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发表于 2017-6-22 10:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
L1    Finding fossil man

We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas----legends handed

down from one generation of storytellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the PacificIslands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.

But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first'modern men' came from.

Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.

New words and expressions

recount /ri'kaunt/ v.叙述     / ' rei'kaunt/ 再数一次

record / ' rek[d/ /ri' kC:d/ 第一个音节带重音,名前动后

叙述:recount :  emotionless  重复


depict: a little emotional

narrate: temporal&spacial 根据时间或空间顺序描述。


saga /'sa:g[/ n.英雄故事  描述的内容mostly real 北欧海盗活动的故事

legend /'ledV[nd/ n.传说,传奇  unreal e.g robin hood

anthropologist/ 'AnWr['pCl[dVist/ n.人类学家


  philosophere :philo+sopher|爱+智慧=哲学家

  philanthropist : 慈善家(对人有爱心的人)

  anthropology :人类学

  带-gy结尾的都是学科:biology 生物学   geography 地理学  ecology 生态学

remote/ ri'm[ut/ n.遥远

ancestor / 'Ansest[/ n.祖先

   an- 在前面

   forefather,forebear ,predecessor祖先

rot/ rCt/ v.烂掉

   leave me rot.=leave me along

   rot to death.

   soon ripe,soon rotten.

   decay 国家民族逐渐衰亡 decompose 逐渐衰竭 deteriorate关系逐渐恶化

trace /treis/ n.痕迹,踪迹

   trace the problem

   i follow your trace=i follow where you go

polynesia 波利尼西亚


    polyandric: a wife with more than one husband

    polygeny : a husband with more than one wife

flint /flint/ n.燧石  flinting hearted

fossil /  ' fCsl/ n. 化石    cobble 鹅卵石

read of 读到

谈到:speak of ,talk of ,know of,hear of

near east:近东 mediterranean, south europe,north afric

far east


oral(spoken) language is earlier than written language.

precede :什么在什么之前,不用比较,直接跟名词

counterpart: two things or two people have the same position

oral(spoken) language is earlier than written counterpart.

preserve: 保留,保存(腌制)

如果句中有only,那后面的表语结构就要用to do sth,而不是doing sth.

storyteller: 讲故事的人

fortuneteller, palmreader: 算命先生

migration :移民  1)migrant  2)immigrant

v. migrate:迁移,迁徙

migratory bird:候鸟

none: no body

people+s 民族

if they had any: 即便是有

his relatives,if he had  any,never went to visit him when he was hospitalized.

find out千方百计,费尽周折=explore

modern men :the men who were like ourselves

however-anywhere you want ,加逗号

but,yet-不加标点,only at the beginning of the sentence







may also have:表推测



hide:兽皮 cowhide:牛皮

without (any) trace:无影无踪

L 2 Spare that spider

Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends ? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible.for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our


Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.

How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf ? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre, that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.

T. H. GILLESPIE Spare that Spider from The Listener

New words and expressions   flocks and herds 牛群和羊群

/flCk/  the birds of the same feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分

     you are the same flock.也可指人

herd多指牛群  cowherd   cowboy

throng  and  crowd swarm

owe           vt.感激欠 i owe you.     i owe you a big favor. 欠     issue

oblige    indebt appreciate----常用口语词 正式:grateful   thankful

beast n 兽形容人野蛮无比,不能用animal 形容


Fraction      小部分 分数,小数 a fraction of rice will suffice

on one's behalf 代表...利益

I beat you on your behalf.我打你是为你好 on behalf of somebody /something

e.g on behalf of chinese government on behalf of =represent

authority /C:'WCriti/ n.权威     authorize批准 authoritative权威性的 authoritarian独裁的

-tarian带有这种词缀的词都是坏词 dictator独裁者   dictatorial独裁的

authorities 1.权威(可单数可复数) 2.当局(复数)

census /sens[s/ n.统计数据  the fifth national population census.    censor审查

        censorious 挑剔的,挑刺的

acre /'eik[/ n.英亩 1acre=4047square meters

football pitch 足球场 football yard   football court  football field

be content with 满足于  满足作表语,不能出现定语结构

He is content with status quo.

contented heart :心满意足的人

spare /spZ[/ v. 不伤害,宽恕  spare me    He doesn't spare himself.

I spare no efforts to learn english.( spare no efforts: 不遗余力作什么)

Notes on the text

why, you may wonder-you may wonder why插入语 先不管插入语,弄清句子结构

you may wonder why spiders should be our friends?插入语位置不固定

why以疑问句 开头

why,you may wonder,the problem of pollution befalls human beings.

why,you may wonder,one of my friends is so kindhearted.


tear into pieces

greatest enemies:天敌   dying enemy  crying enemy

dear enemy

human race:人的种族,一般不加复数,表示一个总称词

impossible 和possible 永远不要以人开头

It is impossible for somebody to do something.

likely可以以人做主语。i am likely to go. probable 也不以人做主语

they would表示假设

devour狼吞虎咽devour the food

make a cake of myself make a god of myself  devour the book

it虚拟语气  前面是主句,下面是条件句


If it were not for:如果这不是因为

I would not survive if it were not for his timely help.

but for 一定是虚拟语气 =if it were not for

owe感激,欠  i owe you.


all of them put together:把他们堆到一起     谓语动词是kill


L 3 Mattonhorn

Modern alpinists try to climb mountains by a route which will give them good sport, and the more difficult it is, the more highly it is regarded. In the pioneering days, however, this was not the case at all. The early climbers were looking for the easiest way to the top because the summit was the prize they sought, especially if it had never been attained before. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement. They had a single aim, a solitary goal--the top!

It is hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers. Except for one or two places such as Zermatt and Chamonix, which had rapidly become popular, Alpine villages tended to be impoverished settlements cut off from civilization by the high mountains. Such inns as there were were generally dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine. Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could--sometimes with the local priest (who was usually as poor as his parishioners), sometimes with shepherds or cheesemakers. Invariably the background was the same: dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard indeed.

New words and expressions

1、 alpinist(1.1)/'$lpinist/n.登山运动员

climber mountaineer

词根:alp- Alps(1.16)/$lps/ n.阿尔卑斯山脉Alpine(1.9)/$lpain/adj.阿尔卑斯山的

2、 attain(1.4)/+'tein/ v.到达

to get to

to arrive at/in

to attain one's goal=realize

to attain the top/peak/summit 达到顶点

attain youth 永葆青春

attainment (n) attainments 成就 accomplishment

3、perilous(1.5)/'peril+s/adj.危险的 peril   (随时可能出现的)危险


4、shudder (1.5)/'M)d+/ v.不寒而栗

shudder:quick and sudden

tremble:long and very obvious

quiver:excitement ,maybe cold

shiver: cold and nervous

5、 go out of one's way  专门 by the way 顺路 too much for me 受不起

6、 court (multiple  meanings 多义词)

1) 朝廷    朝臣courtier

2) courteous彬彬有礼的

3) 法庭

4) 娱乐场 足球场soccer/football court高尔夫球场golf court

5) 追求

6) 招致   骄兵必败pride courts failure

7、 solitary(1.6)/'s&lrt+ri/adj.唯一的

sol-独 solo独唱  独奏

solitude 孤独

I live in solitude.=I live a lonely life.

8、 pioneer(1.2)/?pai+'n+/ v.开辟,倡导;n.先锋,开辟者

9、 impoverish(11.9-10)/$m'p&v+rM/v.使贫困 poor(口语词)

罗素名言:A great many man will cheerfully face inpoverishment if they can secure  complete

ruin for their rival,hence present level of taxation.



coarse throat 嗓子哑

sore throat


coarse fare 粗粮

refined fair细粮

coarse and refined

in a coarse manner粗暴无礼



He boasted that of his knowledge.

The center boasts a team of high qualify(qualified researchers.)



13、shepherd(1.14)/'Mep+d/n.牧羊人 sheepshep  羊 herd    兽群


Notes on the text

1、Route  路线 Road   道路

2、good sports :stimulus 刺激    thrilling 震撼、兴奋


regard sb with sth(感情词love \hatred\horror\respect)

Dad, I regard you with horror.爸爸,我很害怕你。

4、pineering days, ancient (先人时期)

5、not at all 根本不  case这回事

6、be doing 表达当时的行动(状态)

7、top:顶点 summit 山顶   peak山顶

The scenery is at the peak of  the mountain.无限风光在险峰。

I am at the top of the world.我在世界之巅。

Summit meeting峰会

8、 attain  到达 conquer 征服

9、be of the most perilous nature

nature  特点、特性

the most perilous difficulties and dangers

学会be of the + adj+noun  结构He is the kindest man. =He is the man of the kindest man.

10、equipped 表示当时的一种伴随。

11、in a manner 以这样的方式

12、make sb do sth  (省to 结构)

13、at the thought 一想到 ,mention一提到,idea 一想到

这个结构后面加介词of  原文即 at the thought of their poor equipment

14、go out of one's way 刻意   intentionally  eye catching引人注目的

15、the real living conditions 真实生存状况

16、nowadays 插入语,现在回想起来,可在句首、句末

17、except for 把其中的一部分扣除

18、tend to be 倾向于

19、settlement 生存地、驻扎地

20、cut off=which are cut off

21、flea ridden跳蚤

22、as they were 可以这么说,插入语  还有as it were

This book is , as it were, his life portrait.



24、wine低度酒 alcohol 酒精 alcoholic酒鬼

25、boast 拥有 priest牧师 shepherd牧羊人 invariably=all the same

26、dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable (结构不符合习惯,不可学)


28、must have been表推测

29、be accustomed to ,be used to + 名词、动名词

I am used to the life in Bejing.

I am used to living in Bejing.

30、早餐:scratch a meal 中午餐:snack快餐 晚餐:dinner

31、the change to

Education brings great change to his outlook/view on life.


L 4 Seeing Hands

In the Soviet Union several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. One case concerns an 'eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. This ability was first noticed by her father. One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe. Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there, and even described the way they were done up in bundles.

Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of UIyanovsk, near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a child's game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in another instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot theoutlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. lt was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.

New words and expressions

1、Perceive   察觉,瞬间感觉到的

   to make out 费尽心机辨出

I looked thoroughly for my elderly mother, finally I make her out .

Yeah, I remembered, I finally make him out.

I perceive a fly in my teacup.

2、elbow one's way (用肘)挤出

elbow one's way out of the crowed.挤出人群

L5 No Room in the Ark

The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. One thinks one knows him very well. For a hundred years or more he has been killed, captured, and imprisoned, in zoos. His bones have

been mounted in natural history museums everywhere, and he has always exerted a strong fascination upon scientists and romantics alike. He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books, and an obvious (though not perhaps strictly scientific) link with our ancestral past.

Yet the fact is we know very little about gorillas. No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in a wild state, no zoologist, however intrepid, has been able to keep the animal under close and constant observation in the dark jungles in which he lives. Carl Akeley, the American naturalist, led two expeditions in the nineteen-twenties, and now lies buried among the animals he loved so well. But even he was unable to discover how long the gorilla lives, or how or why it dies, nor was he able to define the exact social pattern of the family groups, or indicate the final extent of their intelligence. All this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago. The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly

more elusive.

New words and expressions

(good article : five stars 该文写得不错。)

the + n.(s) 表示一类: the gorilla(s)

scene 场景

in the African scene : Africa as the background

gather palace 聚集地

something of a paradox 自相矛盾(人对猩猩的观点) contradictory ideas about him

主题句:One thinks one knows him very well.

问题:Yet the fact is we know very little about gorillas.

Their ideas vary。人们对他的观点相差很大。

For a hundred years or more 一百年甚至更多(包括一百年)

For more than one hundred years 一百多年

西方,动物一般用人称代替。本文中,gorillas用him代替。另外有cat – she, dog – he .

imprisoned 关起来圈养

be mounted in natural history museums 陈列在自然历史博物馆


He exert a strong fascination upon(on) Sb. 施加给人们强大的魅力

exert … on …  施加(压力)

impose … on … ,例如 impose influence on , impose pressure on

上句可表示为 He have a strong fascination for Sb.

或The gorilla is always fascinating to Sb.

alike  adv.相同,一样 adj.只能做表语。例如:

The two are alike. 这两人真像。


例如:asleep , awake ,afloat等

He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books.

stereotyped – old time 老样子 horror films 恐怖片

film (英) movie (美)

the stereotyped monster 经典模式

省略主语and (he is) an obvious (…) link with our ancestral past

link with … 与…相联系

our ancestral past  (n.)

through not perhaps strikly scientific


through 引导的从句主语和主句相同,可以省略。

Eg: I arrived at the meeting , though (I was ) late.

Yet 与however ,表示转折,意思完全相同。但yet 用在句首,however加标点,可以用



No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in …

Take picture / photograph 照相

of one  定语后置,satisfactory photograph of one。主要是为了句子的平衡。One 指gorilla

in a wild state 在野生状态下

keep the … under … observation 把某事处于观察之下

keep the city clean 保持城市清洁

close and constant observation 持续不断的观察

Eg: I have to keep the boy under close control.

To control the boy very strikly.

插入语:however intrepid = no matter how intrepid 无论多么英勇

Eg: No man , however intelligent , is perfect.

No palace, however peaceful and tranquil , is a paradise.

lies buried here among the animals he loved so well


形容词做状语:lie awake , lie crouched

lifespan 寿命

how long the gorilla lives

因为猩猩的寿命客观存在,所以live 用一般现代时。

Organ's decay 器官衰竭

Nor 引导否定并列句,与unable并列

生活方式:group living , individual living

智力:intelligence – IQ , intelligence qoutient

CIA – the Central Intelligence Agency of America

CID – Criminal investigation Division 重案组,罪犯调查科

All this and many other thing remain (amost as much ) a mystery (as ) they were.

as much as 同the same as

…remain a mystery the same as they were.

He is as much a musician as a writer.= He is both a musician and a writer.

civilized world 文明世界

savaged world 野生世界

civilized : to get away from wild life

中文中的"文明单位"不能用civilized , 应该用model 或pace setting unit

I'm a pace soldiery。我是排头兵。

The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly

more elusive.



Abominable Snowman 作比较,省略gorilla

L 6 Youth

People are always talking about' the problem of youth '. If there is one—which I take leave to doubt--then it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings--people just like their elders. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.

When I was a teenager, I felt that I was just young and uncertain--that I was a new boy in a huge school, and I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. All this seems to me to link them with life, and the origins of things. It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent an lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. All that is in my mind when I meet a young person. He may be conceited, illmannered, presumptuous of fatuous, but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders--as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong. New words and expressions .

sb. take leave to do sth. 允许某人做某事,冒昧做某事

get down to sth.   认真研究  get down to +名词/动名词

glorious 光辉灿烂的

rub 难题

teenager 青少年

for one thing 原因之一,有一点是…   连接词… for another

identity  身份

air of freedom 无拘无束   air:神态、气势

dreary 沉郁的

ambition 追名逐利

cosmic being 宇宙人  human being 人

violent 强烈的,暴力的

suburban 见识不广的,有偏见的

conceited 自高自大的

presumptuous 自以为是的,放肆的

fatuous 愚蠢的

cliché 陈词滥调

I take leave to say…


I take leave to be frank

恕我直言。口语:maybe I'm too bold…  or .  I'm bold enough… or.  Allow myself to

say …

Take one's leave = take leave 离开(正式用法)

Would you please take your leave?


What a bore. What a nuisance. What a trial What a jerk.

get down to + 名词/动名词

例:我开始学习了。 I get down to my studies.

I get down to learning my book.

to- 介词

同义词: be engaged in


glory n. 光荣

(rosy ,shining , brilliant , magnificent , gorgeous)

in one's glory: 在某人的鼎盛时期

in one's day

in one's golden days

in one's prime time

in the pride of one's life

rub 摩擦

at odds 有矛盾

have words with sb. 和…拌嘴

Do you get the rub?

Do you get the picture?

Do you catch me ?

Do you get me ?

What's the range?问年龄

Teenager 14到18

Under thirteen.Adolescent: 13到16

Juvenile 青少年

Youth 20到30

Air :神态(多用复数) He always puts on airs. 摆谱

Arrogant airs :  傲气 Bureaucratic airs : 官气

Finicky airs 娇气

Dreary 同: drearisome  a.无味,无聊

Sterile : 枯燥无味

Monotonous: 乏味无聊

Gloomy: 沉闷

Lifeless: 无生气的

have ambition for going abroad/to gao abroad.

Fish …(wealth and fame)

Chase …(fame and gains)

Pursue …

Cosmic 宇宙

Cosmonaut 宇航员 = astronaut Astro-/aster 天体

Disaster Cosmic place :大都市 Metropolis: 大都市

Violent   nonviolence 非暴力

狂风:violent wind

暴死:violent death

vehement 猛烈的



suburb 郊区

urbane: 有礼貌的 short-sighted 目光短浅的


insular 绝缘,目光短浅的 provincial

conceited 自高自大的

骄傲的 conceit(n.)

pride 自豪

big-headed 头发胀的 cocky 自负的

chicken 胆小鬼 sweller 膨胀的 over-confident

people are always talking about ' the problem of youth'.

Are talking _ 到目前为止一直讨论

'the problem of youth ' 加引号,引用。

-which I take leave to doubt 插入语 "我冒昧的说",表示怀疑

-If there is any,同样表示怀疑

straight forward 开门见山

it is older people who creat it.—强调句

let us (speaker exclusive) – Let's (speaker inclusive)

get down to fundamentals

fundamental = basic 基本的

fundamentalist 信奉正统基督教的人

after all – 退一步

like – (介词) 省略了谓语 are

people are just lije their elders

glorious future 光辉的未来

splendid future光辉的未来(已过去的,对老年人而言)

where the rub is 症结所在,问题就出在这

hatred : 憎恨

ironical 讽刺的,用反语的 uncertain 后面省略用法

I would have been 虚拟语气

Something 重要的东西

You are somebody. 你是重要人物

So .. as … 后置定语

出色: outstanding

stand out 站出来,鹤立鸡群

cut figure 崭露头角

one of the things 正是其中之一

seeking = looking for exciting 令人激动的

air of freedom 无拘无束  = carefree , freedom from care

commitment 专注(to + 名词/动名词)

love = seek 追求 mean 意味着,小气卑鄙 = disgusting

anxious 虎视眈眈的

polish 擦,磨 apple polisher 溜须拍马 bootlicker 拍马屁者

no devotion to 热爱(贬) material things 物质享受 to me 在我看来(插入语)

life 生机

lifeless 没生机的,死气沉沉的

link with 把什么联系起来 origin 起源 original 原本的

as if 虚拟假设

in some sence 可以这么说吧(插入语 )

in contrast with 与…比较

violent 强烈= strong

lovely 生动的,完美的

后置的同位语- suburban creatures

前面用得是 – cosmic beings

mediocre 平庸的

idol 偶像  idiot 傻瓜

conceited 自负

ill-mannered 粗暴

presumptuous 自以为是的

fatuous 愚蠢无比的

turn for protection to 寻求保护 turn to 求助

dreary  = boring cliché 沉郁的

cliché 陈词滥调,老生常谈

L7 The Sports Spirit

I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. Even if one didn't know from concrete examples (the 1936 Olympic Games, for instance) that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.

Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win. On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused. Anyone who has played even in a school football match knows this. At the international level sport is frankly mimic warfare. But the significant thing is not the behaviour of the players but the attitude of the spectators: and, behind the spectators, of the nations. who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriouslybelieve--at any rate for short periods--that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.

New words and expressions

goodwill  n. 友好

prestige  n.  声誉

cricket  n.板球   disgrace  vt. 使丢脸

inclination n.意愿   savage   n.野性的

contest  n.  比赛  combative  a.好斗的

orgy   n.  恣意,放荡

frankly  ad.坦率地

deduce   vt.推断  mimic  a.与….极相似

competitive  a. 竞争性的

behaveiour  行动

pick up 随意挑选  spectatotor   n.观众

side n. 队


patriotism   n.  地方观念 爱国主义

fury   n.狂热

involve   vt. 卷入

absurd    a.荒唐的

at any rate 无论……,至少…….

Notes on the vocabularies

goodwill=friendship n.友好

     goodwill games:友好运动会

     goodwill visit:友好访问

     pay a goodwill visit to

     official visit:官方正式访问

     state visit:国事访问

cricket  n.板球 as merry as a cricket(蟋蟀) 形容心情高兴,快乐无比

inclination   n. 意愿

     incline   v.

be inclined to do sth   表示强烈的意愿

     I am inclined to take toefl.


     show inclination to

follow one's inclination 随心所欲

contest   n. 比赛

     近义词:competition game match tournament race

     contest:a group of judges

beauty contest   选美比赛

     competition:socially 抽象使用

Social competition is fierce.

Dog eat dog.人吃人。形容竞争激烈。

     game:physically ,mentally

     match:quite important

     China won the 2002 World Cup match.



cycle racing  自行车比赛

car racing  赛车

orgy  n.恣意,放荡

     revelry in 狂欢

     I revelry in my success.

     on a spree

     The girl is on a shoping spree.


     combative-贬义词  同 aggressive



     compete with sb. for sth.

pick up 随意挑选

side  队

patriotism   n.地方观众,爱国主义

     patriot:爱国者 patriotic:爱国的

involve   vt.卷入

     involve oneself in scandal be involved in

prestige   n.声誉

     prestigious  a.享有声誉的Qinghua university is very prestigious.

     近义词:fame renown(renowned 著名的) reputation  eminence

disgrace   vt.使丢脸


     disgraceful 丢脸 Your essay is very guaceful.



     stigmaa(污点)  vt.stigmatize Robbery stigmatizes him.

savage    n.野性的

     inhuman 残忍无比 nonhuman (非人类的)




combative  a.好斗的

frankly  ad.坦率地

     Frankly speaking(To be frank)  坦白的说

candid 坦白的

straightly 直率的

mimic a.与……相似


     similar-可作定语和表语 Our ideas are similar. We have similar ideas.


     Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

behaviour  行动 举止

     Behave oneself.规矩点儿。

attitude   n.态度

spectator   n.观众

     audience 听众  audial 听


     spectacle: 壮丽景色;眼镜

     viewer   电视观众

work…into…    引起…注意…


fury   n.狂热

     furious  a.—强于anger,annoyance,aggravation

     rage---suddenly & quickly

absurd   a.荒唐的

     近义词 illogical irrational senseless ridiculous



at any rate 无论,至少=at least

Notes on the text

amazed: surprised,astound,astonished


The news surprised me.

I was surprised by the news.

I am astonished to hear the news.

You should not say"The news astonished me".


if only:

1. 表虚拟,当"真好"讲,后面无任何主从句。

If only I had a pair of wings.我要有双翅膀就好了。

If only I could fly to the moon.

2. 作为条件句=as long as,后面须有主句。


the background of the 1936 Olympic Games :二战时在德国柏林举行,希特勒举办的目的为

了宣传他的national supremacy(民主优越性)。然而,事与愿违,本届奥运会出现了


让希特勒disgrace(颜面尽失),后人评论"the 1936 Olympin Games is a mistake",而

且称为political tragedy,影射希特勒的种族歧视,导致极端的仇恨,引发二战。

neagly all  基本肯定

green: 绿地


frankly: 真正的

mimic warfare:模拟战争

     battle field-fight to win,commander,do your utmost,blood,lose life,machine guns

     sport field—play to win,coach    ,do your best  ,sweat,lose life,hand leg foot

fury over 对…愤怒


L 8 Education

Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do, and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made,washing can go to the laundry, food can be bought cooked, canned or preserved, bread is baked and delivered by the baker, milk arrives on the doorstep, meals can be had at the restaurant, the works' canteen, and the school dining-room.  It is unusual now for father to pursue his trade or other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father's occupation, and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money, and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence. In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child's home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty-five years. With mother earning and his older children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works economic advantages accrue, but children lose something of great value if mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from school.

New words and expressions

laundry   n.洗衣店  customary   a.通常的,司空见惯的

can   vt.把....装罐   factor    n.事实,因素

preserve   vt.腌制   draw    vt.挣得

pursue   vt. 从事,进行   substantial    a.相当的

trade   n.手艺accrue   vi.增长

occupation   n.工作

Notes on the vocabularies

laundry   n.洗衣店  I go to the laundry.我去洗衣服了。

can   vt.把....装罐

can (美国常用)  tin(英国常用)

can the fruit 水果罐头

ready-made food to heat it

preserve   vt.腌制

preserved vegetables 腌菜   nutritious

bean curd:豆腐

保存-preserve   reserveconserve

reserve 预定  I'd like to reserve two tickets.

Please reserve a table for six.

conserve 常用于深林的保护 避免造成不必要的浪费

preserve 保存目的是使其保有鲜活力,保鲜

pursue   vt. 从事,进行

I'm pursuing English.我正在学英语。

China pursues the opening policy.中国实施开放政策。

还有'追求'的意思 He is pursuing the girl.

A cold pursues me.感冒使我精神不振。(幽默的说法)

pursuit-名词  更加正式  in the pursuit of

trade   n.手艺

tradesman  手艺人     craftsman 手艺人

spokesman 发言人

statesman 政治家    politician 玩弄权术的人

Jack of all trades,master for none.各行都懂一点,但都不精。

Two of a trade never agree.同行是冤家。

occupation   n.工作   具有最宽泛的含义

occupy  v.     I'm occupied.我正忙着。

近义词:employment   profession

employee employer 强调雇用和被雇佣的关系  unemployment 失业

profession:宗教词  preach布道    pray祈祷

该词被赋予了崇高的含义,常形容highly skilled 如IT ,engineer

customary   a.通常的,司空见惯的

custom n. 风俗 某一个种族或部落所遵循的原则

When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

beijinger  哪国人哪个地区人都加个er

convention(usually accepted):世界都认可的规范和习俗


factor    n.事实,因素

draw    vt.挣得

draw money 赚钱 The novel draws well.小说很畅销。

best-seller 最畅销 Movies draws well.很卖座。

land money     land:得到 I land very profitable work.我得到个肥差。

substantial    a.相当的


considerable 相当的  fair sizable

I draw considerable money.我赚大钱。

considerate :体谅的  He is very considerate.

accrue   vi.增长

只能作不及物动词    interests accrue   利息增长

accumulate     pile     build up   amass 都可作及物动词

grow :增长(不及物动词),种庄稼

Notes on the text

do much less much far  放在比较级之前表示程度词   I'm far better.

used to:过去(一般习惯的动作)I used to walk for a while after supper.

and :表示结果

workshop:作坊 专题研讨会  同义词symposium

much less :越来越不像   表示程度词     much more  越来越像

ready-made: 现成的 作but方式状语

The meal is ready-made.饭好了,可以吃了。

go to: 拟人手段

cooked:熟食   fast food    snack    canned:罐头食品     preserved:腌制的

bake:烤     baker:面包师     delivered:传送     doorstep

works=factory (机械的,大型的)  plant(大型工厂)  mill(加工木头的工厂) company(泛指)

canteen:食堂(self-help)   cafeteria(高档的,餐馆的自助餐)  dining-room:学生食堂

if ever :即便有的话也是不多

补全句子:….if ever,he can see him……

paternal society:父系社会

follow their father's occupation 子承父业

wide choice:大量的选择机会

coeducation:男女同校     primary school:私塾



In your family ,who is the bread-earner?

相对而言,wage 给labours   而salary 给白领阶层

good money 赚大钱

acquires:获得(easily get)

Man acquires the ability to speak.强调自然获得

obtain  费尽劳力

feeling of economic independence:经济独立感

sence of honor/pride/responsibility/master/humor/guilt

superiority complex:优越感     complex:情节   inferior complex:自卑感

textile areas:纺织业地区如英国的Manchester

it has long been customary 早就习以为常

maternal society:母系社会

working mother:职业母亲

more than doubled:远远超出了以前的两倍

but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child's home life,the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty-five years.

the number of married women……years



something 后置定语  be of 结构

smething valuable greatly/smething greatly valuable

prevent from

L9 Curiosities of Animal Life

Not all sounds made by animals serve as language, and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role.

To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. Everyone knows that if he shouts in the vicinity of a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come

back. The further off this solid obstruction the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo. A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships. Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object. A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish. With experience, and with improved apparatus, it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well-known fish, by the pattern of its echo.

A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar.

L10 Thoughts in Wilderness

In our new society there is a growing dislike of original, creative men. The manipulated do not understand them; the manipulators fear them. The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them. We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life—if only to create some enthusiasm, release some energy--but where are they? We are asked to choose between various shades of the negative. The engine is falling to pieces while the joint owners of the car argue whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied. Notice how the cold, colourless men, without ideas and with no other passion but a craving for success, get on in this society, capturing one plum after another and taking the juice and taste out of them. Sometimes you might think the machines we worship make all the chief appointments, promoting the human beings who seem closest to them. Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache,I often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on the whole packed globe. The twin ideals of our time, organization and quantity, will have won for ever.

L11 Spies in Britain

Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel. In those days wandering minstrels were welcome everywhere. They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth, and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring.

While Alfred's little army slowly began to gather at Athelney, the king himself set out to penetrate the camp of Guthrum, the commander of the Danish invaders. These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. He noticed at once that discipline was slack: the Danes had the selfconfidence of conquerors, and their security precautions were casual. They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft.

Alfred stayed in the camp a week before he returned to Athelney. The force there assembled was trivial compared with the Danish horde. But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle : and that their commissariat had no organization, but depended on irregular raids.

So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy. He was constantly on the move, drawing the Danes after him. His patrols halted the raiding parties: hunger assailed the Danish army. Now Alfred began a long series of skirmishes--and within a month the

Danes had surrendered. The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!

L12 The Language of Hollywood

What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. This is compensated for by an outer impressiveness. Such impressiveness usually takes the form of truly grandiose realism.

Nothing is spared to make the setting, the costumes, all of the surface details correct. These efforts help to mask the essential emptiness of the characterization, and the absurdities and trivialities of the plots. The houses look like houses, the streets look like streets; the people look and talk like people; but they are empty of humanity, credibility, and motivation. Needless to say, the disgraceful censorship code is an important factor in predetermining the content of these pictures. But the code does not disturb the profits, nor the entertainment value of the films; it merely helps to prevent them from being credible. It isn't too heavy a burden for the industry to bear. In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera, which at times seems magical. But of what human import is all this skill, all this effort, all this energy in the production of effects, when the story, the representation of life is hollow, stupid, banal, childish ?

L13 Thames Waters

Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry. The peace which Oxford once knew, and which a great university city should always have, has been swept ruthlessly away; and no benefactions and research endowments can make up for the change in character which the city has suffered. At six in the morning the old courts shake to the roar of buses taking the next shift to  Cowley and Pressed Steel, great lorries with a double deck cargo of cars for export lumber past Magdalen and the University Church. Loads of motor-engines are hurried hither and thither and the streets are thronged with a population which has no interest in learning and knows no studies beyond servo-systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.

Theoretically the marriage of an old seat of learning and tradition with a new and wealthy industry might be expected to produce some interesting children. It might have been thought that the culture of the university would radiate out and transform the lives of the workers. That this has not happened may be the fault of the university, for at both Oxford and Cambridge the colleges tend to live in an era which is certainly not of the twentieth century, and upon a planet which bears little resemblance to the war-torn Earth. Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction, and the only fruit of the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.

