asynchronous RFC
Joy V.Ramachandran ; Consultant- SAP BASIS ; joy_rama@msn.com ; joy.rama@sapgenie.com
Useful Transaction Codes
SM59 RFC connection, maintain
SM63 Operations mode, maintain
SM64 Event trigger
SM66 Global work process overview
SM69 External operating system commands, maintain
SP00 Spool
SP01 Spool control
SP02 Display output requests
SP11 TemSe (temporary sequential objects) contents
SP12 TemSe administration
SPAD Spool administration (printer setup)
SPAM SAP Patch Manager
SPAU Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications
SPCC Spool; consistency check
SPDD Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications, DDIC
SPIC Spool; installation check
ST01 SAP system trace X
ST02 Buffer statistics
ST03 Workload analysis
ST04 Database performance analysis
ST05 SQL trace X
ST06 Operating system monitor
ST07 Application monitor
ST08 Network monitor
ST09 Network Alert monitor
ST10 Table call statistics
ST11 Display developer trace X
ST12 Application monitor
ST14 Application analysis
ST22 ABAP dump analysis
ST4A Oracle: analyze the shared cursor cache
STAT Local transaction statistics
STMS Transport Management System X
STUN Performance monitoring
SU01 User maintenance X
SU01D Display users
Joy V.Ramachandran ; Consultant- SAP BASIS ; joy_rama@msn.com ; joy.rama@sapgenie.com
Useful Transaction Codes
SU02 Maintain authorization profiles X
SU03 Maintain authorizations X
SU10 Mass change to user records X
SU12 Delete ALL Users X
SU2 Maintain user parameters
SU22 Authorization object check in transactions
SU3 Maintain own user parameters
SU53 Display authorization checked values
Joy V.Ramachandran ; Consultant- SAP BASIS ; joy_rama@msn.com ; joy.rama@sapgenie.com

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