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NSClient++ 发布,Nagios 客户端

累计签到:77 天
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发表于 2015-3-4 21:11:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3月21日 深圳 OSC 源创会开始报名罗,送华为海思开发板
  NSClient++ 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复。
  请注意,NSClient++ 现已托管到 GitHub 上:)


* #91 Added new command xform_perf which can transform performance data (currently only supports extracting maximum/minimum from int/float values)
* Added new utility function render_perf to render performance data in the message.
* #110 Added support for using units in check_cpu
* added error handling for invalid states on checkservice
* #103 Improved error messages and logging related to settings
* improved error handling is service check parsing failes
* Added support for arrays and rendering invalid columns
* Fixed some inconsistencies with the installer NRPE configurator
* Fixed some issues with nrpe installer and ssl options
* #94 Fixed so log file is reverted to real default is the wrong one is used.
* #91 Added documentation about perf-config (Updated docs)
* Fixed selector filtering so all names are trimmed for spaces.
* Changed so perf config selectors use dot notation instead of no notation.
* Added support for parsing expressions with '' in performance config as well as . and some such in the keywords
* Added new option to all commands show-default to show the default command line used when a command is invoked.
* Perfdata units (and others) are no longer case sensitive
* Implemented empty syntax as a proper syntax string (i.e replacement variables)
* Added support for empty-state (should work now)
* Implemented ok-syntax in most checks to make the ok message a bit nicer...
* flags property of PDH counter can be specified as check_pdh argumnet, but not in INI
* PDH counter with rrd buffer will return oldest value from buffer as current/actual value
* Cannot add second PDH counter to INI
Bug 修复
* #105 Fixed issue with parsing legacy style checkservice comamnds
* #102 fixed check_os_version default filter
* #100 Fixed check_pdh not picking up warn short hand options.
* Fixed crash upload configuration
* Fixed check_process issues
* Fixed all check_always_xxx commands so they work again...
* #81 Fixed so check_wmi will work without warn/crit and changed so default formatting displayes all rows
* #98 Fixed so ok syntax is not used if you have customized the regular output to contain all data
* #96 Fixed pagefile size block conversion using the actual architecture value
* #49 Fixed issue with rounding performance data
* #94 Fixed default log file location
* #83 Fixed issue with invalid packet type (the default for extended response is now disabled in "insecure mode")
* Improved error message for ssl errors (which are now likely due to the insecure option)
* #92 Fixed so triggered services are ignored.
* Added trigger start support (for real this time, honest... i promise!!!)
* #78 removed the delayed() from ok message
* Return result from check_nrpe
* Fixed compiler warning
* Tweaked build a bit to resuse some code
* added postbuild.bat to work around using the wrong python.exe
* Fixed so specified python is found before path python (i.e 32-bit python on 64 bit machines)
* Added option to rebuild without bumping version
* Changed symbol paths
* bumped versions and updated docs
* Fixed crash upload properties to work with new collector
* Added support for creating github releases
* Added documentation for chiper strings
* Fixed some issues with crash reporter
* Fixed crashdump folder
* tried to fix floating point plattforma independent issues a but ugly...
* Added test cases for rounding performance data
* refactored fetch delayed into a function
* Fixed missing return statement
* Fixed compiler warning about unused variable
* Fixed unix checks to work with new arguments
* Fix typo in create_plugin_module.py
* removed --format from docs.py since there is only one format  NSClient++ 是 Nagios 监控系统在 Windows 下的客户端软件。

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