L14 How to Grow Old

L15 The Consumer Social and the Law

When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person. Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor--who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer, unlike, say, a buyer of goods, cannot complain that the law is loaded against him.

The bank must obey its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.He gives the bank specimens of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheque on which its customer's signature has been forged.It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature. For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the modern practice, adoptedby some banks, of printing the customer's name on his cheques. If this facilitates forgery it is the bank which will lose, not the customer.

L16 The Search for the Earth’s Minerals

The deepest holes of all are made for oil,and they go down to as much as 25,000 feet. But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits. The holes are only borings, less than a foot in diameter. My particular experience is largely in oil, and the search for oil has done more to improve deep drilling than any other mining activity. When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick. It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle, and we have to lower into the ground and haul out of th. ground great lengths of drill pipe which are rotated by an engine at the top and are fitted with a cutting bit at the bottom.

The geologist needs to know what rocks the drill has reached, so every so often a sample is obtained with a coring bit. It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen he strata the drill has been cutting through. Once we get down to the oil,it usually flows to the surface because great pressure, either from gas or water,is pushing it. This pressure must be under control,and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe. We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher, which wastes oil and gas. We want it to stay down the hole until we can lead it off in a controlled manner.

L17 Learning to Live

The fact that we are not sure what 'intelligence' is, nor what is passed on, does not prevent us from finding it a very useful working concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which 'measure' it.

In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individual's ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations

.  This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law, and grammar schools, with the exception of a small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population. Since the number of grammar schools in the countrycould accommodate at most approximately 25 per cent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyse and syntiesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which arewithin his range of competence and understanding.

Lesson 12 The Language of Hollywood

to compensate sb. for his loss

to compensate for sth. 弥补           financial compensation 经济补偿

to compensate for his loss financially用经济手段补偿      impressiveness n. 感染力,令人难忘   impress v. 印象

impression n.  impressive a. impressionable a.

The movie is impressive.       He is impressionable. 情绪化的

impressionable age 易受影响的年龄

give sb. an impression/be under an impression 都带假象,turns out to be xxx                         leave sb. an impression 真的是     grandiose a. 浮夸的;壮观的               pretentious a. 做作的=affective

show 表演,炫耀 ostentatious 做作的,爱表现的        mask vt. 掩盖,伪装           gas mask 防毒面具 a mask ball 化妆舞会

mask my real intention of going on an outing. 掩饰了我真正的郊游企图

mask pill conceal 掩盖(企图等抽象事物)  hide and seek 捉迷藏

shield 盾 veil 面纱;掩盖,隐藏 screen 屏幕;遮盖,隐藏 riot police 防暴警察 triviality n. 琐事,细节        trivial a.琐碎的  humanity credibility n. 可信性

credible 可信的 incredible 不可信的 creduious 轻信的 believable 可信的 eatable=edible 后者是拉丁构词        motivation n. 激发力           motivate v. 激发

The intrest in english motivates me to learn it. Intrest is motivation.

drive/spur激发/stimulate刺激       needless to say              beyond doubt/question           without doubt

past question                          undoubtedly        disgraceful a. 不光彩的,丢人的          grace n. 优雅               graceful a. 优雅的       信达雅 graceful 雅         censorship n. 审查 census   predetermine vt.预先规定

prewar/postwar             prelaw a. 法律预科的 entertainment n. 娱乐

The movie entertains me.=The movie is an entertainment.=The movie is so entertaining.

entertain you lavishly    burden n. 负担

drag 累赘           hollow a. 空洞的         hollow-headed 没知识=hollow-hearted  hallow 神圣的   banal a. 平庸的           cliche 陈词滥调,a. 平庸的         stale 陈旧的,平庸的

corny 陈腐的              hackney 破旧的,陈腐的             n. banality  inner 内在的 emptiness 空洞      the characteristic of 特色是……(无特色句)         =What charcterizes… 特色恰恰是。。。(强调)

critical essay

This is compensated for... 被弥补  impressiveness 浮华

usually takes the form of 经常以什么形式出现       appear in the form of: 以这种形式出现

truly 表示真的            grandiose a. 浮夸        His works usually take the form of poetry.

Nothing is spared.= no effort is spared 用尽一切,不遗余力的                  spared 剩下

to make the setting 表目的   setting 布景                 costume 戏服     costume play 古装戏   surface details 表面的细节

essential=inner 本质的,内在的            characterization 刻画,描述

absurdity 荒谬             triviality 细节

unperson 僵化的人    humanity 人性   credibility 可信度        motivation 激情

censorship 审查制度  code=rule 规则,法规         is an important factor 很重要的一个因素

infamours notorious disgraceful 臭名昭著的

nor 否定并列

It isn't too heavey...to... 不是一个太重的负担,而不能够承受

at times=sometimes 有时候

childish 幼稚的 bannal 平庸的 hollow 空洞的

representation 体现 when 状语从句

of what human import=what human import is...of……be of 结构

All this skill,all this effort,all this energy...is of what human import...?


import 这里是重要性的意思 human import 人类的重要性

=How important is all this skill,all this effort,all this energy...to human...        L13 Thames Waters

         in character 本质上 ruthlessly 无情地 hither an thither 来来往往 throng 挤满 era 时代 transform 改变 make up for 弥补 endowments n. 才能

resemblance 相似 verge 边缘 pathetic 可怜的 Thames 泰晤士河 Oxford 牛津城          cattle n. 牛 calf n. 小牛,牛犊              Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队 cow n. 奶牛 ox n. 斗牛,公牛 太监牛

Cambridge 剑桥城     destroy v. 破坏(具体意思)       ruin 毁坏(名声,名誉,抽象意义) the scandal ruins...

over smoking ruins my health.

I'm ruined.=I'm down and out.=I'm down fall.=I'm broke.   ruth n. 怜悯,同情 sympathize v. 同情 ruthful a. 有同情心的 mercy n. 怜悯 merciless 无情的,残忍的

marble-hearted flinty-hearted 无情的 heartless         benefaction n. 为教堂的捐款 beneficiary 受益人 benefactor 施主

donation n. 捐款 donator 捐款者

endowment n.为研究、学校的捐款/上天捐给你的才能,智慧

I'm endowed with courage. 我浑身是胆。

gift,talent 天赋,资质

I have a gift(talent) for...         make up for 其他手段 make up for the test 补考 I will do a make up. 我要去补考。

compensate v. 经济手段       nature 本质        essential/in character     suffer 经受         I suffer a cold.<I suffer from a cold.

suffer from=have\catch          suffer        强调痛苦   shake to 随着...而振动 The building shakes to roaring wind.              to,with,from 表原因

I'm tired from standing.          roar n.轰鸣,吼叫,怒号; vi. 吼叫,怒号;v.滚动,咆哮

The man roared the boy into silence.

The man looked the boy into silence.        shift 轮班职工            I'm on day/night shift..  export 出口        import 进口

lumber 隆隆地前进    loads of 大批(车辆)        show of 一群(鱼)

hither an thither=here and there       throng v. 挤满    distributor 配电盘 camshaft 凸轴轮

seat 中心 Beijing is the seat of China.             hub n. 中心 heart n.  centre         trans- 越过去,穿越  transpacific a. 横渡太平洋的,太平洋彼岸的

translate v. 翻译 transport v. 运输          transplant v. 移植,移种      change (部分)改变          transform 完全改变

Wealth transforms his character(nature).   epoch 时代 epoch breaking 划时代的

era/age                 new era 新时代           usher in the new era 走进新时代 usher 领进          resemble v. 相似

He takes close/strong resemblance to his dad.   theatre 教坛,教室。 meter=metre

verge 边缘(抽象)   He is on the verge of disaster. 大难临头

brim n. 边,轮缘 the brim of a cup/hat           brink n. (水的)边缘;        cliff n. 悬崖,绝壁     the edge of knife 刀刃

margin n. 页面的空白/水周围的边缘 Water margins 水浒传           fringe n. 边缘    extinct v.

rarefied a. 高雅的;稀薄的 rarefy v. 稀薄,稀少

rarefied fashion; rarefied style; rarefied taste 高雅的...       pathetic 可怜的 sympathetic a. 有同情心的 (想人所想)

pity n. pitiable 可怜的          lamentable a. 可悲的   deplore v. 表示悲痛 deplorable 可怜的         The peace which Oxford once knew...拟人用法拟人  personification

There is/are great changes in our family.

=My family experienced/witnessed/saw so many changes in the past 20 years.        The peace...has been swept...

should always have... 注重加重语气     swept away 扫掉了 The harmony in my family is swept away.  in character 本质上     academic to commercialized         Industrial Revolution 工业革命

courts=classrooms/teaching area

shake to...随着。。。振动而摇摇欲坠 I woke up to a large sound noise.                taking the next shift-school bus       lumber 轰轰隆隆地穿越      loads of motor-engines 大批内燃机引擎

are hurried 表状态      thronged=crowded       population 一般不可数        knows no studies 什么都不懂,对学业一无所知  follow the crowd 走风潮,随大众       doomsday 末日

theoretically 理论上而言      an old seat of learning and tradition 学术和传统的中心

old-new  tradtion--wealthy   might be expected to...虚拟语气

some interesting children       driving force 推动力

That one hundred flowers are blossomed. 百花齐放 It might have been thought that... 虚拟语气,表明事实正好相反

It 形式主语指that从句

radiate out 辐射:spread;that is everyone can be one.

That is everyone possibly can be trained/educated.

transform the lives of the workers 彻底改变工人的生活           That...引导从句;this has not happened 作主语

may be the fault of the university 或许是大学的失误

tend to 身不由己         which the certainly not (era) of the 20th century

and (live) upon a planet which...     bear 拥有  little resemblance (几乎不)相似

war-torn 饱受战争折磨       poverty-hit area 贫民区

ideal理想状态    far from reality 脱离现实     Utopia n. 乌托邦,理想的完美境界

get down to the roots; so far away from me       the fact remains that it is the theatre at

which...强调句型         which 古式用法,It is...that is...   on the verge of extinction 处于灭绝的边缘 disaster/collapse/bankruptcy/death/despair

I was on the verge of despair.

and...          the only fruit of...唯一的果实

the dust in the streets 街上的灰尘 反语,表讽刺    and a pathetic sense of...一种可悲的感觉        hangs over 弥漫,悬挂       L14 How to Grow Old

oppress vt. 忧郁,压抑       depressed in low/high spirits

I'm a little down.  feel blue     justification n. 正当理由 reason-why    You have the justification to beat back

justifiably ad. 无可非议的   resonable/unquestionable/unmistakable/explicable      cheat sb. out of money 骗某人的钱        cheat in test          deceive 欺骗情感  hoax=play trick 玩笑性质的欺骗        abject a. 可怜的,下贱的,卑鄙的       pathetic 可怜

ignoble a. 不体面的,可耻的,卑鄙=disgraceful=infamous     impersonal a. 超越个人感情影响的      impersonal interest 广泛的爱好    impersonal verb 无主动词:It is raining hard.   ego n. 自我        egoism 个人主义                 altruism 利他主义       ego-trip 利己行为       egocentric a. 自我中心者的         recede vi. 退去            retreat 撤退        the economy recedes

bit by bit 渐渐地=little by little

increasingly ad. 日益,不断         I am increasingly wealthy/fat/moneyed/moneyless.

merge vi.融合  merger n. 兼并    merge oneself into the mass 打成一片    The beams merge into darkness.落日的余晖融入黑暗       passionately ad. 激昂的 dispassionate

fervent/ardent 炙热的,热情洋溢的      visible a. 易觉察的     vision n.  visual a.       visible to the naked eyes 可以被肉眼看到的  invisible man 隐形人

visibility 能见度          painlessly ad. 毫无痛苦地 do sth. painlessly 不费吹灰之力 effortless/trouble free      painstaking a.费力的,辛苦的

waterfall n. 瀑布 She wears waterfall. 她有着披肩长发。

vitality n. 精力 vigor 精力,活力        animation 活泼,又生气

weariness n. 疲惫感 worn out a. 疲倦的=dog-tired/fatigued/drained 课文注释5星级

killed in battle/in action 在战争中阵亡 battle 前不加定冠词    bitter 心情压抑,痛苦=painful     in the thought 一想到=thinging              at the thought/idea/mention/sight of 一...到

cheat of  剥夺 rob of/divest of/deprive sb. of sth.

joys and sorrows/ups and downs/thick and thin 人生的酸甜苦辣

in him to do:对他而言,在他看来      in him 插入语

waters 水域

L 17 The Consumer Society and the Law

intelligence n. 智力 intelligent a.   cute/smart   intellectual a. 智力的 n. 知识分子

Man are intellectually superior to animals.

pass on 衡量      He passes on. 他去世了       =judge to pass on one's intelligence          pass away;die   pass for:被认为,不能用被动只能用主动

reliance n. 依赖,依靠         rely=depend        rely on                 He relies on his parents. parasite 寄生虫          reliant reliable

self-reliant 自力更生的=self-dependent

working a. 起作用的 pill 药丸    dose 剂     The pill dose/works 有功效的       efficient 人效率高 effective 指物有效果的

a wide variety of 各种各样的 variety various样式很多的,不同的 variant变化的 variation 变化 very colored/formed 五颜六色的/各种形状的         multi-         multifunctional a.多功能       multinational 多国的

as a result of 由于...结果      consequence n. 结果   in result 后面一定不用of   He performed well,in result he got a pay rise. in consequence ad.结果

act n. 法案          pass/bill/motion an act            pay bills 帐单 act 幕  Today we got an act of god.倒霉。 He always put on an act. 摆谱

foundation n. 基金 foundation school教会学校      Peking Normal university 北京师大       missionary

available a. 可用的 Is water available? 有水喝吗? Are you available for a chat/party? 你有空吗? Is your bicycle available? avail  I avail myself of this opportunity to apply for this vacancy.  avail myself of 利用...机会     make use of  take an advantage of

accomodate vt. 容纳    This hall can accomodate 600 people.       accomodate oneself to 适应 accommodating a. 非常友善,乐于助人 accommodation n. 住所,英语用单数,美语用复数    boarding and lodging 食宿

at most 顶多

counteract vt. 抵消      counterclockwise 逆时针转 counterintelligence n. 反情报,反间谍  counterrevolution  n.反革命 neutralize a. 中和

specialzation n. 专门化         specialize speciality major      I specialize in chemistry.

synthesize vt. 综合 syndrome 并发症,综合症 synchronize v. 同步

verbal a. 文字的

competence n. 能力 competent a. 胜任的       imcompetent a. 没有能力的 performance 实际的行为   

New words and expressions

intelligence 智力

intelligent cute  intellectual a.智力的 n.知识分子

pass on 衡量

(1)He passes on(=pass away=die)委婉语

(2)衡量judge:to pass on 如:to pass on one's intelligence

(3)pass for 被认为 不能用被动,只能用主动

(4)pass 过了 pass grade

reliance 信赖,依靠

(1)rely=depend  He relies on his parents.(parasite:寄生虫)(drag:负担)

(2)reliant reliable值得信赖的 self-reliant自力更生(=self-dependent)

working 起作用的

pill:药丸 dose:剂 Dose is working. efficient:指人效率很高,做事麻利effective有效果的

The pill does.

a wide variety 各种各样

a wide variety of goods .   various  variant:变化的variantion变化 very colored/formed

mult-  multifunctional  multinational  multilateral talks bilateral:双边会谈

as a result of 由于…结果

As a result of his good performance, he got pay rise. Pay cut 减薪

consequence  in result后面一定不能出现of

He performed well; in result he got a pay rise.  in consequence

act 法案

pass bill motion pay bills act:第1幕 ,第1场 Today we got an act of got.

He always put on an act.摆谱

foundation 基金 Peking Normal University 北京师范大学 missionary

available 可用的

Is water available? 有水喝吗? Are you available?

Are you available for a chat?

Is your bicycle available?

avail  I avail myself of this opportunity to apply for this vacancy.

avail myself of 利用…的机会

make use of ;take advantage of

accommodate 容纳

The hall can accommodate 600 people.  accommodate oneself to 适应

accommodating accommodation:住所 boarding and lodging

at most 最多 at least

counteract 抵消

counteractclockwise逆时针转counterintelligence反情报 counterrevolution neutralize

act against

specialization 专门化

specialize  speciality major

I specialize in chemistry.  specialization 专业化

synthesize 综合  sympathy  syndrome 并发症 synchronize同步分

verbal 文字的  oral 口头 verbal expression ;oral expression

competence 能力

competent  incompetent没有能力的 performance 实际的行为

Notes on the text

British education system 第1段只有一句话 主语-the fact 谓语-does not prevent us 同位语

从句 nor:否定连接 passed on:衡量 useful ,working两个词相近  placing 和finding 并列

place….on….放置…..在上面=put  reliance依赖


superior inferior

even though we are not sure ….is,nor what is passed on….,and placing…文中更为高级

even though he stole,I find him a kind hearted man.

The fact that he stole,does not prevent me from finding him a kind hearted man.


sample:样品,受试者 subjects puzzle 拼字游戏

of various kinds- various kinds of puzzles and problems

ability toability in 后面跟名词    ability to:不定式

photograph  He has ability to take a photos.   ability in photography

have taken 主句是将来时  一般都用if we take

第一个动词:take  第二个动词:allow


if I master English,I will go abroad.  I have master……


he will reach—后置定语

occupation:职业   representative

make full use of his ability 人尽其才   potential

it will allow us :我们就会,我们能够   it—test 客观性

we can—主体在"我",主观性强


We can obtain the results.  The results are obtained.

became of    became:系动词  be of importance

secondary schooling 中学教育

谓语:became available   except


secondary schooling :12-18岁    higher education:19-23 岁

elementary     high school:junior high school, senior high school

nine year compulsory education    high tax   all free

compulsory courses :必修课     optional/selective courses

grammar schools:文法学校   technical schools:技校

since:由于  accommodate:容纳  approximately:about

test  eleven-plus:11岁以上   selection:选拔制度

Narrowly:狭隘的   academic—只侧重书面考试

quite rightly:有理由认为 heavily weighted

highly-academic 高度学术性的学校    test oriented 应试教育

academically biased homes    biased:偏 侧重于

scholal:学者 ,学术   scholastically biased homes :书香门第

My mom is biased toward my sister.

were  felt to be :被人们感觉到

The weather is felt to be uncomfortable.强调感受

intelligence testsdevised :被设计  specialization:专业化

intelligence tests 侧重 universal ability  应试的方向问题

assess:评估的意思general ability:综合能力  random:随意

progressive:递进  gravity 重力



连缀,两个以上如果做名词修饰,可以置后   连缀词可以做后置定语

complementary:互补     question:质问

西方教育强调free talk   第1段做为重点

ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds

have taken  it will allow us

This became of particular importance  系表结构+of结构

grammar school became available to


were felt…...to be heavily weighted in favour of ……

highly-academic academically biased

scholastically-acquired think,reason,judge,analyse,synthesize

Lesson 18 The Social Foundation of Science
Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific in industry. One is the general atmosphere of secrecy in which it is carried out, the other the lack of freedom of the individual research worker. In so far as any inquiry is a secret one, it naturally limits all those engaged in carrying it out from effective contact with their fellow scientists either in other countries or in universities, or even , often enough , in other departments of the same firm. The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably. Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret. Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out. Even more processes are never patented at all but kept as secret processes. This applies particularly to chemical industries, where chance discoveries play a much larger part than they do in physical and mechanical industries. Sometimes the secrecy goes to such an extent that the whole nature of the research  cannot be mentioned. Many firms, for instance,  have great difficulty in obtaining technical or scientific books from libraries because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having taken out such and such a book for fear the agents of other firms should be able to trace the kind of research they are likely to be undertaking.

New words and expressions

weigh 起作用

igh 100 pounds. I am 100 pounds in weight.  How much do you weight?


in favor of    load in favor of

ghed against    load/be loaded against


)   efficient高效的   effect:come into effect, take effect

(1) 称重:I we

What is your weight?

(2)起作用:It weighs

(3)对谁有利: weigh in favor of     be weighed

be loaded in favor of

(4)对谁不利:be wei

The jugement weighs in favor of the defendant.(被告)   原告:

effectiveness 成效


in so far as 因此

since, in that,  as for as sb, is concerned

赞成:agree ,support ,stant by your side

inquiry 调查研究





inquiry into(scientific)

inquire into sth. 对案件调查(scientific,a case)

inquire about(formal)

inquire after sb. 惦记某人

considerably相当地 程度词


=sb.+thoughtful, helpful, cooperative


I make considerable money.(=substantial)

positive 确实的

The result is positive.    His words are positively right.

He is positive in the class.(active)(活跃、积累)  positive:成阳性的

patent vt. 获得…专利权

My invention is patented=I’ll/I’d like to patent my invention.

获得专利:take out a patent  专利局 patent office 专利人:patentee专利许可者:patentor

(adj.)明显的,显著的=obvious   It is patent that he loves the girl.

seek for 寻求

seek for freedom/seek truth求是/seek for true love/seek for justice寻求正义/

seek after(指人)He is much sought after.他很抢手,红得发紫The book is sought after. 畅销


chance 偶然性的

It is my chance discovery.

Chance companion 萍水相逢

偶然发现的东西 I find it by chance. I chance to be there.

extent 程度

to some extent

agent 情报人员

be likely to…可能 it/sb.+likely/it+possible 可能性:likelihood

weight against 不利     heavily 副词

general secrecy 普遍存在的保密性   atmosphere:氛围,气氛   it—research

One …,the other the tack of freedom of the individual research worker.


My brother is a driver and my sister a nurse.

lack of freedom 没有自由度(个体区别)

general atmosphere(大环境)

research worker:研究者

In so far as 由于,因为

limit=prevent:阻止,限制 engaged in---后置定语 limit from 阻止effective 有效的fellow scientists 同行often enough 平凡

contact with 保持联系(v.)contact me   (n.)keep contact with me

vary v.变化It varies from one family to another. 家家情况都不同

be of 结构 general 普遍的 fundamental 基础的


a positive advantage 主语 to them 对他们而言

it---not to keep them secret (形式主语)

be open to any advice and suggestion 请多斧正

yet—转折  processs 研究过程such research---general and fundamental

are sought for 被追求

with complete secrecy 表示状语

until 直到

apply to 应用于

chance discoveries:偶然的发现

part 作用

highly predictable 高度可预测性

nature 本性,特点

have great difficulty in obtaining technical or scientific books from libraries…..

willing to do sth.

Have taken out 借书

for fear (一见这个词就是虚拟语气)唯恐,担心=in case,lest +(should) do

Have a difficulty in在这里=unwilling to do sth. 不愿做

I have a difficulty shopping with you.= I am unwilling to shop with you. 第一句强调客观性,第二句强调主观性


so as not to(口语)

trace=find 发现trace the route:寻觅踪迹

undertaking(carry out) 从事 Cheshire郡=county

The student goes to such an extent that he is rude to his teacher.

主语it—resarch     lim

limit from :阻止   contact 交流  effective有效的  fellow scientists同行

often enough 平凡  firm公司

contact with保持联系   (v.) co

touch    keep in tuch

vary变化=is diffient

be of 结构     general普遍的,基础的  fundamental基础


a positive adv

to them 对他们而言

it---not to keep them se

be open to any advice and suggestion

yet—转折    process研究过程

are sought for被追求表示状语:with complete secrecy

until:直到   industries:各个行业

where…..---表原因     chance di

part:作用     they do---chance discoveries

highly predictable高度可预测性     go to达

such….that如此,以至于    nature本性,特点

for instance 比如说(插入语)

have great difficulty in obtaining t


difficulty=trouble   have a difficulty=un

they are unwilling to 他们不想这样做

enter进入,签名sign签名=have sth. d

have taken out借书  for fear(虚拟)唯恐,担

have a difficulty in =unwilling to do sth.不愿做…..

I have a difficulty shopping with you.(强调客观性)

=I am unwilling to shop with you.(更强调主观性)

as 作为   for fear唯恐(一见这个词,就是虚拟

in case , lest+(should ) do

so as not to (口)


undertaking(=carry out) 从事     Cheshire:郡

to such an extent 达到如此的效果

The student goes to such an extent that at he is rude to his teacher

L19 English Social Differences

A gentleman is, rather than does. He is interested in nothing in a professional way. He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. He must know how to ride and shoot and cast a fly. He should have relatives in connection in the diplomatic service. But there are weaknesses in the English gentleman's ability to rule us today. He usually knows nothing of political economy and less about how foreign countries are governed. He does not respect learning and prefers 'sport '.The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development. Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he is passionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and method of production. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called 'character,' which means, in a gentleman's mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyalties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm. He is incapable of that imaginative realism which admits that this is a new world to which he must adjust himself and his institutions, that every privilege he formely took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare. the army and navy and at least one.

New words and expressions

professional n. 职业的

cultivate vt. 培养

hobby n. 业余爱好

eccentricity n. 怪癖

cast a fly 垂钓

diplomatic service 外交部门

govern vt. 治理

adequacy n. 适当

grave a. 严重的

sufficiently ad. 充分地

inadequately ad. 不充分地 disbelieve vt. 不相信

devoted a. 热心的

excessive a. 过分的

incurable a. 不可救药的

neotism n. 裙带关系

discount vt. 看轻

mystic a. 神秘的

entity n. 存在,本质

narrowness n. 狭隘

quality n. 品质

estate n. 社会阶层

realm n. 王国

realism n. 现实主义

adjust vt. 使适应

privilege n. 特权

relevant a. 有关的

difference n. 差异

1.professional n. 职业的 通常略写为prof  [反]amateur

[辨异]profession, occupation, job

profession "专业",强调highly skilled/highly educated, such as lawyer, doctor, IT engineer, architect

occupation: normal and general,everybody can have an occupation


You did a good job.

[注意]technical/vocational school 职业学校 vocation 职业

2.cultivate vt. 培养 [同]nurture, develop, foster

cultivate a hobby/habit

He is well cultivated/educated/bred/trained. 他很有教养。

3.hobby n. 业余爱好

[辨异]mania, hobby, pastime, diversion

mania 颠狂,狂热,癖好 hobby n. 业余爱好

pastime 消遣

diversion 消遣,指转移注意力,换换脑筋。

4.eccentricity n. 怪癖 [同]odd

eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的

concentric  同轴的,同心的

[辨异]eccentric, outlandish, grotesque

eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的


outlandish clothes奇装异服  You are oddball.你太怪异不合群了

grotesque 怪诞的,艺术、美术、文学中的怪诞派、怪异的作品

5.cast a fly 垂钓[同]go fishing, on the fishing trip(悠闲垂钓)

cast a net 撒网,为了生存捕鱼  lure 诱饵 v. 引诱

6.diplomatic service 外交部门

airline service航空公司

travel service/agency 旅行社

diplomacy 外交 diplomat 外交官

He is a diplomat. 他是一个左右逢源的人。

He is a philosopher.


7.govern vt. 治理

government/governing body 政府

governor 州长

governess 女家教

benevolent government 仁政 benevolent a. 慈善的

8.adequacy n. 适当 [同]sufficient [反]inadequate

He often doubts his adequacy as a father.

=He often doubts whether he is adequate as a father.


[辨异]deficient, sparse, meager


sparse 稀少

meager 贫乏的,不充分的,不足的 suffice vi 足够 vt.使满足

The food is meager for winter.

9.grave a. 严重的  n. 坟墓

[同]solemn, serious, severe

have one foot in the grave 来日不多了

grave situation 严峻的形势 gravity 地球引力,严重

10.disbelieve vt. 不相信

dis- 多做动词的反义词

disappear 消失

disbelieve 不相信

11.devoted a. 热心的

[同]committed, dedicated

devote v.

devote oneself to sth

be devoted to sth


He devoted himself to researches.

He is devoted to researches. 他致力于研究。

She is devoted to her children.


这里,devoted相当于spoil, pamper

12.excessive a. 过分的

[同]immoderate [反]moderate

Excessive studying bores/tires me.


Excessive smoking harms/does harm to the health.


Excessive smoking is dangerous.

extreme 极端的

13.incurable a. 不可救药的

cure 治疗

cure sb 为某人治病

cure sb of 治某人的……病

curable 可治疗的

to breathe one's last 奄奄一息

He is beyond cure/remedy.


引申为他不可救药了。=He is rotten to the core.

People heat him to death.


I'm hungry to death.


[注意]不能说成I starve to death.

14.nepotism n. 裙带关系

It means giving of favors to his relatives/relations by a person/man in the high position or promoting the people closest to


backdoor "后门"

15.discount vt. 看轻

count 数

I count on him. 我看重/器重他。

discount 打折 以物做宾语

I discount what he sales.

contempt/belittle/look down on 以人做宾语

16.mystic a. 神秘的,带有宗教色彩


occult 神秘的,玄妙的

supernatural 超自然的

metaphysical 形而上学的

Garden of Eden 伊甸园

nether world 阴间

heavenly world 天堂

17.narrowness n. 狭隘

He is narrow-minded. 他心胸狭窄。

He is narrow-sighted/shortsighted.  他目光短浅。

narrow escape 九死一生

18.quality n. 品质

He is a man of quality. 他是一个高尚的人。

a lady of quality 贵妇

19.estate n. 社会阶层,房地产

class, hierarchy, stratification 都有阶层的意思。

real estate 不动产

personal estate 动产

estate agent 房地产商

20.realm n. 王国(抽象概念)

kingdom 具体概念

mental realm 思想境界

literature realm 文学界

flim/movie realm 电影界

[辨异]estate, domaln, sphere

estate 社会阶层

domain n. 领域

domain name 域名

sphere 球,球形,球体,球面,范围,领域

realism n. 现实主义

realistic 现实主义的性格

realist 现实主义者[反]idealist理想主义者

21.adjust vt. 使适应

adjust oneself to new environment

be adjust to

He is well adjusted. 他好相处。

22.privilege n. 特权,英国英语常用


mp(member of parliament)议员

privileged class 特权阶层

underprivileged class 弱势阶层

privileged car/cab 专车

23.relevant a. 有关的

be relevant to 和…

24.difference n. 差异

make no difference 没关系

It makes no difference wheather you come or not.

make difference 关系重大

different from(英式英语)=different than (美式英语)

Notes on the text

1.A gentleman is, rather than does.


2.in a professional way=professional

3.be allowed:绅士这一阶层受社会的约束,不是随便什么都可以做的。


practise law= to be a lawyer

practise medicine= to be a doctor

vocation: 职业

=to offer help and aid, for example, priest, doctor, nurse

He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation.

这句话的意思是:绅士是绝对不能脱离他的阶层,不允许mix with the masses(与大众为伍),否则就会很庸俗。

4.ride:骑马 navy:海军 army:陆军 5.rule:治国

6.political economy:政治经济学

less about:更不要提=not to mention/not to speak of

I know nothing of maths, not to mention English. 我不懂数学,就更别提英语了。

7.learning:学术sport:指前面说的" ride and shoot and cast a fly"

8.The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function:


set for society:做后置定语             virtue:品德

the type= the kind= the class 阶层

so much as, not…… but, 前面有否定式,so much as= but

His success is not by talent so much as by energy.


