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[经验分享] Tomcat深入学习笔记(一)



发表于 2017-1-19 08:07:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1, $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib or $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib
        1.1  both to web applications and internal Tomcat code. This is a good place to put JDBC drivers that are required for both your application and internal Tomcat use(such as for a JDBCRealm,what is JDBCRealm?).
        1.2  to all web applications, but not to internal Tomcat code.
2, However, if you have configured Tomcat 5 for multiple instances by setting a CATALINA_BASE directory, you should use $CATALINA_BASE instead of $CATALINA_HOME for each of these references.

        3.1 defines everything about your application that a server needs to know (except the context path, which is assigned by the system administrator when the application is deployed).一般情况下admin是不另设这个context path的,那这样Tomcat是不是就默认地采用war包的名字呢?
        3.2  tomcat-docs/appdev/web.xml.txt
            3.2.0 The complete syntax and semantics for the deployment descriptor is defined in Chapter 13 of the Servlet API Specification, version 2.3.看看ServletAPI Spec中对这个DD的描述.
            3.2.1 <display-name>My Web Application</display-name>,这个display-name是干啥的?据上面所说(except the context path)知与context path没什么关系,那这个display-name有什么用呢?是工程名字,虽然不是context path,就像"地名"与"站名"关系一样?
            3.2.2 <context-param> 与getServletContext().getInitParameter("name");这个不说还真忘了,虽说不是什么难点,也没多大实际的用处.
            3.2.3 HttpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval() 与 <session-config>
From a servlet or JSP page, you can modify
the timeout for a particular session dynamically by using
            3.2.4 <servlet-mapping>


            Thus, a request URI like:


will be mapped to the "graph" servlet, while a request like:


will be mapped to the "controller" servlet.

  我的疑问是:1,http://localhost:8080/{contextpath}/graph/saveCustomer.do 这样的访问路径Tomcat会怎么来处理?当然作为Coder这样的访问路径应该是尽力避免的.
  2, http://localhost:8080/{contextpath}/graph这个访问路径的处理.这样的设置自己用的很少,也见的不多.

4, Tomcat Context Descriptor : /META-INF/context.xml file
        4.1  defines Tomcat specific configuration options, such as loggers,data sources,session manager configuration and more.
这里说是"Tomcat specific",那别的Server就不能用了.
cachemapping.properties, cmt.properties, cmt.xml, ehcache.xml,
log4j.xml, system.properties
        4.2 This XML file must contain one Context element, which will be considered as if it was the child of the Host element corresponding to the Host to which the The Tomcat configuration documentation contains information on the Context element.
这句话怎么理解?说这个Context element可以看作是Host的一个子element,那么也就是说Context是Tomcat对用户提供配置的一个接口,as if 被Host引用.

5, Deployment With Tomcat 5
        5.1 Copy unpacked directory hierarchy into a subdirectory in directory $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/.
        5.1.1 Tomcat will assign a context path to your application based on the subdirectory name you choose.
        5.1.2 We will use this technique in the build.xml  file that we construct,
        5.1.3 Be sure to restart Tomcat after installing or updating your application.

        5.2 Copy the web application archive file into directory $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/.
                  5.2.1 NOTE - If you use this approach, and wish to update your application later, you must both replace the web application archive file AND delete the expanded directory that Tomcat created, and then restart Tomcat, in order to reflect your changes.
        5.3 Use the Tomcat 5 "Manager" web application to deploy and undeploy web applications.
                    5.3.1 a web application,allows you to deploy and undeploy applications on a running tomcat server without restarting it.
        5.4 Use "Manager" Ant Tasks In Your Build Script.
5.4.1 These tasks are used in the Tomcat deployer.         

        5.5 Use the Tomcat Deployer
                5.5.1 ..............
  Note that other containers are NOT required to accept an unpacked directory structure (as Tomcat does), or to provide mechanisms for shared library files, but these features are commonly available.

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