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[软件发布] IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.5 发布



发表于 2016-11-23 07:16:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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No subsystemFeatureIDEA-97844Resource bundle should be associated to file even written in constantUsabilityIDEA-123307Squashed tree widget on Windows theme on HiDPI monitorExceptionIDEA-159111IAE at com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager.getServiceAndroidBugIDEA-153902Can't debug Android apps after update: This application does not have the debuggable attribute enabled in its manifest.DatabaseBugIDEA-160887SQL Sybase dialect Incorrect syntax error on merge statementFile SystemBugIDEA-161568UI Freezes after maven build endsFind, Replace, Find UsagesBugIDEA-159829when editing in find result previews the cursor jumps some number of characters after insertionBugIDEA-104681Regex Find always case-sensitive with non-english charactersBugIDEA-161214Find in Path: Preview editor does not abide by option &quot;Allow placement of caret after end of line&quot;BugIDEA-162082File mask is not saved unless &quot;Find&quot; was clickedBugIDEA-112749Find field unicode supportGroovyBugIDEA-127422Idea should allow to name packages &quot;trait&quot;BugIDEA-159998Groovy: com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException: cannot create file from text: ...IndicesBugIDEA-160928Unable to open Java file in node_modulesBugIDEA-161935Freeze on editingPlugin Support. APIUsabilityIDEA-159584Please add javadoc to FilteredTraverserBase and JBTreeTraverserSQLBugIDEA-154090Column is invalid in the select list because is it not contained in either an aggregate function or GROUP by clauseUnit Testing. JUnitBugIDEA-158727Spock test: setup method shown as separate test case with name &quot;<no name>&quot;Unit Testing. TestNGBugIDEA-159938Problem running TestNg tests in IntelliJ>User InterfaceBugIDEA-156648Tree view is compacted in 2016.2 EAPVersion Control. GitBugIDEA-161332Description of &quot;Checkout with Rebase&quot; action is misleadingJavaScript. InspectionsBugWEB-23044Code analysis after most recent update is very slowNode.jsBugWEB-23009File .idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml is created automatically when opening a new project with node_modulesTypeScriptExceptionWEB-23499TypeScript: exception is thrown on Auto-import invocationNo subsystemBugDBE-3104Strange behavior with resolving and schema choosingBugDBE-2328Data Compare doesn't handle dbs with different namesBugDBE-3130Postgres: cyrillic column name incorrectly shown in disconnected modeBugDBE-3077Database window does not list tables from RedshiftData ViewerBugDBE-3091Export data from data view action exports only first pageBugDBE-3076Database's datagrid shows only one row when the table has more than one rowSQL Code StyleBugDBE-3112Inorrect reformating SQL querySQL EditingBugDBE-2962Successive semicolons give syntax errorBugDBE-3105Flip is brokenBugDBE-3054DataGrip cannot resolve db objects in sql fileSQL HighlightingBugDBE-2949T-SQL JSON PATH syntax request  点击完整发布说明了解更多信息

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