It is not the hours that tell so much as the way we use them.


It is the man that behind the gun tells.




9.arise= appear,常搭配副词here, there


pursue: 追求

10.attend to= be concerned with 关注

attend to 后面只能跟名词、动名词

While I am out/away, please attend to my house.


11.in finance and method of production:金融和生产方法

12.widespread: 普遍的

discounting ability:轻视才能          entity 特质

character= nature

in a gentleman's mouth:在绅士的嘴里

the qualities he traditionally possesses himself:他自己传统上所拥有的品质

13.social loyalties= loyalty to society= social duties 社会职责

be loyal to 对……忠诚  narrowness 狭隘

have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm:已把自己放到这个王国中


range: 排列         range against: 作对

incapable of that imaginative realism:无法接受充满想像力的现实

14.admit= demand 要求

institution= custom  社会习俗

he formerly took as of right:他以前取得作为……的权力

took as= regard as 看待

took as of 是古英语用法,相当于今天的took as

he is taken as a black sheep.



he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare: 只能通过提供证据说明此项权力与社会福利直接有关才能得到

15.Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, Invests the Maharajah of Cochin with the Star of India in 1903


invest in:投资 invest with:授予 Lord:爵士,勋爵

L20 Man, the Unknown
In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. The great cities have been built with no regard for us. The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. Civilized men like such a way of living. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling,they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life. The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of  dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes,coal dust, and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxi-cabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. Obviously, it has not been planned for the good of its inhabitants.

New words and expressions

physiological a. 生理的

mental a. 精神的

neglect vt. 忽视

expand vi. 扩张

consideration n. 考虑

effect n. 影响

descendent n. 子孙,后代

mode n. 方式

existence n. 生存

impose vt. 强加

with no regard for 不关心

deprive vt. 剥夺

skyscraper n. 摩天大楼

tenant n. 租户

gigantic a. 巨大的

civilize vi. 使文明

luxury n. 豪华 dwelling n. 住所

monstrous a. 畸形的

edifice n. 大厦

petrol fumes 汽油味

monstrous a. 畸形的

edifice n. 大厦 petrol fumes 汽油味

ceaselessly ad. 不停地

1.physiological a. 生理的

physics/physical+ biology/biological

motel 汽车旅馆 motor+ hotel

smog 烟雾 smoke+ fog

biochemisty 生化  biology+ chemistr

anthrax 炭疽热

2.mental a. 精神的

mental work 脑力劳动

mental worker 脑力劳动者

physical/manual work 体力劳动

mental ground 思想境界

mental outlook 精神面貌

mental/natural age 心理/真实年龄

mental patient 精神病人

mental hospital 精神病院

mentality n. 智力

3.neglect vt. 忽视

[辨异]neglect, ignore

She is neglected at the party. 宴会上人们都没有注意到她。(客观)

She is ignored at the party. 宴会上人们都不理她。(主观,人们明明看见她了可是都故意不理她。)

4.expand vi. 扩张

expansion n. 扩充,开展,膨胀,扩张物,辽阔,浩瀚

consideration n. 考虑

take all into consideration 把一切都考虑在内

My father/dad doesn't give the consideration to me.


5.effect n. 影响

[辨异]effect, influence, impact

effect (直观的,可以目睹的)影响

influence (潜移默化的,看不见的)影响

impact (突然的,瞬时的)影响

6.descendent n. 子孙,后代

descend v. 下去            ascend v. 上升

ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗

I'm a Chinese descendent.


offspring n. 儿女,子孙,后代    没有复数

posterity n. 子孙,后裔                 没有复数

successor n. 继承人,继任者

7.mode n. 方式

mode of existence 生存方式

live a mouth-to-hand existence 生活过得不富裕

make ends meet 勉强维持生活

8.impose vt. 强加

impose on (注意介词是on)

wield(挥舞) on

My dad is imposing. 我爸爸威严无比。

9.with no regard for 不关心

The boss ran his business with no regard for the welfare of the workers. 老板开工厂从不关心工人的利益。

10.skyscraper n. 摩天大楼

towering building 高耸入云的,象塔一样

highrise 高层的,高层建筑的

The is no scarcity of skyscraper in New York.


11.gigantic a. 巨大的 (体积)

giant adj. 巨大的,庞大的

Yaoming is a gaint.

giant panda 大熊猫

huge adj. (体积)庞大

vast adj. (面积)巨大

volume n. 体积  titanic=colossal

12.civilize vi. 使文明

civilization n. 文明

civil adj. 全民的,市民的

savage adj. 野蛮的,野性的

13.luxury n. 豪华

luxuriant adj. 丰产的,丰富的,肥沃的,奢华的

The lady bought so many luxuries.  这个女人买了很多奢侈品。

14.dwelling n. 住所 抽象概念 only used in formal

city dweller 城市人

residence n. 居住,住宅  inhabitant 居民

resident adj. 居住的; n. 居民 reside+at比较正式

inhabit v. 居住,栖息 n. 民族部落      torrid area 热带

We inhabit the earth. 我们居住在地球。

注意inhabit 后面没有介词。

15.deprive vt. 剥夺

invest/devest sb. Of sth.

deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的……

I'm deprived. 我一无所有

deprived class 贫民阶层 proletariat 无产阶级

bourgeois 资产阶级 possess 拥有 dispossess 抢夺

invest 投资 devest 剥夺

16.monstrous a. 畸形的

monster n. 魔鬼,怪物

He is a monster. 他奇丑无比。

gorilla n. 大猩猩 (最丑)

17.edifice n. 大厦

The whole edifice of his hope collapsed.

mansion n. 大厦

a dream of red mansions 红楼梦 west chamber 西厢记

18.petrol fumes 汽油味

petrol 汽油[英]=gasoline 汽油[美]

petroleum 石油

19.ceaselessly ad. 不停地

cease 的用法与stop 一样

cease doing /cease to do

cease fire 停火

Notes on the text

1. The article is about: 工业带来的巨大影响

In the organization of industrial life……在工业生活的组织方面

the influence of the factory ……has been completely neglected


upon 常用于书面语=on 常用于口语

the physiological and mental state of the workers


in the organization of social life→in social life→society

in organization family life→family life→in a family

in the organization of Industrial life=in Industrial life

academic 学术的

in academic life→at school

2.Modern industry is based on the conception of 现代工业是建筑在以……的概念的基础上

concept: very basic, very concrete idea

conception= notion 理念

the maximum production 最大的规模生产

at lowest cost 最低的成本

in order that……表目的,以使得

individual 这里指manager, owner, CEO

3.It has expanded it指industry

without any idea= without giving any consideration 没有考虑

the true nature of the human beings 人的本性

the effects produced on …… the factory

produced 作后置定语

without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants 这是个歧义句

artificial intelligence 人工智能

with no regard for/without any idea/without giving any consideration

4. have been built with 修建起来,完善起来

5.shape 形状

entirely= completely

income 收入

per square foot of ground 每一平方公尺,名词短语做状语,省略by necessity of 需求

offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb 向某人提供东西


6.this caused ……引发

masses 百姓

7.civilized man 文明人


8.enjoy 欣赏,享用

banal 平庸,庸俗

the necessities of life: 生活的自然,相互交际

9.modern city 现代都市

consist of 组成

monstrous edifices 奇形怪状的高楼大厦

dark, narrow streets 狭窄黑暗的街道

full of petrol fumes 充满了汽油味

coal dust 煤灰

[辨异]toxic, poisonous

toxic adj. 有毒的(含毒)

Smoking is toxic.

poisonous adj. 有毒的(全部含毒)

torn by the noise of the taxi-cabs, lorries and buses 夹杂着出租汽车、大卡车和公共汽车的喧闹声

torn tear的过去分词

I was torn by the choice of going aboard or staying home.

taxi 来自法语,"费"的意思

cab: carriage

throng 拥挤

10.it 指城市

for the good of= for one's benefits= for one's behalf= for one's interests= in the interest of sb  为……着想

L21 Science Makes Sense
In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit. This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits. It overran a whole continent. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit (and apparently no other animal) was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis. By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows, local epidemics of this disease could be created. Later it was found that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits. So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes, Australia was encouraging this one. It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and drastically reduced the rabbit population. lt later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated. There were hopes, however, that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable.

Ironically, Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence. A French physician decided to get rid of the wild rabbits on his own estate and introduced myxomatosis. It did not, however, remain within the confines of his estate. It spread through France where wild rabbits are not generally regarded as a pest but as a sport and a useful food supply, and it spread to Britain where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but where domesticated rabbits, equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry. The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.

L22 Window in the Sea
There has long been a superstition among mariners that porpoises will save drowning men by pushing them to the surface, or protect them from sharks by surrounding them in defensive formation. Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that, however intelligent they may be, it is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of life-saving. On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or for sport,as in riding the bow waves of a ship. In 1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress. If, as has been reported, they have protected humans from sharks, it may have been because curiosity attracted them and because the scent of a possible meal attracted the sharks. Porpoises and sharks are natural enemies. It is possible that upon such an occasion a battle ensued, with the sharks being driven away or killed. Whether it be bird, fish or beast, the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive. They are constantly after the turtles, the Ferdinands of marine life, who peacefully submit to all sorts of indignities. One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane. Almost any day a young porpoise may be seen trying to turn a 300-pound sea turtle over by sticking his snout under the edge of his shell and pushing up for dear life. This is not easy, and may require two porpoises working together. In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly. This knocks the turtle down several feet. He no sooner recovers his equilibrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him another crack. Eventually the turtle has been butted all the way down to the floor of the tank. He is now satis- fied merely to try to stand up, but as soon as he does so a porpoise knocks him flat. The turtle at last gives up by pulling his feet under his shell and the game is over.

New words and expressions

porpoise  n. 海豚 总称词(general) : dolphin  n. 海豚科动物 / human --> man woman

shark  n. 鲨鱼 / he is a shark 他是个大骗子

Marine Studio 海洋摄影室 marine 海洋 submarine 潜水艇 marine product 海产品

fresh marine product 海鲜 mariner/sailor/seaman 水手

studio: 工作室

unconscious  a. 不省人事 <辨> conscientious 有良知的

narcose 昏迷的


beaver  n. 海狸

ashore  ad. 上岸 / 只要具有a+动词/形容词,都是表语词 asleep, awake, acrawl, afloat, adrift 都具有表语特点 ,只能说he is 不能用定语结构,不能说asleep man.

scent  n. 香味 scent 身体发出味道fragrance—flower, tree, grass,香山 fragrant hills. / aroma 强烈的味道 / perfume : 香水(aroma)

ensue  vt. 接着发生 ensue year: 来年(following year)

preceding year : 前一年

intrigue vt. 引起兴趣  正式新闻体journalism

常用 / 普通arrest, capture, seize, grab+attention

The event is intriguing (interesting)

turtle  n. 海龟 turtle-neck : 高领毛衣

indignity  n.侮辱 dignity 尊严It is beneath his dignity for a gentleman to lie.

stand on one's dignity 保持尊严

He stood on his dignity by rejecting the money his boss gived him.

It is an indignity to say sorry in public.

lose face , humiliation , insult 侮辱

shove  vt. 硬推

There was much shoving on getting on the bus. / He shoved me to the ground.

aquaplane  n. 驾浪滑水板 aqua 水+plane 木板

oceanarium  n. 水族馆 ocean + arium / rium:地点 stadium 工体 gymnasium :体育馆

stick  vt. 把------插入 I got the wrong end of the stick.我听不懂。

I stick at home. / I stick to my word. 我说话算数。

I'm stuck on the movie.这部影片让我着迷。

stick on: 迷恋

The bad habit sticks to me . 这个坏习惯我就是改不了。

shell  n. 动物身上的甲 bone and shell script 甲骨文

for dear life 拼命地 dear 宝贵的

chase sb. for dear life ./ dear enemy 天敌

swoop  vi 猛扑 pounce 狮子老虎扑 海洋动物用swoop

butt  vt. 碰撞I butt him in the stomach. / Can I butting (interrupt)?

belly  n. 腹部 under chest; beer belly, belly laugh  / stomach 胃

abdomen医学用语, paunch大腹便便

crack  n. 重击  crack case 破案  crack bottle 开瓶 crack smile: 绽放笑容

crack book : 读书 / crack English : speak quickly , clearly, loudly

Notes on the text  3stars

1. There has long been…

long 表完成时 = for a long time, for long, 一般在助动词后

2. superstition : 迷信

3. 同位语从句 …mariners that ….

4. formation : 阵形 defensive : 防御型的 offensive : 进攻型的

5. however = no matter how

credit:给……颁发奖赏 credit with

7. on the occasions (场合),接后置定语时只能用when, 不能用where

8. out of curiosity:出于好奇 out of instinct 出于本能 out of conscience 出于良心

9. bow waves of a ship 船头滑过的波浪 ,乘风破浪前进

10. waterlogged : 浸透的 mattress 木排,柴排

11. Whether it be… = Whether it(may/might) be… 表让步 ,无论是

12. constantly 不停地 be after 追逐

13. Ferdinands : bull 西班牙的斗牛 ,引申为容易受欺负的人

14. calf : 不到一岁的小动物

15. snout : 嘴 tank : 水池

16. equilibrium : 平衡 equal 是词头

17. no sooner than : as soon as  , scarcely / hardly… when  当…就

18. eventually : 最终(故事描叙一般用), 普通口语可用finally

19. 第二段篇幅过大 ,用superstition不严密,应该换成legend。

20. 写文章一点要写清目的性:where, when , what time ….

L23 The Stuff of Dreams
It is fairly clear that the sleeping period must have some function, and because there is so much of it the function would seem to be important. Speculations about its nature have been going on for literally thousands of years, and one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest.' Rest ', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down. The body's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree, and function best when more or less continuously active. In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.

If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less. The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental. In l960 an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep. He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movements, some drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid. People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming. When woken at other times they reported no dreams. If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were not exhibiting eye-movements, the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected. The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.

New words and expressions

speculation  n. 推测 speculate , predict; speculation: without a complete knowledge

predict: based on solid foundation

I can predict in the near future there will be new type of mobilephone that is visible


speculate about/on sth. in stocks/ speculator 投机者

literally  ad. 确实literal / literature / literate / illiterate / illiteracy / antiilliteracy

literal translation 直译法

free translation /paraphrase , I am here today and gone tomorrow.

word to word 逐字翻译法 strict

The children are literally hungry. 孩子们真的饿了。(ambiguous sentence)

odd  a. 奇特的eccentricity / eccentric,oddity / eccentricity , odd month 大月/

leap month 闰月 /even month 小月, bizarre/ weird / outlandish 怪

in terms of … 就…而言In terms of our family, we would like to go on an outing .

As for … with regard to

Regarding/in respect of / as for

tissue  n. 组织(纤维,神经,肌肉…组织) face tissue 面巾纸

plausible  n. 似乎有理的;

区别reasonable;actually        plausible : seemingly to

What you said is reasonable. I will accept it.

What you said is plausible, but it is not very practical nowadays.convincing / persuasive

hypothesis  n. 假说  thesis / theory + hypo/ under

hypotension 低血压 ,hypocritical 伪善的, hypocrite 伪君子

hyper                   hypertension 高血压 ,hypercritical/picky/finicky 太挑剔hypersensitive 过敏 I am hypersensitive to beef / alcohol.

electroencephalograph  n. 脑电图仪electro / encephalo / graph , encephalitis 脑膜炎

electrode  n. 电极 lightning rod 避雷针

scalp  n. 头皮 skull 头颅 , have the scalp of sb. 取胜某人

psychiatrist  n. 精神病学家 psychology  心理学

punctuate vt. 不时介入 punctuate the passage 给段落加注标点 ,punctuation 标点符号

  He punctuates in our talk.

  butt in 插句话

  punctual / on the dot / in good time / puncture/ acupuncture 针灸术

jerky  a. 急动的 jerk 烦/bore / trial / nuisance

snore / How he snores!

What a jerk / bore / trial / nuisance

on end  连续不断地 I have been learning English for a month on end.

It has been raining for three days on end.

disorder  n. 失调 order , mental disorder 精神紊乱

nervous / nerve war 心理战

    disorderly , disorderly house / casino / gambling house 赌场

legal / handcuffs 手铐

Las Vegas / in rags / as poor as a church mouse

implication  n. 表明

imply v. 暗示  What does the second speaker imply ?

You said it. / You can say it again.

explicate v. 说明 阐明

Notes on the text

1. sweet dream / nightmare / nightmarish experience / dream a dream

  die a glorious death  英勇就义

  live a comfortable life  过着舒服的生活

  tie a tie  打个领带

2. fairly 相当

I am rather sad.  rather clouding

It is fairly sunny.  He is fairly handsome. He is rather mean. 龌龊

some : certain

4. nature : 本质

5. literally: actually

6. dream telling / dream teller / fortune teller / palm reader

7. looks as if 看起来像

8. overthrow our former hypothesis 推翻了我们以前的论点

9. a brief period of…     of可有可无

10. to a degree : to some extent / in a sense

   Everybody is self-repairing.

   muscle stretch / flexibility / spring / elastic self-correcting / self-adjusting

11. when more or less continuously active. 省略了主语tissues 和谓语are  如果出现 when / if / though 句型做状语从句,而主句的主,谓语与从句主,谓语相同,则从句的主,谓语可以省略。I got to the school though (I was) late.

12. be concerned with : be about

be concerned about  关心

13. might be 表示虚拟语气

were it not = if it were not  for : because   but for 若不是

   If it were not for his timely help, I would not survive.

   But for his timely help, I would not survive.

14. attaching 连接 attaching to

15. pattern : type           lie flat / lie on one's side / lie on stomach

16. Brain is the center / headquarter

17. fundamental 基本

significant / important The brain does not rest.

18. dealing with : be concerned with

19. average : common  sleep cycle 睡眠周期

burst 爆发 drifting 飘

20. ogle v. 抛媚眼       I ogle her.

21. exhibiting : showing

  L24 Going out for a Walk
Walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it. My objection to it is that it stops the brain. Many a man has professed to me that his brain never works so well as when he is swinging along the high road or over hill and dale This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on a Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure. Experience teaches me that whatever a fellow-guest may have of power to instruct or to amuse when he is sitting in a chair, or standing on a hearth-rug, quickly leaves him when he takes one out for a walk. The ideas that come so thick and fast to him in any room, where are they now ? where that encyclopaedic knowledge which he bore so lightly ? where the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started ? The man's face that was so mobile is set now; gone is the light from his fine eyes. He says that A (our host) is a thoroughly good fellow. Fifty yards further on, he adds that A is one of the best fellows he has ever met. We tramp another furlong or so and he says that Mrs A is a charming woman. Presently he adds that she is one of the most charming women he has ever known. We pass an inn. He reads vapidly aloud to me:'The King's Arms. Licensed to sell Ales and Spirits.' I foresee that during the rest of the walk he will read aloud any inscription that occurs. We pass a milestone. He points at it with his stick, and says' Uxminster. II Miles.' We turn a sharp corner at the foot of the hill. He points at the wall, and says' Drive Slowly.' .I see far ahead, on the other side of the hedge bordering the high road, a small notice-board. He sees it too. He keeps his eye on it. And in due course.'Trespassers,' he says, 'will be Prosecuted.' Poor man !—mentally a wreck.

New words and expressions

For…sake 为……缘故

=for the sake of

Art for art's sake 艺术至上 Learn for learning's sake 学就是学

Play for playing's sake 玩就是玩

I will send you home for safety's sake /安全起见

for god's sake   务必

eg..  please come to my birthday party for god's sake

for old's sake  看在老交情的份上

Liming,would you give me five hundred dollar for old sake's sake.

I 'm in poverty. Please spare me for old sake's sake

Objection to反对

He odjects to this suggestion

Mom objects to the match.(match 婚事)

Be oppsee to; take exception to 反对

Laudable adj. 值得称赞的

Laud 赞颂,赞扬 Praise

Laud sb to skies 把某人捧上天


Bush hailed the sound relationship between China and U.S

Ode 赋 // If winter comes,can spring be far behind?

Exemplary adj. 值得效法的

Exemplar 典范

Praiseworthy 值得称赞的

Admirable 值得仰慕的

Profess   vt.声称

Announce, claim, declare

    He professed himself to be a Christian.

Announce :make public

Declare 通过法规来宣称

declare the war on Japan  I declare the opening of the Game.

Swing    vi.溜达,轻快地走

  Swing 秋千 Stroll 溜达 I strolled on the street.


Jog 慢跑

promenade 漫步 //I take my dog to promedade.

dale     n.山谷

boast    n.自夸的话

partake of   参与    take part in

encyclop(a)edic    adj.广博的

He is very encyclopaedic./comprehensive/all-inclusive/embracive/all ranging

kindling n.引火线

tramp  vi. 步行

furlong  n.1/8英里

Vapidily     adv.乏味地



License vt.准许 (书面的)

Permit 准许 普通词

   License plate 车上的牌照

   Driving license 驾照

   He permits me to go

Ale n.啤酒

Spirits  n.烈酒

Inscriptio n.题词 Hedge n.树篱 Trespasser n.侵犯者

Invader 侵略者 Infringer 侵权者( copyright) Offender (法律)

Wreck n.健康极度受损的人

I'm only a wreck of my former self.。

My health goes from bad to worse.。我的身体一天不如一天

prosecut    vt.起诉

plaintiff 原告(刑事)defender 辩护者material evidence 物证

verbal evidence 证词 witness 目击者 jury 陪审团(12人)

Notes on the text 5 stars

1. walking for walking's sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practice it.Gone is the light from his fine eyes.

walking for walking's sake 是主语

   as…as 同级比较句

   it is held to be (by) 被……以为

   maintain;view;argue;decide;hold ->认为(formal)

Sec->Walking for walking's sake is laudable and exemplary thing whick is held to be……


2.many a

   many a time 许多次

many an occasion 许多场合

   many a thing 许多事情 后面的动词用单数形式

highway 高速路 high road means high moutian

road 山路over hill and dale 翻山越岭

boast 自吹自擂 confirm 证实

介词of 后的句子是介词宾语

adventure 在这儿有两层意思:1)go to mountains 2)mental adventure

hearth:fireplace    hearth-rug 用来装饰的地毯

3.whatever 是主语(后边可以用of 结构)


to instruct:to teach

a fellow guest(共同赴宴的人)may have 做谓语

fellow worker/actor 同事/演员搭挡

4.So thick(丰富的) and fast(迅捷的)



eg.Women,who can live with/without them? (表感叹)

   The man,who I respect and love so much,where is he now?

fancy 奇思妙想 bore--bear 负载

play 在这儿是发挥作用的意思play over 对……发挥作用

5. mobile 丰富set 僵化(没有思维了)

gone is the light ……倒装句

fine art 工笔艺术  fine eyes 睿智的眼神


inn 小旅馆(tavern 最小的……-)客栈)I foresee 我预想

presently ad. 不久

milestone 里程碑

sharp corner 急转弯

notice board 提示牌

in due course:at the very moment

  L25 The Snake
How it came about that snakes manufactured poison is a mystery. Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. It was not forced upon them by the survival competition; they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do. Poison to a snake is merely a luxury; it enables it to get its food with very little effort, no more effort than one bite. And why only snakes ? Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; no running rights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits just a bite and no more effort needed. In fact it would be an assistance to all the carnivorae--though it would be a two-edged weapon -When they fought each other. But, of the vertebrates, unpredictable Nature selected only snakes (and one lizard). One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes concocted poison of such extreme potency.

In the conversion of saliva into poison one might suppose that a fixed process took place. It did not; some snakes manufactured a poison different in every respect from that of others, as different as arsenic is from strychnine, and having different effects. One poison acts on the nerves, the other on the blood.

The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras and their venom is called neurotoxic. Vipers (adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison, which is known as haemolytic. Both poisons are unpleasant, but by far the more unpleasant is the blood poison. It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is , so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison. This,however,means nothing. Snakes did not acquire their poison for use against man but for use against prey such as rats and mice, and the effects on these of viperine poison is almost immediate.

L26 Virtue and a Fast Gun

William S. Hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns. From 1914 to 1924 he was supreme and unchallenged. It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film, and devised the protagonist he played in every film he made, the good-bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw, or the honest but framed cowboy, or the sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip; in short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment.

Unlike most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, Hart actually 'knew something of the old West. He had lived in it as a child when it was already disappearing, and his hero was firmly rooted in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier. And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized, myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization.

Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indian were bewildered by politicians, bankers and business-men, and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos. Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider, always one of the disinherited, and if he found it necessary to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank along the way, his early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive, especially when it was Hart who, in the end, overcame the attacking Indians.  Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple. We still do; living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives, we all want a code to live by.

New words and expressions

supreme    a. 首屈一指

super  超级

supreme court 最高法院

supreme people's court 最高人民法院

intermediate 中级

supremacy   n.首屈一指male supremacy 大男子主义male supremacist 大男子主义者

grey mare 胜过丈夫的妻子second to none 最高的

India is second to China in population.

second to 仅次于

protagonist n.主角、正面角色---antagonist 反面角色

leading role 主角supporting role 配角 extra 跑龙套starring 领街

outlaw    n.亡命徒

outlaws in the green wood 绿林好汉

brigand 地匪,流窜犯

highway man 打劫的

fake 假的

deliver 给 (打劫的时候用)fake 假的

framed    a.遭到陷害的

sheriff     n.司法长官

vicious     a.恶毒的 vice n. 恶毒 wicked 恶毒的 venom 蛇毒venomous 恶毒的 heinous 恶毒的 malicious 邪恶的

gossipn. 流言蜚语(personal) rumor 谣言,传闻

It is rumored that he robbed the bank.

gossip monger 传谣言的人

in short  总之 in brief /in a word 总之

environment  n 环境 无复数 natural 自然环境 circumstance 人文环境surrounding 环境 setting

under the environment 在……情况下

environment makes man.环境造就人

vanished     a.消失了的

absurdlyad 荒诞的

arena   n.竞技场 amphitheater 圆形剧场 political arena 政治舞台

bullflighting 斗牛

encroaching    a.渐渐渗入的

encroach 侵犯

American culture is encroaching globally.

penetratin 渗入

His speeh is penetrating. 他的演讲有穿透力。

India    n.印第安人

bewilder vt.使手足无措

wilder 迷茫 baffle/muddle 迷乱的

dizzy 昏的 disorient 使……失去方向

alien    a. 外来的 n. 外国人

alien product 洋货

alien word 外来词 eg.sofa,jeep,caf&eacute;,coolie,kotow;

alienate v.远离、挑拨离间

taboo n.戒律forbidden words   damn it

disinherit vt.剥求……的继承权

inherit 继承

inheritance 继承权


hypocrisy n.伪善 hypocrite 伪君子 hypocritical 过于挑剔

chicanery n.诈骗

chicane   v.骗(以-ry结尾的名词没有复数 )



cheat 骗钱财

deceive one's feelings

hoax:play trick(哄小孩)

anarchy   n.混乱、无政府

monarchy   君主制 chaos   n. 混乱  chaotic adj.混乱

lawless   adj.非法的 turbulence  n.骚乱

impending  a.迫近的

approaching 靠近

imminent 迫近的

immolation n.杀戮  immolate vt. 杀  sacrifice n. 祭祀品

code n.准则

Notes on the text

William S. Hart

William:first/given/Christian name

S.:middle name Hart :last name

Western stars 西部片影星

for 因为 unlike 与……不同

appear in nothing but  仅仅出现于

nothing but 仅仅

He is nothing but liar.他是骗子。

He is anything but liar 他不是骗子

he is nothing but angry.他很生气

he is anyghing but angry.他不生气

Gary Cooper 《日正当空》Puritan 清教徒 comedy 喜剧


It was ……强调句式

1. vast west

2. Indians

3. hero.


upright 正直

film maker 制片人

good-bad man 本质好,偶尔做坏事的人 tramp 流浪者Chinese Amercian 美籍华人(根在前)

noble:1.rich 2.noble minded

out of impulse 一时冲动

framed 受人诬陷的

cowherd/cowman 牧童

suspect 嫌疑犯

He was made Chairman.他被选为主席

abuse power 滥用权力

rangy 落魄的人

minor figure 小人物

in short

in conflict with 与……有冲突

frontier 此处意思是广阔的西部


outsider 局外人

contemporary 同时代的人,当代的

modern 现代的

know sth. of 略有了解  关于"西部在消失"的背景常识


the Declaration of Indepedence 独立宣言

Louisiana 路易斯安那

Mississippi 密西西比河

ambassador 大使

hire 租用

at a cross 难以定夺 (将在外,君命有所不受) 2.6 million square mile  16 million dollars  double of american’s GDP

gold rush 淘金热

hero 英雄 mythology 神话

although 让步状语从句


romanticized 此处指作成电影(浪漫化)

indelible effect 不可磨灭的印象

join hands=coexist 并存

solid basis

同位句 conflict是 arena的同位语

accustomed to 做后置定语 意思是used to 习惯于

elements 希腊5个自然元素 这里指自然

unhorsed 放弃戎马生涯

overcame 击退

comment 评论

relatively 相对的

do=find it pleasant

L27 The Personality of Man

Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world Surely because progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge began to increase as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech. With the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored. Libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. All this was comparatively slow until, with the coming science, the tempo was suddenly raised. Then knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan. The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent. Moreover, as soon as new knowledge is acquired, it is now turned to practical account. What is called 'modern civilization' is not the result of a balanced development of all man's nature, but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life. The problem now facing humanity is: What is going to be done with all this knowledge ? As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. It is now being used indifferently for both. Could any spectacle, for instance, be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using science to shatter men's bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them ? We have to ask ourselves very seriously what will happen if this twofold use of knowledge, with its ever-increasing power, continues.

New words and expressions

loom  vi.  阴森的逼近(带贬义)

Eg: The shadow of the impending war looms ahead/large/big.


Eg: It was approaching the Spring Festival(vocation), the examinations were loomed up.


Eg: A high mountain looms ahead.


manifest  adj.  明显的

S: visible  adj.  明显的,显著的

  patent   n.  专利; adj.  显著的,明显的


mankind  n.  人类

morality  n.  道德

moral  adj.  道德;moral code  道德准则;moral standard  道德标准

to enhance people's consciousness of morality  提高人们的道德意识

communicate  vt.  交流,交际   communication  n.  交流

enhance communication between(among) people  加强交流

enhance communication among nations  增进国际交流

Eg: Language is a tool for communication. (语言是交流的工具。)

  communicative  adj.

  communicative means  交流方式

Eg: Language is a communicative tool.   (语言是交流的工具。)

enhance  vt.  增进

  enhance friendship  增进友谊

  enhance cohesion  增强凝聚力

  enhance consciousness/awareness  增强意识

S: boost  v.  推进,促进

  rein in force  促进


tempo  n.  速率  trickle  n.  涓涓细流

torrent  n.  滔滔洪流

evil  n.  恶行

  evil thought  邪念

  evil sigh  邪恶的迹象,凶兆(dog bark at midnight)

Eg: Your cough is an evil sign, probably I will lie in bed.

