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[经验分享] jenkins插件使用小结



发表于 2018-1-6 20:39:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.AnsiColor : This plugin adds support for ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output.
  2.Ant Plugin :This plugin adds Apache Ant support to Jenkins.
  3.Copy Artifact Plugin :Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project.
  4.Custom View Tabs Plugin : This plugin allows custom labels and colours on view tabs to show job status information.
  5.External Monitor Job Type Plugin : Adds the ability to monitor the result of externally executed jobs.
  6.Gerrit Trigger : This plugin integrates with Gerrit code review.
  7.Git Client Plugin : Shared library plugin for other Git>  8.Git Plugin : This plugin integrates GIT with Jenkins.
  9.LDAP Email Plugin : This plugin resolves user email addresses from an LDAP directory. It is not needed if Jenkins uses LDAP as its authentication source and user records have a standard "mail" attribute.
  10.LDAP Plugin : Adds LDAP authentication to Jenkins.
  11.Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin : Offers matrix-based security authorization strategies (global and per-project).
  12.Matrix Project Plugin : Multi-configuration (matrix) project type.
  13.Multiple SCMs Plugin : This plugin enables the selection of multiple source code management systems for a build. For example, it enables checking out the source code from one SCM while checking out legacy or third-party code from another.
  14.Nested View Plugin : View type to allow grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs.
  15.Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin : This plugin triggers a job on a remote Jenkins host
  16.Parameterized Trigger plugin : This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build.
  17.Promoted Builds Plugin : This plugin implements a "promoted build" feature where a build of one job can be marked as "promoted" when it passes certain criteria.
  18.SCM API Plugin : This plugin provides a new enhanced API for interacting with SCM systems.
  19.Translation Assistance Plugin : This plugin adds an additional dialog box in every page, which enables people to contribute localizations for the messages they are seeing in the current page.
  20.Subversion Plugin : This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins.
  21.JaCoCo plugin : This plugin allows you to capture code coverage report from JaCoCo. Jenkins will generate the trend report of coverage. This plugin is fork of the [Emma Plugin]. Big part of the code structure comes from it, however, it is completely refactored. It also includes functionality similar to the [Emma Coverage Column] which allows to include a column in Dashboards which displays the latest overall coverage numbers and links to the coverage report.(生成测试报告)
  22.JUnit Plugin : Allows JUnit-format test results to be published.(生成测试报告)
  23.Post-Build Script Plug-in : PostBuildScript makes it possible to execute a set of scripts at the end of the build. 在build结束后执行脚本。
  24.Hudson Post build task : This plugin allows to execute a batch/shell task depending on the build log output. 在build结束后根据build的log输出执行脚本。
  Jenkins Set Environment Variables
When a Jenkins job executes, it sets some environment variables that you may use in your shell script, batch command, Ant script or Maven POM 1. The following table contains a list of all of these environment variables.Environment VariableDescriptionBUILD_NUMBERThe current build number, such as "153"BUILD_IDThe current build>
  Promoted Build Plugin Environment Variables
If you are using the Promoted Build Plugin, you will have access to the following environment variables. This allows you to access information about your Jenkins build since certain environment variables stated above (such as BUILD_TAG now refer to the Promoted Build Plugin's job.Environment VariableReplacesDescriptionPROMOTED_URLBUILD_URLThe URL of the original Jenkins job that is involved with the promotion. BUILD_URL now refers to the Promotion's URLPROMOTED_JOB_NAMEJOB_NAMEThe name of the original Jenkins job that is involved with the promotion. JOB_NAME now refers to the Promotion's job's namePROMOTED_NUMBERBUILD_NUMBERThe Build Number of the job being promoted. BUILD_NUMBER now refer's the the Promotion NumberPROMOTED_IDBUILD_IDThe Build>向其他project传递参数方式:  当前project的build_num:


  注:若果jenkins首页“添加说明”中不支持html语法,需要在jenkins->系统管理->Configure Global Security->Markup Formatter中选择非"escaped HTML"的选项,然后就可以支持html了。
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[ci]jenkins-slave的添加(vm模式,通过ssh和jnlp) http://www.cnblogs.com/iiiiher/p/7930251.html

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[ci] jenkins kubernetes插件配置(容器模式)-通过jnlp http://www.cnblogs.com/iiiiher/p/7979336.html

[ci][k8s]jenkins配合kubernetes插件实现k8s集群构建的持续集成 http://www.cnblogs.com/iiiiher/p/8026555.html

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