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[经验分享] Chef & Puppet,DRBL for Cloud Management



发表于 2015-11-26 08:06:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  This article is merely a cursory analysis of both systems as they are adept at managing the cloud, and not a comprehensive technical review, and focused on support for managing and provisioning cloud instances with a configuration management framework.Puppetand Chef are two configuration management systems that are gaining a lot of popularity and traction in the IT community for managing and automating one’s IT infrastructure, including servers, network devices, and applciations.
  A configuration management system helps you describe your IT infrastructure declaratively, and then ensures the desired configuration is enforced. Chef and Puppet are two newer configuration management systems that are gaining popularity due to their widearray of features.
  In this article I have given a preview into both Puppet and Chef, two widely deployed configuration management systems, in the context of managing a cloud-based infrastructure. Both systems allow for managing cloud and traditional IT infrastructures, andboth are robust systems which are excellent for managing complex IT infrastructures.
  This article is not a comparison of Puppet versus Chef, which one is better for your environment, making a decision on a configuration management framework isn’t that easy, and differs for each organization. The goal; however, is to give some insight intowhat it’s like managing Cloud nodes with these various configuration management frameworks, and saving the reader a lot of time before they set out to do their own tests. If you are new to configuration management, and are interested in it’s benefits, I wouldrecommend reading this email thread from the SAGE mailing lists for some background information.
  In this review I am using CentOS version 5.5, which is basically the open source version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. I chose to go with Rackspace’s CloudServers, because it was a more affordable option than Amazon EC2, and I find snapshotting my imagesto be a much easier process on Rackspace than on EC2, but both Cloud systems could be used interchangably in this test. Because these systems come with just enough operating system to run, there were a few dependencies which were not called out in the documentationwhich I have noted in each respective section for Puppet and Chef below.
  The Test Case
  My test case in both instances was to provision a new instance, and install an Apache Web server on that instance. There are many useful reviews out there on how to install and configure Puppet and Chef, so I am not going to go through that here. I haveincluded links at the bottom of this article for your convenience if that is the information you are looking for. I used RPM packages to install both Puppet and Chef to get things up and running quickly for purposes of rapdily testing it’s ability to provisionand manage Cloud instances, which was primary goal.
  For purposes of simplicity, I chose to install the enterprise version of Puppet, which allows you to install and manage two nodes without having to purchase any license keys. The enterprise installer prompts you for details about how the Puppet installationshould look and then installs all of the dependencies and requirements for running a Puppet server and clients. The open source version of Puppet is also available for installation, although it requires more steps to get a working Puppet installation going.
  The Puppet Enterprise installer is executed by downloading Puppet Enterprise and then executing the ./puppet-enterprise-installer command. On my system I ran into an error where /etc/mime.types was not present, so the installer failed. I insalled the mailcappackage by executing yum install mailcap, and that resolved that issue and the installer was able to move forward without issue.
  Once Puppet was installed, we need to create a manifest file. I chose to edit the global defaults, which is most likely what you wouldend set up first to configure global settings to be enforced across all of your systems and applications. Manifests, classesand defined types can be applied in a multitude of ways at a very granular level, but are beyond the scope of this article.
  To set up my site.pp Manifest, I added the following configurations to set my PATH, and to ensure that /etc/mime.types is present on all hosts. The manifest is written in a Ruby-based domain specific language.
  node default
  Exec { path => “/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:” }
  file { “/etc/mime.types”:
  ensure => present,
  mode   => 644,
  owner  => root,
  group  => root
  Once my site manifest was present, I ran the puppet agent command, which checks with the Puppet server to ensure all configurations are in sync, and applies any changes that may be out of sync:
  # puppet agent
  info: Retrieving plugin
  info: Caching catalog for puppet2
  info: Applying configuration version ’1299362162′
  notice: /Stage[main]//Node[default]/File[/etc/mime.types]/ensure: created
  notice: Finished catalog run in 0.10 seconds
  Once this command was executed, I could see the file which was previously not present appeared on the filesystem. This is a very simple test, but the same test could also be configured for very complex use cases, such as verifying application configurationfiles, security rules, and auditing general system integrity.