S: vice  n. v.  恶

  vice president  副总统;坏总统

  wicked  adj.  邪恶的; wickedness  n.  邪恶

indifferently  ad.  不在乎地

grimly  ad. 可怖地 whimsical  a.  怪诞的

shatter  v.  毁坏

close at hand  附近

twofold  a.  双重的 fold  翻倍的; fivefold  五倍; time  倍数

Notes on the text

主题:Social advancement  社会的进步 3 stars

loom so large

in the modern world  在现代社会

surely because  引导原因,恰恰因为

progress of a particular kind  一种特别的进步,介词短语作后置定语

particular  特殊的,特别的

more and more  越来越

manifest  明显

  Eg: You were walking on the way, he loomed out of mist.


in intelligence/morality  在智力/道德方面

undergone: experienced 经历

no general improvement  (注意no的位置)

no 用not any替换,则…has undergone no general  improvement… 等同于:…has not undergone any general improvement…

"…, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge."中it指代人类,(人类的总称,普遍所指时用it)

accumulation  堆积,堆砌 extraordinary progress  显著进步


Knowledge began to…此句:

be communicated  可以交流,传递 another = another individual

speech  口语

  oral  adj.  口头的

  Eg: … people go hunting.

  I found the place where the bears are inhabited.


with…  随着……

writing = written language

a great advance  巨大的进步

not only … but also …

communicated  交流;stored  储存

Libraries made education possible…此句:

libraries: a place where books of various kinds are stored

and education in its turn added to libraries…

  add to  增加 in its turn  反过来

  in its turn added to = enrich  丰富

  Eg: His humor added to the ball.  (他的幽默使晚会增色不少。)

     Fireworks added to the ball.  (焰火使晚会增色不少。)

  Eg: Harmony among peoples makes world peace possible, and world peace in its turn enhances harmony.  (民族间的和睦有助于世界和平,而世界和平反过来促进和睦。)


the growth of knowledge  知识的增长

compound interest law  [银行业术语:复利法规则]

which 指代the growth of knowledge

printing  印刷术

  printing 对于知识的发展is a great impetus

  impetus  推动力

All this…此句:all this… 这一切…

comparatively slow  相对较慢 with the coming of science  科学的到来

  with 引导插入语

  Eg: 4 years ago, in American telecommunication is not so popular.

     If a person can predict what happens in 30 years, he is…

It's really hard mobile phone really so big at first as…

Then knowledge began to… 此句:

systematic  系统化

Aristotle  亚里士多德  把知识分类为:  Physics  物理学;Psychics  心理学;Poetics  诗学;Math  数学

The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent.



as soon as  既然

acquired  获得

account  账户:you can easily and freely get money from it

What is called…此句:

What is called  所谓的

all man's nature  人类本质

a balanced development  平衡的发展

but  而

accumulated knowledge  积累的知识

to practical life  作后置定语,实际生活

  Eg: Probably he has many abilities…

  Eg: medical people  医学人才;English people  英语人才;doctor  博士;post doctor  博士后

The problem now facing humanity is: 总结

The problem now facing humanity is: 人类所面临的问题是:

As…此句: as  正如;指代从句knowledge is…

Eg: As is often the case that he helps others.  他经常帮助他人。

two-edged  双刃的

for good or evil  可好可坏

indifferently  毫不在乎,引申为毫不辨析的

discriminate  辨析,区别



spectacle  壮丽的场面

be more grimly whimsical  更加荒诞无奇

than that  "that" 修饰spectacle

gunner  枪手

shatter  击碎,粉碎

  field hospital  野战医院

We have to ask…此句:

with its ever-increasing power  状语后置

  ever-increasing  逐渐增强

L28 Countryman’s Creed

No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight; the varieties are infinite, but two classes may be roughly seen. Any ship that crosses the pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wing. The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in the line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress. The albatross is the king of the gliders, the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition. In the contrary school the duck is supreme. It comes nearer to the engines with which man has 'conquered' the air, as he boasts. Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the bird, and these will ply the short wings with irresistible power that they can bore for long distances through an opposite gale before exhaustion follows. Their humbler followers, such as partridges, have a like power of strong propulsion, but soon tire. You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey. The swallow shares the virtues of both schools in highest measure. It tires not nor does it boast of its power; but belongs to the air, travelling it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home feeding its flown young as it flies and slipping through a medium that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse. Such birds do us good, though we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that, and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning.

New words and expressions

infinite  a.  无穷的,无限的

infinitive  n.  不定式 A: finite  a.  有限的;measurable  a.  可测量的 S: fathomless  a.  深不可测的; fathom  n.  长度单位,旬;v.  测量深度

immeasurable  a.  可测量的 另有:endless / boundless… infinite power /energy

albatross  n.  信天翁  white seabird

direct  vt.  指向

Eg: He directed me the way to success. (他给我指明了成功之路。)    Can you direct me to NOS? director  导演

sustenance  n.  支撑力 sustain  v.

Eg: The tree can't sustain its branches. (这棵树支撑不了它的枝干了。)He has a big family to sustain. (他要养活一大家子人。)

sustainable  a.

sustainable development strategy 可持续发展战略

glider  n.  滑翔者

harness  vt.  利用(formal)

S: use / make use of / utilize / exploit

  harness solar energy  利用太阳能

to yield to  顺着,屈服于

Eg: He yields to persuasion / despair / temptation.

S: submit to / give in to / surrender to

Eg: Turtle submit to all kind of indignities.

school  n.  类,群,队   多指sea animal / fish / shoal

school  流派;schools of thought  思想流派

  one hundred flowers blossom and one hundred schools contend. 百花齐放,百家争鸣

boast  vi.  自夸

endow  vt.  赋有

  be endowed with

Eg: He is endowed with gift/talent/power/strength/courage.

ply  v.  不断地供给

bore  vi.  穿越 to bore through the air. 穿越大气层

gale  n.  大风

exhaustion  n.  精疲力竭

Eg: I am exhausted. / I am dead tired. / I am dog tired.

S: worn out / spend / waste / drained

humbler  a.  较低级的


  Eg: I am a humble person. He is humble before his boss.

  源于umble(French): the meat of deer

  eat umble pie = eat humble pie (狩猎后供仆人吃的)内脏做的煎馅饼

  S: lick the dust  卑躬屈膝

  Eg: He eat humble pie. 他忍辱负重。

S: inferior  a. 下等的  Inferior to sb.

partridge  n.  鹧鸪

utter  a.  完全的 Eg: He is an utter liar.  他纯粹是个骗子。

  utterance  口头语;sentence  书面语

S: completely / sheer

share  vt.  有

flown  a.  刚出巢的 fly / flew / flown

Eg: I am flown.  我还是新手。

S: fledging

slip  vi.  滑行

adverse  adj. 逆的,相反的

  adverse wind  逆风;A: favorable wind  顺风  S: unfavorable wind

  Eg: I went home with adverse wind.

  adverse environment = adversity  n.  逆境 Eg: Adversity makes a man.  逆境出人才。

adversary  n.  对手 creed  n.  信仰

Notes on the text 2 star

No two…此句:

No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight;= There are no two sorts of birds

practise quite the same sort of flight

  practise flight = fly   practise 从事

  practise flight  飞行;practise law  当律师;practise medicine  当医生

Eg: No two birds fly in the same way.

   No two man are the same.


two classes may be roughly seen (passive) = we can see roughly two kinds

Any ship…此句:

accompanied :followed

keep company  与……为伴

Eg: I keep company with him.

vessel :big ship  原意:sth. to hold water

without more than occasional = occasional

The currents…此句: The currents … of its course


currents  气流

walls of the ship  船舷

direct  导向

as well as  与upwards并列

in the line  沿着某条线走

its course

  its 指代currents of air; course  航程

are enough to give great bird :albatross with its immense wings…做后置定语,修饰 bird

The albatross…此句:

Eg: Lion is the king of beast.

同位语从句:the class of fliers…

yield to  屈服

opposition  逆风

In the…此句:

supreme  首屈一指

roast duck  烤鸭

It comes…此句:comes nearer to :similar to

plane / gravity


good part :bid / important part

irresistible power  无尽的力量

bore…through  穿越 opposite gale  逆风

before exhaustion follows  直到最后精疲力竭

Eg: I work before darkness comes / follows.

  until its dark…  直到……为止

Their humbler…此句:

前两类鸟飞别为:albatross,Ducks;第三类鸟为:their humbler followers:partridges

like power

like 的词性可以为 prep. / v. / adj.  此处位adj.古英语中常用

  S: similar / alike (可做表语)

  Eg: They have alike appearance. (错)

They have similar apperance.

propulsion / propel :to push / propeller / rocket

You may…此句:

in utter exhaustion  在完全疲惫的状态 (介词短语)

When they are utterly exhausted (时间状语)

Eg: We have to undertake a hard journey in seeking truth.

   We have to undertake a hard journey when we try to seek truth.

The swallow…此句:

swallow  燕子

virtues :good points / merits / advantages

in highest measure / to the highest degree  最大程度的

in a measure / in some measure / to some degree  在某种程度上

Eg: He resembles his mother in a / some / highest measure.

It tires not…此句:

tires not (古英语用法) = does not tire

Eg: I work not. = I don't work.

boast  夸耀


travel…to / travel…from / travel to and from

it may be  做插入语,"也许"

feeding  喂养


travelling / feeding / slipping  并列结构,表示伴随状态

medium :layer of air  大气层

passage  通过

the passage of time  时光流逝

do us good  对我们有好处

  insect killer / locust 蝗虫 / cicada 蝉 / grasshopper 蚂蚱

omens  征兆


superstitious  迷信的

magpie  喜鹊

Eg: He is a magpie.  他什么都舍不得扔。

P.S.crow  乌鸦

Eg: He is a crow.  他特罗嗦。

wild geese  大雁

swan  天鹅 / swan lake  天鹅湖

goose  雌鹅 /  gander  雄鹅

L29 Pieces of Mind

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely moving, in some way higher. And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. Greater too than we can describe, for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world, cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.

That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable. In some moods Nature shares it. There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing leaves an indefinable longing and regret. But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us, if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it, nor should we seek to invest with significance that whichwe cannot grasp. Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless.

New words and expressions

rouse  vt.激起(情感词)  \emotion\excitement激动\anger仇恨\love爱

同义词 arouse激发,flame\inflame火焰,stir搅拌

This film is really rousing.这片子真是让人激动。

▲intense  a强烈的 love/passion热情/hatred/heat酷暑/coldness严寒/light/rays强光

intensive reading精读/extensive reading范读

intensive farming精耕细作/intensified training强化训练


aesthetic  a审美的 aesthetics审美学(a+s-名词,如logic—logics)esthete爱美者,唯美主义者

realm n世界 见19课

gleam  n光芒  见10课

dazzle vt 使眼花缭乱,头晕目眩

  The fireworks dazzle me.那绽放的烟花使我头晕目眩

  dazzling achivemeng令人瞩目的成就

convey  vt 传达,表达information/meaning/knowledge

   Teacher conveys knowledge to students.

    同义词:transfer/transplant移植/transmit/transpacific横跨大西洋/pass over  pass!传

serenity  n 静谧 adj serene

   同义词:poetic/quice/peaceful(O)/placid/tranquil(w)/serene life

  serene lake/face(安祥的脸)

readily   ad 轻易地

    The work is readily done.

    The problem is readily solved.这个难题迎刃而解

   同义词:smoothly/ painless

undeniable a  不可否认的


     ①deny sb.……sth.

He denies me admission.他不准我进去。

     ②deny oneself in sth.

I deny myself in drinking.我戒酒了

     deny oneself毫无疑问/question-questionable-unqusetionable

  mistakable- unmistakble

▲indefinable a 不可名状的,无法下定义的(表程度高)


His kindness/hospitality is indefinable.他的热情真是难以表述。

难以描述的undesctibable/express expressible-inexpressible/biyond words

▲longing   n  渴望,热望

     long for a villa/long to have a ville渴望一栋别墅

   同义词:yearn-yearning for……/thirst/thirsty/hunger


  my hunger for books

vulgar    a  平庸的(来源于宗教,与God所住之heaven相对应)

vulgar place/vulgar world/vugar language(nasty)言语粗俗

同义词:earthly  反义词:heavenly/godly/celestial星空的,高雅的

radiance   n  发光

来源于radio adj-radiant smile灿烂的笑容/radioactive表辐射

wear a radiant face红光满面

※:wear 可用于表穿、戴、涂抹、留(胡子、头发等)如wear lipstick/whitening lotion增白蜜/beard

mysteries  n  神秘的事物 /mystic见19课

intimation n  暗示

intimate v.告知,暗示 同义词:hint/suggestion/imlication

whimsy     n 怪念头 whimsical adj.怪诞的见27课

▲in a word    总而言之

同义词:in short/in brief(见)26课/in a nutshell

▲interpret  vt 阐明

I am an interpreter.(oral)/translator(written)



trans- 表示"横过,贯穿"之义

interpret a role/play a role 扮演角色

▲unutterable a  不可言传的  同义词:indefinable

  Utter vt  说出,表达 adj 完全的

in utter exhaustion完全疲劳状态(见28课)/utterance(oral)/sentence(written)

invest   vt    赋予 m.investment   同义词endow v.

invest in投资: He invested in china.

invest with给予/invest sb. with courage

invest sb. with loving heart

The novel is invested with mystery.这部小说极具神秘色彩!

grasp vt    理解

beyong/within my grasp 无法/能理解

Grasp all and lose all. 贪多必失

He is very grasping. 他太贪婪了。

Notes on the text 5 star

A young man sees(与concludes并列) a sunset and, unable(做原因状语) to understand or to express the emotion that it(sunset) rouses in him①, concludes that it must be the gateway to ②(通往……的门) a world that lies beyond(省略了 this world).(下一句从特殊引至一般,from a individual to the general) It is difficult for any of us( 后边跟 to do sth. )in moments of intense aesthetic experience ③to resist the suggestion(暗示) that(同位语从句) we are catching a glimpse(一瞥) of a light that shines down to④ us from a different realm of existence(=world), different(different 修饰 existence) and, because the experience is intensely moving(双关语,touching/quickly), in some way higher( 更加壮丽). And, though the gleams blind(v.使……一片茫然), and dazzle, yet do(do 起强调作用) they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater than we have known or imagined. Greater too than we can describe⑤, for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world(this world:our worle), cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.

That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond is undeniable. In some moods Nature shares it. There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer⑥, no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision(幻觉) of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing(in passing  在流逝的过程中) leaves an indefinable longing and regret. But, if this world is not merely a bad joke⑦, life(省略了is not )a vulgar flare ⑧amid the cool(冷,冷漠) radiance  of the stars(宇宙间,意为上天), and existence(=life)(省略了is not) an empty laugh braying(donkey) across the mysteries(意为上天); if these intimations(暗示,联想) of a something(a something 指前边所联想的东西,日落、蓝天) behind(inside/inside my heart,见文章第二句'to express the emotion that it rouses in him') and beyond(higher universe) are not evil humour born of indigestion(born of indigestion:come from misunderstangding,误解), or whimsies sent by the devil(与hell相对,意指邪恶) to mock(joke,嘲笑) and madden us, if, in a word, beauty means something, yet we must not seek to(try to) interpret the meaning⑨. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to utter it, nor should we seek to invest with significance that which we cannot grasp⑩. Beauty in terms of(in terms of 就……而言) our human meanings is meaningless.

①What's your emotion when you see the sun is rising radianly from the Mount Tai? it is great!/beautifu!/it is really glamorous! it is really beyond my words! a glorious future behind him/ a glorious future in front of him(见6课)

②gateway to 通往……的门To master English is a gateway to a rosy future.(非常灿烂的未来)

③in moments of intense aesthetic experience 插入语=when we have the moments of intense aesthetic experience

④shines down to/above/high above

⑤Greater too than we can describe.无谓语句(exclamation),表达一种惊叹.即美得语言难以描述。

如:How nice!

⑥此句暗示更好的未来。结构上双重否定等于肯定There is sky in June so blur than it does point forward to a bluer .六月总有一种蓝天能使你联想到更湛蓝的天空。

如:There is no man in the world so nice that he does not deserve any praise.

    There is no man in the worle so vicious that he dose not deserve any abuse.

    He is rotten to the core,so I hate him to death.他坏到心肠了,我恨死他了。to death 表一种状态。

    I love him to death.我爱死他了

    I am hungry to death./I am angry to death.

⑦a bad joke 一个拙劣的玩笑,此句意为人生充满不幸(misfortune/happiness/laughter),西方宗教中上帝认为人是罪恶的,所以要惩罚人类,即理解为文中bad joke。

⑧vulgar flare 平庸的一闪,flare:short in passing;vulgar:fruitless

⑨前面4句分句引出文中主题句-yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning.

⑩invest sth.(that which we cannot grasp) with significance,倒装句,宾语较长放在后, 此文章为哲学家所写,比较难,而科学类文章相对简单。(philosopher/scientist)

作者:C.E.M.JOAD(1891-1953) Britisher/Meaning of Life/God and Evil sculpture

文中图片为著名雕塑家Hogarth的自画像。The Line of Beauty 线条的美,在当时其作品被评为粗暴、低俗(vulgar and inferior)。其最擅长于勾画眼睛。


L30 Adventures of Ideas

Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays. There is a widespread estimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities. Now, slowly and at first faintly, an opposite tendency is showing itself. Better roads and better vehicles at first induced the wealthier classes to live on the outskirts of the cities. The urgent need for defence had also vanished. This tendency is now spreading rapidly downwards. But a new set of conditions is just showing itself. Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations, government, and pleasure in the centres of the cities. Apart from the care of children and periods of sheer rest, the active lives were spent in the cities. In some ways the concentration of such activities was even more emphasized, and the homes were pushed outwards even at the cost of the discomfort of commuting. But, if we examine the trend of technology during the past generation, the reasons for this concentration are largely disappearing. Still more, the reasons for the choice of sites for cities are also altering. Mechanical power can be transmitted for hundreds of miles, men can communicate almost instantaneously by telephone, the chiefs of great organizations can be transported by airplanes, the cinemas can produce plays in every village, music, speeches, and sermons can be broadcast. Almost every reason for the growth of the cities,concurrently with the growth of civilization has been profoundly modified.

New words and expressions


鼓起精神 take heart  振作起来 beef up


▲culminate  vi.鼎盛,达到顶点

n.culmination n.(顶点,多用做抽象意义)/summit n.顶峰/peak/top

He reaches/attains the culmination in his thirties.他三十岁达到了顶峰。

His efforts culminate in his success.他的努力终于使他成功了。(culmite=lead to

His efforts culminate in the prosperity of his family.

His efforts culminate in failure.他的努力付诸东流。

His excessive drinking culminates in his moral degeneration/decay.他的过度饮酒导致他道德败坏

mend one's morals改过自新

decay vt 衰亡,腐烂   同义词:rot见第二课

My health decays.我的身体江河日下。

Tooth decays.牙齿咬不动东西了。

testimony  n  证据=evidence testmen n.证人 testify v.

Bear/produce the testimony to his innocence.我证明他无罪。

oral证词/verbal证词/ material物证

▲inherent   adj固有的

the sloth that inherent in him天生的懒惰

inbred 天生的  inbuilt嵌入的 ingrain 根深蒂固的 deep-rooted根深蒂固的

faintly    adv不明显的


The light is so faint.光线太暗。

I fainted.我晕了过去。

tendency   n倾向

I have the tendency to shop.我是个购物狂。

I have the tendency to smoke/read.我是个烟鬼/书迷

trend潮流/inclination(自己的)倾向 /current潮流(更常用)

vanish     vi消失见26课

▲a set of   一批后只跟sth不跟sb

a set of rules一系列规则/a set of equipmeng一套设备/a set of furniture一套家具/a set of short stories短篇小说集

▲sheer adj纯粹的

sheer brandy纯白兰地/sheer liar大骗子/sheer rubbish一派胡言

emphasize  vt强调 n.emphasis

place/lay/put emphsis……on

We have to place emphasis on construction of civilization.我们要加强文明建设。


at the cost of  以……位代价=at the ptice of =sactifice v.牺牲,n牲

I learn English at the cost of my holidays.

▲commute  vi. 乘车上下班  n.commuter 通勤者/commuter time/rush hour上下班时间

There is a New York of commuters devoured by locusts in the day and spit out at night.

It's commuter time,I will go.要下班了,我要走了。

instantaneously adv.即刻地 instant noodles 方便面,快餐面

in no time快,很快 I will come in no time.我马上回来。


preach a sermon by a priest牧师布道

▲profoundly  adv深刻地

profound theory深奥的理论

bid for Olympics申奥

profound sleep死睡/sleep like a log睡得像猪/eat like a pig

Notes on the text

This is about civilization and industry.That is the association between industry and civilization.

Each civilization is born( 产生), it culminates, and it decays①. There is a widespread testimony that this ominous(ominous不吉祥地) fact is due to② inherent biological defects(biological defect 生物地缺陷,指前文中的产生、发展、灭亡的过程) in the crowded life of cities③. Now, slowly and at first faintly, an opposite tendency④ is showing itself⑤. Better roads and better vehicles ⑥at first induced the wealthier classes to live on the outskirts of the cities. The urgent need ⑦for defence had also vanished. This tendency is now spreading rapidly downwards⑧. But a new set of conditions is just showing itself. Up to the present time, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this new tendency placed the home in the immediate suburbs⑨, but concentrated manufacturing activity, business relations(商业贸易), government, and pleasure in the centres of the cities. Apart from(除了) the care of children and periods of sheer rest, the active lives (活动生活,主要生活)were spent in the cities. In some ways(在某些方式上而言) the concentration of such activities was even more emphasized, and the homes were pushed outwards even at the cost of the discomfort (:menace,威胁,不舒适)of commuting. But, if we examine(探究) the trend of technology during the past generation, the reasons for this concentration(指前文relations 、government, and pleasure )are largely disappearing. Still more, the reasons for the choice of sites for cities are also altering.(下文解释说明) Mechanical power can be transmitted for hundreds of miles, men can communicate almost instantaneously by telephone, the chiefs of great organizations can be transported by airplanes, the cinemas can produce plays in every village, music, speeches, and sermons can be broadcast. Almost every reason for the growth of the cities, concurrently with the growth of civilization has been profoundly modified.

①例句:A man is born,he culminates/grows up,and he decays/dies.

②due to=becouse of,而due to 多指不好之意

Due to my carelessness/drinking/overspeeding

③本句看试与首句不相关联,但前句中的 civilization  城市生活多半代表了文明的含义,而

countryside多有backward(落后)、supersitious (迷信的),故由前句讲到本句的城市生活。

④opposite tendency 相反的倾向,指与城市生活拥挤不堪相反

⑤showing itself 显露迹象

  suggest itself

As time goes on,the adwantage of my sound English is showing itself.随着时光流逝,我良好的英语功底终于派上用场了!

⑥vehide(in Britain)/lorry or motocar,automobile(in America)

  induce 归纳 from every point to the center


  outskirts:it is only within the city but actually it is outer city

⑦urgent need迫切需求,指人们开始搬到市郊居住,使得城市的应急防护就显得不必要了


  I am homeward.我朝家里走去。

  I am schoolward.我上学去。

  I am eastward.我向东走去

  I am restaurantward.我吃饭去。

  I am bridgeward.我向桥上走去。

  I am bookstoreward.我买书去。

⑨ city-outskirts-suburb:expansion outward向外扩展


   immediate goal近期目标

   long term goal长期目标

   immediate boss顶头上司


   concentrate on my studies集中学习

作者:A.N Whitehead(1861-1947),a philosopher

1924,he became the professor of University of Harvard.He wrote a very famous book'principia of mathematic'与人合著者(coauthors)

被罗素誉为giant in philosophy哲学巨人

他称罗素为the greatest logician最伟大地逻辑学家

If you roll off my log, I will roll off yours.你捧我,我也捧你。


L31 Non-auditory Effects of Noise

Many people in industry and the Services, who have practical experience of noise, regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time; they are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people. On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society. This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause. and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.

One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance, was headed with a striking illustration of a lady in a state of considerable distress, with the caption 'She was yet another victim, reduced to a screaming wreck '. On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital. Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. Was the noise a cause of the illness, or were the complaints about noise merely a symptom? Another patient might equally well complain that her neighbours were combining to slander her and persecute her, and yet one might be cautious about believing this statement.

What is needed in the case of noise is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions, to discover whether they are mentally ill more often than other people are. The United States Navy, for instance, recently examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers: the study was known as Project Anehin. It can be unpleasant to live even several miles from an aerodrome; if you think what it must be like to share the deck of a ship with several squadrons of jet aircraft, you will realize that a modern navy is a good place to study noise. But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effects upon these American sailors. This result merely confirms earlier American and British studies: if there is any effect of noise upon mental health it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. That does not prove that it does not exist; but it does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, being brought up in an orphanages--which really is a mental health hazard.

New words and expressions

I doubt my adequacy as a father.

Plea n. 要求 make plea for aid/money 要求资助

On the plea of sth. 以…为借口 I am absent on the plea of stomachache. 我以肚痛为由不去上课。

Plea v.  plea for sth.

Abatement n. 减少

abate v. 减少(指harm,danger)decrease v./reduce/v./wane/diminish

The danger of the poisonous gas abated. / The wind abated.

Decrease,reduce 用于数量减少 wane vi. 减少,月缺

Wax vi. 月满 crescent 月牙

Diminish 可以指数量也可以指power  The illness diminishes my strength/energy.

Discredit vt. 怀疑 credit 相信 suspect/doubt

Suspect (行为不轨)n. 嫌疑犯

doubt 怀疑事物的真实性

allegation n. 断言 =assertion/claim

allegation:sometimes no proof,hypothesis

assertion:My assertion is that he is back tomorrow. 有证据

        My allegation is that he is back tomorrow.

allege v. It is alleged that…=It is reported…=It is said…

It is alleged that he is a shop lifter.

distress n. warry<忧伤<sadness<agony

agony column 只发布death,divorce的报纸栏目

matches 结婚dispatches 离别 hatches 生儿育女

caption n.插图说明

screaming a. 发尖叫声的 screak 尖叫 squeal 长声尖叫

snag n. 疑难之处,障碍,树桩 hit a snag 遇到困难 run into snags 碰钉子 hurdle race 跨栏赛跑 stumbling block 绊脚石 a lion in the way 拦路虎

anecdote n. 轶闻 curiosity n. 珍闻(动物)

slander vt. 诽谤 slander sb. 诽谤别人 pour a slander on sb. slanderer 诽谤者 gossip 谣言 gossipmonger 散布谣言者 rumor spreader slanderous remarks 恶语中伤的话 His words are so slanderous. scandal 丑闻 slur 搞模糊 defame 把名声搞臭 backbite 背后中伤 He backbites me. 他背后说我坏话。

persecute vt. 迫害-religious torture 折磨 I am persecuted.

aircraft carrier 航空母舰 HIV carrier

squadron n.中队 squad 班 eleven squad 足球队 detached group 别动队 platoon 排 company 连 battalion 营 battalion commander 营长 regiment 团 a regiment of geese 一群鹅 commando 突击队 brigade 旅 division 师 Marine Corps 海军陆战队 corps 军

diagnosis n. 诊断analysis 分析 hypothesis 假说 thesis 论文

orphanage n. 孤儿院 orphan 孤儿 breakage n. 破碎 leakage 泄露 wreckage n.残骸的状态

survey n. 综论 a survey of American literature

Notes on the text

industry 工业方面,工业界

Services: in America means army;

serviceman: 军人 ex-serviceman 退伍军人 ex-president 前总统 present president 现任总统 ex-wife 前妻 My ex-job is a secretary.

on the one hand.. on the other hand 一方面……,另一方面……


good cause=good thing

and 在这儿表转折

mental illness 精神病

weekly newspaper 周刊报纸

head with 头版头条 carry the news on the front page

considerable 极度的

reduce(在这)=made (reduce to tears; reduce to laughter弄笑; reduce to a skeleton弄得皮包骨头

text 文字说明;turning to 转向;on: as soon as

anecdote 轶闻(大多数情况下unreal)

might well 或许可以



statement 这桩事

equally 同样地

might well/may well=have reason to do sth. or be reasonable

She may well be proud of her son. 她有理由为她的儿子骄傲。

You may well refuse him. 你有理由拒绝他。

the United States Navy 美国海军

aerodrome 机场 motordrome 赛车道 parking lot 停车场 aero- 航空 drome 场所

share with 与……共住,与……一起

psychiatric interviews 精神病的采访

objective test 问卷调查,客观题

say=for example


本文是一个sophistry(诡辨术) critical eye; eagle eye 辨析力

L32 The Past Life of the Earth

It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt have been continuously deposited, that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved.

But even in the most favourable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them. After all, all living creatures live by feeding on something else, whether it be plant or animal, dead or alive, and it is only by chance that such a fate is avoided. The remains of plants and animals that lived on land are much more rarely preserved, for there is seldom anything to cover them over. When you think of the innumerable birds that one sees flying about, not to mention the equally numerous small animals like field mice and voles which you do not see, it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body, except, of course, on the roads. They decompose and are quickly destroyed by the weather or eaten by some other creature.

It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive, as by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse, like the Siberian mammoths, when the whole animal is sometimes preserved, as in a refrigerator. This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth which was found preserved and in good condition. In his mouth were the remains of fir trees--the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. The mammoth has now been restored in the PalaeontologicalMuseum in Leningrad. Other animals were trapped in tar pits, like the elephants, sabretoothed cats, and numerous other creatures that are found at Rancho la Brea, which is now just a suburb of Los Angeles. Apparently what happened was that water collected on these tar pits, and the bigger animals like the elephants ventured out on to the apparently firm surface to drink, and were promptly boggedin the tar. And then, when they were dead, the carnivores, like the sabre-toothed cats and the giant wolves, came out to feed and suffered exactly the same fate. There are also endless numbers of birds in the tar as well.

New words and expressions

remains: 更多指人;body:(人和动物)都可以

to pay the last respects to his remains 向遗体告别

preservation n.保存

preserved vegetable 腌菜 preserved bean curd

She is well-preserved. 她保养得非常好。poorly/badly preserved

set in vi. 开始

Winter has set in early this year. Fatigue sets in when one grows old.

scavenger n.食尸动物

metaphorically: 1. dustman 清道夫,清洁工 2. obscene writer

vegetarian: 吃素的 He is a vegetable. (乏味之人) carnivorous: 吃肉的

numerous a. 许多的(数量多)

numeric (about number)关于数字的numbered a. 1.编号的 numbered card  2.时日无多的

mouse: n.

as poor as a church mouse

to play cat and mouse with sb.  e.g. The policeman played cat and mouse with the thief. 欲擒故纵

She is a mouse. (胆小的)/He is a chicken.


cat n.猫科动物 feline: 猫科的

They live a cat and dog life. (水火不容)

rain cats and dogs (北欧神话中,猫是风神,狗是雷神)

I cat a nap only 15 minutes.打个盹  cat's paw: 牺牲品,受人利用;cat walk

vole: 野鼠,鼹鼠

decompose vt. 腐烂

decay: 逐渐哀老;decompose: 分解;rot: 腐烂

inaccessible a.不能到达的 accessible

The book is accessible to beginners. /The goal is inaccessible.

access n.

