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[经验分享] Docker build and using it.



发表于 2015-10-13 10:32:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式







Docker is an open-sourced project providing containers on Linux. It supports Windows as well by running a Linux VM inside

It is possible to use Docker as a virtual machine to get a unified environment for software development and deployment.  


Follow Docker's
Installation Guide to install Docker on your host PC. It supports almost all modern operating systems.

It is better to get familiar with Docker's concepts, e.g. Container, Image, Registries, the daemon and client, etc. A simple guide is here:

Get the image

There're two ways to get a Docker image, build it yourself or pull it from others' registry.  

Build image

Docker builds a image based on a Dockerfile that describes what base image to use and what software to be installed.

An example
Dockerfile is attached for your reference, it is based on Fedora, installs a lot of softwares, creates a user
docker_test with password docker_test and grant sudo permission.

  • FROM defines the base image. Here we use fedora. By 2015.06.30, it's Fedora 22
  • RUN defines the command to run during building image. Here we install all the necessary packages for building
    docker_test by
    yum command. It also create some directories, setup permissions and create users, etc.
  • USER, WORKDIR and CMD is self-explained.

Create an empty dir, put the dockerfile and necessary files (docker_test.repo) for the image,
we can build the image.
mkdir mydockerbuild
cp <dockerfile> <other-files> mydockerbuild/
cd mydockerbuild
sudo docker build -t fedora-docker_test . # Build the image and tag it with name &quot;fedora-docker_test&quot;

Wait for a while, the image shall be built. Check it.
sudo docker images
It should show something like below:
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
fedora-docker_test                      latest              55832f3cdef9        3 hours ago         1.331 GB


Pull image

If you don't want to build the image by yourself, it's possible to directly pull a image from a registry.

The above image is served at on my PC.

Before pulling a image, you need to config your docker daemon to use insecure mode because I didn't setup a certification on my PC.

Edit the file /etc/default/docker on your host, add below line and restart your docker daemon.
DOCKER_OPTS=&quot;--insecure-registry; # Add this line in /etc/default/docker
sudo service docker restart

Then you can pull the image
sudo docker pull


Windows issue

If you're running Windows host and encounter problems, you may need to check
this and
this for certificate related issues.You need to run below command to use insecure mode of docker daemon.
boot2docker ssh &quot;echo $'EXTRA_ARGS=\&quot;--insecure-registry\&quot;' | sudo tee -a /var/lib/boot2docker/profile && sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart&quot;


Run the image

Now you have got the image, let's run it. It's better to create a shared folder for your host and Docker container as well.
sudo mkdir /mnt/docker # Create the dir as shared folder to Docker
sudo docker run -i -t -v /mnt/docker:/mnt # Run the image, and mount /mnt to host's /mnt/docker

If everything is working fine, you should now be in container's shell.
[docker_test@c712118ed4ca ~]$

Windows issue

If you're running Windows host, you need a slightly different command to enter container's shell.
docker run -t -i //bin/bash

You can refer to
https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker for how to get folder sharing on Windows.  

Use the container

In container's shell, the user is docker_test, password
docker_test, and you have
sudo permission.

You can consider it as a Fedora OS, and run whatever commands you want, e.g.
svn co --username <your-core-id> http://svn.ea.mot.com/dev/bsg/trunk # Checkout trunk
cd trunk/makesystem
make platforms.mk
... # Edit platforms.mk
cd <some dir you want to build>


If you exit the container and want to re-attach into it, check the container ID or name, and start it.
sudo docker ps -a  # check all the containers
sudo docker start -ai <continaer id or name>  # start the container and attach to it



  • Dockerfile: Dockerfile for images that builds

  • docker_testtools.repo:
    docker_test repo for Fedora



name=docker_test tools




FROM fedora
# Build env
RUN yum install -y \
time \
svn \
openssh-clients \
compat-flex \
compat-flex-2.5.4a \
compat-gcc-34 \
compat-gcc-34-c&#43;&#43; \
compat-libstdc&#43;&#43;-33 \
esound-tools \
graphviz \
gtk&#43;-devel \
gtk2-devel \
libxkbfile \
libxkbfile-devel \
minicom \
mtools \
ORBit \
ORBit-devel \
perl-XML-DOM \
php \
postfix \
pulseaudio-esound-compat \
python-simplejson \
squashfs-tools \
syslinux \
tftp-server \
nss-mdns \
gperf \
perl-Test-Simple \
ttmkfdir \
glibc-static \
openssl-devel \
expat-devel \
flex \
bison \
libjpeg-devel \
freetype-devel \
libpng-devel \
glibc-devel \
gcc-c&#43;&#43; \
gcc \
ncurses-devel \
rpm-build \
pexpect \
quilt \
libblkid-devel \
e2fsprogs-devel \
perl-Regexp-Common \
subversion \
texinfo \
gettext \
libtool \
intltool \
flex-static \
module-init-tools \
python-cheetah \
python-devel \
libstdc&#43;&#43;-static \
libtirpc-devel \
perl-Test-MockModule \
RUN yum install -y \
libxml2-devel.i686 \
glib-devel.i686 \
ORBit-devel.i686 \
glibc-static.i686 \
glibc-devel.i686 \
compat-libstdc&#43;&#43;-33.i686 \
# Net-tools for ifconfig
RUN yum install -y net-tools
# Create hostname softlink
RUN ln -s /usr/lib64/gettext/hostname /usr/bin/hostname
# Setup ccache
RUN yum install -y ccache
RUN mkdir -p /extra/ccache
RUN chmod a&#43;rwx /extra/ccache
RUN CCACHE_DIR=/extra/ccache /usr/bin/ccache -M 50G
# Setup componentcache
COPY docker_testtools.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
RUN yum install -y docker_test-componentcache
RUN mkdir -p /extra/componentcache
RUN chmod a&#43;rwx /extra/componentcache
# Setup toolchain
RUN mkdir /usr/local/docker_test
RUN chmod a&#43;rwx /usr/local/docker_test

# Add docker_test user and add as sudoer
RUN yum install -y sudo
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash docker_test && echo &quot;docker_test:docker_test&quot; | chpasswd && usermod docker_test -a -G wheel
RUN mkdir -p /home/docker_test && chown -R docker_test:docker_test /home/docker_test
USER docker_test
WORKDIR /home/docker_test
CMD /bin/bash



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