Once the Puppet configuration was in place, I looked for a way to provision and manage Rackspace nodes using Puppet. Unfortunately, there does not seems to be a plugin or feature that allows the user to administer Cloud nodes, although there is support forAmazon EC2. I did not have a chance to test the EC2 module, which might make this an unfair comparison considering I am looking at Cloud management with configuration management frameworks; however, Chef supports most major Cloud computing efforts, and accordingto Aviv Ben Yosef’s post, it has some various dependencies. An additional resource available for Puppet EC2 Integration came from Puppet Labs onBootstrappingEC2 with CloudFormation templates using Puppet.
  Although Chef has many dependencies (CouchDB, RabbitMQ, Java, Solr),  using one of the provided RPM or Debian packages actually makes it fairly easy to install. You can install Chef manually, but due to the large amount of dependencies, you probably don’twant to, unless you have a really good reason to do so. Before you set out to do so, I had to install some libraries whcih were not called out in the documentation, those were zlib-devel libxml2-devel, libxsl-devel, and make. The authors of the installationdocument may have assumed most people have gcc and make install, but I didn’t, so those starting with JeOS (just enough operating system) wont get stuck on that.
  Once Chef has been installed, I followed the docmeuntation on installing the various certificates and setting up the the Chef client’s and servers. TheOpsCodeQuick Start documentation is the best source of information for this.
  To configure a standard recipe, I followed the Cookbook Quick Start documentation off the OpsCode Web site. Rather than re-hash what was said in this article, I recommend you follow this document if you are interested in writing your first Recipe. Essentially the Recipe looks like the following:
template “/tmp/deep_thought.txt” dosource “deep_thought.txt.erb”variables :deep_thought => node[:deep_thought]action :createend  
  I began by simply listing the Cloud instances I had in the Rackspace account. This was as simple as installing some Ruby gems which includednet-ssh net-ssh-multi fog highline,and thepre-relase version of the chefgem.
  Note: At the time of this writing the current stable gem of Chef is not compatible with the current stable version of the foggem.
  After the necessary gems were installed, I added my API key for my cloud provider into my knife.rb configuration file. Once the API was present in knife.rb, I was able to list and create instances with ease using the knife rackspace command set (there isalso a knife ec2, slicehost, and terremark subcommands). A lot of this heavy lifting is done by the fog libraries, but what is really a win is that knife has support for automatically bootsrapping a recently launched instance with the necessary Chef configurationfiles.
  Although Puppet is a mature and robust system for configuration management, and a very good one at that, it doesn’t have the Cloud integration which Chef comes with out of the box. I hope to see this remedied soon, because I think Puppet is an excellentconfiguration management framework, although possibly currently better suited to organizations not managing many cloud instances or willing to put forward some extra resources to write an extension or utiility to integrate cloud management and provisioningwith Puppet.
  Chef’s knife tool makes provisioning and managing Cloud instances on almost any platform a breeze, without the need for additional tooling or configuration. Its almost all there already to manage cloud instances and deploy “recipes” (basically Chef’s termfor what in Puppet is a Manifest) to Cloud instances.
  Recommended Reading (Puppet)
  Puppet Book
  Automating with Puppet Slides
  Puppet vs. Chef Review
  Bootstrapping Puppet on AWS
  Puppet Enterprise Download
  Puppet EC2 Bootstrap Helper
  Puppet Install
  Puppet Configuration
  Recommended Reading (Chef)
  Automating the Cloud with Chef (Slides)
  Installing & Configuring Chef (RHEL)
  Chef Cookbooks
  Chef Recipes
  Launching Cloud Instances with Knife
  Knife CLI Reference

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