Students should have access to a wide range of readings.  attain: attainable/unattainable

approach: approachable/unapproachable

Siberia: 西伯得亚 Siberian a. cold currents 寒流 warm currents 暖流

mammoth n. 猛玛 mammoth parade 盛大游行

palaeontological a.古生物学的 pal(a)e=old palaeoanthropology 古人类学

ontology: 物种起源学 palaeolith 旧石器时代 neolith: 新石器时代

palaeography 古文书,古文书学

Leningrad  Stalingrad: Volgograd

pit n.坑

A fall in the pit, a gain in the wit. (吃一堑,长一智)

pitfall: 意外的挫折或困难 pit (casino) boss: 赌场老板

saber: 马刀 saber-toothed

NY(New York) LA (Los Angeles) Chicago

venture vi. 冒险

I venture to buy some stocks.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing gained. (不入虎穴,焉得虎子)

joint venture 合资企业

bog vt.&vi.

I'm bogged/troubled/plunged/sunk.

Notes on the text

deposited=saved=piled up 堆积

mud (from the seashore)

the man and the like: 就他那样的人(否定意义)

cover over: 全部覆盖

第一段:强调句1. 加原因状语 2. 加地点状语


small fraction 小部分

that die 已死的或将要死的


feed on: 靠……为生 I feed on rice./I feed rice. (False) I feed the baby.

live by: 通过 live by the hands 自力更生 live by the mountains靠山吃山 live on=feed on

dead or alive 连缀形容词要做后置定语

ecological chain: 生物链 the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest

chance=accidental 偶尔 chance meeting 邂逅 chance company 萍水相逢

on land 陆路  seldom=hardly


see sb doing sth.

fly about: 四外飞翔 go about: 转一转

not to mention: 更不用说 = let alone= not to speak of

it is very rarely…(强调句,强调状语)

come across=run into

带other,一般用单数词,any(some)other: 任何一个



when: 时间状语(接by falling into inaccessible caves, or into an ice crevasse…)

refrigerator: refrige

preserved: 做主语的宾语补足语

in good condition: 完好状态

tar pits: 焦油坑 collected=assembled 汇集 the carnivores: 肉食动物

L33 The Raising of the ‘Vasa’

From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea. For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour until her discovery in 1956. This was the Vasa, royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.

King Gustavus Adolphus, 'The Northern Hurricane', then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War, had dictated her measurements and armament. Triple gun-decks mounted sixty-four bronze cannon. She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden.

As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment. From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind. They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art; she was more richly carved and ornamented than any previous ship. The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, demons, knights, kings, warriors,mermaids, cherubs; and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, symbols of courage, power, and cruelty, were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day.

Then the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute to which the Vasa fired in reply. As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before. All gun-ports were open and the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.

As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port. The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list, but the steepening angle of the decks increased. Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore, as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship. The lower gun-ports were now below water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate. In that first glorious hour, the mighty Vasa, which was intended to rule the Baltic, sank with all flags flying—in the harbour of her birth.

L34 The Patients and Doctors

This is a sceptical age, but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs. This modern faith in medicines is roved by the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise. The majority of the patients attending the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, a box of pills, or a small jar of ointment, and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements. There is no quicker method of disposing of patients than by giving them what they are asking for, and since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits, etc., the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.

Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine, especially if it be wrapped in white paper and sealed with a dab of red sealing-wax by a clever chemist. It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when he heard of the illness of his friend, Henry Taylor, he went off immediately to visit him, carrying with him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs Carlyle's. Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Taylor's house. History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but in all probability he did. The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste, and that is what all patients demand of their doctors-- to becured at no inconvenience to themselves.

New words and expressions

skeptical  adj.怀疑的   /'skeptikal/  注意-cal中c读作[k]的很少creedal  [宗教]信条skeptic怀疑论者,无神论者,怀疑宗教的人 be skeptical about  对……产生怀疑     I'm skeptical about his words.

distrustful 怀疑的,不相信的 doubtful   怀疑的; juberous    怀疑的

forefathers  n..祖先

fervently  adv.热情地 intense adj.热情的

full-blooded adj.  热血澎湃的;  cold-blooded  adj.对……无动于衷 enthusiastic adj.积极的passion  n.[宗教]狂热 passionate  n.[宗教]狂热的He has a fervent love for books.

curative   adj.治病的

curative effect  疗效   How about the curative effect?

cure  n.v.治疗,治愈

cure sb. cure of cancer

beyond cure 不可救药 cure-all 治百病的万灵药,百宝丹magic bullet 魔药

astronomical  adj.天文学的

disaster 灾难 astrology 占星术 astronaut 宇航员

catastrophe  n.大灾难 astronomy   n.天文学 astronomical figures  天文数字

sign n.迹象

tangible   adj.实实在在的 tangible assets 有形资产 intangible assets 无形资产

remedy  n.药物

remedy 治疗方法therapy 治疗方法beyond remedy = beyond cure

jar  n..瓶bottle 瓶子  jar罐子

ointment   n..药膏

a fly in the ointment美中不足

only too非常only too hot 太热了only too + adj.

dispose     vi.处理dispose of garbage 处理垃圾Man propose, god disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。

deal with sth. 处理

little-appreciated  adj.不受欢迎的

much-appreciated; well-appreciated 很受欢迎的

received  接受   ; little-received 不受欢迎的

unsought 没人理睬的

grant vt .给予

grant = give grant sb. freedom  给某人自由; grant sb. permission 允许grant sb. financial guaranty 给某人经济保证

ignorant    adj.无知的/'ignarant/ignorance  n. 无知,不知 feint 假装He always feints ignorance. 他老装蒜。daffodil 水仙花

seal  vt .封口n .海豹;印章have the seal of death on one's face 行将就木sealed with a kiss.以吻封缄

dab  n.温而软的小块

it is recounted 据说it is said 据说

prescribe  vt.开药方inscribe 刻字subscribe to 订阅(报纸)description 描述; inscription 题字prescribe for a patient  write out 开处方

indisposition  n.小病minor illness 小病minor operation 小手术I'm indisposed.

hasten vi.急忙,赶忙haste  n.匆 More haste and less speed. 欲速则不达quicken 加快

relatevt.叙述recount  (lesson 1)

in all probability  很可能 (文雅的说法,一般可用probably)

He is in all probably coming. (他有可能来) He probably comes. (他有可能来)

takern.吃药人take medicine 吃药

put up with  忍受I can put up with your ill temper. 忍受 stand, bear, endure

disgusting adj.令人讨厌的nauseate 恶心,令人作呕 appetite 胃口appetizing 有胃口的,美味的 eyesore 眼中钉,丑的东西

inconvenience  n..不便

convenience 便利 convenient adj. 方便的if it is convenient to you ……  take convenience of sb. 对某人加以利用take advantage of sb. 利用某人

Notes on the text

第一句:This is a sceptical age, but although (尽管) our faith(信任) in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence(信任) in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs.

完整句型:but although….. 结构(整个句子的突破点)

两个连词并列,要求至少出现三个谓语动词如:is,  has weakened, remains

but 连接第一句和第三句  although连接第二句和第三句

believe in sth.

faith in sth. confidence in sth. 并列词:信任,相信

curative properties 治疗特点

theirs 指代 confidence

Eg.:She was sentimentally attached to this house, for even though it was far too big for her needs, she persisted in living there long after her husband's death.(第三册49课)

for  因为:even though  尽管

背景介绍 4 levers

National Service Local Family Service Community Service Student Service

prescribe ---take medicine 拿药,取药(free)

appointment 预约

students almost free except dentistry 牙科:dentist 牙医

at least six month daytime education---Free Medical Service except infectious 传染性的

brood  v. 孵化;(人)酝酿,冥思苦想

改句型:our faith has weakened in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs

properties = effects

medicines 各种药品

annual drug bill   annual meeting 年会 annual ring 年轮 drug bill 药单 bill 帐单

Health Services卫生部

WHO = World Health Organization世界卫生组织

Air Services航空公司 travel service旅行社

mounting = climb mountain

astronomical figures 天文数字

show no signs = show not any sign 没有表现出迹象 show no signs of

at present 目前;时间状语提前 show no signs at present of

ceasing n.停止,终止 ceasing to rise = stopping rising

majority大多数 minority少数 minority nationalities少数民族

I'm attending the hospital.看病

out-patients departments 门诊

emergency 急诊

adequate treatment 足够的护理

unless 引导条件句

unless = if not

tangible 实实在在的

in the shape of ….. 以这种形式

My works appear in the shape of poesy.

My works appear in the form of poesy.

pills 药丸 tablet 药片dose 药剂,一剂药ointment 药膏

the doctor in charge of the department 主任医生

only too 非常(注意不是否定的意义)

no + 比较级 = 最高级

disposing of patients打发病人

he could not come at better time. 他来得正是时候。

since 表示原因

overwork 超负荷,工作太忙

little-appreciated 不受欢迎

time-consuming 浪费时间 energy-consuming 费力money-consuming 浪费钱

body-building 健身

right living = regular life

kick off 踢开

quit 扔掉

general 泛泛的,不具体的

if you write in this way, it is OK, pretty good.

Nor …….引出例证

Nor is it 倒装句

ill-educated 无知的,没受过教育的

nor 强调上文,引出下文

if it be …….虚拟语气,省略should

chemist 药剂师

it is recounted of sb. 据说

Thomas Carlyle 1795-1881 苏格兰历史学家,散文家

heard of 听说

read of / know of / learn of 了解到

carrying with him带着

what remained of 剩下的

后置定语formerly prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs Carlyle's

an indisposition of sb.'s强调唯一性

from which 后置定语

which = illness

suffer from 得病

a medicine that had worded so well in one form of illness


be of 具有be of equal benefit = be beneficial

comfort 安慰

hasten to 加快步伐


make no demands on sb. 对某人没有要求

beyond = except 除……之外

that 指代 demand

disgusting taste 难受的味道

put up (for a moment) with ……..插入语

put up with …..for a moment


demand of 要求某人干某事

demand of sb. = demand sb. to do sth.


L35 The Pegasus Book of Inventors

Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell, who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles. It was the idea of supporting a craft on a' pad ', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. Ever since, people have had difficulty in deciding whether the craft should be ranged among ships, planes, or land vehicles--for it is something in between a boat and an aircraft. As a shipbuilder, Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed. His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, no more than one or two feet thick. This is done by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft. It 'flies', therefore, but it cannot fly higher--its action depends on the surface, water or ground, over which it rides.

The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation. The hovercraft travelled first over the water, then mounted the beach, climbed up the dunes, and sat down on a road. Later it crossed the Channel, riding smoothly over the waves, which presented no problem.

Since that time, various types of hovercraft have appeared and taken up regular service--cruises on the Thames in London, for instance, have become an annual attraction. But we are only at the beginning of a development that may transport netsea and land transport. Christopher Cockerell's craft can establish transport works in large areas with poor communications such as Africa or Australia; it can become a 'flying fruit-bowl', carrying bananas from the plantations to the ports, giant hovercraft liners could span the Atlantic; and the railway of the future may well be the 'hovertrain', riding on its air cushion over a single rail, which it never touches, at speeds up to 300 m.p.h.--the possibilities appear unlimited.

L36 Exploring the Sea-floor

Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea-surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. The open sea was deep and mysterious,and anyone who gave more than a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans probably assumed that the sea-bed was flat. Sir James Clark Ross had obtained a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms in 1836 but it was not until 1800, when H.M.S. Porcupine was put at the disposal of the Royal Society for several cruises, that a series of deep soundings was obtained in the Atlantic and the first samples were collected by dredging the bottom. Shortly after this the famous H.M.S. Challenger expedition established the study of the sea-floor as a subject worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists. A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the Challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep, and the existence of underwater features of considerable magnitude.

Today enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn and we know something of the great variety of the sea-bed's topography. Since the sea covers the greater part of the earth's surface it is quite reasonable to regard the sea-floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, with superimposed upon it the continents, together with the islands and other features of the oceans. The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean. From the shore-line out to a distance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents. The real dividing-line between continents and oceans occurs at the foot of a steeper slope.  This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the ice-fathom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean-floor at 2,500-3,000 fathoms. The slope averages about 1 in 30, but contains steep, probably vertical, cliffs, and gentle sediment-covered terraces, and near its lower reaches there is a long tailing-off which is almost certainly the result of material transported out to deep water after being eroded from the continental masses.

L37 On Telling the Truth

The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage, endeavoured to pretend that all their marriages were happy. We, for our part, admitting the fact that no feat of intelligence and character is so exacting as that required of two people who desire to live permanently together on a basis of amity, are obsessed by the problem of how to render the basic facts of cohabitation simpler and more reasonable, in order that unhappy marriages may less frequently result. The Victorians would have considered it 'painful' or 'unpleasant' were one to point out that only four marriages out of every ten are anything but forced servitudes. We ourselves start from this very assumption and try to build from it a theory of more sensible relations between the sexes. Of all forms of arrant untruthfulness Victorian optimism appears to me to have been the most cowardly and the most damaging.

Truth, therefore, is an attitude of the mind. lt is important, if one does not wish to inconvenience  and to bore one's friends, not to tell lies. But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude. The victorian habit of mind (which I consider to have been a bad habit of mind) was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient. Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value. One should have the courage to think uncomfortably, since it is only by rejecting the convenient that one can come to think the truth.

Not, after all, that there is any such thing as truth. At best we can approach to some relative approximation. On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth. One is generally aware when one has said something, or acted in some way which has left on other people an impression not strictly in accordance with the facts. One is generally aware, also. when one has thrust aside an inconvenient thought and slid into its place another thought which is convenient. One's awareness in the former case is in general more acute than in the latter, since we are more on the look-out for the lies we utter than for those we merely think. In fact, however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two. Spoken lies are invariably tiresome and may actually be dishonest. But continuous lying in the mind, a disease to which the Anglo-Saxon is peculiarly exposed, spells the destruction of human thought and character.

5 star

New words and expressions

(改正)Victoria (1837-1901)

前期是unrest, alarm.后期 growing prosperity

industrialism 工业革命 free trade 自由贸易

Britain was named workshop of the world.

cession of Hongkong to U.K.

cession 割让

opium war 鸦片战争

critical realism 批判现实主义

made big fortune = made good money

Charles Dickens---hard times 艰难时事

middle class 中产阶级

The Tale of Two Cities 双城记 Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 Vanity Fair名利场status 地位rank  头衔


Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte姐妹  分别写了Jane Eyre 简爱 Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄

Michelle---Gone with the wind 飘

submit to 屈服于destined fate 注定的命运turn against her fate 与她的命运对抗self-portrait 自画像tuberculosis 肺结核sorrow 悲痛

simplified version简写版---original原著

accord vt.给予grant 同意,给予 grant sb. sth.

He was accorded the permission to enter thelibrary.

to accord the guest a warm welcome.

endow vt.(二十八课)vt.赋予

for one's part 就某人而言 in terms of ourselves/on the part of us

For our part, we have no objection.

my objection 我的反对意见(24课)

amity n.友善 harmony,

Spare me 饶了我

concord   national concord 民族团结

our family members are/ live in amity/harmony/ concord.

obsess vt.使烦恼 I'm obsessed with too much assignment.

vex v.使烦<annoy vt.使苦恼<irrtate vt.激怒

I'm bored. 我烦了。

obsess vt.迷住 I'm obsessed with sth./ sb.

I'm obsessed with the idea of becoming a millionaire.

render vt.致使,给予

A serious illness rendered him rather weak.(render: 致使)

render thanks to sb. 答谢(render: 给予)

render sb. a favor 给某人帮个忙

render sth. into Enghlish 翻译

render a role  扮演一个角色he renders a role in the movie./to interpret a role/to play a role

servitude n.奴役  He is/ was in servitude. 他没自由

sex n.性别male/ female

female:weaker, fair, gentle / male:strong, rougher, sterner

half the sky 半边天sex appeal 性感bad egg/ hooligan/dirty dog坏蛋

arrant  a.纯粹的(否定意义) sheer

arrant nonsense 一派胡言,

out and out/downright  He is out and out hooligan.

cowardly   a.怯懦的coward 胆小鬼,懦夫chicken/craven

you two are fighting and finally you cry craven.求饶

spineless adj. 没骨气的spine n.脊骨

shrinking shrink 缩水

knee 膝盖 weak kneed 胆小鬼,腿软

fainthearted 胆小的

slide into 不知不觉得陷入

I slide into the bad habit of smoking.

I slide into the bad habit of rising late.

I'm a late riser. /early riser 早起的人

=slip into

inconvenience vt.打扰

trouble 打搅bore/bother

Probably I trouble you for a minute.

ineptitude  n. 笨拙的

servitude n. 奴隶状态

-tude 是名词后缀

ept 聪明灵活的

clumsy 笨拙的

competence  n. 能力competent   adj.

incompetent   无能的

bungling  笨拙的

unduly ad.过分地 excess  extreme 极度

moderate 不过量的immoderate  过量的



due 准时

The train is due at seven o'clock.

My book is due. 我的书到期了。passport  护照

renew it  续借,续签


contemptible  令人讨厌的coarse 粗俗的debased 下贱的,卑鄙的ignoble  不光彩的abject 卑鄙的

at best   充其量average student 中等生

at most   at least 至少

reject vt.丢弃  后跟habit or idea

discard  后跟sth. concrete  discard the old clothes

toss   toss up硬币

abandon  I'm abandoned by the girl.

dump  抛弃

I'm dumped. 我被甩了。I'm rejected. I'm abandoned.

The relation broke up 关系断了

approximation   n.近似 approximate  adj.

he is approximately an average student.

approximately = about

acute a.敏锐的he has acute eyes.他目光敏锐eagle eye  bat eye瞎眼 observant eye/decerning eyes

look-out n.警戒 on the look-out for the bad habit

look-out n.守望员

on the alert  alert 警报on the guard 小心

vicious  a.恶毒的

thrust   vt.猛然推开=cast aside  thrust my English aside

thrust one's way through the crowd 挤出人群

elbow one's way

thrust five Yuan into my hand塞给我五元钱

thrusting 盛气凌人

expose  vt.暴露

Girls don't want to expose themselves in the sun.

suntanned  被太阳晒黑的

be expose to 暴露在Students should be exposed to more reading。学生应该多读书。

Spell  n. 咒语spell vt.导致,带来lead to/ invite

Sloth spells failure. 懒惰生恶果。Pride spells failure.骄兵必败

result in /incur招致

I'm spellbound. 我被迷住了

Anglo-Saxon     n.盎格鲁-撒克逊人(449-1066)

Roman Empire falls  retreat 撤退

Celtic 凯尔特人

Notes on the text 5 star

第一句:The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage(后置定语), endeavoured to pretend that all their marriages were happy.(主提)


endeavour = try 尽力,尝试 make effects

accorded to man = given to man

save fighting 拳击

mental enjoyment 思想的幸福

第二句:We, for our part, admitting the fact that no feat (技巧) of intelligence and character is so exacting as that required of two people who desire to live permanently together on a basis of amity, are obsessed by the problem of how to render the basic facts of cohabitation simpler and more reasonable, in order that unhappy marriages may less frequently result.

render = make

cohabitation 同住

live in sin(罪过)

abbot 方丈

feat 壮举,技巧

exacting 精确无误,毫厘不差

intelligence = mental work

shoulder the burden 肩负责任

in order that (表目的)以便于

result 产生

hand in hand beggars 手牵手的乞丐(沿街乞讨的乞丐)

改句型:we admitted that ……..so we were obsessed……

第三句:The Victorians would have considered it 'painful' or 'unpleasant' were one to point out that only four marriages out of every ten are anything but forced servitudes.


if one were to point out……倒装句型=were one

four marriages out of every ten 十分之四

anything but除去

arranged marriage 包办婚姻 red veil 红纱

第四句:We ourselves start from this very assumption and try to build from it a theory of more sensible relations between the sexes. (开始论述)

very 修饰名词,是强调词

on the very day, I met the girl. 就在这一天,我见了那个女孩。

On the very morning 就是那天早晨

from = based on

sensible = reasonable 合理的

第五句:Of all forms of arrant untruthfulness Victorian optimism appears to me to the most cowardly and the most damaging.

optimism 乐观派,乐观主义(主语)

have been 过去完成式,

damaging 危害严重的


Victorian optimism appears to me to  have been the most cowardly and the most damaging of all forms of arrant untruthfulness.

truthful 真实的,说真话的 untruthful 爱说谎的,不真实的

to face reality 面对现实

my family is well off/ honeyed.

第二段第一句:Truth, therefore, is an attitude of the mind.(观点更鲜明)

truth 说真话

an attitude of the mind可替换为 a state of mind 精神状态

mental age 心理年龄 moral decay 道德败坏

第二句:lt is important, if one does not wish to inconvenience and to bore one's friends, not to tell lies.(进一步说明)

第三句:But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental


think = imagine

slide into 滑进去,陷进去 mechanical 机械的

conscious 有意识的

unconscious 无意识的

descent 产物,后代

mental ineptitude 不动脑筋

bar 单杠

第四句:The victorian habit of mind (which I consider to have been a bad habit of mind) was unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient.

the Victorian habit of mind 维多利亚时期人们的思维习惯

preoccupied 占领(满脑子都是)

unduly = improperly 不太恰当 convenient有利的

socially and morally 对社会建设和道德建设 robbery n.抢夺,抢掠 stability  稳定

第五句:Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value. One should have the courage to think uncomfortably, since it is only by rejecting the convenient that one

can come to think the truth.

in all affairs of life 在社会的各个方面

test of value 对价值的衡量 execrable 恶劣的

第六句:One should have the courage to think uncomfortably, since it is only by rejecting the convenient that one can come to think the truth.

rejecting 抛弃掉

Lesson 37

第三段:Not, after all, that there is any such thing as truth.(倒装句型)At best we can approach to some relative approximation. On the other hand, there is surely such a thing as untruth.  (开始论述)One is generally aware when one has said something, or acted in some way which has left on other people an impression not strictly in accordance with the facts.

(第二个论点)One is generally aware, also. when one has thrust aside an inconvenient thought and slid into its place another thought which is convenient. One's awareness in the former case is in general more acute than in the latter, since we are more on the look-out for the lies we utter than for those we merely think. In fact, however, it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two. Spoken lies are invariably tiresome and may actually be dishonest. But continuous lying in the mind, a disease to which the Anglo-Saxon is peculiarly exposed, spells the destruction of human thought and character.

after all 毕竟,归根到底

at best 充其量

approach = get close to 没有绝对,只有相对而言。

on the other hand 另一方面

前面对应词组:on the one hand

aware = clear

in some way 以某种方式

leave an impression on sb.给某人留下印象

left on other people an impression介词短语提前,因为impression后有定语,避免歧义

in accordance with 与……一致

elegance n.高雅,典雅

thrust aside = reject

slide into 滑到

acute 敏锐

utter = tell

vicious 危害严重的 disease  lying in the mind

be exposed to 暴露在……下

spells = bring about 带来,招致

biographer 传记作者 diplomat 外交家

Henry         Moore        Russell       Hemingway         O.Henry     Jack London        Faulkner     Bacon         Gissing      Gilbert        Maugham

stream of consciousness 意识流

loose in struture结构松散


a film maker

Pulitzer prize

Quotations of Chairman Mao

  L38 The Sculptors Speaks
Appreciation of sculpture depends upon the abi8lity to respond to form in three dimensions. That is perhaps why sculpture has been described as the most difficult of all arts; certainly it is more difficult than the arts which involve appreciation of flat forms, shape in only two dimensions. Many more people are 'form-blind' than colour-blind. The child learning to see, first distinguishes only two-dimensional shape; it cannot judge distances,depths. Later, for its personal safety and practical needs, it has to develop(partly by means of touch) the ability to judge roughly three-dimensional distances. But having satisfied the requirements of practical necessity, most people go no further. Though they may attain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form, they do not make the further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence.

This is what the sculptor must do. He must strive continually to think of , and  use, form in its full spatial completeness. He gets the solid shape, as it were, inside his head--he thinks of it, whatever its size, as if he were holding it completely enclosed in the hollow of his hand. He mentally visualizes a complex form from all round itself; he knows while he looks at one side what the other side is like; he identifies himself with its centre of gravity, its mass, its weight; he realizes its volume, as the space that the shape displaces in the air. And the sensitive observer of sculpture must also learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence. He must, for example, perceive an egg as a simple single solid shape, quite apart from its significance as food,or from the literary idea that it will become a bird.

And so with solids such as a shell, a nut, a plum, a pear, a tadpole, a mushroom, a mountain peak, a kidney, a carrot, a tree-trunk, a bird, a bud, a lark, a ladybird, a bulrush, a bone. From these he can go on to appreciate more complex forms of combinations of several forms. New words and expressions

sculpture n. 雕刻(人体雕像,大型的雕塑像)

statuary 雕像

engrave 在一些东西上刻花,刻工艺品,刻字

inscribe 题字

score 刻成一些比较可爱的小东西

form-blind a. 行盲的(指空间感不足)

colour-blind a. 色盲的

perception n. 知觉

perceptible a. 可感知的

perceptive + to sth. 思维敏感

sensitive + to sth. 身体敏感 emotional a. 感情的 sentimental 多愁善感

emotional 更加情绪化,由于当时的情况变化而产生情绪的激昂,指一时的冲动

Girls are more or less sentimental when they saw some sad things.

comprehend vt. 理解 comprehension n.

apprehend v. 理解

apprehension n.

comprehensibly 好理解地

comprehensive ability 理解综合能力

spatial a. 空间的 temporal 时间的

We all follow spatial and temporal order.我们写作要严循时空顺序。

spacious a.=huge and big 宽敞的

spatial state 空间状态

as it were (虽不可能)但似乎是…

visualize vt. 设想=imagine

visual 眼睛的,关于视野的

audit 听力的

audience 观众

visual and audit lesson 视听课 vision 视野

view 观点

visible 可见的visual effect 视觉效果visual mobility 视觉动感

conceive/envisage/picture v. 想象

I can picture sth. in my mind.我头脑中构思…

centre of gravity 重心

reminiscence n. 回忆,联想

remind 回忆

The fade coloured picture reminds me of my happy childhood.


reminiscent a.

The picture is reminiscent of my happy childhood.

The picture is a reminiscence of my happy childhood.

reminder 勾起回忆的物品

literary a. 文学的literature 文学

literary works 文学作品literary field 文学界

literary criticism 文学批评,文学评论

literate 有知识的,识字的人illiterate 不识字的,文盲

anti-illiteracy movement 扫盲运动

anti-drags movement 禁毒运动

literary translation 直译=word to word translation

free translation 意译=paraphrase

plum n. 李子

pear n. 梨子 peach 桃子,大美人

peachblossom 桃花

peach flower fan/ peachblossom fan 桃花扇

tadpole n. 蝌蚪

I'm a Tadpole.我是密西西比(Mississippi)人。

frog 青蛙

The tadpole is the larva of the frog.蝌蚪是青蛙的幼体。

mushroom n. 蘑菇

to spring up like mushrooms 如雨后春笋般

Individual enterprises are springing up like mushrooms.

carrot n. 胡萝卜

the stick and the carrot policy 软硬兼施政策

parrot n. v. 鹦鹉 He always parrots.他老是鹦鹉学舌。

bud n. 花蕾

The flower is in bud.这朵花含苞欲放。

nip sth. in the bud 防患于未然

lark n. 云雀=skylark ladybird n. 瓢虫=ladybug litterbug 乱扔垃圾的人

bulrush n. 芦苇 She/He is a bulrush.她/他是墙头草。

combination n. 结合体

My article combines the simplicity and the elegance.我的文章既简洁又美观。

sculptor n. 雕刻家

Notes on the text

This article is about how to enjoy/appreciate beauty in terms of sculpture.怎样欣赏美的雕塑

appreciation of sculpture 欣赏,理解雕塑

depend upon=depend on

口语多用depend on,书面语多用depend upon

respond to 对…有一种反映能力

involve 与…有关=is concerned with


practical necessity 实际需求

strive to 追求

solid 固定的=physical 实在的

inside his head 在他脑子中间

whatever its size=no matter what size it is 不论其什么样的形状

enclose 包着

all round 整个周围

penetrability 穿透力

identify with 与…等同

He identifies himself with masses.他和群众打成一片。

mass 质量

realize=regard 看作…

volume 体积

displace 排出,排放,放置

Archimedes 浮力定律,阿基米德

principle of buoyancy 浮力定律

apart from=different

so with=seem as

Henry Moore (1898-1986)

L39 Galileo Reborn Galileo

In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled, and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective. But, in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science.

The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. He was, above all, a man who experimented: who despised the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his questions to nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions fearlessly. He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. He was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top, who rolled balls down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall.

But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view of Galileo. Today, although the old Galileo lives on in many popular writings, among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged. At the same time our sympathy for Balileo's opponents has grown somewhat. His telescopic observation are justly immortal; they aroused great interest at the time, they had important theoretical consequences, and they provided a striking demonstration of the potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus. But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spy-glass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them?

New words and expressions

Galileo 意大利物理及天文学家 Italian

He is the founder of modern physics. SunCenter/ Earth Center Copernicus polish astronomy

Roman Catholic

heretic 异教徒

governing body

All roads lead to Rome.

controversy n. 争论,争议=argument/quarrel/debate

I had words with my wife.吵架

They two are controversial.因观点不同而争论

universiade debating 大学生辩论会

clash/confrontation mental conflict

If you go to America, you will find very surprising and shocking clash between western and oriental cultures.

controversial  beyond controversy毫无疑问=beyond question

dust n. 纠纷,骚动to raise dust 引起争论

Dust are you from, back to dust you will go.


He always licks the dust.卑躬屈膝

eat dust 忍辱负重,卧薪尝胆

The emperor of Yue ate dust for several years. Finally he turned against and also he successed.

raise a dust/ kick up a dust 引起争论

His rude remarks raise a dust.

the Inquisition n. (罗马天主教的)宗教法庭

thirty days grace/confess

perspective n. 观点,看法=view/stand/stance/proposition

My view/stand/stance/proposition is that...我的观点是…

prejudice n. 偏见

《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)全书第一句是:It is a truth well-known to the world that an unmarried man in possession of a big fortune must be in want of a wife.有钱的单身汉总想娶位太太,这已成为一条举世公认的真理。

arranged marriage 包办婚姻

be prejudiced against

He has a prejudice against me.他对我有偏见。

be discriminate against

Blacks are discriminated against.黑人受歧视。

racial discrimination 种族歧视

The mom plays favorites with her eldest son.母亲对大儿子偏心。

above all 首先 He is honest. He is kind. Above all he is very diligent.(强调"勤奋")

despise vt. 蔑视 dislike<belittle<contempt<despise<loathe

I despise snakes.

