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[经验分享] IIS authentication and authorization

发表于 2018-12-10 07:43:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Authentication: - prove genuineness
  Authorization: - process of granting approval or permission on resources.
  unknown user.
  ‘Admin.aspx’ pages.
  Authentication: - prove genuineness
  Authorization: - process of granting approval or permission on resources.
  In order to do custom authentication you need to need to just replace “FormsAuthentication.Authenticate” statement with your validation. For instance in the below code we have used

  ‘clsUser’>  Collapse | Copy Code
  clsUser objUser = new clsUser();
  if (objUser.IsValid(txtUser.Text,txtPass.Text))
  FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUser.Text, true);
  -----Asp.net ASP.NET membership and roles
  1、Run aspnet_regsql.exe from ‘C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727’ folder. Enter SQL Server credentials and run the exe. This will install all the necessary stored
  procedures and tables as shown in figure ‘Object created by aspnet_regsql.exe’
  2.Specify the connection string in the ‘web.config’ file where your ASP.NET roles tables and stored procedures are created.

  3.Specify the ASP.NET membership provider and connect the same with the connection string provided in the previous step.
  4.We also need to specify the role provider and connect the same with the connection string provided in the previous session.

  5.Now you can user the "Membership">      Membership.CreateUser("aa01","sss"); //create a user in table dbo.aspnet_Users, (ApplictionId UserName LoweredUserName)
  Roles.AddUsersToRole(user,"Developer");// Table aspnet_Users(UserName) , aspnet_User..(UserId,RoleId),aspnet_Roles(RoleName);
  Forms Authentication using Single Sign on
  Many time we would like to implement single sign on across multiple sites. This can be done using forms authentication. You can implement forms authentication in both the websites
  with same machine key. Once the validation is done in one website a cookie text file will be created. When that user goes to the other website the same cookie file will used to ensure
  that the user is proper or not.
  Please note you need to have same machine key in both the web.config files of your web application.
  Collapse | Copy Code
  You can see a very detail article on Single sign at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972971.aspx . You can also download the code from http://download.microsoft.com/
  The above discusses how a internal intranet and internet application login through one single sign-on facility.

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