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[经验分享] IBM CellBE Shanghai Training Workshop



发表于 2015-10-4 07:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Cell Broadband Engine Architecture workshop

  Need multicore performance? Want to learn a new and emerging technology and be an early evaluator? Join us for two days of technical training and explore the details of Cell Broadband Engine (CBE) programming with hands-on exercises. This workshop is for developers with advanced C and C++ skills who would like to experiment with the new CBE technology. It provides a comprehensive technical overview of the cell architecture, programming models, software development environment, cell-based blade server architecture and IBM offerings.
  The Cell Broadband Engine Architecture has been designed to support a wide range of applications including digital media, entertainment, communications, medical imaging, security and surveillance, and HPC workloads. The first implementation, the CBE processor, is a single-chip multiprocessor with nine processor elements operating on a shared, coherent memory. Each CBE comprises a power processor element (PPE) and eight synergistic processor elements (SPEs).
  The PPE contains a 64-bit Power Architecture core called PPU or PX, and it can run 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems and applications. It also manages system resources and SPE threads. It supports both the PowerPC instruction set and the Vector/SIMD Multimedia Extension instruction set.
  The SPEs are independent processor elements which are optimized for running SIMD applications. To an application programmer, the CBE processor looks like a 9-way coherent multicore.
  The PPE is used for control-intensive tasks and task switching while the SPEs are more adept at compute-intensive tasks and slower than the PPE at task switching. This specialization and the ability to join strength to work harmoniously yield a significant peak computational performance and chip-area-and-power efficiency that the CBE processor achieves over conventional PC processors.

What you will discover by attending this workshop

  • Cell multicore architecture
  • Cell programming models
  • Cell-based blade server
  • Cell standards like the application binary interface specifications, language extensions (SPE C, C++) and SPE assembly language specification
  • Cell software development environment
  • How to develop and build cell programs
  • How to apply various programming techniques to exploit cell features


  • Cell microprocessor architecture including the PPE, SPE, memory flow controller, element interconnect bus, resource allocation management, I/O and memory interfaces
  • Cell programming models and software design methodology including the PPE programming models, SPE programming models, parallel programming models, and multitasking SPEs
  • Cell software development environment, development tools and system simulator
  • Installing and using the cell software development kit
  • Writing, compiling and executing cell programs
  • Using the cell full system simulator, systemsim, to examine cell internals and your program execution statistics
  • Cell sample workloads and application affinity


  • Good technical understanding of computer architecture and programming practices
  • Familiarity with Power Architecture is helpful, but not required
  • Familiarity with C

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