Aristotle 古希腊哲学家 classification


mind of the school

Ptolemy 古希腊哲学家

Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔

inclined plane 斜面

horizontal plane 水平面

generalize vt. 归纳generalization/summarize/induce

free fall 自由落体

undercurrent n. 潜流a hidden tendency behind the general opinion

sympathy n. 同情I have sympathy for him.

be sympathetic with

fellow feeling 同情

justly ad. 确实地,无疑地 no doubt

immortal a. 不朽的

Humans are mortal.

mortal sins 人世间的罪

He dealt me a mortal blow.他给了我致命一击。

He is mortally ill.病重

the immortals 长生不老的人

intimate a. 详尽的=detailed intimate report


familiarity n. 熟悉familiar a.

I am familiar with it.

It is familiar to me.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Distance lets enchantment to do well.

culpable a. 应受谴责的=condemnable


allege vt. 断言

spiral a. 螺旋状的

nebula n. 星云dust and mist

scratch n. 擦痕scratch a match 划火柴scratch a meal 扒两口饭scratch back 抓挠  scratch cat 打架厉害的女人pinch

Jupiter n. 木星

罗马神话(Roman mythology)的主神是Jupiter

希腊神话(Greek mythology)的主神是Zeus

spy-glass n. 小望远镜 telescope 大望远镜

contrivance n. 器械 instrument/appliance

distort vt. 歪曲=falsify/misrepresent/warp

distort the fact 歪曲事实

reborn n. 再生=rebirth

Notes on the text

long since 早已

He has long since died. the scientific dust since then has settled for a long time

in its proper/wrong perspective

something like/proper

He is something like musician.

something like its proper perspective 基本正确地来看待

in its proper sense/perspective

in contrast 相反controversial figure

view of Galileo 人们对Galileo的看法Galileo's view Galileo的看法

book learning 书本知识 blind worship 盲目崇拜

put 提出

draw one's conclusion 作出结论

powerful influence of religion

there: in the sky

weights 重物

generalize... into 把…总结成

law/theory   law: natural/theory: mental

law of nature 自然法则

a closer study 更仔细地研究


sense: understanding

consciousness: understanding

profoundly: deeply

modified: changed

1 of the period

2 new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents

old: late 已故的

live on 活跃在

popular writings 科普文章 picture: idea

opponents 反对者 the majority of the commons

somewhat: a little   they: telescopic observations

striking: surprising/shocking

demonstration: show/exhibition potentiality/potential

tap one's potentials 挖掘潜力


blame: criticize

powers 倍数

calls for: needs

extol him to the sky

backward society

ardent follower of Aristotle and Ptolemy

allege (内容一般不真实)

observed with

Lord 勋爵 scratches 碎片

grinder 磨工,尤指磨刀具的工人,研磨者

a sheer liar telling lies

to tell people to tell truth

forgive: pardon

moons 卫星 in his day 在他的时代 curved glass 曲面镜

convex 凸透镜 concave 凹透镜 fatter/thinner a pair of 一对

too abrupt/radical

L40 Themes and Variations

Populations increase and decrease relatively not only to one another, but also to natural resources. In most parts of the world, the relation between population and resources is already unfavourable and will probably become even more unfavourable in the future. This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace. And not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty. For overpopulation is not compatib1e with freedom. An unfavourable relationship between numbers and resources tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. Labour is more abundant than goods, and the individual is compelled to work long hours for little pay. No surplus of accumulated purchasing power stands between him and the tyrannies of unfriendly nature or of the equally unfriendly wielders of political and economic power. Democracy is, among other things, the ability to say 'no' to the boss. But a man cannot say 'no' to the boss, unless he is sure of being able to eat when the boss's favour has been withdrawn. And he cannot be certain of his next meal unless he owns the means of producing enough wealth, for his family to live on, or has been able to accumulate a surplus out of past wages, or has a chance of moving to virgin territories, where he can make a fresh start. In an overcrowded country, very few people own enough to make them financially independent; very few are in a position to accumulate purchasing power; and there is no free land. Moreover, in any country where population presses hard upon natural resources, the general economic situation is apt to be so precarious that government control of capital and labour, production and consumption, becomes inevitable. It is no accident that the twentieth century should be the century of highly centralized governments and totalitarian dictatorships; it had to be so for the simple reason that the twentieth century is the century of planetary overcrowding.

New words and expressions

precarious a. 不稳定的

perilous 山势险恶的,危险的

poverty n.贫困

I live in poverty. / I'm poverty-stricken. / My family is poverty-stricken.

constitute vt. 构成 constitute a menace 构成威胁

compatible with 和……处的来incompatible

The meal is tolerable.  这饭还说的过去。

The meal is intolerable 这饭真差。

virgin work 处女作 virgin soil 处女地 virgin voyage 处女航 Virgin Mary 圣母玛利亚

apt a.易于 apt to / be apt to theme song 主题歌

Notes on the text

populations 表示各地的人口

to one another 相互之间有关系

to natural resources 和自然资源也有关系

the growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty=people become poorer and poorer

e.g. The growing prosperity in the midst of growing prosperity enables men to travel worldwide.人们越来越富使得人们可以周游世界。

permanent=long time, enduring 长期的,永久的(lasting)

permanent love 永久的爱 / permanent friendship 持久的友谊 / permanent member 永久会员

And not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty. (无谓句)

liberty 自由度,个人自由

I love my sister, my brother…also my grandmother. (强调grandmother)强调句

…, constitutes a permanent menace to peace, also to democratic institutions and personal liberty.(语气较弱)

freedom 用途很广 I enjoy freedom. 今天我休息。

liberty 政治上的自由 Statue of Liberty 自由女神像


dog-eat-dog 人吃人 竞争激烈的

lucrative job 肥缺 / cut figure out 崭露头角

tend 强调无意识的 e.g. He tends to rise early. 他习惯于早起。

intend 强调有意识的 e.g. He intends to rise early. 他爱早起。

labour force 劳动力

surplus 剩余 surplus value 剩余价值 labour surplus 剩余劳动力

purchasing power 购买力

accumulated 堆积的,蓄积的(open-handed)

tyranny n. 残暴

political and economic power=countries

wielders 统治者


It is impossible for him/for individual to get anything under the ruthless nature and the merciless government.

power: 国家 America is a superpower. 美国是超级大国。

above all 首要 = among other things 表示强调说法


to build a government of the people, by the people and for the people. (Lincoln) (民有、民治、民享)


favour: 恩惠  in the boss's favour. 这是老板的大红人 He is the boss's favourite. (很吃香) He is a diplomat. 他左右逢源,很会来事。

withdraw: 取走

and: 句式连接

My mother is a doctor, and my father is a driver.

My mother is a doctor. And my father is a driver.

be certain=be sure of

means 手段,方法 by means of 通过……手段

live on: 依靠……而生活 I live on rice/noodle.live by one's hands 靠劳动  live by the mountains 靠山吃山,靠水吃水

feed on

out of 从……出来 out of reason / He did out of impulse. 他出于冲动。

virgin territories 新的国度 make a fresh start 重新开始

financially independent 经济独立 = economically independent

financially dependent on my parents 需要父母给钱

Mentally I would rather you stay. 打心眼里我是真舍不得你走。

be in a position to=be able to


The professor is in a position to air on this topic.

press upon=press on 施加压力给……

be apt to=tend to  government control 政府控制capital 资本

it is no accident 决不是偶然

centralized : (I want to build a cradle for security. (Stalin))

Aldous Huxley (奥尔德斯·赫胥黎) (1894-1963英国作家,他最著名作品Brave New World (美丽新世界)描绘了以科学方式组织的理想社会的恐怖情景)

Aldous Huxley is No. 1 humorist in Britain. (林语堂)

Arnold 阿诺德:英国著名作家(Aldous Huxley's uncle)

Tomas Huxley (严复《天演论》,Aldous Huxley's grandfather)

The Statue of Liberty: 碑铭(1886年,法国送给美国)

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



L41 The Origin of Things

Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states 'invest' in institutions of learning to get back 'interest' in the form of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by text-books--those purchasable wells of wisdom--what would civilization be like without its benefits ?

So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births--but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on 'facts and figures' and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and on the capacity of a man to get along with his fellow citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form of 'college' imaginable. Among the people whom we like to call savages all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in this respect everybody is, equally equipped for life.

It is the ideal condition of the 'equal start' which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no 'illiterates '--if the term can be applied to peoples without a script--while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of 'civilized' nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the 'happy few' during the past centuries.

Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents, therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no 'juvenile delinquency.' No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to 'buy' an education for his child.

New words and expressions

inherit vt.继承 disinherit v.剥夺继承权

illiterate n. 文盲  literary a. 文学的  literature n.文学

circum=surrounding 周围的

circus 马戏团,马戏场

circumspect a. 慎重的,周到的,小心谨慎的

environment n. (用单数)  circumstance n. (用复数)

deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人机会 rob: 抢 rob sb. of sth.

e.g. He deprived me of the opportunity of education. / He deprived me of freedom. / I'm deprived./downfallen.

possess: 拥有 dispossess sb. of sth.

invest: 投资 devest: 拿走

denude v. 使身无分文

convince sb. of sth.     e.g. He convinced me of his honesty.  (强调结果)

persuade sb. to do sth.   e.g. She persuade me to go shopping with her. (强调过程)

His speech is very convincing. (具有说服力)

enlightened: 受到启迪

Listen to both sides, you will be enlightened. (兼听则明)

the enlightenment 启蒙运动 We should base on understanding on reason. 理性认识世界

1. ancient philosopher (Aristotle)

2. Renaissance (文艺复兴)

3. scientific revolution

Religion always regarded human as vicious. (well-natured: 人性本善)

Famous figures: Bacon, Locke, Rousseau《The Confessions》

instruct: 指导 instructor 辅导员 cycle of instruction 教学周期

punctuate vt.加强,介入,加标点  acupuncture 针灸术

underline: 加强 fortify: 加强(工事) intensify: 强化

preach  sermon     missionary: 带着任务到国外传教

defendant n. 被告 (plaintiff: 原告 prosecutor: 原告(尤指刑事)

MA=master of arts: 硕士  PHD:博士 defendant: 论文的答辩者  defend my thesis

mental outlook: 精神面貌 world outlook: 世界观


capacity n. 能力  breath capacity: 肺活量

capability/caliber: high caliber

in the capacity of: 以什么身份

e.g. In the capacity of a chairman, I extend a warm welcome to all the delegates. 我以主席身份,热烈欢迎各位代表。

inherit vt.  inheritor: 继承人

people/folk: 民族 (highly civilized)

tribe: backward  Mongolian tribe 蒙古部落

clan: 氏族 maternal: 母系  paternal: 父系

illiterate n. 文盲   literate: 有文化的  antiilliteracy 扫盲

compulsory service system 义务服役制

compulsory course 必修科目

optional/selective course: 选修科目

deem=regard/think  I deem him right.

He hampers my progress.

block / thwart   shackle: 枷锁 impede: 阻止

jungle law: 丛林法则  the survival of the fittest 适者生存

savannah: 大草原(比较潮湿的湿地) in South America

delinquency  juvenile delinquency


crime 非常严重 commit

sin: 可以饶恕的罪行 Amitabha

guilt: (抽象)犯罪 I am guilty.

confront vt. 面对 (face的书面用语)

confront difficulty / be confronted with

There's a confrontation between the two nations.

convinced of: 被说服,相信=believing

As an apple is not an apple in any things until it is ripe, so a man without education is not a man in any things.



'invest': 投资

institutions of learning 学术机构  institutions of higher learning: 高等教育

'interest': 利息

in the form of / in the shape of

enlightened: 有知识的 potential: 潜在=possible

elite: 精英

work out=design 设计

punctuate: 加强

wells: 源泉 wells of wisdom: 知识源泉

What would…(虚拟语气)

benefits: 裨益

without (虚拟语气的成分居多)=but for: 若不是,若没有if there were not its benefits…

The ideas that come to him so thick and fast, where are they now?名词+疑问句=感叹句

Women, who can live with them? who can live without them?

that we would have 虚拟

spiritual outlook: 精神面貌/世界

bare foot doctor: 赤脚医生

lay stress on: 强调,重视

'facts and figures': 数字和事实 (think, judge, reason)

more on a good memory

woman's wit 没有任何的解释

applied psychology: 应用心理学

capacity of a man to get along with his fellow citizens (nepotism: 裙带关系) / criterion: 标准


bookless: 没有书本 homeless / childless / treeless (a treeless mountain) 名词+less构成反义词

democratic: 民主的 / imaginable: 可以想象的 most+imaginable/possible (后置定语)

The most relax form possible is to go picnicking.

equality: 平等 / same footing: 同起点

inherited by tradition is shared by all (equality)

in this respect / regard / area: 在这一角度而言

equip (with knowledge) for life

ideal 不具有比较最高级

progressive: 进步的

regain: 重新获得

Education can be spread to every man possible.  (9 year compulsory educational system: 九年义务制)

primitive cultures=in ancient times

cultures: 国家, different cultures: 不同的国家

obligation: 义务

binding: 绑, bound (As one of the social members, you had to take responsibility to receive education. )

'illiterate' 文盲

script=word: 文字

compulsory: 强制的,义务的 attendance: 注册或到校报到=education (compulsory / forced / binding)

before we deemed it necessary

I went out before it rained. (before: (1)直译,之前 (2)之后 )

share in: 分享其中一份

"happy few": (Greece, Rome, China: private school)

wilderness: 荒野

be equal to+名词或动名词=be qualified for

none of the hurry (拔苗助长): to spoil a child by excessive enthusiasm

full development: 全面发展 / growing personality: 正在生长的人性(人格)


ever-present: 无处不在

Mother's employment prevents her from being home to greet their children when they return from school.

jungle: 丛林

know of: 了解,听说=hear of

'juvenile delinquency' 少年犯

No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to 'buy' an education for his child.

e.g. No man will marry her. (对整句man will marry her的否定)

be confronted with=face =confront

本文特点:radical: 激进的

L42 Journey through Adolescence

Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. They may even accuse them of disloyalty, or make some spiteful remark about the friends' parents. Such a loss of dignity and descent into childish behaviour on the part of the adults deeply shocks the adolescents, and makes them resolve that in future they will not talk to their parents about the places or people they visit. Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is so secretive and never tells them anything, but they seldom realize that they have brought this on themselves.

Disillusionment with the parents, however good and adequate they may be both as parents and as individuals, is to some degree inevitable. Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the parents themselves have been unsatisfactory, that it ca hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. Parents would be greatly surprised and deeply touched if they realize how much belief their children usually have in their character and infallibility, and how much this faith means to a child. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.

The adolescent, with his passion for sincerity, always respects a parent who admits that he is wrong, or ignorant, or even that he has been unfair or unjust. What the child cannot forgive is the parents' refusal to admit these charges if the child knows them to be true.

Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian attitude; in fact hey did nothing of the kind, but children were then too cowed to let them know how they really felt. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent. It is always wiser and safer to face up to reality, however painful it may be at the moment.

New words and expressions

Slurn. 诋毁

Annoy vt.使生气

Spiteful 恶意的,怀恨的 Dignity n.尊严

Resolve vt.决心

Disillusionment n.幻灭感

Stand up to 经得起

Infallibility n.一贯正确

Resent vt.怨恨

Sincerity n.诚挚

Charge n.指责

Retreat vi.后退

Unreasoning a.不凭理智的

Authoritarian a.专制的

Cow vt.吓唬

slur put /cast a slur on sb. 给 ….以诋毁

slander 诽谤 (lesson31) backbite He backbites me.Smear 涂污,诽谤Fame 名声Defame 诽谤Defamation 诽谤 put/cast a slur on…给…以诋毁

Annoy 程度not so strong

按程度分 irritate(烦了) anger fury(大发雷霆)


男女朋友吵架,令人心烦用 that really annoys me. 如用 that really angers me. 就分手了

annoying adj. You're reading a book, a mosquito hovers. You can say "it's annoying'

Vicious 恶毒的 Ill-natured 心眼怀的 Bitchy 恶毒的Venom 毒液 Venomous 邪恶的

Indignity 侮辱 Keep dignity 守住面子Lose dignity 丢面子To lie is to lose one's dignity.

Illusion 幻想 幻觉 (没有实际的幻想)

I'm under illusion that I will be a billionaire.

Fantasy 幻想Fancy 幻想 Mirage 幻想 海市蜃楼 幻景

Massage 按摩

Message 信息

Stand up to (severe test /严峻考验 rumor/流言 charge/指责 criticism/批评 )

It's raining hard(heavily), I brave to school. 不顾风雨 冒着雨

Fallible 有问题的Flaw 瑕疵 flawless 无暇的Fault 错误 faultless 无误的Impeccable 完美无缺的Every man is fallible. = No one is infallible. 人无完人

Resent 按程度分 dislike<resent<hate<loathe(very strong)

grudge 因妒嫉而恨 ~ one's success

scold<criticize 批评 (find faults with sb.) blame 指责(neglect of duty )I'm to blame (for ……) 是我的责任<Condemn denounce 谴责

Retreat  I retreat to an armchair. 我一屁股坐到椅子上I ~ to bed early. 我早早睡觉A summer retreat 避暑胜地

Unreasoning 不靠理智推理>Unreasonable 不合逻辑的

Dictator 专制Dictatorial 专制的Tyrannical 残暴的,专横的Domineering 霸道的 厉害的Authoritative 权威的

Coward 胆小鬼 Cower 颤抖Scare 惊吓Scare to death

Bully 欺凌弱小者 Browbeat 恫吓My boss always browbeats me.

Upset 使心烦(unhappy) Slip into 溜进去

Ungrateful child 不孝子孙 People/parents are often upset …

Dine with sb. 和 … 吃饭 Furniture 家具 (un.)A piece /article /set of furniture

Adolescent (13~16)

Spoil himself 放肆 撒野

Accuse 指责 accuse sb. of sth.

Loyal 忠诚的 忠心的 ~ to sth.  Disloyalty 不忠

Make remark = say

On the part of =on their part 就他们而言

Before very long 很快 马上Long before 很久以前

Before very long the parents will be complaining that the child is …将来进行时 表示预见性极强

tight lipped 沉默的

they have brought this on themselves = as you sow,so will you raise. = fry oneself in one's own juice 自找麻烦

however good and adequate they may be both= they may be both good and adequate

however 用倒装

adequate 称职的=qualified

Most children have such a high ideal of their parents, unless the ……. , that it(ideal) can hardly hope to stand up to a ……

Developing 养成

Power =ability 能力

Opposition 对立面

Resisting 拒绝 resenting 怨恨,敌视

keep their dignity 保全面子

Tend to 不由自主的

表态度 loose lax extreme lenient

L43 Our Developing World

Faith in controlled nuclear fission is now being shown by the construction of atomic power stations. In Britain, Calder Hall on the coast of Cumberland first made its contribution to the National Electricity grid in 1957. Subsequently a chain of nuclear power stations was planned. Of necessity they are sited near the coasts or tidal water because of the need of much water for cooling and a certain discharge of possible radioactive effluent. Atomic power is associated in the public mind with the destructive force of atom bombs and partly for this reason, though it is claimed that there is no danger to be associated with atomic power stations, they are being sited away from populous centres.

The present position is that the three main sources of power are coal, oil and water power. We sometimes refer to electricity ,gas or petrol as if they were the actual source of power , forgetting that electricity must be generated by the consumption of coal or oil or by the utilization of water power, whilst coke,gas and petrol are examples of secondary fuels by which coal and oil may be more effectively used.

Where alternative sources of power are available there are some marked contrasts in handling. The bulk and weight of coal required in the majority of manufacturing industries is large in comparison with the bulk and weight of other raw materials. This is not always true--was with the manufacture of pig iron and steel from low-grade iron ores-- but it did lead to the concentration of industrial developments on the coal-fields, a phenomenon well seen in such countries as Britain where the Industrial Revolution came before the days of oil or electricity. Coal being a solid must be distributed mainly by rail or water.

By way of contrast oil can be transported large distances by pipeline but overseas movement has involved building of large numbers of tankers, including now some of the largest vessels afloat. Unless suitable on other grounds oilfields have not become industrial regions; on the contrary the oil industry is marked by a certain amount of smell and an element of danger, hence the siting of refineries at a distance from population centres. It is not always realized that the owners of pipelines can handle the oil of different customers, sending it through at different, periods. Natural gas can also be transported large distances by pipe. Early in 1959 Britain received the first ship cargo of natural gas----liquefied for the purpose of transport.

L44 The Backward Society

If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together. This increases the expense of government, and reduces correspondingly the amount of economic resources that could be used for developing the country, And it should not be forgotten how small those resources are in a poor and backward country. Where the cost of government is high, resources for development are correspondingly low.

This may be illustrated by comparing the position of a nation with that of a private business enterprise. An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business. For our purposes, we are concerned only with one kind of cost--the cost of managing and administering the business. Such administrative overhead in a business is analogous to the cost of government in a nation. The administrative overhead of a business is low to the extent that everyone working in the business can, be trusted to behave in a way that best promotes the interests of the firm. If they can each be trusted to take such responsibilities, and to exercise such initiative as falls within their sphere, then administrative overhead will be low. It will be low because it will be necessary to have only one man looking after each job, without having another man to check upon what he is doing, keep him in line, and report on him to someone else. But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job, then the business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foremen, and administrative overhead will rise correspondingly. As administrative overhead rises, so the earnings of the business, after meeting the expense of administration, will fall; and the business will have less money to distribute as dividends or invest directly in its future progress and development.

It is precisely the same with a nation. To the extent that the people can be relied upon to behave in a loyal and responsible manner, the government does not require armies of police and civil servants to keep them in order. But if a nation is disunited, the government cannot be sure that the actions of the people will be in the interests of the nation; and it will have to watch, check, and control the people accordingly. A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.

New words and expressions

Disunited a.分裂的

Economic resource经济实力

Incur vt.承担

Backward a.落后的

Administrative a.行政管理的 Overhead a.一般费用

Analogous a.类似的

Behave vi.行动

Sphere n.范围

Keep sb. in line 使某人协调

Checker n.检查人员 Foreman n.监工

Dividend n.红利

Civil servant 文职人员

Notes on the text

Unite ~all the people 团结所有的人民

Unify (思想)统一 Union Unification Reunion团聚

In China, spring festival/mid autumn day is a good time for reunion.在中国,中秋节/春节是团聚的好时间

Chinese people are hoping/expecting the reunion between the mainland and Taiwan Island.中国人希望大陆两岸统一。

In 199x, the two Germanies reunifaction. 在199X年东西德统一

Incur 承担 后面跟抽象名词 (费用,成本)I have a family to support/feed/bear.

招致,导致 (不好的恶果) Pride incur failure.=invite,lead to

Backward Forward 先进的 Backward nation Forward country

Under developed 欠发达 Developing 发展中

Organ 机构 Administrator 管理者


Bush administration bush当局(西方用人名,中国用地名)

Beijing administration MBA master of business and administration

Sphere Hemisphere 半球 Eastern hemisphere 西半球Western hemisphere 东半球

Semi-colony 半殖民Feudal society 封建社会Semi-feudal 半封建Semifinal 半决赛

Domain 域 Field  scope 眼界province 领域He is very provincial 他没有远见

Dividend (入股的)红利 Allowance 津贴Bonus 奖金

Civil marriage 不在教堂举行的婚礼

She keeps the family in line.她把家打理得井井有条。

State 有政治概念State law  State visit 政事访问

Correspondingly; therefore so

He wrote me 5 letters, correspondingly I answered 5.

Where the cost of government is high, resources for development are correspondingly now.Where 可当作if 翻译Where there is life, there is hope

Compare with 与….. 比较

Contrast 比较,侧重异 compare 侧重 相同 Compare to 比作

Private (business) enterprise /individual enterprise /one man enterprise 私企

Out of business 破产

Concern with :talk about

Concern for/about 关心

I concern for your health.

Is low to the extent/degree that ……..= is so low that

Exercise initiative 发挥能动性 Initiative stage 初级阶段

Within their sphere/ to their utmost 尽其最大力量

Report sth 报道 Report on 汇报

I'm reading carefully. I'm reading with care. I'm reading in a careful manner.

An army (group) of

Meet expense 收支相抵

On one's behalf For one's benefit 代表某人的利益

It's in your interest to tell truth (be honest).

L45 The Process of Ageing

At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is least. Earlier we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigour and resistance which, though imperceptible at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us. This decline in vigour with the passing of time is called ageing. It is one of the most unpleasant discoveries which we all make that we must decline in this way, that if we escape wars, accidents and diseases we shall eventually die of old age, and that this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person, so that there are heavy odds in favour of our dying between the ages of sixty-five and eighty. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer-- on into a ninth or tenth decade. But the chances are against it, and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are.

Normal people tend to forget this process unless and until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have for years assumed that the process of losing vigour with time, of becoming more likely to die the older we get, was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle or the wearing-out of a pair of shoes. They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, or even the universe itself, must in the nature of things 'wear out'. Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do if given the chance to live long enough; and mechanical systems like a wound watch or the sun, do in fact run out of energy in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics (whether the whole universe does so is a moot point at present). But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. An old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending But a watch could never repair itself it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction. We could,at one time, repair ourselves well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses an accidents. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power; an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years for half of us to die, and another 700 for the survivors to be reduce by half again.

New words and expressions

infant 婴儿(会说点话) baby婴儿(不会说话)

the infant industry新兴产业in its infancy在初始阶段

vulnerable脆弱的be vulnerable to受不了

fragile脆弱 (health/body)

barefaced厚颜无耻的 defenceless脆弱的(不设防的,无保护的)


invisible看不到的indiscernible观察不到的minute微小的 subtle细微的

steep急转直下的(陡峭的)steep poor health 身体状况急转直下steep demand苛刻的要求


aged wine陈酿

odds可能性 There are/is odds that he will turn up.=The odds are that he will turn up


It's odds that… /The odds are… /There are odds… 都是 ……有可能



robust强健的 (乐百氏)muscular强壮的athletic壮的 thickset结实的


wearing-ou t穿破


moot point有争议的



Notes on the text

1.vigorous 后省略stage


2.yet=however yet 可在句中,不用标点


3.stealthy slide out of room溜出房间 play truant逃学


cry one's eyes out嚎啕大哭

5.undergo经历 up and down/ lows and highs沉浮

6.the passing of time时光流逝

7.heavy odds极大可能


9.寿命life-span life expectancy longevity

10.tend to 倾向,不由自主

Unless and until 连词的连用

11.spoil oneself糟蹋自己

12.the …the …并列比较


In the nature of things 插入语





16.fatul=deadly 致命的

L46 The Menace of Urban Explosion from The Listener

After millennia of growth so slow that each generation hardly noticed it, the cities are suddenly racing off in every direction. The world population goes up by two per cent a year, city population goes up by four per cent a year, but in big cities the rate may be as much as five and six per cent a year. To give only one example of almost visible acceleration, Athens today grows by three dwellings And 100 square metres of road every hour. There is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken. As technology gradually swallows up all forms of work, industrial and agricultural, the rural areas are going to shrink, just as they have shrunk in Britain, and the vast majority of their people will move into the city. In fact, in Britain now only about four or five per cent of people live in rural areas and depend upon them; all through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already, and there they huddle, migrants in the favellas and barrios of Latin America, in shanty towns in Africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of Calcutta and Bombay. We are heading towards an urban world.

This enormous increase will go ahead whatever we do, and we have to remember that the new cities devour space. People now acquire far more goods and things. There is a greater density of household goods; they demand more services such as sewage and drainage. Above all the car changes everything: rising incomes and rising populations can make urban car density increase by something like four and five per cent in a decade; traffic flows rise to fill whatever scale of highways are provided for them. The car also has a curious ambivalence: it creates and then it destroys mobility. The car tempts people further out and then gives them the appalling problem of getting back. It makes them believe they can spend Sunday in Brighton, but makes it impossible for them to return before, say, two in the morning. People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them, and just as their working weeks decline and they begin to have more time for leisure, they find they cannot get to the open spaces or the recreation or the beaches which they now have the time to enjoy.

Recently some studies were made in the behavior of mice when exposed to more than a certain degree of density, frustration, and noise, and the mice just became deranged. I think some sociologists wonder whether it might not be the same for men. This combination of very high density of population, goods and services, and machines, all increasing with almost bruta1 speed, does account for some really antisocial tendencies in modern urban growth.

L47 Plato Today

The modern Plato, like his ancient counterpart, has an unbounded contempt for oliticians and statesmen and party leaders who are not university men. He finds politics a dirty game, and only enters them reluctantly because he knows that at the very least he and his friends are better than the present gang. Brought up in the traditions of the ruling classes, he has a natural pity for the common people whom he has learnt to know as servants, and observed from a distance at their work in the factory, at their play in the parks and holiday resorts. He has never mixed with them or spoken to them on equal terms, but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence. He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave. A man of culture, he genuinely despises the self-made industrialist and newspaper-king: with a modest professional salary and a little private income of his own, he regards money-making as vulgar and avoids all ostentation. Industry and finance seem to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen, although, alas, many are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them. intellectual, he gently laughs at the superstitions of most Christians, but attends church regularly because he sees the importance of organized religion for the maintenance of sound morality among the lower orders, and because he dislikes the scepticism and materialism of radical teachers. His genuine passions are for literature and the philosophy of science and he would gladly spend all his time in studying them. But the plight of the world compels his unwilling attention, and when he sees that human stupidity and greed are about to plunge Europe into chaos and destroy the most glorious civilization which the world has known, he feels that it is high time for men of good sense and good will to intervene and to take politics out of the hands of the plutocrats of the Right and the woolly-minded idealists of the Left. Since he and his kind are the only representatives of decency combined with intelligence, they must step down into the arena and save the masses for themselves.

New words and expressions

1.Plato柏拉图Platonic love: friendship between woman and man of mind and spirit

西方文明由1、christianity 2、苏格拉底,亚里士多德,柏拉图构成


3.Resort 度假胜地 retreat 胜地summer resort 避暑山health resort 疗养胜地spot 胜地

4.mix 相混合 He mixes well./ He is a good mixer.他左右逢源。

5.Crave 混合 crave for fresh air渴望新鲜空气 craving贪婪

6.Genuinely真正的 genuine=pure 纯正的 real=true真的

authentic 正宗的,真品Sincere真诚


8.ostentation卖弄、炫耀 ostentatious adj pretentious adj showy adj flashy adj

9.alas 哎呀 10.exigency 紧迫 emergency紧迫,急诊

11.Christian基督教徒Christianity基督教 Christ基督 Islam/Moslem伊斯兰教Buddhism佛教Buddha如来佛

12.religion宗教 religious宗教的 enter into religion 出家

13.morality道德 moral道德


15.materialism唯物主义 materialist务实者,唯物主义者 idealist理想主义者,唯心者dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义 historical materialism历史唯物主义


17.plight困境trap/plunge/sink into plight陷入困境 dilemma左右为难的

18.greed贪婪avaricious贪婪的 insatiable不知足的

19.plunge使陷入 I plunge myself into poverty 我陷入贫困

Gambling plunged him into failure in business.赌博使他陷入商业失败的境地。

20.chaos混乱chaotic混乱的anarchy无政府状态 lawlessness无法无天 bedlam疯人院

21.plutocrat富豪 Pluto 冥王星

22.the Right 右翼 the Left左翼 rightist右派 leftist左派

23.decency体面 decent体面的

for the seek of decency为了面子

Notes on the text

1.the modern Plato :the person who is like Plato in our modern society.

