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[经验分享] [openstack]jenkins挂了怎么办



发表于 2017-6-26 18:40:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Automated Testing¶
  When a new patchset is uploaded to Gerrit, that project’s “check” tests are run on the patchset by Jenkins. Once completed the test results are reported to Gerrit by Jenkins in the form of a Verified: +/-1 vote. After code reviews have been completed and a change receives an Approved: +1 vote that project’s “gate” tests are run on the change by Jenkins. Jenkins reports the results of these tests back to Gerrit in the form of a Verified: +/-2 vote. Code merging will only occur after the gate tests have passed successfully and received a Verified: +2. You can view the state of tests currently being run on the Zuul Status page.
  自动测试挂了(貌似是因为job timeout.),看了log后 如果觉得和自己没啥关系,请第4步
  If a change fails tests in Jenkins, please follow the steps below:

  • Jenkins leaves a comment in the review with links to the log files for the test run. Follow those links and examine the output from the test. It will include a console log, and in the case of unit tests, HTML output from the test runner, or in the case of a devstack-gate test, it may contain quite a large number of system logs. For jobs in the post queue, logs are found at http://logs.openstack.org/<first two characters of commit SHA>/<commit SHA>. For example, if a change is committed with the SHA ‘deadbeef123456’, the logs will be found at http://logs.openstack.org/de/deadbeef123456. Note that in many cases (particularly for higher-churn projects) the commit will be accompanied by a merge commit to stitch it into the branch and it’s that merge commit which is the subject of post pipeline jobs, so in that situation you will need to review the Git log and use the SHA of that merge commit instead.
  • Examine the console log or other relevant log files to determine the cause of the error. If it is related to your change, you should fix the problem and upload a new patchset. Do not use “recheck”.
  • It may be the case that the problem is due to non-deterministic behavior unrelated to your change that has already merged. In this situation, you can help other developers and focus the attention of QA, CI, and developers working on a fix by performing the following steps:

  • Visit http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/ to see if one of the bugs listed there matches the error you’ve seen. If your error isn’t there, then:
  • Identify which project or projects are affected, and search for a related bug on Launchpad. You can search for bugs affecting all OpenStack Projects here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack/ If you do not find an existing bug, file a new one (be sure to include the error message and a link to the logs for the failure). If the problem is due to an infrastructure problem (such as Jenkins or Gerrit), file (or search for) the bug against the openstack-gate project.

  • To re-run check or gate jobs, leave a comment on the review with the form “recheck”.
  • If a nice message from Elastic Recheck didn’t show up in your change when a test in a gate job failed, and you’ve identified a bug to recheck against, you can help out by writing an elastic-recheck query for the bug.

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