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[经验分享] Solr参数(DisMax Event Facet)

累计签到:1 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2015-7-17 02:15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.tie:query and init param for tiebreaker value
2.qf:query and init param for query fields
3.pf:query and init param for phrase boost fields
4.pf2:query and init param for bigram phrase boost fields
5.pf3:query and init param for trigram phrase boost fields
6.mm:query and init param for MinShouldMatch specification
7.ps:query and init param for Phrase Slop value in phrase boost query (in pf fields)
8.ps2:default phrase slop for bigram phrases (pf2)
9.ps3:default phrase slop for bigram phrases (pf3)
10.qs:query and init param for phrase Slop value in phrases explicitly included in the user's query string ( in qf fields)
11.bq:query and init param for boosting query
12.bf:query and init param for boosting functions
13.q.alt:Alternate query (expressed in Solr QuerySyntax) to use if main query (q) is empty
14.gen:query and init param for field list
  1.facet:Should facet counts be calculated?
2.facet.method:What method should be used to do the faceting
3.enum:Value for FACET_METHOD param to indicate that Solr should enumerate over terms in a field to calculate the facet counts
4.fc:Value for FACET_METHOD param to indicate that Solr should enumerate over documents and count up terms by consulting an uninverted representation of the field values (such as the FieldCache used for sorting)
5.fcs:Value for FACET_METHOD param, like FACET_METHOD_fc but counts per-segment
6.facet.query:Any lucene formated queries the user would like to use for Facet Constraint Counts (multi-value)
7.facet.field:Any field whose terms the user wants to enumerate over for Facet Constraint Counts (multi-value)
8.facet.offset:The offset into the list of facets.Can be overridden on a per field basis
9.facet.limit:Numeric option indicating the maximum number of facet field counts be included in the response for each field - in descending order of count.Can be overridden on a per field basis
10.facet.mincount:Numeric option indicating the minimum number of hits before a facet should be included in the response.  Can be overridden on a per field basis
11.facet.zeros:Boolean option indicating whether facet field counts of "0" should be included in the response.  Can be overridden on a per field basis
12.facet.missing:Boolean option indicating whether the response should include a facet field count for all records which have no value for the facet field. Can be overridden on a per field basis
13.facet.pivot:Comma separated list of fields to pivot.example: author,type  (for types by author / types within author)
14.facet.mincount:Minimum number of docs that need to match to be included in the sublist default value is 1
15.facet.sort:String option: "count" causes facets to be sorted by the count, "index" results in index order
20.facet.prefix:Only return constraints of a facet field with the given prefix
21.facet.enum.cache.minDf:When faceting by enumerating the terms in a field,only use the filterCache for terms with a df >= to this parameter
22.facet.date:Any field whose terms the user wants to enumerate over for Facet Contraint Counts (multi-value)
23.facet.date.start: Date string indicating the starting point for a date facet range.Can be overriden on a per field basis
24.facet.date.end: Date string indicating the endinging point for a date facet range.Can be overriden on a per field basis
25.facet.date.gap: Date Math string indicating the interval of sub-ranges for a date facet range.Can be overriden on a per field basis
26.facet.date.hardend:Boolean indicating how counts should be computed if the range between 'start' and 'end' is not evenly divisible by 'gap'.  If this value is true, then all counts of ranges involving the 'end' point will use the exact endpoint specified -- this includes the 'between' and 'after' counts as well as the last range computed using the 'gap'.  If the value is false, then 'gap' is used to compute the effective endpoint closest to the 'end' param which results in the range between 'start' and 'end' being evenly divisible by 'gap'.The default is false.Can be overriden on a per field basis
27.facet.date.other:String indicating what "other" ranges should be computed for a date facet range (multi-value).Can be overriden on a per field basis.BEFORE AFTER BETWEEN ALL NONE
28.facet.date.include:Multivalued string indicating what rules should be applied to determine when the the ranges generated for date faceting should be inclusive or exclusive of their end points.The default value if none are specified is: [lower,upper,edge] (NOTE: This is different then FACET_RANGE_INCLUDE).Can be overriden on a per field basis
29.facet.range:Any numerical field whose terms the user wants to enumerate over Facet Contraint Counts for selected ranges
30.facet.range.start:Number indicating the starting point for a numerical range facet.Can be overriden on a per field basis
31.facet.range.end:Number indicating the ending point for a numerical range facet.Can be overriden on a per field basis
32.facet.range.gap:Number indicating the interval of sub-ranges for a numerical facet range.Can be overriden on a per field basis
33.facet.range.hardend:Boolean indicating how counts should be computed if the range between 'start' and 'end' is not evenly divisible by 'gap'.  If this value is true, then all counts of ranges involving the 'end' point will use the exact endpoint specified -- this includes the 'between' and 'after' counts as well as the last range computed using the 'gap'.  If the value is false, then 'gap' is used to compute the effective endpoint closest to the 'end' param which results in the range between 'start' and 'end' being evenly divisible by 'gap'.The default is false.Can be overriden on a per field basis
34.facet.range.other:String indicating what "other" ranges should be computed for a numerical range facet (multi-value).Can be overriden on a per field basis.BEFORE AFTER BETWEEN ALL NONE
35.facet.range.include:Multivalued string indicating what rules should be applied to determine when the the ranges generated for numeric faceting should be inclusive or exclusive of their end points.The default value if none are specified is: lower Can be overriden on a per field basis.ALL LOWER UPPER EDGE OUTER

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