2.stateman 政治家 plitician政客

3.A university is a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who pursue truth who strike to make others see.大学是憎恶无知的人求知之所,是寻求真理的人诲人之处.

4.them :political activities.

5.at the very least说句公道话

6.gang :group of people 在英文中,一般无褒义.

7.bring up: bring sb. up

grow up

8.on equal terms平等的地位

on speaking terms 泛泛之交

They keep good terms with each other.

The two neighbors are not on borrowing term.这两个邻居从不来往

9.newspaper-king 报业巨子




13.genuine passions一种热切的激情plight n.情况


15be about to do: do sth very soon

16.high time =good time早就该

17.intervene干涉 woolly-minded 糊涂脑袋的




unbound contempt for  sb

a natural pity

on equal terms

superior intelligence

a man of culture

self-made industrialist


unworthy of gentlemen

plunge into

high time

man of good sense

his kind

L48 What Every Writer Wants from Harper’s

I have known very few writers, but those I have known, and whom I respected, confess at once that they have little idea where they arc going when they first set pen to paper. They have a character, perhaps two, they are in that condition of eager discomfort which passes for inspiration, all admit radical changes of destination once the journey has begun; one, to my certain knowledge, spent nine months on a novel about Kashmir, then reset the whole thing in the Scottish Highlands. I never heard of anyone making a 'skeleton', as we were taught at school. In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination. A blurred image appears, he adds a brushstroke and another, and it is gone; but something was there, and he will not rest till he has captured it. Sometimes the yeast within a writer outlives a book he has written. I have heard of writers who read nothing but their own books, like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot fathom the exact outline of the vision before them. For the same reason, writers talk interminably about their own books, winkling out hidden meanings, super-imposing new ones,begging response from those around them. Of course a writer doing this is misunderstood: he might as well try to explain a crime or a love affair. He is also, incidentally, an unforgivable bore.

This temptation to cover the distance between himself and the reader, to study his image in the sight of those who do not know him, can be his undoing: he has begun to write to please.

A young English writer made the pertinent observation a year or two back that the talent goes into the first draft, and the art into the drafts that follow. For this reason also the writer, like any other artist, has no resting place, no crowd or movement in which he may take comfort, no judgment from outside which can replace the judgment from within. A writer makes order out of the anarchy of his heart; he submits himself to a more ruthless discipline than any critic dreamed of, and when he flirsts with fame, he is taking time off from living with himself, from the search for what his world contains at its inmost point.

最难的课文 L55 L58 L58 L60

New words and expressions

confess 承认 confess one's guilt 承认罪行 confess that I am guilty (也可跟从句)

表示"承认"的词还有:admit, acknowledge, confined


inspiration灵感 inspire激发 brain wave灵机一动,脑波 sunden inspiration灵机一动

radical 根本的 也有"激进"之意


interweave 交织 inter相互 weave 编

weave a story 编故事 Weaving Maid 织女 He weaves a lie.撒谎

afresh 重新 =again

fresh student 新生 fresh water淡水资源 I am fresh here.

discern辩明,领悟 ——长期的考证,敏锐的目光(强调result)



spot——猛然发现(suddenly) I spotted an old friend of mine.

indescribable无法描述的 beyond description

utter表述 unutterable非言语所能表达的

express表达 expressible能表达的 inexpressible难以形容的

blur使……模糊不清 Tears blur my eyes.泪水模糊了双眼。 blur with由于……而看不清

befog——由于雾看不清 blot——墨水弄污 stain——由于污渍而弄得不美观

yeast激动 来源:酵母,发酵粉

I am yeasty.我有点激动。 yeasty talk空洞的,一派胡言

fathom领悟,彻底了解 fathomless无法计量,无法了解的 fathomable能够了解的

原意:测量(水)深的手段 go to the bottom of sth.研究 with plumb研究

comprehend理解 penetrate深入,探索

interminably没完没了地 terminable可终止的,有期限的(有完有了:) a terminal(汽车)终点

(同)unbounded无边的,limitless无限的,无界限的,never ending无限的cease停止 ceaselessly

winkle挖掘(向外挖) dig(向下)挖


super impose添上,加上 impose强加 He is very imposing.他很威严。 Imposing building宏伟的楼

love affairs 恋爱

incidentally顺便说一下 (同)by the way; in passing

in the sight of以某人观点 =in the eye of

He is in sight.他出现了。 Out of sight

Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。

undoing祸根 undo解开 ruin毁坏

The scandal undoes his fame.丑闻把他的名声坏了。=The scandal is the undoing of his bad fame.

smoking undoes my health.

pertinent中肯的 pertinent suggestion/proposition合理建议


be pertinent to sth.和……有关 =be relative to

flirt调情 flirt with sb.不认真对待某人。 flirtatious玩世不恭的,轻浮的

inmost内心深处的 =at the bottom of one's heart

at the inmost point

Notes on the text

…those I have known, and (whom)I respect…这里whom可省略,但加上表示强调(为数少)

set pen to paper诉诸笔端,也可以用apply pen to paper = write

pass for (= be regarded as)被当作,被认为

a train/line of thought思路

pick me up提神




to my (certain) knowledge = as I know

set设置 reset重新设置

heard of听说

skeleton骷髅;提纲 =outline

breaking打破 =drop

remaking重新构想 rethinking



come to逐步的





be of结构,表示一种状态

It is interesting. = It is of interest.


a blurred image appears突然出现了一个模糊


image = figure


not until直到……才

condensed thinking浓缩的思想


( = live longer than)超出……,活得比……长

out- 超

outnumber数目超过,比……多; outwit比……聪明

total immersion完全沉浸其间(作家最高境界)



winkling out发掘出

might as well ( = have reason, is reasonable)

He might as well be proud of son.


black look遭人白眼

cover the distance弥补之间的距离(= cater for)


a year or two back = a year or two years ago



like any other表示单数"任何一个"

make order调理程序

submit to屈服、容忍 =bear



when he flirts with fame当他不太考虑名誉问题的时候 错误,应为:追求名誉

take time off休息

from living with himself不再探索内心的感受

at its inmost point在内心深处

L49 Balloon Astronomy

Rockets and artificial satellites can go far above the ionosphere, and even escape from the Earth. Yet they are complex and expensive, and in their present stage of development they cannot lift massive telescopes, keep them steady while the observations are being carried out, and then return them safely. Balloons are much easier to handle, and are also vastly cheaper. Their main limitation is that they are incapable of rising to the ionosphere. A height of between 80,000 and 90,000 feet is as much as can reasonably be expected, and so balloon-borne instruments can contribute little to either ultra-violet astronomy or X-ray astronomy. All the same, the balloon has much to be said in its favour, since it can at least carry heavy equipment above most of the atmospheric mass--thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images. Moreover, water-vapour and carbon dioxide in the lower air absorb most of the infra-red radiations sent to us from the planets. Balloon ascents overcome this hazard with ease.

Hot-air balloons date back to the year 1783, and within a few months of the first flight a French scientist, Charles, went up two miles in a free balloon. Yet there is little resemblance between these crude vehicles and a modern scientific balloon, which has by now become an important research tool.

The main development has been carried out by M. Schwarlschild and his team at Princeton University in the United States, in collaboration with the United States Navy, the National Science Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The 'Stratoscope' flights of 1959, concerned mainly with studies of the Sun, were remarkably successful, and the project has now been extended. With Stratoscope II, the overall height from the telescope to the top of the launch balloon is 666 feet, the balloons together weigh over two tons, and another two tons of ballast are carried for later release if height has be maintained during the night. The telescope, plus its controls weighs three and-a-half tons. Two large parachutes arc also carried; in case of emergency, the instruments and their records can be separated from the main balloon system, and brought down gently. Many of the radio and electronic devices used are similar to those of artificial satellites.

L50 British Canals

In mediaeval times rivers were the veins of the body politic as well as economic. Boundaries between states or shires, they were crossed by fords which became the sites of towns, or by bridges which were often points of battle. Upon rivers the people of that time depended for food, power and transport.

In our day fish are caught in the sea and brought to us by rail and lorry; only the angler still thinks fresh-water fish important, and pollution of rivers drives him into smaller and smaller reaches in which to practise his sport. But in earlier times, when sea fish were eaten only by those who lived on the sea coast, when meat was obtainable only for part of the year, and when fasts were frequent and universally practised, river fish played an important part in the national life. Every abbey and great man's house had its fish pond, and across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs, usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork. Between the owners of the fisheries and the bargemaster who needed an unimpeded passage continuous war was fought, till the importance of fresh water fish lessened as the practice of fasting ceased to be universal, as meat became available all the year round, and as the transport of sea fish inland became practicable.

Rivers were also the most important source of power. Every stream had its mills, not only for grinding corn, but for all the other industrial processes of the time, such as fulling* cloth or driving the hammers of ironworks. Placed down the bank wherever a head of water could be got, these mills were to be found on the tiny stream that ran through a village, or on the bigger river that was also used for navigation. An artificial cut was made from the river to bring the water at proper height to the water-wheel, and, in order to make sure of a supply of water at all seasons, the mill-owner usually built a weir across the river to hold back the water and so form an artificial reservoir. If the river were navigable, the centre of such a weir was made of planks held vertically by cross beams so that they could be removed when it was necessary to pass a barge, or was fitted with a single pair of gates. Such weirs were called staunches or flash-locks; they did not disappear from the bigger rivers till present times, and may still be seen in the Fens.

L51 Elephants

Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle. The former method simply consists of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him. Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service.

The first essential in elephant training is to assign to the animal a single mahout who will be entirely responsible for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are even stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training.

The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages. The captive elephant, still roped to a tree,plunges and screams every time a man approaches, and for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear. Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence, and in most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food. The next stage is to get the elephant to the training establishment, a ticklish business which is achieved with the aid of two tame elephants roped to the captive on either side.

When several elephants are being trained at one time it is customary for the new arrival to beplaced between the stalls of two captives whose training is already well advanced. It is then leftcompletely undisturbed with plenty of food and water so that it can absorb the atmosphere of itsnew home and see that nothing particularly alarming is happening to its companions. When it iseating normally its own training begins. The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a longstick with a sharp metal point. Two assistants, mounted or tame elephants, control the captivefrom either side, while others rub their hands over his skin to the accompaniment of amonotonous and soothing chant. This if supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in theelephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets, such as 'ho ! my son', or'ho ! my father', or 'my mother', according to the age and sex of the captive. The elephant is notimmediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with itstrunk in all directions. These movements are controlled by the trainer with the metal-pointedstick, and the trunk eventually becomes so sore that the elephant curls it up and seldomafterwards uses it for offensive purposes.

L52 The Earth Beneath

An earthquake comes like a thief in the night, without warning. It was necessary, therefore, to inventinstruments that neither slumbered nor slept. Some devices were quite simple. one, for instance,consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins.when a shock came it shook the rigid table upon which these stood. If it were gentle, only the moreunstable rods fell. If it were severe, they all fell. Thus the rods by falling, and by the direction inwhich they fell, recorded for the slumbering scientist the strength of a shock that was too weak towaken him and the direction from which it came.

But instruments far more delicate than that were needed if any really serious advance was to bemade. The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper themovements, of the ground or of the table, as the quake passed by. While I write my pen moves, butthe paper keeps still. With practice, no doubt, I could in time learn to write by holding the still whilethe paper moved. That sounds a silly suggestion, but that was precisely the idea adopted in some ofthe early instruments (seismometers) for recording earthquake waves. But when table, penholderand paper are all moving how is it possible to write legibly? The key to a solution of that problemlay in an everyday observation. Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when asudden start is made? It is because his feet move on, but his head stays still. A simple experimentwill help us a little further. Tie a heavy weight at the end of a long piece of string. With the hand heldhigh in the air hold the strings so that the weight nearly touches the ground. Now move the hand toand fro and around but not up and down. It will be found that the weight moves but slightly or not atall. Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper onthe floor. Imagine an earthquake shock shaking the floor, the paper, you and your hand. In the midstof all this movement the weight and the pen would be still. But as the paper moved from side to sideunder the pen point its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface. It was upon thisprinciple that the first instruments were made, but the paper was wrapped round a drum whichrotated slowly. As long as all was still the pen drew a straight line, but while the drum was beingshaken the line that the pen was drawing wriggled from side to side. The apparatus thus described,however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement, which is, in fact, muchmore complicated. If we could actually see the path described by a particle, such as a sand grain inthe rock, it would be more like that of a bluebottle buzzing round the room; it would be up and down,to and fro and from side to side. Instruments have been devised and can he so placed that all threeelements can be recorded in different graphs.

When the instrument is situated at more than 700 miles from the earthquake centre, the graphicrecord shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals. The first records the arrivalof longitudinal vibrations. The second marks the arrival of transverse vibrations which travel moreslowly and arrive several minutes after the first. These two have travelled through the earth. It wasfrom the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth. The third, or mainwave, is the slowest and has travelled round the earth through the surface rocks.

L53 The Story of the French Foreign Legion

The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of officialFrench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1831, and signed by the then reigning monarch ofFrance, Louis-Philippe. He had been on the throne for barely eight months when he authorized thismeasure, which was as much a product of necessity as of careful planning, although there may bedivided views on this.

The reasons for forming the French Foreign Legion were probably twofold. In the first place themen of the disbanded royal bodyguard and the Regiment of Hohenlohe, suddenly turned loose onto the street of a capital seething with unrest, unemployed and perhaps disgruntled at their abruptdismissal, were a potentially dangerous element. They were trained to the use of arms, and shouldthey become tools of the politically ambitious or discontented they would present a distinctmenace to the new regime, not yet too firmly established and sure of itself.

For some time Paris had been swarming with countless other discharged foreign soldiers who hadserved in the French army at various times under the Empire and the Republic, many of whomwere in needy circumstances and open to suggestion, whilst others were openly looking for troubleand always ready to take part in any disturbance. It was clearly both expedient and desirable toremove these dangers as far away from the capital as possible.

Next, the Algerian adventure had begun, and it appeared that this might prove expensive in lives.The more Frenchmen killed in North Africa, the less popular the government at home would be, soif foreign cannon fodder was available so much the better. The Algerian landing had been viewedwith mixed feelings in a politically divided France, but there does not seem to have been, anymarked indication on the part of the politicians that they were unanimous that the occupationshould be abruptly terminated; most were wary and many apprehensive as to how the Algerianbusiness would turn out.

The formation of a foreign legion seemed therefore to be an ideal method of killing these two birdswith one stone. Once the conditions were made clear there does not seem o have been any seriousopposition.

Marshal Soult was reputed to be the man behind the scheme both for removing and using the unemployed foreign ex-soldiers. He could not have failed to recognize, once they were formed into disciplined units, how useful they would be, both for garrison duty and for active operations in Algeria, nor the fact that if their casualties were heavy or their conditions not of the best, there would be no embarrassing reaction for agitation in France on their behalf.

The Royal Ordinance decreed that there should be a legion formed foreigners for service outside France, which was to be called the 'Foreign Legion' and it was to be part of the French army and under the control of the War Minister. It laid down that as far as possible companies should be composed of men of the same nationality or who spoke a common language. Algeria was nonspecifically mentioned but as it was the only scrap of foreign territory of any size possessed by France at that moment, there was no doubt as to the meaning of the phrase 'outside France'.

In the anxiety to get dubious, restless characters out of the country no questions were asked as to nationality, previous record or history, and no proof of identity was required. The name and particulars given by the recruit were accepted at face value and many gave noms de guerre, for understandable reasons. Thus the practice began, and the tradition started of 'asking no questions’. This tradition of guaranteeing anonymity began to develop quickly, although it was not until later that it was carried to the extreme of denying all knowledge of any individuals who were in its ranks and of refusing point blank to answer questions or to allow any outside contact with the legionnaires.

L54 Are There Strangers in Space?

We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a planet  only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. Of all the planets in our own solar  system we arc now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as the number of stars in the universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty. There are one hundred thousand million stars in our own Milky Way alone, and then there are three thousand million other Milky Ways, or Galaxies, in the universe. So the number of stars that we know exist is estimated at about 300 million million million.

Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, so vast is the number of planets that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.

If then we are so certain that other intelligent life exists in the universe, why have we had no visitors from outer space yet ? First of all, they may have come to this planet of ours thousands or millions of years ago, and found our then prevailing primitive state completely uninteresting to their own advanced knowledge. Professor Ronald Brace well, a leading American radio-astronomer, argued inNature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, may have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization. Such a messenger, receiving our radio and television signals, might well re-transmit them back to its home-planet, although what impression any other civilization would thus get from us is best left unsaid.

But here we come up against the most difficult of all obstacles to contact with people on other planets--the astronomical distances which separate us. As a reasonable guess, they might, on an average, be 100 light years away. (A light year is the distance which light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, namely 6 million million miles.) Radio waves also travel at the speed of light, and assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the 1920's, the message to its home planet is barely halfway there. Similarly, our own Present primitive chemical rockets, though good enough to orbit men, have no chance of transporting us to the nearest other star, four light years away, let alone distances of tens or hundreds of light years.

Fortunately, there is a 'uniquely rational way' for us to communicate with other intelligent beings, as Walter Sullivan has put it in his excellent recent book, We are not alone. This depends on the precise radio-frequency of the 21-cm wavelength, or 1420 megacycles per second. It is the natural frequency of emission of the hydrogen atoms in space and was discovered by us in 1951; it must be known to any kind of radio-astronomer in the universe.

Once the existence of this wave-length had been discovered, it was not long before its use as the uniquely recognizable broadcasting frequency for interstellar communication was suggested. Without something of this kind, searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a Pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.

L55 Patterns of Culture

Custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom have a way of thinking, is behaviour at its most commonplace. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.

No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking. Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behaviour of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family. When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously, the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-off-fact observation. The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. By the time he can talk, he is the little creature of his culture, and by the time he is grown and able to take part in its activities, its habits are his habits, its beliefs his beliefs, its impossibilities his impossibilities. Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part. There is no social problem it is more incumbent upon us to understand than this of the role of custom. Until we are intelligent as to its laws and varieties, the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible.

The study of custom can be profitable only after certain preliminary propositions have been accepted, and some of these propositions have been violently opposed. In the first place any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration. In all the less controversial fields like the study of cacti or termites or the nature of nebulae, the necessary method of study is to group the relevant material and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions. In this way we have learned all that we know of the laws of astronomy, or of the habits of the social insects, let us say. It is only in the study of man himself that the major social sciences have substituted the study of one local variation, that of Western civilization.

Anthropology was by definition impossible as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian, ourselves and the pagan, held sway over people's minds. It was necessary first to arrive at that degree, of sophistication where we no longer set our own belief over against our neighbour's superstition. It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises, let us say the supernatural, must be considered together, our own among the rest.  

New words and expressions

a way of thinking 一种想法

commonplace a.平凡的 口头语common

the other way around相反

aberrant a.脱离常轨的,异常的;(医)变异,失常

ab-表示"偏离,脱离或离开" = irregular


(近)eccentric怪异的;straying偏离的:a stray dog野狗;go astray步入歧途

trivial a.微不足道的,琐碎的triviality细节,琐事(见lesson12)

frist rate第一流 A-one第一等的,第一流的;topflight最棒的; second to none首屈一指;second to 次于

predominant a.占优势的,起支配作用的 predominace n. dominate统治地位

pre-前面的 = superior,preponderate

paramount绝对重要; principal主要的;校长

manifest vt.清楚地表现 illustrate vi.举例说明;图解;加插图于;阐明vi.举例


pristine a.原始的(太古年代)(lesson27) (近)primitive原始的(一般);ancient古代的;prehistoric史前的

stereotype n.陈规(lesson5)break through打破

over against和……相比 = be compared with

vernacular n.方言 (和外语相比较)母语,mother tongue的变体  (近)dialect方言(在一国内)

accent口音 vary from person to person因人而异

accommodation n.适应 v. accommodate容纳 He accommodates himself to sth.

accommodation to对……适应 = adapt to, adjustment to 区别adoption采取,收养

incumbent a.义不容辞的,有责任的 结构:It is incumbent on sb.to do…

responsible有责任的 responsible for为……负责

proposition n.主张 来源:propose向……提议

Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。


unintelligible a.难理解的 intelligible可理解的

区别:intellectual 知识分子;intelligent聪明的




preferential a.优先的 来源:prefer  favorable有利的

prefer green tea to black tea./I prefer to green tea rather than black tea. black coffee = sugar free coffee现在国外最流行的:decaf coffee

controversial a.引起争论的 controversy n.论争(lesson39)

cactus n.仙人掌 复数形式:cacti拉丁变形

abacus算盘—abaci(pl.); alumnus校友—alumni(pl.)

termite n.白蚁

group vt.把……分类

variant a.不同的 variation n.变化;变奏曲


barbarian n.野蛮人 = savage,vandal

pagan n.异教徒 相信不只有一个神的人或非基督教徒者

区别heretic异教徒 信邪教的人

hold sway over支配,掌握 Superstition holds sway over my brain/mind.



premise n.前提 大/小前提:major/minor premise

Only on the premise of equality,can we further negotiate.

institution n.惯例,风俗 长期的习惯,不一定要遵守(社会风俗)

custom不同部落,种族 When in Rome,do as the Romans do.


supernatural a.超自然的

Notes on the text

The basic background about this author:

Ruth Benedict (female)

She is a famous anthropologist.

"Cultural relativism"文化相关论

subject ( = topic,theme)

great moment = significance重要性

The inner workings of our own brains…倒装句式

正常:we feel the…workings to be… 宾语前置,强调宾语


uniquely独特的 = only

worthy of值得

commonplace a.后省略名词level

We have a way of thinking. = as we view/see it

As a matter of fact作为一个事实而言( = in fact)

Traditional custom,taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.非常难句型

主语:Traditional custom 谓语:is a mass

mass大量 = collection

is a mass = is a whole/total


take the world over = throughout the world

detailed细致的 astonishing = surprising evolve进化(develop)

the predominant role一个主导作用


in belief信仰,思维活动

it may manifest体现



pristine eye原始的眼光 = pure纯洁的






ways of thinking思维方式

probing = research, studies研究




have reference to和……有关 = be connected with

John Dewey(1859-…)"哲学思想":learning by doing

in all seriousness = seriously

the part = the role


as…as比较 第一个as后面,风俗对人的影响——人对风俗的影响


over against对比,与……比较

orders = different levels不同层面,不同阶层

have had虚拟

autonomously auto自动 autonomous自治的

figure省略用法=figure of speech

no more than正好,恰好 = just


life history 生平

first and foremost = above all最重要,首先




hand down = pass on流传下来


group种族 = race

born into出生于

globe = earth


cultural transmission文化传递

it is more incumbent upon us to understand…插入语


as to +名词 = about 关于

complicating = difficult复杂


not until直到……才


profitable有利可图的 = beneficial

preliminary基本,基础 = basic

have been的用法:后面的动作,一定是要和前面构成一个完成,后面的完成才能引发前面


violently opposed强烈的反对




one of the items or another=on or another of the items

in all the less controversial fields…在不太令人争论的一些领域


all that we know of…

that we know做all的后置定语

of 做all的后置定语

social insects群居生活的昆虫

let us say = so to speak

major social sciences主要的社会学


that of 作同位语


as long as = if 只要,如果

degree of sophistication = understanding理解

set over against与……对比

these institutions这些习俗


Our among the rest 独立主格句

L56 The Age of Automation from The Listener

Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. There is a great technological explosion around us, generated by science. This explosion is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature, and now at last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from the fear which is based on want. Now, for the first time, man can reasonably begin to think that life can be something more than a grim struggle for survival. But even today, in spite of the high standard of living which has become general in the more fortunate West, the majority of people in the world still spend nearly all their time and energy in a never-ending struggle with nature to secure the food and shelter they need. Even in this elementary effort millions of human beings each year die unnecessarily and wastefully from hunger, disease, or flood.

Yet,in the West, science and technology have made it possible for us to have a plentiful supply of food, produced by only a fraction of the labour that was necessary even a few decades ago. In the United States, for instance, one man on the land produces more than enough food to feed fifteen men in the cities, and, in fact, there is a surplus of food grown even by this small proportion of the American labour force. We have considerably extended our expectation of life. We have enriched our lives by creating physical mobility through the motor-car, the jet aeroplane, and other means of mechanical transport; and we have added to our intellectual mobility by the telephone, radio, and television. Not content with these advances, we are now thrusting forward to the stars, and the conquest o space no longer strikes us as Wellsian or Jules Vernian. And with the advent of the new phase of technology we call automation, we have the promise both of greater leisure and of even greater material and intellectual riches.

But this is not inevitable. It depends on automation being adequately exploited. We shall need to apply our scientific and technological resources to literally every aspect of our society, to our commerce, our industry, our medicine, our agriculture, our transportation.

It is fascinating and encouraging to observe the development of this immense process, a process in which man appears all the time to be engaged in the act of creating an extension of himself. In his new technological successes this appears particularly true. He is extending his eyes with radar; his tongue and his ear through telecommunication; his muscle and body structure through mechanization. He extends his own energies by the generation and transmission of power and his nervous system and his thinking and decision-making faculties through automation. If this observation is accurate, as I believe it is, the implications are far-reaching. It might be reasonable to conclude that the direction of modern science and technology is towards the creation of a series of machine-systems based on man as a model.

L57 Of Men and Galaxies

In man's early days, competition with other creatures must have been critical. But this phase of our development is now finished. Indeed, we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with primitive conditions. I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear, and in this I do not think that I stand alone. The last creature to compete with man was the mosquito. But even the mosquito has been subdued by attention to drainage and by chemical sprays.

Competition between ourselves, person against person, community against community, still persists, however; and it is as fierce as it ever was.

But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology. It is not a simple competition for a fixed amount of food determined by the physical environment, because the environment that determines our evolution is no longer essentially physical. Our environment is chiefly conditioned by the things we believe. Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes, both on the west coasts of continents with similar climates, and probably with rather similar natural resources. Yet their present development is wholly different, not so much because of different people even, but because of the different thoughts that exist in the minds of their inhabitants. This is the point I wish to emphasize. The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds.

It is well known that where the white man has invaded a primitive culture the most destructive effects have come not from physical weapons but from ideas. Ideas are dangerous. The Holy office knew this full well when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by. Indeed, the concept of free speech only exists in our modem society because when you are inside a community you are conditioned by the conventions of the community to such a degree that it is very difficult to conceive of anything really destructive. It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts. I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. I would like to give you an example, but fortunately I cannot do so. Perhaps it will suffice to mention the nuclear bomb. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed. Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history. It is a strange thought, but I believe a correct one, that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the present-day world upside down, or even destroying it. I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain, but of course I cannot do so because I am a prisoner of the present-day world, just as all of you are. We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, or, to be more accurate, we can think only a very little way outside, and then only if we are very original. New words and expressions

dispute v. 争夺 latitude n. 纬度

mosquito n. 蚊子 heretic n. 异教徒,异端邪说

subdue v. 征服 conceive v. 想象

drainage n. 下水系统 suffice v. 足够

envision n. 预想 nuclear adj. 原子弹的

Morocco n. 摩洛哥 original adj. 有独到见解的

Critical time, critical moment, critical juncture 关键时刻

关键 crucial, vital 决定性的 decisive    critical eye

1.Dispute 争夺,很有新意。以前的意思如争论,争端,辩论,

dispute with sb/dispute on sth

与某人争论谋事:dispute sth .with sb

I dispute the position with him 争地盘 talents

Vie for sth .with sb 争夺

Scramble for sth . with sb .争夺

scramble 爬 scramble eggs 煎鸡蛋

2.Subdue conquer overpower tame 驯服 subject v.征服adj 受他国统治的 Quell 镇压

3.Bear 熊 polar bear 北极熊 penguin 企鹅 panda 熊猫 bear hug拥抱

4.Envision en-动词前缀,predict envisage

5.Morocco n. 摩洛哥,north Africa Monaco 摩纳哥,Europe

6.Latitude 纬度, longitude 经度 28 degrees North latitude 北纬28度 latitude (古)自由

Let's allow him some latitude in his privacy.

7.The holy office n. 宗教法庭,pope 教皇 cardinal 红衣主教 以前学过一个同义词–the inquisition (t天主教)宗教法庭 replaced by the holy office in 16th century

8.Heretic 异教徒,纯粹邪教 heresy 邪教,邪说pagan,异教徒

9.Power ,大国。

10. Conceive 想象经常出现,名词:concept以前的很多课学过 vt/vi: conceive of sth Perceive 察觉,感知 Picture v. 构思,构想

11.Suffice 足够 v. sufficient adi 足够的 A fraction of rice will suffice. If you are in troube ,turn to me .ok, one word will suffice.一句话就够了Enough? OK, that suffices me .

12. Power 大国 nuclear power 核大国

Nuclear bomb ,记住,一般mb 结尾的,发音只发《m》如comb tomb

Notes on the text

1. Make a very poor show, 出丑。

2. I stand alone, 仅我一人。

3. The last creature to compete with man, 其中的last有"极不可能"的意思。

The Holy Office knew this full well when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by. The Holy Office是指罗马天主教的宗教法庭;full well 中的full 是副词,有very 的意思;gone

by 作days 的定语,整个词组的意思是"过去的日子"。

Must have been 表示猜测,推测! in the man'a days , phase :perisd ,estate

I am sure that…

Without…I would make….虚拟语气

Make a very poor show 出洋相 make a fool of oneself 做傻事,出丑 make an exhibition of oneself 当众出丑

The ownership of a cave 一个洞穴的所有权 In this view ,I don't stand alone; Stand alone 独立,孤立; I am alone in this point ; Stick in the back 放冷枪

Competition between ourselves 人类内部的竞争; person against person 人与人之间的竞争Community against community 群体与群体之间的竞争

The survival of the fittest 适者生存

A fixed amount of food 固定量的食物, determined 作 food的后置定语

The physical environment 客观环境Evolution ; development 进化 Mental outlook 世界观

Similar latitude 相近的纬度 west coasts 西海岸;Similar climates 相似的气候

California: highly advanced 高度发展 Morocco : highly backward; even 表强调

Not …..but …….转折;different thought in inhabitants: livers,residents

The most important factor in our environment is the state of our own minds.我们的自然环境中最重要的因素是我们的心态;

It is well known that …. Where 引导的从句都可以用if来引导,如Where there is a will ,there is a way.=If there is a will….

The most destructive effects 最具有破坏性的影响westlization

full well=fully well       cause=make

in days gone by/in the past days 在过去的日子里 in days to come 在未来的日子里

looking on 观望the insider can't see the game .当局者迷 the outer sees most of the game .旁观者清

I do not doubt that… 我毫不怀疑 it would be possible… 假设

I would like to …………假设语气

Imagine the effect on …

The effect on 对…的影响

Reasonably: very well, considerably

One 指society

原句结构:Effect of making it aware of the possibility of nuclear bomb ; it 代表society.

