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[经验分享] Jmeter+maven+Jenkins构建云性能测试平台(二)



发表于 2018-1-7 19:00:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<!-- configure different executions of the plugin -->
first test run warms up the webserver.
Used to fill caches.
With a different set of properties since it runs much shorter than a normal test
and also the rate of requests/second may be much lower.
Maybe also use a different URL set.
<!--Accesses urls for warmup (compiles JSPs, fills caches, ...)-->
<!--number of threads to use-->
<!--delay of the test in seconds-->
<!--duration of the test in seconds-->
<!--how long till all threads are up and running in seconds-->
<!--target throughput of all threads of the group per minute-->
<!-- <threadgroup00.throughput>100000000</threadgroup00.throughput>-->
<!-- use uris from given file -->
<!-- <threadgroup00.dataFile>${webapp.uris}</threadgroup00.dataFile> -->

2) Performance test
<!--A user which accesses all URLs-->
<!--number of threads to use-->
<!--number of loops-->
<!--delay of the test in seconds-->
<!--duration of the test in seconds-->
<!--how long till all threads are up and running in seconds-->
<!--target throughput of all threads of the group per minute-->
<!-- <threadgroup00.throughput>100000000</threadgroup00.throughput>-->
<!-- use uris from given file -->
<!-- <threadgroup00.dataFile>${webapp.uris}</threadgroup00.dataFile>-->

<!-- general configuration for all executions -->

<!-- configure which testplans to use -->

<!-- protocol, server and port of tested webapp -->

source file that contains jmeter result data. Needs to be XML format or a GZIPed XML format

directory where to store analysis report files. At least a file "summary.txt" will be stored here.

Defines groups of requests by URL patterns,
e.g. URIs starting with /mock/page are associated with group "pages". All analysis results are
If there is no such mapping then the threadgroups from the jmeter.xml are used.

If set to true, additional files "<category>-sizes.csv" and "<category>-durations.csv" will be stored.

These files contain detailed information for response>  

If set to true, additional chart files "<category>-durations.png" will be created.

<!-- The database configuration -->





Mapping from resource URL to file name. Every resource will be downloaded and stored in 'targetDirectory'
with the given filename. Tokens "_FROM_" and "_TO_" can be used as placeholders. These placeholders will
be replaced by timestamps of execution interval (formatted as ISO8601, e.g. '20111216T145509+0100').


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