控制台信息 会有
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] JRebel 5.1.2 (201212171004)
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] (c) Copyright ZeroTurnaround OU, Estonia, Tartu.
[2013-06-19 14:08:47]
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] Over the last 30 days JRebel prevented
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] at least 36 redeploys/restarts saving you about 1.5 hours.
[2013-06-19 14:08:47]
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] Over the last 64 days JRebel prevented
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] at least 69 redeploys/restarts saving you about 2.8 hours.
[2013-06-19 14:08:47]
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] You are running with an evaluation license.
[2013-06-19 14:08:47] You have 31631 days until the license expires.
2013-06-19 14:08:47.790:INFO::Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
ParentLoaderPriority enabled
Context path:/pic-web
ProjectClassLoader: entry=D:\workspace-sts\pic-web\target\classes
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-web\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-web\target\m2e-wtp\web-resources' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-web\src\main\webapp' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-action\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-service\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-domain\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-util\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel: Directory 'D:\workspace-sts\pic-sdk\target\classes' will be monitored for changes.
[2013-06-19 14:08:48] JRebel-Log4j: Monitoring Log4j configuration in 'file:/D:/workspace-sts/pic-web/target/classes/log4j.properties'.