But I believe (it is) a correct one...

Turn upside down 完全颠倒

I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain, but of course I cannot do so because I am a prisoner of the present-day world ,just as all of you are .符合""因为我们身处这个社会,就受社会的制约的思想

The particular patterns 特殊的模式、定势

Be conditioned to (by) 被约束 outside :beyond 超越 original 创新的

Important Kownledge

。。。。when you are inside a community you are conditioned by the conventions of the community to such a degree that it is very difficult to conceive of anything really destructive .

It is only someone looking on from ourside that can inject the dangerous thoughts…

2…… and then only I we are very original ,

建议阅读:lesson 56 lesson 54

关于林语堂:The enjoyment of culture

Good taste in knowledge知识方面的品味

The development of good taste in kownledge知识品位的培养

Good form in conduct 规束举止 the cultured man 有文化的人

Well-read a. 博学的 learned a.有学问的 right: related

Parrot 鹦鹉学舌者 a great man who have the hate and who have the love.

Erudition 博学,学识 Discernment 洞察力,辨别力。Cram v. 堆积,堆砌 in speaking of: talking of Scholar 学者,scholarship奖学金 particular to: about

Judgement 判断 interpretation 解释,诠释 originality 创新

Given :specific 特定的 vast 巨大的,极大地 require 要求

Bulldoze v.蒙骗,威胁 adult life 成年时期。Patriotic

Bogus 假的

Paunch 肠胃 perform 从事 later life 日后的生活Ambition 志向,aggressiveness挑战性 Sense of duty ,责任感 Stinginess

小气。Nonsense 废话Awe 敬畏,over awed 别吓住

L58 Painting as a Pastime

A gifted American psychologist has said, 'Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.' It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition. The stronger the will, the more futile the task. One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp. And if this something else is rightly chosen, if it is really attended by the illumination of another field of interest, gradually, and often quite swiftly, the old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.

The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. The seeds must be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed.

To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: 'I will take an interest in this or that.' Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. It is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. It is no use inviting the politician or the professional or business man, who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days, to work or worry about trifling things at the week-end.

As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on almost every object of desire for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation. In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path.

It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They have their compensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. But fortune's favoured children belong to the second class. Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential. Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.

New words and expressions

psychologist n. 心理学家

gifted adj. 有天才的

spasm n. 一阵(感情)发作

catch hold of 抓住

futile adj. 无用的

insinuatevt. 使潜入,暗示

convulsive adj. 起痉挛的

illumination n. 启发,照明

undue adj. 不适应的

grip n. 紧张

improvise vt. 临时作成

sedulously adv.孜孜不倦地

tend vt.照管

aggravate vt加剧.

broadly speaking 大体上说

toil vt.劳累

trifling adj.微小的

gratify vt.使满意

caprice n.任性

satiation n.满足

in vain徒劳

frantically adv.狂乱地

avenge vt.替…报复

boredom n.厌烦

clutter n.喧闹的谈话

sustenance n.生计

keen adj.强烈的

appetite n.欲望

favoured adj.受到偏爱的

grudge vt.怨恨

absorbing adj.引人入胜的

banish vt.排除,放弃

pastime n. 消遣

1. psychologist n. 心理学家 [联想]  psychology n.心理学 psywar心理战 psychoanalysis 心理分析

2.gifted adj. 有天才的eg. He is gifted. 他很有天赋。

[联想] 表示聪明、有天赋的词还有:

talented adj.天才的; adroit adj. 灵巧的,敏捷的;

genius n. 天才; brilliant adj.有才气的,聪明的;smart n.聪明的(可用于口语)

3. spasm n. 一阵(感情)发作

用法: …a spasm of wild joy… 狂喜

a spasm person 被惯坏的人

4. futile adj. 无用的;(土地)贫瘠的.

[反义] fertile adj. (思想)睿智的;(土地)肥沃的

[近义] void adj. 没用的; pointless adj. 无意义的

5. insinuatevt. 使潜入,暗示 [记] 作为一个使动词的用法:be + adj. ; v. + oneself  eg. ~ oneself into one`s favour / the crowd 向某人献媚、示爱/ 挤进人群

He always insinuates himself into his boss`s favour.


eg. He insinuated his doubt of the answer. 他对这个答案稍有疑问。(vt.暗示)

We convulsive with laughter.

6. illumination n. 启发,照明 [近义] enlightenment n. 启迪edification n.启发,教诲 instruction n.教育,知道

7.grip n.紧张;v.抓

eg. I have read a gripping story.我刚读了一篇扣人心弦的故事。

I have a sound grip of English.我对英语掌握的很熟。

8. improvise vt. 临时作成(抽象词)

eg. improvise speech /a poem/a painting 即兴发言/做诗/做画

9. sedulously adv.孜孜不倦地

[近义] diligent adj. 勤奋的 toiling adj. 勤奋的industrious adj. 勤勉的 assiduous adj. 勤勉的 backbreaking adj. 辛劳的 painstaking adj. 辛劳的,辛苦的

Tend the old/sick/little puppy 照看…

Aggravate my pain/burden/pressure/illness

The task toils me. 这事真累。The book is a toil. 读起来真费劲。

It’s only a trifling gift.

10. gratify vt.使满意 [联想] gratitude n. 满意,感激 satisfied adj.感到满足的 pleased adj.满意的 cater to 满足,迎合Pender to one’s needs 迎合 eg. It is gratifying to learn English. 学英语是一件令人很兴奋的事。

11. caprice n.任性 [联想] capricious adj. 反复无常的changeable adj. 善变的fickle adj.(脾气)无常的,易变的impulse n. 冲动

12. satiation n.满足[联想] satiate v.满足 satiable adj.可满足的需求 insatiable adj. 不可满足的

eg. I just saw there is an article in Newsweek that many officials in many countries are insatiable.我刚才在新闻周刊里看到一篇文章里说许多小国家的官员都贪得无厌。

I studied English for 1 year but all in vain.

13. avenge vt.替…报复 eg. avenge my comrade in arms 为我的战友报仇avenge myself on the enemy 我向敌人报复

14. appetite n.欲望 [近义] lust / thirst / hunger 渴望

[用法] appetite/ lust / thirst / hunger for sth.对…有强烈欲望

eg. He has strong appetite for fame. 他对名声充满了渴望。

15. favoured adj. 受到偏爱的

[用法]play favourites with sb. 对某人很偏爱

eg. The mother plays favourites with her elder son. 妈妈对大儿子比较偏爱。

16. absorbing adj.引人入胜的 [联想]gripping adj.扣人心弦的 fascinating adj. 迷人的captivating adj.迷人的spell binding (念了咒语般)使人入迷的entertaining adj.令人愉快的

17.banish vt.排除,放弃 [区别] banish 抽象的思想上的除去,后面一般接 horror,worry 等。

discard v.丢弃,放弃 ,后接具体事物,如furniture等。

Notes on the text

1. Worry is a spasm of the emotion 忧虑是情绪的突然发作。

Catch hold of=grasp

2. It is useless to argue with the mind in this condition.

1) agrue with 争论

2) the mind 指人,而不是人脑.

eg.Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

The stronger the will (is), the more futile the task.

Will 意志 Let him rot.

3. One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp. [译]我们只能对他温柔的灌输其他思想到他痉挛的脑子里。1)insinuate = to push 慢慢灌输2)its 指代minds3)grasp 抓住不放,这里指minds.

4. …..,if it is really attended by the illumination of……the process of recuperation and repair begins.

1)attend vt.辅佐,辅助

Grip 紧握 relax 放松

2)by 通过某种手段

3)recuperation = recovery 恢复

5. The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. [译] 对一个公众人士而言,你需要培养兴趣爱好,这是至关重要的。

1) cultivation = to build up 培养,建立

2) therefore adv. 所以 (承接上文)

3)policy :method方法

4)first importance 第一位的重要性

5)public man :go out to work;参与社会工作的人 social activist 社会活动家--有点贬义

Undertaken=finished 从事,完成 undertake sth. 书面,做某事

By a mere command of the will 通过…… a mere = only command of the will 意志力的控制,意志力

6. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. [译] 替换型的智力兴趣的培养需要一个很长的过程。

1) alternative adj. 二中选一的

alternative interests 替换型兴趣,指的是工作之外的兴趣

7. The seeds must be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed. (推荐记忆)此句用了一个暗喻metaphor(延伸:明喻simile)

interests 比喻为 seeds

vivify vt.给与生气,生动,使活跃 vivifying 看起来栩栩如生的

to be at hand 近在眼前

8. It is no use starting late in life to say:….

论述句型: it is no using doing… it is no point doing …

eg. it is no using crying over the spilt milk.覆水难收。

Such an attempt 这种努力 strain 紧张 The relation between the two nations get strained. He had a strained smile on his face.

9. It is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.(推荐记忆) ave got to [英]= have to [美]

[译] 只想做你想做的事是没用的,你必须喜欢你所做的事。

Job hunting/job hunter  broadly speaking 常言道

Widower 鳏 window寡 orphan孤 old man without children独

10. It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon.

offer sb.sth. 双宾语  sweat and effort 辛勤劳动with = because of 因为,由于

11. As for the unfortunate people…. a new excitement is only an additional satiation.

as for….= about 谈及,关于

additional satiation :多余的满足 clatter 聊天,闲聊

12. For them discipline in one form or another is the most hopeful path. [译]对他们而言,生活有规律才有获得兴趣的可能。


of these=between them 表示在两者之中

as their reward 作为他们的奖赏、报酬 not only the means of sustenance 不仅仅是维生的手段 even in its…后置定语

正常语序:for the simplest and most modest pleasure

13.But fortune's favoured children belong to the second class.

fortune's favoured children 天子骄子

14. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.

1) ordinary holidays 正常的假日

2) grudge = regard with hatred 憎恶

3) enforced 被迫地

4) vocation天职/vacation 假期


15. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook,…an alternative outlook 理解为这两类人的想法可以转换(替换)一下diversion of effort 分散注意力

16. Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.

1) it may well be that……或许事情正是这样

2) at intervals 不时,间隔一段时间

3)banish = get rid of去除

4) means = method ,way

17. Catch hold of, 抓住……;let … go, 放掉……。

18. Lay one's hands on, 得到……,抓到……。

19. Fortune's favoured children 中的Fortune是指"命运女神"。

L59 The Weekend Telegraph

Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels. But, contrary to a popular assumption, it is far from being the only one, or even the greatest. The man who manoeuvres carelessly into his five shillings worth of space at one of Europe's myriad permanent sites may find himself bumping a Bentley. More likely, Ford Consul will be hub to hub with Renault or Mercedes, but rarely with bicycles made for two.

That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated is an entertaining paradox for the cynic, a brighter promise for the hopeful traveler who has sworn to get away from it all. It also provides--and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon--an escape of another kind. The modern traveller is often a man who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista, not because he cannot afford, or shuns, their meterial comforts, but because he is afraid of them. Affluent he may be, but he is by no means sure what, to tip the doorman or the chambermaid. Master in his own house, he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d'hotel.*

From all such fears camping releases him. Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, but it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with. There is no superior 'they' in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days.

To such motives, yet another must be added. The contemporary phenomenon of motor-car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. To this pleasure camping gives an exquisite refinement.

From one's own front door to home or foreign hills or sands and back again, everything is to hand. Not only are the means of arriving at the holiday paradise entirely within one's own command and keeping, but the means of escape from holiday hell (if the beach proves too crowded, the local weather too inclement) are there, outside--or, as likely, part of--the tent.

Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, as to the packaged tour, that the traveller abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited. Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand. The opinion does not survive experience of a popular Continental camping place. Holiday hotels tend to cater for one nationality of visitors especially, sometimes exclusively. Camping sites, by contrast, are highly cosmopolitan. Granted, a preponderance of Germans is a characteristic that. seems common to most Mediterranean sites; but as yet there is no overwhelmingly specialized patronage. Notices forbidding the open-air drying of clothes, or the use of water points for car washing, or those inviting 'our camping friends' to a dance or a boat trip are printed not only in French or Italian or Spanish, but also in English, German and Dutch. At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic. The Frenchman's breakfast coffee competes with the Englishman's bacon and eggs.

Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. Municipalities naturally want to secure the campers' site fees and other custom. Police are wary of itinerants who cannot be traced to a recognized camp boundary or to four walls. But most probably it will all depend upon campers themselves: how many heath fires they cause, how much litter they leave, in short, whether or not they wholly alienate landowners and those who live in the countryside. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.

New words and expressions

assumption n. 假定

insularity n. 偏狭

manoeuvre v. 驱车(移动) cater v. 迎合

myriad adj. 无数的

exclusively adv. 排他地

paradox n. 自相矛盾的事

cosmopolitan adj. 世界的

cynic n. 愤世嫉俗者

preponderance n. 优势

sociologist n. 社会学家

overwhelmingly adv. 以压倒优势地,

shun v. 避开 清一色地

affluent adj. 富有的

patronage n. 恩惠,惠顾

chambermaid n. 女招待员

sauerkraut n. 泡菜

boo n. 呸的一声

vie v. 竞争

maitre d'hotel n. [法语]总管 municipality n. 市政当局

snobbery n. 势利

itinerant n. 巡回者

hierarchy n. 等级制度

heath n. 荒地

entail v. 使成为必要

alienate v. 使疏远

inclement adj. 险恶的

eternal adj. 永久的

package tour 由旅行社安排一切的一揽子旅游

manoeuvre vt. (驱车)移动 部队军事演习,大量的调动部队

myriad a. 无数的用期  myriad-即为多

myriad in poem中其意为一万,如周星弛在大话西游所说的一万,这样诗味很浓  Countless\Unnumbered\ Immeasurable Myriad stars 无数的星星

bicycles made for two 双人自行车

to be hub to hub with 与……紧挨  hub相当于centre的意思

I sit hub to hub with him.

Wangfujing is the business hub of Beijing.

Side by side 肩并肩

paradox n..自相矛盾的事 第五课讲过**

swear vi. 发誓 Swear words 诅咒的话,这里当名词讲 (swore sworn) sworn in 宣誓就职 Jan. 20

cynic n.愤世嫉俗者 犬儒哲学者。这种人有两种观点:(1)对社会(进步)的仇恨;(2)逃循中、逃避现实

cynophobia:恐犬症 gooseflesh all over 起一身鸡皮疙瘩

student sociologist 社会学学生

shun vt.避开shun publicity不爱抛头漏面shun society 不爱社交

他很爱社交:He is sociable.她很爱社交:She is a social butterfly.

affluent a.富有的prosperous well of   well to do 小康水平,过得很好。High-heeled 富裕Moneyed有钱的 moneyness 无钱的

chambermaid n.女招待员 合成词West Chamber 中国古代小说《西厢记》

boo n.呸的一声

maitre d'hotel n. 总管不达意** 法语词即为:master of hotel

resume CV-curriculum vitae

granted conj. 即使 假使,eg: Granted you are right, you can't be so rude.假使你对你也不能如此粗鲁。

换用词;given provided 作连接词,不作过去分词。

snobbery n.势利 1、小看那些不如自己的人;2、巴结比自己高的人snob 势利小人snob appeal 崇洋媚外

entail vt. 使成为必要 包含

eg: Learning English entails patience/perseverance/strong will.

exquisite a.精细的,高雅的 exquisite meal 美味佳肴exquisite fashion高雅时装 exquisite furniture

修饰人比如花花公子 playboy   Don Juan    Dante

hell n.苦境、地狱go to hell 见鬼去吧!

I am in the living hell. 人间地狱Hell cat 指人很厉害。

to hand 在手边**

inclement a.险恶的 指天气比较恶劣inclement heat/cold 酷热/严寒   hitter 苦 harsh 糟糕 severe

天气不太好可用it's +上边的词

insularity n.偏狭  来源:insular 海岛——peninsula 半岛


insulated 隔绝的 insulated body 绝缘体

narrow minded / small minded / short sighted / provincial没有眼光的

cater vi.迎合 cater to sb. / cater for sth.

Gratify/tend to/please/satisfy

exclusively ad.排他地 exclusive news 独家报道

exclusive right to sale sth 专卖权 exclusive shop 专卖店


Cosmopolitan a.全世界的 cosmos表宇宙

Cosmopolis大都市Cosmonaut 宇航员universal

Preponderance n.优势 predominant  prevalence 来自prevail

Overwhelmingly ad.以压倒优势地,清一色地 注意读音

Overwhelmingly victory大选中获得绝对性胜利

Landslide 山崩所以译为绝对胜利

Patronage n.恩惠,惠顾


同favor—指具体实在的,而patronage不一定很具体,是抽象的 do me a favor

Sauerkraut n.泡菜 sauer来自于德语, 在英语中为sour

Vie vi.竞争 Vie with sb. For sth.

I vie with him for the vacancy.

同义:compete contend  This is a vying society

Municipality n.市政当局 带有自治性质 Municipal 市政府 可作直辖市讲

Be wary of 对……保持警惕on the look-out

Be wary of unhealthy trend

Be on the look-out for sth

Be on guard against sth.     Be on alert

Itinerant n.浪荡者 来自于itinerary 旅行线路 tramp vagrant gypsy nomad

Heath n.荒地

Alienate vt.使疏远 alien

Don't alienate us.不要挑拨离间。 She is a alien.

I alienate my mom.我和母亲疏远了。

Eternal a.永久的 immortal 不朽的 见37课解释。

Boy Scout n.童子军 该词来源于英国,请根据以下听讲述。

Boll战争, Britain and Holand 为争夺 cape of good Hope的战争

Notes on the text 5 star

Outlay=expense tent, food, alpine jacket  finance 钱 initial:beginning, first  motive: 动力

1.It is far from…, 远不是… it: economy  only one: motive

Assumption 假想 far from  He is far from being honest.

Site: comping site   bump into

2.Twenty pounds' worth of space, 价值20英镑的空地,其中worth是名词

3.Hub to hub with, 车轴与……车轴相接

Yearly: year after year, annually

Entertaining: enjoyable

It: equipment

4.The Splendide and the Bellavista, 两大酒店的名字。

Though he is affluent=affluent he may be

Poor he maybe=poor as he may be…

Tip: to insure prompt service

Master in his own house 作he的同位语

5.Say boo to a maitre d'hotel, 对酒店的经理表示不满。Say boo to a maitre d'hotel, 是从not say boo to a goose (非常胆小,不敢得罪)演变而来的。在这个成语中,a goose 常被人们幽默地换成其他字眼。

6.Granted ,… but …(虽然……但是……)这种句型中的Granted总被放在句首,意思是Yes,相当于一连接副词的作用

7.In the shape of , 以……形式出现的

Managements 管理层 hierarchies: ranking

Dampen one’s heart 使人扫兴

Not least: most 强调

Sense of honor/responsibility/humor/master/guilt

Superiority complex 优越感 inferiority complex 自卑感

Refinement: enjoyment

Foreign 异乡的 sands 沙滩 means: way  keeping: 保管

8.To be hand, 唾手可得

Proves: 亲眼验证 packed like sardines

Package tour:组团旅行 that后作package tour同位语


object to +名词、动名词

thereby: in this way, by which hereby这里证明,兹证明

deny sb. Sth.

Self-containment 自我封闭

Go hand in hand: 结伴而行

正常19句写为:It is argued that insularity and self-containment go hand in hand.

Continental: European

Survived the flood

She survived her spouse by ten years. 她比她老伴多活十年。

Survive 同 stand up to

Characteristic   to build socialism with Chinese characteristics

Mediterranean 地中海 As yet = however  Dutch:荷兰语

Odour 味道Garlic: 大蒜 Remarkable:显著 Custom:风俗习惯

Trace: 跟着、跟踪

……to four walls: 居无定所

can't be traced to any culprits 找不出他与主犯有什么关系

litter:垃圾 litter bug乱扔东西让人讨厌

scouting: 童子军的行为:camping

troubled water 一团混水

L60 On Moral Courage

Although truth and justice 1 may be the most powerful impulses to show moral courage, there are others. Compassion is one of these. 2 Tentatively it can be suggested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital punishment. 3 It is recognition of compassion's part that leads the upholders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. 4 This is nonsense but with it some organs of the popular Press played upon the emotions of their readers so successfully that many candidates for Parliament were afraid to support abolition for fear of losing votes and the result was the muddle-headed Homicide Act of 1957 which made murder with robbery a capital crime and allowed the poisoner to escape the gallows. 5 That illogical qualification shows how flimsy is the argument that capital punishment is a deterrent to murder. 6 The poisoner always works on a calculated plan of action and therefore is able to consider whether or not his taking another's life is worth the risk of his own; the violent thief is usually at the mercy of an instant emotion. 7 The only arguable plea for capital punishment is the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect of life in another, but since what used to seem to the great majority of civilized humanity the assurance of another life beyond the grave has come to seem to more and more people less certain, a feeling for the value of human life has become deeper and more widespread. This may seem a paradoxical claim to make at a time when mankind is so much preoccupied with weapons of destruction. 8 Nevertheless, it is a claim that can be sustained and if compassion animates those who urge the abolition of the death penalty it is not a sentimental compassion for the mental agony inflicted upon a condemned man but a dread of destroying the miracle of life.

9 When in the eighteenth century offences against the law that today would no earn a month in prison were punished with the death penalty, the severity of the penal code had no serious effect on the prevalence of crime.  10 When it made no difference to the fate of a highwayman whether he had killed his victim or merely robbed him of a few pieces of silver, there were no more murders then than there were when men like Sir Fraricis Burdett succeeded in lightening the excessive severity of the penal laws. 11 In those days the sacredness of life on earth was not greatly regarded because a life in the world to come was taken for granted except by a comparatively small minotity of philosophers.

12 Nor was the long-drawn ordeal of the condemned cell inflicted either upon the condemned man or his gaolers once upon a time. Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, 13 but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead. Moreover, it was more merciful to launch the condemned man into eternity twenty-four hours after he was sentenced than to keep him shivering on the brink of that dread gulf for nearly three weeks. 14 Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being and the self-satisfied modernity of the electric chair is just as atrocious. 15 The administration of a strong sleeping draught to the condemned man every night from which one night he does hot awake, seems a more civilized alternative to our present barbarous procedure, if capital punishment through the influence of backward minds be retained.

New words and expressions

1. impulse n. 推动力,冲动 短语:out of impulse =act on impulse

出于冲动 同义词:impetus

/momentum/ drive ; drive for something

2. compassion n. 同情 短语:compassion for sth. /sympathy for sth .同义词:sympathy (不及compassion)

3. tentatively  adv.尝试性地 常用于文学 短语: tentatively study on clone 刍以克隆 简单的研究

experiental study 尝试性研究 tentatively smile 勉强的笑

4.abolition  n. 废除 abolish []v. abolitionist []n.短语:to abolish the slavery

5.capital n. 可处死刑的 原意:首的,主要的;

短语:capital punishment =death penalty死刑decapitate v.斩首

6. upholder  n.支持者 hold up 举起

同义词:advocator /proponent

7. sentimentality  n. 多愁善感(本质)、感情脆弱、感伤 辨义:emotional (一时的)情绪化

8. muddle-headed  adj. 糊涂的

9. homicide  n..凶杀、杀人者 构:homi= homo: the same 人、同类 cide :kill 组词:homosexual同性恋 homonym 同音(形)异义词、同名人 synonym 同义词antonym反义词 pesticide 杀虫剂 suicide 自杀 autocide 撞车自杀 uxorious 害怕老婆的、妻管严filicide 杀子女 filial 孝顺的

10. gallows n. 绞刑架(木制的)短语:gallows bird 应受罚 同类词:guillotine绞刑架(铁制的)

11. qualification  n.规定、条件 词源:qualify合格 unqualified不合格(常自已本身) disqualify取消资格 (被别人)例句:what qualifications do you have ? 你有什么特长?force start 抢跑(体育用语)

12. flimsy  adj. 站不住脚的、不足信的(理论)、脆弱的 联想词:groundless理论太薄/fragile脆弱的玻璃易碎/ rickets软骨病convincing 令人信服的 unconvincing不让人信服的

13. deterrent  n. 威慑 deter v. :prevent 短语:deter him from smoking

14. caculated  adj. 精心制作的,有计划的 短语:caculated plan/scheme 精心策划 同类词:deliberate精心策划 /well planned /well designed 精心设计/well schemed

15. at the mercy of 受…支配(抽象意义):under the control of 例句:at the mercy of emotion(reason\impulse) 受感情(理智/冲动)支配

16. plea n.辩解 例句:make a plea for sth 为…而辩解 make a plea for wrongdoing(misconduct)为错误行为(过失)而辩解;I took leave under the plea of headache.以头疼为借口离开.

17. retribution n. 惩罚,报应(宗教)

18. sustain v.确认 原意:支撑 例句:sustain an applicant in his claim 认定此人申诉有效 his words hold water. 言之有理 his words can not hold water站不住脚

19. animate  v. 促使,、激烈、激活 例句:激活讨论:animate the discussion /animated discussion (heat / lively)激烈争论

20. penalty  n. 刑罚 短语:death penalty死刑 penalty kick 罚点球 free kick 任意球 corner角球 例句: no penalty for guessing 不倒扣分

21. agony n. 极度痛苦难 agonise v.  it’s agonising to do sth.短语:agony column(英语报纸常用) :claim 寻人启事/ divorce 离婚声明 同类词:torture 折磨/anguish痛苦 / pang痛苦(一阵一阵的)也可引申用/ throes分娩时阵痛临死前苦痛 痛苦程度: throes>anguish 例句: it's agonizing to …

22. inflict v.使遭受 短语:inflict sth on sb. 例句:I inflict the trouble(misery) on him 我给他带来麻烦(不幸) 特殊用法:inflict myself on you 对不起,打搅您了.

23.prevalence n. 盛行 prevail v. 例句:Nowdays Korean pop music prevails.同义词:popular

24.sacredness  n. 神圣不可侵犯性 sacred adj.sacred cow 圣牛(宗教) 同类词: holy /godly/heavenly /saint 圣人/saintly例句: he is saintly 他真是圣人一样的人

holiday 比较正式高雅带宗教色彩vocation (暑假)

25.ordeal n.折磨 词源:ancient Greece roman

26.assurance n.信心

27.preoccupy vt. 使全神贯注 短语:be occupied with 对..全神贯注 同类:absorbed(引人入胜) in /immersed (沉浸其间)in

28.retention n.保留 retain v.

29.sickening  adj. 令人呕心的..

同类词:disgusting/vomit/distasteful(较轻 不太喜欢)

30.don vt. 戴 可戴任何,但一般用于上身 同类: wear 穿(什么都可以穿 /表动词或状态)put on表动作 dress穿 //dress oneself/be dreesed 穿衣服 be dressed in blue/he is wearing blue

穿着什么 wear socks /wear beard 下面的(moustache上面的 /long beard)蓄着胡子/wear lipstick 抹口红

31.wig n.假发 短语:big wig 引申为:大人物(big potato/big fish /big man)

32.burial service葬礼 同义词:funeral none of your funeral=none of your bussiness不是你的事

33.merciful adj. 仁慈的 mercy n.反:merciless 同类词:forgiving 宽容 tolerant容忍 lenient(with)对人…宽松

34.gulf  n.深渊 短语:go to the gulf below=go to hell

35.hanging n.绞刑 hang (hung hung ) 挂/hang(hanged hanged)绞刑 例句: if we don't hang together ,we'll be hanged separately.林肯:如果我们不团结起来,只能被一个个处死.

36.atrociously adv. 残暴地 同义词:barbarously野蛮的 ruthless无情地 appalling 骇人听闻的

37.archaic  adj.古老的 a archaic word 同义词:antique obsolete outdated不再时髦 pass&eacute;(法)常指女子的老.

38.draught n.每吨服量

39.barbarous adj. 野蛮的

Notes on the text

1. truth and justice: truth 真理,这里译为永于直言; justice 富有正义感,

2. Tentatively it can be suggested that this is : tentatively :roughly ,generally 大致说来 ;it 指后面的从句;this 指compassion

3. It is recognition …that:强调句 ,正是意识到 ;part :role 作用;accuse of 指责/指控;in being 在这方面;

4. This is nonsense but with it some organs of the popular Press played upon.. : but with it :运用前面的论点;organs: institution机构组织;popular press :很受欢迎的\大众的媒体;play upon: 玩弄,利用(make use of /take advantage of );so..that ..;candidates for Parliament国会候选人;MP-member of parliament国会议员;PHD(博士生);act:法案(英),=bill(美);

5. That illogical qualification shows how flimsy is the argument that..:illogical 不合逻辑的;

how flimsy is the argument 倒装句;that 引导同位语

6. work on 构思, 构想;taking one's life 杀别人;whether or not;violent thief 暴徒=murderer

with robbery; instant emotion;

7. The only arguable plea for capital punishment…: arguable 可争论的,可辩论的;

prospect :hope;but since ;used to :过去常常;claim 理由;mass destruction: 极大杀伤力; the right of society to retribution in this world with the prospect of life in another等于:with the prospect of life in another, a society has a right to give one the retribution.因为拥有给你来生的幸福,所以社会能给你报应, with 这里做原因状语;

to the great majority of civilized humanity 插入语

the assurance 宾语

8. nevertheless=however;claim 理由,观点;none the less ;该句:这个观点是可以得到支持的如果这种同情能够激励那些要废除死刑的人,那么这种同情就不是对那些死刑犯感情的同情,而是对毁掉生命奇迹的一种同情; 如改为:it is a claim that can be sustained if compassion animates those who urge the abolition of the death penalty and  it is not a sentimental compassion for the mental agony inflicted upon a condemned man but a dread of destroying the miracle of life. 即句子结构为: it is …sustained if death penalty and it is 这是一个能够支持的论点,如果这种同情能够激发那些不支持死刑犯拥护的人士,面这种同情不是对人们精神折磨的同情,而是对对毁掉生命奇迹的一种同情.

9. offences against the law 犯罪;today 时间状语;severity :serious ; penal code 刑法;civil code民法;

10. 当一个人杀死他的受害者或者只抢了少部分的钱财这对他的命运而言没有大的区别,当我们这位爵士成功的减轻了过度严厉的刑法时,也不见得那种谋杀案有任何的增多.


意为: if u just take away this penalty ,there is no great harm to society

lightening 减轻;excessive 过度的,过分的;

no more ..than : the same as ..与…都不多(两个没多大区别)

11. on earth 人世间; in the world to come 来世;

Taken for granted 理所当然

12. nor 表示和前面一定有联系,并用倒装;gaoler 监狱看守gaoler-gaol监狱;galo bird

long-drawn:long time;condemned(该死的,受人谴责的) cell;cell(single room)-prison

inflict upon 给谁带来;inflict sth.(ordeal) on sb.

13. mumbo-jumbo 繁文缛节

it:death penalty;两个繁文缛节:pen-wiper/ the reading

14. self-satisfied 自我满足的;modernity时髦,现代性

Atrocious a. 残暴

15. administration 监护;administer

sleeping draught(pill)安眠药;administration sth to someone让某人吃什么药

from which 由于;which 指draught


if capital punishment ..be retained.虚拟语气


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